She 3Ubta$Iui gcvntd LOCAL NEWS- - L rnrTheiurj in tba cuss of the State of Nebraska against George Kerns, after being in retirement iinoe 5 o'clock yes tcrlv evenir" brought in their verdict at 10 a. tn. o-day of -NOT GUILTY and the prisoner was discharged custody. from In this paper ire gire the evi dence in tbe Kerns' trial as complete as possible nave condensed the en dence all that it rcu!d well bsar, but think the substance "u oomp'.ete, with the exception of a small portion of the evi dencs which tre ere unable to get. Ffrrm WXnttiay' Daily. "Senator Tipton has left for Wash ington to attend tbt July session. S"JuJ;;e Lake arrived about coon to day, and opened court; 5"The brick work of tho new county rooms was commented this morning. kX"" Hon. Win. MeLen'nan, of Nebras ka City, is in town attending oourt. fJJTbo telegraph company has a part of the wire already here for running a lino out to Lincoln City. 5r"L E. Lamaster, Collector of In ternal Revenue for tho District of Ne braska, and Hon. W. A. Tollock, of lirownville, pasetl up on the Kate Kin ney list ciht. "It is safe to nay that no other Sal eratus ean bo ciado than D. B. Do Lands Best Cbemiral BcsiJes it is full vrei jbt, and that is mora t!;an can bo said of other Salsratus. F. II. Dorrington bus a number of Crst-e-aM 'jvtcts which will be sold Ureniy-fne ccnl less than any other TnacV.ine in tbe market. Tcrscns wislmp to purchase wi'l do well to call imaiedi a'.ely as th?y will go of like hot cakes. fT"Propcrty has taken a rise in the count'es west since tho pa?ao of the bill locating the cnpitol. We hear of sirae tracts of ICO acres prairie land Belling for-$1,500. Cv"IIon. S. Ml Kirkpatriek informs ns that grasshoppers are JoiDg some dam age in his neighborhood, rtrid that many field? of wheat are nearly destroyed be tween Weeping Water and Nebraska City. frrThe Conr.cil Bluffs Nonpareil says that the work of laying down tho rail road track in that city, to connect the Chic,-') & Northwestern and Council Bluff ic St. J IUi'roath bibeeD com menced, and v. ill ba completed this weer ZT'7hi cc.;rt room has been thorough ly cleaned and renovated, the walls white washed, plastering reraired, and the Judge' Jet fix?d up in Gra'-rats style. rsv cbaira hava been procured for the attorneys and jury men, and everything 13 in "apple pie order" for holding court. rj Dr. Vircbow, one of tha most em incnt Professors in the Berlin University Medical Faculty, who examined Dr. Barth, the disticgu'she J African traveler, after death, says he was killed by the earele-sness of his physician, whom he called in to reluvc a tricing attack cf dyspepsia, to which he was subject after eating heartily. Among other articles cf tbe prescription was one ordering six grains of tartar emetic, which in itself was sufScient to kill four persou. If pdople would for one moment consider how easily remedies can ba procured, which, while they are perfectly harmless themselves, work marvelous cures, the case of poisoni g by tho carelessness of physicians would bo few indeed. Such a remedy i Roback's Stomach Bitters, fOg dyspepsia. Procure a bottle at the drug store and test it yourself. 3-The children of St. Luke's Parish and Sunday Schools are having a pic nic to dy. Jn63cr has an abuudnce of Cow ering plants, for eale cheap. Every house should have a supply. 3?"The people of Nebraska City gave a reception to Gjv. Butler on bis recent visit to that city. Tbey look at him frcm a d'fferdnt stand point than when he was running for Governor. Col. Worthinzton and J. N. Sahl. r, Esq., of Omaha, como down with Juuge Lake yesterday. We are pleased to see them in tha future chief city of Nebraska and river base cf Lincoln City. JTCoache3 leave this city on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays for Salt Creak Valley and L'ncoln City, and ar rive on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur. days. Pnssergrs for the west ara quite nnrnsrous lately. Remimbrr Roback's "Blood Tills" are made both plain and -Sgar Coated, and so thickly coated as to make them perfeitly tasteless, thus doing away with tho objections raot persons have to swallowing a pill. Tho sugar coating does not lesson their action, t3 ii readi ly dissolves in the stomach. . mad visited tbe ofSci of tho Farn am House, in Omaha a few days inco 'and caucd a general stampede among tie gu?5fi. Ho was fought with broom sticks, got pounded with the reg ister, and was finally shot by Mr. Il'gbee, tbsjproprielor. We learn from the .raw. 5?"Judge Lako 5i deposing of busi ness at a lively rate at least we were impressed with thnt idea by a short visit to tho court room yesterday. lie d:es business in an off-hand, easy and plea ng manner, and is so thorouzhlv con- variant .with law as to spoil a large aDOUnt of ruillntr &n.l huiSnrr ,xr tS lawyers- a -j C"The 8eeend quarterly meetings of the M. B. Church will beheld in this part of tho distiict as follows: Roek Bluffs Mission at Tavlor's S IT. or Camp Ground. Aog. 17 fc 18 Mount Pleasant Circuit, Avoca or Camp Ground. Aug. 17 & IS Plattsmouth Stat'n, riattsmouth " 24 25 Services will commence ct 11 o'clock a. m. 'of tbe first day aamed for each place. Look out for him! There bus been a "confidence" chap hanging about town for two or three days, who will bear watching pretty clos;ly. Ha has ordered two or three bills of goods here, but we have not learned that any hare been delivered to him yet. lie ba "ta ken in" several business men of Glen wood, and has visited this place to oper ate in tba same line. We have a good jail here, and he may know how it looks inside unless ha "goes slow." front Trlday't Dally. iTOmaha Post No. 1 G. A. R., holds a meeting on Monday evening next. Ci7Tho Platte is reported on tho rise. The Missouri i3 about at a stand still. (5?"Col. Worthington, of Omaha, has been appointed by the Judge to assist in the prosecution of the Carnes case. 37"Senator Thayer and Representa tive Taffe leave the State to-day for Washington to attend the July session of Congress. &3"3. N. Wisa Esq., is ahead on tho New Potato question, lla brought a sample of Neshannocka to the Herald ofEce this morning which are a credit to bis gardening qualifications. (ITS' "The trial of Geo. Carnes, indicted for tba murder of Scott Keysingor, was commenced this morning in tho District oourt. Tha trial will probably la6t two or three days. TI?"Ye learn that Mr. Alvin Smith, who lives near Geo. Reed's on Platte, swallowed a quantity of strychnine this morning. The act was deliberately per formed. Dr. Livingston was called to nee the patient, but death ensued before medical aid reached h:m. Smith was lately from Taylor county, Iowa, former, ly cf rsew York. He laaves a wife and several children. (7Thero ara a few "light fingered" boys about this city that should be taken care of by some one: They have been in tha habit, for a year or two past, of re lieving a money drawer occasionally. Thy "lifted" two or three dollars from Mr. Mathis' drawer a few days since, and yesterday they relieved the drawer of O. F. Johnson, in tjjs Tost OOie:?, cf about 4. It is pretiy well known who they are, and they will to taken caro of shortly. .v"Some Nebraska City men cpeak of Lincoln City as being at the town of'it?r in Lancaster county. This is all v. rc&g And a slander upon tho Com missioners who are to locite tho said city. Tho JWirs epeaks of Lancaster as the point already selected, and by this means endeavors to bring reproach upon the Commissioners. It might advocate the location at Lanoaster, but we eubmit that it is not treating tha Commissioners w'.h proper respect to speak of it as al ready done. Frcm Si.tardaj'i Daihj TPassengers for Lincoln City will remember the coaches leave the ofEce in this city on Monday morning for all points west. "YVin. Herold ispattin up another room on the north of his brick store, cor ner of Mln street and the Icvca. The walls have I ccn commenced Four prisoners escaped from the Sidney jail last Tuesday night. Among thcra was a horse thief recently taken from Nebraska City. C-Otos Lodge No. 4, 1. O. G. T., will givo a Grand Strawberry Festival at Ne braska City on the evening of July 4th. to which tba publio aro cordially invited. "i?Bining9 has any amount of Straw berries, Gooseberries and Currants and will have an abundance of Peaohes, Ap ples, Cherries aud Grapes whenever the season arrives. fj"G3 to 0. F. Johnson's in the Post O5oe building, and get a fow sheets of Lightning Fly Killer. Tbey are sure death to flies, rats, mice, eta., and only costs five cents a sheet. 27"A eoroner's inquest was hold on the body of tha man Smith who took strychnine, and the verdict was that he caano to his dnath from poison adminis tered by his own hand. He was insane, and has made several attempts to com mit suicide before. CTThe "conddenoa" man of whom wo spoko a few days since, succeeded in relieving Gajo & Davis of two pair of Gaiters, and then "sloped." Mr. Davis caused a warrant to bo issued for his arrest, bat he bad left tho city. It is supposed he went towards Nebraska City. Look out for him. He is bsavy set, wears a black mustache, and tells about having invested ?'$4000" in this or that placo. i"The Sheriff has been busy since yesterday morning trying to get a jury in the Carnes case, and ha9 succeeded. Tbe following ara the names cf the panel. They will be sworn in and tho trial com menced Monday at 9 o'clock : r J Becker, James Chalfant, John Fumner, William Coleman, J II nindsley, Saml MeConkie, John Cole, Bonj Austin, Josiah Horning, J. B. Moore, John S i kue,, vv J Lynch. j -We were pleased to meet yesterday, ' a. r W T "...! r , m ii. . vuticr, oi me i.vangeii- i cal Lutheran Cbureb, who has been sent to establish tha Churoh in this city. He comes as a missionary from the Alleghany Syn d. Mr. Cutler is a man of energy and experience in the missionary cause, having served four years as a missionary in Hindoitan. F an Monday' $ l'iil. t.v"' We are glad to learn our rrror, in stating there was no insurnnce on the $3,000. 2"Tha Carnes trial is progressing rapidly. We 6hall probably be able to lay a summary of the evideneo before our readers to-morrow. "Why- is it that some of our sub scribers at Omaha do not get tha papers regular? Thoy are mailed every day, and we are unable to account for the failure. EsfWa. Porter, Esq., of the .rm of J. R. Porter & Co., leaves to-day for Julesdargb with a gang of bands. They have a contract of grading on the Rail road, and will put on a large fores. EMessrs. Parker & ralmerton, the new contractors for tbe mail routs from this city west, take posossion of tbe line this morning. The time will be the same as heretofore three times a week and passengers for any part of Salt Creek Valley can be accommodated. g5We regret to learn that Hon. John W. Chapman, of the Council Bluffs Sonj-areil, had his leg crushed on Tues day morning, while endeavoring to re move a desk from the burning building, and has not yet been able to leave bis room. He is rtoovering, however, and will be on duty in a few days. (TWm. L. Fields was brought before ilecorder Dorrington this morning for Irunkenncss and disorderly conduct. Being too drunk for a hearing, he was sent to tha "lock up" until 2 o'cloek p. m., when bo was brought out ai d exam ined. Ha was fined $18,10. Ho bad, while in jail bundled up the clothes be longing to the prisoner Carnos, and they had to be taken from him by force. non. Samuel Maxwell, of this oity, has received the appointment as Coramis missioner in this Land District for lo cating the State lands. His commission has arrived with instructions to select 100.000 acres, and wo understand be will enter upon tho duties of his ofUce at an early day. Ni better appointment could have been made. Mr. Maxwell 13 a man in whose intelligence and integri ty the people have every confidence, and ho will perform tbe duties cf this office to the best int rest of the State. 27"A. J- Chapel the "onSJenca" man, was followed to Rock Bluff this morning by Deputy Sheriff McMaken, and a'rested on the Warrant issued by Recorder Dorrington on complaint of W. R. Davis. He plead guilty to the charge nf obtaining goods under false preenee, and hoped the court wculd be lenient in consideration of bis youth (age about 50 years) and this being hi Ert criminal offonce. Tho court fined him $Z0 and cost cost amounted to S,10. In ab senco of bail or Greenbacks, he was sent to the "lock up" wlere ho will have ample time to consider Lis conduct.. Tito Invaluable Household Jewel. We h lva had in use, from two to four years, the instrument purchased of yon, and it has given us so great satisfaction that wo desire to recommend it, as an Invaluable Household Jewel, to all our lady friends. It is so simple that it nev er g?ts out of order so light running and easily managed that a child can use it so reliable in action that it never misses a stitch and so qniet that it may well be styled The 'silent sewing-machine. Wo have always found the seam perfect ly reliable, never ripping in washtsg or wear, or in anyway failing till the gar ment is worn out Letter to Wilcox & Gibbs, dated South Shaftbury, Vt. Deo 11, 1865, and signed : Mrs D G George. Mrs W P Matteson, Mrs J Burden, Mrs F Traver, Mrs R Stane, Mrs D Q Smith. Mrs F Cole and Mrs C Bates. Frem Ttttfday't Daily. Quite a number of Winnebago In. dians have been in and about tho city to day. Go to Stadelmann'e for fine suits, latest French Styles. Ho Las just receiv ed a heavy stock of all the latest styles. "IIon. Marcus Crush left on the Lincoln City Stage yesterday for his home at Ashland. Tbe coaches on this line leave the office at the Platto Valley House, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Wa learn that a stabbing affray occured at Nebraska City last night, io which a man by tho namo of O'Brien was stabbed to the heart and killed by John McFaTland. We have not heard the particulars. 5?There are now about 1 000 bands employed on tbe constructin.T of tha B & M. Railroad. The next contract let will probably ba to tho east bank of the Missouri river, cpposit9 this cit. The friends of tho road should use every means in their power to assist tho road to an early completion. KEEP "COOL"! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post OHC3 building, and tha lovers of this delicious bevernge are invitetl to call and sec him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will bo kept on hand. O. P. Joiinhox. juao lOd&w. FOE RENT- A small Dwelling House. Enquire of jelldtf Tootlk Hakna & Clark. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received at the News Depot, for any of the Magazines, Periodicals and News Papers oT the day, at tho Publishers prices. rTXow is the timt lo subscribe'. Oct. 2GL Tjesirafcle Property for Sale One dwelling bouse, with seven rooms, eellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac. D. JdARQUBTTH. Enquire of S. Duke, Agent. mylG Ft. M H.-M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' Wl'l do all work in hi line on short no tie. 530flc with Dr. Livingstes. July S. POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. BASTKRM mail will close at - . m. 8"CTH KRN at - - 9 a.m. SOUTHERN and WESTERN at lp.m. MAILS AM BUB AS FOLLOWS' from tbe K a ST at - . 10 a. tn. NOR ril and WEST at 10 a. m. . SOUTH at - i 1p.m. rosT-orrica novas. Open from ? a. m. to S p. m. l5"When callln? for mail ploate tire yonr nam tttt ami then tbe No. of yonr Box. 4 -When calling for Stamps rive th number of t tamps or amount you with o bnr. J. W. M AT.311 ALL, Postmaster. Plattsmoutli Lodge No- 6, A- F- & A. M. tfcdiircommonieatioris l't and 3 J Mondays of taeh mouth, at S I a o'clock, p. m. E. T. Drice.w. M. W. H. ANDE230N", Ste. Nebraska Chapter No. 3,R. A- M. Hcitnlar conTocations 2d and 4th Wednesdays of etrh raotuh, at 6 12 o'clock p m. 1. a. WHEELER, H.P. B. C. LEWIS, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. rl:itre Lodge, No. 7, meats eTery Satnrday erenins at tlie Curt-House Hall. Iifotliets o other Lodges re rri'p.'ctfijr iLVitcd to Tint th'f I.o.lpe. l!yordrof A . L. SPR AGCE, 5. G.' : r. P. Gaps, Re5. Soc'y. St. Luke's Farlsh. Vestry. fteea'.ar meetincs first Toes ia of erery month, at 7 p. m. Key. (itO. C. Br.TTS. R. R. LlViXSSTOJi, Clerk. Chairman. I. 0. O. T- Rr?n!armeeti?! every Friday erening. Traveling Tetniilar? respectfully invited. WM. L. WELLS, W.C. T. WM' R. MATIII?, W. S. SA-M'LM. CHAPMAN", Lo'e Deputy. F.XCELSIGR DEJKEE LODOK, No. t. Plstts mouth, holds Tec'Jlar meetings on the third Wednes day evenings of woh non'ti.K Bio S. SI. CHAPMAN, W D T. Bro. W. L. Wkixp, W D S f Uter E. J. MoHTO MKRT, W D T T. jn53TAROK I CI't LODGE No. 8, Mt. Fleasant, hol ii refula' mcetincs ei rv Saturday ereninK Ero- K. A KIEEPAIRICK, W. C. T. H. T. HUG I IKS. W. S. Bro 7. M. TIV.SLIN", LoJjs Deputy. -- PTrrts.nTL rndire. Ifo. 9. Abhland. holds reeuiar meetings every Tu(day even in?. r. . . . 11!T1I L' W C TV Lro. W. B Warpjiittos, W. S. nro. J. J. WooDfOW, L.D. PLATTSIIOTJTH KAEKLT3. Corrected by Simpson, MickelwaitSc Co V, h at; nint cbangl-g Land aud price ralt-lt'iftr, r r ronMfrzLle corn now reins oOnrd. an i buyers are p.irins qiolcj prices for soi;nJ incrthant. a!!c cern. 1v.0r.rrF: i Foap i.' Wlieat $1 '.rirro CO Mackerel, kl't C0r-3 tm Cora in ''ar 4 tfi') Naile luiilu " !ie'iH,l ri!-; i'M itutter i ' Oats '0' J-.e8 1'J C"rn m- d 12oj Potatsos 1 trgs f.,i Flour y 100 &s 7 10: or.iCERins r.(-i;i j c. fr-e er.OCERIES Whnie'slp :fcirf0; .-ujar l."l4.--0 1 CUVi 15 111? Hi S'iill -uirr l.-iftjo! T-a 75'r.' Z Rice I7fr jd; Owil Oil 1 !;6i 'J.', ToIimcco 1 4H) r"i ap 1 .'! Hi.t T"!i Kite Svi uris Oil Oil Tobacco Capt. E. LAHOO & CO., Who!ealc and Dealer In Wines and Liquors, AIko a very cho'c? selection of Tobacco and Cigra, Main etrett, pcond door e.nt of Seymour Honse .'t tratka Ci'T, Kelrafca. Are just receiving a mw utoclc .f Gmuin Old B mr(i,iiirwt (mm I ourbon couDly, Kr., Bitters, ll-ie Cigars, etc. mjlS w PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FORGY, 5Icu'a:turer of all kinds f Farming I iiplcBncnt9, Such aa the Celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, MouU Hoard Br-Hkr-, Stirrms Plows, 8io)?le and Double Shovel-, C'l.ltivnUir- and Hairowe. Repuiring done on "hurt notice All work warranfd. llavinir h:id much esperien-e in the business, 1 f-l augured th:t I can tfive general stisf.ietion. Please me a cll befo-e purcimsinK el.trhere. v. t. toKur. PUttsmouth, Neb., May 6th, 1S6T. NOTICE. AH person are hereby forewarned n to pnrclia.e a certain n-otniso-y note elven far t'-e fbiu ef i.0 lafd He 3 1 d-ir or Juuo. lSi',5. by V illiam atade! mann to John W.Seyinair, a:o a certain Mortgage deed, rivc-n same Ut", as said iLf-trurnents were ob tulutd through f.aud. Wif. STADELV ANN riattsmouth, June 3d, 1G7. 3w Probate Notice I:i tint Pm'if Court uf Cig County, .VeiratlJ. To Lott H;irri- and all hira it may concern: Von ac hereby H i! fied thai all claims aaaini the ertate of Geo. L Gide n. dee'd, Will be heard and finally determined on the ilny nfJCLY, A D l?f.7, at 10 o'clock which time all persons Interest ed cau appear and prove th'-ir claims. Vi iine-s my hand and ffllcijl seal this l'J.Ii u'ay of June.- Is(i7. LS JOJ W. MARSHALL, jel2 8w l'r.bnie Jud tie- JUST RECEIVED Aqu for sale at low C.-ures, 10 s t COFFEE, IS 6V. SVGATf, 5 VA DR Y APPLES, 5 lU 1R Y PEACHES. p , ac. Also, a arge asscrtmetit of " P i n e Ij in b e r . LATH. m.Y'JLES. DOOi:. WISDOW SAS1I, wryoovr ljsds, ;lahs. cejjext, PLA6TEH PAXM, JJAJJ:, COAL OIL, Eto LEXINGTON COAL, 2,0 uh'!s, to which wa Invite the !letkn of Dl:icknni?; and o'bers t, i ;iality and rric-. We are Afenu for the UOODIX COAL Lsx inton.nnd pr"poe to foruisli all the C'ual. this country w,.ut at prices to suit. A'.- a large s;c'iof Hye, Bourbon and Star "WTiisky. Cherry, RaspTerry, I' lackber.-j n I Gil ger D.aDd. .Call and se a". elMrSON, MICKILWAII t CO. jeC 13 wtf . j). sixrsos. W. MICKEL Simpson, Mickclwait cir Co., Wholesale and Retail ! -A ; : 4 1 c Receiving, Forwarding'and Commission Merchants, jgzjuGL -toX22.T30t Agents PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealersn . GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WINDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, riXEZAND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, 'PICKETS, ETC., ETC. C. 3JEWMAH B.NEWMAN Sc CO., Corner Main and Third Streets, Plattsmoutij N. 'I TIT it OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE! IN THE Dealer Gents' Furnishing Goods. ISats Cap Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valines, &c, &c. Aho a are lot of RUBBER CLOTHJN'3 AND REVOLVERS Of V-l 3-scrip,;on altars oa hand. 5?yCijJ tnd f.rimine mi txtensire tfocJi at tha Igoizr Masonic Erick Buildins. riattaaooth, April 10th, 18CG. PENICK & so, Wholesals r nn fr n rrvi Patent Medicines, Cliemlcals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS. S St 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO, TO-Ts are the TTorta. 'Whc'eal sr.ts for Dr.D. Jja t Fen,aa Dr. J. C- Xyrr HP., a;-.4 caai faraUk tksir aieJicaes is cj taat,Urv t3 17 S3AL BSu 2D. EE. Wheel er c C -r tbe Real Estate Agenf& PLATTSMOUTH, N. T., CS.-r for s!e the ! jllowins Heal Estate. ?ec. T-p nj.ti. F.t half northeat qar.rter V,'ct bail noiihwoc quarter Socth ha:? nrilioat 'iiiart -r jirh half gituthe.-iMt quarter Vort!;eat quaner llrllwo.-t quarter Wet hlf iuthcat quarter Noilh ha!.' s. iuh"a?t quar'er ff! half no'tho:ist quarter Noitliwe-t qjjrtr nnribwet qr Vi'r-t hu!f s nthwest quarter tart Lalf southeast quarter 83 12 li re S3 12 11 to j 3- 12 12 S I ' 81 12 l i 0 i is ii n ific 82 11 It . 82 II 11 tft 10 10 14 SO 3 11 It t0 1J 12 13 41 12 li IS 4 10 18 t4 I) H U 12 13 ?T! 22 12 12 IS 10 14 10 10 13 10 10 13 3 11H 8 21 13 II tea 25 II IS i 1 11 U ' r 1 11 13 it S.-iii'.liwert q'mrter t-uudieast qusrtr4 N o"lhrt-st qnurler Fart h:ilf otliwi'it quarter yirth half -ou-heiM quarter Ncuh tial' i"inhwest q tarter V' eJt. halt n iithwe't quarter Sothenst qur-.rter I'n.liTiilert half southwest qutrtT Kart half notlhw ft quarter Soi tliifl qn irtcr nnrthea.'t quarter 1 Lots in the city of Plattsmout 1. Lot- Blck Lot Clock Let D' 4 ; 2 12 ti 6 3 i i 9 29 li t . 3.i 8 S- t 1J 57 10 () H a ; tit i i3 4 4 6 as 8 lilienor;h half of 8 47 j THOMPSON'S ADDITION. Esit half rf Vi'.c'ns 1, 4. 7, 8 and 10. South ha f f hiock S. 1. t 6 sr.U T in block S. V."et h.i'.f section 2, townhip 11. ranrs U. a-Ms onndr iuo-, i i-x Morr nuns houe. irovd w a.( spring, a id rixk! ruDnini waer. -ieui of U bee f-r flre-w.od. Piice tS.TW. 1 good two stury trick store bnildinj. 60 i.t TrttS sood cellar; for furthei prticuUr in.ianr ! ;b. picslCiD emu or ccho.'ol L';w tou BDVTD SCTTERT. K. J. BLTARP VVKSTI La 1 MTTlnlQBSl 13 Tt. tOTINf LOVING, frT, 3 joseplt X 5TTr.TiPT foe;-r.7MASES Ead JETVELLr.. fihoW th ta.- A!!! Stkkkt, the noble dating . NEBRASKA .e desceodanti of tbv.- wuo America tbeir home. How can aaiueJK these days of refinement and . -efficiently rsrere the eterliug t- ,.head atid heart ef the men "Vf PxTiI i-iii How sufficiently praise others, as truly genlie St. .tenderness of wo- AND ALL I'OlNl .braT,e "d,he' " tened or duty Via bu LO.. Conntfis with the Hmtiibul & Pt J.wi-j! Macon Otjr, 13- iiiiie it of St. J ?vh ,i 773 Cnly Ail P. -il i.'t M.V fr-m AM, Jos-ph t- tsv Limit, Jinking dtrect and relii.t'lc. c.nii:t:t.nM wit'i F.imoi.s Express Trains. L'.avinjr St I.o::i-i Jit 2 .)"c!(C' in the ndr id u, ru niufr through to all EaMvrn citie. wuaoiil a in m-ut' delay. r9i'iiseri f oinif to I'hiLuJtl, Kin, y. tn Toil; Jii'ttmore. VjkWhJi) PittMiitrp. h'lftilo, lrtUtn'i, n,ri ail Aew Ehflufui Tvtm a-ttti. Cii?, Via tUe nbove line have leu chariR s of Cars ar Uako Quicker Time Thar, hy any t.tlior r.iuti-. PaKseiiers p " i? t poiut! in On'ral aii't Pint . em Ohic-, Cfiti( !a .iu'in-ra a. bmlitrn lllinoii-, a 2d i pr.iti u K ntucky lvaive several boq-n iaiokr time ihk can bo Diailo via auy othr rt'ute. Thrmph ( te parcba. e! at all Lail.cai Ticket IB in tUe be it uiniersiuod, that the fare to a'.l point" ca-t i tlie .aiue via liie Nurtii lii.ojrl KtMrwd and r-t. Lonisas hy wy of C:.ica or any other r uin. Oo iiAA.i n sTtr::r,;:oN', Pre-'dftt aid lien'l Sn,,'t. ft Lonl , Vol 11 H. VVr!Ki-LKR, Otn'l TicVft Ai ci t Xj Mo. W. W. EHMNtiKR, Ccri'l rr?ij.lit Aet: M Louis, Mo. v 1'. H., Agent, St l.nniH, Mo. I.. 31. T;1J.., Ocn'l Wcst.-'rn Atr-nt, St Xisrjih, Mo. WJ. I T, BAKERY, GHOCERIES & PROVISIOKS. MATHIS & SONS. (ucc sFaors to J. Tared A Eons.) Plattsmoctitj Neh, Keep constantly on hand a good suj-ply f FRESH Bit LAD, PIES, CAKES and everything Ic the line. Also GROCERIES if- PROVISIONS of all kinds. Wahtbd Country Produce, BntUr, Egg, . EJ- Glveus a caU. acpi. 23,1868. BOARD AWD tODGtWC B Q. W. COI.VIN, OAK STREET, ... P1ATTSMOUTQ, Two blocks northwest of Brick chool -House. rrirate rooms farnised if desired. Either day board or with lodgings at reasonable rates. Jao 5 d tf. Burned Out, BUT not ;discotjiiaged. T. W. Shryock Is again at the old stand prepared! to wait upon his former customers, and the p'iblta generally, If yon want anything n shape cf Farai ture or Chairs, give him omll. 3rd street ner Main, riattsmoutb, M. T. tmfyl7,dtC TAKE NOTICE; Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers and their heirs. T. M Dorrington his this day ; received from th Department, the Law in fall with new blanks for the collection or additional Bonnties and Increased Pen sions, and is ready to prosecute all snch claims a may be entrusted to his care. Call and examines F iist claimed is firnt served. F. M. DOREINGT K. PlatUmonth, Atif . 10, ISSS. P. M. DORRnCTOr, Heal Estate OFFICE IN MASONIC BLOCK PZATTSJfOCTII, XEBRASKA. Lot 6 In block 47, good resident, wll and out buildings. Lot 12 In block C2. a food two-i-tory re'idf Devi, brick ba-erai nt, well, barn and oiher outbai:din&s. A rare chance for a pood ii vestment. Lot 11 in block 17.1. hui'dine with two roomj and cellar. UooJ chance f it a email capital. Lot 10 in biock 27, good residence, With a'.l tL nectiry outbuildtngs. Weft half of section SS, town 12, range 13, togeth er witi 3J acre or timber' Ouo huudied acres u dur cultivation. Eight miles from l'Utt.imouth,neir Platto river. An improved faim i f eighty acres, good house, well, etc., with five acres o good limber. Eighty acres of land.parCy Improve!, two an ai half mil-s from tbe city. 10J acres of partly Improved land, with 40 aeres cf youuS tim,u"r, uliuated 4 milts south of town. T. HI lTSARQI'ETT, ATTORaNEY AT LAW AlTD f clicitor in Chancery.. LAT -S'-OUTII, - NEBIUSKA gjoo Pllts SUGAR-COATED, PURELY VEGETABLE. Free from Mercury AND 5fl O a Pi in O a a Pi (A ALL MINERAL POISON, And arc, tindonbtedlj, tho best remedy extant SICK AND NERVOUS HEADACHE ! j y Operating , of a special affinity for the tnueons membrane of the bowels. thereby removing the causes. As a 5 1 LITER PILL O a W -s w mey can nave no rival, rietng com- posea oi me most Powerful Vegetable Extracts a Pi 11 d c o which have ft direct action on the SPLEEN" AND LIVEE, the happy effect of which can he seen after one or two doses. They Remove the Rile, Assist JOigestion, Cure Costiveiiesa, In U,- are, a their name llja-i-ri' o BLOOD PILL ;g Imi T !C. f r. . , .. ! in' prevailet., b " in trip rltprmirr01 ont disease ntnl m tne aeiermit.- ..ot ,enving tho er which treated wijr of h'iih ; devotion ot a people, and vv-p THE ed remonstrance with rebuflf, attu tion with additional and aggravated wronjr. The Virginia Atsembly met, passed resolutions of sympathy for the people of Boeton, and tppinted a day of fasting and prayer. Independent military companies were formed i Virginia. Collisions took p!ace be tween the people of Boston and the military. Minute men were raise dand ri'.iih supplies cut off. la the night of April IStn, I7i, pr Pitcairn, with six companies. id for Concord with the intention iing cannon and stores. It being v( that he marched that night, a der started to warn "the country up and to arm." There was PRIrry of hoofs la & Triage stre"t,5 1 the moonlight, a bulk in the darlr (Sdi from the pebblea. In passing, a spark f a stact flying fearless and fleet : -'1! and y'-, iN'ougti tbe gloom and the Png SQi ni!ioa 3 riJlng that nljht; rk mark u ii by tbat steel, its hi fliglit, re lau'l into iianns with Its heat " tirn, when nearing Lexington a3-, heard the signal guns, the r the drum? nv tho ringing cf v J