$.HV7--i ! i';-Vv'.;'" 'V''wiV .y-" -' ; I , -'Trr-r PLATTSMOU7H, NE3RALKA. WEDNESDAY, .. APRIL 17, 1567 tT. I It. Koatf. We rogret to hear of the damage dona this road ly tha uoujually high waters tliig epring. A work fraught with somtny advantages tD Nebraska, receiving a blow, such as Las lecn din!t it by the elements, raents, cannot but impress every citizen of our voting State that a great calam ity has fallen ucn us. Thousands of enterprising i:r:nngratjt3 are no.v crowding into Omaha with the inten tion of moving westward, and the in. preai Jii l.-ift uj'on their minds, oeside ths ui.bokbd far cxpenrea of unutual d?te::.ion there, cannot but operate fcgii.ist us as a peop'o by leaving wroo idea on their minds s to our favored land. We Lave lUi'u outvied confidnc9 in the extraordinary energy of the U. P. H. R. Co. aridfi.jl assured that every thing will ba all ri ght again shortly, and that thi great nations 1 highway will be opened in spite cf every obsta cle. HI AILS. Will net our co lalorcrs ia South I'htte take up the matter of the mails to and from Omaha. The contractor i? wcllpiid, and it is nothing .hoit ol' ewindling th pet j'e to have nun. ma: ter L-ft, as it has I eon f.r week?, vn cither tide cf Pla'te lliver Thn whole matter rerulves its-IT into the question, wLfcther the Platte ran or cannot be crossed; and it i just simply absurd in any one to say it carimt. Wa know letter; but the fact is that Laidly any c-fTcrt is nale to gel the mails over. The driver; do not cart a rush whether tho bags gel over cr not, and as each coach from Omaha coircs no farther than Platte, and thes? from the ecuth go no ar.l.LT. this pigiry s:ren:u that can hard!y float a shingle, is allcnved, by gross carelessness on th p'titof the mail carrieri, to remain as an in.ur rr.oui.table object, v.hen the facts are that it c.ui be crossed; but no eufficieur exertion is made to accommodate the people. If the contractor will not do his work let him forfeit 7ery-u;p? r formed trip. The Republican party is cur-ed by many who claim to be advocates of i"6 nrii.rlnlPK lint tvhn nri tvpr reAv In I "flop'' around ia any direction so that they can accomplish their own psrsoLcl ends, no mctter whit cfTect it miy have upon the party cr upon the principle which they pretend to espouse. Such men are evidently a detriment to the party, an iheir tbystericg course has the effect cf causing others to thi:.k that there are no real prinrip'es in our faith. Wo believe in drawing the lines pretty close, and compelling such charactsrs to be either fish or flesh the history of parties shows that this is the true course. Lok at tho noble record of Iowa, oaa of ln very few States that refused a fusioa with ihe Democracy during the war. She has the proud record to-day of being the most certain and overwhelmingly Re publican State in the Union; while Con necticut, owing to the weakness of the party in allowing a shilly-shally course to be pursued by seme of her leading men, Las gone Democratic. The Hartford Press, after admitting the de feat of the paity in that State, thus re fers to tb'j open treachery of some of its leading men, who were the cause of the defeat: It h is been the carso of the Repub I lican party that it Ha permitted certain men in the State to uci as us leaders and er.i y its offices, who have only cared for its offices and not at all for its prcvirions; and the infljeace of these men has eaten away the pita and man linets of the rany. We have carried these men by herculean eflbrts. We have now sloughed them off. Ia the operation they have been enabled to convey the State to lb general ene mies of the country, but we are well rid of them at any price. There was a time when the Tenth Army Corps lay upon the banks of the James, that it was filled up by recruits from the north, a large proportion of whom were bounty-j'jmp?rs, cut-throats and rebels in disguise. The accession was a weakness. Desertion' in con siderable numbai 9 began to the rebel camps, and the corps was infinitely stronger as it became reduced to the faithful boys who would neither skulk before the fight, ncr go over to the en emy in lha midst of the battle. jThe length of the Atlantic cable from tbe point whre it leaves Valentia Island, to the rpot where it lanJed . at Heart's Content, is precisely l.bob miles. It is a singular coincident that th should exactly conform to Elartioti tlif Jwemoci alic Parly The iVew York San, a puper which '.Urn r-i a-sui.'iijj !o Le tiiitrjl, is de : deJiy ineliuvd to the D-jinocracy, has i tiie f d'owicii; severe thruit in reference ! :o t;:3t parly : "Wannj th. last decaoe. the D -mo .-'ratio party L- beeu n olj-jr upon the wage's of rational advancement. It Ins b en in the hands of u claji cf men "Dari:: t!u Inst decu ie. the D-mo who either could nut appreciate or would not recognize that politics and everything fe have ciiidereone great changes wiihin the last half century. At this time th Democratic leaders op posed coercion of the Southern States at the beginning of the rebellion that it conflic's with the doctrine of extreme S:ate lliht?: Clinging ta that anti quated idt a, thesu leaders lave drag ged the party down to it present level, und unless they now abandon it, or un le?s the mass of the party abandon thm, which would be much better, the final scene in the Democratic tableau wili not be lung delayed. The peepl are determined to settle the re- . ortru?'ion fj'ie-tion in such a way that it will f-tty stilled, and the Democratic party is committing pjliiical suicide when it interpoits the State Right fal lacies to prevt-nt s ich settlement." In another article it gives the De in''Ctaey smne good advice, and soim3 friendly adinoni'ions, which we com mend to their attention : 'The truth is, that the Djmocra ic party cuntJ'Jt be resusri!at-d by conven tion quackery. Such applications may for the moment su-pnd fpasmolit twitchirg of the muscles, but the move ment is simply hue thut which follows the application of an electrical battery t3 the muscles cf a defunct animal. It is not poultice, Lluters, liniments or ointments that the old party needs. It must find the fountain of youth for which Ponce- de L.eon searched in Florida, and that consists only in n re nunciation of ihe musiy. antedelurinn dogmas which the party now cliugs to, and the espousal of new, liberal, nine teetith century doctrines." Truer woids were never ppoken by mam EiiOt;;tt:s. At the Fret dman's meeting held in Cbatlef.ton.'on the '2'J h of last month, there was, including men, women and children, orer 10,000 persons present, according to tho H-porl given by the special rc.rr.'.;-ondent of the New York HeruLl. The meeting was very or derly thoUi-a their excitement wu wrought up to the highest pitch; und -pecirtlly was this th. case when So lon Robinson, of the New York Tri bane, made his appearance on the pbit foriu, which teemed to act like an iiicij shork on the multitude. As hi fjiet'cli wa brief and withatl ex ceed, r.ely pointed, showing ihj repid progress we are muking in national re totin, we herewith append it. He said : "Where am I ? Will so.-m b dy j.inch mo or k IcW me so as to awake mar Am I dreaming? It cannot be Hue tlil I cm in Ciiaileston. Why, this is where I used to come to witness great slave auction". Is this South Carolina? ILi South (irtlina brought all her sdaves here to ta sol i? Verv well; I w;!l p it thm up at auction I will sell you all together. I liver divide families. I never tear wives from their hu.-baiids. I never separate children from th?ir mothers, arid I will sell you all togeth er. Now I am gomcr to nut y. u up. Hero is a good plantation hand. Great laugh'er. Here is a first rate hot!- servant and good cok. Come up here, btrip yourselves, shnv that you are sound. Now, goiug, going, going. Oh! look up! Do you see that spirit with us? It is the sp rit of Abraham Lincoln! Abraham Lincoln! God Al mighty look on Abraham Lincoln! II" bids for a!! the skives iu South Caroli na. He has bought you all with his blood and now declares you are - free. Great shouting and cries of 'hallelu jah."! Oh! look up; look up and bless God that Abraham .Lincoln died lor you. Knel down by your bedside to u'zht and bless God that Abraham Lin coin died to make you free. Oa! what a sight is this. Oh! that I have lived to see this siirht. It is what I read of all through the war. I often read that the rebels were determined to die in the last ditch. Oh, Mr. Chairman, that I had a voice to speak to you for an ho ir. I have on'y otna to i.rnt myself, to show that a man from New York, from the Tribune office, can come before 10,000 people and declare tnat all ine slaves are tree. lhis is one of the proudest days of my life. I will remember it while I live and think of it upon my dying bed. I shall look upon the day as one of the most clorious of all my life. Bless God fr this day." During the delivery of this speech. it is tmd the enthusiasm was indescrib able; that some of the females went into hysterics and had to be carried off the ground, and that the shouts and waving of hats continued for five or ten minutes after the speaker had con cluded. Colorado Elections. The municipal elections of Denver and Central City were held on the 2d insl. The negroes voted without dis turbance or molestation. The. rough miners of the mountains prove them selves to be a much more-peaceable and law-abiding people than the Democrat ic rabble of Omaha. Republican. Our Railroad. Tiie arrival of railroad hands, teams, spades, shovels, pick axes, and other implements with which to commence operations on the B. &, M. R. R-, already gives our city quite a railroad appaarance.. Several teams have lhis week gone to the rail road for lumber for railroad shanties, and probably in the course of two or three weeks the ball will be put in mo tion along the entire line in this county. Osceola Sentinel. THE SOITI! O.-V THiZ iSlO tKAT2fMHTV. At a meeting of ths Charleston Board of Trad.;, April id. Gov. Orr, made a spsech mi reoouiruc:ion. Speaking of the Dehiociat c party, be says: "I know there is an r pprehenM'on widrf spread in the North and West that nftr the i -c n: if uctidn of the Southern States, wv- shall fall in'o the arms rf cur old allies cini associates, the old Democratic: partv. I say to ,ou, gentlemen, however, that I 'wouid give no ?uch pleds. We have ac counts to settle with that party, gentle men, before I, at hiast, will content to alliiiate with it. Good, good, and ap plause. Many of you will remember that when the war first commenced. reat hopes and expectations wre held out by our friends in ;he North and West, that there wouid be no war, and that if it commenced it would be north of Mason's and Dixon'e 'ine and not in the South. You know, Sir, (turn nig to hen. hiclcles, ) that faith was pledged, and 1 wilt now slate that if that laiiii had been properly carried out, there is no p'robabilitj that ay biate out South Carolina would have speeded from tho Federal Union Again, during the pendercy of th Cmi-titutional Amenduu nt, every Northern newspaper, rnd almost ev- ry Democrat in the country urged upon the South to reject its provisions. It was rejected. A few weeks only elapsed, and yet we find cji the passage of this Sherman bill, our Democratic friends acting in c eiiju:ic: ion with old Thai. Stevens, were instrumental in incorporating on that bill its most odious features. It wen back to the Sr-nate. was finally adopted, and every one of the Democratic iiewspapers all over the North, so far 'as I am informed, have come out ana urjjed the Southern people to accent the bill. I say to you. therefore, that in my judgement it is time for us to seek new friends and a new alliance. Ti;.vvi:sL:c. At ih Conservative Convention in Nashville, April 1, an unsuccessful at tempt w.ts made o obtain negro dele gales by tile very man who had av agely opposed th Franchise till pa-s-ed by ' th Republican Lfgi-liiture. Tha Union and Dispatch a few days te-tore had said: "L.et us limg our whole souN int.) it. Take the negro into your Conve n'i. ti. Give him u p'a.je by your sid-. A e. make him a ice President, l -t him ?it side by sidn with yuur fir:-t officer in tuken of eter nal reconciliation and fraternity.'" lhis advice a! not taken, at least ry the negroes. The Press and Times says: "A. member of the Convention went out among the co'oi ed bystanders and trie ! to coax them to let him h?.ve their names as delepats to the mee:- g. 'Can't come that game ovtr me boss," said one.- 'It's no uue tryimr that little game,' piro pielting on his riocl. A t!n'-- Ju.i .'ivur to his e-y and ii'-ked, JJ you see anything green?4 The delegate hun ter at last grew desp-Tate and ak-d a puiet looking daykey fc r his name. What you want my name for? a?ked the latter. 'U, I on y wisht.'i to Know L'Te you live ; the jmme was given, w htrf t-jion, a friend fepped up and whispered in his ear. Q iick as bght- ii'iig the enraged dn'.ey jumped up and billed after, his interrogator ami said. 'Look here! boss, yu jest ta ce mv name off dat piper. 1 aiu't no fool!' Tiie hunt fof colored delegates , t 3lGJpC:U. Paw.vek City, Neb., April uth 1&G7. Pursuant to n jticti ihe Commission ers of the Pawnee County Coal Munmi Company, net in the Oi i Fellows' Hall, in Pawnee Cny, at 2 clock p. m. J. C Peavey, the President, being absent, on motion of J. P. Lore. J. T. C. McCausland was elected President pro tem. On motion of A. S. btewart, Dr. J. N. McCausland, the Trea.-urer of said com ( any w as reque sted to collect the money due on shares subscribed for On motion of Dr. McCausland, A. S. Stewart was recj.ie-ted to notify the Commis.-b'iier out-id of Pawni-e county, of the fir;-t meeting of the Stock holders, and a!.o to transmit to tiiem a copy of the act incorporating the Coal Mining Co. , A. S. Stewart moved that the Stock holdors be notified to meet in Pawnee City, at2 o'clock, three week from to day, to perminently organize ihe Compauy. Carried. A communication from Hon. W. W. Wardell, Nebraska City, expressive t his sympathy nnd interest in our enter prise, was presented to the Commis-tdoner:-; also one fioi i Hon. T. J. Ma jors, of Peru, Nemaha county. After some appropriate remarks by ihe Commis-ione'rs present, tiie meet mg adjourned to meet in Pawnee City, three weeks from to day. J. T. C McCa cslasd, Prest. A. S. Stiwart, Secy. Wendell Philips was recently invited to lrc.ure nt Mount Pleasant, Illinois, and upon reaching the tww.i, was met by the Secretary of the Lec ture Association, who informed him that the people could not decide which thy mutt wi.-.hed to hear the lecture on "The Lost Arts", or that on "The Peril of the Hour." Mr. Philips wa ready to deliver enter, bjt the Secre tary gravely pr"pod that he should deliver both! The lecturer thought it a pity to poi a gmd j'ke, consented, and beginning with '-The Lo?t Arts," gracefully gl-iJed ir.to - The Terils of the Hour," occupying three or four hours, and entirely satisfying his hear ers. X35F"A diatinguished Metliodist an nounces that the Drew Theological Seminary at Carmel, New Jersey, will hereafter be open to colored persons as well as ta whites A full Account of the t ort IMiil. Iteaiiiey Massacre. The Helena (Montana) Her ill of March 7th contains the fol owing ac count cf the Fort Phil. Kearney mas sacre, as furnished to sucntt white men, by Indians, engaged themselves in the ma?sacrd : They, the Sioux, were about 2,000 strung, all warriors, widiojt their fain dies Reaching a deep ravino near the foit, fse main body of Indians were stationed on oppoi-iie sidci cf the defile, lying close to the ground $u us not to be seen, while they sent ;. small num ber of their bo?t riders oa a dash up to near the post where the Government horses and mules were luse,nn l stam peded them. The comimnder of the p ist sent out about 1)0 mii and oiTiclts in pursue the Indians and recover, if possible, the ln-t stock. The retiring small band of Indians went slow enough to encourage their pursuers, and led them int :he iarrov defile w here hordes of demons waited Ut de troy them. The trap vas successful in every particular. Aer the Utile band of troops had fairly' entered thn deip canon, the Indians ininj the sids of the iiiouti'aifi on enlnr side ra;sed and fired a volley of arrows and bub l-ts, killing on the s.pot all but 17 of -he soldiers and every officer. These 17, though a number re;fe wounded, the Indians say, fnuglit bravely and killed some 15 or 20 of their number, among them the three principal chiefs, before th-y wen-) siiot itown liot there was one of the brave boys in blue whom r.e ii her (heir arrows nor bullets would el!, though he had numberless wound. He blood up and fought b ud to hand till overwhelmed by their closing upon him. and carrying him off a a prisoner to their camp where he was finally tor tured to death. The savages ay that aside from the force lining the filial de file, they had rationed G00 of their picked young arrowers near the potso as to make sure of its capture jn case the troop remaining within should be sent out to the relief of their comrades. But this was not done, although they could plainly. hear the firing from the post FASTJXCi A.M PCSAYEIS. Guv. Hawley, a day or two before the c-leetion, issued a proclamation to w hich unwelcome, though not unexpect ed events, have given especial signifi cam e. Ii appoint- d Fud.iy, April 10, a d iy of public Fa:iii-r, Humiliation, and Prayer, at d we sincerely hope tip.' people of CounecMCul will observe it. Humiliation ihy cannot help what they did on Monday ought to keep them huinbl" for months Failing might -ar their miiel; iik 1 moie ihan one day should be devoted to Prayer, tor there is no S'ate which has more to pray for. Therefore, we advise nil w ell-di-p i.-ed persons in Cer:ne--iieut to hd ihe advice of their Governor, and "suspending their u-ual labors,"' to en gage in the uuuuai laoor of seri ius le id better lives. Th ? Republican might very prop erly pray for enlightenment sufficient to ptevt-ntany mistakes like th.u of 1SG-5. when the deft at of impartial suffrage was the 'suicide of the party. Some of their leaders might pray for u percep'ion of the truth that justice is always policy. The people generally might pray tor sense enough to keep a goo -i Govern r when ths-y have one, and patience to endure the prospect of a D m-ici u'ic administration; for the good behavior of three Democrat. c Congressmen, and for the mi-guided people who voted for them. Univer-al supplications should be made for wis dom equal to that of the North Caroli na negroes. Urmuestiynably," such prayers are needed, and they might be continued, not oiily on the PJ h, but for ihe rest of the ye; r, until a Republican majori'y in 1&67 removes the painful humiliation of such a R-ptiblican defeat as that of Monday Tribune. The first quarterly meetings for the Omaha District of the 31. F. Chur. h wi;l be held. Providence permitting, at th1 following places and times, to wit: O maha Station, ut Omaha. May 4 &. 5 Uellevu- Circuit B-llevne, " 11 & 12 D-Soto " DeSot, Apr. 20&i21 Decatur " Tekama " 27 & 2S Ed- horn " Iron Biaffs " 13 5c 14 Rock Bluffs " Rock Blurs May 1S& 10 Mt Pieasant " .Mi PUa.-ant " 2-3 & 20 Plattsmouth Plattsmoith June 1 is: 2 Fremont " Fremont " 8 & 9 Columbus " Columbus " 15 cv 16 Wood River ' Wood River " 22 & '23 DeWitt ." West Point " 27 & 23 Services will commence on the first day in each place at 2 o'clock p in., except at Rock Bluffs. Mt. Pleasant and Plattsmouth, nt which places they will commence at 11 a m., after which the quarterly c nference will be convened. A full and prompt atendar ce of the official members 's eirnetly desired. T. BJLemon, P. E. lj"Th" United S'ates present u the world a noble " x nple in having reduced their National Debt no less man Two Hundred an. Nine Million of Dollars during the year ending on the 2lst inst. Thef balance in tie Treasury was inrruaied during that year by no les-- than Eighteen Millions of Dollars. N e had -ordy to keep on our nixes so as to iiniriiui the revenue of 1S6G. and we .-hoilii havr pud the last fraction of our dilt by the 4th day of July, 1S76. and mrht then have celebrated our nation's Due hundredth birthday with just and onest pride as well as with religious latitude. CSJA Scotch blaclt-mith thus de fines metaphysics. 'rvo men are disputin thegither : he .that's listenin disna ken what he t:at's speakin' mean, and he ihai's sp-nkin' di?na ken what he's sayin' himself that's met aphysics." ! Horse Thieves Shot. The Hamburg Times says that on Wednesday last, abjut three hundred people assembled at McKissick's grove, Fremont coun'y, Iowa, to witness and participate in the hanging of two men, captured as horse thieves, and supposed tube such. At 10 a. m. they weie brought out to be executed, and were givm their choice 1 i tueeti hanging and shooting, when they th.-se the lat ter. Twelve men were e letted from Ii'1 crowd and revolvers provided for the purpose. Both entered their pro test against the kind of weapons to be used, t ut the crowd turned a deaf ear to their prayers. They gave their names as Win. Neff and James Crosby. Their pocket books, each containing a small amount of money, were given by them to Mr. Thoma Farmer, to be forwarded to Mrs. Mai j' Fielder, Lamar Station, Nodaway county Mo., a relation of one of the men. Neff was called first, and the twelve men placed ata distance of six or euht puces from the unfortu nat man; at his own request he was blindfolded, a:jd at the command the twelve pi-tuls were discharged, a screech or agony followed, and in about two minutes he was a dead man. Crosby took his stand beside the dead man, after again entering a protest against the kind of weapons to be used, he desired th services of a Roman Catholic Trei-t. As that was out of the question, he again declared his in nocence, was bl itici ' olded and shared the fate of his companion; he died with out a struggle. LC4FA young man i.amed James Parsons, who lecently hailed from Omaha, was arrested in this city on Wednesday night, on complaint of D. S. McKay cv Co., of Omaha, for ob taining goods under false pretences. At the preliminary examination yes terday fort-noon, before Recorder Treyner, the following facts ware elic ited: On the o h of April this James Parsons entere d the store of McKay cc Co. and purchased S2,000 worth of goods, representing that he was a part ner of Mr. Burke, of North Platte and that they had a contract for S150.000 at Cheyenne Pass, and also that he had S25.000 deposited in the First Na tional Bank at Omaha, and thai he had an engine on this side of ihe river that cost itiO 000. Upon the strength of these statements the good? ordered - re put up and labelled to "Burke &. Parsons, North P ait-'.'" The next mormirr Parsons caihjd upon McKay cc Co. oidrrc-d ten case.- oi bouts, got a pair unci put them on,alogjt a piir of slippers and borrowed ten dollars in mo:i-y of Mr. McKay un'il,a-he said, the Lank would open whn h5 would return the same. From E. T. Mills Co. of 'he tame city, "he ordered a bill of 62 000 making the same repre- sentat ons as he did to McKay Si Co., and afterwards obtained a full so t of cla hes including an oveicjat, and bor- roed .ten dollars of the same firm on u Minil.ir statement us lhal n.acte to McKay c. Co. After bearing the case the Rtcoldrr i;re-d the said James Parons to giv bunds to the sum of &-")ii'0, for h;- retTj'.ivn her1 for fifteen days, to answer to a requisition frouith- Goverii'T of Nelraska upn ihe Governor of Iowa, for his delivery int-i the cu-tody of the officials of the former State for final trial In default of whi h th" prisoner was sent to jail Coi ncil Bluff JVoupartil. fiTD.-aco;i Brown lately took oc casion to administer a reproof to old Joe for swearing. Joe litened atten tively to his words, seemed to appreci ate the exhortation, and when he kad concluded, replied as follows. "Tiie fact is, D aeon, that I may swear a great deal and yi-u may pray a great deal, but neither of us mean anything by it " The Deacon alludes to Joe as an instance of total depravity.: New York. April 10. The Herald publishes a full t xt of the Uusian treaty and it contains more details of the cession provision-. The inhabitant may, if they ehooe, rrturu and resume ailejiiance to Ru.-sia within three years, or remain and receive the advantages and immunities of citizens of the United States, and be protected in the free en joyment of liberty, property aud reli- f;2TIn the House of Representatives "f New Jersey the que-tion to strike the word white from the Constitution was lost on vote, by twenty against thirty-five. Thirteen Republicans vot ed no. At the Brownville Land Office in the Nemaha Land District, were, dur ing the month of March, as follows: i h Warrants 320 00 acres. " A. Col. Scrip 6,7S0.37 " " Cash 840.00 " Por Homesteads 4,992 5tf " Total 12.032 93 ." Tliis is n good beginning for the first spring month, and we predict that April will double these figures. The restoration of 3.500.000 acres of land in thi District recently, and the fact that in this District, Homesteads of 100 acres can yet be taken within thirty mile of the rier, is "drawing" well. .-Idveriiscr . TjIt is related that w hen a South erner iu Congress declared to him that South Carolina would secede, Mr. Simon Cameron replied: 'Then I shall live to raise corn in the streets of Charleston." The Southerner was Jef ferson Davis. The Jlarrhburgh Tel egraph comments on the foregoing: "We have in this office an ear of corn raised from Gen- Cameron's planting iu ihe streets of Charleston." fT"The Episcopalian, of Philadel p!iift, proposes a eparate Episcopal j Church for the colored people. fSGen. Bumside was elected week before last, Governor of Rhode Island by an overwhelming majority, ui,d the Legislature is Republican almoet unan imously. Black Pomcime.v. The police force of New Orleans, under the re organization of the government there, is to be constituted without distinction of color. PLATTSMOUTH MARKETS. Corrected by Simpson, Mickelwait Si Co Wheat ti CC'fi 2 1"! Varkeiel.kiiu, 3 5 '4 cm ilorn in cur ilvXhil lnj'l.") " thotlcd Oats Ct rn rA i.l fiuar 1 luO Hi S(i Itutter .'" S."'K):g8 15 I ((' Potuluen 1 ' Q2 00 6 Mil c itocr.it n:s wi.o'oai CKOCERIK Siij-r T.-a Itioo Coil Oil I.ar-1 Oil Tohaceo : Kotil ICoIlVe :t:i r.O snirar Istiii Tea Tf. ' It ice i7.fti e'oni Oil 1 (Id Sfll ltti-.'u rev.-- is 1 ly !.' bo 75it?1 .. in. i Vi Cafihniere Goats. IbaTeafciT Full Booi Cishni'r" Iluck GoiCn I will Ul or.t ou Share' to parties wh will furiii.-.h (-nininun Female Goals tj cro. For ).-rti'-nliri ad- (liefs 11 w . f c ii.a. April 17. 1S67. 3t Brownville, Nehraka. FRESH HORSE RADISH. Those wishing f eli Horie-Radif-h will hi: su; piitd wiih the pu-a ai ticio at lilark, liut'.ury fci. t.'c's nr:d Maihis A Suns. a i)lf Mrs. Kate Smpox UavinR b-to folieitid to eu tarjje her cl-.is in Mus e, both Vocal and Iiiitriimen tai, has cuiii'liid' d to da aud wi II give it -njuiii uti th- "iarjo ami Organ to t! ne (tefiiroim of tacctiiitij; pi-rf'irnuirs on the sutue. 'i'erm-i, etc., giTen uu tip pi.iaticu at her reildence on Min ftrcet. 8) 4 3m IVoticc In the Private 0ur(: Xot ie is herehy pivrn that the lat w ill and te.-ta-nitiit of William Mi-rl'iif. late ul Cut fctint,, Ne hraska. d ceased, 1ms IhU Oay betli Citd in my lIIioc fcr lii hate, atid SATURDAY, Uutl'tit day Ajril, lS'i7, ' At 1 o'clock pm, li t lioi-n (iiipointi d f r heai-in pr iof i.l ll.ertme, nt ul.a'li linir all peiton icl r-e-te-1 Wiil al pear ami thaw cause v l.y raid ),1 sli nilil not l-e aillnitti-d. it any thej tuny have. Givi;u uiu'er my i and and ofcC! jl eai ihie -ii ilaji of March, A l is' T La J li W. MAKS1IAU., an8 8 Probate Jui!6-e, Ca cuuiy, Net). SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livary STABLE. Main St., - Plattwmoctii. I rm t ripnred t aci-i.Tiit:ioi'a'e the public vi:U Horses, (arriacs and liuggics, Also, a nice HearfO, On chnrt nctire and rean fi-h'e lernm. AHi-ckwit' iuu to Heir. 1 . at iui.d.i y, tii'X l ail laiiacf the citv when diind. j,', . a J, W. EIHVi1. o. it. lai-it, Cit n t-N Ci.'.x Lilt.- tfttji't Indian AJF -.ir. 'A'tonn j t tit J.itir IP.ISH, CALHOTJK &C30XX0IJ. T': above ni-mf il fentlemen tisvo h i 1 1 .- ! ill. -in-e'v. s in huiiineta l-w the pir vr s" r f prn e -nt. iuk ai.il ee'leelini: i.ll riann a'--iut 'he '.eae:.;! Government, or fahi-t any tiihe of lnn n.i. u:..l nr" iiii pared to p i o eiute M.eh claims, either l.eM e ('on(,'ri1 or a i v of the IVp.n tine its of I, cv rnnie.it tr I einre the t.'aurt ot Claims, Xu. Inl-it will ilevet- his iiefsc.D.tl at euMn to t e hai-iii- ss at U'.i-hinjrton. Ciiai" at 'e!ra.-L.i City.co ner tf Main aa I Fit.u ruiit.. . BAKEEY, grccekieh & rncviEiciJE. MATHIS & SONS, (ucccsftora to J. Farcel A S"n.) Plattsmouth, Neb. Keep onFtHntly on bsud good aurp'j t f FRLS1I BREAD, PUIS, CAKHH and everythlns in th line. Also GROCERIES .J- PROriSIUMS of al! kind. iriNTen : Conntry rroduc, Enttt-r, it. 5Tj" Ciive'ul call. cpt 25,1365. . Heinalia Valley PAWNEE CITY, Pawnee County, Nebraska The Sprinsr term of this Institution, will com mence on the 18th of Mar. h. and continue i: w. iks. The hull. a g is capahle of affording r-tudy and reci tation room for more than two hundr-d stu ienin. 1 he people are deterinineil to make I U 1 astilution a Kuccesn; and will give c nifortahie hntnei U all who may desire to avail Iheuiseivea of toe oll'ered advantages ; and aa no f a!o..ii or rrer -hops aie allowed in the county, we clTer to tha pnhl.c iu lu- e-m-nl6 which no other Institution in the htate p ee-siiis students from abroad will bt ucd'r lnt tpesial care of the I rinripal Kil'fcNsKi PEit 1 tlt.vi Primary, Cominon Engli-U I ntei mediate 14 od 6 f.0 6 ;u Ancient Lacf? 10 ' Incidentals &0 Instruniental 3Ia-( Fiauo C" 11 i'-rher l-inai ish 7 .r.O Hoarding S to $1 per week. Tuiti n mast be paid one-l.alf la advance, tha rcsl at the middle of the term. No rliaren ni.ide for le-s Ihan one half term, un e.s by special contract. Inductions ma le ou y in cas. Of plotnicled H CHJ.'M. srf rr ut r. Far farther in formation addn s, f LI H.-tll..., P.inrina' or Gov. D. i.Cll.trt, I rental, uoaro ei Trusts'.-. ui-ill l:n ProIatc Police In th rrulMU Court I'etition tv iell Vtal Efstute Matthew Hughes, fluaniian or tiie mia r heirs cf Ca'herine Case, deceased, who Inherit through th' ir n.oihet from the esta'e of John W o.:e, d-;L d vs A!l whom it may c nceru : Yon are herehv informed that on tho 12th dny o Man h a D !i7. i-aid Guardian fia-d Ln pati'ion in ia:d Ci'urt tne ol ject and prayei cf aid j euttoo w tnohtain a i order from aaid Coiut f ir tne sa.eol the follawiniS Real hstate, to wit." The northwest !"ar ler Of a-ction 21, town 10, range 13; the wei-l half or the outhwest quarter o( ei t;on HI. town V), ratine 18, and the uortheaat q'larter of the ' ot hweat quar. ter of section 21. town In, rauce 13. con'aiu.li(j 2 SO acres, more or os. in i-aid Count and titate. Tile Court will hear said peiiiun on TIU RSDA r, the 2 J duu cf Jljy, ISC7, At 1 o'clock p m, at which time all peron intrrest- I can jippeir ar.a' t-le w ca i-" why said petition should not bo p'ant":, if any they havp. tiiveu und' r my hand nu i tle seal of the Fr bate L, SI CouU ti.is F'th dav of M ireh. A O lrC". J. W. MAUSilAl-L. mr20 4w riob.HeJi.dgo, l aaa Co., i-l)rjiii a. ""he plaae to gvt eheari l.amp and I.ritnp Ch-rnae rt bLAi. X, JiiSIi B-H Y ie CJU.'. I.h, p ace to gel I'eilnmcry af 1 kinds in at black., b en any co.'S. 'J '. Jn-t;,-:, 1 1 tr let. N et.) itsk A y,ir)i;-i hr v Mr-ty . I. V.I i :. Mar in I 1 I rtii.-j ! . :i i f..,j,. Ii; I I"'jit I. i ;l,.l II .. y '. .1. r, J aullirin T. I-- - i. J oi. ,th . u T . 1 ' i , o:tm,. .i.u:.:i1, Lvli:i U. llvl S: i!.y, uo'v ct the I'.iiiy i t I'i-iii..v vaoii. 1 v hi ' mil r '1-1 . the is; ii .!.iv ,.f 1 . i ,. - :i ( L rut1 1 1. !, T . in.1- v l.y til It . ry, a i li.f lr ct burnt of tLf i 1 Ju l'Cl ii' r .n.i.l.il.l I 1 :i. l. . 1 1 v i .i i i '.-i - i.-t ul : r.- i. Ii, q -.il 1 1 ir l .' ' - -u'liy, HViiUjs! h,M, t !,) s.o'l Ji n:.t I .i ii T. ii oqer ,!e f i I im. thec'j'-rt i f the j r.iy.-r cf which is to fore ! a irrtiu uiotejM.'e l.-- i.i-r l.it the '."'.'h d y el M ,in:h , 1 -rS i'xeei:le,l l.y yo-l t f n,uj,l- f' uh. ti; i'j r u'.J ,-,iaj-Cl linaul, iii..n roi -ii it 0 esi.it-'. m.u t, in e.iutiiy, Neiira-ka 'icii' iy, w,t: ji. k ml the ni.rth-e.t coi ner r ! 1 i ,S, i:t k j Hinl riiniii;.).-xiiioli n'r.iii; il,,- ..vi vij ol'ni.i h t -.'1 Jtnd C-10 fe- I, til' in m -i It,i.., IJ .,t jJ feet t the all'-y, t!i :( n... ia -i i, in j. ... i , w. corner of fan! hit, tlienou cim .i!.j:irf (, Lirlli hlie cf Fai l 1c. I J."i 'eei, M llie Jihc'.' ct l , ii. Oa iii I'latKiii.cr.h. Ca-i eciiri'v, X. 'i'.,t ,i-s t fie pay meat cf a eet t.iui iic:iii--0iv n.i'o nccw i v yen i..r vala ie . ivr I, to il.n s o l Ly.Ii.i II lixv i:i:nl . fcrinei 1 Lyd.a II . iii.nl y, f er eis It t hull litj. ill -il.il III ii-ti I e-t .ti t:,e int.; i.f t I'iririit r utinuai, and ti) fcrei la-e all t"iiiiy cf r.-il.an:tictj yeii hi .i.iil ta ?. ia -i-' ni. -!; Veil w ill th- ref.'i e )!) pi ar ;a fiiiia (;oui t u i i he lh- il.i v "f A pi il i.ext, k D l.i-j7, ami Mti.-wer or :inir t p,.ni:'';l 's tail cr ju'ij UK'Lt will bo tct,:lireil a-Cr t vm t v duu:t. MAKcl' t ii A CliAl'.tlAN, Sclu learn l-ir Complainant, O-.We.l Hi at the a'.iivf 1 ia.tili-h d in the N -! r.i-k.i l.trutd Uew-.eij.e, , : r t cirec '-euti'.-i vnkl j. ii. mtoiv.s. lel il 4w I.i -i- tor iu I toinc'ry. In t?iQ JUtfrict i'tnrt 2-1 Jt i.ri,tl LKri0 in and fr (.y Corntfj', Aetata of A&jttL. Io)ifi A I!irifon, li -.'.r f Mary Alli:ib, tIi'C0;ifed. tu in H-sts , li t : 1 1 tin hcl.-i u f Jaillv K) It'flJ, V il V ill t.4k B.i;jr ililA Ji'.n Al'i'l i on h.s UU A P.is in Ch imvi y tint Tuu in hm itbovc tn.ititt'i C .iii t, t hi? i , i ;,ti i r;t xi n-J in in pi f :i (! r(. r.-iij-r ii - " . t f c t Il. llll" t iic f.J.'M-i'.- H tf f-:n'ntf, uu.' f I, t onth e:.-t ft rti'r - i f f ii - t il !i - i f (pi iTNT f :f t u ;i s. III t iW I .ft. ! I) t . ( 1 . , l;i eiist, to rf ' tity, i;-t- I:i;'i:i , .r ' 1' 'Ib'jtr.t- Al iU It tl.c' V ' f ( :; ilU't tliO 'ft it ' J.tl.: f i iF- f'-.lrt ea (14; :-K;; iu Jehu AU ' i el, aa 1 l-'uy- A.. 1 ' lif . r 1 I. .ire he.) .at year- ver frcti t -fc-t la i;i Cif'tiiiiiyi.i;.1! c !' rL i ve aid car J:c.: s i.;:t L :. luiiii ir c-liiiwh tt"L..i' i d ! .n.ed r.-as.M i ii.it.v.i.tie fri..i t. u:' ;-. ei t ' J ,ha AJiu an 1 :.. J3W lie il K-Utf. Vug ir ciui n ,1 o, ,r inl p'-ni, at. luKQ la .rer t. r doiiiut ii) he i-.ii I l-i I ,.n ci la! ne Aid d. y, tha Olli i!y of May , a n 1 j , Jons alms; ok, ' l'v .1 I I'CIOM. his ARint. A A II.!. A ( 1 1. VI' VI via it f-.r ( 'ciaj'luinuu'i. ve i.-ie- l. aiih!!.-Led f .r four .ti '-N'ei.r.i-t.a li.-rald'1 Jj J It liitoWA, It. ;'i : r iu C'liaucnrr. Ori'ere ! l!ut il run -iT-alifil vi k ia t r-'i ' in if Legal Aj.ic'. IiZtl Ii''r!'l l.'irt eft!. '.' ' ,(.'jii lii'rlrt, within iitu for i 'ctoiy, V' tie ff Setraitt: William o:ia; ) afr o"-' 'a Clianeery. Malitida Yo-ma- ) t;i 'off. mjitaliit: Jtiainla Tciiiil- i'l t'.- I. ... i thai '. i.h im V. ll' C. C '"i'l .ill I'l'. del a the : .t.v . f lM il, A u 1 "07. I"e hi hul in Ctia r.e I V in the ll l r'c: I 'ail. t of t.'.c c,l J uilici .1 !i .;rii t cf ihe s re i f N. l-'asl. a. in an. I I. 'i i ';. s- r ..in' v. a.'-i r I li- .. ;-t ! 'i lei -i Vcii'u', el tii g ' f 1 1 1 i i llii' t he . i.i M ! i' ' i T' un - .di-'i tela rt , nf'.r uiaril.t!'" il.ly i.l-. l.!!ni.v fl. run ,7. '1, 'ill vl . l.tell ly a I.l crill y Ira He- inl ... i.i- r I he iha.--ai t-r of catnt'lfiiii--t r ! i i.-ip-il. -rs, w i' h t he in tention ol uijuuji: a:i.-l d !!.. ti e i.n 'd n.une of I'ii p aini'i , and it i: it ). i.l am. rivtir.tii-..-. . f her in o .ial (lutes ili I e..ii a , o y ion) .I'-Maedl y trad i: jo ai-d all:.--- th" f. . : j,-- c' i . cpd . c.i . I y .i. I i - nt i,4- 1.1 Pi lle.f y tie. peare a'l . h.l pi'lf - Of IT. l., Ue itl.t. a u.l on! Lis life in.-. iae..- n.t .'rf. nl-nl fi i.,...'i :. ..,i.. .1 ,.., , f i reiii h'. n mi w : nt tl. lii.. .il;.M.i roiie 'ii ...,,; , ,t, B.,J ki n . nt nuking any t.revi i .n .at- v.-r o., ,i,,, r.,ia of hi r lull", hid a ll 1 1 IS c.i' in. . r I II. - '. I . fi '. y rt,Me r Mil i-.;(ii;l.v le'.iv '., ,.j.,ci.. a r le ih; v . -j.it- a:.l lii!itie ci i :,, 1 in. o t, i.'.il tu'j li:,ii ii.ia to I .-ivy p-ciiniiry I -:'-. i. .1 t I 1 e i i o r . l..cd I ' r i Inl I"ei t ) p l o.ii 1 r; l: ,(.t..'-l ot ih: .ni..l I a. tnhers ef e...ii; 1.,: naai'i f .le.'v, ih :i;:i i.l'y i.i'a-nl-ir:;; theri y le i!.'.-:icv i .' p"a ' u'.d ha;.ii'r-d cf i . n.phiin: u,t i.nJ f cuf:. Uluai.l'a f mi'l y, a-. I thai ih-f-li.l.it.t. n p,r.!l' ii cf h-T nia'llil diil;'.s ii-d iu lie: al V a.v-: ' t a .i . i . -. e ' . I , '11 -I -ji .r .i..,i OeslK'li day cf Jut 'i 1 y, A I) 1 7, n; " .y s.-rt and a! . L den 1 i - 1i'-ii : i.u-1 f.i a. ! !;', t'a ici.y i iifu-ir-- JL1 'I -! r y la'.. i'l.' I i cf lei t'. data 4 cl im id-' li''nt wi:., in vielati'ii ..f ti-r in tri ' .o c-mra. t, citeii-.l in'e l.'-taa It li- -, Mi -ii V.i.,i , d' rVndalil. fi.-l V." i ' i : r. m V..i.n:'.rii-p!..i:;.i!i',.'r, I p - ay i n hat a lid Wji'iani Y-'i -c l.e liiv . .1 f.-.mi the i:i,d it- i niiaut, ."le'in '.-i Vn ioi.I t'.a lh-i-ii.l niar.ii.e (-..nlnil l.e de.'i it'- 1 tie. at d v . I, a.. a tt...t tt:e :i:l M..'i"d a Veiit.r r.-'jaii . - I t o ti'.;i- ar a nd an- v . r - .d pe.i ; .ell on or Lei .re U.- 'J J. .1 .May, a b 1st?. Wil.l.I CM VilfN'-'l. l'y :.l Axwrtx & I'lUVMlll, li : ! lc.lo a. Ul -1 4w JjVXnl TVotScc Iii '. Pr,,' its r,,,n t: Xliiir- l lirn.i )' Kiv.-.i llait J. , . V, !,-, A ltneiia trutor of the .ate ni I -t r A. a i py, l,.Capie i. h is lais day ma le a p!i-,,li n to the I'l-.t a e t.irt f ir ti r oxtunsnin of Oi" lime f.r p iy.ni): the dehts nul for mil tir II a at i-c ta -..i ut "I hia Adm nis'ratiaa of fa'd estate, i r ix lllcnti I '1 he (.'o art n il! he .r . a. I application on TJrns'AY, l', 1-7 .y April, a' D 1C7, &t 1 oVL.ck ; in, at H h:i 'l t line a I! persen III ( -ted can appear and -h iiv e i :a wi.y nh. h fxin.jn.iu of time hould tint h 'ran. .1. if any Ihev iii.iv have. ituvki uiv bafid at-'l olli -ial ea I this !iC:li daj of Blait-L, A I) V,7. I. i-f J'Ul.N W. MAr.-UALL, mrjifitr l'rohat6 Juda. IroFiutc Notice ftuU cf y-hrtika, I ( !." Olili'i In the Vrulnt: Court l',titiin ta nil Larnl. W. O. Mnrri fj lardliili 1 of the lufiiot h'dr of A. ri. A. XLHer,ac'iJ I vs V The next of lln of the :iJ A. tj. A lexanni ', ' -e i, d J You ave herely iiit .-iael tti tt tne aal I W. I) Mar r'.ain, liuar-ji .ii cf the s .id tn i tor heir j cf tr e aaid A . 8. Aiix u-ler, il,'-eae., has this d y II. el hlspntl t on in t'i" I' rilate o 1 1, the o' j ert and .-.ir of whh h i" lo oi.t.,iti an o"'icr for th- a :le of ta Pillow ing r.atl etaie, oil iiii.- l in the said cajnky of Caas. t -wit: 'Ihe VAe-t li of ..1 the louthat uarter of -i c t i a 2 t-.Tvui-iiii U, nn.i'c 11 and the scotiieatt ipii.r! i- of th- -eaih i 'ti .rte,- of .--ii.)tj 2i, town ship 12, rmift 11. and Sv'.i.lo'.e-t q'tari-r of the outli' ast t.ar rr of f -t en la, Li i ii lap J.', rau;e 10. The Court will h-ur taid ( :t itiou oa TllCKtUAY, ih, 2:;7 if ty rf X'.nj, A. D 1?07, at 1 o'cto k P in, whin all er,ons intcri-tud ran a; pear and slo v canse why )a.J p. i.yei ehouid not he irraut- d, if any th. v may have. iivcti under my l.a-.U an I ctUcial seal tii 9ih day of A,r.', a It l-"7. X. s J. VT. 'I A lip II ALL, 10 4w l'r.lia'.t Judjty, Cas Co., Nab. Ia:il IVotice fcTATK OF NEHHAW.,! g CisS CaVJTY. Harriet Thmna, tait, (' tapt't. is Petition for Dii mar I'ei t. ! vorce Jamert Ttom Jalil.'- 1 tioaia- w.II I.i!.'' Tlieinas, "f the . 1. iv ot a--. l,r.:.lC. ,1.1 1,11 lllll IHh ! Ol notice that Rarrlt ill ine iaC- of Ne. M -r.-h. A. I. 1S07. li 'e hr p tn ion in ihe 11 n ti i' t Court of t he :M Judi cial 1'i-l.n.t of .N a, v ata .ii and for Ihe count r of C'a - ataili-t t li- -aid Jnn's 'I li-.inas. ilefendant, i.ltliu;,- lorlii t.i it I .' - ii-1 .!': ieja.it h an h en wliif.il iy aa-.-nt l.om ihe a . 1 c ,::i i.l a uia n i tor inf,re than l-.ro y,-;. - a la -t pii-t h-jl.- any c-i-' or jti-tinei,. tion; -d rayiiitr t hat Mi'- may he diwci-c.;d from ihe aid .la-.. s - ii ' -a-. ' ti il iaij t , a a I f r Math other au ! I an her i. . f in i-he i i.i -iu i iy ct.ti : I. d to, and II." s.o I J.i.'n s J lio.:ia ii In.:.!! d that he is rt'tUl'ed .i;i;.l.1.ir.ili.l a-', wr ea.l . I.l. oil on or he.,,,' tiie th.r I M n lay att.-r the 1'i.ii diy of April, a it lrv7. L'aiid ila. ch Juth, W.7. livrrnirT no ma1, iy 4w Wii.ij 1 1 l'on ;aia, her Hoi. Farm for Sale. One of U.o hetl Idrtits in Cii county, of lot) or 3-0 acres, at ih - c -.ne of tbi prrrchaar. The aitn- tien, water p ii J-ve-. hu.ld.nci, timaar, ,s., uer it a very i. -1' i a i rtu. inquite ot tleu. r-ain'l MaxAell. at the C'euri l.ou'e In I latt-ni-nth. or the oauer.ou tt. prenii-. on C.dar Cr.ek, 12 mile we t of i .a'.'-Muoiit.'i. I tr ptoct and ar.cultartl impteti.xcti of thtf.ir.u may t-.- olu!jI with it. feiV-SH A. L. CHILD. Burned Out, BUT HOT DISCOURAGED. T. V. cloyocV is tuain a' thf o'.d fctiiiid prcr.-d t wait u(eu In" f r: er cti. t in a.-, and the pul-l puie -rally. If Toon in aijthlrf; a hjt-' lttl tore or t ea rs," ie a ca'.l. 3rd :ret r-ar Main, 1'latt.triOatr) , N. T. mnyiV.flX 0 tn MaeV, Butta.-y U Co.' tX alii Eclrioait.xa. for twr I- I-i the Patriot C 'I'roHi. tin date cf the year of its comr!elioa-