Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 30, 1867, Image 3

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Trom Wed ntml ay' a Daiy.
(J5?"Th. Masquerade last night wa
well attended, and ever) tiling janji 'l oil
in true Teutonic style s;)c:b;o aod
CpPeopIe in th eat will please make
a note of th. fac: that Pi.-utsmou h it
well ut plied with schools nnJ ch-.Tchre
4 any pluco of its biza in the eastern
rvllorse stealing n a common oc
currence down the river. Nearly ever
rarer we receive frora thut d rectio:.
cont .ins one or two notices of hors
eteali.n or robbery.
i?"VVe are pleased to note that Ju le
Marshall hns so far reo-irer.-d from hi
late illness as t be out. lie Hindu h
first a p(-ii'ance in the Post Office ihi-
.Prof. Miller arrived at home thi
morning after tntrnJin wi-tki in
the east. etime by- way of the (J. &.
N. W Kailrond 24 hours from Chicago
to Council CIuCTi.
3?"Meir3. B- Newman and N. J
Sharp prop oie opening u clothing houst
in Council I!luT. The people of tint
cur win una mom inoroun
men and honorable gentlemen to deal
gTEdw'd Buttery, Esq., has purchas
clan interest in tin Croc.-ry Mouse ol
Simps, m, Sha'p & Co., and th Grin uann
ha ben chan;d tj that of Smp-ori.
.Mickelw.iit it Co.. The new firm is wk
in,; preparations for duin a hoavy busi
Money could not take it from
Wo have had in our family one of
your machine f'r the lust seven years;
and havu not a 'en anything tliit would
ofTer ny iaduoeuient W exchange for it.
M-jnev could not take it from us onh
as money would buy another Letter
cfthUev. U. W.. Hubbard, Wilson, N
Y , Feb, 13, ISoij, to Wilox & tiibbi S.
M. Co. ' '
UlTTER THAT ARK DlTTl R-J. Th'Ti lire no
IIit:er for the Stomach s immenselvpf p
ular in this region of the country as thnst?
now m nufnettired bv una of our own
residents, Ql)r. C. V. Roback). At an
appetizer, and pleasant and agreeable
tonic, they are eupa-ed by no other im
portation. Having tried the article, w
can speak from experience, and most
willingly recommend them an on inva!ua
Me tonic. Cin. Commercial.
Fiuit Tliurxday't Laity.
"Iee in cins-dorable qinntities is
being put up for una next summer.
CaThe Siamese. Twins are to be ex
bibited in Omaha about the Sih of Feb
ruary. fj?"E!der Lemon is conducting Qunr.
tcrly meeting service in the colored
Methodist Church of Otnah .
5'Owing to the non. arrival of ncos
siry papers, the S.!diers; organization
will not convene this evening
"We are pleased to eee our efficient
policeman. Bob Co!lin, is again able for
lie has been ill for coma time
C.?"We would call the attention of our
readers to the card, tn to day's paper, of
Messrs. CUrke, Porter k Erwin. In pre
senting these gentlemen to the people of
Nebraska, and asking for them that con
fidence and patronage from the public to
which they may bo entitled, we cannot
do better than to briefly quote from th
local papers of their former residence.
The L ickport Daily L'iiin, afier express
ing regrets at the departure oT Mr. Gay
lord J. Clark, 61V9 :
Mr. Clarke is a gentleman of fine natu
ral ability, and classical education; high
toned and honorable in h s business rcla
tions; faithful in his friendships; pro
rounced in his political views; a reiidy
and accomplished writer, and an ablo
public speaker. Graduating nt Union
College with high honors; for sevea!
years the editor and proprietor of the
Daily Advertiser" of this city; nominal
ed by the State Convention of lSo"2 for
an important State Ofnve, to which hu
was triumphantly elerted, he went
office the youngest man ever elected upon
a State ticket, and discharged th3 duties
of his official pD.sition during his term of
three years with signal nbiiitv, carefully
gu irding the interests of the State.
Of De Forest Porter, the- Journal of
that city, sajs :
Mr. Porter has been for nearly fon
years engaged in the practice of law in
our city, beinz for ome time in partner
ship with Thomas M. Web-ter, Esq., nrd
for the last two years occupying an rface
by himself. But few young men have
succeeded in so short a time in establish
ing so fine a reputation as a lawyer. His
fine natural abilities, superior education
and li4erary acquirements, together w:th
his pleasant manners and his hijih tone
and honorable relations in s.oi-tv, has
drawn around him a host of friends, who
Lave delighted to hono-- hTm with their
confidence, and who will regret to hear
of bis Je ivin us.
In regard t Mr. Erwin, we learn that,
at the outbreak of the rebellion, he enter
ed the service of h;s country as a cap'ain
in the Excelsior Brigade of New York
and for meritorious conduct was promot
ed to Lieutenant-Co'onel. He is a young
man of rare ability and literary attain
ments. -
Irm FriJay't Dat'y.
"Our it ails from the east now come
br way of the C. & S. W. Railroad, and
the C. B. &. St. Joe Road, to Pacific
City, where it connects with tho coach for
this city.
3?"Ths majority of the House com
mute on that part of the Governor's
M5sj. relative to Suffrage, submitted
report in favor of basing the right to
the elective franchise on natural intelli
gence and position, which was adopted
yeas 23, navs 9
?"S.f advertisement of "Co partner,
ship.' Msr. Newman and Sharp are
lonz and fivorab'y known in this coin",
munity, and as they have a laro and
excellent stock (m hand, will make it to
the interests of everybody to trade with
them. Try them and you will find it so.
C"t7"The Council Bluffs Xonprtr-il .ty
that a draft for $100, additional bounty
to a soldir has been received in th it city
This is the first boonty we have yet henrd
,.f l..: ' i i .t . . ot.
! ueinj paiu un.j,r me recent aer. Hie
'loys" in this vic:nity are in hopes of
soon handling some of Uncle Sam's
1 i.y naveriisemeni it will oe seen
that Ed. Buttery has taken this place of
N. J Sharp, in the firm of Simpson, Sh rp
Jb Co. Mr. Simpson is one of our most
experienced bu-tiness men, whil M'ck."'
is known to "everybody and he rest of
mankind" as a whole souled fellow, an
Ed. is just the man to fill the plac?.
Success to the new firm.
Cy" Rejoice, all ye doubting souls-
Nebraska is herself once mom! If the
specimen of weather on exhibition since
l ist evening is not enoujrh to satisfy the
most incredulous that we have wind and
anow here, it will be useless to attempt
their conversion, llue drifts are piled
around the corners and in the streets to
such an extent that pedestrianism is nl
most oat of the question. All winter we
have hard persons congratulating on
our plc-'sant weather '-likely to continue'
etc , but if you please, will not take any
more in ours Many have been nnxioi;s
fur more snow, and were despondent for
want of it, but as the old lady said when
hr preacher prayed for rain and got a
1ih.i1 storm which ruined her cibbge, the is slightly '-over did.'
fOn yesterday a sleigh containing
Mrtj Wheeler, Mr. E. T. Duke and Hon.
II. L). Hathaway, our respected Editor,
mij:ht have been seen "scooting" op the
river bank on the way to Omaha. We
are sorry to record that the trio were
unable to pass the brewery without get-
ing out, and "thereby hangs a tale."
Hit po.iio means the"teara got nwav from
the driver, ajd leaving the party depos
itelina snow bank mad? its way to
Bethlehem, from thence home again.
Abjut hulf an hour or more a'ter their
lushing exit on the north side of the city,
they might have been seen slowly wend
in their way up from "llouk Point," and
nquiring in a mournful voico of every
ne they met, ''You hain't seen nothin' of
ary runaway team, hev you5" Fortu
nately there was no one hurt, and beyend
a slight damage to the sleigh all was good
is new. and they went on their way re-
From Stitiir'ttiy'i L'aily
5?" The last fall of snow is said to be
12 inches in depth.
.17" N. P. Willis died at Idlewild op.
the 2ist, of paralysis.
"Everybody sign that, petition in
the Pjst Office for a Bridge across Piatte
57V''ry interesting Union Prayer
Jleetinjis are being held in Oakaloosa.
Iowa. So savs the lhraiJ.
C3?"Tho bill to legalize tho organiza .
tioa o: launders county passea tnc
House on the 23 1.
3?"Iho M. E. Church is holding n
pf-rics of meetings at Red Oak Junction,
37"The temperancs citizens of Oska
loosa, Iowa, intend holding a "protracted
meeting" or "Temperance revival" dur
ing this month.
7"The local of tho Ptss says their
city has been visited by a novel Team "a
l ttle old horee harnessed up with a lit
tle o'd cow." This is equal to a Lynch
burg team "a horse, a cow and a mule,
driven tandem by a nigger.'
(27"No mails from the North or South
yesterday, and none expected from the
North to day.- Shjuld the present dearth
of news continue, our readers may ex
p-'ct some interesting extracts from the
life of --Jack the Giant killer," and Web
ster's spelling book.
i7"It is a remarkable fact that tho
S vi ur of tho world has titlps i i the
BiMe answering to evory letter in the til
(J"A Yankee is said to have invented
scarecrow so effectual that one crow
who saw it brought back ail the corn he
had stolen for three years.
j"In the latest edition of Carpen
ter's Physiology," it is mentioned that out
of three hundred and fiftv nine idiots in
England, the condition of whose proven
itors could not be ascertained, ninety
nine were children of drunken parents,
the remainder were more or less intern
perate. Of the threo hundred and fiftv-
nino idiots, seventeen were Ihi children
of parents nearly related by Mood.
fJiTThe editor of the Louisville (Miss)
Jfuildin is. the, "keeper of. the jaii.. and
lives and prints his journal within' the
walls of that establishment.
From the tone of many of the Southern
papers similar quarters should, be fur
nishsd a number of other editors.
From ilonJay't Vuily.
' gThe.etorm has abated, but tho
weather continues cold.
ji"Tne snow is 12 to 14 inches deep
at Council B'uflFs.
jjTwo ice boats on the Hudson river
lately run a race making forty miles in
sixty minut -s.
pMr. Merritt, of Council Bluffs, who
had bis fo -t cru-hed in the mill at Tur
ley's Tannery, died on last Tuesday. He
leaves a small family.
ffPrcsideat Johnson having retainad
th bill repealing: ihr'lSrtr section of the
Amnesty Law, it becomes a law without
his signature
(?"Of the twentv-sir States repre
fentod in Conjreps, eighteen ratified and
three rejected the Constitutional Amend
m nt.
:.J,l.o na'ls from nowhere." Liines
of travtl are blocked in every direction
There has be n no cars running on the
U. P. R. or the C. Sc. N. W., eince last
(IBnth homes of the Missouri Legis
latnre pas-ed a resolution nrsing Con
Kress to repeal the act appropriating
monev to ray for slaves enlisted in the
United States service.
(J3?"We have no news yet n o whether
th President has signed or wjioed the
Nebraska hill. To morrow is - the last
day he can keep it. If he does not sign
or veto it by that time it becomes a law
r?WI,. O ,. n- C, f ., .1 n -r.
by the M. E. Sunday School, was a com
Pte sue;ess -in every respect except
financially. The bad weather was un
doubtedly the cause of so few being pre
sent. The singing was splendid, and we
h pe it may be repeated at as early a
day as possible, when it is to he hoped
that it may bo a success financially.
From TuenJtiy'H Dnily.
. Q"Mr. Erwin, of this city, is prnprie
tor, of a new invention callod a C irquette
(we are not certain as to how it is spell
e J). He takes pleasure in explaining it
(5Yhats the matter with Omaha
mails? We are receiving the Omaha
papers one day behind time. Where do
they miss connection?
g"Go to Wiso's Cook Store and get
one of those valuble little books, The
Tribune Almanac- .t will furnish you
more political facts and figures than you
can gain in a year's reading
C"The body of Scott Keysinger, the
man who was shot on Saturday, was in-
tered in the Cemetery west of towj.
We learn that his father resides in Bur-
lington, rind that a brother ofthede
ceased iiyes "id -Ottuaiwa. - -
"Thc Nebraska City Aetrs has injl
tel'igence that a large number of Canai
dians have determined to emigrate to Ne
braska next season, . and that r an njrent
wi'l soon be " in
l tn is for them.
our Territory to select
57"It is rumored in Omaha thit Du:
rant has resigned the Vice-Presidency of
the Pacific Railroad. The managers of
the road are now engaged in consultation
at their princir al office in New York.
What does it all mean!
7"C-ipt. Donavan, late of the 1st Ne
bra.ka Cava'ry, an old resident of this
city, has received an appointment as
Lieutenant in the regular army, and
starts to day for the east. He has the
best wishes of a host of friends in Ne
("Saloon licenses have been redneed
in Nebraska City from $400 to .$20fl.
The saloon keepers refused to imy I In
SIO'I, and tbroiten' d to take the case in
to court , and the city authorities thought
best to take a, sum that would be paid,
rather than go tj law and run the rik
of losing some of the saloons if they
come out victorious.
C27"The Good Templars ' of this city
are about to commence th publ:cation
of a small paper devoted to the Temper
ance cause. Tho first nunber will pro
bably be issued this week ; and if it
meets with sufficient encourazemcnt,will
be continued. We hope the friends of
temperance and morality throughout Ne a nnd western Iowa will assist in
the noble work by their patronage.
(J"W were in Council Bluffs for a
couple of hours last Saturday, for the
first time since 1S53. We find but few
of the old '"land marks" left. Fine
buildings have taken the place of log
hu's. and the town has been steadily
traveling towards the river with- ut va
eating the original ground. We found
friend Chapman at his post, in the .'?i-
pari'l, contented as though he was not
running a newspaper.
(T"While in Omaha a few dars since
we had the pleasure of visiting the vari
ous apartments of the Rf-publicun ofEc?,
which wehave no hesitancy in pronouno
inj the most complete etahlihn ent
in the west "a place for everythinz nnd
everything in its p'ace." We found 31
Balcombe, editor nnl pronritor, in his
usual good sririts; nnd M ij. Bird, the
local, busy "writinz up' the city.
Received at the News lepot, for any
i.f the Magazines, Periodicals and News
I'ape-s of the day, at the Publiehers
''rg'Xtiw is the lime to si. I ' scribe.
Oct. 6. ,
The undersigned is abrut remoying
from this place, and requests those know
ing themselves indebted to h:m, to call
and fettle immedia'ely, or accounts will
be left for collectiou.
Jan. 10 1 m B. Nemas.
FOB. SALE A small dwelling house
and lot, in a pleasant location. Cheap
for cash. Enquire at this office or of J.
W. Marshall at th P. O. Nov. 16 dif
"To those wishing job work done,
we would say that now is the time and
j the Hfrald office is the place. We are
' prepared to execute work in the neitest
j style and on short notice.
.Direct from Chicago, can be had at
Irish's Restaurant for the small sum of
$1. per can. dec21dtf
D-H- Wheeler at tome ag 'n
I take pleasure in informing my old
business patrons that I em at home
again and establitdied in the Genera'.
Azency business as of old. Thankful
for past favors, I now solicit the p
ronage of mv old, and all new friends to
to give me a call. I will endeavor to
give satisfaction to all.
A'l business intrusted to my care will
recciv my prompt and personal atten-
tion. Give me a call at the old office In'
he Court House.
D II. Wheeler,
of firm of D. II. Whaler &. Co.
Plattsmoutl Neb. Oct. thl3 1856
Q -
Wl I Ho all wo- k in his line on l,ort notice.
STJ-Offica with Dr Livii,gt4n.
July 6.
EAOTKItM'tnuil will close at - 9 a.m.
SulTHMtN.t - 9 a. m.
NUKTntKN a! WESTFRN at - 1 p. m.
From the EaST at . 10 a.m.
' NOK I II and WEST at - 1U t. m.:
" SOUTn at - - S p. in.:
poi'T-orricB nocn.
Opu from T a. tn to 6 p. m. -
J3"W'lien cal injt for tr,ni please give your name
1ttnii then thd Jir. of your Box.
ar"Whfn caliiair fjr tnmiis piv the oamber of
-tampj or amotim yio i-h to Hiiv.
J. W. MARSHALL, Postmaster.
Plattsmouth Lode No- 6, A- F- &
5 Reiriil:ironiniunicatio::s lt and 3J Mondays of each
hoii III, at 6 1 2 u'clofk, p. m.
E T. DUKE, W. M.
W. II. AN'DEiI0X, S-c.
Nebraska Chapter No-3, R A- M. cuvications 2J ami 4th Wednesdays 4f
eaih inculh, at 6 1-2 o'tl.x k p m
E. V. LEWIS. Sec -
I. 0. 0. F.
11 itte Ld;e. No. 7, meets every Saturrtny evetiit g
at tlm Curt IfoiiM Hull. Itfitthem o other Lodge
ir r-peci fully ii vited to i.-it th'it Lode.
By order of A. L. tPUAUL'E, y.O.
P. I". (iAs, Rec. Pec'y.
I. 0. Q. T.
!ti'Kalr meetings erery Friday evening. Traveling
TriuiHaiK respectfully invited.
St. Luke's Parish. Vestry.
Reiralar meetings flrnt Tiles lay of rvery montfi.
at 7 p. m Key. GEO. C. B TTS.
U. R. Livi.tosTO.v, Lltrk. l:taituinan.
1ST E "W
The Mihscribor havins ptircliafeS the R'd Ftoie on
2d tiee'. l itely nccnpit"! ly fi y an'' nilier, would
spt-ctrnlly inform the fitia-n of llKtirmutn ai.U
irluiiy. thnt be has recited ilie btore and opened a
la ee slock of
For T.ddlo.. f!ent, flidTn, nnd the rft of mankio 1,
nd is prepnrtd to no all Kind it
In the best maimer and world !.: hit ry to serve tit
ol.l and - niany new customers a in ty K,ve "isi
iln-t pi!rnn(r, u--nitnf lliem of Uifr wuirf w 11
Ion-, hi modo-.ite p ic--, and on -li rt time ,T;i
i k, mbmciti(e rvry m ie'y of c od n-iniil kUi
t n lirt c h J.-wtry St re will If sndath-a
price", a il wurran'eii .'r nest wnriuMiitsiv a.
ojieiial. lie has a;s a s-iojII tort uf
which will lie reidemshed from time to tini". and I a' the I. west figures. I'avinp perm i enr y j
cut U in thi- city I respectJu ly Mdie.t a shnre f I -ti
oniiPe, and cor li lily invite a'l to ca 1 and ex mi oe
he s'ock on hand, as we Wnolu he P ea'd tn st " e
yi u a-'d no not ar-K you 'o noy uiuji. ne can nunc
t fo- V'ur ioiereit to patrumze u-.
dec-27if E. II. E4TOK.
(succi ssiors to J. rarct l A Son.)
Plattsmocth, Neb.
Keep constantly on hand a good supply of
and everythinB In the line. Also
GROCERIES f- Morisioys
of all kinds.
Watkd : Country Trouce, Eutter, Fgg, 4e.
C5" Give ui call. ;
sopt 25, 1368.
'TJnaucstlonHbly the best sus
tiin- d work of the kind in the
New Monthly Magazine
Critical Noiicrs of the Prevs.
It the f re''iO't MHK'itine ofthadar. The Bie-s:d-
never ha-l a m' re lt ngi t ul e 'lnpxiiion. i r Die
Oi:'li o a mi're fi'" i-ri ntf fr eoi. linn llarpra
The m -t ( u"r it ii'iny ia the wi.rlri. 3C
v e m t f f'-r in tf m- if n ogy o the high t id
nj v-riil . viel mem of H .rir' AIhkj-ZI.
j nri a i Ii i nm .th.v ci'cnhiflon of aboai I7 -,'KI0
I'tiuir: :u n ie e ij ie iuuhm um
.... u-o.t i.l'IiI aii'i iiTHfiu n-Hctioz "f theory, w
.ii,.!, .,( this w rk a- an vih'nre ' the cut n-e of
il.- An. ..i -un tipoiile : aril th'" rouul -rily it ha c
q iiie l i- merit d fjch aum'n C:iuiii 'n'.ly 144
n . .. nf r jlinir nl! tr. H:..r -nri.ii y ilj-f l-l
mil ei ""I ""' " it ci.uji'ii.ea in itv.l.the
racy ru-iiiiii'T t,fl Bi-ne hi o.i'i'-l q"rie ly,
blriitlfil with fh hel feitttr- vl the d.tilf J artial. '
li ha. jr"eat P '' lieniiu ttio i l a l.. ol
pure liiaratur'. Ti-utuer'M Oal'U to Auuri'run
Litrnttnrt .ondirn.
1 he VMHIW'-a Inmml COMtilit" of thoiil--lT-s a li
hrary of tni-ee Un rea-li": nui h as n not be
f nll,l a :he ame cunipax in uy 'her nuiica ion
that ba come amler our r.o-lc. Il'iUH Courier.
1 8ti 7 . ;
Th Publi herp'hae if fecte I 'em ( f mailing
hy hirh they cnu-p 7 th" 1aoasimk Jud kVx.K
.x jinrmjttly ! iho- wh" pr ter io receive Uieii
pei lwtlic-.l'- a ir t tr fri.iTi th - tlli-'- of l'ubm at inn
t he Ni?Ui;e on naqi'TS iii' r i ceiti. n
year, which umst be paid at Hie ritbci ibter' (.oot
i'.lfioe . TKUMS :
ltrpr'n JI;i;ne, - $l-0O
Aa tuta p "I ntl r 'he Magal oe or wekly
will I srpid.eil g'ti fur e e-y initio: 'ieul
ihe s it 4 " '-aih, ia one remittance ; or an
C. pi-. f..r S-Ml 0.
I'.MCk Sum hern can be nppt ed kt any lime
A C' liij le'e et, no rouir t-iiijr Tlur y-three Vr.I-
uii. in aeai rlo h h'ti.ti.., will lr nl ly fx, ni'i
f.eichtiit xpen-e of i-ircu,s r,r,.r t! 2 iwr luuie.
Vinitie w-I line-, hy p-il pud, .! 0. ch ihc
i,hs. r.pti"'- -ei.t fr in I'ti i-h N"rh Aiseri-
an Pro ioT. mua' be .rC impio ed w 'Ii 24 u'h
a'ltlutuuul, t-J prepay L':-iei .-lit., p iace. ' Ad.
c.i, Itin.iiui? as i:-til. v ihiii. i o'ii.iii.
xeA HA i.i'r.t ci ti. tit iu1,
dut14 Franklin MJ'inre, eric.
j. j. snrpsoy.
rr. mcKELWAir,
Simpson, Mickelwait & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail
Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants.
Tr-trl tOt 233.13 C3n,"t iLgentS,
Dealers In
B . NEWMAN & C O . ,
Corner Main and Third Streets'Plattsmouth N.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Hats Cap, Hoots, Shoes,
Also a large lot of
Of cHdescriptions always on nana.
J53CaW and examine
l"ew Masonic
Plattsmouth, April lUth, lti6.
sh Wholesale Dealers la
ltd fi on cm irm iBmi
Patent Medicines,
(Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal
Oil and Lamps, Stationery, A:c.
ff?-W. are the Northwetern Wholeiale Ap-nt fc r Dr. D. Jiij ce & S r, arid tr. J. C. yer Co.,
ac 1 cau turni.h their meuiciwes ia any q:antnie&. Jaoi3 ly
ire t
Pictures taken of all Kinds.
AmlrotvriQS. Photonrflnh. Grm Pictures.
Aii'itm-' ttc. c'r(t.ntJv kept on hand.
m ide to of er, of any size
Vt e hnye put iMtn our Mill lately fereral important
impnivemehl., and are bow prep.rcl t
2F lour.
Wheat and Corn.
HonwEE & sieh.
riatt-mcuib, Tec. 10th, 15CS. 4vr
The nndcr.-ien.d nffe'S for sa;e 40 of Is r rl
fr.m vbich ihe nmer Lai- b. m ci t tr iu 4 to 10
i yf ,., hiluMiil 1 I 2 '!e i th Of t wn on t
j iluuri r iv r. It wi.l be 1 in a h.nly c iu tritcis
it -u:i pu cnaserii. jiia - ri.u..
I IVc.lh.wi
Trunks, alines, &c., &c.
my extensive itocls at tht
Brick Building.
Wat. LOriVG.
n..nv.- i.i ... J
North Side Slain ft ,
- X. T.
,tc. A good assortment of Cases Frames
Gilt and Rosewood Molding; or Frames
Successor to
II- Knapp Eallcu,
S TJ II a K O N"
Cures aM clae of ciiutle riieiise witlir.rt roei'irlne-
Auioua which are I'lonehttis, Atllma, t'h!tii-.jc
ti .ut U'ii-iim.;tism. Keura'tc Piralye, 1 of
Hearing, dtaen-e of .th- fcje Ci.ric , 'I tuno. , jcrcr-
u! , (iai li- Uypep-i. Awnu, ic. kc.
teitciai..j He cuies pntat-. tiiaM in a:l f. ra's
in ! w tlvs.
OlSct at fiatte Vall-y Hon-e.
X nice is here t gven to th- public iba' V;tr !a
Tuucg, my wife, !id, n 'tueta-v, tfie 6 h ony ol
J niiaiy, 107 wiituut J ist c-ue oi- p''ov,l't i-t.
aod without Uly kn -wti-iiiie, leiVir my ked ai d b-... --,
l.n- pa it nuk'iown, ao-1 I ! h-r-bv w ri -ill t ee-i. a
not t del c ctixct oi UiMgJiu v-:th I r in m
nitiu-' as my tr ifi'. m ri-nm ilii rf ice I ml tjet h
re-pun. iLis 1 r ai.y d-Ll it e i tr i. n ; o hv h"" ;:s
uiy w IV.-. W.i.,I.ji Y'JU-,
R'--r Hiu T, J4-: -!4,367. ft
fi, 'S 74
Of N'thrnskm City,- wcnM respectfully Irfartn th
la li's cf PlattMuontb that jhe bs taken cp aer rts
idf tee in hif 1 !are for the rurfosa of
if rtqinrcij Ladies xuJ CUUdreok' DrtfscJ, Clonks,
I!4a-et". Jf.l Of.Xh' A TTTCUISG al.-o.
.1. work n-iil b" Citcuii.d with ma'ae.-s, nod wilt
receive prcrr;?t attt Qtiua 51. e TrliT eade 4Vfr to gic
auti.fucticn, and tlicrefo: e solicits t!ie patronage of
the lai!ieof thi-! place ai d yiciniiy.
Tie; idence, corner Vine and 4tb itieer, in Adams'
s. a dle a, b a riiXKMax.
Dcakrs in all kind of Fore'n nr.d Pi-mcstio
St. Jo.nepli, nio.
oeC3 ly
DWCI.TLI.VC.S nt all price
Any pe'soni wlshir.jr to purchase Farm-property, e
R -si Jj'.:ceH ! t jwa will Bud them fur sao at ail
pries, liy
mr7. Kkal Hitatk Ar.tXT.
'I-'h plica to g;t chap Umin nml t.unp rhimno
It joa want I'at'nt Sfeiliclne at c'il pih-e- g i t-
c. n. KING
Carpenter and Joiner
Will dJ work in h' line with n tartness an di pal!,
upon short notica
!T3 3 ""ST
Prank Goff, Proprietor.
' kop oonnUni'y an band
and all kinds of faucy articles in ray Una. Cakes
f'ir pirtii-s or prival-J families made on short not no.
1 have a fiial-cl&K
i operation, and can furnish'r cracki is, Sj la
crackci s, or any othr variety on short notic, am!
in any quaoiiiy.
I am alo piepireJ to fuiui-h
Warm MeaJs or Culd Lunch at all houit
Segars, Tebacco. Etc
constantly kept on hand.
GIVE mi: a call.
Tiiir2 tftf FRAKK GOl'l
years of exjxnence ami triid, hay
rovoil to oe ine oet reineuy ciuuii
tor nil cuiiii'lamta whero n tonic and
stimulant lira reo,Mirei. Tliey never
litil to strengthou the weak, iininvrt
yigor to the strong, nnd iu all respects
restore shuttered and broken-down
constitution". rnncdy Ins teen
received with aa much fi-voi il l'o
4Ck'a Btohacu Un tans. In Cuir.igo
VEIt 50,000 bottles were sold l y one
ai-n;.lioii!K in the ynt ear. It is nd-
nutti-d bv nir ir,o-t lenincd iilivnieititm
tint Hr."l;UHA(JK S bTO.M.U II 1UT
TKItS combine thn ropertiiii of
gentle laxative, nn efficient anti-bilious
gent, nnJ the best atotnachio to
the world. ROIUCK'S BITTKIIS hliould
be used by convalescents to strenihen
the proBlration which, always follows aonto
disease. In tho
1MOUS districts of the West nnd
South there has, for a long time. Iien
niiieh needed an article or KToMACIl
B ITT Kits, which, if taken in ho)t
quantities, and nt the proper linic, are
a euro jreventive of Bilious l ever,
Fever and Ague, I.iver Complaint, Iys-
mplaint, Iys- IT n 1
idice. Kidney r j "
en of tiimiliir A
i a preventive j
pepsia, Iniligftstion, Jituiuiiue,
Complaint, nnd all diseases
nature; and nre better as
tor bilious dernDement, regiilatiii
KD strengthening the system, nnd Hiv
ing tone to the digestive oi'jrim". than
any other known remedy. Now Unit
the war is over, there will l.n thousands
seeking homes in th South. No per
son who value 1 his life should go there
Without having constantly at hand the
BITTERS, as a tmlegimid agmnst epi
demic and maladies engendered liy mi
asma and iolliited water. Tnofli'H
and all residents of the rank nvt i -bottom
t and Eolith, mid
nib I il-j
ninnkitid nio
of to many
ailments as dyspepsia, or as it is mora '
commonly called Hour Btoinnch, and
there is no more certain remedy limn
Rot .nek's Stomach Bitters. They ir.c
never known to fail.
INrt CnOT.ERA hn -.?w:iy l.ctm
min-U fliemloil hy the pnMii-, and
people have resoi U-.J lo nil maimer
of medicine to arrest the progress,
but Witt) little success. A sun- cure
and preventive is to ! found in tho
use of Pr. ROBACK'3 SCAM'INX
VIAX KKMKI'IIH Keep the s,els
open with the IMIs. nnd invigorate the
eystetn ty free ue of the .Slnni;ii h
Bitters, or, if the Uood be luiu, use the
I'Cir nn invn!ii:ihle remedy ahntiM
kept in every family. Keep the system
in full vigor and nothing is to r fenred
from disease or choler. THK Ol.l'
KKI.IABI.!;. I'o not he deceived by
purchasing any of the quack nostrums
tinder the various name of l'.ilfers.
Purchase none other but t)r. ItOHACK'3
KTOMirit HITTF1N. l,ich :ri enm-
ponnded of the purest dings, nnd in L
Mrki.-i ih. fifH-r...l nn rol J
- (Successors to C. 'W. Botack.)
JfM.B6.S8. CO anil 69 Emit Third Sire,
Are Sold by all Druggists and
Dealers in Patent Medicines
Ni OUNTI KB of the V.
M 1 the valley of the Jlississippi
fl rilmlnneH, should proviile tin
u I Willi the BITTEIIS. Therein
m no one disease w ith Inch
afflicted which is the source