Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 17, 1866, Image 1

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    II H I I te. .
il If anif mo it aftemif. to haul flown the A inrrican Flog, shoot him on the spot."
VOL. 13.
1MjATTMuU I'll, N. T., KDihDAV, t.CTOliblt 17, ltjUO.
i0. 28
t03r. corner if-' tt and I.eve, aecond
Terms: '-.It, $2.50 per annum;
Daily, per i.tli.
Itotvs of Ji flrertisiiig.
satqirare (.pac'' of ten Unok) cne intriion, 1 .50
Kf.e.i ito.--'iMttit iu-ertia, - - 1. 0
fmfri't r.i.1 ctnls not rccJ'cg aix tinea 10 no
lf qiatlti column or les , i-r annum :?." It')
k,x niuciht 21 10
' " tiir e inuuihs if no
H bt'.f Au'-'D t we! re mot tin 6 ' 0.1
" is months Si.'iO
three iiioutfn i irfi
J 31 a tr!ve nur.lLl ' - lun t-0
' tlx picntlm ... GO.OO
" tire m.juthc - - fc.YUO
ai'.trar-itat ircttl-iue:its mast be in
a 'ti .
4T Ve are pr. iisre-t t d all a in In i.f J..b Woik
b rl i.outr, ami in it j-tyle tuat wi.l give satia--ajlma.
Rolicitor in Chancery.
rtGr. Mil 15 h f Dc.-ctiLtr, at
e.-i-l n-e'J'f
R. n I.IVIN03TON, Tvl. D.
rciciaxi and J-.uiGson,
V W U; iMof'-MRi.jriHl ei -o a to tli
i i iZ ua i f
fat cs'i d y .
V it-..l-?iic ia I'.anlt '111.' - I) u f, r
ttt ftdj J.x.b -If-'f -: IJllil u 'ill. l;.l
C j'Ji . ii aa.r, 1 1 it'.-ui u !., n tj
T. 51. 31 A HQ I DTT.
AT'i OiiM: i i LAW
.' clicitor in. C'limcery.
LA T ' j.-.uutii, - - m:i.i:.isk..
FLAirv-t;ilI . - NKHJ'ASKA.
Jl. tri.ia, J. w. M a r.-r- i- c. lkvi
I?. SI. StL'-xrr fc oM
Real Estate Agents,
Fir bJ I.ifa Int, A'to,
l'J.TI "SMOUTil, X 7'.
!: l ara pr.on pily at:eml-l t, m d (irocee In re
as iiJ at c.itrciu r.itr .f sci.a . 1 nx. 'd ii
X -i ! - m a an i .N hu: t i.n . te.-i.i. I, i airs
af :i.ti'M.i;.i :. .1 Mi.uty i'i.:i u on lieal K.-t-iti;
i. Li.l V. r aum I cite.
aW . d C W X h liK
i i rl . A aTj.t
. V ii v )rt
iu:r:ui:. cr.s.-
!! . ?. II. Kir.eit, U Ci y. t'. T.
it .'. K air.'ie r..i. . .-.h!i... N".
" l.c'it'3 tt ii -tcaif. Atb Cit7.
U. F i'Ulry. St. UU:, .M.H HU u
' L1'.'- Lewn. tti-liu, Ji i ..vU.i-rtl.
V litaiAr C'Imc.'K , 1: mini.
X Cii.t in Ulnu.
o. a . tir.i l''- ;.i,i..ii.u N evaaka.
t i.Mi, tree Uivcr iiciii(.'iiii.
H a IT Ke 'o, i-.' v. i -ciihi i.
hjr. I 11 M rqueit, i'.iiiMiio'i'ii. Nflir.W.
i. l.ew:. A-t l iiev at, H.i!l ilJ, N- w Vurit.
C:-a', iiu a ji fc Cu. , Uc iloine-, lovta.
k-ki isw.r
r. iii. do ran n a ton,
?r rr,;,t :t-i. t.ou p.irl t . t nrJiate a d t.t
Hi fcn'a'e, iii.i u lyii.cut nf x. , uJ U ba- iriea
: .ir,ir.g tu svu :rl Latul AKeoi J. Titks iuve-
r.r bv i er:r.l.-i. n to
H.a E S. Iu;-..iv Juil.-e 2d Jui km! I:-t. Fills
il-i -a; 1 Mr t-"! lim t iiLlJ, I'. yiiK-ier
. . & Levvuw.i-tri. K.iii'.i-; ii J. i.t
U'f ii, t-or N'b' .-ka. ai :, -b ; li.i.i. T. jl.
ha ." . rbiaili 1-lV t. V.i.. Hia t-lii..u li. .N-'
m- J. Ii. hi tl r, I'. P. tiima.i A! jl, lawnee
1tct; Ne t.rt-n. No Hi li-.tiiwa . Sw
Ia:a; vey, Cfiiricli & 1! u" u n .'bUit'ion, i.
Tract. .Viabl e t to . Cl.i . 1 i ; ti- U utih
fcaat-ea!!. V.. flui. Aiill IT a.. ii.inf.Td" J V. "Kii
j. N. v!S.
&mtrl Life,
Iccilrnf, fire, Inland and
Will t-ka r -k at -e.ii niii- r-.f !" in the m.-t i etiablcr
aiT Dir io ii e I' ' it il ..,
CJ-CS.fa al ki.a to a.f'.t n utb. N ?
. Toa LK,
T. . Illllli
. t cuui
Tootle. Hanna k Clark.
TealeM ia
did RxikI. i1.J ail Silver
a:iil otntv stocs-
I63 pocia! a'tention given to Collections
TT4 p".-. to g .-t chop I..idt inl l amp Chimoev
"A W gt,A CX. SKTTIH y at CO.'M.
The Union Triumphant!
Cass County Redeemed.
Let the Union Bird
The following: are the majorities in
this county, on the general ticket Mnr
queu's majority will reach about 200:
Piu trin iir!
l)r': pulis
U...-U tiffs
Mi. l'i. a-BM
Ve-pif;(J N lltr
Ivu-iit Mile Cr.ive
A v nc. i
' 9.
rnn.M ruucLAS
i . i ...
iiii'ia i.h'.juiv eivf id iiiiinn
fur ilrq i' 'l ai : 9 -'r
rah for dIJ Du!a !
'1'nflTtf. Hur
Bt'LO, r-
Whore die Dciina-racy always poi
oO Hiij r ity . give Murquett a major-
njr of o. ' f
?f EM A II A,
Seiids grting. She cies, by ihe
uflicial tt!int. 3'JO majtnt or the He
publican ticket. I
Gives 1200 nmjorny for ne Republi
can catiJiJ.ttes. Tin- in- -es the vic-
tory, with Irom R00 to 1.0, - wjrfMyJ -
For Martp.en m this Coun'y is 203,
fur TalTr; 19'i, and iho balance of the
ticket about ISO
Is reported at 120,000 majority for
the Union.
Tilt: IM'A.HV.
The Cass County "Infamy" has
beet) a watchword with Cojperheads
throughout Nebraska durint; the late
canvass In order to fhow what the
pe.iple ol Cas Couiny think aboui it
we have only 10 refer to .he reull of
tiie pre?eiit elec:ion.
The D niociacy imponeil Mr. W'ot l-
wonh to c-irry this oounty by alu-ing
good mi-ii and to poul tiU.iui the Rock
llluils irauu. lie can now wnnes
ih reKuli t his laburs an ivt r whelm
ing R'-pn icau maj iriiy. Where's Wool
worth ?
I he reititn Irom Wa.-hnigion county
indicate l'2o Ii-fut hcan majority in thai
c. uuty a very conMdr.-auIe j:aiii nvr.r
toriiier ii.tijoriiles lion cotimy, winch
gave a Lc-iuociaiic maj ny I fct -p mi:,
w.ll give aboui 40 n.ajori y fr the
IU publican ticket this lnu.
of Oit I'll' II I '
,JCow that we have a fair, Iune?t;
expression of the neot le. and have tiie
, i i . i ( , . ,i,
eh en n cot.doctrd tan ly and tt nf.-tij
Hie iS majoi ny i Roc'ai U.utf- Pie !
ci. cl d Winnies itown to the liislgt.ifi i
.. ...r ..f i ,...o.,-i M;.r,,..e
ITalilL IIU.IIUCI UaV al a ' IA t i ill '
f ,, , , ,
; ul thrt licUe'
lybvaJy to "fight
and "22 " the balance of
Does Morton want an
about it now i
nrii arm 1 1
Maud not upon Hie Unler of
your (ioitis.
Tl Louisville (Ky ) Sunday Her
ald clones s:n article on the Southern
Lo)u!iu C'jf.veniiun with the tulluw
irjkj rfinnrk:
"if the bdiemes '.f these Abolition
Radical should bn cnrrid oui, ih;g
ctiuiitry would no, be fit for i cent
while nitu to live in."
'l'i at means this. That rtle's.who are
the Her-ild's "drceut while men," wotit
live Ik-re if l.ijaliis rule. We ihiuk
we have heard the statement before.
It is neither sinkinjiiy original nor
fearfully alnrmi.-.j. Il h;i-n I created
any panic that w know of, nor ha. it
increased ihe mortality of the iholera !
Nobody ha been knocked down by its
foice, tior docs it nuike nny one trem
ble in his bouts In f tct loyal people
receive such ttIIl?nt wiih a reuse .f
profound gratification and thanktulnes-.
and with one arc ird lliey lift up their
voices atid fxclaim : -Stand not upon
she order of your "oinjj.but roat once."
The ports ot this country nre not
hermetically ealfd. Vessels rtiu
from them to all portions of ihe world
and the charge for passajr- is to
b- reanab!y modrra'e. The C)t)?ti
lution of the.-e Uuild Stales, is one of
tlie nio.t literal duciimiits in ihe per
feet f ret'di. n wi h which it allocs those
who tlon't hkti this c luniry to go to
amnhfr tine. Nohfdy wlio wants to
u will bf lirrHt.-ll -or poujir What,
tht-i.. rr you witiiini; for? Max. want?
you in Mexico (Jo 10 that paiadiat
tt lick and chicers if you want to
lu'vUil will lurive y. Cwtvfll.W
U-tj:tmiu.(- lillk- Hlrtl - 'OI-llfiir'l
t aatiii an I larry. E iti an-f
uiiKt takr- vim in., or I-rtiie.
Can't yu lo til- re ntid liv on ih- l-i
irent if your r-l I b ml-? lie; h;:
DiirT Indians n . i t r t eoieni lo
ciaie vti h yu-j, f..r ih-v r not a v?ry
proud p-ofle! Hut' du go lo i.ue
p at n a I ikcj.
W'f have uaitttl onif f r your go n.
We apprt-ciate itn; rt piil- on y-u i-ei
at ih' v ie jiay.u itim.9 hich faiiim: h
imlii cuun'ry v. iJd. Ve liavt- -ei-n
y.iur proud hrs cuil. ymr elsjant pri
b(ii:i itirii- d up, y ur riM;ratic di
it cxn-iiiird. ai.d ihr wioh; ot jo ir
manly hape irivin; expre--n to in
rr-orii yi-u ferl for ihi miberible ctuu ,
trj. A:id l ut. we etitrcat yu. iay
loncer. Depart. Iave, irizxl.
Miuitiulaie to IVIxico, to Brazil, to the
Sandwich Islands or to the' devil, a
you pleane oily go. 'An' wheu
thou gnen, come not back." -C'Aam-pion.
I call lo day on this vat assembly,
for any mau to put his finger 011 any
acl fhowiiifi ih alighie- drpaitur
that 1 have tiiadn from the l.ttorni
that the revered and lamented Lincoln
iiil. - ttfyJLej - ttBCr4i"r
Jidate for tlie" i'reldent y and Vice
Prfsidnncy of ihe Unnetl Stairs.
Jobnstt)' peech in Cincinnati. J
one riKGEa
Wf plriJg ourfelve- as Union
men. animmed by a common sentiment
and aiininj? by a common oljct, lo do
everything m our powr r to mil the
Government in fpielhri by force of
aims, the rebellion now raying aganii
its authority, and in bringing to ihn
puni-htnents due their crimes, th rrb-
rls and traitors arrived against it.''
Umon platform of 1S64
"Iiesolued. That we approve the de
termination of the Gov rumenl of the
Uni'ed StaitfM not to compiomist with
r-btrli, or io offer any terms of pace
Piivtn sui'h as mav be t'asd un.n an
un I'tiditioiKtl surrt-nder of their hottil
i.y.M Ibid
"Resolied. That we deem il essentia!
to the general weltan thai liarmiiy
should prevail in ihe National council,
and we regard as worthy 'f public
coiifi J'-nce and official only those who
cordially endorse the principles pro
claimed in ih"se resolution." Ibid.
f5T"Th' Memphis (TV n 1 1. ) Ap
peal, August 30, mys two well known
gen'letio n of thitt cny had a q-mrrel
recetillv. and one of them appeuj"d to
a cny i(lici:il fur advice in the miller.
The l.itier. a a joke abvined linn to
tu.t lus iiclv'-rHi y. in d j-avi- him
pijH-1 vm'!i a I hinU cf-arg in i'. To.-Iieilit-osf
mil viitual et foT'li t. s-ek
hi tilverary. n I Is t llicnil ein h
pulici in iii sifi-r him teilinir him he
wa- cariying coriffaUtl wnp m.
nohi-eman Hrretird l im. and he w i-
tj. J s,x d l!ar.
. . . . .
I lie com t woul l not
a-c-pt tit- xp anation .1 tie , imi gen
' il. hihii v h lei.t hllil 'lie pi atn
. ' ... ' ,
frT On the way to Niagara I' a "s,
i n grent deal of iiieiriu e r was
C 4 d
: in the President's pany ty a r
j . . I . i-
jwhi h sprung qt between G'a
j plirracl,t. At one or two p ac
: iii tiie President's p iny ty a rivalry.
t nt ami
ace U)e
ladies kissed th- naval hero, and l ad
merely sh kn hands wi h the uncun
ditionul Commander-iii Chief. 1 ins..
said ihe General, "is easily explained.
The Admiral i- so old thai the ladies
don't hesitate tskis him. but they don'i
i like to take such liberties with a young : my earn-st ambition i int full, laugh
! man like me." Againt hi-. the Ad t- r. as I am not a "humbU individual,
miral laughingly pro-ested, ascrib ng laughter. and as I have a very bad
I the impuiation upon hi age tojea?euy 'cold, Icn say no more. LoudcheersJ
Vi:laIa UU.Mj.
Every Republican in Cass county
did his duty on election day. and for
two weeks before. Never was work
better dons, nor with more satisfactory
results. We have carried the County
by the largest majority ever before
given, which amply repays every one
for the efforts he has made to accom
plish this result. Il wns owing lo the
thorough organization of the party
that we gained so tigrnal a victory.
Personal differences and dislikes were
thrown aside for ihe general good,
and the result is glorious Every man
worked with a will, feeling that the
grand suixf.'s we had determined to
achieve might depend solely upon hi
elTorts. Remember, in future cam.
paign-, what ihe Republicans of Uass
can do if they will it.
easteiss i:i.i:jtioxs.
Indications are that everything ha?
gone sweepingiy Republican. Ohio
gives between fifty ami sixty thousand
Republican majority. Trie Congres
sional delegation is unchanged. Iowa
gives about thirty five ihou.-an l Repub
lic in majjri'y, and the entire Con
gref Moinl delegation. Indiana is re
ported at fro n fifteen to twenty thiu
sand Repot lr :iit inij.iiiy, but il is
thought pri b tbie t.'ie democrats havt
Uiia.ed .iw fcjssoai UoiAreawiuen. - liotti
brnncnes ot itie S tie legislature are
lleji jl can. wherr-
Jo.'iiism dun" hi - ii' aviest wirk, is re- !
i - i
pillird ut 'iO.COJ Uf(i.b'lCin majiify, I
witiia 'aiit nf tv ) R.-iiuti' iran Coo-
;re?Miie:i. Parker li: die lOt'i distl ic',
aili Ci'V.ide lit lhe'll.t tij-inct.
no ! van rut; riihT,
Laooiitii; im;ii women ot ihe
New Kugiai.0 S:.tie,t.-il u-i hi f.ici irie
and w itkshop trom ye;r io -ht,' Ilk
ga fey r-!ave tor tiie poor pllvtleye i:
liv ing, cot yui'aeit i l Je Irmii Ifie t ond-
.1 I I I . .
age or Uep-niJenre. mm s'rike out rtr
Hie Tee, broad, fertile, heallhtui plains
id the Grenl West, vhrre, in a tew
year-; wi h fruaii y Mini ititJus'ry' you
may place ou. Selves In "mdepr i.d, n't
uirctutisiances. ijooking arouno us,
tioW many do we recoguize io day,
with fomtoriable habitation-, large
barns, improved farm?, herds of ( tittle,
floUiCH ait sheep. hore, luules a lid h''g-.
and plenty of imoiey in their p 'Ckei.
wtio, bui a few years ago, we remem
ber as firuggliiig and poor. H it whii
are a few years of hardship and st.rug
jjlti, if at ihe end we are recompe n?t-d
will victory uvu poverty? Back in
your eusterij hoiii-., the jab'jiuS Oiiii'
or womaii crth .icvrr expect;- except - in
ch nice Cies, to anain a comfortable Wealth there ha
rhifttd Irom the hands of ihe manym
to th" liatids of the few, and cun-pires.
to make the poor poorer and the rich
richer. Poveny Mauds no chance with
the tyrant wealth If you desire ihen.
lo po-se? yourself of a home that will
give you ease and independence, and
be an inheritance for your children,
strike out for the West where land
are cheap and capital is weak. Jljton
Copperlieiids Head.
The New York Herald is the stormy
pe'rel of the Johnson party. Il an
nounces that all is lost thai a great
hur.icane is coming, which will sweep
the Copperheads out of every ISoith
eru State, including New York and
that the next Congress will even be
more decidedly radical than the pren-
ent one. In reference to the threat if
civil wtr proclaimed in the New Yor!
Times it says that this is "only adding
combu -Hides to a roaring fire, and the
sooner the. President is rescued from
such reckless parii-ans and treacherous
freind-i. ihe better il will be tor linn
and hit offi-ial repot tiion. This frad
hint of f Violent desohl'ioil of the Gov
ernment ei: anaie-. we believe, frcin
the Secretary . f Soil-; for, ic we m
take not. the sam tain wax fits! thrown
oui hy hi- i-peri il home oran at An
. ... .. .i '
Mime in nitra- iisju.
Good r a H ! - taen II n
H i. I. I
w ia in Pi, i ad- lftoa toe o h-r day an i
loivir.g -been till d Dll for a sp-efi,
made ih' f w nig mi .i. uahie r sp n e
G litinu-n : 1 m not a'de i il
iiiiiif loniL'ht, oAiiig n art unfiT'ima e
i-oltt, than lo say how much I t;Mti-
yi.u tor 'his C"iir;e,'ti and l.l.-dcal'. I
crept th" eoirpiiiie -Ii' a.t a
triho'e '
- j 'die 1 IIU Ifle- IO " l.lfll I
I .! v. 1 1 d
- It I.- CIO e
my f I'. I h. I 'eve on i
voo tt, n' I rettres.-ni, a- fa I on
i iltuse priiiiijde. ,.f thai pa iv wh-.-n
your en ml-- Call ra.l:eal l liei r-
I a'.d cries of Thai a t'. "rigai it til
on that line J w a- i n-ver n. m
village alderman 'aiigli'er;j a-1 n-
er repre-en' il my Mile in C :tgre-
- ! "renewed laugh'-r;1 a I n-vt-rsai
. ; t- ... . . r it.. r .
the Nenate ot the Unnen rotate, jja
terT as I nevr was Military Governor
of any S'ate; froars of biujh'er atid
-rie. ,f ..TIimI s triiod."! as lle fill C)f
The Philadelphia Ledger publishes
ihe following, dated Washington, Oc
tober 10th :
The President has sent to the Attor
ney General the following questions
and requested a response to be return
ed in writing :
First. Is the present Congress, com
posed of members from the Northern
S ates alone, such a Congress as the
Constitution requires, or is il an tllegiil
and in. conM. tutional assemblage?
Second. Would existing circumstances
justify the President in sending his
next annual message to an illegal and
unconsti'utioal assemblage pretending
to be ihe Congress of the United Stalest"
Third. Does that clause in Section 5
in the Constitution wh:ch makes each
Houe the judge of election relur.js
and qualifications of its own members
give to the present Congress the right
to exclude members from ten States, or
to impose dishonorable or unstituiional
terms upon th?ir ndmissi.m ?
Fourih. Does the President's oath of
office i t quire him to enforce those pro
visions ot the CoiiRtitotion which give
to each Stale an equal righi of repre
sen'atioti in Congress?
Fifth, What Heps do the Constttu
tion and his oath of office require the
President to lake in order in secure the
assemblage, of a Constitutional Con
g ress ?
The President evidently knows whin
answers wi I be given to his questions,
and puts them Hccorthngly. Have not
'Ur? pi kpkxu T'r.'. -irrx.-r
ThJ Net.ra.-ka C-ty JVtws of ih- llih,
teilmg Mortot,' paper, is very
compliment iry to the Germans, now
that the election is over. Heir what
il s;;y: .
The R:n!i -al- claim to have carried
Nem ioa conmv t,y a uiiijonty of thri-e
l.iiu lrxl and fifiy five. Tiie Duich
I iiv - t tciipi-tl Holland. e art, ma
-idem in dial pri pinqouy Wt re-
juice ut our rton residenct therein.
Chicago. Oct. S. Washingion
prcia.s sy Commissioner Coolty, of
Indian, tendered his resigna
tion a moijitt ago on ad'ount of poliiiini
ddf-r. nces. and thai Lew is V. li 'ay
will nol HS-ume ihe office un'il Ouoley
shall have completed his annual rep.irt.
STr--tnry Sewaid rei res ,emp orrtly
from 'h Slate llepn rtuient to -regain
lilt health. F. W. Seward is acting
Sec. Santa Anna as in Wa-hing'on
a few day Hkjo accompatiied by th no
torioujt R. day Crawford, who calls
himself General. Santa Anna lias
had an interview wi'h Seward and the
President, and is now back again in
i vToirT-CJue repori. say . that - in
Cabinet mee ing Ttir-day, Seward
made a full exposition of Santa Anna's
intentions, and urgd extending such
moral aid as desired Another report
denies tins and says ihe mission of San
ta Anna was to convince the Adminis
tration that the Church parly is the
only one in Mexico winch can estab
lish a firm government there in case
of ihe downfall of Maximilliau, but the
question- has not been pressed iu ihe
Nrw York, Oci. 8. Advices from
San Antonio, via Galveston, are, that
Santa Anna's agents are al work re
cruiting for a raid on Matamoras.
There is but little sympathy shown
them there, it being fully understood
that Santa Anna is pledged lo Napo
leon to acknowledge the French debt
if he succeeds in gaining a 'noting on
Mexican soil. V ery few have joined
hi standard as he is known to be in
imical to the liberal cr.use, and bis an
tecedents with Texas having always
been of a qtie-tionat'l character from
former treasurers tiuite large quau
titles f arm, ammunition and sup
plies have lately reached ihe Mexican
frui tier, designed for Ju ires tirmy
at Monterey and other places. 'I h
tnnv under Gen. K cobeda are row in
excell-nt condition, and wi I soon b
fully eijuii ped for a winter campaign
L-itrst a liue fn ni ('t i-cpiiha or Sept
17ih stale thai Juar z was ih-ti a that
ilic- preparing for ear V depirure fr
.Monterey, where lien E-coheda l nt
iires 'iit in Liberals are in
mt CMid 'lion, sanguine of future
j. .i
at a aWKU Hie ttrr:it. "i
ti.ei; Prr-ident. who hasftr five years
tip'so 111 their cause.
hnitNtp.u-. Oct. 9 A severe
ornid i p.t-sed i.Ver tile town Fram.
in. J i ui-oii C -ainiy. this afteriio ai
ii bo il tt.iir o'cloi k. d-iiioilshing sixteen
t II.
house-, the raiiroaJ aepjt
One b..V killed.
r-J" "One word more and I hav
An, " How ofien we iread to h-ar
this in Je sentence from the bps ot a
speaker at ".putilic meeting. It i a
Mir n dicatio ; il a' be is t racing of
ii-n-h Mart Ihe -one word b
,., nfieti a bn'f h-ur discourse.
ftsS' There are two tltrect'y oppo
ite rea"tis why a man souieiitiies
ffciinot gel credit: One i-, because h-
is not ; and the o.Iier, because
he is.
A Hraggarl Answered A
S .ltlit-r's W'itlow's l,elter lo
Andrew Johlison.
Tiie I'hiladelphii Ytis of Friday,
publishes a letter from a soldier's wid
ow of that city to President Johnson,
in answer to that portion of his Cleve
land speech iu which he asked the au
dience 'Who made greater sacrifices
in the war than I?" Who suffered
more than 1 ?" &c, and and sub-nils to
the just judgement of the world wheth
er on the score of sacrifices and suf
ferings his claims lo popular sympathy
and support tear auy comparison to
hers, the says :
Before the rebellion, Fir, I had a
husband, kind, loving, industrious, eco
nomical, who for myself and our four
little ones, made a comforiable provis
ion Our home was the abode ot peace
and plenty. What has become of him?
He was starved to death at Anderson
ville, and that, by ihe "chivalnc" men
whom your "policy" would fain restore,
without repentance, to the head of our
Government. Since then I have been
trying my best to earn bread for my
little one by plying the needle At
limes, when that kind of employment
has failed me, 1 have been Compelled
lo stand from early morn till night,
over the wash tub. I had two brother,
steady men, kind and generou-1.
.he reb- l ion left them as it found them,
pirn fling- poverty I should never h ive
known. Al t ! alas ! on- of them per-iMV-d
at Helle Island, and the other
had his nhtarm taken off by a r.;bel
shell at Ai.t.e am. He cannot assi.-t
me. The pi ivations and hardships 1
hjjVeJfiad to' "ejidiire hn vh. 1.l,.'.sr'iii.l
my ou health and strength that I feel
at times unable eveii'to endure ihe fa-
tnjue. of plying ihe need'e. So that,
ercept my trut in a merciful God, 1
have sacrificed for my country, my all t. brothers, house, home liv
ing and am cast, a beggar, on the
cold charry of the world. And all this
I owe to the Southern sla veholder and
to ifieir iniquitous attempt to murder
my beloved country, as lliey did mur
dt r my husband nnd brothers.
ow, Mr. John-oil, siuce you inviie
a comparison, what have you suffered?
Lxhitut your .-cars, and wounds, and
bruises ! Did you lose a leg or an arm.
or were you even so much as scratched
or bruised? Where is the blood you
smd! oubl ii stain a white cambric
p'ock'el7ja'rdF'ert hief ? How toot h
property did you lose ' , Why, if repor
speaks true, during most of the lime of
ihe war you were living on the "fat of
the land . in Nashville, out of harm's
way. protected, as you were, by Union
bayonets. Out of Uncle Sam's over-
fl iwing co limitary stores you drew
plenty to eat and drink the best of
meats, and, what was of still more
consequence to you. th choicest of liq
uors Adil this to your handsome s-ai-
vaetvi ti ewfj ?. tfffrirr
great Union party, whom you have so
foully betrayed, maue vui Vice Presi
dent, wi-h a salary of 8.000 per an
num. 'I hen. to crown it all. John
Wilkes Hioih made you President, and
there you are yet, io ihe. tune of 2-3
000 a year with '-fixitiS." The rebel
lion found you. 1 learn, comparatively
a poor man. Now you are ric.i. with
a sound body, not to speak of your
mind whose soundness is not certain.
Yoix, Andrew Johnson, talk of your
sacrifices and your suffering-, and
challenge a c 'inparason. Fie! fi-! up
on you ! W'hy, sir, upon that score I
ought to be America's Queer., ami you
ought to be sweating over the wash
tub! And now sir, are yo'T quesi ion.
as to who suffered more than you, who
sacrificed nmre than y'U by rea-on of
ihe war. answered? I did r, and I
know of hundreds of poor women, to
sed from 'he heights of afflux ice into
ihe vale of penury and want, who have
suffered and .ai-iificed ten thnu-nnd
time more than you. and are making
no ostentatious parade of it either.
Yours repecit u 1 1 y ,
Mary. Jane Catiiihwiite.
A soldier's widow, and the mother
of four fatherless children.
tfS In coiniin.' irom Helena to
Salt Lake, a Mr. Stebbin-, says the
Atchison Champion, pa-i-ed through
forty mile of grasshoppers, so thick
thai they cloudr-d the whole atinopher".
rh-V were travelling South towards
Utah at the rate of irom five to eight
miles a day.
Chicago. Ooi. IU. Returns frnn
the Indiana el cuon continue lu'ngre
an'l sl"w. tail it i. oenerally conceded
that the R' pub ican- have the L' gis r
tor - at d fifteen thou-and in the State.
Th 4 Ii 7th and Sth di'ricts are
v.-rv closaud doubtful. Ttie Denio
crat carrv ihe nrt tiis rictanu tne i.e
puv l'ttans all other-.
Moines. O. t. 10
from r-m ite rourt'ies c-rnmuaiiy emu
. : . . 1 1 .. . . -
iti-T in -h w ihi 3-5 000 i a moderni
s'ltnate for the Union majority. The
vote i- much larger than any polled in
ihe Sine heretofore.
Phiudi lphia, t t 10 Pennsy!
variii is claimed by h uh parties
The Philadelphia Hjlletin la-t even
in? estimates Geary's majority at 17
S00 while the D.-mocrats concede 10
The Dein crats claim th election
i f Morgan in the 13th Ohio district by
200 over Delano.
Before the electiou one would hare
thought democrats believed the Consti
tutional Amendment one of the worst
things ever proposed. That it forced
negro suffrage on the Siates, and thai
it robbed the people of their liberties.
Now, they laugh al such an idea, at a
geod joke. They have no earthly ob
jection to the document; in fact, ihiulc
it just the thing. Query: Can any
p trty be right, or any where near it,
that acts upon ihis principle ? Can a
pany be depended upon as a safe
guardian of the national honor anJ
welfare, that will oppose a measure
merely because it did not originate
with them? Let candid men thiuk of
these things, now thai the excitinent of
election is over.
Important to Travelers
A there is a great deal of travel on
our railroads nt this season of the year,
we have procured the railroad signals,
which will be found interesting to those
who travel on the cars or witness the
movement of irai.ns, and ihe men who
iperale the roads may desire lo know
the signals are given by the whistle,
ny lanterns, flags and motions of lhi
arms. The significnioa is:
One whistle "Down brakes."
Two whistles ' 0:f brakes "
Three whistles "liuU up.'J
fk'i n jru- aeewsitiff or sfrofrT wHiitt v "
is the cat le alarm. at whieh brakes
will always be put down..
A sweeping parting of the hands oo
ai level with th eye ii the signal to "go
A downward motion of one hand,
with extended arms, "to stop'"
A beckoning motion of one hand
"O back."
A lantern raised and lowered verii
cnliy is a siMial for -sianing;'' swung;
at right angles or srojslng the track,
Mo stop;" swung in a circle, "Lack the
A red flag waved upon the track
must be regarded as a signal of danger.
So with other sigauls given wiih
Hoisted at a station is a signal for
the train to stop.
Stuck up on the roadside is a signal
of danger on the track ahead.
Carried unfurled upon the engine is
a warning ihat another engine or train
is on its way.
JSir" Rev. Dr. JJelluws, of New
York, delivered a most eloquent and
impressive discourse on ihe occasion of
his return to the pulpit last Sunday,
during which he reviewed the recent
wwiG U4 MIC, ilUIUIU18Uatlllilt.t Will
e remembered that a fe w wet ks sincu
Dr. Bj!1jws preached a conciliatory
eniion, wherein he refrained from
imputing blame either to Congress or
he President. He cow, however, cor.-
tuns the latter with marked severity,
(Tinning tha he and and his advisers
have sought the glory of bringing
about a speedy reconstruction without
any regard to its permanency. When
ie departed from the city on his vaca
tion tirur, he was depressed with doubts
and fears. His vacation '"has been.
ie says ' haunt d with the spectre of
earful hypothesis a horrid, desperate
ruggle between even numbers for
he control of our national policy and
the possession perhaps, of the Govern
ment itself. Thank God ! the nlorious
iws from Vermont and Maine, so
o m to be echoed f n in Pennsylvania,
Ohio and Indium, has exorcised this
rightful ghost, and sh nvn us that the
people are sound at the core and will
not bow the knee to baal. intend to sup
port their m-uh"d and patient Congress,
and wait their own safe and prudent
ime for a 1 nving their late traitorous
foe to come into our political sanctuary,
and offi iate as fellow priests al the al
ter sacred to lib iy.
Chicago u t. it) Norman B
Jti'.'d, la e Minister to Prussia was to-
dy nnninated for Congress by the
Republicans f Chicago, heating John
entworth, late ii e nber, after a pro
tracted and biMer canvass.
The Cholera I as broken oil' here
afresh, causing much consiernaiinn.
(I,is-s average forty daily and twelve
nr fifteen deaths daily during the past
Further el.tion returns do not
chat je the results heretofore given.
Ind.ani delegation stands 8 Repub
licans and 3 Democrat". Democrats
graining Holman, in the 4;ll district by
300 majority.
Washburn (Rep ) is el-c ed in the
1 1 th Indiana district by 500 majority,
no I Orth (Rep.) in the 8th district by
3 JO
Gen IIuntT. (Rep ) has COO ma
jority in the 3d district.
The Indiana Legisla'ure is Republi
can by G majority in the Senate and
or 15 in the House.
Covode. (Rep.) has 300 majority in
the 21t di-trict.
l"rIt ts stated thai Fred. Djugla
will coon commence (he publication, i
Alexandria, Va.. of a paper t3 te it
voted to universal suffrage.