LOCAL NEWS. From nlnestty't Imi.y. (Jv7"-0!n2 liitle distiii-Lanco occurred on tho streets yt-sterd ij evenin-ona or two persons gUin cr.-i J crab!. !. ruined. Oan i'n, an J will open court ia that city today. So sijs the H-rsiJ. (E2?"Ilep from lSr.i s ij the reti r t far indicate that the Ke(ub'.icin 1:1a jority will be about 3-3,0;).). Q'jTJ. G. Iliys, K-tq., will accept our tia trty th.inliij for a warrant? deed, ex c i' 1 by him to ourse'.f, for Lot No. G in Dlaok Nj. S3, of Young & H iys' addition to riattsmn ath It be.iutiful'y located, and ho has plenty inre of the h.ihi coi-t. r .-R.)b:ick'i IV.o.yd Pills nro undoubf. f.Y.y tlif mo-t valuable of nil the Cathnr ti i IVI olT-rcd to tbo publio operating by tutu of .1 specni! a.Tinity for the n.icin tnmbranu 0 f tho bowe 1 ; being huar coated tlicy are epeci tl!y adapted for the u-f of children and art unques li n:ibly ens of our most sati-f nctory r-.tlltartivM an J sh-mld bo in constant use in om?A';; practice. f"If jju want your teeth repaired or hr.t ones inserted, j'lst c;i!I at Dr. Mw-Cluikey's oSce, wbero he prepared ti do all kinds c f Dental work in the host iin 1 moat substantial manner. The Dr. is ta'king of lo iving in a short time and will be absent for setert! weeks Don't lt a K'JJ oppirt:: iity pa-to, ai the Dr. m a good and reliable. Dentist. 1,UI td-lj't I Ui'j,'. ("Why don't the Xtws or the Omaha Ilorul.l have pomethin1' to say about Rock UIuITj and the Cass county "Inf.imy?" Where's Woolworth? fJiMij. V."hee!or arrived at l.otn on Tu-'dnav last, just in tinn to d;-po.it hi8 ballot a;aint Andy Johrno'i and the pilicy wh'ch would nlbw cx-rcbda to rule this nation. 7"li.iturns from the (Irand Inland 1'r.cinct, 1111 co inty, which had been rxpoctt-d to give 03 tides rolls in 9 lie publican uiajurtty. Well done fur the noble Germans and Scandinavians! Tlify are true to freedom evert time. !Jl)oe county is rej.ortod to bate :ven Hognrs, (Ui-p.) for Councilman and Senator 100 majority. It m esthndted tliit Surpy will give but 80 Democratic urij irity, and the election of Rogers ovw Robertson i.-t conceded. The Republican Territorial tiokct h-n 'Jj mtjority. riThe O nilin fl-ra'J "rives up tffe fi.Tii'in, and savs it m in no hurry to L'j.-'.r f ro:n the Territory. Th Ucpubli-i-vi giin in thj city of Omaha is about ".. Well d ne, Kepubiic ins of Om ih.i. You hi'.ve- fo'jbt nobly, and the victory i eomploto. You Litre do:i equally Wu'il with your friends :n tbi" cir;. Q-"Ve h"ar of som j few individ'rtl iit ibis city who are endeavoring to make I I'iitica! CJpit.il uut of ihe disturbnncc wliich occured on tl;e sir.-et on election d ly. We have to s :y in tb.is matter tli.-tt we d of roc ate pu'i occurmices ns much as any one : y-t wc think those l.o try to Iiy this one at the door of t'.e Republican party of th.s ci'y are "ri?on::ig without t'oi ir ho it." Wo would u-k tlism, who, or what parly, ha con trol of the city povcrnmont. Is it tlie Republican party 5 . e Ii'-publicans the control of th city goverrnn"nt y-ss they will have nest Reason), and thin you may b!u:ce them when troubles ori inate from a too free i:e of bad wbitkiy on eh ction day. We havo urged, rrcvi ciis to every election, that ths Mayor w ould issue his proe! am ition closing all alo?ns on tha day of cb ctijn ; 3-et it lias iicver be.n done. We have a Denojratic Mayor, a full board of Democratic Al dermen, and a Democratic c ty Marshall. Sow, we ask, what r!iri" f unv should eb 5oe!d responsible when rows ojour from a too free uc of v ad whiskey ou !ect:on day. The only thing for which the Republican party caul J be censured in connection with t.'u affray on last Tuosday, would be because those who )me out victorious were Republicans. There is not a man in Plaltsruouth who doea not believe that hid all tha liquor in the city been kept under lock and key during the entire day, there would not hare been any disturbance. Give us 11 Republican city government if you want quiet on election -days. From TrUla'j't jAiiltj. s?"Deinocrats all endorse the Consti tutional Amendment now that the election is over. Cllt you want a first rate sewing luachJce, at low figures, call on F. P. "ToJJj at Newman's Clothing Emporium. 5-"Thft street crosiins are being rapidly completed, and before cold weather the who! job will bo dor.e. C"Can anybody tell how many sol diers votes were bought with a jug of whiskey last Tuesday i :C?non. Win. F. Chapin, member tle-jt to tho Houie of representatives, left for tho up river country th:s after noon. Caprice men bate not all left Ne braska City yet. It gives a mnjority of 450 for Morton orer Marquett. The . cousrtj precincts will cut it down to about -100. CHon C. W Seymour and J. II. Croxton, Esq., were in the city, to day, the former selling lands and town lots belonging to the estate of the late Wm. H. Taylor. "People generally are preparing for winter. Now houses are being build, and "old ones made a g"5i'd a new." CarjionterSj Mason-, ect-, are ell busy. l?"W'e had the pleasure of partaking of a nicerepast at the restaurant of Billy Irian, last evening, provided by tbo suc cessful candidates. Oysters, peaches, and other go-id things, were In abundance, C7"Col. Tu.xbury and Judge Reed, cf Nebraska City, stave 1 in town last night. on their way to Omaha. They appear to ho!J olHea under his Atrcidency, A Johnson, with a great deal ofcomplacen 3?"This is a busy season with farmers; but the honest yeomanry were not bo busy but what they could turn out elee tion day and rebuke the man and the policy that threatens destruction to the principles of Republican goveaninent. From Saturday' 1 Jjaily m CtsTGo to Newman'a Clothing Empo rium for your fall and winter clothing II? his just received a new stock. t. -.7 . Fp in or horses attached to a wagon backed over tho bank into the riter near Simpson, Sharp, Co, ware house yesterday. They were got out without serious loss or damage. ("A son of Mr. Brink was thrown from a horse yesterday, and narrowly escaped bving killed. It was thought for soma time that lifo was extinct, but he finally revived, and is now in a fair way to .ecover rProgress is the order of the day in tlrti country, and when an opportunity is oflared to take a step in .advance it is directly improved, as it should be. Mr. S. H: Walkers has a few Chester White pigs which ha will dispose of. Who wants them. P7"Our friends in tb country aro be- gi-.ing to take a lively interest in mak ing tho Daily IIkralo a success. We have received several subscriptions from tho country latelv. Among others, John K. Beaty, of Union P. 0. has helped to increase the list. t?"Wo heard a good Democrat, one who never voted anvother ticket, saj on th strcot to day that il,JejJ Dtii nextr brtrayit 'tin itly." We n!I know where Jctf stood during ths rebellion. If he never betrayed his party," where did it stand ? t"The Bcllcvue Times says the "stenmr disunion" left that place, for Salt Creek. The old hulk came around this way and took on a few passengers (such as could not drive oxen). From the manner in which tho old craft has been battered since she loaded with "my polioy,' we are of the opinion she will wrsok the whole outfit about the time she arrives at her destination. From JfvHiry' Vitily. Q Wheat is selling at SI. 00 p?r bu hel, potatoes $1.2-3, apples $2 "5 to 2.75. C"E. O. D.'vey, of the firm of Ami soa & pjvey arrived at homo Sat. urday morning. 11-5 has been east pur chasing goods. 5Ths W.-iverly came up yesterday, disc'-nrir.g a conMdtr..b!e anmunt of goods at our landing, She has been placed in the regular line. "Cv'Chi3 Siurgcs, of the Bdlevue 'runes, p'isscd up on the VV:vr!y yes terday. Suirges has been absent on a visit east for about five weeks. FiTThHre is a great call for colt on- ' . iii-i ' wood lumber jut iuw, anil but little to be had. Why don't some one keep a gjod fupj 'y on h;ind It would cert airily p;tv a hire profit. C'i-TCol. John M. Chivinston the fighting person, preached at the M. E. Church in this city lust evening. He was particularly severe on grog shop?. ?"Mii!s county, Iowa, ive.s a mnjori o l'J7 for tho Rej ublicin ticket; a guin of 12 over last Tear. Fremont county gives a Democratic majority of 145; a Republican gain cf over 100. 3?" The Glenwood Opinion ays there was a pnrtial ee.ipse of the Sun on thuSth inst.. end a total eclipse of tin Copper head on theOih. The former lasted but a few minutes : th- Inter will continue to the end of timo. ?"A team uttarhed to a lumber wa gon be:ame frightened at a tteam whi.-tle last Saturd-ty evening, and made thing "spin around" generally. A wo man and child c?iue near being run over. People should b? cireful about leaving U tins without hitch'ng f"Tho Omaha Herald has devoted considerable space since the election to the abuse of foreigners, charging that it w.is money and ignorance which caused thm to voto the Republican ticket. That's tho modern Democratic doctrine if you can't ue people for your own aggrandisement, tibme and vilify them, 39"Fall and winter goods are being received in abundance by our merchants. Although the westernt trade hag been small this season, yet there appears to be no very great falling off in the amount of goods sold. Our ljcal trade has in creased, as it will continue to do un til tho broad and fertile prairies cf Ne braska are all settled up. From TutHliiy't Daily. (r37"A new bell, for l.t Presbyterian Church of this city, arrived some days ago It cast $375. f.y.Sjma half dozen Mackinaw boats passed down the river yesterday from the upper Missouri. jyThe Omaha Republican says : Ve were very glad to meet yesterday, Mr. A. D- Richardson who has so far recovered from his sickness as to be able to appear on the street again. Mr. R. has during the past week been under the affectionate care of relatives in Council Bluffs. Ild expected to be ble to resumo his jonrney to New York, this momirg " GTRet. Geo. C. Betts, Rector of S t. Luke's Parish, is expected hon-e in a few days We lara he has procured a bell for the new Church building in this city. C57"The people of Saunders county nn;..l ... and elected a full county ticket nt th recent election. Party lines were not drawn on tho county ticket. Tho officers elect', d nre about equally divided be tween the two parties. The county is largely Republican, as the ,voto on ti.e Territorial ticket will show. It is sup posed tho county sent will be located at the Ford on Salt Creek, where a lively little town has already sprung up. ZTW. L. Hobbs, Esq., of Rock Bluffs left a ''small potato" at our office to-day which weighed nine and a half' pounds. It is another one of those famous Bermuda Reds, and was raised by N. R. Hobbs, E-tq. We don't want to hear any more about your five and six pound potatoes at Oiu iha and Nebraska City we throw away ail such "nn!l trash" in Cass county. Mr. Ilobbs informs us that he had a wagon load that any one of them would weigh more than five punds. Cass county has tho '"bolt" so far. "Ainong tha most enterprising cit izens of Nebraska, wo would claps Den nis Dean, Esq., of Salt Creek Ford. Ho has done more.perhaps,than any oth- or man, towards developing and se tling up the rich country on the lower Salt Creek. He doesnot allow mon v to lie idle bat keeps it on the mote for the im provement of whateverl locality ho is in. Ha has already built several cotly and substantial buildings nt the Ford, among which aro a first-class flouring mill, and a woolen fac'ory the first in Nebraska. With th energy and foresight of sueh racn as Mr. Dean to tako tho lead, the country about Salt Creek cann t fail to prosper. Wo need a few more such spirits. MARRIED. On October 10th, al the Parsonage, near Rock Bluffs, by the Rev. Thomas I McCartney, Mr. F. O. Kendall a.i J Miss Rachael Allison ,bot!i of Cass Co. N. T. In Glenwood, Iowa, October 11th 1S('G. by .the Rev. J-C. Otis at tho rewidence of the bridn's parents, Mr. II. II. Wood row, of Mills Co. Iowa, and Miss IIattie R. daughter of Hon. Win. Wiikller lato of St. Joseph Co. Michigan. D- II- Wheeler at home again- I take pleasure in infornti ljr, my old business patrons that. I am at home ngnin and established in tho (iener.il Aeny business tii of old. Thankful for past favors, I now solicit the rat-i ronae of my old, anid all new friendi to to give in e a call. I will endeavor to give iAtisf action to all. A l biisiacoa intrusted to my c ir will receive my pro'iipt and personal atten tion. Give iue a call at the old oilice in the Court Ilnrue. I. TT. Wukki.fr, r,f firm of D. H. Wheeler &. C. Plaf.sna.r.h N.h. Oct. 13th 18CC Eiiuoitb op vowiir. K gei.tlrfiuau who suPVr ! fur years fro-u Vcrv rs l)-.'j:ii;y, rreniatute l'icay, and all ihe cis i.f y.i:it!if:;! iudi.L-rvtioti, vril', for ihe -aVeof i u.iin!r huui.tn ity, tend t-e- to all who n-el it, the iceipt and (iiucii-i.fc for n aliii.' IU- h'i pie ie-iu'y l- wl L w:', ccttii. suuerc. wim.ugio pru.v. hy "dvertUer'a exi eiieute, tn do .-o ! y ai Lewi e in prif. bt K-i.fiJer.ee. li On tN, applbwUci No. 42 Cedar M., Ne-i Yo k 7"Iii going for or ordering goods, the gr ;it question to be solved is where they can be had so as to enable the pur chaser to make the greatest profit If they can bo had ne.ir home for about the same money that would have to be raid at a greater distance, it is certainly an induc"":n''iit. Let our dealers in Groce ries, Liquors, e.c, reason upon this sub ject, and when they want anything in the line, go to Wcstheimer & Eppsti-in, in St. Joseph, and we doubt not they can make it more profitable than to sr nd or go further east. je201iu' settle" UP. All persons indebted to me by account or otherwise, are requested to call und settle forthwith. All accounts unpaid will, after a reasonable length of time, be placed in the hands of aa officer for collection. fepSd.f Geo. Boick. FURNITURE, COFFINS, AtiD Cabinet - Work ! II- BOJECK 11 ivii.i -niird hi ."-hop and Sal'-H-ro.ms ww d re.-p-'lfn y nnnnd llii J-eop!a in this vicinity tfnt h.i can fnrii-h them w in the Tery bes m:ture. C hair.-, o- v her Cabinet-work, at the uioM r-a-.'1i-ahie rate. 1 i-h tM li'' p con-tantiy on hand a la: fit a-orMnonl of E.utU.rn 11 or t. and am also prtpatwi lo 11 anu:-i 1 1 niTlhiue in iny line on tort aotiUr. A farge a-.-.-tra' iit .-f Ke.t. y ma.ie CrfSus -pl al a ! tltiie. l i1! mad exinius my stock mid price J. 10 dvr tf 11. LOtUK, Win. StitcIi-lBiinnu s& Co, One door nest of Donelan's Drug-siore, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HAT. CAPS. LOOTS. SHOES, TULWKS, VALISES, and a penrral stock i f OUTFITTING GOODS Kor th l'ljiun; also, a lar; lot of RUBBER CLOTIILVG. REVOLV ERS YOTIOJ'S. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and exartuueour stuck hrfore 3011 bur any where clirl jjl '(6 Wui. 81 AUKLUaKii A CO. C H. KING Carpenter ard Joiner COyTEACTOB. and Bu."TUER, WUI iI j wo. k in h f line with c eataes an tlij opoo hrt noli"'1 CITY MEAT MARKET AND Empire Meat Market Tin- u ndiTigtiJ in new preinj to famish ! ci:ii-u at this place with tl: rnizsu UEEF, MUTTOX, VEAL, mux, axd ha can I biro keep EG (iS, BUTTE It, CHEESE, POTATOES, AXD VECETABLEtl, and will p.ij the highest marhut price fur all kiuAs 01 COUNTRY PRODUCE. WM. F. MORRISON, . riait.-mouth. May IS, il4m. Win. II. I'CEiikc, MERCHANT TAILOR ONE DOOR FAST OF POSTOFFICE, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. t c?7 1606 tf National Claim Asciicj'. WASHINGTON D- C. . F. M- DORRINGTON, 8i; a(;fnt: PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, 1 prrpar-! t prc futar.d prowrale claim lu fire ronrf-4;, "ourl cf Tli.inii auJ th .lueiitd. Ia- r!it-1. C'Vr;rp:c- mo'lerat acl in pr.;orliou ti the am mm of ciim. . if. DOItfilNGTON. April 10, 'b5. "h pi ca to CPI Ivrfumfrv nf Bit kinds in at 5 IU.ACK. IS VT'iKIl Y fc ( O.'SL TAKI3 iAOTSCi:. Buut.f Increased '. Pensions due Sol diers aid their heirs. F. M. I irrir.k:ti.n thi il.iy irerelved from the P-i;ir nif in, tin" 1.9 in full Willi new blanks fur the collfeiion of utl'lit'on.-il Bonrtie and inrrearil ln io!!, arid i 1 rt sdy to proerutv all such claim as pijy b" tniistil to hi care. Call and fx:ini'ne. Kiit cliiini-d is f3rt s-rvl V. M. DORRINGTOJf, PlaU.'nioiith, Aug. ID, 1 6'5. Binned Out, BUT HOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Shryock is airain at the old ftnnd prt pard to wail U!v:i hi fornu-r cuiti in-rs, and tli pMi ni-rally. If you w aoyihii'g n liai nf Kmt tme or i hairs, Kive him a c ill. 3rd Mr-t nsar Maiu, l'iatt.smouib, X. T. may 17,'llf. TTMTAAT 7 ) A nTT?Tn J L lUi J VvXI JLO HAIL EOAD ! to mmm -ron- HEIGHT i PASSENGERS Cimm r.cinir :or:ihiy, AK't SOtli, 1?C6, the Tn-l.-n I'at-i;!c Kail Hoail will runPa-eiigcr and Freight l'taius BET. OMAHA KE ARMEY. Trains will 'e:ivc Omahn DAILY (5umlajs ek-psr cl), coiinei'ting at Krarii'.'y with Hollr. day's Overland MAIL and EXPRESS COACHES for Drncrr. Sn'i l.tilf, YlrginUt City, and all points in Colorado, I'tuh. J'Juho and JItmtiina. Tha ITXIO.V PACIFIC KAIL ROAI la ainp'y i'iu;pp'i! with fii-.st-ct:tK( coacbe, freicht car and eiiKiur, to do pruiuu.ly all buninexs that m iy tT- r. I'assei ct-r my raly on clone connections oast and wi.-'t. nml sli:iii-r. are iFMirtd that all freight wit! receive dispatch and be carefully hainilcd. 6 A ML. B. UEFl), Oen'l .'upt. W FXTDS-'t. Cen l K.eijflit A Ti'-ket A't. Ooiaua. A us. 15, IR-'.O auge0.'.itw8iu. To City and Tuvuship Boards of Ed ucnlion : By applyl.-jr at th'! Countv Clark's Offlse, Pltts moirh, X. T , you will he rirni.'d with all nfc s ry hl:tnk- f -r your animal School Report, ioclii-ling h'lanks f.rTnch-ri l i-p "t ; also, blank Cert:ftVtra of F.l.Ttinn and blank Bot-d. fr your Town hip and OMiict olllre. I'iease snpp'y yourselres at the carUot prii tuahle cjomi'Ut. B. f PrRLOCK, s"pt.2,5w. County Calrk. 'Iho place to g t chenp Lamps und Lamp Chimneys 1 i an BI.A CK. BITTER Y Jt CO 'S. STTJPPV Sc BEHR, fNo. 16 Sorth Fifth Street, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI. D'alers in PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, Violin. Guitar. F'o'f, Awonleon. Flutinas, Mu sic ilooVs aud Shkkt U ic. Gmnine Italiaa and fiermiia Violin btiins' a!-aysoa hand. tnavSwfm. O. H. IRISH, X,fir Sitjt Indian Affairs. CALITorx it CliOXTOI, Attirriif'j at J.aat IRISH, CALHOUN & CROXTON. The ahove nrn-'d c-nt'-oTH-n haie asciuted tliniiseltrea in bi!ir.sf- f-- the pii.pofce or pro e.-ut-iuu and c-iilectii.K all cla:ma ataiust the Oeneral (ioverntiieo', or apint any tiibe of Indians, and are pnparM t pro?e"uti such claim, tiih-r t i-foie Contfre,or a:iv of th.? Depai tnie'.ts of (iov -rnnieut cr lie.'ore the Court tf Claim. 31a. lai-H will ilevoin his pcsooal at'entU n to t. e bnMnes at Washington. 53" Officu at Kehiaska City, corner of Main and Fiftn street. Willcox & Gibbs' . NOISELESS SEWING MACHINE. The Best Machine in Ire.. Come and see thi siK-nt aod eantiul Ma-hine, whether tou wish to puichase vr not. It will charm &n,i n'.im- Ton. S--PKlCK FR'iM. 0 tn173. "TheStitch tnailc bv thU Machine is firtc and iteulinr. I he TV ft Lxn Stitch f rmirtir a tien tiful, elastic and durable eaiu which is so stroi.s that a piec e not half an inch long cut from it cannot be pulled apart" P. P. TODD, Agent f r WILLCOX 4 iIIBBS, WFIKELER A WILSOK, GKOYEn & BaKKR and FLORENCE. Ofllceat B. NKWMAS'S Clothing Emporinm, Plattshodtii, Nib. A g .7 1 li, '60 : d ? iu. B N E W MAN, Lc.uwer Main and Tihhij Stukkt.-, I'l.tts3ioutii, N. T. OUTFITTING CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE WEST ! Dealer in Gents' Furnishing" Goods, llals Cap, IIooli, Shoes, 'AUo a irge lot of RUBCER CLOTHINc Of all doicrip-.ior.s always on hand. EgCaUland examine Hew Masonic riattstnouth, April lOtrr, 186(3. Simpson, Sharp (i Co., Wholesale deceiving, Forwarding and PLATTS5IOUTIJ, Dealers in FANCY AXD STAPLE GROCERIES. PRODUCE. PIWV1SWXS, ST. LOUIS WIXDOW-DLIXDS, GLASS, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Alio, Agents for thacelebrated Quaker Boy and Wa in til all l Call and 8t jHfUs W. L. a Picture &$Ytt a it if f V i r & U J li fafeT" Korth Sid Main H ti f Tf J ' Pictures taken of all Kinds. Ambrotypes, Photographs, Gem Pictures, &c A good assortment of Cases Frames, Albums! &c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames made to order, of any size WK. R. TENICK, PENICK & h Wholesale Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- 4-Wc are;tbe North western Wholem'e A pert? frr Dr. P. Jjre A Son, scd Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., nl vac InrBish their muiciLes in oj q'.snuuei. ;i;21 lj Trunks, Valiscw, fcc, &c. AND REVOLVERS mye.xtenuve stock atm tha Brick Building. Nowman, and Retail Commission Merchants, NEBRASKA. FLOUR, DOORS, SASH, PIXE LUMBER, SIIIXGLES, AMn DC A DTD Wood's Mowers, us, and Examint our Stock. Simpson, Sharp ft Co. THOMAS' Gallery. WM. LOVING. LOVING, Dealers ia 3 f? 0B AG ICS BITTERS .0 4.4 V R0 BACK'S ST0)iini BITTERS ! CUUK DrSPEPSLl, nml nre the ljet Tonic in the uorUl. R0BACKS f - BLOOD 0 o. PILLS CtiltK SICK . HEADACHE, Costivenens, iin-I nil ili sencs of tlie boweln. ROBACK'S BLOOD PUHIFIER! SCROFULA nnt oil diHoHfe nrising front i iti pure blooil. S 5 ? 3 "A ARE SOLD BY ALL Druists and Iealers in Patent Iflcdicknes VERYWII ERE PRINCE, WALTON t CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Kobnck.) EOLK PROrKIETORS, Nos. 66, 68, 60 & 62 Cast Third St. CINCINNATI. OHIO. WES. MONTGOMERY. CVI.ON WII.LMim. TOBACCOMSTS, V Post Office Building, rialls month. .V. T. We ko?i conftar:t'y n hsud a good csortiiun t of CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES. ETC., ETC., ETC., tt-GIVES Vfi A CALL! The latct.st.Inr -J. wsy h:in e out iyil. G. h GYGER, X3 1. 1 Ptf" rH7 . Is prepared to do all Umlxof wo:lc In his liae sush ss llor.SK, SIGN. ORNAMl'.NTAL snd t'ARHIAvia PAINTING. Gililins:, (.Jl.iziiic mikI I'aner IlnnKtn;. Shf p at the nld utauil. between ti e M. K. Chursei and School Houte. where I have the r ptt of eomroni. ences for Carriage, Wagon and Sin Pa Ltiux- tilwe me a call i' yon want good work at low prices. o r. cyyEa. Plattsmontb, Apnl 9th. r'Cna G to WaeV, Tuttsry & Ce. tvr your Lard Oi ad Labreasors. Aclminitiator's Sale, Notice is lierel.y (riven, thst there will be sohl at pulilir auction, on TU"i D A Y, Ilia lf.lh liny cf --to-Iwr. ISCfl, at Ihe K-uich of S:irpy i Walk;-r, at fait Creek Ford. Cass counts', Ktumska, "the I'tloin personal projy -rly, to-wit : vJS 600 head of fine sheep, 3 work mares, 1 stallion, 3 years old, 3 four year old inule? . 1 luit spring' mule coif, 1 jack. 5 years old, 3 yoke 3 year old cattle, 6 cows, 2 yearling calves, 3 spring calres, Also, lot or A(.ricn!tnral Implen-.ents, lluuehold Furnifire. liar, firain. &e , tc. Ai"n,at PLA T 1'SJIO U Til. on Suturdu y the 20th day nt Ortoher, ISfifl, a lot of Household Furniture, ineluding Stoves, Ue-liiinir, Tablestands, Chairs ic, ic. Alnj, one t.a.a'1 Iran .Safe, Lam ber, 4te. Teaxs : Cash en day of kale. J. N. WISE. Adm r estnte of P. A , Sa'i T. d-e'4. 1' lattsmouth, Sept. 13, 183o. tept.20,4 kwGW. BAKEB-Y, GRCCEIXIES & PROVISIONS. MATHIS & SONS. (fucci sssors to J. Parcel A 8.ns.) PLATTJMOrTII, Neb. Ke'p constantly on liaul a saip'y t,f FRESH BREAD, PIESf CAKES and everything in the line. Also GROCERIES J- PRO VISIONS of all tied?. WiSTio : Country Produce, lifter, V-zv, k-. It J.a uaut Patent l"1innf at ohl nri' tt BLACK, BCT2XXY iV.'f. 1 9