aft. Tremendous H E L M B O L D. TOOTLE, IIANNA & CO., EXCITEMENT ! MAIN STREET, - PLATTSMOUTH. CIIAS. VOGT & CO. C. B. STAUDE. W. H. ANDERSON. Platumoutb, N. T Glenwood, Iowa, Cor. Main and 5th (., FLUID EXTRACT STAUDE & ANDERSON, HERALD L A It G E S T NEBRASKA CITY, KEBEASKA, Ilaa BrotH lato hi new brick b- t'dlnsr on the t -aerof Main sue-! m1 Lr wlia.e l.-s i la y re ceiving iage additions to h.. ainaJy titfui.iv stock of Removed to New Three Storv Brick TCuiMir-ff, Fast Room. Corner of Main and Third St's, Plattsmouth. N.T , 9 W wu;sw4 Dealer in -or- W Wf4 W t, GROCERIES Jlest of St. Louis. i Wholesale and Retail Dealers in AND QUO H. & TJ C2 3E3CTT He offer lbs v- ry be t of burst us to cistorners ana leaivu h tall it in til ,e wiu wiut au.vthing in fai line 1 1 tent tua a.W.tuta,is iu pricei with, muse 1 1 others. BeiuvBiLer the BRICK CORNER, and give him a call if yon wish lo bur cheap. aov2 W. t). CUGE. V. It. DAVIS. GliY BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STOflE. We are eelll- g K M tn, .s'lio.-. ard Lether, at our C H APSR ihnmhe CHEAPEST We are m 'D if ioivr'iO(r wr irk f.o-n tie erv best o( ., 11 aiuiuiui j'ie a. i who may sive us i CHI I. Ri pnai izi? clone at all times GAGE & DAVIS. Ana;, y. ir (.wtr Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY G00DS.GR0CERIES, HARDWARE CUTLERY, Ql'EEXSWAREj Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, BLANKETS. HATS AND CAPS. Tj And a variety of (Lsj LADIES DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES H Alio keep constantly on band a large supply of 1ROJV, NAILS, COST AI7D AUCTION JI alii sell tny STOCK OF GOODS AT COST. AUriCH SALES will commence October 1, 1S65.J L. BiLLINQS. f : PU'trmiuin, St-pi- 11, 1334. JEWELRY STORE The fnb-crib-r bavins purcbiifed the K'd Stnie on tJ street, liltly ncuiipU'l ly Saipy anl oiher, would rpec:f.ill.v iiir .rui tu rtiiz?n ,,i Piai't-niouiU uud vicluiiy, thc lie has refl:ud the store and opened a large ttiuck if O" ZEES 352 A.XD FANCY ARTICLES For tid!., l!.nt, rt,i d"n. ml the rctt or manlctcd asi is prepared tj .lj all kiulj f WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Q !Z2 25 5 PLOWS A.XD TORS. AlsO CULT IV A- A large supply of OUTFITTING Such aa Q a: 8 GOODS, O 0 va Flour. Baron, Lard, Meal, Beans, Dried Fruits, Also A large stock of Wooden Ware, Buckets and Tubs, Vah B.i.i rds. Butter Bowls Butter F.rkiiis, Water Kegs, Half Bushels, Meal Selves, Building material, Window Glass, Sash aud Doors, Pa i ais and Oils, Farmer?' Utensils Shovels and Spades, Forks, Hay Rake Double Shovel and Two-horse JMoliue Plows. JStvu.cjLo e&3 Anderson feb27 GO 0) II A R D W A R E, in II,br-( manner, an. w,;ld Im h .y lo.ervM, nlifl ianl m ri-.xw .... tin t itj-jvnxgr, a.u iug them or ihnr oik w. I cone, ai in.cur;iie p-lc- .an.l oa hb .rt lim He a'ock. mbriACitii r ev vu imv i.t i.. t i a ftri cia, J.w-t.y M- re will Iw t.. d at iow pr.CL-j, 8Ld wjrrar.ied ur w.rt:u4ii.hip and " '" m r ui ill t IQt X Of FAMILY GROCERIES, wliich will re,.lf ni,hed ro n Mm t tira... Hnd ct d in thi, cuy 1 ,, , .ij., M.are of ni. yon. a .d .iu a .t a,lt i,y unllrlt Cj ki, it fo- y.nir iuiert to pa r. nize U-. ''"g K. n. ET0S. JCSEFII SCIII.ATER. "W ATC 73IAKER and JEWELER, ai. STatar, PLATTSMOUIII, . . NEBRASKA A pro. d asavtinrn- or Mtche. Clo old Pens ,,.e'r-'' s,lver r'anc -oo . Tl..lin i,d Vi- T ' "T1" '. .m h..d. A::wor ceni mute 1 1 . hi- :rc wl 1 be w.r'auted. April Id. rG5. wooLn'ORra & c., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS Binders Paperdealero, SAJY2' JOSEPH, jo., orSS 6m FRKSH LIME! ry - ...... .u iui.uu.g it) n,n putfQiU fc:Sdw8a J.UtTlS. BLACK, BUTTERY &. CO., Wholcuale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, ISrushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use. Dye Woods, Dye Stufls, and" Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully ' Filled by Dr. Black Platuraouih, Mjr 1st, 1865, tf r?i C"r r Si LLSa At t' Cap- of (Sn1 IIp THE a! 0 TTEJVTOTS Have loaf ued B TJ C HE TJ Tr a rariety of Dieeaeea. It wan borrowed from thne rurte prerlitlo'ere fcj the Ku-'iish a id O ilch I'Iij--ickU!, on wli M rcm iiirndxtifin it was emp.ojred iu Euiope, aud ! fcvw ll i given chl fly Gi Tel, Chronic Cla-rh 'V ucti'.vi , niiiti'iii xilUK HI IIV Di..Q.r ... IT .. r.. i ...... . u cbi.i , ivi fewM n N iiitu aua rEliILITY, For an.! Bearing Down, or Pn lnp, Uteri, D.-eares of Hie 1'ruiitaie iln., Retention, or lUCi'Utinriice o' U. Ine, und all ..i.-eoe, rqui.iii)t lh a'd or a d.uieiic aiisiiis f.oui a lose of tone iu ike pa, ta coi.cerned ia iu evae j(,tu. It ia alto recommended ia caiee f Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatiixa, Cutuoeoai Affettloni aid Dreycy. To cure thoe dipeas we mint brinj Into et'.ea the mus.-les wlneh are euL'a(ie i in their n iuu fuue tiou. lo ii. gleet tlieui, Imwe er xiifrl.t my be tk htlack, ia nuie tu ulleet Ibe LoJilv liealih and Baeatkl powers. Our Flesh and Blood aie suppoited from th'se aoarets. JJti-QSS A T ZTErtY PERIOD 9T USX, From Infancy lo Old Ae, atid in 8rerr statA at f.-itii , . . . r .1,...- a,',: .,: - - 'jei The Causes in many instances unknown. A5D Clothing of every description. WtNES AND ItQUOBS OF ALU KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of ' BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, IRON, NAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOORS fe GLASS And every article required by EMIftRAIVrS. FREIGHTERS. MIXERS And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. LEATHER AND JR0i, SADDLE SlSHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tool-", WAG OAS, PLOW, Ac. 3T0rders Promptly attended to. I). 15 JIc.TlECIl AAi L'cler Iu Hardvaro, Cutlery JIIO.Y, lILi STOWS .LVD TLrn'.lUE, A0BICUL2UHAL IHrLElIEIITS. An. Agmt f..r Ihe file .1 1 1,-( 'eliiii: .! MAtil AT THI fiee ?bo3J, beick. Plattsmouth, April 10 '65 Tootle, Hanna c Co. 1SC5. JS05 AMISON, DOVEY ifc CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of The patlttt hai, bowrver. an admirable rrm4j HELMS OLD' Fluid Extract of Buchu. I, 'rR0SRXBS; SIGN OF TIII3 BIO PADLOCK, MAIN SIUKET, Illow the h j m. ur 11. use, on o; pui!rr th'.r, NtBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oc25 K. S HARDING & G0, fOST OFFICE EL'II.IINO NEBRASKA.Cn Y, K. T WUOLECALK AND RCTAIL TKALKRH IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agir.1 for all prlnnli 1 MA G A ZI.XI'. S ami U'SPA PKll .V, For which Subscriptions are reeeited at rabllsli'rr DR. M. H. M'CLUSKEYI DENTIST. Ju.y. E. T. DURE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE. Wp keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING- GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets" and Lid Ovens Camp Kettles, Ac. We also keep Chain Pumps and ' I lxtures, I lydrauhc Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit 10 Philadelphia firming Bulletin Editorial, Sxpt. 15, 165. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. nm Solid and Fluid Extracts tmhodr iu .. sireDfr:h of lha incn clients of which thrT , i n j are left to the inpectinn of all. A edr .1,1 conclufive et of ihrlr pmpeitits wiil be a compari son wan ibutt set fi.nh iu tlie V 01 ted Plates Dis: ea- atory These remedies are prrpared by 11. T H bold, a dmpeitt of n xtten years' rxn -rienr. in .1.1- city, and we belirTe hem to be reliable; in fact, we nae n-.'Ter Known an anie'e lucking merit to meet with apermanp0tm:ceKs,ai!d .r. Helmbold'.suera is certa.nly prima facie evidence. Ilia Drug- and I ineiucal warehouse, in the city (f.Vir v..rir t not excelled, if eqncled, by any in the Country, a4 e wouki aivi-e .ur re.iders. whe v siiinir ih.i ..t. to give him a call, and Judge for themelrss. quei:ns ware, i ia ii d wa he, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi Apothecaries Hall. JOHN RICH I) & CO., Cor. Jluin find th Stfi., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in DIJUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty and Glass. Patnt Mefflcinen nrllkln.l. T..ll ..K.I.. .1. Cioorry.snd er-rrrinuK k,l iu . flrt is Vrvg fa a aj, - ir U - P. ir-ptied t Oil a'.l orders, nd warr,ti ur itx d' t" be frc U. srr.10 T.S Ii. FROST 6k Co,, WUOLESLfi GROCERS. Opposite the Poet Office, VFHRA- K CITY. IV. 1 TU0j A C. CREai&HAW, FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Saddlc?"and Hmess, Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus inpci: t n merit o finnl 1. Call and examine our stock. Platttsrnouth, April 10, 186 ': tf. iuunu:st cllahs. r.uiiRir. Comb, Spurs, Lfhe,, Whips, J-e. Ml o i-treel. NEBRASKA CITY, . . N. T. Tailoring. Tlie nndfr.lrn..l k.a : - t t i i r it KOP at I, U tii.i im.i .... ,i, .i... ...... .Vrnn.l nr-et w'ir.. h .. . r. .... j. ... ii.a .ie on r'oi.ijie le u.. ...... ,, JO'IS WAUL, CoT r.Ceied, 60 caoos anneal 1 eac e it i 'Old AiilfON ,Uuli.i. Cu9tu.ur a. e your N end leas ear itty o I La tro o 8a A U 1 CO'-. - ' Juuuuujjin Cans and Jars, Lanterns, ColTee MW- Sic. Jlper.encid .e nnti.i.t,a.,.l snp-i Penman, whose LUXii CONNECTION With thm mnt IWti hlu rrt &Mta -a i, . SPECIAL ATTENTION Gieen to all ,ty or ln;nn-0i;p. on which we bare - - rieuiiun's many years at I t r "w.,..,, crcn. 1 ln finff.. "uttters and Spouting done on short, notice, with lar? c numinu'ull i.rt e ilars. l 1 be r.. npatnpca in.l ,lacr.lI. - n,lH .dd,e. luo'd j, i:ky im, Kr'n i, ", ""V "8i'aiLI1, 're agenis lor the sale of Stew- jpb,Mo art s celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. IFOR SALE Give us a call we will not be under-old Main St., South Side betw-ei w.oV. ... . Second .nd Third Streets, il0wV.Wi- NEBRASKA i I CA5l''a Uoltby's Core for Mle at IiELMBOLD'3 - fK Ii .l 1 1 r.. Gi iifliiit it it It- .l li.c:t' 1 rtr G odnut A. i dc co'S. XTRACT OF BUCIIU. J,"ORrALEat AMI-OX. DoVr r CO 8. atVff. ''" . fcuier, Uolon Syiup, hii.r Hon Ive vw mora tttuuir., etc , tr.c Vlariie I .ale a I QOiLOiL oraaic by larKe lot ol CbtWti Ed &ii.okii gTvl-.rco or . et a 1 A.D. A CO. 1 1 1JXK3 ar Caud;e for .ale by I ,XJ A, I A CO LF you want tu j nrch.M; geodeat a barjain.poto A U.tCO "f-y BAU3 COFFL. just received by A. V. Co. a Larce lot m Cimla Tm ,t ix. a. n. a co'ii. Lji((. a.cO.l.iienl gI iuC's and boy' clotiti i. a m. lur ,ai. UJ liELLEO COK.N lor ta e by A U Jc CO A D.A CO. A COS au'l Lard for sale by A. ll. s CO. t MEAT IT INVOICE of all aii.d. of Faaiily Gir-. -- .ii. oowi j tm eceiTed by . A. I. A CO. LL kinds ofFai oiiiig Impiemeins for nale hr XV A. U. A CO. Lrg ot of Two Horse Plows lor sale b V A Ll. 4c CO. AN endless Variety, t Hardware and Cutlery f,T a:eat . . CaH, Doom, S.ingl. G:, and Wii of evnt -v -v-viu.nn iur Mki ur a n . ft A Lf k'n '! rcumiy Produce taken in ex. lia,,r tor good, bT . I. 4 CO. 'I'O.noiiiera.-ea.ltba aiti.les we have f.rrae bare as good a right to advertise a AMlrON, DOVEY A CO. IHk U.geat OutCttinir House north of Bt. Jo h AM160N, DOVIT to c., Piatumouth, iiebrtikt. IlaiiniDal & t. JocR. It Pa-'ket Line. Ont t,t f Kaa rt n Cf.a aaw t J . i . ... Ww...,-r.... i-..ii.- ii I'uvnw ami it if nv ernry rfnt on th 3IUiuuri Ktvr bov rt. .-( b, nvrx ni . i. .o i n fi inue o con pet tt b it exprfff tiaui .a tl e I'Htinilml A -t. Joph KaiJr.-s.'f fur I .trm likl t h . ........ . i. .i.. . - ' i f it- i it'H Din'ir ni" ni eTetfnir Willi i.f He Kn k'.k Packet. ..hirh ariive in time incot necl text mor inic trslns out if St. lA-iiis f..r inrnnml, J ni!inn.:u, Tl!l-. T...P ll ul U'..l.ln -. 1) . . it 1 1 litu' Wf I ti p'ua, rw V irk. I.o-ton, a-d t, all oiker Ksnrern. N-nhetn and b..u:hern Cities. 1 be axr mIltii. 1..1 lin... or 1 . .... . I . . . all travelers lo lw ti, l.e-t on the We. tern waters. FnT ilia IaVi I....... u ...I . t . L-.. . . ....t . - , ..... m ."iriu, rrn; .. n ana s-nthern eitie. v: ll slxve line, sf Oenrer City, 1 1 in ha. C.lincil lure. Ili.r'.........u v.k..... r;.. ... ... , ... .'CU'.n. I., and st all o'b-r priuri;..! t cket olci It, t'i west. " W ie;i'p aru OOllls Ire': R. POKO. Knp't K If. . L , M 11. Q li'li(iM).V, bec'y It. K P. U.ft- Joseph E. U. LEWIS. Afrenr. ap23 p atUniomh. '1rsska. f,AD FOR SALEt Th- r.onhwM ra-tir.a! ijutrter ecti r- 4, Tcwa. ah;.. I I r . . , I. ...... 14 . In. . . I .."i. " ,i Mm. ' - - . ..ii. ... if m lew mi ei f oin l'lai:saiO.:;li, Co t. nir.e IiHwfti, ai.iren, B Jii Alt 1 tit, K. aiftt w '.m ) t IU, Mo., 4 0 Vfsis rr-1. !