(The 3tUbris!:;t Xkralti v LOCAL NEWS- Vt.r V'.--' -it."'-: j' Daij. 57"'Ve learn frum tli Otmh-i papers tint Mr. Jordan a well known i-nj honor rd c'x'izc.n of t h nt p';i?, recctitiy fell and broke his collar L..r:c. CTToe Omaha yiper; vrcre client while the ynjauii was Lloviatn;; aliout the hriJz-. The tun;; is now changed, ftn.l the hitter paper keep "rat: u" while our Omul, a exchufov say the bridge 's locate- at that c;tj' How 14 it, John' 17 Omaha 'lve an ittcrc:tsd copper head imjurirv. Cou! 1 aiiyrhin tl-o bf cspeJie-J in 11 c.iy w,i..-rc. t;;y itttempt to rui-; a L ij.;iiuri by myi law, and thj rr.oo I- mt rebuked by the public prints 'i ay ! Tl. . 1- X- ... ii.uit ivniiatns, y 0 nary at Jlardin, .Mes opotamia, writes : "I must tell you how f p!cr:did!y our ivrin;; Ma- cuine (.w.euz A; .:!,!,.) works. We ne-d-- ! lounges, and I sewed for my wife 00- hundred jnrds of thick tieking, from two to Bevun thicknesses. It has not ones been out of or :er not once balked and it i a comfort." CiTOiriah. "hefty" place On the morning of their recent city election writen notices ware to be scon in con epicuous places announcing that any "nigger" tliat attempted to exercise his right of franchise would be "knocked down and draped out." They are en deavoring to run things on the "broad iSe"' up there. They reoenily tried the samet hing on with the people's represen tatives. Nervousness. The cure of ne.-vous nesd is l,(st effected by restoring the haalthy action of the stomach and b'. weN and by proptr ex. rciso in the open air. 1 The Motnach should not bo over loa Jt.,J with indigestible food ; the bowels should be occasionally relieved by small doses of Robnck'a Iilood Pills. The eminent nurgeon Abernethy's injunction to a ner- vout lady, is worthy a place here : "Dis miss your servants, madam, and make your own bees." A w complains of the same irregularis, j f.iUev. A. R Mohser, n-rent of t'; and we presume the Hrall nceoin' f ! .W.eHein R bl- Society. wiU preach at that on the .rround of the recreancy or the j the First Pre-d.vteri an' Church in this Otoe members. I c5:y cn gabbath next. r-2TA tape worm taken from a man j rTCharles F. Brown, alia Arternas in Ilrattb ooro, measured 510 inches in Ward, died in L?ncon on the 8th inst. sXx Exchange. , n;s reinain8 were buried at Kensal Green. Dr. Horn, of this city, recently took , and v.v-e followed to the grave ty a one from a lady measuring 512 inch, 1 large number of friends ...L" V. .1 I - ... . I Muieu weinins is uoing remartably well for a new country, Atchison l'r e Press. The St. Joe Union copies the above and says : "A lady measuring 512 inches !" That is "doing rtrnarhuble well for a new country." In the same isaue we find the follow, ing sentence, which is a remarkably pin ular; one, at least : "From our western exchange we col late some items of interest, though gen erally their columns are filled with little local new?." Fntin i'uturdai't Daily d?" Ken tier has received his commis sion as Assessor of Internal Revenue for Nebraska. C-The wenther is very fickle. One day it thaws, another freezing, and to day it is snowing C27"The Nonpareil gives the hotel ar rivals for one day in that city as follow: at the Pacific House, 80, Dyrant, 3l, I American 41, arid Farmer, 18. Total, 171. sfihe St. Joe Union pay the Herald of that city has thrown offon the copper heads, and is now trying to establish a roputati )n as a radical organ. It takes a very close observer to tell how it is lean ing at any particular time. Fi om T! ' urndoy's I ail y. CsfRcv. l. Marriuvtt is in town. CrSTTlie mail coach b: twecn this city in 1 tho Railroad, crosses the river on the ice yet. CsTThe Herald sreeial says tliat a force is oranizin at Leavenworth under Gcn. Il.in-ock to operate against the Iu d;;ir.. iri Kansas and Nebraska. C2?"Tha annual report of the Patent oHice shows the iiinn'jer of nrpl.oation.s for patent to have been 15,2'jTJ: patents hsi.bJ, I.4.j0 ; applications for extensi jas o patmts, 47. iTI nlas cumty only poIVd 1,071 votes at the Jv.ne election, and thi'v re turned over Jiji-tn I. hit :ri.l vo'es at the ' fj tlection hel J in Omaha on the 4:h. T'iiat is nearly as ba 1 as M.-rto;i's maj r ity form L Eau q-ii-c.urt, where two white men and one lame nero fiddler from S'.oux City gave him 2j0 majority. CThe Wa-ii.inton II, j ulli- an pre teu Is to have found out that Mr. Pea body made a will in r,G, which demon utrated that he was then worth fifty mi'.Iiors pounds sterling; and it esti mates that the increase of his fortune by good management has made it amo'int to oni hundred milliou sterling five hundred million dollars. EWe notice people in town from the wit.tern counties almost everv day. Nearly all tlie'western settlers make this their tra ling point The nppr'cinte the efforts of the IIhrai.d and the citizens generally of this city to build up th western interest; and to hasten the day when they iLall have Railroad communi cation. fJ2?"lho Omaha .V aid tries to excuse the action of the Dcmacratic mob on election d ty, on the Cii.-sy pica that the negroes came to the p.dlnirj a body, and 1;U not come at the right time in the day. We did not before know th it there was any law specifying whether they should come singly or in numbers, nor that there was any particular time for their omin-' no they come within '.he time speciSed ttiat the polls shall be open. Does the ama excuse apyly to the Legislative mob:-' Frm Fritutj" Dullj. CTThe river is rising, the ice will probably break out in a few day. We learn that the river is open from Nebras ka City down. CSW. Mickelwait, Esq., 0f the firm Of 5s,nrs n Mickelwait and Co., return el from Chicago yeSterdaV, where ho has been on business connected wi:b their IIoue in this city. CS-The Sioux City Roster LaSiafjr. mation by letter from Fort Union, that a few days ago a I lrge body of Indians had attacked that Post, but were repuls ed with loss after a protracted battle. CTTho Good Templars Lodge at Ne. bnska City forwarded the names of forty subscribers to the O'Jre Vr ,ch, the temperance paper pub'ished in this city We would like to have that institutional a canvasser for the IIesald. C2TWe learn that a mule team broke through the ice. on the river oppo.-ite the city yesterday. The water was not dep enough to drown them, and thy were got out ail right. Wo did uit learn who the team belonged to. Cv"Tbe Omaha U--ri f nays the action of the Ctss cour.Sy members is the prob ahI cnBn cf the irreiuiarity of the mil8 between Lere'aa! Ontahi. Thai is desperadoes recently entered the bank at Savannah, Mo., and attempt ted to rob it in open day. Several shots were fired, one mortally woundinn- Judje Me Len, who had charge of the bank. The robber then decamped on their horses. They have not yet been found. C5"It has been decided by the Court of CI aims, that commissioned officers who were in the United States service between the first day of May, 18G4, and the third day of March, 1S05, are entitled to 3,00 per month extra, for each servant kept by them. ClTThe Rocky Mountain Xews says that a band of horse thieves and desper adoes have been carrying on deprcdi- tions in southern Colorado for some time. Suspicion pointed to some of the Mexi cans living in that neighborhood, and at last a party of thieves were purseed southward, and captured awrty beiow Santa Fe, with u lot of stolen stock in their posession. They proved to be the Mexicans as suspected. Their captors start, d back with them, but did nut brin-r them all the teat. "Is this .Tanu.ry cr M.irch? 1 almanac says March, but the weather in dicates January. The C. &, N. W R.iil road is blocked, and no trains have ar rived since Saturday noon. Snow is still falling at awn to day 2?"Nebraska has established a repn tation as a Erst class Wheat State, and the demand for that rroduct is increas ing rapidiy. There is scarcely a day that buyers from Si. Louis and other points are not coming ii.to this section to gather up the precious article. CSTHon. T. M. Marquett Lad the sat isfaction of placing himself upon the re cord on one very important measure to the country, if his career as a member of Congress was short, lie voted to pass the Reconstruction bill over the veto of Andy, and his constituents are proud of it. He is expected home in about two weeks. C57"Our neighbor relieves himself of a vast amount of biln because it has leait um uui mat ao reiuseu to pay tne ma who "used his influence" for his election as U. S Senator, and because we stated a well known fact that he played Repub lican long enough to find out that our party desired to send men of principle to the Baltimore Convention. He uses lan guage characteristic of the man. We are sorry for you, but cannot help it. You should not have corns if you do not want them trod on. Don't get too vi. cious yet awhile. We have various other little items of interest to relate. POST-OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. THE H A'LS WILL CL E Ai FALLOW EAPTKItV mail will close xt - 9 a. m SotTHHiX.t . - 9 a. ni NOKTHtl'.X and WESTERN at - 1 p. ni. HilU ARB HUB A3 FOLLOWS" From the Ka. ST nt . 10 A m NORTH and WEST at - In 1'. m! " boUi'H at - - 2 p. m. fo-t-ofkick Bcrns. Open from 7 a. ui. lu 6 p. la. 5"Wlipn c.il In! for rr.:ii nlse iHt- tout nnmt Tin ;l!--l nx n u.s oi yi ur liux. vWbn -alitor fer Stamps cve the numbe;- u: Uarr.ps or amount yr u wNti lo luy. J. W. MAli-llAl I.. P,m-i-I" J. D. SIXPSOX, K. MICKEL VTA.1T, VUWD ZI TTE11Y. Simpson, Mickelwait dr Co., WhcL'ssle aud Retail 1857. 1867. 1867. OF TUE Plattsmouth Lodg-e Ho. 6, A- F. & PesnlHrconimanicationf lt and 3d Mondays of each lonth, at 6 1 2 o'clock, p. di. E. T. DUKE, W. M. inoiitli, at 6 1 'I o clock, 11 W. H. ANDERsOX. S-c. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, E. A. 31. I.Vcu'jr coiiv.K-al'ons 2d and 4th Vednrdayj of - h lucuth, at 6 12 o'tlork ji 111. E. C. LEWIS. Fee V. 11. WHEELER, H. P. I. 0. 0- F. I'lutte Lod)te, No. 7, meets every Saturday evening at Ili-Curt HoiiW Hall. Hf.,ther o oiber Lodges ru- rril fully lLVittd to visit this Loop-. I!) order of A. L. SPItAOl'E, IT. G. V. V. (iAss, Ree.Sec'y. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. ttepalar meetingi first Tn-.-s lav of -very month, -a 1 V- ' li-v. GEO. C. K-.TTS. U. R. Livixostos, Clerk. Chaiiiuan. I. 0. G. T. Kfcnlnr mcet'.aas everv FiidaV eveoinE. Travelim- TeiniUiK ri-ftpecifuily iuvitel. K. C. LEWIS, W.C.T. WES MONTfiOMERV, V. S. liifLll. CHAPMtV, Lod.-e Peputr, SI A- Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchant?.; PLATTS5IOTJTII, NEBRASKA. rJer ia GKOCERIES AND PRODUCE. noons, sash, wixdow-bllxds, glass. PI.XE AXD CO riO.X WOOD LUMBER, SIILXGLES, LATH, : 'PICKETS, ETC.. ETC. 4jaa2 Omaha Republican, DAILY .LVD WEEKLY. 1 If Hcr is imiei!!ly rev rt.ir-I 11 x tho Le::di.is Cr of Ihc JRc publfcnn Party, AND TII3 Best, Tlost Enterprising, and IIceZ .. Widely Circulated Ne-wspaper in Nebraska. O3-STAR0F liCFl LOtlGE No. 8, Mt. Kleaant, h'lldi reiuljr lueetinps every Saturdav evi-ninir. B-o- S. A. DAVIS, W. C. T. Sister MATTIE BATE-, W. S. Bio F. M. TIV3LIN, Lod;,'J D- puty.J -OTOE Lodce. Si I. Nel,ia-ka Citv. lislds rtg iitir iue''iiis t'very iuet iv evenlnj;. Lit . A J IlAKUIMi.W. C. T. 1'ro. E. Poss VITIT'. T. S Mster Alice Mi;tos. W. V. T. B. NEWMAN N. J. SCAUP if EXCELSiOR Lore. No. 9, Ashl.ind, holds fjuiar mretingb e very lue-diy evemcir. l.o. A. M A11B E, Y. C. T. Ilro. W; B. WarbRiTtix. V. s. Urn. J. J. V.ooduo w, L. 1. r?"rXCEI.si(r. T)E LEE LOI;:- No. 1 . Plaits- mouth. Ik.I.I- r-'.-.ila- ni.t.iit on the third Widmg- iy i vciiiuss oi , iph riioitn H o .-. . CHAPMAN, W 1) T. Bro. W. L. WtLi,-. WaS Si-ier E. J. .JoviK.MEUr, W D V T. CVPoR jle One c f LaiSti's superior miiiuncr macnines tue only kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at 7?7 A 7, "n;?1:TS A "JP3 this office. ,i.p -J-wwi-Xda3LiJ -J ii -1 -1- .1 JJ L"To those wishing iob-work done. we would say that now is the time and WiliSler tk Co , the Herald office id the place. We are prepared to esecu'e work in the neatest "R O O 1 PalntQ Afl'OriTO tjle and on short notice. I"u ui tl BY EXPRESS. (PLATTSMOUTII, N. T., JUSt received by LspreSS, a lare Stock Offer for sal? the fjiIowi,S Heal Estate of Clothing, Hats. Cap?, toots. Shoes, etc., at 1$. .Ne man's ic Co's. Now is the tne time to buy cheap. l;hi6J3 1o. n Turtday'u Daily. CSThe Forteith Congress adjourns to 1ht meet on the 4cn oT May. 5?"The stage connecting with the Railroad at Pucilio City comes in loaded twice a day. CTThe election in Alex.ir.dria has bf en tat aside on nc:ount of illp r.i'itv j. How much worse was it than Omaha? (27Snow fell to the d.-pth of five or fix inches on Saturday, but did not drift enough to interfere with 11. R. travel. CsT'They are in c-.nsiderable fear of anjther visitation of grasshoppers in Kansas and the southern part of iNebras ka, the coming seasoD. CTiflt is stated in Washington specials that Senator Thayer of Nebraska will ro on to t!.e M.litary Committee of the Senate. C"A train of nearly two hundred pessen-ers left Council Bluffs last Friday forths east over the Chicago & North western Railroad. C3?The Erownville Adiertisr nrges the necessity of a Congress; inal appro priation for improvements on the Missou. ri river. We heartily endorse thu Adur ;ir in this matter, and hope the ques tion will be uiged upon Congress in such shape as will secure the desired end. The trade of the west is cssu;nin; such vast proportions as to justify an appro priation of this kind, nod the removal of obstructions in th:- river would mat-rial ly increase it by lessening the expense of transportation. (TS'The Columbus Journal says that last Tuesday while C. B. Curtis w!l3 on at. island in Tutt.., south of his resi dence,. Lis doS started np a wild ctt, a tcrrib!e fjht ensued in which the do, though a large strong animal, wus a kit ten in the hands of his feline majesty. Tha dig however continued the fiht uruil Mr. Curtis came up and struck the wild cit with a club, when upon it turn ed on hi n with eyes all aglow, when wita one well directed stroke with an axe, Mr. Curtin split open its head. Ilia cat hip measure 2l lnchl,a in Lc5gtll anJ 4 feet 2 inches In length. ClTThe Omaha papers aro giving each other particular "fits" over the perfor mance at their recent citv election. Most of their vituperation would apply very well to the Legislative raider", and we suggest that they turn th-ir ba'terie in that direction. The right of the people of Nebraska are conidred by some to be equal to those of the i-confe of Omaha. ' From 3Ivn1oy't Lailj. 5?"At the city election held in Cot; SEED POTATCE?- Extra White Neshannock and Eurlv Goodrich Potatoes for sale by A. L Cii;lt, w (Jlendale. tc T'p E Acres Et half Drt1t-at ijnarw 22 12 11 S1 Wesl ii:tlf iiorihwet-t qija t-r S!I 12 11 Sn j south ha'f m-rthesot ji...-t r '2 12 12 S' Nc rrtiliaif sKuthutst rter 82 12 12 K!i Nortnmisi qu irt, r IS It 13 lti S'iut:we qu..rter !I2 11 31 , Wwl h .If couth :tst qiti'er J$2 II 11 80 Norlii half sou! hca.-t qu i 'r lti 10 14 P'l r'. llllif U.: tllPII-l qi: 1 4,T .1 11 11 f-'ll Noi tliwf-l qnart, r d m tuve-t qr 13 12 13 411 W e-1 huif stiu hw - qu i lur 12 12 l't Eai-t ',! f soit'h.-a-t (.ri i er 4 Id i: Miu'liKc-l qii.irter s iutiiist quarter 4 In la l ail iniMlivve-t in-'iU-.- 12 12 12. No; w st :' tr i ' '22 12 12 Kuttt l..lf ,il.-r,...t ri'jt-tpr 14 1t 14 .N"th niilr o ufi'- i-t'.i ift.r i.) ,i N o- t!i h;lf on hw't ibi ter lo 1 ia eft half D'irih'es iuart r 11 li B . NE W MAN & GO., t:oR?fnn Main- and Third Streets,Plattsmoutii N. ' V '" ' OUTFITTING CLOTHING IIOUSE! IN THE WKST! Dealer ia 1 LOTTGaDM Gents' Furnishing: Goods. Ml 40 - HARNESS AT COsT ! In order to mnke room for a new stO'.-k in the spring, I am selling off m7 entire stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, I No the.i-i quarter 21 12 i Collars Jt-.. nt ,. AH at Jd:vtK-d I...lf .outJ..t u.!t.T SS 1. 12 anything in mv line, call in, for we are bound to sell. .Main M. South sid". Two doors west of I notie, Uanna &. Co's. Feb2Slm II. J. Stre.ght lt.O so 8 1 8l 160 For Sale cr Rent. A good dwtllirtg house, containing 3 100ms, situated on the hill fronting the ferrv landing, together with seven lots, well fenced, and under good cultivation. There are on the premises a good cistern ar.d out-buildings-. Possession will be given on the 1st day of March. For par ticulars enquire of fb21tf W.L. or S L. Tuomas. Wats Caps,' Hoots, SSioes, Trunks, Valises, &c. ! I Also a inrce lot cf .o 1 . 1 RUBBER CLOTHING AND REVOLVERS, Lots in the city of Plattsmouth. Of all .lescriptions always on hand. EsSF'tall and examine my extensive itod; at ih 3STew Masonic Brick Building Lot 6 3 5 la 9 4 TJI ci 22 "2 :is l-'.'J li.t 12 'J M 2S 3S U'l 12 as 47 Lt 6 0 X H 4 3 L!ock X ! fc 12 12 1GJ The north li ilf of :i TiiO.Mrsoii'S ADDITION. E.ist half of l.!..-, 1. 4 7, 8 eud 10. 1. t- 0 und 7 in b! .'-k5. est Iiair sertiou :2.t( unship 11. raare 14. l.'O t under tetwv., 1 1 ; ttorr imme Louse. c d w-il Hud lt in d to. 1 rit ;ni . wafer, nlct.tv of tia:. b ; f.r n rr-wood. l'ii r 4:5. TOO. .Plattsmouth, April 10th, 18S6. C23 CC3. (i?"M. II. McCluskey, Dentist, ia at his post again in this city, ready to do all kind of work in his line- Mc. is fast es- tald'uning a reputation n a No. 1 wont rnnn. ihose desiring work should call as soon as posfible. T3 rs n 1 TT? r OF ICE IX XASO.XIC I j LOCK VI. A TTSJOCTII, 2.'i:ASK'J.. CIS H3. WM. f . TENICK, WM. LOVING. PENICK & LOVING, th Wholesale Dealers ia t uunu-.i r urtoi ar I cent r inpn'si t,it,i,, V'..: .l- -M f uutjuire at tins oiime. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received at the News Depot, for any of the Magazines, Periodicals and News I'ar.p-s or the day, at the Publishers priors !?iy"AV)r is the lime lo subscribe. Oct. 20. FRESlToYiTERS,-" Direct from Chicago, can he ha at Irish's Rostiturant for the small sum of 75 cents per. can. dec21d:f DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY 5 DENTIST' Lot 12 in l 'x'k 2 FO'id tvro--torv residence. littck l-ii-t-Mi- at, Wc'I . hrn nd o"hr cuFJu.tdii.:s. A r;ire cJaric.- for a 'ooil i v ::;:i-i,t. Lt 11 in rk l't. I'ui'''ii vitt Two rooT:n aDd cellar tiooi; i hiioie for a n.i;i:i cai iinl. Lot 10 1 .k CT.p . .itWacv. w'.th till tta s iiyr. itti Li I 1:.- We-t h I or t-o 0 it'll r.". tlTD 12. r.lie 1!?, l.v.T'h. ir!ii.u:t.s of t iii' ir- !. hu ilu-d :i.-r-.-. un der c illi-;,t K'cht ml.c Ir.'r.i I'U't -taou-.h.r.iiar l l stte tivor. An iii:proveil i t. i 'f e ci:tv rirni. tood hoase. ell, etc , iih l.ic f"to j. i d nil I or. Eighty arres of ' nd . I -rt'y iii.t'i di ei" two and a half mil. from ;:i m':;v. loo acre of r r! v Irfrful 1 m,t, wh 4iac-(f of y ucs iini'H r, fU.iio! 4 nn!-:h oih of t-.wt.. LATEST TASIIIONS DEMAND J. BHADLEY'H Wi'l di ill wo k In h'n line en .short notice. ' ' " fj"uM -,iu iir. livmp-ton. . TTi3T. X r.T.TvTJr! ':!:."Jrm,?l't-'LL".--."-l.---', (OR DOUBLE SPKING) PLATTSIIOUTH HARKLTS. rri TXT TT nr Cr-.,l L o- r. , . . I 1 tie Wr.n,i ..f,ii I l xi'.ility iin.l cro it corar.o t anl orrected by .simp-oti, Mickelwait & Ci I eie-or t. at.v u w-.rnitf th- lm-ie i.r,,,,;. kirt will b, t xi eriet fe.l riittirul.n ly in u t cr. o-d Xss.'tllh.ie. i ..., a.. Cart iilj s. Itil.lr ! (,;ns 4 li tlrrh AVheat No chniip;.'; ?now torm 9tojipipr all lie- I few.. Arm tiiiir-, f r Piom-title :ind ir.i;s- I rs-s. 1 v.ij". t. L.um mark ts atne. ' s"?'' 1 a ' V '.ded wf-n -u ne to o.-cti- y a t orn Lane qonntitlis ate being d-liT-rvd as last Multn an :iviu.W o-Jalitr ,n ciinoliuc. not a the wcill.cr will permit; no change in price, and I tijvn in -,,ny Siiijr e S; rinr; .s. jtt. in iicatioiu ar- nmr that Corn will d.-cliue. , J " ",,0B . J, ' i t,: - ' ?Oa I 1 . I (aa! (ni inT Vl-t.-f fir 9 in ''h i)V wrill r.i.ru.- .. 1 1 ..r. Wheal (1 Jl; (JT2 0 ! Ha. keiel.kitta 3 5().i4'oil I w rda wdiiVcIv dispense with tli-ir us -. For Ct.il C'oru in e jr 4f4'"l5 N. ile iin,vr. I .'r.-r, M. .."..I v.,..n,. L.-.di. s t'.pv ar.. n,,r..., shi lltd i utter 01 I .iiiii.UF. Pa 80. KirB i(( I Thev will not beid or break likf the Sincle Sjir ns. Corn m.-l 1 t.O( Potmoes J2 (k I bat will pree. ve their perle.n und c :,ceti l s'i .,,e t our 100 Ibj 6 50. I Bi.., ,.rp.rr f ,ur oniit-arr Skirts will have b-en GlIO .'Kill! S Whnte"a i thronn aside useless. The llo'.ps" are co e e.l SOV132 I with double and twisted thre.id, and the bottom r ids 17(T 'l I a-? not onlv d'uMe prinir. hut twice (or (luiihie) 1 H'ii2" I coveretj ; prevenliu theui flotn weariL out whro HQ I,-, I drairgtrc don tnon, t ir, at-. (ill I The Duplex Elliptic is a k-r. at favorite i:h :i la- I iiffl '., I dies and is untTer-a.Ip rei"otiuoiid-d by the 1 i-hion 2o'ff2I I Iviacannes as the 6i iKUiru ticirt vf the FutsltO:i 9XfttllaiVe nnrbl I loinjoyine Toi'owin ir5Mirnar:e ativanrai-e id iratent Mediciiie.s, Chemicals, Glass, Taints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors Coal vm ana JLamps, Mationery, cvc. NOS- SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- 3-w. are the North w-.tirn Vhr,!e-ale A pent for Dr. D. J.-.yne 4 sc, and Dr. J. C. Aver Cr... ktii cue iuruinh their lucicikej iu any quantitiea. CITY MSAT MARKET GROCERIES H-tail ICofTee Coliec :..0' uu'ar l-upar ls,,li5 r.a T-a 75f2 fh Uire KiP I7i2t l eal Oil .yiur 1 202 Sj fobacco Col Oil 1 t.1i'.s,.Up Lar U.l 2 5t I Xai;1 Tor-acco 1 0Q2 oii cil Bluffs yesterday the entire R-r uhli- ! cm ticket was el cteil with the excer-tion A " ' l,!c', r , . , 1 ..,u. K o utnatis n oi one Councilman. Hurrah f,r th arms. d,Beae oi Win. S. Thatclier, Successor to H. Knapp Ballon, DERM IP THiC PHYSICtAMI AMI S TJ 1 O 1Z O X Care a!tV:---es of cor .;.rae without meol.-ine- ate rt-ouc:ia;, AM-.tiM. Pntiijsic. in any o'her skirt Crinoline, viz: superior rjaalitr, r-rf. -t mantifactt.re, stylish -tape and iuih, ll J.xib iity, diirabsKy, c-n-f .rt and ecot.omv, er.'inire lt J VV. BndVy's liu ples Elliptic, o Double t-pr.rg Skirt, and bo si re to gel the p noine a:t,ile. OA I" l ION To guard against !tnpoaiti"a be partis ulai to uo:ire that skirls otfe'ed aa "b tpiex" have the r d ink utamp, vn: "J V7. o.-adley'ri l).ii.:-x Eilip-.ie Steel Sprioifs," upon the wit;:.d riot e oth-rs are genuine. Al-o a 'tile that everv Hvp will adini: a piu heinsr pis-ed thrmich t ia ci-f.r, thus revealiir the tw o (or d-uh..-) -primps l.r .i !rd together t;ereii, whi h is ll - iter-1 of th-:r fiexioil ity and urettth, bad a cotnu. nation not lo be lour.d AND ;The.u nd rslpred in now j -eptr-d to furnish tte citizens of thi place wi;h thebvst lilESi BEE1 MUTTON, YEA L, PG11K, A.XD ZJ4COA BOARD AtfD LODDIHGt B G. V7. COIiVIIT, OAK STREET. - - - PJ ATXXOZt'J, mo blocks northT'-t of L:i-:: c:.jo..Hou . Private room-- faT. 1 if d - ir.-l. E tlru.y hoaid o- with lo,!-ii)-s at re.s-a .o . lat-s ' jan ." d tf. .n t t r. ! ' GROCERIES & PK07-I3I0I.3. MAT1IIS & SO MS. (fucc; sseoin to J. I aro! i 8. ) pLATrssioiTii, Ne'. Keep conftatdly on h;.u1 a good c;ip'y t f FRESH BREAD, I also keep .. - EGGS, BUTTER, PIE! CUE E SE, P O TA TOES, A.XD VEGETABLES, and will tho h:ghl marfcet price for all kinds of ; COUNTRY PRODUCE. WM. F. JIOKXISON, :Platt!Dicath, May 13, cMra. .enre.: a Paralyses. L..ss ..f r th arms. itieeaH? oi in- e.ye Car.c.-r .Tumor, icii.f- IMi.rr f r- . ui., L ji' , hf-i'. i. .Una. it.. Ac. t..u.i! We go all our money on that hku al .!! cU .,v.;e .;r4 j, ! r.ra, town. in , Oiain at ri.ift Vi!l-y House. Kor s!e in all Stores bm Cr.t c s, kirt art old throucnout t-e L'mvl ;-t-.te and t l-ewheie. Manufacture ! li the M:e Hwrie . - ..f i;.e 1'a eut WE' I.-, tMAiiLKY A- l'!t '.'. 97 Chatiihi rs d TJ it si ;;. u.je iN y Dovl9 dw3m I. AOLIt, B. A. rKIXElAlt. S. ADLER & CO., BECTIFIERS v Jz.Yl) DISTILLERS. Dea'er in a'l kinds of Foreign a-.ri Utrest:? T7I?E, LIQUORS AUD CIOAR3 o- ; ly CAKES ::l:;xs and everylhinlt in the line. ALo GROCERIES cj- PRO: ofallkii.ds. Wanted : Conntry Produce, ru'wr, E-i , i J3" Give us a call. cr: 5.i,l':.. Emned Gut, EUT KOT DISCOTJP.AGrD. T. W. Shryrck ia attain at Hi- f!.l .'sr, ! vrirej !0 wait u;hd his forni'-r cut mwi, ':.d tl t ' 1- ""raVy, If t.i ir.-i'i- n-j-'l.iii- n -h i;..- V i,'i't,T t'l j or i fours, m e Lira a t ui. 3.d hi ri ri' ar Mnla, P.a:;tEiMtf b, X. 'i'.. waylt Uf. Cnderthe p-ovisi or of an art of tl:e Te H'..r:al i L-.'i!ir.r.. fP"ved Tetr ary 1st, v.(;7 l:.e r. f le-r.'o.UJ wan.,nt urn-: i r.-.rLi. hM vai-.ii,) fo av a'.' t k y , r: - on or f..i- July lt. Is 7. ! Hi d i! w.-r ill's iftt s.. f... s-ni.jl w,i r. a d av I "'" 3ia -are l-i. H. 7. an I niil :,e L-,i . ! -sNethal.islte W..U ..r.lT J i. u , -v s, l'rs A. K''T-T:: r. T- i.-ir-i- ! fmiLs, TiTo-y tn a. 1?6T. fer-27 d-f w I Hit tVrr.l Itrin r-i-iy of N Irakis rrrtltu'e itt f 1 ..f it- votii k i.nd fully f i;r-fl tl ? ct it li '1 i I ' r lei.i! i I j; I . i ulj.tiori Or li s 'i n e-v pariy th: lit pubucaK the ocJr Heptbii 'i jutn.,1 j ti!,,i(h d at the Cnpitiil hTtne re-op-z-i i.r.'sn. In t!.: ide li-M it l.:i l.o iiv.il aud ..o comji,.t.tor, in iu luenee or ciivuUiion. licr.-nft r thu KEPritLtCAa .nsci'ibes upou it tban tf li t pi .iii"ir!e tf Eq:s.il Rights for All," t! nh:v fiphline that preat batt;e through if Hoi ii! to the i ud , it promises h, ,-, mi,.,, to lui nish a. tl "l rallv to its support even - belter and mure ut tftirr iirtCfjH'jitr than ever b'fore. Tr. t'i" f..l!iie.ss of il irtaie C vre-pon"- nee, th i.ip en r.e-s . j p l.nntl a-t'l ". .):.!. r. I .VWV, i it a S'at i-tiral Exhibit of fie pi i gre-s ol : ii-- I'.ale, iKi iru'.t ive, .Mauuf iCtur.-s, sc.. or the s:.i e, .md i-l .ti-.v il-pa-tno-nt of Local and ('"ti-Tal Iu ci.igeuce. i ' Kepi; iii.in.x is w ithuut a r.i-al. Tii'- l'r. inietor f the 1; t p clh a x is dote, mined s-".r : r rxp-.r. e t. ;,.av-n t- osimou h ITKrcBi f'AN as the mo-t t i n:::r and ii,;li:c-ii-ial '' oi.u.il uuj the iuo attnitiiie neWstm? i r vi.t I of Chicago. OUE WEtKI.T v;:; n-.w 1 e i ctr.ip:et.- no ;....v ..fail fie Wat and '' " ' cr,,.,h.e xr.d i omin r -i.il Nw s tmHsi-U-i i'i oi.r I -aily. as -i , 1,11 n, (i, jciuji : d li'i- ii v Va;t"r, an I in return for in tti.-n t nke'l'.o Weekly lh- l'ruie of We.-frn Joitniali'm, . -k the uu.ltd til. ru ot all our liioiolj 10 ol..i.i:i for cs T-sro Thcnsand Ilex Sulrjcribers. DAILY One Year $10 00 mx Mentha f 00 I'hreo Months 2 50 WEEKLY One Yenr S2 50 Six Months 1 50 Addri-a, nit i-'T. A P. l!AI,COM!!K, n-.'pa!ilican lilocl., ):n .i.a. Neb. KlVi:M.I.aS nt all jtrtcc IT r"-s m wishinj! to p.:rriia--e K.ivia-p'o'-crry, or I si'l:ii ia tuwii w.il Und th iu ir hate aull ric -s. Ly - EOMtlJoTOX, n'"r ' l-EAL I .-ITATU CJ-T. WGH SAIS i C 1 I T7 - v . yit'l l'f; ', :;,i-; I t -ian !i-.c-, r2.:iy -jn feet Ui - i 1 I 1 ie i.f tin ...L :;.n:T'i .i PD plL,s SUGAR-COATED, 1 J PURELY VEGETABLE. o o W (0 Free from Mercury ANE ALL MIXTlRtr. P.rsnv i Ana are, unJouhle.ny, the best remedy txtaiit for yy- 'Vox -ts SICK AXD AERVOLS HEADACilE ! Operating , "Ovfls. A t . . w -W. J 'n-y m, i;y virtue p of a upecinl nffmitv for the. mucous memuraoe of the boivels, thereby removing tlie causes. Ann I 5? .0 g LIVER PILL they can have no rival, being cotn posed of the most Powerful Vegetable Extracts which have a direct action on the SPLEEN AND LIVEIi, the happy effect of n h-.-h can be eeea after one or two doses. Xli y Remove the mic, Assist DifesfioH, Cui-e L'ostivciii-.-at, fcrfj 1 Hi la f.ict, they BLOOD PILL; I; "The Life-Giving Principle." j U ! They search out strike nt tia verv rO' system in the liiM n'ro l'EUI'KCTl.Y liAKlil.!;.,';l.i i iLscase mi ; i . l-..i :mr .'. ' N ! or .. ,.-r:i: 1 ; iJ r 1 IM" A.M.s, l K l'Ki:;.H.-i t.fTIt .iii. 1 urxicA i t, TIONS, nud are u SAFZH, sithzh AirorsTTirrt ii CXNiilIlU- t Pui'gativePill than lins ever TvforA Leon nvr:;i:,T,!e to niaiiUtnd, and, bi-in tlo.-i.ly hC"-GAK-M"A l'KI. m e. sps'i;.iy ad i it ed asa RKMEliV K il Cii I .I,K F and pprsons ho U:im- a dread T awailowinj; a pill. l,ev nre, i u quest onably, one .f .i:r ,i.i...:iury I tl A li li Ub, . no r.otisetioia xt tild W v.ith. A W out them. XHk.v ! if3 fVX aouM W tilth.- W PRINCE, WALTON Ct CO., (Successors to Dr. C. V. Eo!:lt() SOLE PROPRIETORS, "Nob. 56, 68, 60 & 62 East Third St. CIXCIXXATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE