FURNITURE, COFFINS, Cabinet - Work ! H. BOECK flavins; enla'ired his Shop nd Sales-room won'd rpi-ilfnl y yrmmd lb" people io this vicii.ity that lie no laiuUb tbrm w th tfa very best furniture Chair, or o her Cabinet-work, at tbe most irason tKrrilM. I chull ke p coo-tart'y on hand a iaige a rrncnl of Ecutrin It'orvr. and am al-o pnrared to inann'actu e anvthiur is my line on short Del ire. A large a"-.-, mn.t of Keai y -made Coflins kept al a!! times. CaM and examine, my and prices jelOriJrwtf II. LOLCK. WAGONS! j. it. pouTti: .v t o Are agents in this city lor tbe sale of Ihe celebrated ' South Bend Wagons," Made bv Stud linker Bros They Lave on hand i god 4sOrtn.e nt, which will be replenished as Inst as seeded. They piopo.e to sl-ii at the very lowt-fct flames. Platt-mouth, March 3D. WIIITIISTGr Wholesale, dealt r in Boots 9 Shoes, NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI, Ii com ant y in receipt if all ihe v -trims Htylea from the maiiaiaciuiers. Cash paid ( r Hides, reus, rtc. Dc7Jiy TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers ar.d their heirs. F. M Dorrh-ipton bs thin day received from the Department, the Law in full with new blanks fur tbe coileciioii or additional B. ni.tie-and increased Pen siot and ia irady to prosecute all such claim a may b-tnti nst-il t- bis care. Cal and examine 1 11 si Claimed 1 Ilrsl nerved F. M. DOKRINGTJi Plattsmouth, tog. 10, ISC6. JOSEPH SCnLATEH, w ATC V MAKER and JEWELER. vai.v Street, FLATTSMOUTII, - - NEDKASRA A ford assrutmen f Watches Co s- old Pen. j weiry. silver War", Fane --o. a Violins and V uiiu iniiTiiugn i ivj on nana. a:i or: ecu Diuieti i. ms Ciire will be Warrant..-t, April 10. J-J"5. GET THE JJ EST ! WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictio na r y . ' KE W ILL t.J Tit A TED EIITIOX. Thoroneh y reriked and much enlarged Over 8 000 f me Ko. rtvin.. Is a Well-limn in 'U wi- ' aal.le reu-ii.iit- for every intelligent fmnnlv It contain lOClfKI WOKliS and .UKAX1.NU3 not IJ'ifcu in u-nrr Llciionarli?s. It is n -w b-lieved to bfl by far tbe moat cunplete u.eiui nuu axiiM.cinry Ulcuoiinrv ol ti.e largu e. ever puii l,hl, ax it is hy far tbu !arK -it t-iuulo vol STUFFY & BEHR, Xo. 18 Sortb Fifth ftrtet. cr., - - . MISSOURI Dealers in FIAN03.0RGAW3 MEL0DECN vionns, ointar. Huteu, Accode.n. Flutinn. Slu- nc itookx and sbclt Mlc. Geoaine Italian and u " iii(atn)tisl.iiul. UMtv9w6m. The to eel Perfumery af al) kind fa at SLAVS. BVTTKliV A rv c "Win. Stiwlt-Iiiiaiin !fc Co., One door west of Dov.elans Drug-store, Dcilera iu Cljtlrfng, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS HAT.', rAPS. COOTS. SflOES, TJ.'USKS, VALISES, and a ceneral etock cf OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; aso, a large lot cf R UBB ER CL O rilJVG. RE VOL V HS .1JVD J'OTIOJ"S. W. 1.. i . i . ... . . 7 ' raw ana win sell chenp fjr cash. Cal. ., ."V ' vuur"'CCK netorejou bur any where eltcl lim.eui)i,LMAh.1 & CO. rValional Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, SOB AGEST: I XATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and prosecme claims before ( undress. Court t.f Claims and the Heps . omenta. Pa- tm.", in...., D'mni fs, ana Bounty Lan Is se. enied. "Chnrge moderate, and in proportion to c -ui u... wi mr uiaiiu. r . 31. VJtlulStiTQ April 10, '65. AND C oNFECTIONE R Y. Frank GofT, Proprietor. I keep constantly on hand BREAD, CAKES, PIES. CRACKERS, and all Kind or tan-v articles in icy line. Cake for parti -s orprivate families made on short notice. 1 nav a n rat class CRACKER MACHINE of in operation, and can furnish Batter erackeis. Soda crackers, or any otatr variety on snort notice, and in any quantity. - I am also prepared to famish Warm Meals or Cold Lunch al all hours Segars, Tetacco, Eto constantly kept on hand. GIVE ME A CALL. 18G5. A31ISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, IPlattsmOutli. 3a"oTo3rrxJE3ls.x. i i Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. t FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of, the same. i Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 186 . tf jrT reived, H.ftlgr Oto AMIsON .DOVKVA CO'Stopur .a5e your HELLED COKN for ta e by ADA CO. N endless variety o I L ato o Sa 1 ACOS and Lard for sale by V A D .4 CO'. -L A. I). A CO. -", CASES Moltby'i Cove Ojaters for an le at A IIEAVTIvVt C of ell imla of Eaauily Gn i)l J A. D. & CO's. X reries an LiLt.Dg (iocd j utt eceived by - ; A.D. AC. K .in tits in Lacks' Lrers Goods at T - A. I. t CO'S. LL kinds of Faminr Implementa tor sale iy 2V A. 1. A CO. I 'OH f ALE at AWL-OS. DoVtY CO'S. aCoffee i Te a, Sulfur, Golden Syrup, Sugar lion llo-e LargHot ol Two Uorie Plows for sal by misees, New York Candies, etc , etc. V A U. & CO. V large lot ol Chewing and Smoking Tob. ceo or a N endless vcricty i f Hardware an. I C-itlery r,.r sale at . & CO'S. at a. sale at ; A. D. A Co's COiLOIL or ssle by vSH' Doors, :Shinples. Olasa, and Nails of even J A. D. A CO. O description f ir t-al by A - D. A CO. ,-)() E 0XES ,! ttr Candle'' 'r Sale by A D A CO A LL kin',s f Count.y Produce taken in Mfh.,,M i for good bv D. A '. J F yon want to , nrchase goods at a barrio, row epo enumerate all thrartules we have furM'. ' 1 wnuld fill one s d tof th- Hkrald, andotbei BA03 COFPEKjubt received by have aa good a i ifhl to advertise a ii A. D. Co. i AMI? OX, DOV'EY A CO. ; a Larife lot ol Choice Tea at r-pah la gttt tlutflttiDK House noith t.f St. Jom-m V A.D. A CO'S. 1 il AMI-UN DOVtY 4 to S.. i'lattumouth, Acbrabka. hi CIIAS. VOGT & CO , Cor. Main and 5th ets., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER Ml) IRON. SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware Fin flings and Tools, GOaS, PLOWS, ("Orders Promptly at -rled to Ap3tl;e3ari3s Hall. RELD,WIIimrGER & Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDKNES, I'aints Oils, Putty . . Glass Patent Medicines of all kinds, (article, sta tionery, and everything kept in .rst-ciahs Drag Store, at Eatern prkrr. Mjf We are prepared to Oil all orders, and warrant our goods to be fresh. apr. 10 '65 Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at tbeir old ttaid, NORTH SIDE OF MAP STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - N. T. We keep constantly on Lan3 a large assortment Eastern Boots & Shoes SHOP MADE WORK, which we a ill sell at tht low a cast pi ices. Jit i.airing done al soli rt no- lice. EST-All Work Warranted. J. TU BOCSJiORTOX. A- rUKOCKMOJtlO.'. Oct 85 '6 f to KLEl'SER & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL. PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries. lYotioiis,: i Toys. Coal Oil Lamps, ..Ve r",s for Ihe Buchanan Woolen amis, 01 i joafj-n, mo., and bare now ou baud avu s-vgnmt'oitii FAXCY CASSIJIESES, CLOTHS, JEAyS, FLAKKELS, d?c. wh-h we l ave re-tV 'd on pr-vrtd t excha' i.f fo comtnitiion, and are O OL OR CASH, ai very reasonao a j.Kore. sT- tiiva na a en one door east of the Herald office, Plattsmouth' May 20, 18 5. tf W. D. GA(E. W. R. DAVIS. j! y coot inn SHOE AND LEATHER STOliE. We are sell! g stoots, ana Leather, ar store on Main street, one door West of tne le Valley Pouse, CHEAPER thnn -.he CHEAPEST We are msnufitcttirioe; work fro-n tbe very best of stock, a ja will as ommcXate all who mav aire us a call. , Repairing done at all times GAGE & DAVIS. An. 2C, 36 dtwtf D- B. IflcWECIIAIV, Dealer in Hardware, Cut ery IRO.Y, MILS, STOVES J1.V.D TLY1YARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A'so. Agent for the Sale of the Celebrated MA G EE COOK i TO IAN AAI' hKAALU, iJiUVAUtt tf'.- 51IP.Ti. SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below theScjliiour House, on opposite side, NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. ctZS G- W: COLUTKIGUT. E. A. GKAVtS. Courtright ,y Graves, SIan'ifac:urors of and Dealers in Saddles and Harness, Bridles, Collars, WHIPS, SPURS, &c See which we as-ill tell reasonable. REPAIRING &. TRIMMING done on ('hort notice and at rtas. nat le rates. South Side SI reel, one door west of tl.e rijtte VaUey Hotuj. PLA1 TSMOUTII, - . r.EBRASKA. Oct 27 't6 dtf ILLCOX&jfflBBS oniniin II U E, dtiHINb H"al The Championfl 1 1 of 136 hrst pre miums in twoll llseasons. "Its seam isV2jstronger and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Jit'lffes1 Report of Vie (Jrand I not. Sea J for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. COKNELL & CO., Gen'l Agents, 133 Lake 61 . Chicago. F- P. TCDD, Local sent, i .a.ii n-ouil., &b n,ivl7 v Iy D E N T I S T . Dr. J. S. Charl's. surgical axd mev1iax1cal di:.tist, lSuccesor to Dr. Stick le, Office on Harney e'reet, .bo-e 12'h. Oni h i.Xeb . where he respe -tiuily temit-r his Profe i i:al ser- vice t all wli. inny le'iutre the per itii;.nce of entitt oreratio., or the ircaini-nl oi ilueasca ol the Mouth. !Tj Tcth extracted w iihmit pain bv the use of ; Oxide Gas pleasant to liilidie.aDU perlcctly l.arnilrKs. N. B. The PreftiTtti n m.d a i txciiil ity. the Xatnral novowSm Hannibal & St. Joe R R. aawsak, Jfel racket Line. One of the Company Steamers leaves daily fro) every point on the Missouri River above St. Joei h. ,nd ariivcs at St. Jos- ib in time to connect " irh ihe ,-xpre-s tiain on tl e I' A -t. Joseph Railroad for Hannibal, at wh eb place ri.unec'ion i- rnxde the same tTen.ntr with one cf the Ke knk Packets, which in ivrs in t iuii- to connect w j t. next nior mc tr.iiiif ut of St. Louis for Cincinnati, Inlin-pol!, L'.nix villf, Tene Haute. Wis), in ton C'ty. Bitinm e Philileiiilii:i, M-w York, liostun, a d to l! olhe Kastern. Xorihcrn aud Southern Cities. The a'.ov mentioned line ol i lrSr.t Packet, a.e cone de I bj ill travelers to be tbf best on the Western Waten. THKOUG1I TU'KhTS For sale to St- Loui. ami all Eastern, Nortl err. and S-'Utbera citie via tne above lines at Oenver City in ha. Council Willi's. Platismouth, Neb aska fity and stall oilier principal t cket ntBci-s i . the west. at"MeHis and Suie-i ooms fief! "si R. FKI. Stip't R It. I'. L , ft Joseph Ii. Q. FCKGU-oN, Bec'y It. K P. L. , St Joseph J. D. SIMPSON, Aeent. ap25 Plattsm.inth, Nebraska. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! VO!. HERALD Ifas moved Into his new brick b'l'ding; on the C er or .wain street anil Levre. whe.e he i laily rt eivinc adj.tijus U bis already ext. oaiv. tock of G-ROCEHIBS AND L- X XT O XL He offers the very best of biirpa ns to cnstom'T. n.l te.iuc.-ts a call Irutn tiioc wiu want anyilniitr i. bis Inc t. ttsi tbe advauta -'S iu prices oitii tiiust I others. Keuiciiiber the BRICK CORNER ind (rive bim a call if you wish to buy cheap. novz THOMAS C. C3IN3HAW, . FACRER Of 1SD DEALER I Saddles nnd Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS. CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashts, Whips, tf-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T 'TJnauestionably the oest sus- tamea worK oi tne nina in ine ; world." HARPER'S New Monthly Magazine Critical Notices of the Press. It is the foremost Magazine of tbe day. The 11 re- aidi never had a more deiipbtlul companion, m r tut miili- n a more enieriirisine friend, than Harper's jiauaznie Meflwlitt Prtitt-i'int Buitimo e ) Ihe most uoi-ular Moiu'ily in tue world. Jrio TVf It Vjj-t?ej We tu st refer in terms of eu'opy 'O me Cicn ton an varied excel'ences of H:.r-r a JnKazii.e journal with a moi.thiv circul.itioo oi at out I o.tiou copies in whose pages are to ne iouu-. me m ine choicest iiL'ht and general reading ( the day. We speak of this w rk a an rvn. me Ihe col ure of I the Ain-ri.-an people ; and th" poi.uiiy i "as c- quiteil i merit d K;.ch nunil'et contaii.a 'ully 144 p g..s or ri-adioif maUer, apiropriai-'.v ii usiraii-ii villi iriMiu o..l rii.s. an it Comli-eS in itself I lie racy monthly and the mote phi ooihical qiinrieily. blended with tbe best n-atures oi m- i i '. It has rreat power in the dissemination Of a love ol pure literature. Trubuer's (uwe iu Jiwrriras Literature. London. The volunn-a bound constitute of themselves a li brary of mi-c-lane u reailino- such as an not be found in the tame compass in any tber pttbiica ion that bus come under our notice. nustun iiuner. SCBSCfflPIOXS : 186 7. by mhich they on snpp'y tbe Maoaxi na v vK.. - - -- - - .... i .1 prouijilty to tiio wn. pr ter iu m-nt iui ii.rm. ir s ain'n'i rrnni iti"irn l-'-ui iu.'...huh. Th. ii...ti on Han.i t' lliL'jiK i. is 24 cents a I year, which mast be paid at tbe subsci-ileer'a post- olnce. TERMS : TfarTerfa Mairnzine. - ne vear l W An k nr. Com- of either "the MarufDf cr Weekly rill e siin.d eil eratia for every ciun ni rive ouo. sciiiw sat 4 Oi'eatb, in one remittance ; or bis Coni- for -0 0. Iick Numbers can be snppl ed at anr time A Complete r-et. tin romunsinc Tbiny-ihree ol- ninea in eat clo- b b ndiov, will be -tit I y expres fieirht at ' xpen-ef pnrchas -r,f.r 91 t j per v .luine. single v..iinie-s by null pilpaid, J 0. Clo. h Ca- s.-, fol binding .'id centa. hy man, i o-tpid . .ubs npiio-a tei.t fr m Hri:h .Nmih Ameri- ian Province, must be aco.nip in ed w ih 24 . ruts additional, to prepay Uni e i .-lat.-s p ie. Ad-,iie-s HAlU'KI &. BKOIHKlf, i dtll F-auklia .-quare, it Yotat. WOOL WO RT II & CO, BUO ELLlRS, STATION iES Binders &Paperdealers, ml U II SALYT JOSEPH, JUO., ocaB 6m BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Gils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for lYTedicinal use. Dye Woods, Tlye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best uuality. I'ltysicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black, Platismouth, May 1st, 1S65, tf TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, LARGEST t w IT titt Of ' s Wholesale and HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WINES AMD LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEiWARE, WINDOW SASH, And every article required by E.HIftRAIVrS, FREIGHTERS. MIXERS FARUEJ-N. And everybody else can be pupplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIEE Plattsmouth, April 10. '65 ft 1 r- E. T. DUKE tfc Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaneri AND STAMPED WAKE W keep coni'aiiily on hand Eiiipirants and Freighters OUTFITTING GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lids, Oven?, Cam- Kettles, Ac. We also keep! hain Pu ps and Fixtures, Hydraulic (.'ement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Collee Mil1" &.c. Tin Roofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for tlie sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streeti BLATTBMOUTH, NEBRASKA PLATTSMOUTH St. J. OUIS. Retail Dealers in -A NO RON, KAILS. DOORS & GLASS TUT - PBOOF BEICK. Tootle, Hanna & Co. jgURLINLsTON AND MlfcSOUKI RIVER RAILROAD. liL!Z. rv. i-aTari i-iti I8GG EASTWARD 18(16 Short nnd Quick Route t) CHCAGO AND THE EAST in cunDe-ti.n wish lha D.- Moit e Vailiy an J Jli ici.o, Bjrl DK-iun and Qnimy K..II oails. Three tr-ilns lesv" Ot!utna d.ily on arrival of Dcs Moi-cs Vai:ry t ains. BUY VOt'H TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLINGTON, I'd It SALT. AT Pl.AT'l hMOU J II. 0MA IA, council u luffs, nebraska ci i y, des Moines, knox villi:, ALIMA, .MONROE, PELL A, OiKALOOSA. i:di)Yy:l:.e, OIIL.MWA. Bicrciacrt rlifrkt tl -t rmi Onunuva' to CO o Chicago and ilie Lust. Passenters biive eh. ic of till 111" ev e I 1 i tie- I.'ad .nj? r'oi i h, ai d S- tii a ml 1 1 1 find t . eis io alt pi i uc ' pa i i ints a-t ey h il i ou.e; at i be tluunia a ticket ofiii'e of tin- (i nip.iby. Painters will fiud Una route Q'lUk, fafe and jure in Ui cotiiiei-ti. tjs. : K. I'KKKIXS. Snperltitetident. L. CARTER, Gem ial Pi' ipl t aud I ds-ener Agen N HAHDIMG ct C0.f POST 0IHCK Vl'ILDINQ NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T WH0LE8ALS AND RETAIL DEAIF.RS IN" SCHOOL BOOKS AND I Also AgTts for all the prinlral MAGAZLSESand m:xsp.peiix, For which ?ubsctl lions are received U Put It ! ers Pi ices Ii. FHOsT &. Co,, WTIOLES.i'tvli: &EOCEHS. Opposite the Pout OfTicr-, XHURAMvA CI TV, , fonilurted rn ili I. a U if Ac'luil p... ne 1 experienced c mint n t r t nj. i .r IV. ,m m, .u" LONG CONNECTION With 111" inr.t roiiiio-ri.,! Ci.i. . n' 1 1, a Cnion eo-iiie thiror';Min. - nu.t r.-i.titut no to evirv arradtiate, and t-oinjna. l tlie !. - .. ns. S PEC A L A TTENTIO.V Given Io all sty I. e IVnnu.nlii, (d which are , b.'en awad ' lo' fltrt I'.rn.iu iis for mat y ye,ir at vsriou-. StHt'- Fa'-s Til - College i. a vr .v oi en t- v:i'nr. end i - n- lnr- c ntaiuing full p i'tici ar. w ill ent t . any H'lres. TIIOV J. MIX t.T. fr t marl St. J.i.epl., M o. h. mi lt. ciin i'S:iiiiTn Late Sujt't IiHliiin Aiirt. A'turnr at IRISH, CALHCUN tfcCROXICIJ". The above iiim d rei.t'-rni-n have -..r,jf,d 1 li in --! v. a in 1 1 en. m f . tbe u (.e c I t.. e nt inx and c-.llec:itiK all claims aiaiust )- i e; . ral tiovemnicti, or atMinst any itii.e of l..ti..iis, ar.d re pr. pri-o to . r.i-..-iit sim h i-:aimv ihrlf,, Conuress, or a. v of the lrai ttnents of licv rniiieut i r l Ihe I onrt o Ciainis, ila lai H wil1 ilevoie In. ce'sonal a;.'rntkn to t e huiti- at Wellington. ST?" t'tlic: at Aebfn.-ka Crty, coiner cf .Main sal F.fiU .tree's. JEWELRY STORE The tub'tr her havins pun-bated the It- d Ptoie t,n 2d mien, lately I y bar y ao i ..tbi, would -epeetl .illy inform tbe cuizeiis of plati-io. mil nu.i viciuiiy, tliat be has rt&iud 'he .tore aud optu. d a Jaige etock of TE WI3IL.riL" AM) FANCY ARTICLES for Ladies. Oeni, Cbi'dren, snd the r-.t of maokinJ, nd is prepared to lo all kind, . f WATf H CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRTNO In the be't manner and would bj h i f-y t. server.! old and a- niauy uw customers a- in;.y nv. hint tbei puironage, asstitiuK tbeiu or ibeir oik w ii done, at modrte p-ice-, and ou short tune 'lh etock, embracing every va ieiy of a. odn-u'l kpt t a fir-l ciasn Jewlry bt. re. Will I sod at low prices, a. d warranted t st workmanship and uateiial. lie has a.o a small .tock if FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to time, and sol ! at th- I. west B"ire. Having pertnai.en ly 'o- ct d io thi- city. 1 lespectiu.iy s.,lic.t a share ol a-t-onKe. and coriiilly invite a'l to ca I aDd - i e tbe w.ic on hand, as we Would be p' eased i e-va you ai.d do nt ark y.i 'o boy unls e can niske it for your interest to patronize us. dec27tf E. II. EtTQN. Win. II- Lcmkc, filEI CHf NT TA1I0R, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Ic27 l!?03 tf rfhe n'.aca to set ehea; Lamp and I imp rkimaa 1 STwi BL-ACS, MOTTBHY s OV.'.