Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 15, 1867, Image 2

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She Ubraj$li.i gkraW.
Mr. Currtilti, Vice Consul at San
Francisco has been appoin'ed Italian
Minister at Washington.
The Telegraph line to Arnoor has
teen completed.
A Richmond despatch of the llih
iay Jeff. Davis arrived safe thi3 p. m.
lie was escorted ly regulars to the
Spoiswood House. There was no
cheering or hissing Ly ihe large crowd
of negroes and the few whiles that
were in the streets. He was taken up
a Lack street to the hotel in a carriage
guarded Ly fifty cavalrymen. Oe of
JefT.'a counsel stated that if Lail was
refused, the President will direct his
riease until he was tried.
Another despatch of the 12ih says
he will Le produced to the Ccurt to
morrow Ly Burton and immediately af
ter discharged, a J will bo re arrested
onj bench warrant to answer to indict
ment for treason Ly the Grand Jury.
Tim Globe says the Luxemburg
Conference has agreed upon a treaty
and it has been signed Ly all the
It is stated that Grcec? ha purchared
seven Monitors cf the Ui.i'td Sntes.
Sickles has issued an order con
demning the seizure of any kir.d of
real estate cr personal property jrques
tercd by the Confederates, without re
porting to headquarter: all particular
of sequestration.
Sedgewick is on his way home to Le
mustered out. He professes to have
papers showing the occupation of Mat
amoras was in obedience to orders.
Gen. Sherman arrived at Leaven
worth on the 11th, whera he met Gen.
Han:ork, who had just returned from
the Tiains. Uoih General go L Fort
Harkor immediately to have a talk
with tho Kiawa-, Ccmmanche, Chv
enDes anJ Arrapahoes, who are rep
resented Ly their respective chiefs
The report of the burning of the
steamer Minor Ly the Indians on the
Upper Missouri river is discredited at
Chicago, where she is partly owneu.
She had several prominent citizens cf
Chicago as passenger?.
A despatch from Rulo, Nebraska,
says a man named Duke, who kept a
grocery store near the mouth cf the
Big Tarkeo, near Jenes Landing, was
murdered Saturday night. He was
on his way to this place to pay some
money. His horse has been found.
Robert J,. Walker states that Russian-America
was offered to the Uuited
Stares during Polk's administration for
nothing and was refused. He forgets
that the Blair family was not so trouble
tome then as they hare been since.
The same old mob spirit prevails at
Omaha. Citizens were forcibly driven
from the polls on Saturday last; and the
offense was winked a: by the "Demo
cratic offcials. The Herald of that
city ha3 been busy for some time in
citing tbe mob spint.
Ti e Extra Session of the Nebraska
State Legislature convenes on Thurs
day, the ICth, and it is expected that
measures of vital importance to the
people will come Lefore it for consider
ation.' These measures are pretty
generally understood Ly the members,
and it is not to Le suppoted that any
thing we might say would materially
affect their action, neither do we feel
inclined, at present, 10 offer many sug
gestions. We have a few wcrds to
say, however, upon the general line of
policy, and do it without "ftar, favor,
or hope of reward" further than the
general good of Nebraska. We ask,
and expect, that the memlers of the
present Legislature will act in the same
spirit, and will Legislate for the good
of the people, ana be neither Icught
cor bullied by any locality or clique.
We all know that justice requires cer
tain measures to be enacted at the com
ing session, and we also believe that
an immense pressure will be brought
to bear to defeat tbe ends of justice;
and what we ask is that every man
stand firmly by the right, regardless cf
the whiuings, threats, or ferco of those
who oppose them. We have heard it
eaid that certain measures must not be
agitated because it would 'divide the
Republican p my." W look upon this
as the sheerest nonsense, and take the
ground that the Republican ptmy can
not be divided or ruptured Ly duing
right. A straight-forward course can
da nothing more than throw off the
scum'of the party those ho are Re
publicans only so far as it is to their
individual interssts to Le so. We be-
lieve the r;.ir:y is riyht, an J have right
views upon the measures to La enacted
at the coming session. It is the few
who desire to control the party that are
so very fearful of a rupture. Let th
party go ahead in their enactment of
just measures and let the re? ponsiLility
rest wi'h those ho oppose tnerri. In
justice will Le far more likely to create
a split in the Republican ranks of Ne
braska than justice. Away with men
that fear to do right because some
body opposes them. We want none
of them, and the politics of Nebraska
will he moreheahhy without them.
Let justice have her sway, and stand
from under, all you who oppose it
The M isonic Fraternity of Nebras
ka have under consideration the pro
ject ef building a College for the edu
cation of the children of deceased Ma
sons, and have asked propositions from
the different localities for the location
of the institution. We see that the
City Council of Nebraska City has of
fered to donate the city park if the Col
lege is located there, and we doubt not
the Lodges at Nebraska City will offer
a handsome besides. What can
riattsmcuth do? The loca'ion cf this
institution will be cf great benefit to
whatever locality secures it, 03 the
Luilding will probaLIy be one of the
best in the St;t!e, and the people of this
city should make an effort to secure it.
Tie location will be determined, upon
at the next meeting of the Grand
i .11 32 I ti Ii.lTIO.Y .
It is of gretit importance to every
resident cf this State that measures Le
adopted to secure immigration; and
it shi uld be a study with every man as
to how it can hst Le done. We have
u State Immigration Society, Lut that
should not dt-tfr every individual from
exercising his individual influence in
whatever direction he conceives will
Lest serve to accomplish iho desired re
sult. Rev. Richard Wake, c f England,
is now in Nebraska City, and stated be
fore an immigration meeting there that
the small sum of five hundred dollars
would be f-uhicient to advertise Nebras
ka exttn-ively among th laboring c'ass
in that country. He has already, at
his o.v:i expense, advertised this part
of the country to a considerable extent
Ly writing h Wivt, etc., and has brought
! cut a considerable colony from England
and located cn the Blue. We believe
that this letter wriu'ng is the Lest meth
oi Tf impirting a thorough knowledge
of the advnn'.ngcs and resources of Ne-
bra!.a. Let every individual follow
tliis co irse, r::d we will soon see its
aJrantafres. It costs but a trifle!
The fear pervades the whole coun
try that the grasshoppers will do an irn
mvtire amount of damage to Kansas
and the southern portion of Nebraska
this season. The eggs are now hatch
ing out by the millions. They are de
posited over the whole face of the coun
try from the lower prat of this county,
clear through to the southern part of
Kansa. It was hoped, and supposed by
many, that the changeable weather
during the winter and early spring
would prevent the eggs hatching; but
this hop 3 haj proven futile. We learn
that they are at work upon the wheat
in Kansas alreadj', and are making
their appearanco in vast numbers in
the southern part of this Slate, and as
far north us Weeping Water. It is
be lieved Ly many that the' will migrate
as soon as they are large enough to fly
well, but we can see little reason for
this theory so long as there Is plenty
fcr them to eat in the locality where
they are hatched. It is to Le hoped
they will seek some other country, and
allow Nebraska another year of plenty
we have not quite had our "seven
years'' yel.
The Omaha Herald cannot miss an
opportunity to fling out its bitter hatred
of all ministers of the Gospel, and re
ligious institutions. In a recent issue
ii says : "At the risk of exposing this
paper to the benignant criticism of some
pulpit regulator of secular affairs, we
bring to public attention the Omaha
Academy of Music." It could not
make a notice of the Academy of Mu
sic in an ordinary manner, but'must
bring in its antipathy to religion by an
attempted sarcasm upon preachers in
general, terming them "pulpit regula
tors of secular affairs." If it does not
like religion, and has such a great dis
guslfor religious people and their wcys.
why don't it discuss theology, and stop
this everlasting endeavor to ridicule ii?
It should be the business of a newspar
per to uphold religion. But if it does
not see fit to do so, it should at least be
manly in its opposition.
m m-
Evtf- Two women compositor in the
ronlacJ Advertiser cilice were the
first in Maine to set a. thousand cms
each toward the erection of a monu
ment to Artemus Ward.
salt t;i;:t:Ei
L. C. Johnson &1 Co. have sold out
their interest in las Drug store at Ash
land. There are a grt at many new comers
in town looking for homes.
Mr. Dean's Grist Mill and Cardir.g
Machine are in fuli biust; the damage
not boing as great as reported.
There is a gooq deal being done in
the (tock lint". Among the largest sales
are those of A. Smith, mho sold in one
day SI, 000 dollars worth, L. R. War
britton SL300 worth at one sale, be
sides several lighter sales.
The high winds of list Friday night
blew down the :abie of C. Hinckley
and killed his best hore.
Hon. A. B. Fuller is about pur
chasing an in'.ere.-u in the new trans
port and farry bent, bmh and owned by
Messrs. G. Reynold. ar d J. Arnold of
this place. If th? purchase is made
the public may rest assured that the
bat will do a heavy business this sea
son, as Fuller is a go ahead fellow.
The Omaha I braid appears very
much worried about something which
it thinks the radicals are going 10 do at
the coming session of the Legislature.
It does not prete id to say what that
"something" is tljat is to be done, but
tries to beslobber Radicals on the north
o' Piatte by intimatimg that they ought
to oppose the lalanco if tho party.
The following is a fair specimen of its
daily howlings : :
If Omaha end North Platte is to be
favtd the humiliation and inju-tice
sought to be enforced Ly the South'
Platte radical-1, the Democrat
is minority must unite with such North
Plane radicals a' art not disposed1' iu
submit to the gerrymandering scheme
of D. Butler Co to resist them.
This ihey will do, utu-rly regardless of
party considerations, and we doubt not
they will be met by s i. h men as Frost.
Parrna'ee, ALba:t,nnd other., with a
frank and hearty co operation upon
this ground.
"The wicked flee when no man p'ir
sue.h'' would apply ve ry well to the
Herald just now- We have cot heard
of any "injustice sought to bo enforced
arainst Omiha and North riatte."
Will the Herald be so condescending
as to come down a few pegs and ex
plain what this ?reat "injustice" is, be
fore it a3k "Frost, Parmalee, Abbott
and o'hers' to jcin hands with the De
mocracy? If it refers to the districting
of this S:aie, will it enlighten people in
rej-.ird t j the "injustice sought to Le
t !:. .u;. "t:er. We doubt
not the Herald feels it deserved
some punishment for inciting and jus
tifying the Legislative mob lat winter;
but it need not attempt to engender the
same feeling throughout all p'cr h
Platte. The RadicnU of South riatte
dj noi desire to force any injustice up
on even the Omaha Herald, and assur
edly not upon the North PLitte people
as n mass. But they do ask that some
of the commonest rights of the South
Platte be respected. Does the Herald
object togiving-all portions of the SttUe
their just representation? and if not
will it show wherein any "injustico is
sought to be enforced"' Lefore it again
repeats such wholesale charges and at
tempts to excite prejudice before the
Legislature is iven convened.
. m O .
Ordinance No. o9 requires that par
ties living within the limits of PUtts
mou'h shall not allow an accumulation
of filth within or around their premises,
but that the same shall be removed to
the Missouri river.
If we are toLo vi.-i:ed by the dreaded
epidemic, "Ch-lera" the present season,
it is our duly to see that our city is kept
in a gcod sanitary condition, and all
persons are required to immediately
remove any offensive matter that may
have accumulated in or around their
premise, or they will be dealt witk
according to the provisions of said or
dinance. It is hoped tiiis will be a fair warn
ing to all concerned.
City Recorder.
The Omaha Herald says there will
ba an attempt made at the coming ses
sion of the Legislature to "injure North
Platte" on the "assumed preponderance
of population! in South Platte." We
wpuld like to hear from the Nebraska
City wVetrs upon tin's question of popu
lation. Does it ttlieve our preponder
ance of population is assumed or real?
Will it give an or inion on ii?
At last the examination cf Nebraska
appears to be assuming shape. Dr.
Hayden, Mineral Professor of the
Universi'y of Pennsylvania, has been
appointed to make the examination, and
it is said he will commence south of the
riatte river. ;
' ... -
RtcnsiosD', May 10. No demon
strations are to be made on '.he arrival
of Davis.
From the Davenpor Gazette we
copy an item in regard utlie iron tab
lets to be U33.1 in the Na tnal and pri
vate cemeteries over buied soldiers:
"Quartermaster Geneal Myer has
determined ihat the na'is of our Iowa,
srldiers who perished iidi-fense of the
Union shall be commenmated in the
cemeteries at their hoa?s or where
they now lie, as their reLtives may pre
fer, by the erection of e st iron tablets,
each to be cast with the lame, company
and regiment of the hoiored dead, thus
affording a lasting mon inent to each.
Capt. J. W. Pearninn, this city has
been appointed to superntend the mat
ter, and all who are invested, in all
part of the State, shoull write to him
upon the subject. Thi tablets will
probably be cast nt one cf the foundries
in this city, and will be eady for de
livery ia a month or two. Paper?
throuchout the Stnte slould make a
note of this, that the fri uds of deceased
soldiers may ktmv in tine to order."
The friends of Iowa sddiers who are
buried in Nebraska shodd forward the
necessary information .0 Cnpt. Pear-man.
lFrjm tlie Xonpircil o the 12th.
The Captain of the simmer La Claire
brings us the following news : About
two weeks ago the s-samer Miner,
trom St. Louis, passed this port, destined
for Ft. Benton, having n board a large
number of passengers 'or the mine,
and a full cargo of stors mining uten
sils, &c When nbout 500 miles west
os :noux City, last weec.she stopped to
uke in wool. Thi crew went ashore
to cut the s .me, when a prowling band
of 200 Indians supposed to be Sioux
got between the bort and tho wood-
choppers, effectually cutting off their
retreat, and then cruelly killed and
scalped every one of ikein, completing
their work of human destruction there.
they went on thf steamer and indiscriin
inately missacre I every pisenger
aboard, man, woman an 1 child save
two men who by some means effected
their escape, and are now the only stir
vivors left to tell the tale of the wrongs
of tho "pjor Indian." After the In
dians completed their ma sucre, they
pillaged from tho boat all i;s valuables,
nnd then set fire to it nd burned it to
the water's ede. Thus endeth anoth
er chapter in tha history of InJtan out
Geological Ssirvcs of Xcbratka.
We fiud tho following in reference
to the Geological Survey of Nebraska
in the Wahington correp mJence cf
the New York Herald:
Comrni.sioner Wilson, oi the Uen
eral Land Oiiice, on Monday, trans
mitted to Frederick V. Haden, Profes
?or of Geology si n J Mineralogy in the
University of Pennsylvania, at Phila
delphia, who has been appointed to
make a geological survey ot Nebraska,
fu'l instructions in regard to the Mirvey
about to be commenced Dr. Hayden
is directed to proceed to Nebra.-ka for
this duty as soon as the necessary ar
rangements can Le made, and is in
structed to ascertain the order of suu-ces-ion,
arrangement, relative position,
dip anil comparative thickness of the
several trat? ami geological fi rm.atioio
iu ih it State; to search for and exam
ine all the t eds, vein and depoites ot
ores, coals, clays, marl, peat and sum
o.her mineral substance, as well as
the fos.-il remains of the various form
aiions, and to ol.a.n chemical analyses
of such of the-e Eubstauces, and of ihe
different varieties of soils, as it may be
deemed desirable to ascertain the ele
mentary constituents thereof; to deter
mine, by careful barometrical observa
tions, the relative elevations and de
pressions ot the S'ate; t3 procure and
prepare in the field of exploration, am
ple collections in geology, mineralogy
aud pa'crntology; to Mu.-trate the notes
taken in the held, and transmit ihem to
the General Land Office, to be embod
ied in its next annual report of the sur
veying operations. Dr. Ilnyden is di
rected to commence his iabors in that
portion of tha State lyinj south of ihe
Platte, that being occupied Ly the lime
s-tones of the true coul ineafuros, and
to institute a careful search for the lo
calities! depth and extent of that most
valuable mineral. Alsc, to extend ihe
explorations along the Missouri river
to Smoux city, as thero is reported to b
a Led of coal outcropping from rocks of
the chalk formation near the Omaha
reservation, now being surveyed into
legal suhdivisions for the accommoda
tion of the Omaha and Winnebago In
dians. The more settled portions of
ihe State Lping upon the surveyed
lands. Dr. Hayden is instructed to di
rect his explorations to such regions of
the country, looking to the determina
tion and location as w-fll as ihe extent
of natural resources in coal, metallic
ores, hydraulic aud common limestone,
fire clay, freestone, flagstone, marLIes.
&.c, ihat properly belong to the various
formations, and which may be of im
mediate use to the people of Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska being chiefly a
farming country, Dr. Hayden has been
instructed to examine the soil and sub
soil, to give a description of their adap
tability to particular crop, and thefbesl
methods ot preserving and increasing
their fertility: and as to large a portion
of the State is deficient in timber, the
introduction of suitable fcrest trees,
with sustentions as to the nature of the
native soil best calculated to promote
the growth of timber, has been recom
mended to Lis attention.
New York, May 8. Sheridan has
isued a csitire order prohibiting Gov.
Wells from making any appointments
without his consent,
The Rebuilding of I lie Ei mlell.
We are authorized to contradict tbe
statement which has gnu ed currency,
that th eiiterprie of rebuilding ihe
Lindell has beeu given up. So far
i this from being true that the gentle
men having the matter in charge have
been steadily pro.-ecuting it, mee ing
. bstacies only with thi determination
of 'Surmounting them. I he J.tnuell,
we are asMjred. wiii be rebuilt, not on
its late sire, but on Washmg'un ave
hub between Eleventh and Twelfth
treets, south side, as we have hereto
fore published. A difficulty aroe in
consemienee f c!ia:!im!2r the location,
but tha'. difficulty has been removed,
1 ' ,
and the matter will -now doubtless go
forward successfully. The proposal is
to nrosecuie the work bv a lomt stock
company, under the original I, 'ede"
or Lindell charter, and 19 thi- -..d the
following subscriptions havo been
made :
Levin II. Biker, SoO 000
Loian D. Dameron 50. GOO
JohnB-ker 50 000
R. C. Gordon 50 000
Nathan Coleman 50.000
M. 11. Collins 3-5,900
Other putties fully stand pledged t.i
subscribe stock with lik liberality,
and books will in a few days be opened
for additional names, at No. 714 Wah
ington avenu", south sice, between
Seventh and Eighth streets. Snll oth
er facts are mentioned to us, not of a
nature to warrant their immediate pub
lication, but showing that no doubt need
be felt of tue thorough succes" of the
movement to rebuild th,e great hotel.
A Iresi(2c:t Maker.
Governor Smyth of New Hampshire,
introduced Speaker Co'fnx in Manches
ter, in the fol. owing words :
"Seven yoars aju 1 had tha honor
of pres-entiu:: to you on this platform n
ptominent Western Gentleman, who, I
then said would probably be the next
President, which prophecy was thoucht
by many t) be quite visionary. Tbe
next President however, proved to be
that person, whose name is now dear
to every lover cf just ice and liberty,
not only hII over our land, but through
out the world. To night I have the
pleasure of introducing t you, our dis
tinguished visitor, th popular Speaker
of tlie L'nited States Houo of Repre
sen'atives, Hon. Schuyler Colfax a
centleman whose name is familiar to
you ail, and who ii quite a likely to be
our next President as was Mr. Lincoln
at the timo to which I reterreri."
fsitf Carefully compiled statistics
show ihat sixty tliouaml Jives are an
nual y doslroytd Ly intemperance in
the Unhed States.
One hundred thousand men and wo
men are yearly sent to prison in conse
quence of strong drink.
Twenty thousand children are yearly
sent to the pocr-houso for tho tame
Three hun'irf d murderer are anoth
er i tho yearly f rurs of intemperance.
Four hundred suicides follow those
terrible catalogues of miseries.
Two hundred thousand orphans are
bequeathed each year to private and
public charity.
Two hundred millions of dollars are
yearly expended to produce ihis shock
ing amount of crime aod misery, and
as much noire is lot from the same
cause. Young Reaper.
fiiij"" Anna Dickenson was deliver
ing a lecture in Cincinnati, in which
ftmong other things, she advocated uni
versal suffrage. At this stnge of the
discnuri-e several persons rose and L'ft
the ha!!, whereupon the speaker paused
. moment, and then calmly remarked.
'I want to say, before any other tender
soul flees from the statement of truth.
that they may be likened to our system
of pleasures. One man has tho ca
pacity of a pin'; another, the capacity
of a gallon. It may be presumed that
the pint cups are about full, and thfv
are beginning to co off lest they should
overflow. And if any others be moved
to leave, we shall be able to determine
the measure of their capacity with the
greatest nicety." After that, the au
dience kept their seats.
EST" A Wiser nin paper tells the
story of a man who eloped with nnoth
er's wife, but on coing to the hotel
breakfast table in Chicago, where such
congenial spirits most do congregate,
was filled with consternation at
his own wife with ihe man whose de
mptic peace he thought he had wreck
ed forever. After a consultation each
escorted his own lawful wife back to
his own deserted heartstone.
Es3f Deposite one cent in bank,
double the amount deposited weekly for
one year as, one cent the first week,
two rents the eccnd week, four cpnta
the third week, and so on for the fifiy
two weeks and what no you think ihe
amount would be at the end of ihe
year? Figure it up, boys, and see.
555 The testimony of negroes in a
suit where Loth parlies were; while his
just been admitted in the municipal
court at Richmond, Va. It is th first
instance" of the kind under a new law
just passed Ly the Legislature.
?2FThe Ohio Legislature pased a
law prohibiting the publication of ad
vertisements of secret drugs and nos
trum purporting to Le for the exclusive
ose of women, and also the sale of the
same. That is right.
TT The Supreme Court of Ohio
has decided that the closing of the polls
on election day, for the purpose of go
ing to dinner or any o'her purpose, ia
a violation of law and vitiates the flee
EST'On the first day after Lnt
strhon steak rose from 20 to 3-3 cents
a pound in the Philadelphia markets
and poultry in proportion. But.hers
found it Lard to meet the demands of
their custciners even at those prices.
.New York, May.). Police author
ities have discovered n organized con
spiracy nm.ntr rumsellers.
Irish roo.'.'.s of this city are orjunz
iniT for a riot on ale of '03 Their
object being rosi t-mce and overthrow
of the Excise law, and to' wreak ven
geance en the Metrofol tan police
Association- are formed and the mem
bers'sworn to secrecy. Arm arc l
be procured, and the organization i to
partake o a military character. The
leader and prime movers nre diMip
pointed licene seekers and small poll
ticians. All the meeting., thus fr,
have been attended by police detective-,
in disguise. The leaders' plan are
fully known and no fears aro ent-r
ininp.l of ihn result. It is intimated
that the outbreak will tak place next
Washington, May, 10. Secretary
of State has informed certain parties
concerned. that no person is employed
by tbe Government to procure paidons.
and that he has sent a duplicate of the
presidential pardon to W. W. Downs.
of Texas, the original of. which ha
been he'd Ly some unauthorized party.
NewYokk. May 10. The New
York Times' Richmond special says
Chandler is there to consult Stanhury
and Evnrts in the course to pursue rel
ative to the trial of Jeff. Davis.
The statement that the Richmond
newspapers have been indicted for trea
son U false.
Schofield has ordered thtt no drmon
stratirns or crowds on the streets when
Davis arrived would be allowed.
Jeff, is to occupy ih ?nra room at
the Spotswood Hotel as he did when ho
came as President of the rebels.
Chicago. May 10 Ton buildings
burned at Oil City, Pa., this morninj.
including the American Hotel. Two
men were killed by the falling of the
Green Clay Smith, Governor of New
Mexico, accompanied by Secretary
Heath, arrived nt St Louis, on their
way west. Both take thir families,
intending" to establish their pcrmanei.t
residence in the Territory.
For.TUE5 Moxroe. May 10. The
habeas corpus was served on Gen. But
ton to day. Davis is to be produced be
fore the court nt Richmond. on Monday,
leavine here to-morrow. In the event
that Davis is released on writ, he will
be re-arre?!ed and tried on charge of
Richmond. MayS. It is understood
that Chae will b h-re on Mo-,duy.
Marshal Underwood has received
a writ from the President to srve on
Gen. Burton, at Fortress Monroe. commanding-
him to hflve Jeff. Davit at the
Circuit Cmiri m Kuhmond ihe second
Monday in May. It m sta'cl thu.
Davis will be kept in Libby prison.
Burton' order to obey the writ was
only issued on Monday.
La roreiis rou tii e Sooth. A Ten
ne.e? cenileman was lately in New
York in t-anW of (jlrman. for rl'-
tion service. One of the inducement"
held oui to tho emigrants, win the title
to a small farm. Parties from Louisi
ana Lave rilso been in the New York
market recently for a like purpose.
Virginia has an agency in London to
supply her wi'h laborers.
f5Th'? VlhlNtoll corrof poti'lent
of tlie New Vorl Time say : "Prob
ably no city in this country has sent
hero rt more numerous, pors"i.-.tent and
inde.atirjuble cr.)-.vd of offii. seftkers
thnn New Orleans. It is said the tel
egraph romptiny has realized S-0.000
on mTnsn about th M'arshaKhip."
nwprJiiiaMMaMarii w. i aaagLii.iii f
Corrected by Sitnp-on, Mickel wait fc Cu
What firm Willi small nmonr.! on hand.
Corn demand Ron and pricps f illy sustainnl.
t'KODl'CK 1 .op 12
Corn in ear
$2 .In-T'I .'0. in-kr.rel,kitti, 8 00 (4
1' '
" i-ll'IK-il
' irn mi 1
Klour fl 100 B,i
Cr.rJCEr.IEE Rftnil
T' a
11 ii-fl
(Va! Oil
-a r
HO fi
11 vi
T) il I
h vcup
Co il t)il Oil
.'n 'u
. i:q i :;,!
1 f(V
0 CT on
1 0 i
All peroo knowiriz tli' m-f lvu detiimucat, or
have n' paitt their laJCs f r I will pi ens,, t ik
n tic- onl l-n i!yi ran lit- pivi-n wiilirmt por:
a'ty an- ii.t' rp-t. Pit-ast' call al.'i pay. and h.iHc rx
pt'iir r.d uup:ear.:u:iH'fd.
mjl5 P. DUKR, T-fa.
Ho! f.r Salt Cri-k, win ro yon rjn kill "two birds
wit inre tont. pet you- ira ii (ImiihI and Wo. 1
Curd-"-1 a th" ff iuif t;m-; the mucbinry f.r b 'ti is
in i rfe.;t order. Wa ne te Patent M.ichinc Cord .,
winch WT rnn ronali Ut t e-i i' ii-h tli-ir
superiority over the ..,d k nd, ai a l who n d tle
cm te.tify. The Etiperinrilr of lm . a
Carder it Wrll ktiown, and hN ervic ire -tilt e
tained for the heiietlt of the public. VVitii the ah .Tft
ndantatre we 11 titer utir. Iv tl:at we can uiaIc it
to the d va1 txj" of all who want wrk in- our line
to come tins way. D. lbN. f'njri'fr.
Dijl'i S. TWI , i Uinler.
C. E. F O R G Y ,
Mjnufacturtr cf all kinds of
Fannin? Implciiiciif ,
Fnch as ihe ce!' d llod l;renk:ng I'lown, Mu'.i I I
Hoard Brakr-, Stirr:on l..w, sioie and Double
Shovel-, Cultivator - and llaiKiwu. Itep doae
iiO -h.itl iiiint't: All wv k warrant'-d.
Havitiir had much eXe rlen e In th" bit-ire. I
feel a--ured that I can ifivo gena al itisT tetion.
Please give uie a call btfore purcl asmg 1-ewtmrf-
o. ... roKuv. "
Plattcniouth. Neb., May 6th, 1S67.
Kstr.ny Sale
There will be aoM at tha residuora of Char
Swan.iD Ldiety Precinct. Cass conntr. IS ate or
ij:a.-ki, oa the lti. day oi, lsi.7, oim ml
S:eer, ihr' e yera ol.i, nV i np as a-i i - tray, aprir.iM
td at ti.OO, l.y J. T. Caonon and ft. L. Cu:if,p.' Ad
Vtrtieil accjrd.u to law tins St divot M v, lS'u.
mylS Jiistn-evf tt. l'e:;ce
Sato lilarir, Bnttory & Co. 'for your X. IVoticr.
Iii tlie Di- trict ivmrt '2 I Jirii.-im Oiyirirt, In and for
f.r C.'j. r. iit , ainl uie 't Kc:rukt.
G.vrirr 15. m c 1
Chat -.a :ili iw. and .
c v. 1 1.-T..1,-..-. tici'ni -i-r. r
' nil ty e i r C K. llea li & C" J
Y vi are lirly nr.
;iflvl tlie at-ive bv t pa ntifT 1 1 I, on fir llth
.y of l i-.' , t -G7, Hr Ii i itim ill tin- otllre nl th
Cl-ik ot I e J t Jn ! ri.o Insinc. in aii'l f .r ' a-
wuov. Xet r.t-k'i. th lject and prayp- ot whu-n ih
1 nl. h jud-'ei;.e!il i.e.,i t yn u"u d-t.t.telii(C
nivin :m :i i-vol 1 1 1 c l -r i. rvri s reMler.-il ami in t"rlal
lii.'iii-li it to y-. I"1 'ii'linif ii .('I tut ty of r4t iron,
n:oi4 Oi..- S ." . f.n Hi'1 '.in "f on hnnilrid nnd
.rivu I III. i J in 7 (I I , 1 1, -in It III n II.IUC.' U'JB on -m
arc u'
t , K i '
.lid ('
I 111
.U t. 1.
tti" 1 1 tli -'By or May,
r (ilaii.till atkt!i.:'t
i, ii a h
n"oii: li w 1
.. iv m it
fii'lV r r- 1 1 1 . 1 tli:it an or.l.T of at t. -it'll.
,..-n i--n.'l i.i .h 1 a-e, ;i nd yimr pr.i
d i . fitd r tin' , t" wit: Lot" 4 and i in
tli C
N !. ;ii il itiua nl ill o i the rrenrW I tat uf
vol ni '"l! UL'l tlie rumiinv fti-arn uf a
i ,"!:t wjS hi. a 1:1 In-cl I I i'ir-U t nrt. th -Trill.
Yi.u I.i-r.-'.y not ri ! to apif r. peal, ar-.twer
or ilPii.iir to saiii petition ou or N; 'ore th -lih day
of .Inn .-. I1-ni. (.Konny. Hin i-K..
Maw ,1 .V c'li.'.pni.'in, Atl'y f-r flamtiir
O.di re I that H't ahoo no: re lie iintilialiel fjnr
Mtisi rmivi' r ki in l i" cbta-Ua l'rat I.
J. II Kit ffl'X,
May ll Hi, 1SC7. g sicr In Chancery.
my i:
The procefn cf r''oritrt:ctinif Slate Stone from a
disintegrated suit" tru
It i a combination of
Pulverized Slate and
Viscous IVIatter,
(ho tntt r V"'"' n- q'nl'tiort ff unl ami
client :c;tl al'in t tv in i !) fur nvt, ) awt i a He
vcKpiu ill I H' of thft urnpl tut uiml
f raMn t fill J rH"i''b otui-Mturo.
A masti" it Hili-t il-f tn cveiy bh-tpo nnd l"pe.
Noa-ct tnt'Ufi;li!f. iti 1 rv .4111 nii-xpaiiM re
Frost Docs not Crack or Heat
Dissolve it.
The only R finff ilaien il t rrr dicuvrH that will
riniit th' ..rliofi f (ho ! iijr-u nng m
the ti a tuf1 il pn t rts. M"iii; a
tpiihlH f mt'e if any wear
f M-iii fp Hiirr kiiJ
It i-t ntv cinal V'l a a riutinfr f r railiott'l ant fjitit
luiililitii'.-i, nriili!'-. h''-'. "- of ve.- 'l--, vault", ' to.
Mate: i;. I for ra by
Pole I.icti.1" fur N'li'aka,
Douglas Sr. - - Omaha, Neb.
niyl ly
Atl.iclmspnt 1'olicc
John wtjii
Uol crt Collins
To Tl 1 i t C' )'tu: Vcn ar hr rly
Myelin. rii wn is'ie-I ly m in f-pin!:i:-!f
and nriut tli at-OTa
!.' Itf Slilil nf ( u nt V-fj Vf d.l;trM(
n' t .1 tl.rit an
v r of 1 1j a I Aiv
n.-ir.i 1 fuii'iwa
:ir.i t I"f !ornl;y
I .7 . l i O '!. .k a 111
tn- 'j 7th tiny of .Maj, A I
t .txl lny,.tt which t rue
I ni:,tin-i yti if you Jo Dt
1 tli- t'lmti ji y. (iivfti un
y f April, a i Kn;7 .
j 1 1 : -t 1 1 M wi 1 r-"ni"-
ji.a. H'tri vv ciUMi. i
t-r ii. y IMci. tt,ia 2(Jih d
J a vks 0' r.J r.l.L,
Jijuc. ..t rlW rar.
A.Uavnvnt Notice
Wiiliim F. Mm ri
j 11, r.uiu'.iir.
I". l.-rt C .11 t.s,
l'o 1'olji
o mt..i:i.iiii i.
. t 1 'nl 1 iua run a-r h-rViy tintlfleil thai
n i il .i . ot A ii. ii. l-iii i.ii .
ijiiU'i' w 1. hi .ilo uEdinst yon in tba
i.t p' h".l ; :i (ni'ur nt V i Ii im K. M rrii'iii for i he miin
of .t-'l-To. l,v J mhIi o tfi, one of tbe jHntices i f
lii- r'e " f i' li.u ai d fo t'.i c-ol ty, in the Mate
ot e' a-U i, a ol ih it t 'ie aid c.iui-e ih continued
and net I r I,. -an un .n tl.e 'J5tli r'ay nf May, 107. at
vihirh lii::"!. In r re tli- tai l Jit. ice, at Inn i,ffi, e la
h l ily nl I'ixt'Kiii iuili. in ( jn minify, Neinaxka,
jnd.'iueiii wi'ibe lei.d.'H'l you uii'ik you
iiii!- -.s y n tlu'.v cauiio why tlie mhiii" Rt.otild not ba
dote. U lLI.lSl P. MubRlSON'.
l'lattnioutli, Vrli.".i-ka, May 1st, lbl. Sw
tr!iilc Notice
I ttxi ( tjinif i
l)i th rro'itiia Court I'd t.'mi to trU I.a-t.
W. ). .M i naiii, O ;ardlan )
of the ififaot In lis of A. M. Alezauder.dee'd
vs .
Tho next of kin of the m'i I
A M. A leaall'tf, .lerean-il J
Von are here' v in lm fuel that tha as I I TV. V Mer
r ain, liuar-M m of the aid minor l,eir. of the eaid A.
S. AleX'-llder, llefen.ed, ba 111 in il ,y filed hi" peti
tion in the i'n l ut ' Comt, he ii jpci and praer of
whl' h i- lo oUaiti nil o' I. r lor tbe of the I .How
it.jr r al e-.' no, nit'intod iu the i iii roiirty of .
t-wit:Hie we-t hilfi.ftl.e m ut!l.'at liarlernf
-rtion '1 . I p 12, laiiKe II, mul the aoutheail
ipi irter of tli oiil he,i-t il irler i,f Frrtion 2,1, toWn -
hip 12, r-itiKe 1 1, and 'i.e n,u'bnr-t quarter of the
i-oiitheant f i,ar er of rr t on l. lown-lnp range
10. Tne t, mi 1 1 wnl lieu r aid peittioti on
TUUHSDAX, il, 2M,; of May, A. I 1SC7,
iitlo'clo k p tn, rhei all perrons intrreeted raa
appear and nbow c.'iits why n.i I pr.-iyer hould not
It irraiifd, if aej th-r may have.
Ciren uDder my hard an I iiii.-lal sen I thin 9th dty
i.f A . . r 1 1 . 1 1
a x I m',7 .
I. -
apl t iT
I it- il i IKii lit
Pr bat Jtidtfe, Cae Co., Kb.
SJicrifr's Sale.
J)?!ah 1'oorej
I'oorej 1
TKnIy )
IlA'lC Ml
i.ti e is In r- by irlren that br virtue of an exe
cution in tl.e above ei,',!!, i can e, i 'l J oat it and
..i.ii-I .iiitsi . u, in- ( iiri u. ,.i! i.iric. Lour, of
the 2d Jiidi-' ltiir!..'. in Hnd for C-s roiinty. and
to me di,erte l, I ill ntr-r for lie at public auctlna,
io the hifh-i'i and bit hi Idrr, in front of the Court
Hoie, in I'lalt m 'ti ll. "a-s ro'lnty, Nebraska, oa
SA THUJA Y, t'i 2.VA it, ty of Jfiy, A I 1907,
At th boni of one o'e orij p m of said dav. all ths
title and inter t of the soove named defendant. Iase
MeKin'ey, in an t to ih f ill', win! t,--r 1 1, -, T.-al es
tate, lo-wit: I wentT (D) un I ivide I acres of land in
the n-TtliWest rplart r ( '41 of t' e norlhwe-t quarter
( ) nf i-ec iou n timber Mit-e (ir,), in tow:, .hip num-b-i
fvelve north of rung,- nnHilwr tn ( I oj, east
of the 6th p in 1:1 Cas eounl v. Nelira- k t
A. 1$. 1 AVLllK. t-herirTof
By O. W. Fairle'.d. C'a-s cutiuty, Xr..t..
l.pur. apJ3
IaVZhI IVotice.
?""- 7 )'' i-t Court o th. 2l Jfttlieinl VntrUi,
Kiihin mul lor '.'n"i County, Stit nf SeSrtuJtii:
William Yo'inx )
aiinin-t t In
Mellnda yomirf I
Bill of roraplaint:
i;:m!:i TooriT wi'l ta'e ii,,tjte that Vv i.'hani
T, hi s. comp l-iiuant. 'in the id ftav of Apt II, A o,7, tile hi lull in (.'Ii . tic. rv in tin; Oi-orict Court o
the ad Jieiii'ial Di-uiriof iner-talei f N eb-as ua, in
ami lor Ca. c uu'v. ijint t he al I M' lind 1 Vniti,
el'.ii.i; fni tli tli. 1 tlie - id MHiriua Touu,',defer.'loi,.
after niari i 1 duly and lawfully Soleuitjized, di4
wanton ly at I i-rumir traduce and tlau b r Hie rhar
a, ter ot c ,iti;iiainai,t to hi relent, r, with tbu tn
teiitio 1 of ii.j'i-jnir ,( d-trovio trie tool d i-ne of
coliip H'nm , and th it d. feuiUut, reiar.e . f her
imr tal duttes, t id on..u it'y and iloiituedly traduce
and a Mia- tlie f.ehin;r or complainant by acts intend
ed to de-t-oy the peace and hxppine- of cmnplaii ant,
iu 1
ipii il ly ab e il- I !.r... f f bi. burui w:h .nt tha
anowie'ih-e or cuiis.-nt o' eo-nplairia-it. and wi'bi u
111 iWinir any 1 rovi i.,n whatever for the tare i.f be
ho'.i' bod alf.l du-.air berate jiicc, tn rebv Cruelly
ai.d wi:fnl fai.'ii c to din nit"r to the aanf ar,d
tiece'!'ie of i'.it:ipi.,iiHtt, mm! ft u 1 j - t irit t
heavy p.-cuniai-v- b s.-, mi l that ilelcndai t :.l!ow
her rliildten to purloin ti e m L-ento.-s of lie' e -isi
nieini,.jinof -o;:n l.u ua nt'n family, de-iv'ru-diy intend
in? merel y to d-iroy th- p hc ; and ha; lines of
cini iainaut and of eo'tipUinaiit's fatnIy, aud thai
defend ,i,t, reeanlUsi, of b r mat ital ilut:e and In
tho ab-i'iice t f conn. laiuant, did on or about tne g-fj
l.y 1 f J n.uai y, a I) 1 l'7, utterly desert and ahao
dou hi- home aud Ihiu.1', therehy rofo.nlnf? li1 ut
terly fsliimr to, pei f rni the d'Hie of au obe lleat
wife, in vi.ilatioti if i,,-r tnarriatre c-intrai.'t, eatered
inio b-twe n her, Me indi Yo'.inp, defrnilait, anil
Wi liatn Y"iin,'. cmp ainanl, and p ny:n tUat all
Wl-hfim Yo-ii.f be d : v .rc"d from ti ea-d de'end sut,
Meliii.j.i yoni.g, and that ti- s i' l tj ir:iaS" csteawi
be i -ji 1,1.1 (. .. a t..l void, and tha'. the '.!- inja
Y011.4 i reijuire 1 to aed anewer Nl 'l ;elltllv
on or : .. tlr ot;i d iv of Mar, a it l-k7
I'y MAxIu. k rittfiln, Imr II r. ft pa 4 w
0,1, 11 t ni.rao...- iriBL rr-
'I P-t.oe to Cat Pe r.'ii'i.erv n' s.l km.U i at
1. r'uk. Hi.nvnY - co.'a.