I a ... ....... i; , i She cbvasfca gtcralcl. "LOOAL NEWS- FL'ilLIC SPSIEUXU. Hen. T. M. M.ii;sii;crr nnd Hon. I. SrtuLi Mojiox, canil Jh': for D'fE'1'-' ,;l Corijrt'i'i, .vi:' n! Jrt:-.s V.e J s.tiieris a: the f-jl'.vu.j :i .u- . i:i.' places : Ktirr.tr City, t.Vea.h'1', 1) jk-.3, Bx.l'ir, l:s...ti, 8 1 trw, l-.ai'-m -nth, Ki-I lllu ura Ci'.y, fe;A 19 - 51 je -. J7 as i 8 Oct. Mtij. JjH.f Tatee, candidate for Member of Congress, will nddre-is the t tixcni at the following tirnca nnd r;ce : nit C'rek Fora, l.ltiCa-W, Th'ir!ay evenitj-, 5e;t, 27 Friday i Vaturi.iy " " itf V-am WeJntatI-ty'4 Daly. y The N. Y. Tribune cantuini n call fr a 8:j!'Jitrrs' and sailors' convention nt ajracuse signed by two columns of nuiues f Now York soldiers. JTi'd pre?nt a few figures to day, tititled fact for tho people," which ws s..h1c every cicji'l man to examine trefjlly befora he euy lie f mora. A. Ji!i:. son's recon-truction policy. pyijn. Grtint d'icd nut propo.no to be J-vaq iutj mi expressiou of hi opir.i ms ij riri to "My Po:icy but he bud no l.;'.taD 'y in tcllm; n dtsc-rter fruiii the I'jija Cl'133 in l''l:usvlv;tlii:i the oilier Jty th vi ,4a soidior vU.j v.uu'.d vote a c: p.-rli?nd ticket would Jir.ici b;iunel. jj j rare a traitor to hi- il." JTvVho t-vur h.trd of n p;irty print . the speechtu cf their opp ini-nta and j.rj'jiitin ttt-in, without comment, ns xpain d jcoiueiits. The Republican L'a'jo I!.t"C"iivc' committee prupusu u-iii; Aslrew Juhti-..ns spet chi-a in ih;at man i; ; n. 1 wo iliin u better thing could bit b ) dae. fiT'J. Parcel & S ni hive to' 1 out i'.e r b iry to M Ubi.-t JL .Son, of Omaha, ho pr-pofe to prosecutu the business with renewed vi.ir. They wiil h1m ker-p ! ;;ooi tOck t groceries, etc. Mr. I'.ireJ still rtt-.in ;i p irt of tin Luild.n, mi J. will continue tu feed tin: 'fs.fj ii li'.nitcl tuimbero and Mr-. Pircd knowd what c uiititutes a ,o jd "ii.Td nienl." i'Jf. ier circle, s:vy tho Uinahn llfu.J, wti ormizod in Mr. Pownev.'s ot: on Satttrd.ty n'.ght. The uttendnnce w i lati''. Adlreacait wore in-ide v ty tho j-ro ;;,; ch.t'.ruiHn--liiilip l h -r if, Go. Fraiicii Trail), Dr. 0'lInlon, I'. OTlnnina nnJ o:her. C. A. lown:w ns eivctud cti'.'re; Jjhn Pnriht, t5:cretary ; and Jaaiett Siiliitan, Trettsurcr' J:" T.u: tdiy' tui'.y. "Wo understand Mr. Gilroy has Mlabl'tlied ti ferry neros M iia St. op ioit.; thr.non'a livery Ftabli. If any it ''.j-.iUx it, let them as' K!. H.jttery. yVo ;iiM call '.ha H'.ttT.'i.m of j- r.. Lt.i to tin r.dvortisoin"ai of !.'.. r-.- I.iii, C.i'.iiO'l'.i il Croit.;i. ,::! hivir as.T l.j-i.. in t!. -'r l:n. ':'.; Er. 1 tlietn reli tM ) and th irj-.sh toon. ' J -.iiiU, III J i'.vininurouo.l th; ra'.f," nppo ir. t) li iV-.1 fur ttun thai A:iinc"n p jre,t ninth tn:i';c;il ,-roL'.! of 's rir i: lb-: eirel V Uc th-' thumpn lit: ro c vod npoa thj corners Cicvtiar: j, St. Lou:, Li.d.opo'.'n nnJ 1'ittslur. p c j lo of tiiis city wi'i e ftppar tnvl urprised and ple.nod nt thrf un-b;'-d for r.rp-uran.e of u '.r:u"r : t;!ti purt.-i I hi in 'irr.ii . hi the (i-rson of 'U!d S -I." II'- h id not beun e-n for i);no t ii. i', and m i!y of -ur f pli- w hime rn'iiijry i 'n"thinT to Ir'i of,"' l.'id 1 tiil fur j'Sen th-. old ffilviw. 7 Afir r'di:ig the Wecklv K -c'-iv Mi.ii-.i en t(:'i, urt- a'n; .it led to bj i;ev; t'.r.t th it p;ipor il u-s not endor lh t biiMiisirntlon of Gov. Cuniminj ai hi is iii'ire fumi'.i rlv C:iUod in C)li:n !j, o!d IIol-nosJ. Well, wed.m't Vrcr.Ur much nt it, for the old wh.'ip hs i;';Tc :i crtifio-ita of election lo A C Il.iiit, when th-J sworn nteui-nt of icelo-iri ofoinva-e s c Mr. Ch.'o.u i :'ivi'J a in ijoi'uy if tho votes of ihe Trrl:o.-y. XraTA Teu'onit' i;i jiidu 1 ea'ere an "Jothecarie'a cfieo ij this city a few njr:iiniS since, with tho csclnmation: 4'1 dinks ze eity authorities zhou'di4ve b-idr lo!i;e rrpuhitions here." Upon it :z aied vhrtt ihe troublo wa, hi: id a fellow h.-id entered his house 'Mast B:;h: about four o'cloclt this morning" tij 4,i..r:v ne:ir noke mv rack." II insi:J if h- knew th feilow, and said '.'; I er.w .. .i icui four yenr iiro, ! ho 1 ertv nrnr kill in Z'-i h.s name i Ar.i k " j n ricedlor-i" to sny that be wis f Jm'bhed with the proper weapons for d'ftnse, in absence if tho ''bolice teU;ioi;." Wi'l'ID NOT "CILK " JTA tran in Clark Co. hating made preparation for a b'r dinner selected one of lis ne.t turkeys to boil. Dinner t-ica eixe on i with it th turkey, but to rve it he could not, the fork refused to ".'-''r, nn-l th knife refued to cut. Ti'.rin i ime fiend, in human fchspe, hid an attempt to poison tha family, turkey was fent to a chemist to ex min for the de?.J',j poison. Iu the nar.tim" tha servants were closely ques iooo;, ivnd tb.j truth came out that ' of "Roback's Blood Pills" were hro-.vn out, and the turkey eating tome of t.cru, they Lad taken all the bile' of h-in. It is aid that Johnson wns in aJranco of the constitution at the laying of the corner stone of the Douglas monu- ! innt, liAving "left it with tho people" nt Michigan City, pnnu Gfty niilei haclc. Th? Iowi State V sir was commcc- o l at 15 iri tr.n on the jSih inst. Zj?" ' le 'term cleared up (or cleand out) yestardny, naj this morning eery thing was white with frost. G"The Sheridan House in this city is closed op, and the furniture offered for sale. C"The Post Office at Nebraska City does not open on Sunday in consequence of thire bring no mails on that day. 2?"Amison, Dovey &. Co. are reraov in their goods to the new storo room, where they will be able to wait upon cus tomers in tip-top style; itTbo big bell for the court home in Nebraska City ha arrived and been hoist, ed to its lofty position. It is proposed to have it run three times a day as a guide to workmen and a timo regulator. C5?"Mr. Graves will so.in have his new brick barber shop completed, when he wiil be prrpared to bhuve you po clean you won't know you evt-r had any beard. In the meantime be can be found next door to I'ngle's Shoe shop. iTHon. E. 15. Woodbury, of Ohio, arrived on the Denver this moi ninp, nnd proceeded direct to Salt Creek, where !ns on lives. Mr. Woodbury will prob ib' n. like us a fow political speeches be fore returning to the ea:.t, due notice 2f whi It will be given through thij IIekald. .'S?"'I he Sla'.r. ni'in has at last hoisted tho regular copperhead ticket. It held backus long as it was possible, but the "f re8ut3'" becaino so great that it had to go up. When Morton tel!t Democrats to do an", thin t'ley generally d it with ut any if or imds about it ; ana 'Ajax" will soon learn lellr than u attempt to be spunky when h receives nn order. CfTL -t it be rem- nbered that lion. T. M. .Maiq . tt nn 1 Hon. J. S. Morton will ."ddrt-t-a the ritiz' n-s at this place on .Yo.'i Jtytlie Isl ilny if (Jclnlrtr. Wo hope every nvin in Ca county will be on hnnd nt 1 o'clock, nnd mike their Ciloul.iti in-i to -tay until lute at night. L-t us have oiher spi-akers hero, and have the --Fires of Liberty" kindled nnew in every heart. We sco a notice in tho Nebraska ('ty p"p?rs of the arrival there ef Pad dock nnd fjockwood, the 'wo renegade I.tipublicans f r n price. What'a the matter.' Thy are aJvurti.rd to Eprak in ths southern portion of the Territory all this Wt-ek. ILts the --burnt district" becoma too hat f.:r them. We hope the Hun. copperhead canillJats for member of Congrs will give us a speech here, and give us sufficient notice that we can lot tho people know when it is. I'rcm .iutvrduy' Vu,ty fMuque't and Morton -?peak here at 7 o'clock p. m. on the 1st day of Oc tober. Don't fo-et it. j''S'iun'iors A Kos'.ers lottery ar rangement has "fizzled," and they have rot what ther c-ou'.d out of it and made an "usiigiimeiit."5 ij (jy .Simpsor, Sharp Si Co., shipped a quantity of Cour on the Denver this n irning. Neb-acka mills nre making as good Hour now nn can bo found in any part of the world. Grading on tin B. & M. II. R. is now being don J within 75 miles of this city. The company have over 2 000 hands at work. Don't bo alnrmed, friend-. Th road will reach Platts ruoijth in due season. !?"The Omaha Hi-jmlUcan nays : We have just learned that Jeo. Francis Train ! has m.-id i another 'arre land purchase to day the stior.d largest, ever made in the Territory. We aro yi utilised the pnrtic ulars in a d iv or two. (jyihe paptrs in Nebraska City are in cc-tiicies ovor the reading of Harry lliohniond Thoy cun-idcr. him a thor ough master of elocution, an! his delin eations of Sh.ikspsare's eharacters as excellent, (TiTh"? St. Joseph Union announces the probable nuicido by drowning of R. V. Smith, Eq-, editor of the Farina's l'-ar!t an agricu'tural paper recently started in St. Joseph. He left a note to his room mate siying that he was going to drown himself. g-We have received, from the Sec reary' oCce, a codv of the "Revi-ed Statutes of Nebraska' It is a volume of over S00 pages, and is neatly printed and bound in a fultable and substantial manner. I' contains all tho laws now in force in Nebraska, and nhorld be in the hands of everv roan who desires to be familiar wi;h the laws of the country in wh-ch he lives. Fim Xotuloy't laVy. gIiusinesS on the river is very li rely. From two to five boats a day arrive at our l.uiding and discharge goods. "Our merchants are receiving.thir fall ctcck of goods ; and if an- one de sires to form a correct idea of the 1 usi. ness done here just let them note the im mense quantities laid in. "The firm of Ravmond, Miner &. Co., dealers in music and musical intruments, Conujil B'ufFs and Omaha, has broke up in business and left numerous small end some largo accounts unsettled. We ap piehend they bave-acted a little dishon est in the matter, and would advise any persons having dealings with any of the members of the firm in futur? ta watch them pretty sharp they will boar it. Q7'If this is what is called the "equi noinicsi5' etcrm, we don't want any more of it. It has rained almost constatnly for two weeks piit, the sun only appear ng oc: usion illy to remind, people that he wns still in existence. ('jf'iiring along your b'g potatoes i qiope to imm v o'lit: j t:.;s i::-iriiJiig w Inch I W. J. H-'sser It-ft mud II: d at our t-i i c.. ... ; . ;. . ;.. tl . : forms us that a noighbor raised one that weighed nine pouJl Can any par of Nebraska beat this? If so, we would like to bear from it. gxf We have tho most encouraging news from north of Platte. Marquett is reported to be giving Morton the greatest flaying he ever received ; and Morton is already sick of bis contract. The Uuion men everywhere are rallying to the stand ard, and such a hout as they wiil send forth on the evening of October 'Jth will make A. Johnson sit unoasy in his Prsai dential Chair. 57"Docs any body remember Dr. Bjrt, who made such a blow in this Territory last summer? We take. particular pleas ure in pronouncing hirn an unmittigated humbug and scoundrel. He left th'se parts owing a small bill at this oflioe, which no one but a scoundrel would do. We pive the Dr. the benefit of this no tice, and take especial pains to send him a copy of the paper cantaining it. He purports to live in St Louis rrom TuettJuij'n Diily. 'X"0 to the new Bakery of Ma!his& Sons for your Fresh Rreud. 20 luacrzfur a one ibdlur bill. C7Nt;braka Spring Wheat, prime, is quoted in St. Louis market at $2. 15 per bushol. JIt nppe.irs that Mr. G'.lroy has eg tabli-hed a ferry acropn the River at PI a 1 1 s m o u t h . () :n tlx II ruld ??"See advertisement of "10,000 Heads nf Cabbagf." by W. J. He-ser. Mr. Ilesser has the largest crop of cab bago ever rai-ed bv one man in Nebraska, and people wishing to procure thi arti cle will do well to SiIld in their orders For I.vdio . O nn, Cliid'n. JTi'l the r-t ormm. kind, , i nd is rejr, d I d :ill kind f or c i I at the garden j a v .,. f T- u. m. - I WAT II CLOCK AND Q. Mr. Gibison, of Ivi;ht M:!e rove, j is "up to the litres" on the sweet potato ; JEWELRY REPAIRING question. left one in our office to-d IV In the lit man-it-r, .nd world l: li i py t .aerve,i. ... -i . . . old and a- lusay new Ctft.-uie-s a- in.i.v fiv L.m which weighed o 1-2 pounds. W don t ,M p,-.,,,,,.,...;,,..,,.., ,,., , .h,..r ..k w n helievi' there is unv part of Nebraska H' ni "1" 'e P c . I on -h rt I;.,.-- Til - -:rk, ombritceia- ee-y vt ley f .d- n-uad k-pt can beat Cass county for producing t tir-i c-. J. w i-y m ie wm i- ! at i.i -' . pr.ce, a. id v.Ma-.ied -f hvi 1 kin m.-hip aid large potatoes, or any othr vegetation, j mairiiai. lie ha- sj a rvi ill ftutk or g.-Tho advertisement of Mr'I.U &. j y A t I Y G R O C E II I E S , Sons appears in to.davs paper. They j " . ii it . whirh will re;l-.-r.L-!i..il fTvn liir.i- t. tin-, and propose keeping all kinds of Gro. I i a! the I. west fi'ires. Hari-iir pptin ir ei'iy In . , . , , ... ,, i ctt'J iu tni- ciu . 1 ri -pv?'-!! ,y -..iiv-ii a i-hure cf pa CeriJ- and Provisions Winch tliey Will sell ; troii-iue, anlnr li nly i.ivi-,- I to ca l and exam n & . i-.- r.L. l i : tie BTites c.-i h:i:!. an ire v.'uM h- r'.-?-rfl :o srrrr at tho bottom of the market. I bey ad- . ,u. s.,d . .k JO , ::y ,,..' e,-., Tfrtiso for'c.Mintrv produce, nnd farmers : :t f:'r tvt w PJt" , ,,v. will Cud it to their advantage to c ul on them. In tho Bake ry lir.o they have th very best of everything. f7Mr. E. A. Oaves has sold out his interest in the Tobacco and Segar store o Mr. Ceylon Williams. The establish ment has been removed to tha P. O. Building, and will hereafter be carried on by fh firm of Montgomery & Williams. If you want a first rate article of tobacco or a No. 1 segar, don't forget that the I O. r5uild;rg is the plac to get it. Thrkk Groves, Cass Co. N. T. ) Sept. 21 1SG0 I On the l"th of September my barn was struck by lightning, eot on fire and totally consumed. Fortunately I was insured in the Farmers L Merchants Insurance Co , of Quincy 111. Policy insured by C. T. Whitmore, chief agent of their Brnnch ofEc in Omaha. I bavo this day receiv ed $100, the fu'.l r.mount of my claim tinder Agcr.ey Policy No. 190: I would recommend tha Fanners & Merchants Insurance Co. to ray friends and neigh bors as a prompt paying, reliable Insur ance Co. HS. M. Chapman Esq., of Platts moutb, is sgent for this Co. Call and s ee him nud Insure your property. John F. Bcck. To the Farmers of Ca?s Co. Wheat wanted at Coopers Warehouse, Plattsmooth, for which I will pay the highest market price in cash. Call and see us. w 2. J. S. Tkwkseckv. EKROitS OF YOUTH. pct.tlainr.n nho suffered fur years from Verv-iui r.b:liiy, I'reniatji e Decay, and all the ff :t ef Teuihf".! indinc t.tiin, will, f r the sake of utf tin h it.: oi.tT, rend tie'' to all who Died it. the r eij.t and ,di tc:i-t.a fjr nakinit the mnple tenudy ly which l.e w.i cuictl S'-If-reis wis-hidg to profit by the derti.-er's expetienre, can do so by ad'lreitg, in pt-rf.e' ci nfidenc; JOuM B Ounc, teplowSm No. 42 Cedar St., New Yo. k- I)IS?0LUII0N. The copartnernhisy, in theL'verv busi ness, heretofore existinj: between th tin deraigTed. under the riamtt tind slyle ef Shannon & Orr, is this dav dissolvd by tnu'ual consent All rer-ons having any account whatever with the firm are re qn-sted to con e forward if-medintely and eet'le. Jons Sihnnox. II N. Our. Th"; business will hereafter h con duced by the und'-rsiirned, at the old rrid. where the best of accommodations nro efiVred. John W. Seansos: t sepi 15 w 3. l"In going for or orderinc good, the grfat qjfstion to bo solvnl is where thev can be bai So as to enable th" pur chaser to make the greatest profit If ih-'V enn he bad ne ir home for about the iamo nionev that wou'd have to be raid at a greater distance, it is ce.-tainlv an inducement. Let our dealers in Groce lies. Liquors, e.c, reason upon this sub jeet,aiid when they wan' nnvthing in the line, eo to Westheimer & Flppstein, in St. Joseph, am we doubt not thev can make it more profitable than to send or go further ettf. j 2olnv Wce5;iij Water Institute FOR YC'l-NC LADIES. ALICE BROWN NIcnOLS, A- M Piineipal. I'pe .t Mouiay, Sept. 17. For Te:nn of Board and Tu ition. i.d-ea rr:r.c:pal. Iloic its, Nebraska j Ci:-, S. T- pt.lI.Stwl. UNION PACIFIC RAIL EOAD ! FREfGHTI PASJtEitGERS C mm ncing 'Mondity, A'.'BJM 20lb, lcC5, tha T.". iu Tuciflj Kail UoaJ wi'.l it)iiPahSiii0-cr nud l',e :!,t Tiains BET. OMAHA & KEARNEY Tnilus will !eave Omaha DAILY (.VuiiiinT txct 'J,CouDt:cijiig at Kearney tritU ETolladay's Overland MAIL and EXPRESS COACHES fo- Tnccr. Sa't f.atr, Virgini-i City, and a'.l poiott in Vvlorad , I'tuU. IJttho und Muntami. The I'MDS PACIFIC It A 1 1. KOAI) is amply equipped with fi st-c!sh i-onnlie. f o tLt cars and enffiueb, to do pr.inip ly t I - liu.-nesti l.-iat iwty vtT r. I'aotr ireiK n iy rely on rlti-1 oniiecrioiis east r. mi west, aud htppr are su'-d tbat all fre!git will receive di:.paicli and fcecnefuHy hamllnl. 8AM L. B. UKU), Citi l 5upt. W. FNYDEIt. Gcn'l Fieight A IKktt Ag't. Ommi. Aug. 10, 13u6 auijSOi'.ii w3m. JCSEPn SCniiATEH. WATCJ MAKER and JEWELER, MAIS STUEtT, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA A ftfd as-e tinen' if Waiclie. Ci-. ( Prn c!ry. Silver War'. Fane o' - VLJ us and Vi olic Triinninps aliriyt .n hiid. A .'work cell! uiit t l t his e ire a i 1 tic w.u 'anted. April 10. l(-lia. IS IC "W ." JEWELRY STORE The mb-cr.lT havine purchased the It' d 8tme on 2d nhi'd, I itely nconpitil l-y Sai I y a-i-l . ihev. would ri-speetf'ii.r infot-m the ciiix-ii of 1'lat'MHi uth an 1 viciuiiy, that he hi refliitd he t c and opened a la' Ke y-K-k of " " J 3H JJ jEIS Hi 2PL"ST AND FANCY ARTICLES itNtray WalL. Ou Sifvd.ty th;' !f!'h day or er-'emi rr, Irs, t o-'.e o'c r,ik. p. pi , on oe fMinlfm of Jn n h Buck, in Vt PI ja ir Pio.-ia t. 1 ili e!t to il.s h-ir-t kidd T for c:ih n iw.i o'-l 'r.tj:s :-e.- 'lak cn up ar.d pOit. d l y Jjhn F. l:ur' J- W. K A i:NE . tUK.57 S J-iMlueof Ji-: IVa;. Probate Notice. A. L' Child, adm!nistra:or of thel To (be Pro ejiate ot Alex. LtTiug-tuD.iJec'd. U.te Court, vs. ) The Widow and lleirt of the u- Petition la tl caw d. J I jid To all whom It may emtem : Ton are b.-rtby in formed that on th- 3d d iy or?ept-iuber, A , Ib66, i'd A 'niinlitiato- filed hie petitn-B in the P-obate C'O'trt of fans ronnty. Net ra.ka lerriO.ry, tbe ob ject and puyer nf aaid petition is io obta m a- order t'oiii said C'Jiirt fur the rtile of the following real eMa'-, to it: The noitliwi-M quurti-r o .-iti'in 'hiriy tbree (.Hi. ! Tri-Khip No. twelre (I2i. and part of the t".i rihwesi terti n thirteen, town-hlii li, rm ge 11, ind one Lit t-n acre in tiyiea I.IjikI, all in Ca-sC'o. ST. 1 he Coui t wil' hear said pU tion on Krd.iy tlie .'::li :t t O. toUr A. D. 166 at 10 o,cIi.ck a. in., -t which time all ereona interested can appcr ad i-how caus- u liy su'd prayer khuuld not he Kr mtetl if any they have. (iiven un r my hand and oflicial eral this 4th day nf September ieC6. J. W . MAUSil ALL (Stall Profrsie Jiei.-e. be; '34 m." W. D. GAGE.- VP. R. DAVIS. CI t Y BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER ST011E. We are el!p:(t Hunts, ,?ho?i and Leather, at oar store on Miiu-t:ett, one dour tsl of the Putt Valley l'ouse, CHEAPER than ti.e CHEAPEST We are minufactnrinjr w irk fio-n the very best ef atork.aaa 'ill accjturnoaate all nrno may give us a call. Repairing done at all time. GAGE & DAVIS. Aajf. JO, '6e dJtwtf FARM AND TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. " I ha-e one th be-t farms in Nebraska, also, a e-noe b'Hly or tin, hrr and a quantity of ni.improTeii prai rie li.od. whic i I offer a!. Th' re ire food im provements. iter, rock k nd tinher on the place and It is a d hahle atuck farta For farther pat- tieu'ar-, ad treas. O. W, C"l. 17. AirlOwGra. Pia't-moutb, K. T. N E W Boot & Shoe Shop. The miH-cr hec wnnM re-oectfully Call the atten tion of the ettiiens of Plutt.nionth and the pol.l'a at me to the iat that be ha- h.cated on dis)r east nt II. nelati'a I) nf tore. whe-e lie mird!i keepinr in l ai.d and m kita -n th- -hoiteH n. tice, evei y srtieiem hie line. H is t-s-lc beinlt wle-ted by h m--e f. and havimr it enttle mot of hi. lite in the bnnine?. he r-e s condde.it that he can g ve satiafia lio-i. 'itve liim a e.ttl. Iril 1 5 J. THOUKMCIKIOS. E STRAY NOTICE. Taken up hy the -nhscrU-er on hi premise la oui-viite It cinct. Call ci-nnty. on the Sih day af sept , ISiaj, one Mule of a bay color, having the ap I ei ranee of a woiked animal, "td ue i6 .appowi o he eicht or nine year old. Ti e owner Ctn pro care aid aai'::al by makins applicati. a at icy rc.i- d nee -i . ; JOI15 INIIKLPER. Platteoinuth, N'.T Sp:. 8 1S65 erp -H,4- LArVD FOR .SAIE. Th- rortbwft fractional tjQarterfcCtinn 4, T.wu. ship II, no tb -f KanRf IS ea.t, iluetd but a few nilea f oin Flatiemouth, containing P.O acre. Address. JM 8 Mr ARTHUR. ' aiiB2iiw3in 81. I enls, BIj., 415 Maio lre-t. FA 11.11 FOR SALE. I ill sell, on reasonable terms ICO aerej of Land, with a ico- d farm h.n-e on i , or wi I it de-irel by furrtias-r, ceil 2-10 acres, one huudre : and - ott of w: ich is improved. I he land is totoated at E.ght Mile throve, io t'ass cot Dty . and i ot.e of the ter' tock farms In Ncra-ki, being well watered and ti inhered.' For particnlari ecqoire on H e premise of JiH5 8. TKWKSBCKT. May if. N E Lou.neh .Main a.d Tiiikk ! OUTFITTING CLOTHING II 0 U S E IN THE Dealer Gents' Furnishing Goods. Iffats Cap-, Boots, .Shoes. Trim!.-, Va!ie, &cv., Jkc. Also narge lot of " -- - RU BEER CLOTHJN'o AND REVOLVERS' Of all dscrip'ions nlwnys on hand. fS tall and examine an, extensive ticck at the Hew Masonic Platteraouth, April 10th, 18GG. Simpson, Sharp & Co., Vhj!fiale 5. 4 li Hcccivingj Forwarding and Commission Merchants. . PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealer in 'FA XC Y A SD S TA PL 12 GROCEltlES, PRODUCE, I'tlOVISlOys, ST. LOUIS FLOUR, DOORS, 6 1-S7, Wl.XDOW-BUXDS, GLASS, . I'IXE LUMBER, SIILXGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC-? ETC. Alio, brents for the celebrate! SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER AND REAPER, Quaker 'Boy and Wood's Mowers, jr cTol z 33. w agons; ctoC?. We intite all to Call and See us, and Examine our Slock. Simpson, Sharp in Co. jflrlldwfm ri i i-iif Yxr t i " ltf$&Mm Pw.tiif North PLATTSMOCTn, t -c-t V r4i' Pictures taken Ambrotvnes. Photograph. Gem Pictures, Albums &c, constantly kept on hand. mnde to order, of any size WJf. R. PESICK, PKNICK & fh Wholesale ft QD ' (SB Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Oil andXamps, NCS- 3 St 5 SECOND 3-VVe are'.the Northwettern Wfcolei:e Agent an l etc tarBith their aedlcii.es ia cj- jianf itie. -W 51 A N , Stki:i:ts. I'i.a ttsmoi i if. N. 'V. WEST! in Brick Building. aiiJ Retail v sS3 ttt nivr is' t'eli-sV- FK-im finllorr Sk'e Main ft , of all Kinds. &c. A rjood assortment of Cases Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames WK. LOVING. LOVING, Dealers la 3 Pure "Wines and Liquors, Coal Stationery, &c. ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. for Dr. P. Jayne k 8cd, l3 Dr. J. C. r" Co . jar.ii It EL ISl'S SUGAR-COATED, I O a W w PURELY VEGETABLE, o o Free from Jlcrcurj AND ALL MINERAL POISON, And are, undoubtedly, the beat remedy extant SICK AXD 1VERV0US BEADACflE ! operating , as they do. hv vird, -T4?5 of a special nffirnty for the mucous membrane of the towel i v inereoy remoTing the causes. As a o M Pi thejrean linve no rival, being com posed of the most Powerful Vegetablo Extracfs which hnre a direct action on lite SPLEEN AND LIVER, the happy effect of whieli can l.e seen alter one or two dooes. Thry llemove the It He, Assist Digestion, Cure Costivcitcsfi, la fact, they are, as their name luiiictites, the BLOOD PILL "The Life-Giving Principle." striUe. nt Its vet v root, eiiy;iii t!ie ' i avatem in tho Intl ..r i , .:.i. . fTjl ' Tlmtl aaniMli iO .1:..., 1 lire l'KH FKCI'I.V IIAHJII.KSM H i I L, ! IJif AMS, OK TKliSOX-i ("FTIii: 1 r I MOST IKI.ICATE CUX.ST! 1 1- i T10N8, and ate n 1 M j SAFER, SURER AND BETTER i I B S3 Purgative Pill it, thnn has ever liefnte been nv.-nhil.l,. Io niankitnl, mid, beoi" thi-'hlv -L'- ' GAK-t'tATKI.ttree!i..-illv ;.,t. I "1 ed asa KEMKHV KHU II I llHWKN. larj nntl per. -oiik who ,nv. n ilie.-i.l of I ti j niiuuiS n pin. uiev are, tin. i que.stional.lv, one ot our Moat I o.u...iiui I'iu.utnis. and no linn...i.ni i Bhotil.l heuitli- -VsV. PRINCE, WALTON ft CO., (Successors to Dr. C. V. UoWl;,) ' t sole ntorKiETons, ITos. 66. 58, 60 & 62 East Third St. CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicines EVERYWHERE. Yl'i-i. Klitriclntni.'-. Co , One door wil of Dj.uliin's Drug-store, DeeltTa i.i Eeady-made Clothing, GKNTS' rUIlNISHIKG GUUDS, ha 7X. v, i s toors st:vi:s. and a smeril stock f OUTFITTING GOOES For Ihe Plains; also, a Int(:e lot ; f R UBB ER CL O Till XV. Ji i: VOL I -ERS JI.YD jYOTIO.VX. Ve lii.iicht K.w and will sell cheap for -..-ii. t'al. and fiiniiuooui-glLCl; bfuie v o i he. r j n v h?i a eu el jyl 'li Wei. IlALkLMAKi' k t-J. a. Antra, p. a. ri;!!:;Wi!. S. ADLEP. & CO , RE(JTIFIEBS JI.YD DISTILLERS. Coalers i:i all kinds of Foreign and Dt-mestic WINES, LIQUORS AKD CIGARS. A'O. 14, EAST SIDE JIAHKET MVARE, St. . Josevli, ocCJ ly o n. tPiir, CiLti t:s a ciioxtm, Lite Sup't In lia.i Ajalrs. Attorney at Imio IRISH, CALH0UH & CP.0XT0N. The atiove n:.ra-l Seatnjen Uv.-e ass elated Ihrmetvee in bnimjpfir tha pu-p.so nf t) e ct io ami c llcctinS a!i c'3irrn ii:a'u-t the (ienei al Qi.vernnient, or jjk;o t any ttit-e of liliatis, aid re pri p ir.'.l 1 1 r ro e'"jt - hiu-Ii e!airr. j. t iti.-r 1 rf-.te Conjire--1, or ariV ol th Dep., tnio -l of (iuv'l ut.ietit tr t efire tlie Court of Claims, .Vb Ik:-h wiil devote i.is pe'toaal a'-'ecticn to th- l'!iin 's at Waiit:jton. STj" OQjc at Nsi.:e W C'.tj.totLer of Main an 1 F lih ticet's. TAKE IOTICK. Courtly Increased. Pensions due .Tcf diers aid llirir leirs. F. M. nrr:r.ifton u athisdiy rerrlved from the Dnar'nioli:, th- l.anv in full wilii new blanks fjr ti e eoUociion of j-d-U' io:uv lton;.t.e- r.nd it;Cf-e:i.1 Pen aioi . midUifay M pn.-ici::- all U' h ci.iiLi. a iray b" et ti ut-d hi Ciie. Cult ani examin. F ii at c'.iiiuicd is t "i v-.l F. M. DCItHIKGTO!f . riattftnouio, Af g. 1'J, IsW. Villcox h C-ibbs' NOISELESS SKWING MACHINE The Best .tlachinc in Ue. Cmn and see this .ilent an-1 bestitiful Va-hire, whether you wish to purcLare or tot. It wid charra and pleae to:i. STPKICK FROM C0 ti f.-X. "Thef'.'.tcli mad. by this M-rh:ue i- neic and pecHli-tr . I be Trriai tH Loop '.'i.'-jA r itii.ij a ben ttt'til, elaa'ls and durable aeatn wli'rh is sirm it that a pie- tik half an inch loDjj c"t f;oji it caui-t be i u!ld i pi t" F. P. TODD, Agent for WILLCOX 4 GIB3;, WIIFELEK Jt WIT.3 'V, GilOVE . Si riAKEn and PLO?E5CH. I OSes at li. SI'ifaAS'c Cloliinf Krop-irnai, I Pl.TTM3L TH, N EB. iw XkX out tliein i : : t ; r r