She jcbra$hi gcvaltl -JTl Ti,.,..' .-JiUji;...!!:!--.! i..jTi. .ir -' PLATTSMOUTH, NEERASKA. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 18GG SPECIAL. JVOTICJE. Ho! For Salt Cheek. The election is over, Hock Bluffs lias been heard from; so has Mt Pleas-unt.-and notice is hereby gieen lo the defeated candidates to appear imme diately nt the clerk's oflice, when Spurlock and Pottengcr will proceed to canvass th- return and issue through tickets to the head of Salt River. The train will consist cf ox teams the front one to be driven by that model ox driver, Hon. J. It. Porter, late can didate for Council, and would be Del egate to Congress, who has a rare and well developed talent in that line. "With many a weary step and many a groan," the procession will proceed to its destination, calling by the way at the home of Ilellman, in Lancaster County (for the purpose of condole ment) who will then join the mournful column. Many distingni?hed gentle men from o'dier parts of the Territory will be there ilia 'Grnr.d Command er" of Nebraska will be there the Political twins born at Platt-mouih on the llih of September, will be there yea, the great Ex;leJ hmelf, will be there in spirit. There will be neither weeping nor wailing, but grtat gnai ing of teeth. The funeral eulogy i? expected to be pronounced by that world renowned orator, teo. Franci Train. Come gentlemen take your tickets. The Coal interests of Gloe County. Chigaco, Oc. 12 The New York papers of Thursday make the follow- That there is a vein of coal varying in ing comments on the elections : thickness from fifteen to twenty inches 1 he limes says! perineaim? nearly all portion of U toe 1 he venJict pronounced by the peo- Coun'y, at frotn fifty to- seventy feet p!e of four States is merely a fullii- below the surface is now a demon- ment of the e.xpeciaii-;n entertained by . . . i i . i i i .1.. stra'.ed fact. every man wno nas waicueu uuuesny It has been opened by Croxton & Co. the temper and purposes of the country. below McLennan's mill, by lion J. The one great result which has now li. liennet upon his bottom farm, one been reached, is the ratification by the mile below town; by John Irwin siill peope of the position a?u'ned by Con cress in relation to the .'resident and further down iht: river, and it crop out upon the firm of T. D. Crook side of th: Peru bottom. The same- layer has been struck adjoining iht town on the west, at the Morion farm. the South. This has oeen the test to which every can Ji.i.tte on every .plat form lias been subjected, and the an-4-Lawson Shi-lden wer leaves room tor neither equivo- JVeirs. 1, 4X CASTER COL7.T Sends up a mojority 70 for the Re publican ticket, a gain of 20 tince June. She will give 170 by the next fall elec.ion. - i- DISTL'RIII.'VCrtl.E.lIITS. We have always had an element in this Country vhos2 whole influence was directed towards disorganizing the government and disturbing the peace and quiet of the people. It i.i the old "rule or turn" element, and can be de tected in the public prints every day. It caused the late rebellion and pro longed it many months. It caused the death of many a brave man, and made thousands of widows and orphans. It now seeks to plunge the country into another war, which would prove more devastating and dreadful than the last. It operates through the press of the country, in such paragraphs as the fol lowing, from the Nebraska City iVetrs. It denounces Republicans for the re cent political victories, and says: "Thank God Andrew Johnson with the Army aud Navy stands between the attacking vandals, and guarding the Constitution and the Laws, pre serves the liberties of the people and the life of the Republic." TIIC IAST IMTCII." That place, about which we have heard so much, was found by the Cops. of Iowa. They saw no kind of a show for success on a fair fight, and resorted to the "last ditch," which, in political have elected Mr. Rvan to the Len-UU- verdict of all northern States on the matters is rascality. In order to de- ture ; and if each Republican of the case of the President versus Congress r, ,v,ll nf .h mnnlP. ,nmfi r. county who absented himself from the e oemana me policy or congress. " -r-- - : . .. .j : . ( i , i , -i nuns iiau leiiuieu tun miuui iam.c m cat y copperneaa issuea a circular witn . nna v.a . . piin,jp , n . has his verdict. nnj vve are SUre that the tignature of the Chairman of the Lonjjngly, we should have elected our as a man of the people, he will act ac ucpublican tentral Committee ror tne entire ticket. Not one of those He coroingiy rtrl. rtlciri itatrI.crl iKcrci.-t n n n mm. nubl icans who staid avvav but wished ciipxu.. nr mriv iir tcf limv IjtB i a n Ice e d oc te r has cot up a cimr that lion. V . A. Hubbard, the j - i , ,- fl ' - . P!isv n would iwvb reen accomn isneu i ,I,tuJ " vi,.-.- Republican nominee for Congress, had . .,h , lhem COine UD ad voted' ten hours' hard labor, well wojked in t-.i.t , .1------ i cieu suddenly on tne previous evening, for jt and advising the Republicans of the We hope all our Republican friend see how clearly the importance of one vote, and w!l hereafter act upon that knowledge. Jlepubiica n also upon White Si Co's. land, upon the cation nor doubt, it is overwhelmingly Wirth farm and upon the place ot ii,d. against ine President, and u cieariy Flatner. and unmistakably decides in tavor of Vhal we nued now is the formation Congress and its policy. The pecpl- of a Stock Company to sink u shaft at have been heard from, and from their some eligible point, andstrike, as we decision our form of government pro believe they would, at between one hun- poses no apppal. The South, it wioe, dred and fifty and two hundred and (if- will hearken aud comply. and the Pres ty feet below the present vein, a thick idenl, if politic, will not refuse to listen hpav stratum of merchantable coal, to a verdict which specially concerns himself. The Ilr ild savs tho result of the late election is positively sublime. They re-affjriii the hirh intelligence which pervades northern States, and their immovable purpose to re-etab lih the Union on a solid foundation. They demonstrate the correctness of our estimates of the moral significance OFFICIAL CAXVASS OF CASS COUXTY. 'NAMES Or CAUDlDATti ; o CO -3 o to c o c3 S 2 i3 Republican Territorial Ttcke'. T. M. Marnult John Gillespit; A. Kountze II.. S- Kn-x J. r.. W. F Ciiapm .-aae Viles A. B. Fuller D Cole A. Cnrmichael 193 IS. 5 18-5 1S-5. 1S1 178 183 IS. 5 18-5 181 181 Conservative Territorial Ticket. OXiS VOTE. We fell called upon before the elec tion to uree upon Republicans the im portance of having every vote out. and put before them an example of the momentous consequences which some times flow from t ne vote. The result- of the election have proved that whit and pressure of the Maine election, en!,! tb- in .;..! ivn nppf s-ai v and the inevitable solution of the vital to be said, arid had it been heeded a question of Reconstruction. Thty re ii should have been bv every Renub veal a prevailing intensity of feeling lienn. a more complete and cloriou? in the northern public mind, which is rnlt wrnilrl h.-wn bopn n nenm nlished without precedent. In the results of in n.inr!;ia rnniw. Dnr nnp. would these October elections we read the District to vote for lion. O. M- Wood bury. This circular was hurried through to all part of the District on the night before the election, and the telegruph wires cut to prevent a con Carrying Confederate flags in fr, .t i. J .i- 2? it mere is anyoouy unuer tne canister of lleven that I have in utter excrescence," says Mrs. Partington it is Andy Johnson, who is going about like a boy constrictor, circulating his calomel upon honest folks." OFFICIAL. . The cfficial canvass of this county. which we present to our readers to day, ehows how well ths work was done. There is no call for a coutestihis time. Th people have answered the charge made against the board of Canvassers last spriig, and no one feels inclined to dispute their judgement. WASMISGTOX COUXTY. The complete return from Washing ton county give Marque-tt 121 majority over Morton, and Taffe 118 over Tad dock ; Dad about the same for our en tire ticket. This is Paddock's home. UOUGLAS COUNT If Elects two Democrats to the Terri torial Council also to th State Senate. She elects two Republicans and three Democrr ts ns- Territorial Representa tives, and three Republicans and one rJeuTociuV-ns State Representatives. There is a tie vole between two of ui candidates for State Representative and a new election will have to be or dercd. processions is getting quite as common i I n r-e r a l i rr i.PMnrr na in Ihd Siili!r .jjjfnwnen me rorgery w.s RpcpnlIv nt ,wo different places ted. Happily, however, thtr-rcpsrl Ur-rtr!nH. and on Saturday last at was not generally believed, and the de- Circleville, Ohio, tae ccperheadsjiis . . . . ,,, ! ..I. ..n .1 1 1, n yotial i . nr I, ,a rainnrl;. sirrn nt me ne-renr iuacu mr-. itunut. . ...... , , e Tl- ,la wble with what excellent instinct they ,kunk was frustrated. This is the natura, elerneDt.cei.. manner in which the wire-pnllers t land Leader. tho ConDerhead nartv woulJ carry out rf-.n - m t. . the principles of Democracy. Shame ,lsra" u t ' , , , , cured his sheep of a bad habit of jump- upon the men who would thu abuse a 1V sman ho!e ilieacJh Par fjn A Western Paradise is thus described: "No income lax; no infer rial revenue; no spies to see if you treat a friend on Sunday; no special police; no dog tax, school tax or bounty fund And to end Hviih,. the Ir-dinns and half. breeds can't tell one greenback from another, so all our ones are tens." Bobtow, Oct. 11 The Republican' have nominated for Congress, Samuel Hooper in the 4th, B. F. Butler in the once honorable party name to commit 0f the r.orst iumners ' and tvinf the 5t". Geo. S. Bomwell in the 7ih, John such a gross outrage upon the pnnci- ears together with a small cord pies which that name suggests. Yet D. Baldwin in the S h, and Thos. Elliott in (hi) 1st district. D. PiSi- IVJra P:, rtinrrrn tsvi ' 'T am we find honest men who lend them Lshmerl rd .nnnifid Rt Ai.dv. Whon Montpemir, Oct. 11. The Vcr- selves to the support of .uch actions by he said his bi neice at Cleveland, he ,nonl Lpg'ature astembled to day -1 r - - I rrI TT .l.J r r sunnortin the nartv; and for nn othpr I told us how dv and ?ood-bve. and then lue "ous eiecteu j. . otewan, ri - o I J' - I . cj . y .1 c I reason than because of the name Dem- ne Sot so tne generality i .... . of men do. about rpnnirinrr briches . ft. J ... ....II 'ift.An I I O ociuu nun 4 mii mey luuijuuc i , . i, , . , to do SO? TIID l.lLiror.NI.1 KI.KCTIOX It will perhaps correct a niisappre hension under whtcn some or our co temporaries as well as other people seem to be laboring in regard to the California election, lo state that Cali fornia elected no members of Congress this year. 1 here could not, therefore very well be a gain of three Democratic members ns slated by our neighbor of the Bugle, by the Sioux City Register and other sheets of that ilk. Gen Tuttle, who is now engaged in prose cu'.ing his exploration of the head waters of Salt Creek, we believe, mado the same ttalement on the stump. Unfortunately for ihe political intel ligence or veracity of these gentlemen California does not elect members of Congress until 1SG7. So much for so much. Now that the election is over we hope the authors of the canard itnd its ignorant and interested propagators will feel relieved. .Loyal man need not alarm themselves unnecessarily aooui .amornia. na wm snow a ciean record wnen trio proper nine comes. Council Bluffs Xonpartil. ST JelT Davis hea'th is said be greatly impaired, from want of exer cise. e can suggest nome beneficial amusements if not to himself, at least to the public at large. First, we pro pose an exercise called "ride and tie' the riding to he in a cart, and his hands tied behind him. To be follow ed by '-blind man's buff" a peculiar cap to be used in blindfolding. The whole to conalude with a leap into the air, and trying bow often he can strike h s feet together before touching the ground. SjI. Miller. 33" Ivossuih, old and worn and wan, has been hovering about the Hun garian borders during the recent war movements: hopin?, but horinir in I'll in I ( i .Amn n am 4. . 1 1 ,fiu, &WI O JIUU lft.VUl ft C UIG lUili WOU1U enable him to strike a blow in behalf of his dear native land. The man whose cannon once made the throne cf Austria tremble is now. virtually a dependent upon the world's charity, yet wherever he goes the people, with a true .instinct, reverence . him ai a prophet niariyr,. !IK. J. S. MORTON. This gentleman has been defeated for delegate in Congress, and various causes are given by his feiends and enemies as reasons why he did not re cetve the requisite number of votes Many of his friends say that it was be cause he wa a citizen of Otoe county, and that the Territory is arrayed la opposi tion to our locality others, his enemies, say ini k :sEcaute of personal ob- tapiiiiCB t r ?Vi m n n ' ""--ttS-" . . . His briches must be mended. Now, everybody knows Andy makes briches, and 1 think it's his own business at this critical moment to mend his own brich es. If he ha'n't got time, he prembles so much, he might borrow Mr. Secresy Seward's briches, for it don t look nice in a crowd where so many women folks are, to be fussing about mending his briches. O. dear me, what a time Wshiwotox. Oct. 11. There is pos. itively no truth in the fpecinl dispatch sent from this city to the Philadelphia Bulletin in relation to the alleged queries by President Johnson to Attor ney General Stanbury. PniLADELPHiA.Oci,! 1. The Bulle tin says Gen. Geary's majority will be from eighte ju to twenty thousand The reported action of ihe Presi r? 1 1 a o mi f .l t wKoi tKia mnrninrr paiidoa V-.'T . 8 .. ' much distruu in mercantile circles. menaing Dricnes. iney ten me ne ieciioe to the matP'1'- I lore up an tne oureaui on tne place, i f Indian afolis. Oct. 1 1. The official Neither of these are the real rea- vVill Give? Tlwl-ake Citv reiurna ar commg m tiowiy uui suow . ... . . ' " r kl.w , . ,A h.r.r.rra , r lk Leader is responsible for the following; ; """T? sons for his defeat. There is no such feeling of opposition to Otoe County prevailing in the Territory, as iur Morton's freinds allege. We do not believe that Mr. Morton has ever au thorixed such statements. The truth is, Otoe county is overwhelmingly Demo cratic, and the Territory is decidedly At a meeting of the patriotic ladies and gentleman of Lake City, to pre pare for the soldier's festival lately held in that enterprising to wn, a young attorney who was present was request ed lo nnu out wno wouio supply tne milk for the dinner. Jumping up on general result given iu issHjht-s report The Legislature secured up to tins time is Senate 34 Union, Democrat 18. House 34 Union, Democrats 26 The Unionists wiM certain'y have 40 majority on joint ballot. Congress o Union, 3 Democrats. Washburn and Orth, Union, in the 7th and Sih districts, is conceded by both partie?. J. 8. Morton 144 Frank Murphy lo2 John S. Seaton 153 K C. Jordon 150 J. R. Porter 150 J. A. Hellman 152 A. B. i-mith 154 Jos. H Patterson 153 G. G. Gillette 151 John Rouse 151 W. B. D.ivis 154 Republican State Ticket John TafTe 1S5 Laws on Sheldon lSl J Doom 178 W. F. Chapin 184 Isaac Wiles ISO A. B. Fuller - 1S5 D. Cole 184 Democratic State Ticket. J. S. Morton A S. Paddock Frank Murphy J. S. Seaton R- C. Jordon J. R. Porter J. A. Hellman A. B Smith Jo?. Patterson G. G. Gillette J. Reuse 114 147 152 153 150 154 152 154 153 151 151 30 30 30 30 30 28 30 20 30 30 30 1G 16 16 16 16 16 1G 16 10 16 10 30 30 28 30 30 30 30 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 70 70 70 72 68 70 70 71 73 70 ss 92 92 92 90 92 90 91 90 91 92 71 71 68 69 70 96 70 92 91 92 92 92 91 92 90 93 91 92 26 28 28 28 28 27 28 27 2S 27 26 43 42 42 4-J 42 42 41 42 42 42 44 2S 28 27 28 2S 2S 27 43 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 40 11 41 41 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 16 15 14 41 39 41 41 41 39 41 00 15 00 00 00 15 15 14 15 18 15 70 59 59 68 70 69 70 69 69 69 69 15 16 16 17 15 16 15 16 15 16 16 09 69 65 69 69 69 69 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 10 16 16 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 dO 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 S 40 40 41 40 40 40 40 8 8 S 8 8 S 7 7 8 8 8 29 29 .29 29 29 29 29 29 20 29 29 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 29 29 28 29 29 29 29 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 40 40 IS 18 18 18 18 IS 13 IS IS 18 18 40 40 40 40 40 39 40 IS IS 18 18 18 18 18 IS IS IS 18 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13 11 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 H 14 14 13 14 13 13 00 13 00 00 00 13 13 13 14 14 13 26 20 26 20 26 26 26 26 ;6 26 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 26 26 "it 26 20 27 26 00 12 00 00 00 12) 12 l A 11 12 hakim-:; tscir. Ti e iiiiilrrsia i! Ii iv u j, ir(, ,., , . .,,. m-Mt (Mm -r'r wu'ii l y M is. -,: r , v j. ' to t',(..'inm 'l;i( cir.t 'M'-r ' i;!. ..' , ' Kti-h H A UVV-: Vimi.l-. I'.''. '" WII.M'S S. I !'., a:. 1 .V..JU,':... ' .",,, " "VV nill'il Tor. " - ' CT" U.-alrli , ! Mio on tli..i t t- ,. . . , ,, ti. it'!-' riit.-j. ' ' ' r A)m16.u1 n w t'iL-i:n:i-:iir i; i PAIS3TIITG-. McELWAIN & FALES. Ar nuw tiriMianil ti tin nil k'liil ,, r., ( line. S.hIi UO' ; K. .Vt "? X, ( 'i: ? VN-TV , ! ?AtiltIAi,K I'lii-Oiu liiMiii.-, i;;,i, ,. .' ',;,' niitl I'aiiiT M .in. inx. ' ' t-"li'l, on hin' . i, ;, f..,. j" , H.HI.C. " ' ' Wurk il.itie t it!i iliji it' it t Ti t. tii'i'. i v nt .i rail. ' "' ,n A.ri! 'J.J, iI(mii. FARM AND TIMS):?, IiATID roi: Sam-. I lui p cm th. ln't firing in N t r -'i. . j ln-ilv of r : m t r i:ihI a i i'iii: t; , . i . rii- I' l: I. i I i ll : . '1 ;, !, prciv ni.-irn. v it", riHk mil tiv i r anil l! U it il"-li ililo Hnkfiinn l':,r tiru'iir-, al iit'--. (1. W, ('',. IN pl II) l 1.1,1 J pja I i 1 r i 1 1 N i : Boot l Shoe Shop. The nu' n-nuM n i'. rlf ;l y r.. ,' ; i,,. , ;iilll llf th f l'I:.t ' - lr. !! t , i ii.! ;' , ' ullfO ! I lie lit . t In. I. c iti'J ..: ,. .. ! . , Ilonrhin's Pi'i' l.r,. v'.i,'.,1)!- i:it-:.. i,,.. t . m Im'iil atil in 'Sif ti tli 1.111111. ii .,.,. lriii-liMii IumIiiic. H i t ' !! an- -ri,.. i, , i,, I,.,;, -i'!f. ai:4 liavitit; nffiit I In- tn.-i-t i.J hi. in !,;.,. Iiuxiii.-s, lif fi'f.n roiiM.t. iit Ui.i: 1,, ..a c v.- r..'t. tiun. (iive lrlll H I'. .11. A). ill M .. J. T!l.'f'i;I,iiiii. Uoicleiift Tor .a!(. W& wi. !! rry ,,w r..r c:, ti ry r,j. -.. c -, mi ..f p::i,-. . n inquire of a t -Ii .t II, nt i!.e 1. II. 1'li.tli-llliiutli, T.JiiMiny ..: !i a c-.i I 1 1..11 1 1 2 i i'r.1 in I'l .tf. ii; . . t- I", ' . r .i v.-ii.'-ft.:.:.;: a. (. If Bmrr:i.M;s :!rllll I l: l.i-.' . i 1 ' Arr vr-frcti- i. t.ii it tn i lli HiiliMii'i"' l.i tuw:', w.ll ilii'l is., i.i i.,i i.tK , t j pics. l,y VJin G That c I; cr, Kill f. r - fl ( II. KnappPitllc.!, DIRWJPATJUC VMWmi Saunders County pave 56 votes for Maripiftt and 31 for Morton, 49 for Taffe and 33 for Paddock; o2 for Doom, and 37 for Ilellman. S I Republican. Otoe cou-ty has influ a chair, he loudly asked. "How many ence in the Democratic party, and will ladies here will & ive milk for 'ho brave have so long as she returns f uth ma- soldiers ?' to which an elderly respond jorities for it, Lut that party can do ed : "Tha'. for one she could rut that nothing for us, hecau?e the people of ..he hadn't triven milk for ten vears : rKc Torritiru K:iva nnf.Huiiu in if 1 1 r I ... ( f I.J .1 I Av-ati w ' v, ir-? . ,viiiiui,iiv i i v. iiii'ii vn in Mr v 1'iiri i niiniiMii i im trn inir i .n,i hft.r.fnr. h,i nmicr in hsin i i. .. . t. . - i i : . I "mocracy last evening nominatea C A.;: V, h:iJ Wy" U"1 " l,rf V "mS l James Brooks for Congress in the Sth f" I " n .::"; : : ,rosetUlt. "s and Fernando Wood in the 9ih district, c, u xvii.- oeen asceriaineu now many lauies were ocratic party for favors, s-he is likely to present "willing to give milk for the rati. brave soldiers It is not opposition to our locality but to the principles of ihe maioritv of our Caution about 1 lues aud Trees. . j i . . . . . beople. When we aa!i ihe people of 1 na nangin? ct wet clotnes on youns the Territory to vote with us, we re- fruit and shade treesof jjrape vines, New Youk, Oct. 12 The Mozart fSF1 A distinguished Frenchman don't like American ladyhood, because the dear creatures eat wrh their hat! on. Not now a lamp mat is no hat t& In the pood old lime of "mer rie England," when an officer of the army was stationed in Coventry be was so sure cf Leinir shunned and avoided by its inhabitants that hii en tire residence there was one prolonged absence from the world ; than which anything was preferable. Hence arose rjuire them in doing it to repudiate should never be allowed, especially in their i herished principle. winter, as ii is n'most certain lo kill Let Otoe Couniu place herself in sum- the tree or vine. Throwing ofT r-lops vathy with the territory, and the Ter- about their roots in cold weather is ruorv win oe in svmputhu xcilh, her. It equawy uatigerous. ana ir a tree or ts not because Morton was from Otoe, vine stands in or npar a at ary but because he represented principles season, the gully should be filled, and that the people of Nebraska repudiate, the earth hilled up around the tree or lhe lhal a nan is ..fienl w Cov. that they wou.d not vote for him vine. This should be carefully looked entry-when his society is no longer .U Fc ..,t ,u iu, ,.i, juj.uciuic me ,jeemej desiraU(! by decent people mtuier. g.uuua Rrevet A aior-flnnpnil f I.iMit..Cl . It was not because of any ill feeliing fCgGoven.or Fairchild of Viscon- George A. Custar has been sent to towards Nebraska City that the the peo- sin was one of the bravest heroes of Kansas for duty, of course with no pie voted against Morton, nor was it 'he war against the rebellion. A gen- intention of personal rebuke by the Morton thev voted nTainothnt it ,vna tleman who was introduced to him the master ne has so faithfully served, but J , - - - W . the political principles or of principles which he ad beat him. Put up a good Republican attended a Convention at Gettysburg lican. in Nebraska City and we will all vot 1863, and met a Southern delegate " 1 ..." I -r mt r x t r r i for him fPW n,, I "lio was very anxious to walk arm in- ine uuuna irtraweiveiup n .Mi,,, in KKrB- p;, ,i- "a- arm wilh me- a,ld hen w separated t!e election, and says :t is in no hurry 1 uu ,y,a c.u-a vj l,OQ to hear from I h Territorv. Thf Ke "- -' auvf KkUU (.Lll l - - - J - - - rather cos'Iy." The remark was qui- publican gain in the city of Omaha is but jt wa3 tleman who was introduced to him the master ne nas so taitnruiiy served, but , . , other day, observed, as he took his left we opine his residence in Kansas will rather Jack hind, that he had lost his right armj forcibly remind him that he has been Ivocated that "Yes," said the Governor in reply, "1 "sent to Coventry." Chicago Repub- Till- .... , on Marquett. g The Florida papers have ft cu rious report that the Dry Tortugas Is- and was fired upon by a strange craft etly mado but suggested a world of val- al-out 200. Well done, Republicans uable reflections. of Omaha. You hre fought nobly, and the victory is complete. You have V. .1 . J LI.. . r 1 II it . - . baring the Confederate flarr and Ilr u U"!W';'" . .hrus?"?a "as e1u"y we" "ith your friends in Mudd. who is confined ih w,. 7. . mecnanic circles by thin city.- Flallsmouth Herald. rir,.tl rr,rlA r... .k., ' : c ' "lc "lttuv' ry sneei-iron win serve i e return the c mrj!iment. We . j "...uv "i lutr cinuiyn or a r,.- .1 i i i , ... . . shell. The vessel was a tfhnr , B ,DU,e "ace or ruDDer or Uone Republicans of Piattsmomh. The rigged steamer and painted lead color iedluer- live Kepublicans of Omaha give you with eight guns. The United State. fiS3TI, A.,r f r,o,,.. creau ror a ,v?rk nobly done- nn(J ex KThe revenue cutter was lying in the harbor savs iht h at the time but ot h-virig oa tteam in his life, and that was in a fight wrh was unable to pursoe. his cotemporary. itor of a newsnaner . ...... .. u , , , . . iciiu i uu .i neariy urriujr over me dotted"!' but once Lllini,.i',sr0il,,,..,r , Republicans of both cities. Omaha the: ix M.tmAiiA. The following the latest returns from ihe diHerem counties in this Ter ritory some official and others report ed. The countie marked with a star () are estimated : Majorities for Richardson Ne maha Otoe . Ca.5 Lanca ter Goge Jonas Johnson Pawnee Kearney Lincoln Saunders Seward Salitid Sarpy DoWlas WttIington Hurt Dtkota Dixon Cedar Cuming Dodge Platte iMerrick Hall Marijtiett. Morton1 oo; President's Thanksgiving; Proclamation. Washington, Oct, 8. Hy the President of the United Mates Proc lamation; Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, has been pleased lo vouchsafe to us as a people, another year of that national life, which is an i:jdi.pensible condition of peace, security and pro gress, l nal year, moreover, lias been crown'i "wi'ii uany p- tlesrings The civil war that was -- to -recently among us, has not been anywhere re opened. Foreign intervention has ceased toercite alarm or apprehension. Imrusire pestilence has been benignly mitigated; domestic tranquility has im proved; sentiment of conciliation have largely prevailed; and affection of loy alty and patriotism have been widely renewed; our fields have yielded abun dantly; our receiving industry has been richly renewed, and we hare been al lowed to extend our railroad system far into the interior of inw country; our commerce has resumed its custom ary activity in foreign sea. These national b'essings demand a national acknowledgement. Now, therefore, I Andrew Johnon, President of the United Siates, do here by recommend that Thursday, the 9h day of November next, be st apart. and be observed everywhere in the several States and Territories of the Uui.ed Staten, by the people thereof, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to Almighty God, with due remembrance that in His temple dun every one speak of His honor. 1 recommend al so that on the fame solemn occa.-ion we do humbly and devoutly implore iliiii to2fTrm niHwuaLcouncils and our wnole people with divine wisuom wftfrSrf -r-.-ViwLee.biirr n4. beinqr in the alone can lead any nation into the route betweenfauT.ilton and Chica ..C 11 I . . . . w.ija vi nn yuuu. co t,,e "jiajr yrnh tliirty-kix stars, whs In ofFeriog these national thanks- not there, and the citizens were com giving?, praises nod supplications, we pelled to fall back on their old bunting, nave tne JJivme assuranee ttiat the with only eleven twinklers. They L.ora remained! n Kinir torever; those eeroed to like it C'lrt'i all t-'.i --, . nt rui;.!. !r i.. Aluoiiv nlni'li i'.'fti": .' Onllt. H'ii llT l'itjni. Ni'iiri'ui i II -uriii', ii." i i'l l;i' 1 ." '' lllll, III'. I', t''-. I'V-I" i. V 1 1 . Shf'i Ai : I; I if m i v,.! - r in rv ' v. Dili-.- at l'.i.itie Vail-y m I I.H. I. '- HEADS 1 c5 t CF C 1 3-37 00 00 438 18-5 00 - -" (0 Go ; CO S5 f 00 80 (-0 20.5 00 00 -13 oo ;! ia:i 20 I co 15 CO 00 f 20 00 if I 81 12.4 ' CO 5(1.' j 00 CO. . is oai; n 00 5 L'eau qui Court no elftion. j 2 , 00 OS . 00 CjO 13 ID (0 46. 00 4- lMiS 7oC) 75G I In v.- x l i k " 1 ' si Ii u ' r mi'ii'i .ii 1 " 1 1- ' ' Kuor; .. i-i :::. ii t up i i l..-i r r- I-, hmI i- ' n ri'Ihiil:!. IV. lilt I ' . ! l.t; il In liiv" III" n c:i - '.!! nt ii y . ii'it ii "I' il l I Mil .' '.: i. .j I-.' . ii'i w .1 l-i'.-. ! i" In-. First -Kiu.nS MnSt'SS'.rsji Cr TIM-: No;'v'rii-'.vi;sTi:i,.N ( f i re";: i:. I'iiD nil1 vi.u i.MiI.m; n;M 30. h, 1 rut :i I i: mill er I'nliriiM Ik.ui il In il'e N llllllll'l nf I'M'ii ii" I'' ti Hl.ll I II lllll. I- -.! I.i.l i V'-.m! it i r ri.iii i.i .-1 nt ii oil V.' In 'I i l;i. n:.t if Ii I'trly Ii Kin , 1 ti. il;.l- Aiin iiiit i I l'i ! r y uti vil.i- ti In. . r. Hlli'f l.'ki rtlill' I mill in f li ''.'Hi- I'.-l. ll Ti.t .1 .'ii'1'iint uf I'ri ly nt rlfti Ti.ti.l "i MM "f IT' mi'imt I'-c in-.: I i d i in CASH ITi:MS : 1 1.',1' ...' i;;.i Kl i Ml il 2 j ,'. i.r.i .i.d u'l.'i I I 0 I'll Rlarquett'a nmjority 7C0 3" The rebel fla? Vns displayed at a tournament recently held at Locs- II I IHKI I'll that are meek he will guide in judge ment, and such as are gentle shall he learn his way; the Lord t-hall give strength to hs people, the ble&Mng of peace, In witness whereof 1 have hereunto just ns well. SFOn th 2oth of October, West Virginia will elect a Governor, Sta e Officers, Legislators and Members of Congress. The Republican candidates are : Governor, Arthur J. Uoreman; Cui-li lr -il i i it :i i n 1 inn! Ca.-li l'r iiiiiiMii in lim ! nf Air-nts Ni (' of niii-.ii-ri"' I rrctniu ii I'd I'.nii ity T i'ii! H'- uiii'i' -iiur' il i; ii'ii il T . ttl (Vii'nl 1 . ' r. i t Li'-ip ailiiiKlil i!il uii" 1 -'Ue I,ikm' iiiljiit"ci mill in' itiln i. -ii'' I.o.sf-i Tijinit iirnl awii.ti.iif ii'i..i (."liiiiafpil) . i n All I'tluT i iiiii H.ilnt l!i C ini- -;iiiy u.iii Tlir g i-Ht.f ni'i'Hii.l iill'.w "I I i hi- In- lltr-l 111 III V '1 11' r l H i,r lilir k m.i'jiTt In I ue lire ir .1,"" I,' " STATE 'F IOWA, I . . Wiu irl.' ik v.. iiiuy'i T. (1 ilk, ( i:i(r iln'y -r. .'ii ilni h I'epoi-e --ay I :ik t lh it! ...v. : -1 . ri i.i i-. i a'lll Cfirri-rl lo 111'' l"-! HI 111 V Iw.W.I-.. -'I HII'I I i ill', anil linit li" In l'i- ut nf -:: I I ('"iu.i:r v. 'so. T. fi lie FuliHTltie-1 nn.l ovmli I. f .r. 1.1: ll.ii Ilnift'y of Juiy, l3('fi, at D-rrirBli. I w I ( HAiili r A.l.i , :t!ii'y 1 i.i. t S' llliPlli .l4l. set my name and caused the gersl of Secretajy of State, Col. John S. Wit- the United States to be affixed. Dune at the City of Washington, the eichth day of October, in the year of our L.ord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, aud of the independence of the United States, the ninety firM. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of Stale. New York, Oct. 13 The Post's Washington special says the Chronicle expresses the belief that the President is about to change his policy; and it is understood that two members of the Cabinet have advised him to declare in favor of the Constitutional amend ment. cher; Attorney General, Col. Thayer Me'oin; Supreme Judge, Ldwin Max well; Members of Congrese, Che?t r D. Hubbard, li. M. Kitchen, Dani..l PaLstv New Yohk, Oct. 14. The Herald's Toronto special says that great excitment was caused at Fort Erie yesterday by the circulation of a rumor that an organized party of- Buf falo roughs contemplated a raid on the frontier. A quad of police was irn mediately detatched to patrol the river between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. A company of volunteers patroled the river in the vicinity of Fort Erie, and other precautions were taken, but the raiders failed to appear. On the same day the Fenians had a picnic excursion down the river, and when passing Fort Lne and the Canadian gunboat Rescue. the band played -'The wearing of the green" and other popular airs, and the excursionists wared the sun bum in ront of the red cosus and cheered for Roberts and O Neil. This so much exasperated the Captain of tho gun boat that he ordered the excursion bout IierilT Sale. TSy virtue nf i n execution to me direct e'l fern tin" oflK- of the Clerk of the lM-.trf.-t Court of the Juiliciul District, within ml fur Otoe county f.'e bank a Territory, anil bearini; daf the 2 'tli ilay of bt pteinlier, a. d.,10(. I. the mihrcriher, Slirritl In ami for Cii connty ami Terri.nry nf Neb, will sell at plume auction, ror ra.-n, to the litfhe-t and I.c-t liiiiii -r, id front of the Coiut IIoum-, in Plattsntr uth in Ca" counly, S. T.. on Haturday, the 17th day ol .November next at nue o'ekek p. in., ofnid day, all that certain tract of laud Minuted In Cans couatjr. VT 1- n .. .1 1 I . . . ... . n . biiu ftui snil aHhcnwui m ioi iowi, lo- m It : mini n-west quarter ( ) ol the sualb runt iiart-r l.'4). oi lec'.iuii tnirty-nve (:i.j),tiirn eleven (111, runs'- tw-lve (12), east of the Cili 1. M.. in Caas cuuniy, eiira-ka t erritory. I akin as the projie.ty of William Neshiti to at iffy a judgement in favor of F. F. Kucknlla. A. It TAVI.OP., Elierff, Caiss riun'yty. N. T, P P OAf. Deputy sheriff, She:irT Offlce, Octoler 10, 1SW, 8200 REWARD! Ftolen from tin- f uhjcribi-r on the 4th inft., irnod top bug;-, haa t'ven run a khort tiuin. tpnkea tu t in and nut alternately, and a span of rrel horse, 1.5 1-8 bands Ii.'. h. Pinall wl,ltetrirei i0 in the face, i ycara old , thin in flesh, on lias heavy Cax maui' aid tall, and both have fitut white f'-et. Thief i ahi.ut i!ti years of ae, ha I on wh'-n lant heard from Ji-d panta and reilduh coat, called his name Pepper, a iid he was a brother of lorn IVpprra, of ft Joe, Ml, complexi on rather light, t t short lietrd. I will Rive 10(1 fo-the return of the bor-ei, harnc and bus?y, and f 100 for the capture and cnuyictton of the thief m. i corcn, Prop'r Dewitt IIour. Savanonli. Mo. I w 11 give a reaaonil.le com pens . tion f.jr any l:i formation repctins the thief or proerty. favannah, Mo.,Uct. 8th, 1MJG oct 11- CcrJificat i' A;iIi-ritv (To exj. r-. n tli 1st of Jail 1 1 y , 1 ; ) txsm. sr r ikpaUT r. f Frli F. or 1 l:n:T.'HMr. Aim i- , ,- 04114, lii 11, !' I t . 'JT, I -i'-' ' WllKltraH. E. J. .Mathn.. .:-).. An in ( ll.'-X V.erti-ru I liiir:i ct-e Ci.iiii iliv J-km ( I "t r. -nli, i ' ili' Stt? of I'.nii, 1; in i' i .1 in 0 I- t Hi - a ' ! J ' lli" Art of Inrnrr orntion f f.-.i t Cum, :'i,y. an I 1 fat HiCnt r rj-lh, l..iwin-.r il- , "i'. i ''' iilliied ht ll:e I ifrli f. etinn f.f :: law nf !!' 1 ' - ry of Ni hr-I;H, i nlul. d ' Ai Act in 11. !j' ' i ursine 4 uui ii up ' iipj.r j.-t't-iary ' and '. Iti-ri-aii, ,anl (.'..inj.iir.y h n luriu- In -I t!.- i. de-.H-yni d P.ilif.icli.rv ev i.i-ii, e lliHl il l- i-.,'.-. , i f 0:.e Hatiilre.l Tl.ousaml I' ii.i ". ' f n -ft! -' tat 1 ive...-l i'l ix.rc of at li.-l I a-r ymiir, r HoiiiUrr Motttf il II' .1 I - .vt.'i I I amount fur vhiwli ihe ' e ' ' '- - -" Wlier'-s--. rii C inji iMV im ii ' i'i ' ' " - written intni':iiTit, t'i- S- " ' ." ' :' ' lili'lieil t:y the I'letii- nt .' i i' '. ' I ' ' '' IhT iziriff the ini'l K J. Va'l. .'.' ' vie" of irr..-e. f ,r ai, ! i I. : a f ! i. I oonni'iitin t Ih.O. M-rvic of in i h; l- taken al.d hi-M ;.i l,iiii v; ! - ' Company, : r i 1:1 (,, I),- I n. ' ' . any other ."-La -, ii ri 1 wai i - a l . !-' irii-rf.n or Hell ; vice ; and I i- . lia f urct . il an: In'.K. i. v r .'. . !'. ' auth'ijiz. .1 Aceiit of - ii e-, v . Tjir.i: Krone, JJ-y it i n, ;,'. ' !n puriiaac 'if tiieafnri'- .1 '. ' I.K.I'IK. An Ktoe f i.a I ; ; t It ' hrrehy certify, t.'iat E. J. .' t: :-, 1. . Ihority to act a- an Jtgrniit fi r t'.c ' I u tance C' tupar y , ii t 1 , .'It. M l:: 'i. " " of Nebraska. hihI to l i an i ; " i-i ' : in l. unll uf -ai.l (.' inoauv iu.'Ii " ' ' 1 '' ' .'I le i . : I - . f,..' -ii- , : ' . r ,- . ni' nt a Mich Air-lit, an.i Iw t i: y, until the I .t day of J in i in Willi'. W hrrmf, I lav and es need lh" "I tun -V a!3xe'I, th!a i7t!i iljy of c. i t e .i ' Seal of the An lit ir' riflice I oct .11,1 ti. vrl 1. I) . .I..T - ' ...r. 4 l ' f! , ,. ..I- ' '.,-ir.;.i i. MICKtLTIir, j ni '" LUMBER - lAKJh ftTIickc'Iuait & sharp Oealern In Pine Luinln r. I.ntli. fliii'!, ,v Itlinrts, J'ickem. Hint ery v-r.ety of I Walnut and Oak Lumber. VVill k-i einMniy f-n hut, 1 r rl v C'tn i a r.d ..l!r. AI'. ,.lili ie .ii '!l 5"!- OIIi':e en f.e. e Sue"!, . uth cf ''. '- Feed and l.r.iin I). ' I'LATl'S.MOUTH, N. T. - ?!'.. .1 away and threatened to fire into the rariy- x'jiuOUcav. Nereml'r s a