FURNITURE, Cliairs, COFFINS, AMD Cabinet - Work ! PI. BOECK flavins; enlarged his Shop and Sales-rooms wou d respectfully remind the people in tliU vicinity that he can fnrni.-h them with the very best Furniture. Chair. or 01 her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall keep constantly on band a large assortment of Eastern Work, and am also prepared to manufacture anything in my line on short nut ice. X large aertment of Ready-made Coffin kept at 11 times. C'.i'l and examine my stock and prices jelOhwtf H. BOECK. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WU. HERALD Dag moved into his new brick binding on the e -nerof Main street and Levee, wheie he is laily re ceiving large additions to his already extrusive lOCK Of G-IIOOEIRISS AND Ij z tj o -Era- He offers the very best of bargains to customers and requests a rail from those wrio nam aarihiisz ic his line to test the advantages iu price3 with those f others. Beinember the BRICK CORNER, and gire biai a call If yon wish to buy cheap. nov3 E. WHITING Wholesale 'dealer .la Boots . Shoes, f3 2 NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI, Is cons'ant y in receipt of all tha virions style from the mannfaciurers. Cash paid for Hide felts, etc. novTdwly .ADLEtt, B A. FEIXKMAJI. S. ADLER & CO, BECTIFIEES 1J"D DISTILLERS. Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Dirr--t;c WINES, LIQUORS AUD CIGARS XO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQl'AUE, ' St. Joseph, WAGONS ! S. R. PORTER & CO Are agenu ta this city for tha sale of .the celebrated ''South Bend Wagons,' Made by Stud.'bsker Bros They have cn hand rood a4ortment. wl.ii-h wilt h r. .... ...... - - - , . - i " u s lull a need-id. They propoie to gen at the very ue Brorrs. Plattnjon:h, March SEAL EST AT D. K. WheeIer & Cc , Ileal Estate Agens PLATTSMOUTII. N. T., Offer for ale the follow inj Seal Estate. Sec; Tp E J rfl 22 12 11 M' 23 12 11 SO Zi 12 IS fef. SI 12 I.' 60 H 11 11 16( 11 11 1( 82 11 11 S 11 I') 11 SO 3 11 11 t 43 12 13 41 12 li U 4 10 ii S er4 M 13 4 12 12 li 9 22 12 12 I 13 l'J 14 ! 10 13 a 10 10 13 d 3 1111 8 21 12 12 .81 11 12 3 I II 12 S I fr 1 11 IJ it Eat half northeast quarter Vel half norihwett quarter South half nor'heust ;urt-r N ;rrh half southeast rjuatlcr Northeast quarter 5nu;hwet q-iurter West half southeast quarter North haif quar'er West half ncnbea.-t quarter Horth wr-t quarter northwest qr We-t half soul h wot qmrter En half southeast Quarter Poathwel quarter southeast quarter 4 ctoutn oait noruiwest quarter Northwest quarter East half omhwst qu li ter Korth half rou' qu.irter North half fomhwrat quarter West half u nhre.-t quarter Northeast qunrter Undivided half southwest quaiter Kaft half northw st quarter Northwest quarter northeast quar Lots in the city of Plattsmouf Lot Bi A 8 5 S3 4 11 8 Ji THOMPSON'S ADDITION. East half of blocks 1, 4, 7, 8 and 10. South ha f of block 3. Let 6 and T in block 5. Aet half section Z2, township 11. r&nsra 1-1. 1 t acres un.;or Icnee, l . 8 ftory frame hO'ife. pood w and sprit. and rood rutinin; wafer, Plenty of tit. ber for Bra-wood. Piice $3,750. TVTORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD 11 TO St. LOUIS A.XD ALL POINTS' EAST Via ST. LOUIS. Connects with the Hrtnnibal & St Joseph R. R. a Macon City, l:3il miles eist of St. Joseph and forip The Only All RiU Eoule frim Atchison and S Jufph to St Louix, Miking direct and reliable connections with Famous Express Trains. Leaving St Louis it 2 o'clock in the afternoon, TO nir.f; tiirousrh to all K istern citie without a m nient' delay. Pisieusers going to rhilnrfrl hlii, AVk I'orit, Bnitimore. W.iiAitigta rist'hurg. hnfalo, ClrvHand. ami all ,'eic Englinii Toirns and Vitus, Tia the above line have lets chang. s of Cars ap Make Quicker Time Than by any other rout-. Passengers going t points in Central and Sout-.en Ohio, Central aa Southern Indiana, 5ou hern Illinois, aad a l point In Kent Jcky make several hours quicker time tha can be made via any other route. Thriurh Tickets can be purchased at all KallroaJ Ticket ice9 in the west. Be it understood, that the fare to a'.l points east I the name via the North Missouri lt.vlrc-ad and t. Louis as by way of Chicago or any othir rente. 6o Tia gt Louis Route. ISA AC 'It STUnGEOS-, Preid?t.t ai-d tien'l fcn't, St Lmi , He. II. U. WHEKLKK, ' Cen'l Ticket A:ent. rit Lni. Mo. W. VV. EKXING1E, CcnT Frsight Apent St L-ui, 'Ao. i. li. Agent, t 1 rir, Vj. L M. VVSS, Cea'l Western Agent, St Joseph, Ma. Lot Block Lot Blork C 33 13 f4 8 2S 9 2-J 5 3 8 33 10 57 10 60- 0 123 1 13 4 29 S The north half of 3 47 1867. AMISON, DOVEY fc CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BBY0BS, m SERIES, QUE ENS VrARE, HARDWAUE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, 0 Ever Ofiered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, .Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Flatttamouth, April 10, 186 . tf m$M Picture Gallery, wjfff 4fSSS PLATTSSiouTir, - : pictui'es taken of all Kinds. mbroUpes, Photographs, Gem Tictares, Xc A good assortment of Cases Frtrraes, Albatnsi &c, constantly kept on hand. GUt and Kosewood Molding, or ixaxuca mmda to or er, of any eize THE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE EAST To Cliicoqo, Itrtroit, TiJertn, St. Tmiis. r.dUujftt'. Jiiliii)i'ii'f'i. Cini;itnit'i, Lot-i"ii!?e, .Vy.e'i ri .7, Cai'O. Mmp'-ix, t'olwril'U, YJ?'l ing, I'itt'tiwq . Jfji.i lr. Ximjttia Pits, ll'inii, Haiti more' H'i;i.rV, P.'tilti'leljJtin, .Veio l'uri-, B-ton, Is via the old, reliable Central Ecu'.e the Haim ba! & St. Jo. R. R. rs?Take ih' II A ST. JO. R II. ine cf Mi5ouri River Packets from V LATTSMOU Til To St. Josep'i, where connect ions are made with Two Daily Ezpress Train On the II & ft. Jne. R. K , run through front Saint Jonepli tj Quin -y wilhout chacze of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi h l ' lca-, r.mliniton A yuiu'y, and Toledo, W l. i-l ,t Western l.ailretL's for a'l poiir.s Last, jrih and iouth. For St. Louis Cloe connortion tnirle at MACON" with XORTil MIS.OKKI K. K. for St Louis, and nt Itiuuibal with Daily Miss. Kiver Pae-ktt for St. Louis, ni'-als ami materoonis free, leaving every eveninc on nrrival of train from, the west, and arri vine in St. Lo lis n xl morn: g in feason for b sinesf, and to coniect with Chicago, Alton A S-t. Louis, Terie Maure Al .on & I.oois. and Ohio A Misi-i-sippi Kuilroad-.for a 11 points 1 u. , Kor'.h acd Suuth. Nf'.W SLEEPING CARS Ruo cn Night Trains. liny your through ti-kit via Hannibal St. Jo K. R. at tl eir ticket dices in Omaha, Council li UtTs l'Utt-u:outh. Xehraska City, M. .Iote(,h, rtr d on each Packet in the line, and eniov the r..n sciou,nes of havibg taken the short, ei.eap and ijuick r. ute east- c. w. MEAD, Gea Sap t. P. B. GROAT Oen l Tick.-t Airent. H. II. COCKTRia UT. Gen'l Kr't Ait. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CliY BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STOKE. We are sellirir Koi.ts, hoes Btm'Lesther, r store on M.iin sueet, one door We t of the le Valley l'onse, CHEAPER thanthe CHEAPEST We are m'tnufacturinff w irk Corn the very het of sti ck, a:u iU accommodate all who may give us ca:i. Repnii'ingrdonentall times. GAGE & DAVIS. An. 20, '66 d&wtf Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SOIi, at their old stand, NORTH PIDK OF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - N. T. We keep constantly on Land a larze assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which wo will eell at Lhs lowest ca prices. Tic; airing done at soh rt no- ttcei, JgSTAlI Work Warranted. J THKOCK310RTOK. A. rilECCK JIORION'. Oct 25 'C6 f C H. KING Carpenter n.rd Joiner C0NTEACT0R and Bu."TrjER, WUl do work in h-s line with B eatness m fiispatl. ttpoo tee's notice. ISO 7 o. B. ir.isir, ciLnons .v: croxtos-, Lots Sup't Indian AJfoirt. 'Atorneys at Law TRTSH, fiALHOlT7 & CR0XT01I. The ahove named Pent'-men ha-, e associated themselves in boj-irefs foi t:ie pu! ris rf .r.)-e. ut iiiit and collecting a" clai.Tiy apaiat the tienerai Government, or Struin.-t jtny trii-e of Indians, and are prt pared to t-ro-eente Hiu h claini. either hefo'e Conirc'-,or any of thu D'p' tn;e':t- of liovcrnnien' or I'efore the Court of Claims, 31 Ft Iki-u will devote lus personal attention te i: e huMiie5 at nahingtor. 011ic--at Xehraska Ctlf, of Vain bud rAiu street". JOSEPH 5 SCnLATEIt, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER MAI SruT KT, PLATTSMOUTII, . - NEBRASKA A po'.d a-snrtment of Watches iIii k- t. old Pens. J. wtlry, s-ilver Wan, Face '-o. - Vii lins and VI olin aHi'irs op hand. AH work com muted to his enre wiil be waranted. April 1U, IttiS. CiTY MEAT i MARKET, AND Empire Meat Market, ? The.n ndtrsignei Is now 'pritarrd to furnish the eitiiens of this place with the bett FRESH BEET, MUTTON, VEAL, PORKt AND UACON I also keep EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, A ND VE GETA BL E 8, and will pay the highest m.trhit price for al: kinds 01 ... COUNTRY PRODUCE. . WM. F. MORRISON. Pl&ttsmnuth, May 19, d4m. 15. IS. illc.ll ECU AX, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROjY, J"J2ILS, stoves J1XD TIXWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also, Afrent for the Sale of tne tleVr-ated MAGES COOS: STOVES, AM EKAi-yCII, IlltOES CO'S SA IS SIQU OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN. STREET, TJ low the Seymour IloUise, on opi'Oaite side, NhERASKA CITV, NtiB. T. octS5 " i IVational Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, 6CB AUF.NT j PLATTSM 0UTII, - .r NEBRASKA, Is prepared to prect and prosfrute claims before Congress, Court of Claims and the Depe. ments. Pa ten:. Pension, Bnnut es, aud Bounty Lands se cured. Jlfif Charges moUera&e, and In pDportion to the amount of the elaim. F. M. DORRINGTON. AinillP, '9 POST OFFICE BUILDIXQ NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WHOLEPALS AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY AIfo Agents for all the principal MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS, For which Subscriptions are received atPubllshors Prices. ESnzanibal & St. ice 11 R MmL Packet Line. One of the Company Steamers leaves daily fr"m evory point on the Missouri River above Pi. Joseph, and ariives at St. Jos-'ph in tune to connect with the expre-s ttain on tt.e Hanuitial A t. Joseph Railroad for llann.ha'., at wu:ch place connertion is made the same evening with oue of the Ie ki:k Packets, which arrives in tiui to connect with next mor: ins trains out of .St. Louis for Cincinnati, I ndi:in.ipolis, Louis viiie, Terre Haute, Wishin t(n City, B;t timore, Philadelphiii, .Sew York, lio.-ton, a-d" to all o:her Kastern. Northern and Southern Cities. The at'ov. tueutiored lines oi elettant Packet are concede. I by all travelers to be the best on the Wt-tern Waters. TIIROL'G li TICKETS For ale to St. Loui. and all Kastern, Northern and Southern cities via the above lines at Denver Ci'y. Urn ha. Council Iiluff.. PlattKniuuth, Nebraska City and st all other principal t cket ofiici s i.i the west. i"Meals and State-rooms free! R. F P.I. Sin't K It. P. L. M Joscjili. II. Q. i'L'KUr.-ON, Sec'y K. R P. L., St Joseph J. D. SIMPSON, Affect, ap33 Platt.-mouth, Nebraska. DWCLLIXGS at all price Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, mr Residences in tewa will find them for sale ai aU prices. By VUKKIAU i ON, tnrT. Real Ltati Agbs QURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. -- - - - - ISGG EASTWARD 1866 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with the Des Moines Valley and -.nicai;o, unington and yuncy Kailroads. Three trains leave Ottumwa daily on arrival ef res aioices ailey trains. BUY YOCn TICKETS VIA 0TTUHWA and BTTRLINQT0N FOR SALE AT n, , r. PLATTSMOUTII, U.MAtlA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES. KNOXVILLE, ALIJIA, MONROE, PELL A, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE. OTTUMWA. Djggage checked Irom Oitumwa to Chicarro and the Edit. Tasenpers have choice of all the ir -e it lines le.d. inc North, E:ist and S-uth, and will fii:d t ckets to all p.inepal p. intd fast by all routes at the Ottumwa fcicei omce oi tnis c mpany. Paseticers will find tms route Quick, Safe and quiviu its coon' Ci.'ins. C K.PEPKINS. Snr,eiirteo,l..r,, L. CARTER, General Krc-tt and l asren-t r Ajjen LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W- BRADLEY'S CELEBRA TED PA TENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) The Wonderful Fl xihiiiiy ami great Comfmt an- Pleasure to any lady neirinif the Duelex hlliphc Skirl will be experienced paittcularly in al! cn. ' d-d issemiuie-, operas. i arna-s, CarH.Cbarch re.. Aiia i uairs, jor rroinenade and House Iress, as the Skiitcnn Le foiued when n use to occupy a small spice as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dies, an inva u:i bie qu-iiiiy nciinolinc not found in any Sinp'e Spri'ijj Skirt. ' A J. aily liHViif .- et joyed the pie inre, comfort and preai conveni.i.ce of wearing the Irx Kiiiptit . c-p iu .-Miv i.,r nsin'e nay. wl.'l i.ever alt' w..rus w.Mir:e:r oir-pense wirh their us' For ilren. Misses aud Young Ladiis they ar? superior to all others. They will not bend or bre.rlc like the Sinple gpr nt bnt will preserve their perfect and daceful shape ii.teei i.iur vroinary riirts will have been throa-n asi le as useless. The Hoops are co. e ed with double aud twisted thread, anil the bottom rods a-e not ouly double springs, hut twice (or double) lwer.l TrnVnr. 1 , ., .1.,.,.. . .. - .... , ' - ... ... , i,., uk iri.i ikiiii h eai lug vui wn'ii uiu;iuK uuirn sipons. SIhirs, ace. Hie Uuplex Llili.tic is a L'leat favorit with ll t. dies anil is un ver-allp recommended bv'the Fashion Macaziies as the SLtuuard acne norui l To enjoy the followins irestimable ni!v:intnfo. ta Crinoline, viz: superi.irquality, peifect nianuf.ictnre, stylish shape imj finish, fl-xibiliiv, durability, com fort and ecoponiv. enquire for J W Brad'ev'. rn plex Elliptic, o- Doulue tnrinc Sk irt and he tiwrm get the (reouiue article. t- AU I ION To etiard against imnositinn k ul u to notice thai skirts offered as ''liimi,v" h. l!;f. "mp. viz: "J W. BradleVs Duplex Elliptic t-teel Spriuts .' unon the i.ii.i.l r,..i,- others are tfenuino. -M i n.itii i. iht .-.... u.. ill uornit l.lncr .1 .1 v reveamig tne two (or doub.e) sprincs braided together therein, whi.-h is tlie ecret of their flexibil ity anu strenirth. and a comoination r.ot to h.. fii,, For sale in all Store, w here fir.t-rine. . old throui-'liout the L'nite.1 liutes and el-ewhM. ilanufacturei by the Sole Owne-s of the Patent WKsT.-s. BUAIJI.ET A- CAHV ' 97 Cha""";rs 79 81 l'"tle "s., S. y ConducteJ on the ba is of Actual FiiMn'', br n enf rienced Acroantant and superior Penman, wbo LONG CONNECTION vith the most popular! Collects or th L nion ensures thoruiiphnrsp and reputation to eTcxy graduate. anl comma'ids the it.t po!f;uns. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to all ftyl-s of Penmanship, on which we hare been award-.l the first Premiums for taaty years at various state r airs The College is always open to v'sirors, and eiren- lars c nlaininj; full j'nrticulars, will be seat to any iddress. lau'! J.ilKK A ji, I'res I. marl St. Joseph, M FOR SALE -rood two story I r.c store bniidintr. !2 by 60 feet wlti pood cellar; f-r lunbei t,art:L-ular ir.iuire of th TuvelcxB oiiD or .-chokjl dikictob '"lite ta f?t ckeap Lamps and Lne Ckiau tU d SUA CK, VTTB Y 4 MO.'. 9 Hardware, ;TOWi MOID E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale' and Retail Dealers in OAR DIM I AGRICULTURAL UIPLEMEiMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL PLOWS Of all kinds and s'res, which we warrant the bet in the market. JOB WORK. ! Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. , Are exclusive Agents in this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cjbok Stove. Give U3 a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block. PLATT8MOUTH. NEBRASKA TOOTLE, IIAMA& CO., MAIN STREET, - .PLATTSMOUTII LARGEST JVest of Wholesale and HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WtNES AND UQUORS.OFAU KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWAKE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, And every article required by EMIGRATTS,:FKEIHTERS, IHIsXERS & FARJIEKS. And everybody else can be Call and examine AT FIEE PROOF BRICK Tootle, Hanna Co. Plattsmouth, April 10. 65 BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for rGedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Farmers, freighters Will find our stock of Medicines ine and or the Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr, Black. Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1865, tf St. Louis. Retail Dealers in -A WD- DOORS & GLASS supplied at this establishment. our extensile stock THE Fancy Articles Generally,. and pltysiciaJia complete. Warranted Gemjw best quality. Win. Stnritliiinnii & Co.. One doer wesi of Dondans Drug-store, Dealers In Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, MATS, CATS. BOOTS. SHOES, TI1USKS, VALISES, ana a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a lartto lot of R UBBER CL 0 TIILVG, RE VOL V ERS J1XD XOTIOXS. Xfc bought low and will stll cheap for cash. Cal. and ex;miiueour stock hefore vou huv anv where eli-el jyl 6 Wm. BfaDELMAN.X CO. Apothecaries Hall. REED,VI IITIXGER Sc Co. No". 133 MainSt., NEBRASKA CITY, Dealers in DRUGS & MEDI'.NES, Paints Oils, Putty .a : Glass- Tatent Medicines of all kinds, l tartlcles, gta. tiouery, and everything kej t in -rst-class Drug tstore, at Katern prie s. We are prepared to fill ail orders, and warraa our'ouds to be fresh. apr.lO'W moa. Ti.r, t. i.HA!iii J. a.CLamx Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers la Gold Dut, Gold mid Silver Coin, sExcIianse, U- S ami otlier loclis- DEPOSITS ItliCEiVHD, and special attention given to Collections ptjAttsmcuth, it. t. ap9 ddwtf PLASTI1 SLATE' EOOFING AND OTHER PURPOSES. Thr- jirccess cf r'-comtmct,ri j Plate Etone from a I d is in Iff fa tii a':i.t O. i PATENTED FEB. 21t, 1SGJ. It is a comLin ition of. Pulverised Slato and Viscous Matter, (the latter pnsesinc qualities of geological and ..liaini...! .tr..;i. i .u-r v .. j i ni.iiiti n. iu;iiiiu.-t.u'l IS a lie veK um nt rf otic of ihe i-iniplc but unul tt-rablo tenih nci' s oflnature. AS A ROOFIIJG MATERIAL IT STANDS UNBIVALLED. A mastic it adapts itudf to eviy shape and slope. ou-comijusiiiLe, luiperv.itu., non-expau'lve and un-lctvifiir. Frost Does not Crack: nor Beat Dissolve it. The only r.o-,fin(r Material rver di-covrred that will jne action r tho elements as long a the structure it prof cu. Helat tns. ceptihleof little if any nar f torn esp sure and PERFECTLY FIRE - TROOF, It Is iin Halle 1 as a continjr fr railroad aud fitta .uiiuiii.s, unus.s, uoitoms or vcsi 'is, vaults, tic. Materials for sale ly ALFRED OSBORN, Solo Liciisee for Nebraska. Douglas St. - - Omaha, Neb. injl ly JEWELRY STORE The nihssrriber luvln poreha-ed the Id Stoie en 21 istrei f. lately I y ("nrl y am! ethers, would i 'Spectfully infi'rm the citizens of I'latlsiuuuth and -.iciuiiy, that he has retiited the store aud oneULd a arlio t:uck of -TIE3 "7" US Xl EX'aT AND FANCY ARTICLES Fr r Lsdies. Gents. Childron. nrul th of man. kind, aL d is preiared to do a'l kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would l e hai uv to terv. ht. old atd us many new customers as may give him th ir patrnnapr", assininp them of their Hoik well, at nioderute p;ict, and cu short time. The stock, enibracii'K every Variety c f iroods u-.ui.lly kept at a Orst-c'ujS Jrweliy Etore, will he sold a' low pricts. and warrauled of t st woi kuiauhbl;) and ma'erial. lie has a so a fmali stock ef FAMILY GROCERIES. which will bo replenished from lime to time, and ! sold at the lowest figures. Having permauenlly lo ' cat'd in this city. I rcspertmily tc licit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and ezamina ' the stock on hand, as we would lie p'.eased to aerv ' you, and do not sk you to buy unleia we can make it for your interest to palrenize U". ott E. n. EATOW. Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Fhryock is asrain a'i the old stand r.rnr- to wait upon his forinar. ut(.mer. r.,i th. ,:.i aenerally. If you want anything n shape of Karat. ture or t hairs, pive him a call. rd atreet nnr Main, Plattsmouth, K.T. mayI7Jtl BFllLLCOX&rflBBS f I Fl ,."A I! 1 . IIMIIIS SEWING '! IM 1 1 1 I II I fl I I ' I I t II I niviAinirii: The CharnpioriH 1 1 of 136 first pre miums in twoil M reasons. Its seam isv3 Jstronrer and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judges' Report of Vie Grand Trial." Send for the "Report," .nd Samples of Work, containing' both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L, COB27EI.Ii & CO., Gen'l Agent, 138 Lak t . ChJca. F P. TODD, Local Agent, flattsmtinth, Nob ovl7 w r