Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 12, 1866, Image 1

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    .. al.
V i- . V -.: .t . :- - '
any mon attrmjtts to haul down the Jinn rican Ilia's, yfiool him on the spot."
VOL. 2.
PL TTMOU r il, N T., WEDMS.-DAY, Mil'Tli.MBIill 12, lSufJ.
lu4 U lUX toad i
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is u::;li-:ik.:
J5" t'.riicr Minn ct.'ct and Levee, seend
Term?: V-erklv, $-2.o0 per ansum;
Daily, -1 per month.
Hairs of . 1 drcrlisin.
n .(!..-.:; ( ' .; i f l.-.i :i.v) .en: i:ibrt!inn, 1 ..'0
r.t.- i i !a : J - -
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.'. -.i .'-! ltd. s!i kin!) uf J"l Work
,i, t .,.,.! i.. .i - wi.l give
!ji '. : i " .
A N 1J
jllcitor in Clianccry.
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tl." c;:;z- 03 (f
-!;'"!. re- i : r it.-!- v.-;.;; -V h u-.-, c .rn r . f
attohm:v at law
r olicitor ia Chancery.
PI.AT- .SMiITill. - - XKIin.tSKA.
yvtlliit roi"rr.i;oEE
HjAtts mouth - - :t.pi.asivA.
i:. v : : i J . 'v. n a v. iui x. r. . ixwh
Eoai Sstato Ageuia,
Tire and Lifo Ir. , Ag'ts,
j,.iv7orr:, .v. 7
C.U.TtP- vr..;,5 :v r.'- 1 t-. -r..l 1 r. -e N r-..1.:r.t..t,-.u
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,.' i:.v.-t.t..!. y ;.,: on I.e... L.i.'l V...r.--:r.- ! c.U-
tj.L-.-u-i!..; f l.-.-.iv.-.ii-.
IT..U. P. i. 1 . . i, I' . ' -,,--r--,T-
J.I.h'v ' ii "' ' t"" Xobiaska.
i Hut'. Hi iv- l::ivr- Mirliican.
,'va y !'. M.. v -. I' '..,:-.!: .-I, Wi o
i. n t M M. iii'.'.tvt, r::i-,..-'i: r.i'li, Ni'1'r.i.-k.i.
I. I.t i -. A';'"i- . i't I. aw, I'f.'i N-w York,
l iir'-r, ll.i- A. C'uil, Ki -U ji-cs Iu-a.
PI.A TTMOI' Tlf, A ;'.,
I'r.Mi;; t iiti- nti.'ii ;..::'(. t.:o .iif.1.-e nr.d M cf
Uijl K-i..'-, i' '.' i..'-:: : li-.x. , t x'.l 1-uuiW-
r-'iuinit.' i j.r..! I. iuJ A-.:..y- 'i-1 iavef
1' ' : - ! v 1 ; -: n t-
IT, a F . I'.i . iv. J.i -.1 J 1. :..! I'M , 1V.1
Cstv, N, ,.r 1 v. l 1 it !..!.", 1' mn-UT
t' V Lnv!i"il'i. K .-.; II' J. t. Boii'ir.t,
A -.- r V ' sty, ' :""- r- i!-
Mj.qn-:.-, I 1 ::.. N. 1. ,f-l It. K. itiif-t..;..
I:.t.- C .! N- I .. l-l . . . I i !;:-:i' "i;S, .N !.;
M.iir 1' II. Vi.. r. I . ::. I ' 1 'i AM.t, I'awnit
At-icv: 1-li.rx v,- i ;..r,. N.. ill M jy, N-w
Y.,rk;Vrr.v. fs .' o: H a W -l-i.-i-it"... !. ;
Trn-v. i:;i..." . Co , fi.i rt--, 1'-: It. O H'-i'
1: i.V-'-.-. N. Y.. l"iv :" l: hi y A 1 lii 2 ''Hin if .rd
lE,vrr.;y," J . Y.
j. rj. wise,
Gtncral L:f , AciJ- u', firs, l:!,wJ at: J
'J' rev lit
un:palil- u 111- I i '
tti. l li t i-J :c :e, I'lali -l.Ha'.h. N Itxi-
For (.'riitral illation,
TS E:-i"': h i". ' iiivct ur. 1 r 1I1" superintendence
Cf Mr. l"ll j.k, Ute lii-tct r t.f 1'ubiic clloo!i in
tThe Mii-i-al !rj.!iit!i.i"-t I cviiliui-d t.y Mrs. Shur-
k, j np.l t f 1- k l.cmei! t'sOT i i KngSn d.
The c nr-- or tntf..e luciu-V th varf.Kj
hraiirti-s un-Vv tj-.icl.t ia t: r.-t !..- tho-ls Ho"k
Ke..H.s t.y .I.hiSI.' aa-I -ii. -S-' i.t y, lu-:c,
(I'.jcn ri. Uufar a.i-i .'.) c. The term
tiwncuvi' Horn tt.- f ;.';: ( l-aytuent
In advjn'--.
Mr. aid Mr. Slieti-n-k Tcti:.-a sSi.-A- fr tU. lib-r-I
n, i ort t'.i-y I :iv r- : S n i S - ii 1 ' uor. unt-
tir.g atu-n'i. a ! Its..-:r l-nj
r l-.' Tn-ru Its'. Tiiere are ciily v:n-ie t.r a few
.,re tui..:s
j.iuK' Uiu
Music ! IVZufiic !
JJ.t D, MIXER 4" CO.,
1: .'.-. Ml; IS
Piano Fortes, Slelcdeons, Husic and
Musical ll'dse,
Orders Vy mail for 'h. U.,oi. or aLj tiiir.g per
taiuitig to lusic, pr'TSi'iIy tt-i-ii-d tv
r?T"Ordi'i for ti.': g or ie)..iitz l'i-ino Fortra
Ld MeliyioQi iu IS t-uiu ii'n and v.cii.iiy illt
'tended to at cur rlu t e, ;m iiieiice.
. a';?, " I,AY.1!".SP,M1NKR&C.
Aiubj- at lust get Ills !:
CosrEi.EniT X UoADS,)vich
tz hi the biaii uv KmucLy.)
August 12, IbOG. j
At last I Lev it! Finally it come!
Afirr live weary trips to Washington,
after much weary wutiu and inuch
weary travil, I hc-v t;ot it. I am now
Post Master at Cutitederit X Il .-td-i,
an'! am dc-oly installed in my new po
siiioii. Kf ever I ln-d any doubt- ezto
A. Jo!.ii;tn bein a bfiter m-ui than
Paul the A putle, a luuk at my rouim;.--ion
removes i!. Hi I Ketch uiyaeif a
fi lm that lie deserted us oniircesaHi ily
five years ngj, auuiher louk', and my
resentment softens into pity. Va 1
doabt his Deuiotris', I look at the bles
f'd ct'ininisiion :w ti am re; s.-urt-ii, f ,r a
I're-nletil whu cond turn outa woui.ded
1'tUrliil sjldiut and upuint sith a
tz me, iiiu.-t be above susjiicnm.
1 felt it wuz comiii two wet ks ago
I ic-ceived a urklt-r tiom Ilnndali, new
my sooperior .notii, propouudm these
j uestious.
1. Do yoo Lev ihe inosl implecit faith
in Andro'j Johnson, in aii tiiai he n z
done, all that he ix duMi. and aii that
lie may hereafter d .?
'J. Do yoo bleeve that ihe rhiladcl
pl.ia Convenhu.'i wn! b a convocan-lieu
ovsiinu, all actuated by pure motives,
and devoted to the talv.-tsliun uv our
wuiiriliKppy but niiw di.-iracied coumry.
3. Do yoo ble.-ve that n xt to A.
Johnson, Seward, Djoiutle, Cowa.i u-i-J
Uaiida'.l are tli.s tour treate. t. and
purest, ai:d bt blett, and seif-sm i llii in
est, and Lcui'steM, and riybt-u tst
men this countiy he, ever prodoo.-td?
1. Do yoo bieevt; that there is a pir
tiktletlv hot place re-served in ih" m xi
world for Trumbull, a hotter for W ade,
and the hottest for Suiniitr and 1 had.
C. Doyno approve uv the canin uv
Grinnell by Uosu?
0, Doo yoo consider the kcepia out
uv (Jongris eleven tovri't states, a un-coiistilooshn-l
and uuwarranti l a-sump
lion uv power ly a teishnal Coni.:ii-
7. Do yoo I If . ve the present Cun
rii a rumj, and that ( eleven slates
being uni epi t ei.tvil ) all iheir a..ii un-ci.'iirtitos-hnel
and illegal cepiiu ihem
t'l.iih provides tot pa viti .-al.u ie.-?
S Dj yoo bieeve that the M. uif his
and. Noo Orleans unj.ieasanirie.-s wu
LiGt i-lii-'ui by me uuhciy iiiathin'iois
uv th' m Radical ujjitatcr, attin in
cor.jurictjon wiih ignorant and Lesot'.ed
ntyyers. to wreak their spue on the
now loyal ciuzeus uv these new recon
rtructf d cities?
'J. Are yoo not satisfied that the Af
rican citizens uv Amerikin descent km
bj safely trusted to the operations uv
the utiiv-orsal law widi governs la I or
and capital?
10. Are yoo willin to contribute a
rtasonat.le share uv your salary to a
fund to be Used lor the defeat uv object
ionable Coujri.-iU'. n ia ihe di-luyal
States N"rth?
To all uv these inquiries I not only
answered yes, tut went before a Jus
liuv ihe I'tace tinl took an atiidavit
tj cm, forwardtd it back, and my
wuz forihwiiii ntnt lo me.
Tiiere wuz a joobi'ee ihe night ii ar
riv. The news spread rapidly through
the four groceries uv the town, and
sich anutiier spontaneous outburst uv
joy 1 never witnessed.
The bell rung and for an hour or
two the Corners wuz in the wilde-t
siait uv eLtgsiteinent. The citezeu
consratoolateil i ach other o: the err
taiuiv uv the acct'hht-n uv tae l'reii
deut io l!ie DiM.ocracy, and lo their en
thusiasm hve i.igger faml.les weie
cleaned out, two uv em, ot.t a male
at.d to: her a fen. ale, wuz knlrd T.'ien
a procession was organized ez fuiiows:
Two grocery keepers with botiles.
Deekin l'.'gram.
Me. with my eommishun pinned
oiito a banner and under it written:
'In this sign we conker.
Wagon with tabloo onto it. A nig
ger on the bottom boards, llisxorri, the
grpcery keeper, with one fool onto huu,
hold in a banner inscribed: " J he nig
ger where he cugh'.er be.
Ciiizeu with I ottle.
Deekin lgram,s laugl.ter Mirau
dy, in au atti'.uJe ur wall, ping a wench
Binuei: "We've Regained our Rues.
Two Ciiizens with bottles tiyiu to
keep in pri ce? htm.
Two more citizens wich had empty
ed iheii- bottles, fallin out by iht
Citizens two and two wiih bottles.
Waon loaded with books at d for
nilure uv a niguer skool, m a stall uv
wreck, with a dead nigger layin on top
uv i', wich hed been capt. nired within
ihe hour. liannt r: My Polity''
The proceshun mooved io ihe mefctin
hou aiid Deekin Pogram lakiu the
Chair, a rneetin wuz to wunst or
ganized. TLe Deekin remarked that ih'n wui
the proudest moment uv h: life. lie
wuz gratified at ihe appointment uv his
esteemed freind, b.Coz he appn dated
the nolle qualities wich wuz so con
spikuous into him, and becuz his ardu
ous set vices in iho ccz uv Dmucracy
entitled him to the posi-hun. All uv
these wuz aside uv and entirely dis
connected frcm ihe fact ihat there weed
r.ow: be a probability uv his gittiu back
ajiittle matter uv nine dollars and sixty
two cent? "Hear! Hear!" wich ha
hed loaned huu eighteen months ago,
afore he had knowd htm wed or larn.-d
to luv him. 15'Jt there wuz nmitht-r
rea-on why we met to n-j iyce i nite.
It showed ihat A. Johnson mi nt biz
ness that A. Johnson wuz tn o to ihe
Dimokrisy, and that he lied fuliy made
up his mind to hurl the bo'ln uv offi-hal
thunder wich he held in hin Pr .-iiin
liil banc's, at his ennnie.., and lo make
fight in earnest-, that he wuz g.:n to
reward his Ireinds, them as lie could Our venerable friend's b. in rut
in a concirhun to pay ihe confiJin res
: i leni uv the Cornet, the Iittb? sum
I h- owes tin in is a gv.od thmg' H ar!
i Hear!'' "irow! in!" with singular una
I nimity from eveiy man in th 1 iidio.
but wai was silIi conideraei.tiu- when
cempaied to the great mortal flVct uv
'he dnisive movement. (."A. ti d
si'.e," shouteJ one grocery k- p r, a.el
'we dont want no umrra! frrrt,"' i-riet)
another.) My freinds. when ihe n-w-uv
this bold sivp uv the President goes
forth to the Sooih, the .r.c uv (.n
fedtrit skrip will go up. and .he
in uv niters will c f .-r ilie re
u v
fir.' I
ii - :d . r
ashoorcd, and ih; redoosin uv liie l,u
ler to ttit ir normal eot.iJistni:
as good as done.
Squire Ciar-ut rem.trkt he wuz
too much ovi rpuwered with emo-hun
to speak. For four years, iu arly five,
the only noospajvT viih cum t-j thai
tdiis hed paseti thrno the poih.nt-d
baudu uv a Abh.-hni t lie hed no
pal ii!il--r I'bjtcshuii to ihe mi.-iiidd
man. tut he wuz a .-im' le uv lyraio.V.
and so l .iitr ez he sol thir, he d
ed hi::i '.hat they wuz wearill chain .
Thank the Lord that this day isov.-i!
The corners is redefined, th- seckund
Jaxoit h-z lizen and fiiruck ofl' the
shackles. He wood nol aUood to the
trifle uv twelve dollars and a half that
he loaned ihe appmitt' sum month
ago, knowiii that :i wood be paid out
uv lir3t money.
JjasCom the principil groseiy keep
er, ro.-e and called the S'pnie to vroer.
He wanted to know i t it wuz lnir pbty
to talk sich talk? No u an roon f-ei a
more ban-fell .-ail.-tacshutj at the up
piiilui'Mi' uv our lii:i reij trend tt.-.m
huu. sh.iwin, ez it did, ih u ih . Pr.i
dent hed cm h.os - i ro.-n
he dlspl-ed ; hut he protested aglu.-Hi4H'ri
Soiiire uiideriakiii to eit m hi- 1 ill
aii re the reti h d a chance. ho fur
nisht him his lor eight inonth:-,
and who lied thd best rite for the lust
dig at ihe proseeds uv itio posi-hiui ?
He wood ii"ver
'I'hti other ihiee grosery keepers
rase, whm D-ekui Pogram ro -l d e.n
ail out uv order, and offered ihe f jlh rni
rest loo-hen- :
Whereas, T'i;e Tre ivh nt hez, in a
strictly Cciistooshnel manner, r b ee d
this commooniiy uv a oileiisive Ahshn
ist, : pinted by thai abhorred tyrant
Linkin, and np.; niitd m place a .-o'.md
Constoo.-hiiel D inokrat, one whom io
know i- to lend ; thi reioie, he ii
J'aoIrcJ, That we greet the Pres
ident, and ashour him uv out coiiiiu
yood support ai;d ronfideiice.
llettoived. That we now consider ihe
work uv Hi cousirucshuu, so far z mi
commooniiy is concerned, compieied,
and that we feel that we air once more
restored to our proper relashuns wi h
the Fedral Guvernu lit.
Iltsolvtd, That the glorious defence
made by the loyal Dimokrisy uv Noo
(rb a:is, agin the combined Conven
shuners and niggers, shows that tr.-e-meii
kin not be emikered. and that
vhite men shel roil Auierna.
Ilesclved, T hat o:i thi- happy ..:-
shun we forgive the (J.)'. el .net.l for
what we did, and cherish nary resent
ment "gin anybody.
The re soioo-hens w uz adopted, an i
the iiH'cl n ndjurned with three cheers
for Johnson and hi p i cy.
Then cum a seen. Hv. ry ia-t one
uv mi hed cun therewith a n te made
o-'t for the amount I owed h:m,at three
months. Ki.idiie-s uv ban is a weak
ness uv mine, and I sim-d ei:i all, teelin
that the urjer fact uv wiitin :. ' inme
wood do e.n any good, it wood lie croo. I
in me to 1 j'-ct lo the It lie iabcr re
! wired. Rless their iunosent soles,
they went away hapyy.
The next niornui I look pojse.-shun
uv the i lTns.
"Ami awake, or am I dream n ?v
thawi I. No! no! it is no dream
Here is the stamps, here is the bl inks,
and here is the cumusiishun ! It is
troo ! ii is iro !
I heeid a child across the way sing
ing: "I'd lite to be a nose'.
And with t:.e ai.eis and. '
I wooilent, thaw I I. I w oodenl change
phices wi h a angej, even up. A tdiis
tvi'h but lutle to do, wbh four grosery-
withiti a stone's throw, is ez mm h
happiness rz my bilers will stand with
out busiin. A angel 4 sooth!
Petroleum V. Nasbt, P. M.
m m
fsSThe Richmond Kxaininer, in
coiiiinentiog upon the his.-es and groans
given by ihe recou-tt ucieU rebels of
Kentucky for Grant and Sheru an, .i s:
"Nol only in Kentucky, but hrouh
out ihe? Union and ihe world. Grant and
Shernnn will decline in estimation,
while President Johu-on and General
Lee will be recug nixed in their purity,
goodness and ereamess."
This tells its own story, and there
fore requires no comment.
Soldiers of ihe Union arm) ! yu wlio
have been "to the from" and faced the
.-hoi and shell of the reLls array. d
agiins. you! tin? lime has co'ne when
you may ratify by o:ir b.tllois ihe prin
ciples and the h.-rui.-tn' which yoj have
manifested by your bullet. You may
now decid-- whetln.-r you will sustain
tile patty that sustained you, or the
putty that labored with ah us power io
defeat you and drive J oil home in dls
orace tr m liie (ield of battle. The
f.diowinj extracts from the plaTorms
ol the "D mi criicy," Hlni the speeches
of some of is ralors. will sh .vv ffw
fjey ar- "the Jneitds oi ihe soldiers
At a time when the ( over nmeut
wa- in need of iiii ii to m.tii, lain iis su
premacy, the Deitiociaiic Association
at Lansing. Micliigan, h-lda isiee:ii.j,
.Mar h, lbG3, at " Gicrgi U ,
IV-ck i. id that
Th" Republican party have cm rie.j
en th ar for two year-. They have
s. :.t their hell hounds ni d bull d.-c?
i!.n n Sioitii, aiid v. hat hav e ihey acco-::-
!i h-d? Nothing. And we io!d ih in
thai in the !iegi.,iiiog that they fonld
inn uipii-h i.o'; and ihe n a?oii
why i-, I ecau-e i!i -y are ourhrethr- n!
And row they feme back and prop,
to kick up a tu-shere in the North;
and we are ready fur them!"'
The pany u ho-e orator- could !
neucc-; the .-ooliers of the Union army
a-'-heli-hounds and I u;l dogs'' could
very cun-is'emiy ad. pt liie (ollowing
disiiiiion rest Imions, as by t'i -
l)micraiic Convention of Madison
Coutiiy. Oino. in tfie sum ner of 1S(;3:
' RsJvitl. an imme.
diate lei iiiinii'ioii of ih.; Dies.Ti' war.
and s'. iar.uion of 'he c ions, be'.fiiiM;
ihe Noiih has faihd. ei her l y arms
or argum 'dt, to s-.j-taiii tier rioi;t o;
coitiet; and ih" S..ut!i is di-cid- d lo
sep irate from if - Union nlali hazard.-,
tei d'-ri:L7 11- the f t eed in c-f the M s-
si-sippi river. 1j
-hot, Id b 1 -f I I" tie.:
1 aie'.e. whether in t:
bv h. r own cotiventi
eli bolder Sine
d-1 r future n 1
e N. l ill or Son il,
ii, and our ai mi -s
in li e li-ld should h" iieid in readin.
io eiifm ce i!.e mnde of tit ilement and
t.-r no o'her purpose '
In accordaoce .vnii h s recoiiimet d-
;,n..n ,,r ihe Aih.n.y ."Jtiun mid .ritus
1 other "D uii fallc ati'.hiritit, tae
i.ment consented io r.-mri to a
to (ill th" ri.iik.i 'of the uri.iy.
which th-' Demi t ri lio C'onv. n-
lion ot JMur county. HI., a-sembl. d
at L.bruige and pa svd the following
resolution, aoiong others, on the Fouitii
of July, 1SU3:
' Ii isc I cel. That we In rt by undivid-
dly pii-diie oui selves one to another,
ihi.t we wi.l not render support to the
present Admi.'i.i-tratioii in carrying on
.his Abolition cru-ade against the
rviieb; that we will resis' to ih t death
all ivumpl- lo Oraif any of oim itizi n
iu:o ihe ai my. and that we will permit
no arbitrary attests to be made am. ng
us Iv the minions cf the Admiui-tia-ii-n.'
T'hese re.-olui:oiis are similar to th. se
adopt fd by all tii-f Democrrtic S ata
and coun v Cvitivei.'ions in the loyal
S at s. 1 hey eppo-ed Hie war for ;he
Union, ai d syinpathized with tlie plans
ot th-; traitors, and also declared that
the Govermneni h d neither rioht nor
power to defer. d itself, as in the follow
ing resolu ion of the peace Democracy
at Coop-r In-ii'.uie, New York, June
31, lb(53:
"Jlesolved, That under the Con-utti
nou tto-re is no power in the Federal
ev riiiiiHiit to coerce ihe S ates. or
any number of them, by military foi .
If tti-- power of coercion exi-ts at ail, it
1- a leg.i! power, and lue lo its own
lime honored prim iph's, can not sus
tain a war ag.mi-t sovereign 5iai-s; liiat
we b io be the duty of the par
ty io mi -ii in these sentlii.ent-4 boldly,
that the people may f el that there ii
at 'east one political organization which
will deal honestly and independently
and truthfully hi h ih' in."
Not content with tins, many of the denou! ci d the s 'ldier hs n.ur
deieis. a-sa-iius and invaders. Tke
for iu-iiiice, words o!on or its
mosi active leaders, who was nomina
ted for Governor of Ohio after he had
us'd the following infamous language,
and af'er he h id introduced a scheme
in Congress to divide the Union inlo
four section H -u-e ,f R rese-ita
lives. July (5 h. 101 Mr Yallan
dingr.sni said:
"Then, sir I am not a Sou'hern man
ei her although m this most unholy
crusade agnMi-l 'he Su'h. in the n id-t
of the invasion, arson, insurrection ind
murder t. .ihich she has been subject,
and wi'h whiii sh1 is still threat- le d
with the torch ot the incendary and
the dagger of ihe ii- asstri suspended
over h-r-my most cord. at sympa liies
are with h-r.
At the Na'ioi al Convention of the
Democracy, held at t hicago, in 1S61.
while the-army was engaged in its ef
fort to Mi-tain the Government, and
the rebel forces had been pushed lack
io the Ripidan, and we were locked
up in Richmond and Petersburg, Mr.
J. A. Masters, of New York, said:
"A man who was in favor of thi
unnatural war insults the holy i.-an.e of
Democracy, when he claims a place in
us organization. He is a Judas and
should be cast out as an enemy to hu
inanity and to God. War and bbod,
ch r is ihe I eg HI-
I mil',-,- r.f )!..
Lincoln mini 'n.
We wash our hands clear of all partici
pation iii ii."
At ihe same tune and place Mr. C.
C Rurr, a New Jersy Democrat, de
fined hi- po-i'ion in the-e word-;
"The South Ci-uld iml hotioraley lay
down her arm-, for she wa-hjhmg
forhtr honor Two miliions of men
had been seni down to th- .iih. nn.l
the army of Lincoln could not again !
filled, neiTier by eiili-'meni nor con
sciip-.ion. If lie ever mi. red a pay r,
it wa that not one uf ihe S ates of the
Union hou!d be coiinucred and sub
jogated. We were told that we
wo ilj Conquer lhr rebellious S'ates.
They W-lild not he Conqtl-red, and he
praytl God they nevr might I e'
Such is the recoid of the Democratic
puty up to the last day cf the war.
Th mime men re now managing the
same party, hlTiough they have nomin
ated candidates f r r.i tin army and
from the Union patty, in order to se
cure the vote. cf returned soldiers. Ii
i- only a masked battel y, and no sol
dn-r should be dtceived by it. The
fentiinenu of the Army in regrad to
ihi party, uttered while th-y were "at
the iront," show the spit It that should
n inmate me soldier now.
Gen John A. Logan, of Illinois, a
Dt iiincra'i of tlie sine t st kind, win n he
heard of the nciion ol ihe lhiuois Leg-i-lature,
leil them up north for me that we
can ivli i ihe rebels, and are going to
do l ; and when we are donf; we are
lo return home. When we gtt theie
we will yei hu strong enoiign to sum n'y punish any s ces. i..n s mp tihiz
ei s or p; act'-prea..heis that wt; may be
ubic 'o liud in our way.''
Geneial ALiroy (Deu.ocr-it) and hi !
slali wioteto In li.u.a j' - l ;
Any loan or sc. .f no n who in like these, when our colL.tiy is
. ng i-e-.i in a ilt-uaiy s.i i.ggie loi its . x-
isl- net It Sil'ujgl- Wil.Co lllVoiVea mil
oi ly ihe i.ile ti llee govt i : in-, lit in
om ow u c- uiiil J , nut lor a.l i;.e wul ul
would a. tempi lo d'sgiuce uiij pro ii
iui. tlie ijiime of D uiocl'.u hy organ
izing a pally uudt r Uiat name lo ep-jio.-.w
lue Government and diviJe mni
Uisiracl the people of the loyal btile-,
al e iruil-Ts mucll uieLleer than lliOSt in
ui ma wiio bo.Jiy and directly e. ek the
d. .n'.ruo.ii, ii ot liie Governmeiie; tor
Uie-e p.ri lel.ded Democrats mi-. u km-ly
uno ludnccily seek the same end ty
exci i:.g pitjudi. e Hganist the Gov. rn
liient and division among the peop.e."'
Au itiicer in General Rosecraus'
army said:
' Woe betide the sccessiou sympathiz
ers and would be peace makers when
the ai my gel through with ilieir pres
ent wo! I; on hand. T he sufieiiog deprivation-,
and hardship ot soido-rlile
are nol so easily endun d, and loo cau-.e
we ate lighting for is loo d.-ar lo be
btoken down by ihe cowards and stay
.ii homes who bi ought oa the war ami
tu-w place every impediment m ti;e
way of having accomplished what mu-t
be ihe lueviiatde r-suit ihe subjuga
tion uf ihe rebellion. I mses iotiO nod
dej) go out eveiy day iron. m n e.i.u
cfiicers, and ihey are not to Le ligu.iy
thought of."
The One Hundred and Thirteenth
Il.inois, at Foil Pickering, Aiunphis,
"We here solemnly resolve
that we will hold thai man as a Hanoi
and an eternal enemy to us, to our
children, and to our cvuntry, who shall
piopose, it has proposed, any settle
ment by which the rebellion shall be
screened tpom just punishment, and ihe
toun iy and her d f rs cheated o:
tl e fruits of past victories and present
tiiomphs. Our labors, blood, and
treasures shall nol bs spent in vain."
In an address from "The Soldiero ol
Indiana lo liie citizens of Indiana,"
ihey intend the following pledge.
We expect to come home some day.
We wiil either come triumphantly re
joicing over the accomplishment of ihe
object for which we hive already en
dured so much, or we will come hu
miliated and di;h-.irtentd at our de
feat, and the const 'pjenl desolation of
our c.Hiiiiry and our homes. In either
event we wdl remember and honor
those who have aided and cnccuiag.d
us by ih. ir n floence at home, and wi 1
visit those who have sought to defeal
us wiih a retribution proportionate to
the extent of ihe evil ihey have bro't
upon us and our country.''
The tim.- has come for th brave rae-i
of the Army and Navy to s;and by the
iin-n who have stood by the in. Let the
i allot box show '.hat the soldiers can
rr.'e for those w tio voted for tnem, and
to. it the party who refused io let iol-oi-rs
in the army vote are not wonby
of thir ballots now Tht Solders'
j""fLel ihe piiri uic people of tlio
United State?, le have given of th-lr
Mood and treasure to put down the
si ivehohlers' rebellion, note the folloef'
inT Ir 'in ihe Richmond Examiner. It
is in the light of such sentimen's as
these, and they are pi-polar at the Sout i.
that the Philadelphia Convention be
tomes a hitler mockery. The Exam
iner -ays:
We are conscious of no fri'nc' ar,d
nj 'crror but of misfortune only."
. a u i rit pi !e a no nnir
ao r a m i ft; .t;i.
Ttt re is a k're.u tltnl of humjfi na
; tore in tins country, and in the-e ano
j m il u. political liiii -s. vvnh ihr (ii
Idail Doohttle prty still in ihe gti-tle,
i a: d not even fiap'iz -d, except by nick
i 1 1 ming sc. fl" rs and mockers. We
i xoj-i ml. i.ii i ha I the a.'ore.-aid nature
; now at.d ilu-ti i Tops out after au unex
jiei i. d iitid i ef re.-hing lashion. The
: n. am i.l- a w 'iih ai pr sent occupies
j Tie mind ot Mi. Johnson and his Post
j m ister General is, that to in ike a place
j h. hler the huml le and obsequ.ou
I henchman of the Whit Ilou-e and ihe
Dej in inn-ni-, merely a threat lo cut
iff his victuals is necessary. They
km w what agonies of einpt s would
posses their own cousin u: ions if cruel
fate .hould beieave ifiem of their saia
ries. and ih-y lake il for granted that
similar uppi eli. nsions will sway the
ct iiiiucl uf ev. ij- tiuman lieing of oidi
nary appeiu an! digestion. More
our, mere is not at iheir commaiid
sin ii a variety of appliances for hunch
ing the baiW of their political adven
lure, that tin y can'ord to di-pe:i.-e
unh tlie screw a mechannal power
wliich ought not lo fail, and which is
failing in spite .f all precedent, must
lamentably. Mr. Randall writes to
tiii- or to that spirited Postmaster lo
come abo.-iid or stidmil lo the loss of
l it place. The spirited Postmaster
i .ii i ii. tl no . ly d. into u t oh-1 low u
paiiiot, J .iJ oi hiilist ii ihoueii ti .1 of
let ei, and so fur from fttifmg decol
lation, wn.k-, as ii were j 'co-ely, at
Air.. Ran. Jail's uplift, d ax. Such reck
less conduct, ii mu-l be alio w ed, indulg--tl
in pel ai.-i--ni ly , in ihe very presence
of death. I'tiiher than else pais Mr.
lidudall and I 1- weapon m a ridiculous
position. W mm your object is to scare
a ... an. and l.edeii oiis' li: .is, by laugh
log i. your lace, that he i. not a whit
scar-d, it i- not ihe easiest thing in the
woild io rentiii your peisonal dignity.
Especially if you hate no greater stock
ot n man a Cabinet, officer may at
pr. St ul be stirpes, d to possess. We
once saw a militia captain upon the
green and not goty muster-field, put
down in Ihe same way. "If you do
ifi.n.'' s.i d Iii- commander, "again I
wiiljihtce you under arrest." "Pay
me lor them shoes, Captain, thai I
made lor you three years ago," was
ihe f totlol the undi-mayed private,
who was not put under arrest, at lca-,1
wtolehe remained among- tht i-pmu.
lors. Ii is said that threatened men
live long; aud perhaps some of Mr.
Randall's prede siiu-if victims may
save ihem-ehes y the nonchalant im
pudence or iheir defiance. At any
rate they will have the delicious satis
faction ot lr eiug iheir minds, as Mr.
Tower, U. S. of Michigan
(Western Di-tii't). has jusi done.
We have iilr.nilv 'tinted M. Tower's to Air. R.n da 1. The pith of it
i- siuiplv t .at Mr. Tower does not like
the "cross between treason and loyalty,"
and is al.-o sullicienly in funds to fetd
nim-ell without resorting to the humble
pn of ih- Administration. All cf
which n.aybeveiy comfoi table lo Mr.
Tow n ; but how d ies Mr. Randall feel
ul. out ii?
T he worst for the President and his
sipi id.o' all thi-1-, thai when ihey have
exhausted bread and bolter argument,
ihe efficacy of which is fast growing so
dubious, they are ni the tail-end of
their resources When a man refuses
io lie converted to the reformed faith
thro-.ioh his beily, it is unfortunate if
his manipala-ors have nothing to offer
lo his brains.. Ttiose who drive ihe
machine in Washington have forge-Hen,
in the hurry of their speculation, that
the Republican pany ihrouohoul ihe
land is mainly made up of honest men.
In fact but lor personal conscience
simultaneously uniting great ina-ses of
volei.-, there never would have been
any Republican patty at all; and now.
although it has undoubtedly its propor
tion of self-seekers (growing daily
finaller, however, as we are glad to
s iy.) it is likely less ihan any party
that ever existed in this country to be
nlft-ced, either numerically or m. rally,
by the mean infi.ii nc.-s which the small
mind of th" President fancies omni
potent. We recotd the prediction that
those who think otherwise my Muni
os with our folly. 'should fu'ure even'.?
show us to have been'aken
A. Y. Tribune.
ZrfT'A writer in Harper's Weekly,
in an article impre-sing upon parent
the nf ces-ity of caution in their con
vers, lion in the presence of their chil
nren, statts that a gentleman while
making a round of vi-i's to his neigh
bors, mok his litue daughter with him.
On their return, the mother drew her
tin lighter toward her. and prin'i-d a kiss
ui-on h-r hps. 'Ah.' said the little one
"'Thufsju&tu-fifil Pa duictoMrs.
f-iiThe wife of Captain Yessel,
living in county, Yirgmia.
gave birth lately to two children, ench
having two nads, four eyes aud ihree
legs Thi- rather i-urpasses anything
of such a nature that has come to cur
(7-3 "Johnson ts he wa. and Con
gress as it is," is the motto for the
present political campaign.
f-scT The tenor s-incer. Tombcsi,
married last tncntb.a Mexican Senoriia ,
luijioi taut Si-j;iU li lioiii t;cif.
Mieiitlati to . n. (.rant.
The following Washington Special
to the A", Y. Tribune laces (he Presi
dent i i rather a Tad predicament.
New Ohli ans, L i , Aug. 30, l?fOG.
It may yeti.pp.-ar c iiicialiy that Gen.
Sheridan's dispatch' s have bci n furth
er tampered wiTi at Washington
The following important telegram lo
Gen. Grant has been for seine reason
omitted in the preiei (h-d publications
of all the cot re.-p. inltnce. Investiga
tion mtiy prove ifi'j suppression of tha
d isp fch:
Hd.-Qr. Military Di' Ision oi )
the Gi i.r Aug. 13, IsoO. y
CjCix. U. S. Gran i'. II vi i.-ig 'on D.C:
The military H ard, called by (Jen.
H.iird t i inves i-a.e tlie in
ihis ciiy cf July 13, is progressing, as
r.ip.d as possible. I see in the paper',
by reports of an -r.'firial character here,
ihat an a tti nipt was made to cn:t blame
on the military for noi heiitg pre-ent
on thes 13 h oil. There could have
been no olject in its I Hog pn 3?nt
exe pt to prevent the police 1 rem per-
p-trating a revc-hmg inasiacie. Iti
absence, for thii ri-aaott, I regret.
Fr. ni acceun'.s ot my own scouif, wlio
saw the aflVir, from lirs: to hist from
my own office, from di-b.H -resttd and
fanhful p- rsoi.s. 1 behove tiiat nit.e
leirhs of liie ca-u::ities we I e perpetrat
ed by iho pohc and ciiizeiij by stabbing
anil sma-hiiig i:i the heads nf many
w ho had been alreaby wounded or kill
ed by policemen
P. II. Shzrioa:
Major General Commanding.
The personal friends of Get). Grant
here indignantly deny the charge in
ihe AVu' Yoj'A: 7i;;cv i f to-day, ihat
their Washing'on correjpindent fent
to the Times the garbled dispatch of
Gen. ShenJan to Ge n. Grant just as
he, the correspondent, received it froas
(sen. Gram. Thu n!r?ssiJ dispatch
was not received from Gen. Grarl by
ihe Tiiiics corn tpond.'nt (it n. Grant,
after receiving the dispr.hh from Gen.
Sheridan, tojk ii immediaiely to the
President, and that is tii3 Jast he savr
of it. The Times cor'-espiiiiuei.t trot
the dispatch from ihe President, be be
ing the only cot respondent here who
is admitted into the ting cf the White
House. All here agree that '.he
dirfidich lint irTt.lcd 'V it. Whi e
Hou-e. When the dispa'ch in i'sgp.r-bl-
d form first appeared in The Times,
Gen. Grant was htard to say by per
sons here, that an in, po: hint sentence
had been left out in lh liitp-uch ri
printed in The Times. This, together
with the di-daf. h of Gen. Sheridan lo
Gen. Grant, dated New Orleans, Aug.
13, lSGO, and which was omitted by
the President in the regular publica
tion cf the GiTieitil corresj onde-nce, put
ihe President in a still worse predic
ament. Nebraska. The Reii iblican3 of Nc
braska, having whipped the rebels in
June congratulated thenitelves that by
the Fall election a very large number of
new votes would come in, wliich would
be almost unanimously Union, and that
hereafter iheir wvrk would be easy,
13ut they did not calculate upon treason
in ihe parly. Mr. Algernon Sidney
Pad do k,(cli!) their shysteri.ig Secre
tary of State, having heen re-appointed
by Johnson lias now commenced the
work required of him. Il; has called
a mongrell Union, llepul licin, Dem
ocratic, 'Territorial Convention, de
signed to defeat the firaijht cut Re
publican, and has found ienpgadt Re
publicans in most if not all of tin coun-ii-s,
who, in c- nniction with Copper
heads, are niding him in his work cf
treachery. We hope to see the Repub
licans stand firm, and gam a more sig
nal victory ihnti ever before. Chief.
Copper Johnsons and the Fenians.
The Copper-Johnson piny at Wash
ington got up a meeting, a few days
ago, ai which Congressman Hogan, of
St. Loui-t, was ihe pnnciral speaker.
Government official.-! atid clerks com
prised about two-thirds of ihe audience.
Iri-hnien were fearer. Among ihe
letters received was one from the rebel
Henry A. WT-e, of " "irgiuia. Oue
report 6ays that while Ilogan was pro
ceeding to prove that the invasion of
Canada did not nu-t l the general wishes
of the Fer!:ar:,he w is interrupted frcm
the galleries by a somber voice with,
"Oh, you be d d," and from an
other quarter was hard, "You'vo got
on ax to grind."
Gra?s IIoiTEns. The advance
g'lird of the grass hoppers, undo their
appearance in our city yesterday af
ternoon, says the Nebraska City A'tus
cf the 3rd. Mr. Cr. tic'i, of Wyoming
informs us that al! the late corn in that
locality has been er.iui u ;i by the grass
hoppers. They keep sayirg:
We ure coming", proud Ncbrai'.;ainj,
Ten thousand millions ttrong!
'55 A bashful I young gcnlat Oma
ha, lately announced himself, as "on
the nviks" he mean", u make love.
f3f"The daughter cf Johu Bright,
the great English C?tr.raorjc.r, tcnine
Mrs. Ciatke.
o i