She SEldtofea KuvxU. LOCAL N i:VS- Cr7The ILiuibuv WeeVlv Tnns conies us cnlarjrd to a x ir column paper, Trith a new hftd:!), nx.J othorwi-e im proved. I: in :i c;elll ti tho puoii-'ners, and will b ft pon lrous lever for do.vel of.I.Ts: the tcwa un l country nr-crc ;t is publish J. CsTA report wus in circilation at St. Joseph a few diy"'ne m attempt had been li.ade to rob a bank at Nebras ka Citv, no J that MeCann had been kill ed. It probably arose, savs the Un'um, from the siroil iri'y f the person shot at Savannah McLane when a robberry waa attempted there. r"v"Our Nebraska City friends and tlie other side of tho rivrr m Iowa, have been laboring for th last four or five years to divert the B. fc M. II. R. from this point. They work a while to get it djwn there, and finding no encourage ment, then t'-'n in and try tn injure tho company by howling about their land grant beinjj a swindle, (lo on, gentle men ; the road is being pushed rnpidly and surely towards I'lattsmouth, and we will be able to announce the comrueJce tuent of work at this point ere long. Us and Our Descendants I'ur Sivral iicw-rtil i.ns. Tho Rev. G. W. Hubbard, of Wilson, N. Y.. under date of Feb. 13, 1?C'J, writes : "The report of tho recnt Trial' is waking up some interest here, nnd in quiries un 1 calls to eee our machine (Wilcox & G.bbs) are hecomnir frequent. Tha laachine, however, is well known; as frequent ctiis have long been made on us to do little job that cannot '. edonu on other machines; I think wo have never failed to ace ".mi:ioin.te such. I write you now to ak for a few Decrip tive Catalogues, with priceH, Ac. Also for copies of that 'Trial' in pamphlet form. 1 enclose a little money fur post age. Our machine is one of your first make. Though having run Haven years, it does not how injury to the amount of fvo rier coiit. I believe it would Inst us nnd our docnd mts for several generations. charged soldiers, or heirs of deceased of ficers nnd soldiers, wi:l do well to call on him. No charges for advice or instruc tion. Undr a late decision of the War Department all applications for udJiti in al bounty must be filed b .foro April 1st, IPoT, and before any payments are made thill be classified by regiment, battalion Or other aepsirate organizations, and no application Sled after such date shall le settled until the former shall have been paid. Members of the 1st Michigan Cav alry are entitled to $320, less the amount of transportation when mustered out in Utah. Officers three months pa7 proper collected. Additional pay for servants from tbc lt of May, 1SG4 to the 3d of March. 1863, collected. Payment to loyal owners of (.laves who et. listed in the ar mies of the United States. Inventors of Patents will do ucll to call on him; fees for obtnining Patents are moderate. Let tors Patent remain in force seventeen years. All cases entrusted to him are prosecuted through the National Claim Agency, of Washington, D. C, conduct ed by .Messrs. Chip man, Ilosmcr, Gilmore end Drown, all officers of the late war and experience in military affairs has made them experts in preparing and pros ecuting claims arising therefrom. F. 51 Dorrington, Sub-Agent, wPl always be found at his office on the second floor of Masonic and Odd Fellows' B'ock, corner of M ain and 3d street. PLATTSHCUTH HAEKiTS. Pi:orrcE jap i2?r Wl eat $1 SKfi-2 0- Maelceiel.kiUs. 3 oil Corn in ear i-ia 4.V Xi! lug 15 ' eU.'Utd Hutter ' vio nrii rnnl I J i'otatoes 2 UU t .our f I 100 Eis 6 5u GROCERIES VVhnIe!e f'-0!.- 7'iUi .-,;' ltiVj. r,fSiQ n 1 vertisernent of Nemaha Valley Seminary" in to-day's paper. P'JTPawnea county, the home of Gov. Ru'.ler. poles 2113 Republican votes and only 32 Democratic votes. There are no whiskey snops nliawed in that county. Where'- N.tsby ? Cr-We learn that t!:ere will be a chool exhibition at the L'tcrht Mile Grove Church, on Tuesday evening nrst, under th- directian of our worthy friend, C. II. From SuturUay't Daily C2?"The Good Templars of Nebraska City are to hold an anniversary festival oa Tuesday evening next. C5?"The Xtu-s anticipates tlie appoint ment of new Land Officer for the office in Nebraska City, in a short time. 51or- ton s "pets" are faring badlv, and he appears powerless to help them. C2?Our Senators are placed on the Senate Committees ns follorvs : viz. Senator Thayer, Military, and on In dian .affairs. Senator Tipton, on Agricultural, Pub lic Lands, nnd Private Land claims. We noticed several teams and wagons contuiningfamwK's from Marshall county, Illinois, leaving town yesterdav for the beautiful Valley of Salt Creek There appeared to bo quite enough for a small colony, nnd we understand thev are all men of means and energy. They had excellent stock, good wagons, an household effects that locked liko thev intended to "ii at home." This is the ! wnu''1 "oon bec-.tne extinct. class cf men we like to see coming to Ne- j braska. It is evidence of our f ii r nrp ! prosperity. GKOCERI Colfee Sugar Syrups C' Oil Lxri Oil Tobacco Kii(! iCoffre 3y,f5o' -agar lV' -oi'Ia It'll i : j II ice '75 ; Coal Oil 1 25 J ' Tobaecu 1 Hi.ap 2 00, Xai.f 1 0l'&2 Od i 80 .T 3- 1 tOJ2,15 80 JOiVt 2 1 ("Fernando Wood made a speech to the effect that whether criminal or not, Collector Smvthe hadn't the capacity or Corrected by Simpson, Mickelwait & Cj I discretion to fill the place of such roagni- Whrat Mi Ier are not buying mnc'i. waiting for navicitioa to CDn b-fore Tinrehnt'.n? w!iat t'T U2 are in receipt or tne l.OOSV vrint? Ihinki-g that prices "ill decline Mountain Guzrtle, published at Helena, Coin 1 com iog in fr-e'y, and buyers are geitinj M,n,h,n Trrii U lVi'i,;n.nn f- !1 fie can t.r t qa-jtej prices. ' .Vl.I. J Z I I l I . i W 1 1 l JJ nan E. S. Wilkinson, editor ".Messrs. Harry Duel, II. A. Allen. nnd Dunham, of Or.ialia, s;re in the city attending a convocation of R A. 51 for the purpose of organizing a Grand Chapter for Nebraska CSTTho Berlin correspondent of the Rice New York llr dd estimates that two hun dred thousand emigrants, mainly from Germany, will find their way to the Uni ted States this rear 5"Water was let into the great Lake Tunnel in Chicago over a week ngo, and the people of that city are luxuriating in pure water brought from the lower deeps of Lake 5Iichigan. CJrrtemriaber that Dr. 5IcCluskey can fill your teeth without enming pain, and put in artificial ones that cannot be ,.l.l r - . . v, : i ii. i , r- I J hfn cal ine for mail n ease n7m reputation in tnis locality as a o. 1 I 11 " ln -,-oryU1' 11,x- p. . , . I Whi-n calling for Stamps eive the number of uiiio- nuu i (.Pieajunv jeuiltinan. I lumpi or amount yr u wih to li:y. J- " . jiAKsri AI L, ToMmaster. ("Ue have been favorved with a copy of the i'laUsmmh Daily Democrat. it is larger than ! x 0," and exhibits immense room for improvement. It is a time honored custom for editors, in the Erst issue of a raper, to state some of the leading rrincioles uron which it will v. sixrsoy. n: MiCKEL wait. PWZ SUTTER Y. Simpson, Mickehvait dr Co., Wholesale and Retail 3X POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. TBI mails will close as follows: EAPTKRV mail will cluse at - Ii. n. HOCTHrRX at - - 9am NOUTHLKN anJ V. ESTEItN at 1 p. m. M1ILS ARE DUE AS roLLOWS FrorB the EAST at . 10 a m NOKI H and WEST at - lit a. m. SOLTHat - -2 p.m. POT-OFt-ICR HOURS. Op? n from 7 a. m. to 8 p. in. 4 Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, i SteciiiiTDot Agents, PLATTS5I0UTH, NEBRASKA. 1867. 1867. 1867, OF THE Omaha Republican, DAILY 1.YD WEEKLY. De-ler! in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLLXDS, GLASS, r.iu a.iu uiv i luxnuuu L.UMISER, SUISGLES, LA TH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F. & A. 21. Rir'ilarcomniunic.itionii 1st and 3,1 Mondv nf ojch mo'iiu. at b 1 z o ciocn, p. ni. E. T. DUKE, W. M. W. H. AXDEK-0.V, Src. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R. A. M. ccnviK-alicns CJ n.l 4th Wednttddy of 4jaii t X t B. NEWilAN N. J. SHARP be cnn.liinteil. t hiw thnvinir tK r'; tKo " B'. o'eljrlt p m. , 0 ... WIIEELER. H. P. general line of policy to be pursued and the object for which the paper is started. It is also customary for cotemporary journals, in noticing the publication of a new paper, to quote liberally from the ntroductory remarks In nccord mce with this usage we give below the saluta- tary, in Vol, 1 No. 1 of the Daily Dtmo crul entire: it bein the only original matter on 'ho editorial page. We sup pose it may be taken as a tiue guide to ! animus of the paper, ntd will fully explain its objects and aimj, and is as follows : E. C. LEWIS, Sec t B . NEWMAN & CO., . I. 0. 0. V. A'blle Lo,l. So. 7, mcetH er fatuMar tveninr CORNER MAIN A!SO THIRD StREFTS "Pl.ATTSMnrTTIl K. t ti e C-urt Hoti Hnll. . J'fr.tlieis o otlier Lodges I art.- rtpct fully ii.viud to visit this Lodg. Dyomnroi A . L. Sf It AO LE, If . Q. I. 1. (JA, Rec.?-"y. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. n-'gulur tncttinKJ first 'l ues lav of i vi month i ' l- tlr.v. i.Kii 11 T 1 s K. It. LivixosTO.t, Clerk. Chuiiinaa. I. 0. O. T. Itt-KUliir nu'etini:!! evei v FriJav nice Tra.vlinir iriiiiiJi! resjiuciiuJiy invite I. K. C. LEWIS, W.C.T. WE3 MOXTCOMESY, V. S. SAJ11. M. UHAPHAV, Lodi Dputy, i OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE! I his paper Is ODiverl!y re poized as the Leading Orsraii of the Re publican Parly, AND THE Be8t,Most Enterprising, and Most Widely Circulated Newspaper l in Nebraska. 7bePertiH:can farly of Nebrafka coan Itutea th rte f lsif iir TotiiK and fully four-fifths of lis newi-pajHr ieu"irB mulatfon Of this largely domuaiut parly th? Kipi'Blica.n Ihe only Republi can journal pubni-hed at the Capital ii the rec(r nized iirsjn. In this wide fleld It has no rival auj no competitor, in in tuc nee or circulation. Hereuft r ih ? Kkpublicas inscribes upon it ban ner the principle of Equal nights for AH, And whiL. fighlin that (Treat battle through if 6d will to the end. it promises hereaiter to lui nih all who rally to iv support ev-n better and tn-ure at tractive newspaper than tvtr biore. In the f illnena of it Slate Correspondence, tha completeness ot i'a Lncal and Commercial Report; in its Slat it ion I txhihits of the progress of the Trade, Agriculture. Manufactures, &c. of State, and in every department of Local and Ceneral Intelligence, the Republican is without a rival. The Proprietor of the Kkp.'BLica i determined i. m.are i.,. paiti- -r expeti e t(. aia'nin th wiMon i f 'he RepcblioAv as tha rooft conular ani influen tial inurnal and the nio.t attractive newsDaner writ of Chicago. OCR WEEKLT Will now be a complete repertory of all the Locn) and tieneral, Telecraphic and CommerciMl ews publish ed in our Dai. y, as well as all its Original and St-lecr- d I.Hetary atnr. and in return for this ttTorl to make the Weekly the J'riiie of West' rn J.jurnalhm. we ask the united elforto ot all our friends to obtain far uT Two Thousand New Subscribers. . . i . . , I ' - .. .. . . . . in i ' 1 1,, l . I . I mils -no notlCO in ina COiurnns Of the mouth, he Ids resnlar meeiiuirs on the third Wednes- Unirilia Iier.tld that Q':ite i number of '-v l,veuing,ot ch moma th rnnn. r,.n H.of V. ' .f tro': ii Al jl A , W D T. j " - ...v., iiiftb vi i;ii-vn - lal Jro. . A. Yi aLLi, VV LI o have betn arraigned before the Mayor fcister E. j. Auni nrnx, v D v t. for fast d riyinrr thereby nQorilinz a source of revenue to the City we can iiiijine BfSfUl iVotlCC IN THE WEST! Dealer in DAILY One Year $10 00 Six Months 5 00 Threo Months 2 50 WEEKLY One Year $2 50 Six Months 1 50 Addiess, Sr. A. P. BALCOMBE. Republican Block, Omaha, Neb. that if his honor our own worthy Mayor state OF neukasKa Tkn!.1 r. j r .... it . g r . . . - . .i " v...- "..u onsi .ii uucj iur i lyiHf inn es iblishinent of our frifnd the Herald C"VTe have been shown some fine enravin'j of flowers, the seeds of which ire for sale by Yick & Co., ot Rochester X l. lij persons c!ubbin together they can be had at very low rates. Mrs t t r : J t :.. . . i l li. it i , , . i- w nico l? uuh luil'E LU tut UD BC UE . . 1 .i - - . - (and Will reftl-ivA nrrlra nil rtiv Ci sxTict. during the w.nttir. C.iT"A corrospon le.-jt of the Oraalia Ihn.L!, in,iin of th- recent Iiepu1- can victory in Council Blu.Tj, eays Frank Street (Hep.) only Jeais IJabbitt, ();m.) forty. seven ; and ''aao'-bor t-ueh a victory will use up the tiro-lovin-contit'jtii)n-hatinj; ral'cal party' They have stood it a 1 n t'uae, and we gu. 3 they can stand a few more. "A re' westera cibiu" was built a abort distance from this ci y la3t f ill which now presents rather a novel p: earanc-; on the insiJe. The roof vii9 ir.ada by laying green poles I across the bu Id.n, then a layer of hay, and on top of this was piled a considera ble tjup.ntity of dirt. The room bein very ciOje, th'j heat of the stove and the moisture of the earth on top caused the Cottonwood poles to sprout and row the branches extending into the room and taki" root in the soil above until the room is now Clled with green cotton -wood Fprouts. Kodacii's Bitters. It has lor been the aim of rhysici ms to iind a comYna lion of medicine having tlie requisite etimuliEt ami tonic properties to relieve and cure the common complaints of Bil iousness, Liver Lisrlers. Languor. Head iche, Lowness of Spirits, Diestio", JaanJIc?, Fever and Aue, SiC., which are the diseases incident; t this climate. The remedy has been discovered by Dr. IiohacK, and in thousands cf cases the romu of his Bitters Lave been proven in siring jeeds. We hope our citizens will encourage this enterprUo, tl rt our city next summer not only show one fine ilower garden, but d .zens of them, and let ever window 6how tome rare Cower adding beauty and cheerfulness to its surroundings. i'i viu JIunjLiy't Daily. Lut Rev. A. R. Mosher is txpe ted to deliver a temperance lecture in this citv on I rioay next. ("Roberts does not approvo of the Fenian mavement in Ireland. He says i anana is i ne pointy (2 I rains are not expected over the C. & N. V. R. R. before the middle or last of next week. Ci?MVe learn that the J. II. Lacy is th is side of Brownville, working her way up the liver. The ice is firm yet at the above ooniruaint. F rm y,-Utaj'n 'r. (Tv"IIjw tlo the '-Hermans and Irish'' of Nebraska like to bare tho leading Democratic papers throw the whole re sponsibility of tho Omaha ruob upon tliero, an l then come out and say they du .not endorse it V C"A so!dier correspondent of the Rfl-ullwun gives Capt. Lowry a cathing rebuko f r h:s c:urse and says : 'The fact that he served faithfully ns a soldier d )e not ad.nit that his comrade's in arms must necciSiirially assist him to position, when a very large proportion of his omrades detest the principles he enunci ates, and the doubtful loyalty of his com rud s of to-dar. C?The city election in Sioux City hows a large Republican gain, and the election of one half the Republican tick et. It is a noteworthy fact that id all the towns and cities where reason is al lowed full sway tho Republican party is on tho gain. It is only where mob law rales and peaceable, quiet men are driv Liuus, mai. democracy snows any gain, or even hold its own. Which plan do you like the fce!t mob law or reason 'i W We made a notice some time since that Confess bud adjourned on a cer tain day. It is Lot yet adjourned Probably the paper ontainifg tho HO' tico was not received in time. CiT'lhos. Chapman, Esq., who was here some time since looking at the country was so well pleased with the prospects that he has returned with his family and proposes settling at this point He is now at Council Bluffs but will arrive here in the course of a day or two. CaTLitt'e Mac of the Omaha II raid says the object of the Congressional Temperance Society is to avoid treat ing their constituents that go to Wash ington. Mac is authorized to speak of the motives that prompt men to join temperance societies, for we learn that he has lately joined tha Good Templars Lodgo in Omah i. y All who were present at the exhi bition on Saturday evening speak of it in terms of praise, and we have heard a targe number of those who were present ind those who were not, express a desire that the performance might be repeated at the Court II nne, or tome other con venient place, and that a reasonablo ad mittance fee be charged. Due notice will be giv n through the Herald if Prof. Jdincs and his pupils consent to repeat the exhibiticn. F"F. M. Dorrirgton, Claim Agent, is receiving payments of additional bounty c.sjs daily, asd has all the late laws anj dee:3iuns10 pa!:!.:;: forau ; An dij. From Tueiniai'a Daily FESTIVAL The Ladies of tho M. E. Church will have a Festival iu the Court House Hall, on Thursday evening, March 21st. Pro ceeds for repairing the Parsonage. Sup per, one dollar per couple, to be paid at the door. CTbe bill providing for circuit and district courts in Nebraska has passed. dTVVe used to gel mails with seme j regularity across Iowa when was brought by stag-, but since it has been transferred to tht Railroad re arc often ten days without a mail. HARKIED. At the residence of Thos, Brown Esq by Judge Marshall, on the 24th inst Mr. William Coleman, of Salt Creek and Miss Jenme Brown, of this city. On the 12th of March, at the Platte Valley House, by Judge Marshall, Mr James V. Thomas and Miss Mary Crow All of this city. 3i?"Fivo acres of eo'lanwooj poles for sale, crq lire of Jj. Schlatpr. Main St. 1 iattsmiuch. marlSJow2 Fresh. Osage Orange Seed for sale at $1,25 per pound at BLACH BlTTr-ST it Co's. mar 15th CTy"FoR Sale One of Lamb's superior knitting machines the only kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at this effioe. dtf HARNESS AT C03T ! In order to make room for a new sto;k in tho spring, I am selling off my entire stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars AcMiat cusl. All ye that want anything in my line, call ;n, for we are bound to sell. Main St. South side. Two doors trust of Tootle, Hanna & Co'. Feb 28 ha U. J. Streicut. CTTo those wishing job-work done, we would say that now is the time and the Herald office is the place. We are prepared to execute work in the neatest style and on short notice. BY EXPRESS. Jut received by Express, a large stock of Clothing, Hats. Car. Boots. Shoe. etc., at B. Ne man's & Co's. Now is the the time to buy cheap. EarGd3 SEED POTATOES. Extra White Nehannock and Early Goodrich Potatoes for, sale by -A. Li ( IIILD, w3 (ilendale. Tor Sale or Reat. A good dwelling house, containing 3 looms, situated on the hill fronting the ferry landing, together with seven lots well fenced, and under good cultivation. fhere are on the premises a good cistern and out-buildings. Possession will be given on the 1st day of March. For par tienlars enquire of ItJItf W. L. Or S. T.. Trrn. C"Found A Fur Collar fentlmon'a SUSCRaPIIOHS Tlpeelrpil r thn V....... i -s i'epot, ior anv of the Magazines, Periodicals and News apers of the day, at the Publishers lite (Ts?" .Vow is the tinn to subscribe. Oct. 26. FRESH OYSTERiT" Direct from Chicago, can be had t Irish's Restaurant for the small sum of id cents per. can. dec21dtf DFt. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST. Wi'l do nil work in his line on h rt noUce CT3Otnce wnb Dr. Livingston. July 6. i: c..i ,v f ..... i Harriet Tliuma, C-uipl't. ) J-Petition foi Divorce. James TliMUias, Pef't. James I'iiuiils will t ike notice that Harriot Tbo'nas, of tne cnniir of Caws, in tne Stai- of Ne. bruka, U:ii, f,n the 19. h day of .!;ircli, A. I). IsCT, ti e hfr p- titioa in liit Ditn a t'ourt ot tin- H Jmli cial Oistrii-t ot .Nt-tiraskK , ilh ill iul for ti.e co unt , 01 Caa, j,-.iiu.-t th - ,-aia J oins Tlioiui.-i, dcienilaut, i-ettiij lord t.ut n.e . sti ilef iidni.t li:i bt t-n t.iiul ly Hc-iii: from the Mii'i for more than iwo yea la-t pa-l ll llh iulaliy cBu or jn-tiBca-tion; Aii.l i r.ivi'i- that -Ii- b- ilivorocd Mom ihi mia jar.iiH lliu, and f..r such oilier aud l'urilier relief us eie is i;i equity tr.tiikd to. and ihe ..;.! J.wn, s Vcomas i. iL.tnl. u iliut he in requi eil to a;. i t-. ir au.l ai. Wt-r nul l ti titioll on or l.ei.ire th. tair.i ..ijuu.iy r:er tin; I.Mli day of Aoril, a i ls!i7 Wand Jlaica uuli, 1 7. h.w:::ilt hmus, by Wilutt ioTri;otii, her Sol. Gents' Furnishing Goods. BTats Caps,: Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valines, Also a targe lot cf RUBBER CLOTHJN'Q AND REVOLVERS Wm. S. Thatcher, Buccessor to ' H- Knapp Ballon, 9 DERMtPi TKIC PHYSICIAN And S U H G E O N Cures all'elpsseg of rurble diKense without me'llrine Km oan which are Hmnchitis, A-lhma, Phthiir, (iout, ithMiraalim, 'eiiralia !'aralvse, Lns of Hcarinir. disei -e of tho Cnnc'r, Tumors, hcrof ubi. Diaber' -. Hy-ni ji Anti. Ic, Ac. ipi-ciAL.- lie ca-cs pi i vu.c d;c.cs in all frtaa in f-w day. Oflce at Viatte Vs'l-y ITouie. Pi-ob.tlc IVotice the Vrobutt Court Petition, to .ii ittai Ettjtt Of all descriptions always on hand. .Vaitl.ew KuKhw, 0-.r.lUn of th inin .r heirs of OR. ROBACK'S T T I PILLSl l.liic, in; .a-v,i t 6,11, W lio iMiel K ;hl Jll;ll tii ir oihei fi..u, tlie esla.e ol Johu Wolie dee'd A!l -w hom it may c ncern : Yt u are iien-hv iii:.irmed on th :o,i. j .. . , Jlari-h, A V li'Sl. sud l.'ti idi iu fil.U his i.iu,.. ,.. ai lCi i.rt the ol j-c! H id .. ayei or j eiition is i.. ol.taid a i r ie. f rum .i 1 1; ,.Urt f ir thn sale of the io:I..wii,sj t e .1 Ksu:-. to wit.- The nortlave,. nnMr lei- of M-ctioti 21, Vjw.i 10. 1.!; t!.L. i, . , r tiu soullme-t q.;a;ter it .e..u..n 5!i. ioh-u ID, rano-c , hud Ihe li- lilienst i,i;al-t-r f the Ncutllirot q-jar-.rof seit on '1 f.wa HI. rau;-e i:i. cn'aiiiiinr ,) ac e , mure oi- J. .-. in mid Louu'y auil state. Th. win ot in i.c . s.!i i i.e-i us on TiirnsDAi; t: 21 Jay ofjj.,. isc: At 1 oYljik p m it ni. tii tin, e all m-rs.,n i..irJt. el tan upl ir mu !i, cause why aid ..within hou.J he g uiin- I, v ub. they haTe. li:ve.. m il r n,y l.u,lau.i the s, al of tl a pr..n..t. I. SJ Court In h day or March, a o Ie07 J. v it ti:n .11 ' mr20 4w Probate J nine. Cass t, . n'-i..v. I-rpj? Xotice Jn t'te D.Mr.ct Court .? the id JrdUial Tl,Mt uimjor uaxH vuMiiy, &tute of AU,rula. John Allinson, heii .' 1 hunia- ii i,,so 1 and Mary A li o,., aaiiwt Chu.l s i,ea-ly, r a Chancery. 1.3 11 ii- as t, ai.d the heir's o! J uiiftQu in. To Charles Bcasi-y, Sa B'h-I t, and the h iis . Janit -ieeu. y. u r i 1 like noiirv that J.i'.n iiiin. on hk fiit his Bu; in h ,.:, v .i.. . .... i ...... i;ru,iin.i ilitl .u. e.-I ull 1 i.r .... bill is to ol tun a iiec ei- to i--,i:fi:-:n n,l 'i.erf ct tl,e U to thefi-liowj. II.- ! l-.s a e. to wit- 1 h- mmth east iinariero' th.- M"aliiM-t quarter of srclioii H2 nt .wi.s ij. Hv.-!v,-(ln. no-th o ranpefou t eti(U), , ' r,sna; in J,,lin A lli son, er i f I'ho , as K 1 il le.iM, ! i.ii.i n c!.,o ts f il.e sua in.iv h i .k.. n..i,,.i hvir of ihe tsute of J i:ut- y-iren, i f any tli.-ie he ) in C..-.S county, t.-.te or Xel.-aska, and that y.iur i ives ai d your may k eDjoiiied fo:ever from all ciaini or claims H-h-,lever hy reason of d-fecl in tha;u of tieir f, om T,,ii.-S, Ives t- J jhn Aliinson in "am neal K-Mie. tjCall and examine my extensive stock at tht Ifew Masonic Brick Building. BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD pay BLOOD PILLS AND PILLS. PILLSL PILLS. PILLS. PILL& PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. Flattt-.nnuth, April 10th, S66. 53 OO, WM. B. TEKICK, TT. L0VINO. PENICK & LOVING,- sh Wholesale Dealers la 3 ; Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors,CoaI Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. i NCS. &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- -We are the Northwrsitern Wholesale Apentit for Dr D J.tiia , knd cac furnish their meuiciuo. in any ouantiti.. -yneAicn, and Dr. J.C. Ayer Co., ju:a iy Vou are rei-i.l 10 apresr nnd plead, answer or LATEST 'FASHIONS T)PT AMI deii,uriotl,es..i,ll ilnor hefore Motidy, the Ctli r.iaillUiS VL..l 1I1 Under the provisions of an act of the Te ri'orial I.eL,;atiire. ai.pruved Feor .ary In1,l -C7. the l,uhler. of TeTiio i il warrants racist (ireful h-ir wsrr ints i ir iiayiueat at my i ni.-e or t-fore July 1st !S7 and il w i- tan's n.,t .. presented w,i e,.a.e iJ u-aw interest af:(r Jjuuary 1st. 17. and will be p id ari-r that date with inter-st only to Jai,ua-v lt 1-?- t A. KOl'XTZel, Ter. Trasi:Vr. Omaha, February 20;h, 13 67. febT dvrC w day of May, a i i:jj7. 3TAXMKI.L A CHAPMAN, Solicitors for Complainants. Oidered that the ahrve no ire puMislird f .rfoar cn-ecutive weksiu the 'Xehrtsk Hrald'' cewa- p"if, J n intuwv, mi20 4 Kej;ist-r in Charcerr. P. 31. DOSRE.GTO., Heal !ESi3tate AGENT, OFFICE IX MASOMC BLOCK FLATTSXOCTU, XE2ZASKA. Lot 6 in block 47, good residence, well aud outbuildings. J. WLBRADLEY'S ; CELEBRATED PATEXT DUPLEX BLLIPT1C (OU D0CBLE SPRING) f& SSL X JEZ. 1? fc Th Wonderful Fl ,xl!ijiity and great Comfo t and Plea-vir" to any laily wir,nir the Duolex tlliptin ?kirl iwill be exrer-.enced purtiPularly in all er i-d Ascif.blie-, Opera. Carriages, Kaiir.-m.l Cara.chnrch Pews; Arm Cna4r, f ir Promenade and House lress th Skirt (in he folded whin in tis,.- to occupy a' small P'u e a-i ea-iiy and coi.reni'-miv as a Silk or Muslin l)re-s. an invi un ble quality n crinoline not found in any Sinir'e Spring Skirt. Al.ady h tvim: et joved the pleasnr-, oo'mfort an:l great convenience f wearing the Duplex Elliptic teel Sptinir rkirt for a eini;!,. .lar. will r.ever alt r wards w,lliD"ly dispense with tlieir use. Fr -i,ii. rlren. Misses and Tonag Ladies they are kuoerior in I Mil nTIrn They wi;l n t bend or break like the SinrlePpr ne bnt presi rve their perfect and Krac-ful shine T . - .,.! .ucnuirrn uur Mmiuarv tKir:s til have b'rn i iu I'M im s v u ipw-"u,rT rr ui-urs. i . . - . ; .... .. hrick ha-emint,el . barn ui.d oihcr outhnudings " h "v V "7; , ".i. V r''- A rare chance for a acod i. vestment. f"6 ' '? ''1", '" hreaf ' ; rU t ,. 3 .-""ic p iiujs. iiui twice ior noutiie) Lot 11 in Mock 173, hulldine with two rooms and covered ; preventing them from wearing unt wh-n cejlar Goiid chance for a small capital. drairgics io n stoons, t .irs. Sec. Lot 10 in Mock 27, pood residence, with, all the .The Duple Elliptic ij m great favorite with ll necess,ry outhuislinjit. a,e an,l n:i!erllp recommended by the Ka-d jn e-t half of aeztil S.i, town 12, ranee 13, toireth. " er wit?i Jti acres of timber- One hu. died ams n.. i . . ' i der eull.vat.on. Eight mhes Irom I'laitsniouthjnear r J ,-J " ."""T ? "J'"niHbie advntars In I hitte river. ' Cnnrlie. m: sr.periorqoilitv, pe-fe t . urri -nai.- ou iiuieu, u -Aiuiiiiv, unran.jnv co'n. An improved faini of eiehfy seres, rood honse I fort aiid ecortoniv. enanire f..r J v na.i . well, etc , with five arrts o gold timber, plex i:ilipTic, o- Double tpring Skirt", aud be si, re to Eiehty acres r,f land, cartiv iamroved. t n ..l get the genuine article. hait niih-s from the cay. CAlTHON To guard ayainst ImDosition be nartio. 160 acrts of lart'v in'Proveil jiULg tini'r, situated 4 milts south ji.-j ,.. , nlai to no' ice that skirls o! aa l)upiev-i i.BV. .H ind with40acreiof the rtd iult stamti, viz: "J W. Brad'ev's Du,d. x - vUth of town. tIliptic su spr,,.. upva the waLbaml- no, Buined Out, BUT DISCOURAGED. T. W. f hryock i ncain at Ihe M .t inrf lo unit upon bin former cu-t, mers, aud the p-iiii; generally. If you want anything n shj of l arni- tnre or Chairs, tive him a call. .nam, riattsmoutb, N. T. 3rd street near B!sy!7,rllf. If on want Pattr:t M!-cines at eld price gn to BLACK, J ,6 CQ other, are genuine. Also notice that ever. Hoop win fcuiim pm oeing pisea inroiign t ie cruire, thus yeveling tb two (or doub.e) npringn htaided toaT,jter t' r. i i, whi.h Is the sten t of their flexibil ity ad strength, and a combination not Ij be fotini in o'h'-r .- k.rt. toiffale ia all Store where first-cla-.s ikirtt are "!d ihroai.-li- i: the I'niteS t.nes and "l-twhi Alauufactuiei by the o:e Owne" of the Pa!-r.t V.'toTS. BrtAULKV Jl- t:u- ' f 7 Chftiiibera 79 it SI K'-ai.'e at.,' if. V. ! STAR BULL. V, have put into our Mill late'v several important improvement.-, and are now pr p ired to MAKE THE BEST QUALITY OF TITE BIGIIZST XAKKKT PRICE PAID FOR Wheat and Corn. EOHWE3 & SIEH. Platmouvh, Tec. 10th, 1SCG. 4w Dress-M'aksr. MRS. L. E. JONES, Of Nebraska City, won'd re pectmlly icfrm the ladies of l'latt.-month that l,e h:i ta'sen cp her res ilience in 'his place far ihe purpose cf CUTTING. FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies and Childrecs' Prices, Ciitnk'. Basque, eU. MACUISE &TITCU1SG doDe aho. Al" work will b' executed wiih teii'tie-s, and wil: receive prcmpt attention She will (.ai!e..v,-r to pive aatisf irtion, tnd therefore solicits t .e J airouae t! the ladie cf ihis place ard vicinl'y. Tie? Uence, corner Vine and 4th tuetKin Adi:rni' trick noT2.";C:u yo to -ie. Hnttery Co." for your I. V.4 i:J Lub.-ic.tori. 8. ADLFR, n. A. FEIM.MAX. ADLEK & CO., EECTIFIERS A.VD DISTILLERS, DraVrs in a!l kinds of Foreign and Demotic WJNES, LICU0RS AKD CIGAFJJ. XO. 14, ZASTSJliE HAJIEET SQI'AI E, St. Joseph, oci5 ly Blood Purifier! ARE UNEQUALED FOR OUE-IXO Scrofula, Sjphilis, Shin li ease. Old Sitres, Salt llheittn, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, SICK HEADACHE Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, fever aud Ague, St. An thong's lire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Erysipelas, Tumors, Eruptions, llts, Scrof ulous Con sumption, etc. q q q q q q q ? ? 0'!7K'r-eron wrihTH, her JiUlKUlfir was eured of Fits of nine years' standing, iaiJ fct. VllUI dance of two years. ANOTHER writes, his !on was cured after his Hch had almost unste.t nway. The doetors prorioimi'ed the case inrrurable. ANOTHER was cured of Kever un,I Ague af ter tryinir every medicine in his reach. ANOTHER was cured ol' lever Sore which had existed fourteen veurs. ANOTHER of R!iPtini:it:-m of eight years Cases lniiuinernMe of Dyspepsm ninl I.iver omiihunt could tie iin'iiii,in-i, in him;1i the I'unher and Tills worlt like a ctiiinii. Comiilaint could be iiieiui in uliM.-h th THE BLOOD FILLS Are the most active anil thorough pills tfial have ever been intrfidiscod. They n,-t so d recti y upon the Liver, exciting that orgrin to such fin extent as that the system d es nut re lapse into its former condition, lii.-li is too apt to the case with simply a purgative pill. They are really a CLOOO AND LIVER PILL. and in conjunction with the BLOOD PURIFIER! Will cure all the aforementioned diseases, auJ, of themselves. Mill relieve and cure Headache, Costiveness, Colio Pains, Cholera Morbus, Indigestion, Pain in the Boweh, Dizziness, &c, &c DR. IIOBACK'S Stomach Bitters! Hiotild be nod by onvalevent to s!r ntliew the proetration which always follows aaut disease. Try these medicines, ami yon will never re cret it. Ak your neighbor who have nsd them, and thev will sav thev are GOOD MEDICINHI3, and you' should try them bw ore going tor a physician. PRINCE, V ALTON & CO., tBuccesBOrs to Dr. C. W. RoWk.) BOLE PROPRIETORS. KTos. 66, 53, 60 & 62 E. Third St., Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine EVERYWHERE. .