4 ft si 1 ft 11 j .1 . t n it 'J f r She gtrbrusfcu gcritltl LOCAL NEWS- T"We have to nsk thf readers of the JIeb.lt to bo lenient with an this week. Our dailj was filled with manor connect ed with the city rlpct:nn for ereral dav which we have thrown out ct the weekly, Lcnco th small nmount ot reading mat tcr. From tedntadafJ,ai:y- Cs7"Wilf our friends in various parts of tho count? favor-our renders with an occasional h tter Riving tbe'local news of their respective localities. C7"We refcret to learn that circura stances wi'l prevent Adjutant Hyers be ing here on Thursday evening. Notice will be given of the time when he can ome. fry.Messr3. Sam!, and Thos. Chapman returned tvday from a tour of observa tion ttirftuli tho counties ofLanea8ter and Saurolers. Thy are much pleaded with the country, and Mr. Thos Chap man thinks of 8tting about ten mile abova the mouth of Ilock Creek. C57"0ur neighbor dara not deny that he boastpd about making $230 out of the City in thi? ordinal. ea contract, but at terr.pt to excuse h:mse!f by saying we got $1G0 for City printing last year We pot cx.ictly $120 in city orders and were fortunate enough te g t SO cents on the dollar for tliera. We never boasted of owning the city council nor gouging the Treasury out of $250 on a job of work that was only worth $!50 The best machine for a "Rel ative." Mr. Wm. Chumsero, of Chicago, III., avs: "fbouht one of your machines, on the reeorr.cud ition of a relative, who is aent for the " a double thread machine. Qntrv If the Wii'.cox Gibbs the best machine for a "relative' What machine i beat for others? Fruiit TUui-nJa- Ihn'j. tTv'The LittU Ji'-oel, of last evening rery grave: v fays : "Next Monday, April 1st, is All f'.ids day, arid our election div."' It is the party organ, and epeak, for its party exclusively. QThe Rfpuhl'tcin says a letter re reived from Judge Wm. A. Little, dated nt Aurora, LI., states that ho m confined to his ted, and w'-il probably never bi able to t ike his seat upon the bencb. T"l"ii.ipIain Wright is in the city, stopping lit the residence of his son in law. Mayor Wise. He is on his way to Oroah-i to report to the (Ion "Command ing, and will proceed thence to Koarny, whore hz is assigned f or duty. 7""I: is a query in tlio inluC of many no, the n: fist, for the family portraits now bring exhibited in its columns. We have heard that Mr. U no ones manufac t'ired n cut of a lara I.uli'tn for that es tablishment, which never arpeared in the paper. How is it ? and what nbout that "mutual ai-sistance V The '.".'" lii-b' l oriuirms under the eipoure of the city ordinance printing, nnd terms it an "infamous fabrication." Ha do'S not care for the "infamo::s"' swindle upon tho people, but fortheliht in which it shows a Democratic City Government. If anv one doubts our statement of the affiirs, th?y can sati.-fy themselves without calling on us or the editor of the Lilli- Rebel. Let them go to the records of the city council, and there thej can find tho proof of the con tract. In the same place they will find the proof in regard to the -'4o0 for put ting a bent under the S-.con l street bridge. aUo for $311 for pnttwg up grave stones to show whore tho tax pay eTs' mone7 lias a'ong M-tin strret. l'rm FrUiuy' PtHj. !3"We notiea IIess;r's Garden Seeds in tho stores about town. Iheyarego ing off fast, and those wishing to secure reliablo seeds will do well to "hurry up their cakes." 2v"That intellectual high toned Dem ocratic orsan called tho Onia'i i Herald, which claims to be in favor of the pros perity of nil portions of Nebraska at tempts to thro v c Id water on the spirit of progress in this city by ridiculing our proposition to issue bonds for public im tirovemcnts and for High School pur poses The fact is he Ji ruU is opposed t every thing that does not throw mon ey intot he coffers of Omaha, nn l the clov en foot will peep out occassionally From uf.. " Daily .7Mr. Jul.n C. Stafford is in the city selling Ileadiey's History of tho war, Those desiring a copy of tha work will 1 do well to get it at this time. fp-We learn from Mr. B. RuITner, who arrived from Council ISluffs to-day, that Mr. Thie'son, Chief E gineer of the D & M. Y.. Ii. R., is at Glcnw otd looking after the alTairs of the road. Q2?"Lieut. EJ. Donovan left for New Orleans to-diy where he will join hi? reg iment. Tho Lt. has the best wishes of a host of friends. From Ifon-Uty'i Zhii'y. fJTRev D Mirquett laves for Evan eton, 111., to-morrow. fXs?Tho weather hag moderated, and we look for a general break up soon. C57"The American citizens known as "Jim" killed one copperhead vote to day. (SThe election is passing off quiet 0 far, with indications of being very close. (5?"If a young man likes a girl let him give her a present, if he loves her let him give her a future CMessr. Maxwell & Chapman will remove t their new quarters, over li nek. Buttery & Co's ftore, herethey wi'.! be at all times ready to transact bus'noss ?"TLe ordinanca organ was out this morning with nn expiring groan for the "lost cause." It i .ay entirely change th political aspect of affairs. (i?A young man of twenty married widow of sixty, in Wheeling, Virginia few days ago object, plunder; comrari son old winter lingering on the lap of spring. . Cj7"The Nonpareil of yesterday says two trains from the eant, the firs in U- days, arrived over tho C- & N. W. yes terday. The first train had about 150 srldiers, who were going out on the plains to amuse the Indians. The second train was full of passengers. Nervousness and sick headache, caus es and ccre. Nervous and sick headache are induced by indigention, costivene foul stomach, and a torpid state of the liver. Persons suffering from these com plaints should avoid ns much as possible tho too free use of spirituous and malt liq'iors, coffee and tobacco, and keep the bowels ,pen,by small but frequent doses of Roback's Hlood Tills, and pursuing a regular course of habits, when they w.l find ttiey never fail to remove the dilB cultv. From TuetxJity'a Vuili. C37"Adjutant Byers will be in this city on Tliursday evening, 4th of April, when he will give a reading at the M. E. Churcl Among the selections are Pyramus and Thisbe, Mustered Out, The Black Regi ment, Parrhasius, The Lost PantAloons Barbara Fiitchie, Paddle your own Ca noe, Sale of Old Bachelors, Sherman's March to tho Sea, Sheridan's Kide, If you want a Kiss, why, take it, Devil's Dance, and others. Q5?IIas the ordinance organ heard anything of a "bloviating imbecile around town within a day or two? fSIIas 'he Little Rebel heard any thing about "ordinance cjntracts," "street crossings," "cheap property" or "whiskey influences?"' ?The Columbus Journal says that Capt. Fiank North has enlisted two hun drad Pawnees in his batthon for service on the Plains. 3?"A boy having complained to hi father that Bill has thrown the Bible a: him and hurt him on the head, the fa ther replied : "Well you are the only member of my family on whom the Bible evrfr made the least impression." (l7"If any of the candidates sn the Democratic ticket failed to receive pro rcr ventilation tbroazh the colu-nns of tho IIkrai.u during the last week, arid feel aggrieved thereat, we beg their par Ion and assure them it was rot from lack f will on our part. 57Ed. Hutchinson desires us to fur nish him freight for the plains, a ho thinks our statement that he intended pnnging in that business this summer h id something to do with his defeat yes terday. Wo h ivo a full load ready for him the carcass of Dead Democracy. ("The Nebraska City yews says that twelve thousand bush-la of corn belong ing to parties in that city, were consign ed to Anlrew St. Kerr, for the housn of BanK, Hamilton & Co., of Ntw Orleans It understands Mr. K'rr has negotiated for some forty thousand bushels in the vicinity of Peru. pTWe hear Democrats around town suggesting the propriety of buying some 'cheap property" f r $1,50J for nn American citizen 17 tho name of James Walker. Another suggested that his ser vices be secured to manage a Democratic paper here We understand Jim objects to the lttter proposition. "At the mining works ol Eldorado Bar, Montana, a peculiar stom, in cod siderable quantities, is mixed through the gravel in that richly auriferous bed These stone? stand tho excessive heat of the compound blow pipe without abrasion or either damaging effect, and are pro nounced by the best jewelers to be saphire diamond that is, diamonds of the sec ond degree of value CvThe libel suit of the well known spiutuaiist, Mrs Cora James, sgaint the St Louis D-vwcrat, has just been tried in that city and resulted in a ver diet of $1.00) for the lady. Whereat the Dtitucrat pitches into htr general char acter savagely end tho jury who gave her the verdict particul irly. CWhen James Walker, thr colored man, presint d his ballot to the Demo cr.-Hic judges of election yesterday, hn wa3 challenged on the grounds of reft Jei.ce. Ilrt ua nuestioned bv Mr. Crow. -I-"-" J a DemocruLc lawyer, and wa decided by the board t be a le-'al vulr. Hi is ihe firet and only colored man that has exercised the elective franchise in Ne braska. Verily, the spirit cf progress is viKU'ie in ijiee pnr. Dissolution. Th" co partnership heretofore existing between Wra. Stadelmnnn & D. II. Set gel, unde- th3 name and style of Wm Stadelmann & Co., is this d y dissolved by mutual consent. AU'accounts will b-: settled b? Wm Stadelmann, uho contin ues businss fit the old stand. Wm. Stapklmanv D. II. Seickl. All penons indebted to the late firm will be caled on for payment within a month. Wm. Stadelmann. march 2S w3. JaTTunch says it is dreadful to hear ! f . k:Vl M oi;ni tiie uocue BOUNTY, BOUNTY, BOUNTY. &10;) rer annum. S?3 1 3 per monih. . , and nil h'inorablv ll-ioh.irn-r.rl abV.ers H.-cnareu soiuiers can get n bounty by making immediate application to D. H. Wheelfr & Co at their office in the Court Ilmse. All sol diers will consult their interests by giv ing us a call at one?. D. II. Wheeler & Co mar 29. Notice. All soldiers honorably discharged frcm the United States Service nrc entitled to ?3,l 3, as bounty for each m)nth service Under th: all soldiers are entitled to bounty.. For particulars enquire of F M. Dorrington, oflise 2d floor of Brick Clock, cor. Main and Third streets. N. B. this will include 2d Neb. Cav. haiie:s at cost! In order to make room Tor a new sto:k in the spring, I nin selling off dij entire stock of Harness, Snddles, Bridles Collars &c, at cost. All ye that want anything in mv line, call in, for we are bound to sell. Main St. South side. Two doors west of Tootle, Elanna & Co's. Feb 28 1 in II. J. Streight Fresu Osage Or.agk Seeh for 6ale at $1,25 per pound at Black: Buttery Co's mar 15th Tor Sale or Rent. A good dwelling house, containing 3 rooms, situated on the hill fronting the ferry landing, together with seven lots, well fenced, and under good cultivation. There are on the premises a good cistern and out-buildings. Possession will be civen on the 1st day of March. For par ticulars enquire of fb21tf W. L. or S. L. Thomas. FRESH 0Y6TERS, Direct from Chicago, can be had at Irish's Restaurant for the small sum of 75 cents per. can. dec21dtf SITJB3CRIPII0NS Received at the News Depot, for any i.f the Magazines, Pei io.dionls and News Papers of the day, at the Publishers rices ("5?"V!ir is the time to subscribe. Oct. 2G. ' DFl. M H. M'CLUSKTif f DENTIST- WI I i all wo in hi lin! on st.ort notice. TjTJ-aiJce with Dr. ivu.Fsloti. J Jiy 6. rFoa Sale One of Lamb's superior nHtirg machines the' only kind mode that widens and narrows. Knqtnri at this 'ffl.?e. dtf. riTo those wishing job-work done. we would say tha novjs the time d the Ufrald ofiico is the r'ace. We arc prepared to execuio woik in the neatest stvle and on short notice. PLATTSIICUTH ZIARKT-1. Corrected by Simpson, Micke!wait& Co Whea Is rmin in freely. hurrs piyi'if pries quotid 1'rices In S. L'.'UU fluctuate, some diiyn fiitn an1 oilier days drooping. Crn Utiles about the mfi r.o niaikel change ince labt wctk. Cont act t ;re be icg fi'.l d raj.iilly l y t ie farmers delivf lin b f ire frp:i:-g work cjib- ni nee. VRODrCP ;?iap 12T1i Wheat Si 9, il l 0 ! Jacket cl.kitU aV'(4w Cur.i in far 4v"f'l:' N. i lt t& V, t-h lleJ '; natter 20 0 2 on Oa! 8(, Kan V nn rnil I ft'; Poiat'.es r iour l 100 Ri 6 501 r. r.OC r. R 1 Whnlei le Coffee 0 ?32 GKOCtniKS R'-tail i' u -ti 14 3 If. Mi lOvil.' S'till T-a T3' i Hire Hire "(( '. j( oiil Oil .-y;uns 1 2jf( -i 2.M lol'acco C.il O.I 1 im, Si ap Lir OU !! ..! Aai.s foliacco 1 0 2 (ii J POST OrIGE APwRAUGEilENTS. THE HAILS WILL CLOSE AS FOLLOWS: EASTKKN mail will close at - 9 a. in. SOUTH Ell N at . - 9 a.m. NOKTHEUN and WESTERN at . 1p.m. JI IILS ABB DUB AS FOLLOWS' From the KaST at - - 10 a.m. NORTH and WEST at - 111 a. m. SOUTH at - - 8 p. m. posT-opricp. nouns. Oprn from 7 a. m. to 8 p. tn. 5" When cal ine for mini ntpase ciTe yonrtirrmi? ati'i thin the -. of your 11. .x. OWh- ti cal inr f r la:n;s trive the cutnlier of stamps or amount vi n wi-h to htiir. "J. W. JIAKSIlAl.I., Po-tmasti-r. riattsinouth Lodge No- 6, A- F. & A-LI. Pifnlireommnnicatlori lt and 3.1 Mondays of each month, at 6 I 2 o'cioi k, p. ni. E. T. DtTKE, W. M. VT. II. AXIIK OX.S t Nebraska Chapter 2Io-3, II A- II. l:-jtl'.tr cciiv-at;oii 5,1 and 4th VednMlayj o! i h ini'iHh, at 6 12 o'clock p m. I). 1!. WHE LEH. II. P. E. C. LEWIS, Sec I. 0- 0. F. PI- Ue L'id;e, No. 7, met-i t-rerr -'attim t e-rr.icg ii i. c nn i-fi'if - i nn. i Kn iiii o M'ler LOi'-.-! rrfn-if:l y i: vittd to iit th Loriir. l: order ol A. I.. fPRA-..rE. S.O. P. P iiA, Hec. Sec'y. St. t Tike's Parish Vestry. RUlar fneetinzs firm Tui-slny of i-v y month. ' ! n'- liir. bit). U. It TT.s it. 11. LlviJCJTOS, Clc-ri. Chainnan. I. 0. G. T. liren'xrmr-sim. every FrUay et nini;. T ravelin? Teiiipl.tr r-pf::iu Iv invite I. E. C. LEWIS, W C. T. WES MONTGOMERY, 'V. S. pA.M'L.M. L'tlAIMlAV, Ln.l.-e p p,.,T rT"i-.?c r:i. loi: mi i'h, li I I- r, jr'il i i E Ll)i-.J , X, 1, Hlatl, 'ion the third Wodnn- day i-e-iinc o t ci . -it i. t CHAPMAN, W D T. Bro. W. L W ... 'V n s ti-ler V. J .Tov--i -ii T, W D V T. cHWrxMBaM O. H. ltH, ClLBorj l-uiXTOt Late i-ujt Jiutiaa Afairi. AUor - ai Lata IRISH, CALHOLN &CS0XT0N. The aheve m.m-i! et-r-.tti-n-n have as-ri.i!-it ;ln'ni'r:vs in bnpir-e f.: ihe j n pi. of n e nt init ami c tlfClinp all claims a-aint 'htr t.e.irral (JoverDiueot, or apainst any tril-e of Indians, a-id re !' parn.i to .io-ecte ci h claim., t-itht-r t-efore Concress.or a-iT of the rviiartoio its ut iovi-riiuieiit or hefi-re the Court of Claims, li. Ihi-h wilt lievoti- hi pergonal at'entioa to t'-e hnsine.su at Wathinptoa. 83" Otlice at Xebnaka Crty-cotier of Main and Fifth itrse l.c?" IVr.tice. : t,i tJ.t Ditt' u t lutirt ar th 21 Judicial Dm rut ici'l.i mid tor .ii'S Ci tinfy, iVtte t JriwW, William Vo'ion n.' i'.-t Me io'U 1'vung Chnncerr. Bi'l of f muMut Jltiln.U Tnnni' w take 11 licr 1h.11 v. I.'liaiu : y. a if. conii.Uinatit, li'l Hie 21 iUv "f Ap il. A D ! tli J e.dicul Dit . icn.r ll.e Slate i.i p. t-o. mskii. in , ...., ..,,i..,,h i i i. iimi-. inmw. M-t'ir:ir reitli tliil il u il il li-.d i lTuiitr.rtKfeii!uiit. nfier uiir:iAii.- dulv ami lawfully solmmiz rt, dla w.intonly and cru. lly tra.lucc mii! sland.-r Hie rhr-j a' ter 01 "c ini laini t M liU nniKhb r, with the in teniio of iDjurius and dn-tr.ivni,,' Ihe on.l name off c. lup ailMi , an.l that d leuiuur. rciariiitf!, i nm iiitiiI dunes i.i.l niiutt itlv nnt) ilPjinaedl y traduce and al-use 'fie feelingf of C"iiiplaina..t by acl. int tid ed t xl-t oy the erre ami Iw-l Ine-aof tnplaii ant. and irn.ter his lifr iuierli e" that defeud mt Ire- q i irly Bb enifJ here f f om hi- b..m: w.h at tde ka w;ed' i.r cotiM'iit .f cmplainBiit. ai.d aiilicut uiiklni.' auy nrovision whatever foi the care of he Lous h d ff ii durinn her "baenci-, th ruby cruelll ami wi.fuilj fi lug to t ilni ni.f r i the v ant- ii.i! nncrrai of con,i,i,iii.ui.t. ai "I ail iex-tiiii; him to henvy icuniaiy I Brv, nnl that defendant Mliowed' her ch.Miei) to p irlmii the ne r-eiiK'-s of decen-ed memheisuf l Omi.lHi naniV f.i mi Iv. desiijn ctly iniei.d ing itierei y io detr. y the p'-ace ai.d harpines of cuiiplaiiiHiit iiiid ol co'::iUlimnt ' Mm'iy. ana iu;n defcudaiit, rtpiinlless of her ma.itl duties nd in the aiisei.ce 1 1 c-mi .lain int, lid on or about the 8'h ilav . f Jsi.im v. a L lr-GT. utterly dt set and abun- dou hi boine kd I family, tliere'-y refu-ing aid at.; terly f.iiii!ih- to pe f nn the d" ie or an ooeiiieni wile, in vudaiioii i f li r inarriiiire c 'ntrnet, fntertd in n h. tir n b( r. .lr,i-.ia Vo nc de'etidant, a. 'l Wt tin in Y.miu. cxmp'alii.n', and payiu thai saitf Wil iam You- p l e div ic i ir.im m sa.u ue ennaui Menu. la You- g, an. I that ihe aid i mi ce coutraul be declare ! u;il and void, aud tli.il lb bald Meli da Tonrjr is rrquired to appear and arewiT a d petit on on or bef re th - 2uth diy of ilay, lsl WILLIAM YOUNG. By MAxwell & Chapman, his s lioitu s. ap3 4w t Bleinaha Valley! PAWNEE CITY, Pawnee County, - jiebraska. The Si.rinu term of this InRiitution. will coin-. mence on the ISth of March, and niniinw 13 w.rks ( The buildi;. is capahio of aff.irdiiiB stiuiy ami r-ci-; tation room for more than two htinlr-rt students 'Ihe penple are determined to make th- Institution a Micce;.; aud will five c-nifornble homes to all who may ilisire to avail theinseires of the offered advanlaite : and an no salo.ina r greji-shops are al'owe l in the county, we olf.-r t . Ihe public iu-luce ninnts which no other Itittition in the ttate pji ?eshcs students from abroad will indcr th 6pe.-inl care of the 1 ri eipal EXl-r.NsES PEK TtK.M : Primary. 4 M I Anc .-til Lane $10 0.1 Common English ft Mi I l-.c:den'aia 60 I menne'liate 6 50 In-truiueiital Jlasie Ili-h-r l-"n!;,ih 7 iiO Piano 12 00 Boarding i to 1 per wiek. Tuiii n n-nt be paid one-half in advance, the res' at the mt'ldl of th term. No rharg n made for ie- than one half term, un e. by aici il c.ntract. Ln-dtictions madi: ou y la cm- f iitntrai't -a s.ck n'iis. Kor farther ill formation addrmH. Kl.l FI-IiEK. Prinr-i,.al, or Got. D. UL'I LEK, I resident lioa.di.l rruK;ei-. mari-1 im . ADLFR, B. A. rEISKMAS. S. & CO., RECTIFIERS DISTILLERS. Dealers in atl kind- of Foreign a:id Domektic WINES, LIGTJOES AUD CIGARS 2tO. 14, FASTSJUS .V.I It A KT SQCAJ.F Si. Joseph, '3t. ooJ.1 ly EOIE)i-ISi qQD Plf SUGA R-COATED, j 3 PURELY VEGETABLE. & Free from 31enry I tZ'- Q AMi ALL MINERAL TO SON, fcrl I w K1 Ami are, uiiiloiil.tfiTlv, tiie Lost ri'int'Jy exUmt FOR 0 0 SICK AD XERVOI'S HEAD U'ilE : f ? ' Uiy do, liv virtue cf n spoci:i atliintv for the mucin membniiie of the boneU, thereby remortng the ctui.ics. Asa LIVER PILL 0 they enn Imve no rirnl, being com posed of the moMt Powerful Vegetable Extracts which hare n direct action on the SPLEEN AND LIVER, the huppy effect of which can be seen alter one or two doses. They Remove the llile, Assist Difestion, Cure Cosureties., In met, they nte, n their nnme i.iilicntes, the BLOOD PILL "The Life-GiviEg Principle." Tiiey sonri'h out iliso.'tse nn.l Rtr:ke"nt ita very root, leaving the system in the fi ll viirnr of htvilth; urn I'KKr KCTI.Y IIAItMI.Kss I I N FA N T-S ' K I I-: ItS'.i.N -1 ' K T 1 1 K MIST HKI.U'ATK CuNsTUU TIONS, ntid nro a SAFER, SURER AND BETTER Purgative Pill Mi P.' Q O a 5 iA thrin lias ever liefore been nrnihihln In niankitnl, mul. beini; tlm Ulv - liAK- l I r.l I. lire esini-lallv . hij. t e l na I1KMKHV r 'i: i ll 1 i.i-I.KN. nini persons hf have n dread of f:i:i,;(.iii'; n pill. 1 bey are, nn- hrrl (fiieitionaldy. one of imr must ' :lIll:M-inry l AI Ml li I u:, - s and no liniii-lnil J PRINCE. WALTON & CO., (Successors to Pr. C. W. Rnlmck,) SOLE PROPRIKTORS, Nos. 56, 58, 60 62 East Third St CINCI"A T I , O. Are So!d by a!3 Druggists and Dealers in Paten rVIedicines EVERYWHERE. SIWELSJXGS piff. Any re i.u tviyhir.jt to porrbae Farm-property, or Ri-idctices ia tewn will flod them for taie a. &U prices. Uj BORRUfOTON, mt1. Rial Ustati A&xrv X and no luni-t-li.. .i . X v shoiii.i iwith. A V A N. A ' . d. sixrsoy. jr MICE Simpson, Mickclwait & Co., Wholesale and Retail U Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, xxca tesimtooat Agents, PLATTSM0UTI1, Dealet in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLiyDS, GLASS, PIXi: AXD COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH. PICKETS, ETC., ETC. 4jati3 B. NEWMAN B . NEWMAN & CO., Corner Main and Third StreetsPlattsmoutii N. OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE! IN THE Dealer Gents Furmsliing Goods. :i.-.ts fJnp,' Boots, SSaoes, Trunks, Valises, &c. Vc. Vlso a prge lot of RUDOZR. CLOTH IN 3 AND REVOLVZRS Jf all descriptions always on hand. T Call a d examine my'exlersive stock at tht ISTew V2nsoiio Bric Bnilding. 23- OT757L. Go, Plattsmouth, April 10th, 8CG. UK. R. TENICK, PENICK & h Whn'esale Chemicals, Cass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. lirffi arr the Nnrthwrjtcrn holeale AgtrtfJfor.Dr.'D. Jayse Sod, and Dr. J. C. ircr Ci., a ail cau furnikh ibkir euicik( in any quantilua, Jan28 ly Zeal Estate OFFICE IN MASONIC BLOCK I LA rrSMO V TH, SE3 !:A SKA . Lot 8 in block 47, good residence. Wi ll and out-u:lling-. Let t in ltnck 2 a rd two-try rfsidenc. nick lia-rni.bl, wel . bi a nml u'lur outljai.dun:. A i'iirf chance for h Kno.i i VfHtnient. I. t 11 m Mi rk 17.1. I ui 'line wiio two rooun ami "liar Cioi'ii cLji re fur a mi. ill 'it.l. Lot 10 in likK-k 27, p td reidencc, with all tb I' Ceb I J OUtlllll ill' P9 W-t hlf ol se-iiln 85, town 12, rarpe 13. togeth er crfH vt t:miier- Dne hn oeil acn un- di-r cultivation. K;grit mi:es from Hlaltf month,near flatte river. An in.pniv.il faim i f eifh'y cie.. ifoml hon;e. rl, i tif , n i'h five ncri s o god tiiijber, Eiglitr rre of land. lr'T iaiprorel, two an a I hill milra from ibe city. 160 acrr of parlly tmprovrd 1 n i, wlili 4iacr of yi-nui' tini'"-r , llu; u! 4 n ii - I. h i f ti.wu. NOTICE. L'n ier the p i.v .-. n-! i .; f 'he "e r; Lrislainre, arproe'! Feiir .a:y lot, 1.07. lut t, of Te r.to. i i w r.nt hum .v '. : f ir trim it i ir. fli i or ; .. n y i KR'l.il V' riit tn.; i pr'eu' . . In'ertt a f t Ja i:iry Int. I '.7. lal wi'l Ke a'n riht 'aic vriiii inte-'t y J " 1S-.3. A. K'K'NTI i.Te-. T ' is. tinuta, February 20th, 1S6T. 27 ' r .!( I ! ' IM r. r. c. n. KING Carpenter ar d Joiner CONTSACTOIl and Bu T DES, Wttl do work in ! line with n rstne.i an piMc, . trpea laort ntic. ED WD LUTTERY. M 2& NEBRASKA. N. J. SHARP WEST I ia H. tOTINO. LOVING, Dealer, ia L? fjp "I Boot & Shoe S";ore! J. TEROCK-ORTON & SON, at their old .-tan l, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN bTRKET, PI.ATT.SMOUTII, - ... N. T. We keep constantly on liand a la-gn aortment of Eastern Hois & Sii e SHOP MADE WORK, which we will aell at th Iotti-kI ca-b n lues. 12' ; airing thine at sol: rt no tice. . ESJ-AI! Work Warrant d. ' J. TrUOf'KJICI'.TON'. A. Ii:ECCKMO.".TOf. Oct S 'C6 f ; F URN ITU EE", COFFINS, AXD Cab.iret - Work ! EL WAIT, II. IJOLICK Flvine riTa-ced hin hhfp nnd ?al(- riv-m wrm d re-pMtfi'lly run rd ih ptopie in this .cii.i:y tha he can furiii-h thrm w th th Tt-ry lesi Irii in i Chair, or o l:r C:l'inet-wirk, at the mo! navn ahl rates. I hn:i k?- p cr.n-tantly on ban4 a iarpf arrr.n' ol i-m II ork. and am !-o .r- pai-ri to nr.anaiaciu unvihmff in tny lrne on !iori ntHice. A larga a-.-.uji rt i l Kacy tuaiie Cc ISn k.-pt a) ai! tiniM. C.i'i ta i examine rev stock ar. J priced JelO dw tf p. BOfcXK. Parm for Sale. One of the lent Farm In Can. county, of lt'rfl or 320 acre, at th" c mice or tho purchtn'r. The mu aiion, water pi i.lee, huildinKi, tiniher, c, ten der it a verr ili sirahle frm. Inquiie of liou. tf.im'l M.ixweli. at the Court house ia Haiti-mouth, or the oa uer, on ihe premises, on Cedar Creek, VI mile we t of Platt.-raouth. 'I'h- stock and ai;r'rnltural implements of the farm may be boOKht with it. f e b-.'2 :f A . L. CHILD. A. L. SPRAGUB dea'er Groceries, Provisions, PRODUCE, &C. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE! AH kind of Pr educe taken in exchange for rood. I keep the very tea ot poods, and am bouud to ell them as c'.i rap any heose In Ihe city. coylSdwtf STUPPY & BEHR, Xo. IS North Fifth Street, ST. JOSEPH, ... MISSOURI. Dealers In PIANOS, ORGANS MELODEON , Violin., Gu'tar, F!ue", Accoi1eon, Flutinas, Mu sic Hooks udMi ui Music. Gruuine Italian and (ieu b 'i' rt b.atjn a tLd. maSw6m. Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Shrynck is deain a' the old slnnd prepared to wait npon hi" former customers, anil the publie generally. If you want anything n haw of Farni ture or Chairs, t-'ive him a call. 3rd street near Main , Piattsmuul b , N. T. mHyl7,dtf. Dress-Maker. MRS. L. B- JONES, Of Nebraska City, would re rectfnlly Inform tha la'li'' of Plattsmouth that she has taken up her res ilience in ihif place for tiie purpose of CUTTING, FITTING aud MAKING if required, Ladies snd Children! Drew, Cloaks, Basques, etc. MArillSE iTITCIllXO d.iue also. Al work will he executed with Deal oe.-s, and will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to give satisfaction, and therefore solicits the patronage of the laJies of this place and vicinity. Ketideuce, corner Vine and 4th street. in Adsms' brick- nor!'! tim GET T II E iUfcTT ! WEBSTER'S Un abr idged Dictionary. XEW ILLUSTRATED EDITIOX. Thorftn"hly rer'srd and much enlarged. Over 8,000 Fine Kn r.viii. Is a well-mt h indi en- salile r--'i :ii' fo' every inlelligi-nt fnniily. It contain if '0O WOleliS and MEANINGS nc. foiitd in other liicinitiari' s. It is n-.w b ii- ed to lie by far the most complete, useful and s ti-l. rtory llictintmry of the .in(tua(r ver pub ish-vl. a- it i by far tiie largest HiDgle vol ume ever U dl i !!' iHnKoaFrt. In on I f l4'i K"hI Quarto Puces. Publiahed h C. M bKUlAM. Springfield, Mas. SOLD lit ALL JtO'jKSELLEHS. ROBAGK'S BITTERS RO BACK'S STOMACH BITTERS ! CURK DYSPEPSIA, V 4 " ? nnd nre the best Tonic in the world. ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS CUKK SICK HEADACHE, Cotivenes, nnd nil ili Beanes of the bowels. ROBACK'S BLOOD PURIFIER! CUIIKS SCROFULA nnd nil iicive arising from impure blood. OP if ARE BOLD liV ALL Druggists nml Dealers lift Patent ledicines 13 VERYWII 4 Im PRINCE. WALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Potck.) 60LK PROPRIETORS. No. 56, 68, 60 & 62 East TMrd7 CIKCINNATI, Oym' i r t JM