WAGONS! J. II PORTER & CO Are agents in this city lor the sale of the celebrated C1IAS. VOGT & CO-. Cor. Mam and 5th ats., Apothecaries Hall. REKD,WniTirGER& Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty and Glass Patent Medicines of all kinds. Toilet articled, sta tionery, and everything kept in a first-class Drag Store, at Eastern prices. Jt jr We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant or goods to be fresh. apr. 10 '6 W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CI I Y BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STOKE. 1865. AMISON, DOVEY & CO., ' South Bend Wagons, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, North Side of Main Street, Made by Studebaker Bros They have on hand : good assortment, which will be replenished as fast a needed. Tbey propose to sell at the very lowest 1 g u res. Plattsmouth, March 26. tf Dealers in W. MICKELWA1T, If. J. SHARP. Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of MR Ml) mi We are selling Boots, Shoe ana "Leather, ar store on Main street, one door west oftne l e Valley Pouse, CHEAPER thamhe CHEAPEST We are manufactnrine worlt from the Very left of stock, and will accoaaaoda e- all who may gire-as a c"- , -...is , .r.i - :.ri Repairing: done at all times. , . . , GAGE & DAyiS Aug.' 20, 6--diwtf " ' . FURNITURE, C OFFIISTS. AND Cabinet - Work ! H. BOECK Having enlarged his Shop nd Salt s-rooms woo d respectfully remind the people in this vicinity that he can. farntfQ them wtft the very best furniture. Chairs, or e'Tier Cab mot-work, at the- latxt reason able rates. I shall kep constantly on hand a, large asiorment of Eastern and am also prepared to manufacture anything in my line on short notice. A large assortment of Keauy-made Coffins kept at al! times. Ca'l and examine my stock and prices. JelO dtrw tf II. BOECK. Boot k Shoe Store Ji) THROCKMORTON & SON, l -. ; ' . ' ' ' ' " at their old Etami, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STRKET, PLATTSMOUTH, - --- N. T. We keep constantly 'on Land a large assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes 1 SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. Repairing done at soh rt no , . , tice. . ggjT'All Work Warranted. J. TUROCKMORTON. A. rilROCKMORTOM. Oct 25 6 I , ' . LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W- BRADLEY'S CELEBRA TED PA TEXT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) The Wonderful Fl xibility apd frreat Comfort and Pleasure to .ny lady weirinr tne Dnolex fclllptj kirt will be experienced particularly In all cro -d AsHviublie , Operas, Carriages, Kailruad Cara,Church Pews. Arm C hair?, for Promenade and House Ltress. as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy small srwee as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Mnslin Dret-R, an inva uable quality in crinoline, not found id any Fmgle Spring bkirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, oomfort and (Treat convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic fcteel Spring Hkirt for a tingle day. will never after wards w.llinjrly diopense with their use. For Cbil riren. Mioses and Young Ladies they are superior t Hll others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve their -perfect and graceful shape when three rr fjur ordinary Shirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rocs a'e not only dnlle ipnnirj. but twice (or double covered ; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stnoos, stairs, ace. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ! dies and is universallp recommended by the Fashion Magazines ax the sunward HAlrt of tne tutium able World! To enjoy tte following IreMirnable advantages in Crinoline, via: superior quality, peifect manufacture, stylish i-hap.; and finish, flexibility, durability, com. fort and economy, eDqnire for J W. Bradley's Du plex Elliptic, or Double (spring Skirt, and be sure to gel the genuine article. CAUTION To guard against imposition be partic ular to notice that skirts offered as "Duplex" have the red ink stamp, viz: "J W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband none others are genuine. Also notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thns revealir g the two (or donble) springs braided together therinv whi.-h Is the secret or their flexibil ity and strength, and a combination not to be found In any ether Skirt. For sale in all stores wnere first-class skirt, are sold thronghcut the United States and el-ewhere. .Manufacture I by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WE3T3, BRADLKT 4 CART. 97 Chambers 79 fc 81 Reade sta., N T novlS dwSm THOS. S. TOOTLE, T. K. HAN, J.B.CLARK Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers in Gold Dust-Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U- S. and other stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PI.ATTSMOTJTH, N. T. ap9 dwtf WILLCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine. "Its seam I strencer and less liable U rip i" use or wear than the Lock Stitch." "Sitdyei' Report ' at the ' Or,,nl 7Wa "J Fend for (he "Report" and samples of Work, con taining both kinds of stitchej, en the same piece of goods. Agents wanUd. F- P. TODD, Local Agent, Plattsmoutb, Neb. L. Cornell & CS Qen'l Ag'ts, novTwli 133 Like itPiet, Chicti.. D1VBH500BS, QUEKNSWARE, IIAItDWAHE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we mess to merit a continnance or the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 186 . tf rUST nceived, Wcaswe JCanned Feac e I AJlfSON, DOVEY 4 nt O'S. O to AMISON , DOVEY CO'S to pur .ase your IjT A X endless variety o lLa wo o Sa A. D.4CO'". 50 CAS Kd Moltby's Cove Oysters for sale at A. D. fc CO'a. j 1 1 itciif in Ladies' true Goodsat A. D. CO'S. IOR SALE at AMl?ON, DoVEY 4 CO'S, aCorTee 1 Te a, bugar. Golden Syrup, Sugar ilou. Jlo-e lasses, Kcw York Candies, etc , etc. large lot of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco or j sale at . & CO'S. "OALOIL or sale by A. D. A CO. BCXBSetar Caudlfsfor sale by 1 A.D. CO. "F you want to I urchase goods at a bargain, goto i A. D. A CO 25 BAOSTCOf FEK just received by A. D. ft Co. A Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D. CO'S. 3ST E "W JEAVELEY STORE The subscriber having purchased the Red Stole on 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully Inform the citizens of Platt?munth and vicinity, that be has refitted the store and opened a large slock of AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladier, Gents, Children, and the rest of mankind, nd is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY" REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be happy to serve his old and as many new customers as may give him the!, patronage, assuring them of their woik well done, at moderate prices, and on short time. The stock, embracing every variety of goods muallr kept at a flrstduss Jewelry Store, will be sold at low prices, and warranted of beet workmanship and material. He has also a small stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to titne, and sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cated In this city. I repectiu!y solicit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we Would he pieased to serve you, and do not ask you to buy unless we can make it for your interest to patronize us. dec27tf E. H. EATON. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! Win. DERALD Has moved into his new brick billdin an the t - nerof Main street and Lfrm who h. i lnv re ceiving large additions to his alreadv exten.iva stock of G-ROCERIBS AND I XT He offer the very best of bargains to cusbMnerf . nd requests a call from those who want anything in us line to test the advantages in prices with those f others. Remember the BRICK- CORNER and give him a call if you wish to buy cheap. TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers and their heirs. F. H. Dorrineton his this dav received from tlia Department, the Law in full with new blanks for the collection of additional Bounties and increased Pen- siocs. and is ready to prosecute all snch claims as may be entrusted to his care. Call and examine Fiist claimed is fint served. Piattsmoutb, Aot;. 10, ItOo. 0R02&ISS9 hope by strict attention to bus VLargt assortment cf me'i's and for rale by boys' clothing A. D- & CO. C" HELLED CORN for isle by A D.A CO. B ACON an J Lard for aale by A. D.A CO. A HEAVY INVOICE of all iinds of Family Grr reries vnOd utliting Hood jsl eceived by A. D. A CO. ALL kinds of Farming Implements for sale by A. D. A CO. A Large lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by A D. & CO. A N endless variety cf Hardware and Cutlery fo: sale at A. D. A CO S VJiSH, Doors, Shingles, Glass, and Nails of ever O description for sale by A. D. A CO LL kinds of Coaatiy Produce taken in exchange l for good bv A. D. A CO. rf O enumerate all the articles we have fur Fa! JL would fi-l one S'deof th Herald, and otbei have as good a right to advertise as AMlON, DOVEY A CO. TH1S la: gee t Outfitting House north of St. Josept. X 1 AMI&UN, DO If CO s Plattsmo uth, Nebraska. KLEPSEK & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries Notion, Toys. Coal Oil Lamp. Ad fcc. We are also agents for the Buchanan Woole. Mills, of St Joseph, Mo., and hare now on band good assortment of FAKCY CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, JEANS, FLANNELS, dbo which we have receivi-d on commission, and ar prepared to exchange for OOL OR CASH, at very reasonabla j.zures. 9g Give ns a call, one door east of the Herald office. Plaltsmoutn Kebrai-ka. May 16, 1645. tf IB -L 3BL JE1 OFL AND CONFECTIONERY. Frank GofT, Proprietor. I keep constantly on hand BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CRACKERS, and all kinds of fancy articles in my line. Cakes for parties or private families made on short notice. 1 have a first-class CRACKER MACHINE in operation, and can furnish Bulter crackers. Soda crackers, or any other variety en short notic but' in any quantity. I am also prepared to furnish Warm Meals or Cold Lunch al all how $ Segars, Tebacco, Etc constantly kept on hand. GIVE ME A CALL. mar9 dtf FRANK GOFI THOMAS C. ORE A SHAW, g fAPKSB or 11D DBALEB IK Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CVRRIE Combs, Spurs, Lushes, Whips, tj-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - N. T. LUMBER - YARD. Iflicltclivait & Sharp Dealers in Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Pickets, and rvery variety of Cottonwood, Walnut and Oak Lumber. Will keep constantly on hand Cord wood, both Cotton and Oak. All oiders promptly filled. 53" Office on Levee Street, south of C. L. Cooper's Feed and urain Depot, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. November 6th. JSCS. tim STUPPY 8c BEHR, No. 16 North Fifth Street, ST. JOSEPH, ... MISSOURI. Dealers in PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODION , Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Accordeons, Flutinas, Mu sic Rooks and c-hkkt Mcsic. Genuine Italian and G emuiB Vio linte:iiiigs alwaysoa band. inaySw6m. FRESH LI3IE! Good No. 1 Lime always on hand and for sale by be wholesale and retail in amounts to suit porchas ers, ty J. BtTTS. mar2 dw6m C II. KING Carpenter a d Joiner CONTRACTOR and BoJTDER, Will do work in hss line with n eatness an dispatc, upon snort notice Conducted on the bais of Actual Business, by an experienced Accountant and superior Penman, whose LONG CONNECTION with the most popular Commercial Colleges or the Onion ensures thoroughness and reputation to every graduate, and commands the best positions. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to all styles of Penmanship, on which we have been awarded the first Pi em 'urns for many years at various state r airs The College is always open to v:si'or, and circu lars containing fall pnrt-culai s, nill be sent to anv address. TitO'S J. DKY. A AT, Pros t. marl St. Joseph, Mo O. tf. IRISH, Late Sup't Indian Jfairs. Calhoun & ckoxton. Attorneys at Law IRISH, CALHOUN & CR0XT0N. The above mimed ccnt'emen have associated themselves in busir.tfs for the puipose of prosecut ing and collecting all claims acainst the General Government, or ng.ii.ist any tribe of Indians, and are prt pared to prosecnte nuch claims, either liefore Conftess, or anv of the Departments of Government or before the Court of Uiaims, JIr. Ihish mill devote his pe'sonal at'ention to t p Imsin. hs at Washington. Jlj" Cflico at Nebraska City, corner of Main and iuii streets. E. "WHITING Wholesale dealer in Boots. Shoes, AND NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI, Is constant y in receipt of all the various styles from the manufacturers. Cash paid for Hides, Pelts, etc. nevydwly FOR SALE a-ood two-story brick store building . 22.by 60 feet witt good cellar; for furtliei particulars inquire of the TuuelCxa oabc or .-choiol Dimbctobs GET THE BEST! WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionary. NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION. ThoroiiFhly revised and much enlarged. Over3,000 rine engravings, is a weu-nign indispen sable reqninite for every intelligent family. It contains 10 000 WORDS and MEANINGS not found in other Dictionaries. It is now believed to bo by far the most comolele. useful and satisfactory Dictionary of the laneuaze ever puo.icneu, as it is oy tar toe largest single vol ume ever issued in any language. In one vol of I.H40 Ilnjal Quarto Paces. Pnblihhed by G. & C. MtRRIAM, Springfield, Mass. jsx A 1.1. .JSUun.aai.Le.idis. G-W! COURTRIGHT. E. A.GRAVES. Courlright Graves, Manufaclarers of and Dealers in Saddles and Harness. Bridles, Collars, WniPS, SPURS, &c &e which we will sell reasonable- REPAIRING &. TRIMMING done on short notice and at reasonable rates: South Side Main Street, one door west of the Platte Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA. Oct 21 '66 dtf D.FELLIX(JS at all price. Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or nesmeuces in town, win nou mem lor aale at ml prices. By E. M. EORRINGTON, r7. Rial Est Arm Aoeut D E NTIST Dr. J. S. Charles, SURGICAL AXD MECJIAX1CAL DEXTIST, Successor to Dr. Stick lei, Office on Harney street, above 12th, Onaha. Keb. where he respectfully tenners his Profe-sional ser vices to all who may require the Performance of ental oreratio ns, or the treatment of Diseases of the Mouth S3" Teeth extracted without oain by the use of JUrum Oxide Gas ple&iant to inhale, and perfectlv LarmieKs. Ji. B. The Preservation of the Natural Teeth made a speciality. nov53m C3QT ,T BLACK, BUTTERY ifc CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use, Dye "Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Dlaek. Plattsmouth, May let, 1865, tf TOOTLE, MAIN STREET, L A B 4 litest of Wholesale and HARDWARE, piothing cf every description WINES AMD UQUOHS OF AIL KINDS. m Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QTJEENSWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, And every article required by MIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS, MINERS &! FARRIERS. And everybody else can be Call and examine -AT FIRE Plattsmouth, April 10. '65 E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WAFiE Y keep constantly on hand Emigrants and Freighters OUTFITTING- GOOD S Such as Ca p Stoves. Frying Camp Kettles, &c. -We also keep Chain Pumps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coflee Mii1" &c. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agemts for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St. Second and Third Streets PLATTSMOUTU. HANNA & CO., PLATTSMOUTH. G EST St. Louis. Retail Dealers in -AND- DOORS & GLASS supplied at this establishment. our extensive stock. THE- peoof brick:. Tootle, Hanna & Co. sir Iron, Brass, Japaned Pans, Skillets and Licb. Ovens. South Side, between NEBRASKA SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER Saddlers' Hardware Finding nnd Tool: Air COINS, PLOWtS, . ("Orders Promptly at ided to. D- B McJIECILVV Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IRO.Y, JW1ILS, STOVJZS JU"D TLyn'.iiu:, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AIko, Agent for l he Pale of the C-'M-rj CUOK ATO I'A's', AM) UllAM i;, tO'J HA II .V. I'd Mi'., h SIGN OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, BeloW thegl'J rilCUr II. UKO, Oil opporilv Side, NEBRASKA CITY, Nf-B. 1 S. HAUDING a CO., TOST OI'FICE ULII.MMJ NEBRASKA JC1TY, N. T WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL DEAl rRJ IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Al'o Agents for all the prlii" imI MA GAZLXHS ami Ml YS I'A I' till tf, For which Subscription are received at I'n' !;! " Ft K'CS . L. FHOsT Cl Co., WIIOLESALf! GEOCE3 lb. Opposite the Post Office, NEBRASKA C1TV, N. IInniiib.il TTni i. i . & St. Joe II R mm Packet Lino. One of the Coninsny fiteam'Ts e:ive i!:nlv u-n every point on the Miitwoori Kiver above St. J.x-1 li. and arnves at rt. JoHrpn In tune to cmnf t with Mi" exprnas train on tie llaonibal A Jt. Ju--i)i ailr'nd ror Hannibal, at wincu place rounertion u. nu.oe n o same evening with one of the Ke-knk I'ai k-i ,wln li arrives in time to connect wlih nst mini Ink ir iim ont of Ht. Louis for Cincinnati, I udi-i'iup lii", I. riii ville, Terre Haute, Wakliiu. ton City, It.i I noo: -. Pliilade.'phia, New York, lioxton, ard Ui all oiL.-r Eastern, Korthern and Southern Cities. 1 be i;ov mentioned lines of elegant i'ack't aie con-' 1 by all travelers to be tbe bt on the Welcrn waiers. TII KOL'U II 1ICKKTS For sale to Pt. Loni. ami all Kantern, Nortt ern 'n i Soutberrr cities via tlie almve lines at Ueovr ijr. Out ha, Council liliiffn, Platlnrnouth, Neb-a-ka i:y, and at all oilier principal t.ckit tlK'i- in r. t . v. r-i. sMealr and bl tte-roomx riei : it B. FOKIt, Hnp't K li. I'. L , H Jon' ph . U. Q. FL'KOI'.iO.V, Sec'y K It I' L , St J--. b. J. D. SIMTSON, A: -nt, apZS I'iatUrnoutli, Ncbra i. JJURLINGTON AND MISSOUKI RIVER RAILROAD. 18CG EASTWARD I SCO Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST. In connection with lh. Des Moiuen Valley and Chicago, BurliUKfon and imncy lUiiroid. Three train" leave Oi.iuinwa daily oil arrival o Des Moines Valley trains. BCV YOCR TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLISGTO. rnn sale at PLATTSMOUTH. OMAHA, COUNCIL BLLr r S, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXV1LLE, ALBIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE, OTTUMWA. j Baggage checked from Otarnwa to Chicago and the rast. Paseenpers have choice of all the rit linen ! ad ing North, Eakt and .South, and wil "d t ckets to all principal (icints Last by all routes al it.e Ot'.umva ticket otfl' of thin company. Passengers will bud this rou'e Quick, l:fe and iaxe in its corinectioos- C K.PEKKIAS, Puperintetidebt. L. CARPER, General Freight and i'a-enter The plao to ret cheap Lamp, and Lamp Cli rso.r SLA CA , b C ITER Y a C)