D. II. WHEELMt, E. C. LEWIS D. II. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PL 4 T T SMO U 7" J It N. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceels re ft ted at current rates of txcliance. Taxes paid In . -t'n Iowa and 3ebras(a lor boa reMier,t3. 1 jd litvrstigaud. Money loaned -ja Ileal Kt.ite n.tirtic. Land Warrant l-cate. CLAIM AGENTS- eenf for collection of claimi aziinct Oovercmcn I I fco'd ers, their ido and mi not liei-s. A t ( I Die purchae and fale of Lauds atd City pn p-r-ljr,Lealng of Tenement?. REFERENCES: Hon. S. II. Klbert, l-nver City. C. T. Me-rs Kounlze Hro. , Omaha, Neh. " llci'arn II M"tcalf, Jiebraaiia City. G. F. Filley. St. Lcui?, Missouri. lr. Dto Lewis, Uotoo, ilasncim.ctts. II W Ditmars. Chica.), ll.inoij. II 31 MiiC.HI, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tootle A IlKtina, PlaiLtur.nih. Nebrajlia. L B P.irb, Three River. Michiga.ii. Hon V Fellow, illoomfleld, Vi-c,hii. Hon T M .Mrriueit, Platuinouth, Nebraska. I. Lew if, A'toitiev at Law, Bulla!.), New York. , Carter, Hucy &. Curl, Ut Aluii.es, Iowa. n3 dAwtf National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C- F. M. DORRI N GTON, SCU AGEST: PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, la prepared to present ard prosecute claims before Con;fre, Court of Cluiuis and the Dept. iuieiits. Fa tents. 1'eni-ion, Bouot es, and Bounty Lamia se euied. lChHTge mode rat-, and in proportion, u the arn Hint of the claim. F. ii. DORKlXtt'l'OV April 10, '65. W. MlCKELWalT, K. J. IS HA HP LUMBER - YARD. Iflickclwait fc 8harp Dealer in Tine Lumber. Lath, Shingles, D.vr. Sa?h, Illinds, Pickets, and rvery variety of Cottonwood, walnut and Oak Lumber. Will kep constantly on band Cord wood, botl Cotton and Oak. All oiders promptly filled. JJ" Office on Levee Street, south cf C. L. Cooper's feed and Oram enot, PLATTSMOUTII, N. T. November 8th. 1665. Cm GET THE li EST! WEJBSTEirs Unabridged Dictionary XEW JLLVSTUATED EDITION. Thoroughly revined and much enlarged. Over 8,000 f me knvravtniT'. Is a Wcll-micn in 'u en sable renuUite for every intelligent fm i y. It contains 10 003 WOHD3 and MfciAXiNGS not fo'ibd in other Dictionaries. It ia n w believed to be by far the rnos t comt.lole useful and satisfactory Dictionary of the language ever pun iMie.1, a it n ny lur toe largest tingle vol note ever itmued in any l.insiiaKe. In one rol rf 141 dotal Quarto Pages. Published by G A C. .MLKK1AM. Spriiiptieid, Mass. iS 1 ALL iVVb.?t.LL&ll. C H. KING Carpenter aud Joiner CONTRACTOR and Bo."T TJER, Will do work In bra line with n eatneas an depute, npon abort notice. DES 3E5L .E3 IEL AND CONFECTIONERY. Prank Goff, Proprietor. T keep constantly on hand BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CRACKERS, and all kind" of fancy articles In my I ne. Cake, for parties or private families made on short notice I have a first class CROCKER MACHINE in operation, ami can furnish Butter crack ris, 6oda crackers, or any other variety on short uotic", ant. in any quantity. I am ali-o prep. re J to fninish Warm Meals or Cold Lunch al all houis Segars, Tebacco, Eto constantly kept on band. GIVE ME A CALL. mar2 dtf FRANK GOFf WAGONS ! J. It. CORIER Sc. CO Arc agents in this city for the sale of the celebrated Made bv Stud -baker Bros They hav. on hand a tjuod assortment, w.'.ich will be replenished as last as needed. Tliey propose to sell at the very lowest njrv.res. PUttsmonth, March 26. tf . FTJRNITUEE, COFFINS, AND Cabinet - Work ! Ii- BOECK Havlrs: enlarged his Shop and Snle?-rooms wou'd respectfully remind th people in thi vicinity that lie can furcisli them with the very beat furniture Chairs, or o her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall kep constantly on hand a large asanrMnent of Kastsrn M ori:, and am also prepared to manufacture) anythine in my line on inert notice. A large assortment of Keauy made Coffins kfpt at al! times. C.i'l and examiua my stock and prices. jelOddwtf H. BOECK. Wholesale detler in Soots , Shoes, ASH NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - - MISSOURI, Is constantly in receipt of all the Virions styles from the manufacturers. Cash paid lar Hides, Pelts, etc. nov7dwly T. M. MARQiETT. ATTOS KEY AT LA W ASD F clicitor in Chancery. LAT" iOCTn, - - KEBR4SKA. Go to EUci, Bntte.-y k Ce. foi year L. J 01 and Lubricators. 1865.' JS05. AMISON, DOVEY &. CO., North Side of Main Street, Have cn hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in tliis Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine oar stock. Platttsmoulh, April 10, 1S6 V tf QOto AMISON , DOVEY CO'S to pur .ase your gHELLED COKN for .a.eby A. D. A CO. Nendles. variety oTT." . o o Sa JACOS and I.ard for l. by A. I. A CO. " f CASES Moltby'i Cove Oysters for sale at A HE AW INVOICE of all inds or FaBiily Cn L I A. J. U C0s. XX ceries anOd ult.cv tiocd j ust ece.ved by i ;a.D. iCO. K . i iLtiCiis in Lai.ies' I res Goodsat : A.D.A-CO'S. LL kinds of Fainting Implements for sule by - 2. . A. I), a t'O. 1-HiK SALE at AMl:-0 DoVhY A CO'S . aCoffee . 1 Te a, fcupar. Golden byiup, Sngir llou ilo-e Largo lot of Two Ho. se Plows for sale by lasees, KeW York Candies, etc , etc. V. A D. & CO. Vl:irge lot of Chewirg and Smoking Tob icco or M endless larictycf Hardware and Cutlery 'or sale at . A CP'S. V. sale at A. I. A CO S COIL OIL or aale by C.aSH, Doors, Shingles Glass, and Nails of evei v A. D. A CO. O description for sale 1 y A-D. A CO. f BOXES at ar Candles for sale a LL kinrig of Count, j Produce taken in exchange M A1 l for goods bv J.D.alO. I F yon want'to , urcha.e goods at a bargain, goto enumerate all the .tides we have for-' i '- . X would fill one sideof th Hkkalo, and otheit BAGS COFFEK just received by have as good a rijiht to udvertise as J,iy r. ;a. D. CO. AWUOX, DOVEY A CO. VLarifu lot of Choice Tea at r-Mlh Uigest Outllt;ins' House north of St. Josepl A. D. ACO'S. lis AMISON, DO VLY CO ft., Plattsmouth, Jiebraska. KLErSER & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, Notion g5 Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. Vc, &c. We ar also aper.ts for the Buchanan Woolen Mills, of St Joseph, Mo., and have now on baud a So-'d assortment of FAXCY CASSIJfESSS, C LOTUS, JEANS, F LASS ELS, dto., wl.ich we have received on commission, and are prepared to exchange for OOL OR CASH, at very reasonable agures. ar Give us a call, one door east of the Herald office, Plattsmouth Nebra-ka. May iti, 1665. tf D. B IflcIECIIAN. Dealer la Hardware, Cutlery 1ROX, MILS, STOVES JjYD TIJWVJIRE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A'so. Asent for the Sale of the Celebrated if AG EE COOK UTOVES, ASD HR ASCII, I 00 AS IO S SAIVS. SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the.Sejmour House, on opposite side. NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 Apothecaries Hall. RELD,WIIITIXGER& Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & 3IEDIiNES, Paints Oils, Putty Glass Patent Jledicines of all kinds, iarlicles. gta- tionery.a'rd everything kept ia . rat-class Drag st're, at Eastern prices. We are prepared to 011 all orders, and warrant our goods to be fre-h. apr.10 '65 "ha r;c to gel PeTfamery af a kinds is at y BLACK. B UTTER 7 A OO.'S. CIIAS. VOGT & CO , Cor. Main and 5th sts., t NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in I LEATHER MD IRON, SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware rin'Jing and Tool, wGO.S, PLOWS, &c. ("Orders Promptly at ded to Boot h Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at their old 'etand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIX STREET, PLATTSMOUTII, - ... N. T. We keep constantly on Land a large assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at ih lowest cash prices. Repairing done at suh rt no tice. - ESA11 Work Warranted. J. Til KOCXMOHTGJT. A. TUROCKMORTO-V. Oct 25 C6 W. D. GAGE. JV. R. DAVIS. CUY BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STOKE. We are selling Boot. -Shoes ana Leather, ar store on M.uo stieet, one door west of the Ie Valley Pouse, CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST We are manufacturing work from the very best ol stock, and wiU accjmuiodate ail who may give us a call. Repairing done at all limes UAGE & DAVIS. v. Aug. 20, '68 d&.ft; G- W: COL'ETRIGaT. E. A. GRAVIS. Couriright y Graves, Manufacturers of and Desle'S in Saddles and Harness, Bridle?, Collars, Willi's, SPURS, &c &c which we will tell reasr nable. REPAIRING &. TRIMMING done on short notice ard at reasonable rates. South. Sid JUain Slreel, one door west of U,e Platte Valley Hons. PLATTSMOUTII, - . NEBRASKA. Oct 27 'CO Alt IftfllLLCOX & fill o nif inn 11 U ' S .. J F VII I II tl IUI LI I . I I II I . i ill i ii ii iir-i iiinuiuiiki 1 1 I The Champion!! j of 136 first pre- ll :.. l seasons. 19 U1IUIII3 i ' V1J 1 , tl iu(J ; v-Utronc-cr and ajy no c k 4J. i aA AO sav (- less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch. "Jwlges Report of Vie Urana i rvu. Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of good" Agents wanted. L. C0BNET-L & CO., Gen'l Agents, 133 Lake 6t . Chicago. F- P TODD, Ljcal Agent, Piattsn-outh, Neb novl? w ly D E NT I S T . Ir. J. S. Charles, SUR (i 1 CA L A AD M ,' CIIA .XI CA L DE.XTIST, iSuccessor to Dr. Stickle, Office on Rarney "ret, above 12;h, Omaha Neb , where he retp. etfuily teDilers his Profe sioual ser vice to all who may lequire the perform .nee of ental orerations, or the iretuiriit of Diseases of the Mnuth Jj- Te.'th extracred withftit pnin by the use of Niir.itis oxide Gas pieasaut to itiliale.and perfectly (.armies. N. B. The 1'iefei vitiin the Jfatural Teeth made a) piciali'y. novuwSiu flannibal & St. Joe R- R, 3 Iv Packet Line. Onec.rthe Conirny Steamers leaves daily from eveiy poiut on the Missouri .liver above St Joe h, md ariive at M. Jo-- h in time to connect irjih ihe express train on tt ' "anuibul A 't. Joseph Railroad for llamiit.al, at wh.ch place conneciou i- nunle the -a me evening with one of tlie Ke 'kuk I'ackets. which .rrive in time to onntct with next nior ing tn.ins out of St. Louis for Cincinnati, lndMti..pnli-, Louis ille, Terie Haute, Wtsliiu t..n City, Uititnine, Philadelphia, New Y.irk, Hostnn, ai d to all other Eastern. Northern urid Southern Cities. The a'.ov meutioned lines eleisai.t Packet, an; cone, del by ill travelers to be tu" best on the we-tern waters. THltUl'UII TK'KK'l'S For rale to Ft. Loui. anil all Eastern, Nortl crn and j .nthem citie via the above lines at Denver City, in h. Council HHilTs. I'lat muu'h. Neb-a.-ka ity and at all other principil t ckot otlic-s I the west. JtarMea's SLd Si.ite-ionius f.e'-! 9 R. FOKU.Sup'l K U. i. L , ft Jon ph II. Q. HJUGLMON, Sec'y It. K P. L., St Joseph J. D. Sl.MPSUN, Aeiii. aD25 Pliittsmouth, Nebraska. STTJPPY & BBHR, No. 16 Sorth Filth Street, ST. JOSF.ril, ... MISSOURI. D'-nlers in PIANOS, 0I.GANS, MEL0DE0N , Violins, Guitars, Fi.ites, Accordeon, Flutinns, Ma u,.ni; nJ Shut Mi -ic. Genuine Italian and G enitB VI li tt" ali ysi.n hand. maySwCm. JOSEPH SCHLATER, WATCFMAKER and JEWELER A!5 STEEKT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A pood assortment of Watcher C'-o k :oKl Pens J. we'ry. Silver War, Tunc- (oo s Violins and Vi olin TiiuimiuRS :ilwiys on hand. All work com mitten to his care will Le warrantea. April lit. IM15. JEWELBY STOKE The sutj.-crlber b.ivinz purchased the R'-d Store on 2.1 stieet, lately oicupitd by frarpy and other, woiil respectfully inforii the citizens of Plattsmouth and viciuity, that he las re&Ui.d the store aud opened a large mock oi AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladier, Oents, Children, and the rest of mankind. na is prepared t. do alt Kindt if U'ATCII, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best mnnnr. and would bj hn nv tn ?ervef.ia oiu ana a many new customers as may give nun thei patronage, iisMirinir them of their oik well done, nt lioxlerute price, and on short time Th stock, embracing nvery va iety of c-ods tisuall kept at a first c;as Jewelry St- re, will I so d at low prices, ad warranted of best workmanship and material. He ban also a small stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to time, and son at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cal" a in tun city I respectm Iv solicit a share of pa troniiRe. ami corJi illv invite a'i to call and ex am ne the stock on hand, as we would be p'eased to serve you. ana no not ask you to buy unless we can make ii ior jour interest to patronize u-. uecim e. ii. EATON. THOiVAS C. CRENSHAW, FACREH cr ASD DEALER 13 Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurt, Lashes, Whips, c)-c. ' Ma in Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! Wall. HERALD Has moved Into his new brick bnl'dins; on the C -lerof Main street and Levee, wheie he is lailv re- eeivinK large add.ti,ns to his already ext. usive G-ROCERIES AND LIQU He offers the very bet of barsa;ns to customers. nd requests a call fr in those whi want anything in his line tu teal the advatfttea in prices with tuote I otliers. Beuciutier the BRICK CORNER and give him a c!l if yon wish to boy cheap. . r TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUTH. L A 1J G i: S T JVcst of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, AND Clothing of every description. WINES AND UQUQRS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWAKE; IRON, MILS. WINDOW SASH, DOOllS & GLASS And every article required by EMIGRANTS. FREIGHTERS, MINERS &1FAR.TIERS And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIRE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. Plattsmouth, April 10 '65 BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for DTedicinal use, Dye "Woods, Ttye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Geim- ine and of the best quality. Physicians9 Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1S65, tf E. T. DUKE tfe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WARE Wp keep cou'aiuly on hand Emgirants' and Freighters' O TT TFITTIISra GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Irying Cano Kettles, Jwc. We also keep Chain I'u ps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mi.1- &c. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice,-with ii .1 a a n i i k x neatness anu.aespatcn. re agenis ror ine saie or Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove, Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets PLATTSMOUTII, THE- Iron, Brass, Japaned Fans, Mullets and Lids, Oven?, NEBRASKA TH0. B. T00TL T. K. IlAKIU, J. a.CLillS Tootle, Hanna k Clark, BANKERS, Leulers ira Gold Dut. Gold and Silver Coin, Ext'liaiixc, IJ S. and other ??iIocL?H. deposits iu:ceivi:d, and special attention given to Collection TIjATTSMOUTII, N.T. at9 ddt wtf JgURLlNGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. t. .i ;u- ..... m.. . . I SCO EASTWARD I Ski Short nnd Quick R.inle to CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In c mi- Ii . n i:h l,o !. M-.;n- V!:ty .'. ..1 Ch icuco, liui hu'. 11 and ynu y K ii:t. ai!e. Tl.ree lrain le.n.- Ottutua d 01. .-.'iiu! jt Dei, Aluiuc VuJ.y 'r;iiio. I1UV YOLK IK I.ITS 1A 0TTUMWA and EURLl!iGT01I4 i d a sa r.i: a t PLAITSMOU I'll. OMAHA, COUNCIL W.UFFS. NKIJIiA.SK A CI IT, DK.S MOINKS. KNOXV1KLK, AI.IilA, JIONKOK, KKKKA, O SKA LOO.: A. KDDV V'LJ.K, Biggage chfilud fr.ni Onum . i' t. Chicairo and i!.- Lit-t. Pa Pni't-r h:i ve r-h. ie i.f .ill the c e ,t 1 : " I '..!- .fie N .M 1 ll . K .M ji T d S. II 1 1' . :l ll.l H li 1 lie. I IrV.et-t lo ill f , r in.-1 .il .' int- I il -1 lt nil i ,:.! e- i 1 l t.e UlI Hum a tick.-t i.th.-e t ihi- rnmp ny. I'a.--eni.'i-i-i w i.l fin 1 tins route Q J if-- i. i I Sure 111 ll-i lollll-i t:.-l:. li. iKn ii i Shi i-i :i .!..;.. I,. CAl'.rr.R, GeiH lal I'l-iht aul !;.. A,'3 tU S HAHDINC Si CO., rosr onH.i-: itun.iuN'j NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T WHOLIif.U.n AM) R-TAIL DKAM i: ' I-.' SCHOOL BOOKS a"- . AND STATIONERY A Ho Agents for all the r.ri.. . .;.! MAGAZINES and XEWSrAPEKX, Fi t which Subacri( t;rn. are received st I'ul ! ' ' i'l K'en. L. FKOsT c Co., WHOLES,!!.: SEOCBH S. Oyposite the Tost O.li MiHRASKA CITY, i BRYANT'S rondiT-tel on the b.i U ft Actunl INiHin', ex criciiCtrd Act-"int.ir.t ard -';-rior t.ui", w LONG CONNECTION with the m-.t f.f,pn!ae Cm ne-cinl ri l!'r"S c' tin tTnt.n Fo-ureK t!i muIine. ml rer' tate.n to ev. r graduate, and onimands the ('.: inns. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given tu n'l tyl -s of retm.:i:iH!..p. ru nl.lch w 1 :-.ve b'-en award".) II. flri-t Hreiuiuxti Kr ClJr.y years n various Mute Fairs The C..ll-e i. ni wsys rp'" I j v:'i''.r, a c 1 c'.r:r Iht e .ntdining full pm -t;cilars. iil ' seat t- iit.y -.1 I '111.. I- t I 1 . t . VI. !...., ddres. oiitrl ft. Joeiiti, o. w. rat'Ti, citrt'Tj U rr.oxro.v, Late Sup't Intti-m Afalrt. AUvrury ut L i.c IRISH, CALHOUN &CR0XT0IT. The above iiim'il petjt'm-n have ass--eif-d Ibenisetv.s in l.i-m r' f,- the I u ! "f I r. e i,--iuif and c Uectir.jr al. c'xiins fci.iiu-t the t.enerl Governnieot. or ac.inkl ai.v iri'.e of li.fliKn. a- I nre ,t. pre.i I-i i io eci:te .ii h claim.. tUtl.er i;..e Contrre, or a-iv of the J'epa tnie'its of (.ovcriinie:, : i.r tel. re the Court ol Claims, 31a lki-ni.) Ov.te his personal tl'enticn t t e buiiieK. at Wa-hitigton. t'Sice at Sebia.ka C ly, corner cf Main aal F;UU streets. TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers ard their heirs. F. M Dt.rrirr)..n b this cry recr l-.d ficni ' ' -i Dei.aninelit. Hie lw in full wuh new blanks I. r t e ciiieciili ot ad'Mu.i.al UoUntte and i..creH-ed I e -ioi.s. and i dy to 1-ro.eiute ! uch cluin - nay he etif u-tnl to bis c i e. Cal. ktid exaini-e-Fitst claimed is -rt setved. F. M. COESISGTO. riaturcouth, kof. 0, 1S3.