Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 19, 1867, Image 3

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Frtwt ITedntrfay't Dtii'y.
"lho rirer is up so that boats can
land at the foot of Miin struct a-jain.
Wo larn that Mr. Peck, trothor-in-
lawof Prof. Miller, whi recently arrived
here from the east, has purchased tho res
idence cf M. L. White ia the wtst part
of town.
We enw a email drova of liO
about fifty running around loose yester
day. It might have Rgood efi'ect if they
were to break into tha "later patch,' of
eoin3 opponent of the hog law.
lion. John CovoJe expressed the
opinion, while in Omaha recently, that
the main line of Ilailroal from the Mis
souri river west must eventually b9 oa
the louth eids of Platte river.
-A large number of the youn peo-
pl'j of Plattsmouth are making prapar
ations to attend the pio-nio at Ilesser's
Giovo to-morrow. A jolly good time id
Surveyor General Hitchcock ar
rived on the St. Joseph this morning.
We understand ho will start for Leaven
worth in the coure cf a few days to
ring up the field notes of the State and
other paperi deposited there, wehn the
ofEoi will be all ready for operation.
Some liitle excitement was created
ia Nebraska City a few days since, as we
Isarn from the Xtici, by a confession of
a boy, fourteen years old, by which sev
eral citizens of that city aro implicated
in horse-stealin j transactions. The bay
was arrested for being connected with the
stealing of a horse, and .-as induced by
threats and promises to make a "clean
breast" of the whole affair. He states
there is a regular band, having signals
end words, and that they have one of
their principal depots in Nebraska City.
He gave the names of several member
who reside and arc well known in Ne
braska City among others that cf Mr.
Edwards and Geo. Washington Hoyt.
Kdwards keeps a livery stable in Nebras
ka City, and tho boy also stated that he
kept an underground stable whore stolen
horses were kept. He says it was
a part of tho band that attempted the
Savannah Bank robbery some time ago.
It has long been believed that a regular
ly organized band existed who operated
principally between St. Joseph and
Omaha, and known facts in tho state
ment of this boy gives ground for the
belief that his whole story is trtfa. No
etoae should be left unturned to hunt
this matter up and clear the country of
auch a dangerous organization,
fhnt JTificKzy't Vary.
rT-tPIufi" hats are all the rge craor.g
t': ''oldest inhabitants" of PlatUmoutb.
About a dozen new ones made their ap
pearanco on the streets yesterday.
gy Judge Dewes, of Glenwood, ha
been in the city for two or three days or j
busings. He purpose going to Kansas
City to practice law.
3" The Mess.s. Lazenby will lire
another briok kiln ia the course of a week
or ten days. The demand for brick this
eeasoa has b:ej greater than auj former
y Plattsmouth is nearly depopulated
of young people to-day. They have all
gone to the Good Teicplar'a pic nic at
Ilesser's Grove. We wish them ail a
happ y time.
pyihsre is a band of juveniles about
town that need looking alter or they wii
follow eOf the rt minstrel outfit that
rhincM thU wav. Thev have made ev
erything hideous with their bont" for
the past week.
- 3jTThe y'ews states, on the authority
Cf Wm. McLennan, that .Mr. lloUe Las
old out on the pubho bunding question
for $j00. This is rather a grave change,
and the Atirs makes it rather bluntly.
We hope that paper may b mistaken.
5?"Mr. McPherson, cf Lancaster Co.,
called at the Herald offiea tbi3nnora.a
We learn from him that tne grasshoppers
have nearly all disappeared from that
part of the country, and that the crops
look well.
The A'tzts learns that a utile
daughter of Hon. J. B. Bennett accident
ally fell into a cistern a few days since,
where she remained some ten minutes
before she was rescued. There wa
about six feet of water in the cistern
but her clothes buoyed her up until sb.
was taken out.
Five joucg men were recently
scared pretty nearly out of their under
garment near Tskama, by they
up.oscd 1 1 bo Indians. Thy run five
railes, armed themselves and prepared
for fiht. The supposed Indians proTed
to be eonie neighbors who were "out on
the prairie looking at the country
Three prisoners attempted to
break jail at Nebraska City a few nights
ago. The watchman mistrusted some
thing was wrong, pulled ofThis boots and
listened at the door, where he discovered
they were digging. He notified the jail
or, who soon put a stop to their operations
in that direction.
27"Prof. Ilayden, the State Geologist,
and his assistants, were in this city a
few days ago, and took a look about the
bluffs below town. We hope the citizens
generally will preserve all Geological
pccirarnj that may come under their ob
Btrvation, and deposit thean with some
ons and we would suggest County Com-
"""-mer unite as a suitable person sn
rder to facilitate the labors of the Geol
CS- Everything that can be done by
oar people to assist in u thoreugh exami
nation will be of immediate benefit to
ourselves. We understand Trof. Hayden
w;ll visit this place again in the eourae of
a couple f weeks.
CSWe would call the attention of our
farmers and builders to the advertise
m.nt of Foreman's method of preserving
timber. The solution of this quostion is
of vital importance to our peopleand
we trust they will at.sfy themselves In
regard to it. The inventor has produced
a composition which purports to eflectu
ally harden any kind of timber, and ren
der it impervious to decay. Should this
process prove what it purports and we
Know of no reason why it should not
it will be of incalculable benefit to Ne
brasia where Cottonwood abound but
durable timber is scare. Its cheapness
br ngs it within the reach of all, and will
make cottonwood posts cheeper than the
present price asked for oak, And much
more durable. Examine it test it and
satisfy yourselve.
Fi t friaait Daily.
3?Dennis Dean, Eq., arrived in the
city last evenii.g, direct from Ashland.
37A now well is being dug on Main
street in front, of the new county build
ing. CsTSpecial meeting of St. Luke's Ves
try, at Dr. Livingston's oCee, Saturday,
l jth, at 2 p. m.
"Surveyor General Ilitchooek left
forj Leavenworth this morning, for the
purpose of bringing up the remainder of
the papers belonging to his office.
Ed. Buttery of the firm of Simp
son, Mickelwait &. Co., is again able to
attend to business. He bas been pros
t.ated with a bilious attaek or what he
terms a regular "June rise."
CSTThe telegraph operator at Omaha
said yesterday that the capitol had been
moved to Council Bluffs. We presume it
must be geiag wes., and has started on
the regular route from Omaha, via coun
cil Cuffs and Plattsmouth. We had
news list evening that it was on the way.
gSMr. Reach of Des Moines is in the
city. II j is looking through"this western
country, and gathering up such informa
tion as he can in regard to our soil, cli
mate, products, population, etc , with a
view to selecting a looatioa'at some fu
ture time.
3?There same near being a runaway
on Main street this morning. A farm
team had been left without hitching, and
became frightened by the shriil scream
of the ferry boat whistle. The driver
happened to be near them, and his time
ly Torts prevented a general runaway.
Teams should not be left on the street
without hitching, as it not only enjin-
rers the team end wagon, but the lives
of pedestrians, and especially children.
ffH. Ilewland, Esq., left at the Hsr
aLd oHie this morning a dish of as nic
strawberries as we have s-.enln the west.
Thry are as largo, plump and sweet as
anyone could wish, and are only the com
raon wild strawberry, cultivated. We
think thry are qiml ta any of the fine
varieties we have foil in Nebraska, and
Mr. Ilowland assures us they are much
7"Dress makes the man we all admire
A person clad it. giod attire:
A we'.l dressed person Ends hi way
Where others have to keep at bay.
And try to argue ail you can,
You'll find 'lis dress that mak"3 the man.
Tho' strong the crtiments may seem,
(f jod C-'othinz leads to eood esteem
And daily hourly may review
What fashionable dress cn do.
And persons anxious to ba dressed
In clothes the cheapest, and and the best,
Newman's to them wo would say,
Study vriursrlrps' and stp this way :
The choicest Clothing ever wore,
Is at Newman's Clothing Store.
In cloth, and workmanship as well,
The various articles excel,
And all who buy their Clothes admit
Superiority of Ct.
tYom Saturday' Daily
TThe infant daughter of Hon. T.
M. Marquett died yesterday. The funer
al obsequies took place to day.
ClWe saw three Gshes at Morrison's
market this morning whose aggregate
weight was 114 pounds. They were
caught in ths river below town.
5 Bishop Clarkson an J tne iter's
Hermann, Rice, Gaamann, IIuchin-jn,
Hinmann and Divio, . are in the city to
attend the C nse ration of St. Lure's
Church to-morrow.
5TLe Union pic nic, at Ilesser's
Grove, by the Good Templars, was well
attended. A large number were up from
Nebraska City, and all enjoyed the occas
sion immensely so we are told by those
who were present.
J?"The Ice Cream and Strawberry
Festival, given by the ladies of tho Pres
byterian Church, last evening, was well
attended, and was, withal, a fine affair.
At ths requst of a large number of citi-
s!ns. tLey will give anotner entertain
ment this evening.
fyVe learn that Ca'S eotj ty is to
have a speeial term of court, commeno
ing on the 2Cth iust , for the purpose of
trying George Carnes, the prisoner now
lying in jail on the charge of killing Key.
singer. A regular terra was desired, as
there are a large number of cases that
should be decided before the regular
term according to law.
C-The residence of Sarah Baker,
Esq. oa what is known as ihe Donelan
farm was struck by lightning lat night
Tie current came down tho stove pipe.
demolished tne etove, knoened uown
everybody in and about the house, killed
a cat (or dog we are not positive which),
and stirred things up generally. No one
CMr. J. Mueller, of Couseil Bluffs.
dealor in Pianos, Organs, etc., will visit
this city about the last of the present
month, when persons having instruments
that need tuning or otherwise repairing,
old ones that they wish to trade for now
ones, or who wish to purchase new ones,
can do accommodated Mr. M. is agent
for several different manufacturers of
first-class pianos, and can furnish any
make desired. If you have an old pic
ture that you prize, have it ready and
Mr. Mueller can enlarge it and paint it
either in oil or water.
3fA B. Smith, Esq., of this city, has
shewn us a new improvement of his upon
tho Roadometer, upon which he intends
applying for a patent. The main fea
tures of the improvement consists in nn
extra wheel and screw, which increases
the capacity of the machine thirty times
over the old style. Another important
feature cf it is that it is made to fit on the
tnd of tho hub, and consequently its oper
ations cannot be varied by the oentrifu
al force, no matter how fast the wheel
revolves. It is made to show the exact
distance traveled from one half revolu
tion of the wheel to 750 miles. The
model shown us was manufactured by
Mr. Smith himself, and was as fine a
specimen of mechanism as would be
looked for in nn eastern mashine shop.
F rom Jftntlay't Daily.
"Tbe telegraph wire is down across
the riatte again.
(T'Old Muddy is on the rise yet.
It is nearly bank full at this place.
"Steamboats are now landing at
the foot of Main street, within fifty yards
of some of our business houses.
e-Maj. D. H. Wheeler, Praf. Miller,
A. B. Smith and others, left for Omaha
on the St. Joseph to-day.
(f5"Ws can see no reason why D. B
De Land & Co's. best Chemical Saleratus
should not be used in all cases, as it has
no superior, and weighs more than other
prHon. O. P. Mason has been ap
pointed and confirmed Chief Justice of
Nebraska, vice Wm. A. Little, deceased.
Ho is assigned to the Second Judicial Dis
trict, and opens court in Nebraska City
fWm, Porter, Esq., arrived from
North riatte last Friday. II9 reports
the town at that place as the worst speci
men of morality he ever saw. Their
trains have not been heard from for
some time out it. l'orter tninss tney
are all right.
JfD. J. McCann, Esq., ef Nebraska
City, was in town this morning, on his
way home. MoCann is a wide-awake
businns3 man, and bas done ranch for
the benefit of his locality and the State
at lare.
CJ-Wben the bill for the location of
State buildinss came wp on its third
reading in tho Senate, the Omaha T!-pf-ney
attempted to buy one of the sup
porters cf the bill from Washington
eounty by offering an amendment that
tho Agricultural College, and S'ate
University b9 located in his d striet.
They offered the same thing to Otoe
county, but it would not win.
Tde Gorpiak Knot Untied. You
have untied the gordian knot The
long looked for Sewing Machine has at
last made its appearance. Your inven
tion is one of the triumphs of this centu
ry. I am actually astounded at its oper
ation. I can take with case, Cfleen hun-
dren stitches a minute, in the most
perfect manner. Rev C. D Lakey,
Fredericksburg'), Ohio, t ths Willcox &
Gibbs S. M. Co.
CTTho Herald "outfit," from the
senior to Lis satanio majesty, wt re made
glad on Saturday, by the cntranee of a
boy with a bucket of Ico Cream from
nank'e fa.hionable Saloon. It was de
voured with a relish, and all hands had
a kindly feeling towards the gentlemanly
proprietor who did not forget that prin
ters like rooi thinzs. Streisiht bas his
rooms fitted ud in first-rate style, and h
Cream is superb. Long may he llouri-b,
is the desire of all hands in the Herald
. i 1
CJSee notice of Shepherd Dogs for
3Tho Supreme Court of Nebraska
has been adjourned antilMonday the 29th
of July.
gs7"0. F. Johnson has purchased Dr.
Livine-ston's stock of Uruss, and will
open them at Lis stand in the Post Office
Cy-Th telegraph wire between this
citv aad Omaha is all right agnin. The
connection was made about 2 p. m. to
day. iIt is exprctad that tha Presbyteri
an Church of this city w li 1..' supplied
with a preacher soon-probbly this
(JiTW. W. Erwin, Esq.. is agent at
this place for the Cincinnati Home Insur
ance company. It is said to bo one of
the best oompanies in the United States.
The weather hss been exceedingly
eool for two or three days past, and the
wind from the north. We should judge
there was eometbinz icy in tne vicinity
of Omaha.
("Dorrington is doing an extensive
bmine.-s with h:s patent Petroleum Stoves
He' has sold out one shipment, and is ex
pecting mora every day Everybody ap.
rears to want them.
Maps of Nebraska are in demand
just now. Wise has those for sale whieh
show the very section upon which the
publie buildings are to be located if you
can only find it.
"The Republican complains that
peoplo in the southern part of the State
are stopping their paper, for the reason
that they cannot endorse the course it
has pursutd in regard to legislative mat
ters. It says that course was adopted
2?"The IlcpufHican is getting perfect
ly wild, and pitches into individuals and
the public promiscuously. In an article
headed ,;the public printing," it says
"we find no authority for taking the
money from the pockets of a stupid pub
lic who fail to appreciate such works."
. The Omaha UcralJ aoeuses us of
using slang and Billingsgato when speak
ing ef that paper. Our only defence is
that if we have done so it was because
we thought that outfit could not under
stand or appreciate any other style.
Are we to have any Fourt!! of July
Celebration V It noiuiuj umc vunrtni
ent is determined upon, we would sug
gest that Ilesser's Grove is a little the
nicest place for a quiet celebration in
Nebraska. The Grove is well arranged
for the purpose, and a good speakers'
stand is all ready for use.
27" The Republican says it will be seen
which can stand on its platform the long
est it or tho Herald. We intend to
stand by tho Republican party for a time
yet. Something more than the disposi
tion of a half section of State land must
be done before we dsneunce tho party,
and take another p latforai.
Cramp. A common cause is indiges
tion and the uee of sour liquids. These
should be avoided, acd Roback's Stomaoh
Bitters had recourse to. At the same
time use absorbents.
For cramp in tho stomaeh take at once
a teaspoonful of sal volatile in water, or
a tablespeonful of Roback's Catawba
In this oity, June 1-Uh, inst., Jclia
daughter of T. M. and Hattie Marqubtt,
aged three weeks and one day.
A few Scetch Shepherd Dogs for ffale
3?"Tha cosiest room in the eity, where
lee Cream, Raspberry Lemonade, Con
fectionery, Fruit &c, is to ho had, is at
the Ladios Ice Cream Rooms, ono door
west of B. B. & Co's. Drug Store, up
stairs. Ccme and see us.
mySOdlm. Hank.
Received at the News Depot, for any
ht the Magaiines, Penodicals and .News
Papers of the day, at tho Publishers
-T . 1 - T
-iJoic ts ma lime 10 su; scnue.
Oct. 26.
A small Dwelling Houe. Enquire of
jelldtf Tootle Hansa & Clark.
The nnlrined ha hi superb SODA
FOUNTAIN in operation aain in tho
Post Offico buidin?, and tho lovers of
this debciou beverage are invitee to
oall and see him. A pooJ assortment of
Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on
hand. O. F. Johnson.
june lOJAw,
All persons are hereby warned against
purchasing City Warrant No. 71G, city
of Piattsm uth, drawn paysible to M.
Morgan, for thirteen dollars; the same
has been dulicHtt-d and payment stopped
on original. Wm. Stadelmann.
je. t Wo.
A pocket. ce of Surpical Instruments
made by W. F. Ford, New York. Finder
will be suitably rewirded by leaving
them with Dr. Livingston. iuyl3
DesiraMe Property for Sale.
One dwelling hou-e, with seven rooms,
cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well
set with fruit trees, 6bruV.berv. ic.
I). Marqcrtte.
Enquire cf S. Duke, Agent. myl(
C7ForSale One of Lamb's superior
knitting machines the only kind made
that widen and narrows. Enquire at
this tf5ce. dtf.
Wi1 it" fcll voile in his line on hort notice.
J"Leico Willi lr. LiTinfua.
July 6.
Corrected by Sinip-ou,IIicktIaitecCo
Wheat JTiuconilne in Price. d'Tiiucd at St
Lnuistotl 60I 0 for clioif Xo' a-ki
Com Hull, n ileinanJ, rons 'iju'iillj uontchat.?
ing hand huyei are fleiiug quotoU prices
FKOIU'CK I c.ap 12i;ij tl M:JiO O0 MacSce!!,k;'-t, 2 f-O.f
Corn in ear 5-iiToi, N'iif li j
" thclltd 6uii '' i Gutter
Oats -. lt
Cim inenl 1 !i5 Potatoes
Flour t 100 is 8 l i-
GROCEIUE- It-tail ! Cuttee
Cilfi-e 'MCobO oKir
T- a T5" 'i ": ,t:c
K.ce niJ'. fowl Oil
hynips 1 255' 25, I ot-acco
CvmI Oil 1 w - P
Lar Oil 2 (HI Jim.a
1 t tj2 Wt
8') ' 31
loft .'(
1 lV;a IS
75gl i)
Sit' Vi
Platte Valley l-Souse
C. II- I'akmlle, IVojHifitor.
Comer of .M'in and Fo ath Streets,
rtatlsmoiitli , Xtb.
53"iloard by tt "ay or wees.
i. it. sixrsos.
Simpson, Mickelwait & Co.,
. . Wholesale and Retail
4 v
Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Anrl f3"t O rtTml O Vt Agents
B . NEWMAN & CO . ,
CoRNEit Main and Third Streets, Plattsmouth N. T
Dealer ia
Hats Cant;, Roots, &6ioc3,
Also a jarje lot of
Of ?!! 'i'iitriptiorn always on hand.
'C,nV at'l f T'imint
Hew Earjomo
-Es. TxroTm SAX.
Plattsmouth, April 10th, 18G6.
WM. 3. TETtlCK,
th Wh ilea!-!
Patent Medicines,
Chemicals, Gias?, Paints, Oils, Pure Winos and Liq iors,Coa!
Oil and Lamps, Stationery, :c.
3-'.V ar th ?tnrtb wter Wholcr!a Aperti
md sail Jar - tk:r s.ediciaes ia an autiti-s.
dealer lu
Groceries, Provisions,
;Ali Vin J of Prtduce t.iken in exclmnjre for soo!e.
I keep ihe very bes cf Roods, ut.d am boci.d t)
11 t lie it mcuap as any hunt In ILe citr.
Feed, Sale and Livery
Maix St., Plattsmi utu.
Horses, Carriages and Buggies,
Also, a nice Hearse,
On i-hort notice nr.d re.-on.ib'e ter;n. A H:c' will
t uu t.i ncan boat laud.i.K, and to all paitioflhe
c ty when diired.
J. VT. ?UANN5.
Tiro bl'ctt- northw-t 'f B:iclc
j Piiva'e rofim furn el if deMrcd. E.ther day
lo-i'd or with lodjttgsat ieun.,&;e tu-a
: Jin S dtf.
t o to niae., Hntte y & Co.'s tr your L
. aimI i.Qtiricatcrfl.
'The plce ts eel Perfumery ar all kii.d U at
2T D liCTJKkY-
Furnishing Goods,
xrwaKs, v auses
inn extensive slock at ih
H nr.
C&3 Go.
f. ICVINi.
i "
fr Dr,
P. Jaj tram4 D
i.C. AyerP.
Jb2 if
is st; at e
earxs is. vTav. ixl rs a
Lot 6 in blocs. 47, rood residence, vvll and out
l.nt If in blrek 62. a food two Flnry residence,
bticU ba-L'r.i- nt, wei , barn ami utlitr uutbsi times
A rare fjr a good ii ves-tmcrt. ,
Lot 11 in Mock 173, building: with two roo:ai aud
cellar Gov! chance f r a ma:t capital.
Lot 10 in block 07, ,;ood residence, with all tb
n'-cces.ry oi;tt3Uiiiijr.c.
i e-t h ilf of section 3-5, town 12, rn 13, tope'h
er ith vi acres ol tiinuer- On" bu .d.eil rr-s ua
ir cultivMtAiii. liigut from r!ailsU4uMi,nt.
l ittle rier.
An inij-rove.! f:tim of eighty aeren, good houv
well, etc., wt'h five acn.s o good timber.
Eirbtv :icro of lnud. varl'y i.r.prjved, two ar. ad
hisr ii. l1 -s fn in the citv.
lJ anv uf partly improve! 1 md, w'.'h 40 aerei 4
youUto timhT, itu.-ited 4 milfi feiufh of towj.
Mrs. Kath .Si P-o h iving ! er. solicited to J
larpe her C.a irt Vi.w:c. both Voc rl and lustrum
tin, bas conclnd d to d i so, and wi II give leS' n o'
tht !'iano and Ok-an ti tt ope il.-sirons of b'-cuioing
performers on tli- ftm. lerm-, etc.. gtveu on ap
pl.c'ion at her rccideuce on Mam ttreet.
a i-4 3. a
ITIillisier and Us'cfsiii.-sfier
Has j'ist rrelv-l a lario stork of JVA'H' GoQli'i
cf lb !at-.t f.vlmns. New (JouUs rct.-: ve.l ivi
month. Call and a-' the.n. tay t
fciicitcr in Cliancery.
f if - - risn as niwwr
APTKKV mail will elote at r . m.
SOUTH KKX at - - t a. in.
lllllaill SCI AS J0LL8WS
rous the EaST at - . 10 a. m.
NOHTH and WEST at 10 a. in.
fcOLTH at 1 p. m.
po-T-orricB norsj.
lpen from T a. tu. to 8 p. m.
t3Wlien raltinir for mail please t'T Toor rtfJ
trtl ami then iu So. of your Box.
-Vhtn caliin fcr Stamps eie the number Of
tamps or amount you Ki-h to tmy.
J. W. MARSHALL, Postmaster.
Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A- F- &
recularenmniBniritions 1st and SJ Mondaya ofeifh
wioutU, at C 1 'I o'clock, p. ni.
K. T. DCKE, W. M.
llehraska Chapter No- 3, R. A. M.
l:et;ulir ronvcrations 2J and 4th Wednesday! cj
irh month, at 6 1-2 o'elork p m.
D. ii. W HEELER, H.P.
. C. LEWIS, Sec.
I. 0. 0. F.
t!:itte Lo.Ie, No. 7, meets ctctt fatnrday Tening
t tl.e C urt House Hull, itfotlieis o other Lodges
ire respectftilly it.Tited to rUit this Loilfe.
By onir of A. L. gPRAUL'E, W.G.'
T. 1. Uass, Rec. Sec'y.
St. Luke's Parish Vestry-
llegnlar meetiusa first 'J'ueslay of every month,
t 7 p. ui. Key. UtO. C. IlrTTS.
R. H. LITI505T0X, Clerk. Chan man.
I. 0. Q. T. every Friday ertnins. Traveling
Templars respec.lully invited.
WM' Tt. MATOI". W. S.
jAM'L M. CHAPMAN, Lodse Deput,
WTlXCEI.rlOK DK HKE LODGE, Ho. 1. Platta
moutU, h )l l-i repula moeiinjra on the third Wednas-
jav evenings of -ich moutn.
J 1 Bro S. it. CHAPMAN, W D T,
Ero. W. L. Wklls, W D S
ls!cr K. J. JoSTU.UtrBT, W D V T.
JT5-3TAK. OS1 l.OI'F LODCiK No. 8, Mt. Fleasant,
holds regular mectinca every Saturday evetiiac
Bro-S. A. DAVli, W.C. T.
fiatur MATTII BATKS. W. B.
Bro i". M. TIMBLIN, LogJ Deputy.
53s" EICtLSiOIt Lodfie. No. 9, Ashland, holdi'
reuuiar meetinga every Tuesday even iurf.
l!ro. A. MARBLE, W.C. T.
Uro. WiB. WiBBRiTTW, W. S.
Bro. J. J. WiKimow, I. D.
Of Nebraska City, would reMectfully Inform tha
!a lies cf Plattmouth that she has taken up her res
idence in this rlace for the purpose of
if required, Ladies and Childrens Dresses, Cloaks,
Basques, etc. MACI11SS kTlTCUISG done also.
Al'noikwill be executed with neatness, and will
receive prompt attention. Ehe will endeavor to give)
sa'isf-iction, and therefore solicits the rtr0:iaS c?
the ladies of this place and vicinity.
lie. idence, corner Vine and 4th streets, in Adams'
brltk. nov23dwbm
Amendment to ordinance
IVo 63-
Pec 1 Me it ordained b the Mayor and Commm
Council r-ffiaiiaiiiomh, Nebraska: That allof section
number fou-, of Ordinance number Sixty-two, be and
; he atne Is hereby repealed ...
; ec. This oidinau-e t" take eff 'ct and be in force
from alfi after its publication.
j'7 10J
F. M.
years of experience and thai, havej
proven to be tho best remedy extant
for all complaints where b tonic arv
stimulant are required. They neve
Lul to strengthen the weak, impaj
rigor to the strong, and in all respects
restore shattered and broken-down
constitutions. No remedy hi3 been
received with as much favor B9 Ro
back's Stomacu Bittebs. In Chicago
VEK 50,000 bottle3 were sold by or
druir-house in the iut yenr. It is a4
initted bv our most learned physicians
'i'KRri combine the properties of
gentle laxative, an eflicieut anti-biliogv
gent, and the best stomachic known to
the world. ROBACK'S BITTEBS should
be used by convalescents to strengthen
the prostration which always follows acute
dixease. In the
II.IOUS districts of the West an
South there has, for a long time, lieen
miK'li needed nn article of STOMACH
B1TTKKS, which, if taken in proper
quantities, and at the proper ji me, ar
a, sure preventive of Bilious Fever,
Fever and Ague, Liver Complaint, Ivs
'pepsin. Indigestion, Jaundice, Kidney
Complaint, and all diseases of simnar
nature; and are better as a preventive
fbr bilious derangement, regulating
KD strengthening the system, aud jrl
ing tone io the digestive orgnns, thna
any other known remedy. Now that
the war is over, there w ill i thousand
seeking homes in the South. No per
son w ho values his life should go there
without having constantly nt hand the
BITTERS, as a safeguard against epi
demic and maladies engendered by mi
sma and polluted water. Travelers
and all residents of the rank river-bottom
OUNTIES of the WVst and South, anil
th valley of tho Hisi"i'P nini it
rihtitarien. Minuld provide themselve
with the BITTEHS. There is probably
no one disenso with whieh mankind are)
afflicted which is the source of so man
ailments as dyspepsia, or ns it is more
commonly called Sour Stomach, and
there is no more certain remedy than
Roback's Stomach Bitters. They are
never known to fail.
ING CHOLERA has always be
much dreaded by the public, aud
people hnre resorted to all manner
of medicines to arrest the progress,
but with little success. A sure cure
ami preventive is to be found in tho
VIAN BKMEI'IKS. Keep the bowels
open with the Pills, and invigorate the
system by free use of the Stomnch
Bitters, or, if the blood be thin, use the
L'CIT an invaluable remedy should M
kept in every family. Keep the system
in full vi;or and nothing is to be fearedl
from disease or cholera. THE OLD
RELIABLE. Lo not be deceived by
purchasing any of the quack nostrum
u-- "the various names of Bitters,
rurcn- -o none other but Lr. ROBACK
STOMACH BITTERS, which ore com
pounded of tho purest drags, and
which the afflicted can rely.
(Successors to C. W. Boback,)
2To. 86, BS. GO and 6'i East Third Strttft
Are Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers in Patent Medicine