11 E L M B O L I). 1865. A3IISON, DOVEY &, CO., TOOTLE, TIAN1VA As CO., MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUT1I. Whchfalt aud retail dealers ia ,1 ': i v p r i M i CIIAS. VOGT & CO, Leather and Findings, North Side of Main Street, Ti trcJ Pioneer Block, Farnham SL, Cor. Main and 5th eta., ri.uii) EXTUAC l . OMAHA; NEB , Wwiuld call attention or matufactureis and deal-rs to ttieir large a'Jd complete assortment, couMntiug ol tTery article nttd u to the . , LARGEST NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of Dealers in 2$ 4Jt A 4 4? w -or- Shoemaker and Ilarnessmaker. JVest of St. Louis. Th'T vrtiuIJ tmi Itecptela! attention of cvdwi f mills ta tue;r large stock cf iiatiii;r md iron, Machine Stilclicd aLcathcr Wholesale and Retail Doalers in 33 TJ OXrXXJ. Ii.'C. Huntington & Co., lie Kin , V I UN or aU . CASH PAID rOJt HIDES, WOOL AND FURS. ' Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! xvn. herald Has moved into his new brick b-iilding on the cor ner or Main street and Levee, wheie he it tally re reivinit la ge additions tj hit already ext- naive HtK.lt of Gr R O C S R IBS AND He offers the very l",t of barizaiusto customers, and re'ii-?u a call tr da tfHae wlio want anything iu' faU 1 ; 1 1 t j tent the advantage iu prices With those c I others. . , r.euiember the BRICK CORNER, and give him a call if yon. wUh to buy cheap. -nov2 WAGONS ! J. REPORTER & CO Are ngenti ia this city lor the sale of the celebrated ' South Bend Wagons," Mad? by Frud-baker Bros They hav on hand gvmi a-'M'rtment, which will be replenUhed an t'axt an needed. They p,opoe to sell at the very lowest Bgnres. Flatt.-rnonth, March 2o.tf SEMINARY V o r C-eneral Education, rLATTSMOUTH. The English department under the. superintendence or air. t-tii-rluclt, late inspector or J'ublio Schools lu Canada . The Musical department i' conducted by Mrs. Sher lock, pupil of c lebrated Ul intern in Kaglai.d. The c nri' of in-tn:c:ion includes the . various branches nstnlly taught in first class school, Book Kidi:(r by doulde aud single enl.y, French Muic, (1'laa.i Fo. I., Guitar and Siogintr,) Ac. The term commences from the entrance iJ lite J"jil; payment in ilv.ioc. Mr. aud Jtri. STierlock return thatiks for the liber al support th y ( ave received, and phall by uuremit tiitjf attention to their pupils endeavor to merit Us contimuiuce. There ar only vacancie- for a few mure pupils, jaulu iira QUEIiNSWARE, IIAHDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus mess to merit a continnance or the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttamouth, April 10, 18f tf JUST rceived, 60caose JCanned Feae e- yt AJJTSON, DOVtlf & O'S. lOta AMISON , DOVEY A CO'S to pur ase your N endless variety o f La tfo o Sa A U 4 CO'. r l CAe Kd Moltby's Cove Ovsters lor s;. ic at A. I). & GO'S. G R iriiiiif :i l.n.i' 1 rtti- Goodsat 1'OR tALE at AMbOK, Do VKV k CO'S . aCoffee Ta . fcucur. (iolden Syrup, Sugar Ilou Ho-e 1 duties, New York Candies, etc , etc. larire lot of Chtwirg and Smoking Tobiceo or XL sale at QOAL01L or sale by & CO'S. A. D.ACO. f l BOXES Star Candles for sale by !50 A, D. & CO IF yon want to urchse goods at a bargain, poto A D. tVO o-' BAU3 COFFtl-just received by A Larc lot of Choice Tea at A. D. k CO'S. t Largi assortment of mei 'a and boys' clothiiijc L a. for aie ly A. 0 k CO. QUELLED t OKN for a eby A D.k CO. ) ACON and Lard for sale by 1 A. IV k CO A HE AV V INVOICE.of all xinds of Family Grv .a. reriej i uuu uinM.g bocd j:usl ece.ved liy A. I. k CO. LL kinds of Far mii.cr Implements for rale by IV A. V. k CO VLargi iot of Two Horse Plows for sale by A I). & CO. N endless variety f Hardware and Cutlery for iVsaleal A. D. k CO'S tSH, Doors, ShingleH, Glas, and Nails oft vei . J aescription for nle by A V. k CO. A I-L kimls ofConn:ry I'rocuce taken in exehana j. a lor goods bv A . D. k CO. 'pO enumerate all the arti. les we have fr i a 1 would fid one -deof th IIkrald. and otb' have as good a right to advertise us AMI.' ON, DOVEY k CO. Hh II gei-t OutfittiL'g lloue north of St. Josepl. P.attsuiouth, Xebraska'. T7T7T7 r C. B. STAUDE. Glenwood, Iowa, W. II. ANDERSON, Plattemouih, N. T STAUDE & ANDERSON, f Removed to New Three Storv Brick Ruildinsr, Fast Room Corner of Main and Third Sfs, Plattsmouth, N. T , Tito. K. TOOTLE, T. K. HA., J. R-CLaRK Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Tootle, Hanna & Clark, J)RY G00DS.GR0CERIES, HARDWARE BANKERS, Dealers la Gold Dust. Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U. . naid other Mocks- DEPOSITS IIFCE1VFD, and special attention given to Collections PTjATTS MOUTH, XT. T. i9 dXwtf CUTLEItY, QUEErVS W A RSE, Hoots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, 13LANKETS. HATS AND CAPS, And a variety of C-j ssast i a pvipo' nnron nrtnno Kin rAMov aotim tro B Alan Vun Mr.it.nll. nr. h.n.l . I,r f . r , ,lV.3 . t J UCLTjy, iiAlLitS, J1JYD CULT1VA-K TORS. r NEW GOODS! S Al.rg,.npply of MHV GOODS at th "NIMBLE SIXPENGE,' which I will sell at REDUCED PRICES, H as I am in ned of mony. OUTFITTING GOODS, O Flour. Bacon, Lard, 31eal, Beans, Dried Fruits, Also "'H L. BILLIN'OS. I v ill sell my 1 STOCK OF GOODS AT COST. I AUTI03T SALES 2 A larrje stock of AVooden are. Buckets and Tubs, W ah Boards, Butter Bow Id Butter Firkins, Water Kegs, Half Bushels, Meal Seives, Bjilding mattriiil, Window Glass, Sa-b and Diors, Paints and OtU, Farmer? Uiensil, Shovels and Spades, Forks, Hay Rakes, Double Shovel and . Two-horse ilolme Plows. O Hri H CD Hp H SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers'aHa rdwre Ffliidings and Tools, WAG OAS, PLOWS, &'c. ("Orders Promptly attended to. D- B. 3IdIECMAi, Dealer in Ear&ware, Cutlery IROJV, JVJ1LS, STOVES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also, Apetit for the Sale of the Celebrated .VAGUE COOK &TOVES, ASI BUANCU, LliOOKS dc i O'M SA H'A. SIGN OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Bflow the Seymour It' use, on opponite side," NbBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oci2o HARDWARE, -ARB- 3. HARPIIDG G07 POST OFFICE BUILDING NEBRASKA CITY, N. T Clothing of every description. WMES AND ItQUOnS OF All KINDS Consta ntly on hand a LarSe Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEN SWARE, IRON, NAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOOKS fc GLASS And every article required by EMIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS, IWIAERS & FAK.fJl):. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. At tho C-pe of Co, I li ; e THE HO T T j: .V TO TS II ,-. e I. B U O u WHOLESALE AND RETAIL "DEALERS LN SCHOOL BOOKS -AT TIII- AND FIRE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna Sc Co. Plattsmouth, April 10. '65, . STATIONERY Also Agents for all the principal MAGAZLXES and XEWSPAPEIiS, For which Suhscrl, tlcns are received at ruMishcrs' Prices - nrg if Apothecaries Hall. JOHN HEED & LO.J T. DUKE Co., Lor. .ua.n anu o.u Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB. Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, israss, Japajied nRTTOKAV AIRnifilNRSJ and stamped wae. 1 U KJ V i.ia a-.a-' w . i j T r, ;. v il -y ..f l.: It Wiit In rr. vv I f.ci.i iln c ni'V ir. o ii. v i-h li the Fu Mi li ii-i l i i i !. r;.r i.-. ,m, , -i re. ... men 1 1;, In. l it ,i ,, ,:, Jit,, ., Mil I ha 4 ! eiiiiie ii,: . t. i . . , i ,-. lli- piveii el., i ,. ..v -I, Tin- line Culan1, ,! lie Di i,l..er, ). 1 1. 1 i li,,'.ti ! i.i t1," i,l:i.l J' r i Uret.,i'rt, fur I Vii:. In , c Ire- iind Di:i5i i,irr v, Fur Pr. la' mi.- inl B'-inin,' Iiv , ,,r !''.; ipiu, t'lei'i, 1 1,,. f i : 111. 1 "i , ,lale . i,; i, 1 . ,,;,.,t i,u ,,r ,lie,nl:U In e ot 1 i III", I'll J i. II i.l'i'.i-.f .,,,,iK '. ,i'n: a di.jr," i tS-im. I " ii n .is. t nei in u. ri tt co'.ee; l,. d , I, il : t :u'.i .1 . u. It it .lis'" n-' ii :! 1 in . a" of Dyspepsia, Chrcnic iltcumatifiii, Cutmiri iii Alf't'le ns uo.J I i .t. To cni" tli-M- ' -',- iiii:-t I il: n.'.i t'e lllU-'-li K lv 111 li .li e ,'!'' U'i',1 ill li" ir V . i I'll- ! ,11 r ti,,nt. 'i.i li- i.!. i l it,, in, i,,'V.e.4'r -;iil in ly I., t ii t titlark, is sutc t- l!e -t the l.od:!- li.-- Ith aii-l iu u-l UU1TV1 i. Our Flesh and Ulccii ale snpo: ted i;i lit---.-- . 'f:o..i a r F.vrny .: roi i t in r. I'roru Ktif.mcy to Olti tsc, niel in (v y M ! of I t-.i : : I , , :i Telilu to I ..',' of til ' ' di ..-.i i . The CiJVi' S III ul liiij iit.sliUIt t s Viih U(,M il. The patk lit 1. i , lini v"r. ai n ImirMe r- ') i" Paints Oils, Putty and Glass. u-.or,, ,.fiieines of all kinds. Toilet article, sta tioner-, aid everything kept ia a first-class Drug Store, at Ea-tei n prices. Asr- We are prepared to till all orders, ana warrant our goods to be fre.-h. apr. 10 65 HELM 3 OLD' THOMAS.C. CRENSHAW, k FACREB OF AND DEALER IS Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Lathes, Whips, -c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters' OUTFITTING GOODS i Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid, Ovens, Flllid ExlTilCt Of UllClllli Camp Kettles, xc. . We also keep Cham l umps anil Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, ColFee Mil1" &c. Philoih I pi hi li; filing liui'f'ni I'.Jitui inl ', fLi r. irJt is;-. L. FilOST & Co., wholesale; GE O C S KS. i - Opposite the Po9t Office, IVEHRAMtA CITY, N. T. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are .agents for the sale or fete w art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, betw een Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA IlKLMHOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Innnibal & St. Joe R. R. iSll Packet Line. wil! commence October 1, IS66. Tl st t mouth, Sept- 11, 166. L. ElLLIXOS. rrh Tii-e to get rheap I anfpt nod Ijmp Chiranrs J. ia at MLA tK, JSL'TTSK 1' t CO.'fJ. feb27 02 One of the rnmiitnr Steamers leaves daily from I every point on the Missouri River above St. Joje h, and amves at St. Jos't h in time to connect with tne express train on the ilanuibal k .t. Joseph Railroad for Hannibal, at wIVco place connection is made the same evening with one of trie neuaii t-acKets.wnicn arrives in time to connect wilh next mon ing trains oat of St. Louis for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis ville, Terre Hunt' Wathin.ton City, Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, ard to al! other Katiern. Xorthern aud Soothern Cities. The above mentioned lines of cleltaDt Packets are conceded by all travelers to be the bet on the western waters. THKOCGH TIC'KtTS For sale to St. LouU. and all Eastern, Northern and S juthern cities via the above lines at Denver City, m ha, Council fclutr. Plattamouth, ?iebia,ka i ity, aud at all other principal ticket nn ! In tn west. 4aMeals and State-rooms freI R- KRI), Sup't R R. P. h., St. JoM-ph . U. Q. FUKOU-'OM, 8ec'y R. R P. Ij., St. Joseph E. C. LEWIS. Agent, ap25 FlatUmoutb, Nebraska. STUPPY & BEHR, So. 18 Sorth Fifth Street, BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., W holesale ami Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Cils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for DTedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physician Will find our stock of 3Iedicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Hit Eolid ail Fluid Kilrjett emhi.dy tli fu! In null it Mi-i iu a id, en's of aliieh tiny areiiJin'J Tl 'y are left to tli - in-pe-ti, u of all. A tei'.'v m.il co'jeli.i ve fi-t of :!,iiriri -i t-,-t will be a corni nr.- son witii hoi-e .et f'ii'th in tl.e I'nited ri'ate. Oit; .s sa'ory These ri nie.li..s a'e r. par1 d by . T. He'ra bold, a d; ii'nt of tixteeu years' exp rienee in tl,n city, and we I elitve hem to be n-ii ,1 !i ; lu fai I, have n. vr known an uriicle Inckirs n-erit o mr with a perinmirnt hiiti.-', nud ir. Ik I. jiV .'.!' urr. t is criainly piima f.uio evidence. Hit liruit ni Chcii.ii al V:ir. h ut e, in the nty of NrW V ,ik. i r.ot exi'Mied, if : i'i; 1. d, t,y any in tho ountry, sti I we would advite ocr r"i l.:rs, whe:, v, Kiting tl.stc y to five him a caii, a:id J l.'jo for them civ.s. HELimOLD'S EXTRACT OF UVCUV. fit iw- . -m j . - sr. josepu, - - - Missouri, t' itsictcins' 1'rescriplions uarejully f illed by Dr. Bla4k. PIANOS, ORGANS, MEL0DE0NS, Violins, GuitsM, Flute., Accorileon.. Flutinas, Mu- PlatUmOUth AfalYltt 1R6) tf sic Books and .'NiEt Miic. Genuine Itaiian and isiuhluuih, -iy t, JODU, U German Violin fctringj altraysos Land. maySwfm.