jJURLINGTON AND MISSOURI 18G7. JSG7. ' I . ' ' . i . ... . - Tit-, r. TOOTLE, T. K. KA?:3, J. H.CUEI TOOTLE, HANNA ifc CO., KIVEU RAILROAD. i ,", r ;:' . -" - . . 1 a: 1 -rvr IOG EASTWAKD IWJG Short nnJ Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In cnDe.-tio-t wi:li thf ! M.iines Valley ani C.l icago, liul 1 uxteu aud Q-lluey Ulir..adi.. COFFINS, A31ISON, DOVEY & CO., Tootle, Hanna & Glark, BANKERS, MAIN STREET, - - FLATl3Juuin, AND Cabinet - Work ! North Side of Main Street, II- IBOECK L A K G E S T Havir.jt er.lai?ed his frhnp nr.il ?ali-s-rooms won d respectfiil'y remind the people in this vicinity that Pej'.ers iu Gold Dnst. Gold and Silver tt'oin, Kxclianpre, V- S and other .sJoc2is- le caa f ui dhIi ti etii w th ibe verv best ruiulture. Three trains leave Otimmva daily on arrival of De Moiues Valley tiains. .airs, or 0 her Cal inet-wurk, at the most reas.'U- able rates. I shud ke-p constantly on hand a larpe as..rina of Exxtfr-ii Jl ork. and am also prepared Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of to niauu'actti' n:.viinj-r m tiiv line 00 short t.'t.ce. A large asnrrun-iit of ll-a v tiuiii- Coffins kept at 4. 4 V Ht 4fcVi al! times. t''l and exara.ne my ktock and prices jelO utfvr tr II. I50KCK. FURNITURE, deposits U!:ceivi:d, and special atteLtion given to Collections : PLATTS MOUTH, IT. T. f9 dJtwtt D "E NTIST. Dr. J. S. !8ar!c, SURGICAL AND ME VII A MI CA L DENTIST, Successor to Pr. Srlclil"!, Office on Harney s'roet, above 12. h, Oun.h i Keb. whe: e he respectfully tendtn hi.-. 1'rofe s:.iti'.il ter vices to all who may lequ.re t-e perform. .nee of r ental operation or the iittintnt of Disv.ii.t3 of the Mouth 5j" Teeth extracted Tt iihoiit pain hr the use of ISmons Oxide Lr3 pleasunt to ir.bi:e, and rerfctly li arm I-. N. B. The rrtitrYMKn the 5ataral Teeth made a j peclality. no53m A. Ii. SPHAGUU Groceries, Provisions, PRODUCE. &C, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE All kind of Produce t. ken i:i exchange for gooile I keep the very bes ot fo ds, at,d am toui.d to B-11 them jib cheap as ary Ik Lee it), ibrcliy. novisawtf . B ITIeiTBlECIIA. Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery JKO.Y, M1ILS, STOVZS JXD TLXWJ1RE, AGRICULTURAL IHPLEKSITTS Al. Aceni for the ?U cf i.e C-U:hrav .1 .VAGE COOK CiTOYEi, AXl J XAXl, L'OOAH CO .5 .VI H a. SIGH OP TEE BIG-PADLOCK MAO STREET, ' '- li-loir the St m:if J ute, on opposite sine, NtBRASKA CITY, NEB. T oct35 IRniLLCOX&fJIBBS oLiimu The Champion of 136 first pre seasons. . ; ' miunis in two " Its seam is tronger and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Jiufges Report of Vie Grand Trial." Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of good3. Agents wanted. L. COKJfELL & CO., Genl Agents, 138 Lako Bt , Chicago. F-rP..TCDD, Local A?en!, Piatttmouth, Neb i r' noTl" w y G ET THE BEST! WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictio n a r y . SE W ILL I'S Til A TED EJjITIOX. . ! Thoroughly .-ivisi d and much enlarged.- Ovor8,000 T iue Euravin-. Is r. well-n-yh inCia 411 Ratio r"i': fur everv !iitellij-ent f:nilr. It contains 10 0 00 WOHliS and MtANlGS not fb'ikd iuothr Uictionarics. It is 11 b lieve J to 1 by f;ir the ri'rt-comele. usef'ilaud satisfactory Dlctiai;i of Urgu...? ever pub inhed, as it is liy Cur the largest finale vol sue ever issed in any '. .inzuiK..-. In one vfl of 1.40 !iial Qnarto F.-isjes. Piib:ihei bvG. A C. MEKKIAM. Sprinpaelil, Mass. SOLD BY ALL JSOOKSELLEKS. TAKE IOXIE. Bour.t'j Increased. Pensions due Sol diers aj d if.eir heirs. V. 51 D Tin! -n h -t this .lay re-' v-il fjr.m the Jf( ai-i'.ic:::. the Law it. fail 'uh re ll.:il: fc.r the coilcii'n or a.i'litirtiijil B inuties at.d incr'ied Ten sii s. and i teai.v n prosecute all snjh cuius a Tiay b. triitrust"l i bis care. Cal. and exi.ni. lb Fit it cl.iiiued is first served. f. M. DOJtlUNGTCX. I'l.tttsniouih, i.vg. Ktj I6d. Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & EOS", at th;!r old ttatJ, ! . NCETH STDS OF MA!?.' fTRKET, ! PLATTSMOUTir, - - - - N. T. M'e keep eonstact'.y oa tan J ala-ge assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes -IUO- SHOP MADE WORK, which VD will eli at the lowest casB price. . Jienairiwr done at soh rt no tice. ESTAH Work Warranted. J. TliKOCKSIOUTOK. A. ri.UOC K1I0RT0.C Oct 5 '63 f - . , - , - : - ; -t JOSEPH " M'Ji SCHLATEH, TjAICZHAEER ..aaij. JEWELER, saij Sisinr. PLATTSMQUTU ... - : Sr.ERA.SRA A p.vr-J Kso-rtTieri f ':i!c!i Co - Told Penn, j ci'r'r. Silver Wtit-'i T.ine -oyt Vicifri' a-jd Vi-c:-ii TiiaiL-.ir.2i aluri.v cn h'J. lljucrk con rp-tteii t3 hi "re wi l ke warrant.- .......... J. IFYs of Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, -AND- Clothing of every description. WIMES AMD ttQUOHS OF ALU KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of! BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWA11E; IRON, NAILS.. WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required by K12IGKATS,S FREIGHTERS, 3UXEICS &trARTlE3SIS. And everybody else can be Call and examine -AT FIEE PEOOF BRICK. Tcotls, Hanna &. Co. PlittsiiiuLth, April 10. '65 G- W: COLT.TRIG2X: E. A. GKAVK. Can! right fy Graves, Uatnifactart'rs ofand Dealers in Safidleri and Harness, Eridles, - Collars, which nil' s-cll rta-.iDjblc. REPAIRING l TRIWMING done on short n;t:ce and at reasuiial.'.e rate-. South Side .Main St rat, one door wfst of the Platte Valy Hous. PLAITSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Oct 2T 'CC iHf W. D. GAGE. W. Tw. DAVIS. G! i V OGOT AfiO SiG5 AND LEATHER STORE. V.'ts are Ml!i ir B iots, 51:crs ara'Lcr.thsr. nr stfre on Jliti tireet, one djor west oftne le Va:i P' tise, CHEAPERibanthc CHEAPEST We are m 'ni:f;icti:rins w rk f.OTi the Tery best of stec'i,a-l will a rcomiuodate all who may yive us a ca'.l. Repairing done at all times CAGE Si DAVIS. A H. 0, 'C6 :&tf CIIAS. V.OGT & CO, Cor. Main and 5th sta., HE3RASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER AND IRON, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools, "'iGOSS, PLOWS, &c. C"0rders Promptly au ded to. FOR SAtE 4 go-d two s'.. ry brick tdr btild'.Df . 22,ty CCfeei witH Hood ollar; turlur.t.ei .ar.icuicts in'iunu ui i . avuJCxa ,isti cr icic.'oi. iiutiou 1 St. Louis. supplied at this establishment. our extensive stock. Till - 33 J. IS. JED "ST AND CoN FKCTION E 1 1 Y. 3?rank Goff, Proprietor. ' keep constantly en hand DREAD. CAKI'S. ? P1I2S, CRACKERS, ;.nd all kinds of fancy articles in my line. Cake i. r parti' s or private families made on abort Dutau 1 have a tirst class CRACKER N'.ACHI.JE i opera;!.. n, and catt furt.i.-h Ilutt-'r crackers, S-el c.-.-.ci.ei , or any otljr va:ie: on bhort notice, a::e in tiny quantity. j I wi a. so prepared to futnl h Warm Meah or Cold Lunch al all houu Segars, Tebacco, Etc constantly kept on and. GIVE HIE A CALL. xar2 dtf : FRANK G01F 52annfbal & St. Joe R. R Packet Line. One of the Compitny fteenae-s leaves daily frta every point oti the Missouri- River above St. Josepb, and anives at St. Jus-i li in time to connect w ith the express train a the HaDaibal k St. Joseph Railroad for Hannibal, at which plftCe connection is made the satre evening with one cf t! e Keokuk Packets, which arrives in time to connect text morrins trains oat of St. L01113 for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis ville, tarto llat". Wash. a. ton City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Ner York, 1 oston, ard to al! other Hastern, Northern ind Southern Cities. The a'-ove mentioned lines ol (elegant Packets are cone. 'tie I by all travelers to be ei. best on the Western waters. THROUGH TICK LI'S For sale to ?t. Loun. and a l Pastern, Northern and Southern ritie via the above lines at Denver City, Om ha. Council Muffs, Plat ismooth, Nebraska City and at al! other principal t c ket office i , tl'e west. 4-Meal and Statr-rooras free; R. FORI), tip't R 11. P. i... St. Josei h. II. Q. FIT KG I" SO V, Sec'y K. R P. L., St. Joseph J. p. SIMPSON. Acrem. ap25 ) Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Win. S. Thatcher, Successor to H- Knapp Eallon, DEWVItPArHlC PHYSICtAW AS'J SUflGEON- Cures allfclassrt of curable disease withoct medicine Auionii 'which are Hroncl.itis, Asthma, Phthisic, Gout. Uheumatism, Neuralgia ParalvseS, Loss of Heariotr. disease of the Eye Cancer, Tumors, Scrof ula, Diabetes, Dysptpsi.i. Ague, Ac, Ac. iPKCiAL .'He cires pri ate diseases in all forms in a few days. Oic at Platte Valley House. THOIV A& C. CRESSHAW, . i rACHKR r.F JiSD DgALBR IK Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, . CELLARS, ( URR1E Combs, Sj)Lrs, Ltt&hes, Whips, cj-r. MaiuJ street, NEBRASKA CITY, - N. T n. II. KING Carpenter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and 3oTT)ER, W"U1 oo wori ia Ms vlti o eatness au dipate, t;po; L-hv't ncu.e. E. AVT-IITIISTG Wholesale dtakr in Boots . Ohoes, a n.d NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JO Si: PIT, MISSOURI, Is coB'ant y in receipt of sl the various strleH from the uuiiafaciuiers. Cash paid for Hides Pelts, etc. . novTdwly Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WJI. EIERAL,S Has moved Into his new hr,.i.- .v nerof .Main street and Leve. who.e he is Ui,v re ceivi:.K large additijng t. bis already ext.'uotve G-HOCBHIES AND LIQUO JFL S3. He offers tlift vprv fiojt . f ,.-..... . - . - j - - - - l l. ci.Momers, and reqn-.-ts a call tr im tli.se who want anything iu his line to lest the advant.gta in prices with tnose Remember the BRICK CORNER, and pve hiaj a ca'.l if you Tish to buy cheap. no2 Apothecaries Hall. REED,WniTLGER & Co No. 133 Jain St., liEiJKASKA CITY, - - NE3- Dealcrsn DRUGS & A1EDI-.1NES, Paints Oils, Putty Glass Patent MedUvne of nil kin s, iartieles. eta. t'ouery.aj.d evrrythiair k-j-t .n rsts.-la.ss Irug . i' ., i. i.t-Te-ii i-' .e s. j- We are i r.-; ed to til! k!l orders, and warrant our-'i u . to oe i:e--a. apr.10 o.i STU??Y Sl BSHH, No. 16 North i'ith .trtet, ST. J0SF.P1I, - - - .MISSOURI. Dealers n PIANOS, 0RGAK3 KEL0DE02I , Vio'ins, Guitar , F'ute, Acm.'- n Flutinas, Mil sic Iloo:;s ahd t Hiit r .Mc-in. G.nume Italian and Get:i i e Yi m s uti u l.LLd. mayswi'm. o. n.' ii-Fr, ca;.i; rn & cioxtox, Latt Sii' t Indian Afairs. AUvrnftjx at Law IRISH, CAIHOTJIT &CRCXT0IT. The iibove t-..i!ietl ffeut'tn ; have a-s.ciated th M-e!ves in .-ine.-s f..- :1 e j i v'.-e ;r T ro-e.ut-iuz and e iMectic.i; a:! C'liinn list the (.e.'itral Covc!Diiu-r.t, or atrainst an' tr..-'- of Indians, and :re pr. p .r.-.l t .to: ei'ui" m: :1. :.:::is. ;:!. r I . I..ro Corres ,or any of the I)epnrt:ne t o:' (.ov. riiineat or I e:,re the Court of Claim, y,R. Im H will devote Li, peisoiial al etirn to t e hitsliies at Wa.-hington. 53" GS'.c-- at Nebiatka C'rtr, lo'ner of J.la'.a aati Filth btrevts. KLErSER V.'iSE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATiONESY, WAIAj paper, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, rVotiong, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. &C. : &C Wear" also agents for the B;-.cbi::.m Voelen Mills, of frt Joseph. Mo., and bave iijff en hand a good assortri.entof FAXCT CASSIMESES, CLOTHS, JEAKS. I' LA yXEL S, Je., which we bave received on commission, and are prepared to exchanjre for 3 OL OR CASH, at very reasomibla jjrures. J-Give us a call, one door east or the He BALD ollice, Platt.mcuth Nebraka. May iC, ISoj. tf WAGONS! J. R. PORTER & CO Are agents la this city !or t bo sale of the celebrated ' South 3end Wanrons," MadebvS'ud l k-r Bros They have on hand aod jortn.-.at, wbu-li will replciiish'd as tasi it aet-del. JSey propose to n:-u at Ttry lowest quei:nsware, iiahdware, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Kver Oifered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the I'armer, .Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a'continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsinouth, April 10, 1SG -;. tf BLACK, BUTTERY tfc CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, 0 Pure Wines and Liq ,ors3 for Kedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. JFarmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best (quality. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black; Piattsmouth, May 1st, If 05, tf .1-1 a r d w a r e . B. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I1ABDW1RB i AGRICULTURAL UIPIBIIMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL PLOWS Of a 1 kind and sizes, whic h w o warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give U3 a call we will not be undersold JIain St., text door east of Masonic Bloct. PfcATTSMOUTU. NEWUSIlA f -"Tk-rT ' - S -mUM Picture baiiuiv. mit Ficlures taken of all Kinds. AniLrotTpps, Photopraphe, Gem Pictures, &c. A good assortment of Cases Frame?! Album?! &c, constantly keptonbaad. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frame made to or er, of any sise wants. . V T T. f j if, C ., 1 BL'V YOUR TICKETS VIA OTTUMWA and EURLINQT0N H'lt SA I.E AT oma!iaV,'ATTSMOUTI1- COUNCIL r.LUI'FS. NKHRASKA CITY, DKS MdlNES. KNOXV1LLK, AUUA, MOMiOI', PKI.LA, OSKALOnSA, EDDVVIM.R, OTXUMWA. Ciggage rheclitd frmn Oitui;ivaj to Cliicago and ihe East. Passencers have cb.-ice of all the (freat lines lead ing N.oth, Last and st.utb, and will tind t fkcts to ill p: iueipal i u i j.l by h II ion l e- at the (Miuniirii ticket ulU.'e of ihi company. Passengers will fiud this route Quick, Fafe ami jure in its connections. V. K.I'KHKIXS. Superintendent. L. CaHPLK, General Fr. i(.,i aud 1'as.ennor Ageo 8. HARDING Si C0M POST OFFICE Ill'ILPlNO NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WlfOLECALK AND RETAIL DKALKRS I.V SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Ao Apnta for all the prlnnipal MAGAZI.XKS and .XEWSVAPERS, For which Sub.-cri, tior are received a: rutdisLers I'n L. FROsT &. Co., WllOLEALr: 6HOCEHS. Orpnsite the Post O.Hoa, BRYANT'S Conducted on the ha is f Acltnil Himrie,, by ac expeiienced Act nur.Uut and si.pe n.r Penman, whose LONG CONNECTION with the most popular Comme-rlal Cn'lecea o' the L'uion enuf N tli'.ro'Ji:hti"4.. and reri:iati.n to evi ry graduate, anil ( :..iiiina:.d ttie best poitioos. SPECIAL ATTENTION Oiren to all trl. ..r JVn.,, ip. n which we bar. b'-eil atvard'-.f fl.e nt-.t I'irfilium. tor many yrtm mt vr iu- M.tt'- Fyns 1 he College is always open to i'ors, nnd clrrn lr C'.ut;iiniiig full particilar. will be sent to Kny fddress. TUo'c J. KKTt ANT, Pres't. marl St. Joseph, Mo 1ST 12 "W JEWELRY STORE The nb-crib' r h.ivir:' purchased the It' d ."tote ' 2d afreet, lately occupied l y hai j-y and r.(hei, would respectfully infottn the eiliz'-tis of P!ati.-m..ulh and Melaiiy, that he has reli'ted the (tore aud o;-eii-i a latge tiock of A N D FANCY ARTICLES For I ndies, fieri t. Children, and the rest of mankind; nd is prepared to do all kinds t t WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would b ha; py t" serve Ms oid an'! many new customers a limy (rive him tl.ei pn'ri n:.(rr, assti'iii. them of their "ik will done, at moderate pric -.and on l.ort tin.'-. The ai'M-k, embraciut,' every n lei v of ed. tisuall k"l at a llrst cms.' Jew ny St re. w.:i w " prices, a:.d wanar.te.l tf 'et '..rHiuulil r material. He has al a smill tto. k of F A M ILV G R C) C K R I K S . which miilbe replenished from time t i tim-. stii mil at the b west fi-'i.re. Havioir pen .Mi.eir.y lo cal' d in this citv. 1 re-.-ctm :y soiicit a share of I -trouate, and c.r Ibiily i .viie :1 to ca l and ' x" the s-ock on hand, as w.; would br P '-a-d Lo sen. yoa. and do not ask joa in buy unlt.-a we ca ma it for vr iir luierest to pa .rcnize us. decir f E. H . EATON. at.oiiaS Claim Affciicy. WASHiNGTCN. D- C- F. M- DORPJNGTON, PLATTSMOCTII, - - NEBRASKA, f. prepared to prent ard proseco'e claims bfem (,!ici.-,(oj;1 ,.f(.-U::nsaudllie l-pi iiueiiU. P lnl. l'.-1-i..i,.. U iurte-. and H .unty I.an Is cuied. Cilf-Ot.artres moderat-'. and in t.r-i rtion t the amwr.t of the ci.:a F. M. DOIilllNO ION. April 10, "65 WOOIAVOKTI1 & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATiONRES'. Bindsrfi ciPaperdealeis, SALYT JOSEPH, Md o25 Cm '