"7 a?e wirm attempts to haul down the Jlmerican Flag, shoot him on the spot." John A. Dix. PLATTSMOUTH, N. TM WEDXESDAY, AUGUST 15, 18GG. T t T O IVO 22 THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY WEEKLY EVEBT WLDXESDAT BY IT. T HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PRCPFllETOn. ffOd:t corner Maia street and Levee, second Terms: "Weekly, $2.50 per annum; Da'iIj, 1 per month. Ha tcs of A d vcrtisin". One i iua" f space of ten lines) one insertion, ! - oO . , . ; ,1 1 III! l.i'O Profe"'-i'n;il eards not exceeding si line One qua: ttr C'.'lnmu or less, per annum six mont-hs i thr e months Cne ha'.l column twelve raoi '" t-x month 4i tliree mouth f Onefolama twelve r'nths " sis r""J,, 10 oo :i.'.co 20 CO 15 00 co. oo 83.00 20.00 loO.dO r.0.00 three moI.l'nt 83.00 AH trar'Ie'1 aurertioment mast be paid for in 4f aa.-. vVe ura pnr'red t- do a'.i kind of Job Work rn .,..: not:i.-e, and iu a x'.yle Uiat wi.l give tali, avion. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chancery. t3"()!T.c, nil 13;h cf Dec-tuber, at resid-noe2' nu s kotuh-west ul town. jn!30 II. II LIVINGSTON, Iil. D. Physician and Surgeon, Tender hi pr-jfvinnal c( -a to the ci'iz"cs of (. courty. t7Ke.id.-ti:e ia Frntik Whit"' h ue, corner of Oak nl .S.xiii tr- e:s; if.V.rf on Main ittlect, uj.po .te Court lions.', I'l.itimi;u;h, Xebiaska. T. ISI. JIAKQCETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW A s i f olicitor in Chancery. FLAT ' .S-V.OUTII, - - NEBRASKA. t. It. WHEEI.EH, j.w. MAanm, E. c. lewis I. El. IVherlrr & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Tire end Life Ins, Ag'ts, FLA TTSMOl'TII, A. T. CoIN-'Ctioiifi pron ftJ.v at:en.Jl to, and procee J re nitred at enrrent rate of Kxvhanc. Taxes paid in W rrn lew a urn) jbr.iiic;i lur rnu r-iir t- - litk-s if laud inv-T:itd. -Money loaned oil Kai K-tJlc ,riirirt I v - CLAIM AGENTS. A.-enN forcV. ct 'n rf el jim air:tinf t fiovcrnmrn k.r SiM er. th.-ir idoW aii-l minoi ln-i'9. A'nt fur the piiiiiM.e ar.J sale of Lauds ami City proper t), I.ca-iug of Tenements. ii;fj:iu:.xci:s: n. n. S. H. i:Hert, D-nver City. C. T. B:-hm K' tint" llri ".. Omaha, Nob. " MeCaiiti At M'-traif. Xthrd Citv. " K V. riilry. .vt 1 K Sl-s-oml. !'. Tlo Lewiv H.'si'.n, M iacliu -etts. II W ltn.ar. Ciii;ao, Ii.i;:uU. II M MaRiil. Cin 'inn 'li. Oiiio. Tooilo U 'l.na. l'l itt-m. wth. Klk-i. Hon l e'ilow, Uiu.miuM, w-;;"'"'r'?- , . Hon T M l..c,u.'tt,IMHtI.-'';t'.-:b'-- f a ter. I y & M"". IjKa- Ji!i3 diwtt F DORRINGTON, REAi ESTATE AGENT, I'LATTSMUL'Tir, XEB., Frnnt attc"ion paid t to .nrchae and s.il cf Real Kstat and payment of 'i axi g, ami all I'UJinoss fei tainn? to a gruerjl LjuJ .Asemy. Titles iuvea-Ulj.ite'- I.'ft'rs bv permi.-ion to .100. E. S. Dundy. Jnilfre '2d Judicial Di t , Falls i'ity, Netra-ka; Maior Uw'ii Iturbank, fsiyuiaster V. H. A , l.e.iVDW"i ih. Katis ix; ll. il J. il. iur!ai.k, lite Asseuur Nelrasii, lal.g 'lly, Ni l ; Hon. T. M. Warqut'lt.', IVattxm iutli, N t . Cut 11. K. Livirif-too, InteC'ol Ni braika 1st Vrt. Voi.. I'iait'niouth, Neb.; llsjor I). II. WhielT, L'. S. Imiian Ail. ct, I'twnce Anry; Cha' Ne tleton, No. Ill broadwjy. New Tort; nm vey, Deitnt'li & li: o n. W jKhintton, 1. O ; 1 rary, lla,;uire t C o , ChK.'ipo. ills ; K. O turn, RfK'hesler, X. V.. I'ruf. llctiiy Ai ling ale, '-Hartford L'niTerlty,' X . Y. oc'3 Win- II- LcuiLe, MERCHANT TAILOR, JOSE DOOR EAST OF POSTOFFICE, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ic27 1M33 tf Residence Tor sale Wewil. ge',1 very nv for rali a pool frame 112 tory resnl'Tie -, all of pine, situated in I'Uttsmoulh . Knquir? -'f Uar.-hall, at tl.e I'li-t-.H'ic-, or o l. II. WHKLLKR H. CO. PlatUnictith, X. T, Jauun y Uib tf 1ST E "W JEVELKY STORE The njb'rriler having purrba.eJ the Rid Stoie on tJ tree!, l.t'.riy ce."i;pitii ty ir;y and othet s, would repK"Ctfi;ii infirm the citizen vt I'latt.-mcuth and vtcloiiT, that Lo has rlitttd the ctoie and epened a larse tu-.k of AXD FANCY ARTICLES For ladier. Cents, Children, and the rest of mankind, aae i prepared to do all kind i f WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY HEP AIRING la the best manner, and would ha hi r y to jervehU "Id and a, mauy new cuittomera as may give him 'belt patronage, auuriair thrm of the.r oik will done, at mod-rate price-, and on thi.rt iiui;. The 'oek, embracing every va iety of Kccds u.-uail- kept Orel ciasa Jewelry Mure, will be sold at low Priren, acd warranted cf best workmatibhip and ' a 'trial. lie has a'.ao a email ttock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be rpfileniheJ fom time to time, and old at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo eated la this city, 1 reapectiuily solicit a share of pa trooase, and cordially invite all to call and examine tae atooa on hand, as we would be p'.eaaed to serve ycu, aod do sot ask yon to bay unless we can make it for your Interest to rrrcnL'i O". ctT'f E. H. EiTOS. DEL.IXQUEXT TAX MST FOR 1SG5. Notice ia hereby given that I, i. Puke, Treasurer of Casa couuly, Nebraska Territory, by virtue of the power in me vested, shall, on the tlrtt Monday in September, A. D leOG, commeoce eellinft at theofllce rf the Treasurer, in 1'Utt-month. Cass coui ty, and Territory aforesaid, at public auction, so much ,f the following descriled tracts r lands and town " lots as shall fee neces ary to pay the taxes, penalties, inter est and costs, which thull have accrued thereon on that day. hale to commence at 9 o'clock it the fore noon, and on each succeeding day at that hour, until a 1 has been sold or offered for aale, npen which the taxes remain unpaid on the d.iy of sil?. S. DUKE, Treasurer, riattsmoulh, August 1st, IS6S. Non-Resident List. Orcapolis Precinct P. T. R. Ac's a w 8 12 12 1G0 s 3 d do do n n w 12 do do bO Tot S. T. It. Ac's Tax 7,53 ne rw 11 12 18 40 4 63 7 Lot 8 82 13 do &3 4,SJ 3,70 n e s e do do do S 0 do 2.77 for 1364 5,C4 lot 5 do do d 83 17 do 1 63 for 1SIU 4, IS etwfrdo do c!o 71 ' 32 4,22 n w s w s wol 13 do 120 n e n w 5 12 13 40 own elO do do 40 e n e 7 do do bO riallsmouih Precinct sene 15 12 13 40 8,41 1 23 12 11 2 40 n e iv 22 do do do do 2 do do do 6.40 60 nW iwdo do do do do 4 do do do 5 70 sw sw do do do do do 7 do do (lo 4 67 e uw it) do do do do 9 do do do 2 61 40 ne w do do do do do do 60c fir I56I e e 34 do do do do J3 4o do do 34 62 ne Div 35 do do do do 14 do do do 5 70 tvr sw do do do do do 13 do do do 2 40 sc 10 do 14 do do 1 do do do 2 do ses-do do do do do 17 !o do do 2 do nw sw i do do do do 13 29 do do C,V 63 se se 81 do do do do o no do do 1 23 L'jTS 81 do do do 7 65 r, 12 do 13 7 74 ?2 do do do 2 i!3 u'dhtLldo do do IV " 2i 1 80 o do 7 lis 4 11 do do 1 2 40 5 33 do do 10 l.f 3 o" do ! do 1 2 40 7 do do do I 1 1,63 14 do do do '2 7S 11 do do do 13 1 S4 23 do do do 1 C2nhfl3dodo do 22 1,S6 n'd hf 1 13 do 14 2' to 14 do do do 7 6j 2 do do do li 1.12 15 do do do 10 91 9 do do do 2 63 Rock Muffs Precinct u'dMnwl 11 13 SO 6.19 ne 26 It 13 10 11.39 nw 2 do do 10O 11,3w nw 5 do 14 40 4,l9 twrio do do 160 11, 83 uw hw 5 do do do do sw 10 do do do do ne ne C do do 42 3.21 w ne il do do bO 6,19 fw 6 do do 160 12. 8S e nw do do do do do n sw i do do 0 6,74 I pt lotl 4 do 14 9 9) w se IS do do do do Liberty Precinct re 12 10 13 160 1131 nw ne 3 10 14 40 4,73 nwnw24dodo 40 3 87 eee6dodo 40 5 66 lot 2 4 do 14 74' 7,22 n e s do do 160 II 83 do 2 46 fori '64 w se 8 do do 60 7.10 lot 3 4 do do 49 4,61 lot 1 J do do 60 7.15 do 3 04 lor 164 do 2 54 for 1-64 s ssw nelS do 14 10 I .V s sw 20 do do 80 13,12 w nenw de do do 20 8,36 s te 20 do do do 0,74 sw pt ft e ne 29 do do do do nei'wdo do do 17 12 2,12 sw se 80 do do 40 3,35 nw sw 33 do do 40 8,41 Mi. Pleasant Precinct n w 1 10 12 160 10,42 sw 25 11 12 160 10.4J w3dado do donisw nw'iS do do 120 T,b ...irM ,1,, do 120 7.3S-inw swilo do do do do . l'i.w11 do do 40 2 01 enw 27 do do 6) 3.!'5 a .I,, o 71 tor lf,l sw do do do 160 10.42 n .Id. 13 139 1S.4S se do do do do do no rin 0.5s f,.r 1 j64 se.tldodo do do f 7 iio do HJ b.'2l nw Iiw33 do do 40 2,61 n ,w 1(1 do do do do w iu. as do 13 SO 8;.i9 n cHi lo do do itnnviivM do do 41 2,61 vrl4 do do 16iJ 10.42 aenw31 do do do do ne lo do do do do sw 82 do do 160 17,65 nw jo df do do do se33 do d jj . . do enclSdodo 60 5,2 ne 82 do do do 17,03 Avnca Precinct nw 24 10 11 160 S,73 iw 1 do do do do e uw 23 do do 80 4,37 do 3,ir2 f.r lr64 ,h 83 il l lo 160 H.73 n tii" d i'o 1 1 SO 411 w w mSl do do 40 2 30 do 4,29 for tt; sw r,w do do do do ".26 w nw se lo do do ''0 l'-'0 se sw tt 10 acres " i-ide ne sw 34 do i1" 50 2.F5 cl., J. 30 for lro4 nw nw 35 J do 40 2.28 M. to do do 160 9,91 s '-v do do do tiO do 4,7-i for 1S01 e se 31 do do do A3 4 30 forlj64 sw 27 10 12 160 ne 2S d do do nw do do do 160 n ne 'J' do do SO e c 31 do do do w ae 29 do 13 do e nw (to do do do ne 30 do do 16 ) n re do do do SO e tw do do do do S.97 5,9I do 4,r.5 5.00 4.75 4 51 !,41 4,71 4 33 do 4,46 for 1SC4 w n.: 31 do do do do nw do do do 161 S 78 sw tedo do do 40 2 C4 e sw do do do SO 4 39 e nu 32 do do do 4 75 sw 8-2 do do 160 9 41 4.66 on e hf for IS 64 e se 33 do do do do nw 19 do do 80 4,71 n fo 20 do 1o do do sc21 do do 16J 9 91 ne 'it do do do nw nw do do do -to sw nw do do do do ee do do do 160 sw 24 do do do 8,97 2 67 nwnw do do do 40 2.36 2 30 se '2 1 do do !; 9.41 6,97 ne aw do do do 40 2 36 do nw 35 do do 160 9,41 do 8,50 for 1C4 n ne 27 do do So 4,57 w se do do do do do so do d ' do do do do 46 for 1SC4 sw 35 do do do do Eight Mile drove Precinct. sw ne 1 11 1-2 40 4.S9 w2l sw 2 i'o do 160 1 S.33e.tnw se 5 se 8 do do do 3 l'l su 11 sw 11 do do do 15,33 sw 12 nw 12 do do do 19 30 ne 14 sw do do do do 1,33 e nw lo se 13 do do do On odes w 24 null do do Ml 7.10 nw 26 ne 15 do do 100 15 80 do 11 13 10" do do 120 12 12 I611 do do do do do do do do bO do do iiO 12,11 10. 4S 15,33 16,31 do 7.6 9 21 do do 160 17 34 64 15,35 6 69 9 58 IS, IS tl.70 IS 33 10,26 for ne 2 2 dodo do 14 36 e 31 do 2. If" on se ne fur '64 w se, 7 nesw22dodo 40 S 59 s sw S d do do do 13 SO do do do do do 160 do do SO do do 160 do do SO do do 40 do do do do do do do do H O do do SO do do 160 do do (lo do 2.13" for '64 sw 9 n sw 23 do do SO 7.33 w te 9 w se do do do do 7.23 ne IS s ne mil do do 120 lO.sO w nw do ne 4 do 13 160 12.11 ne ne 19 e nw 6 do do SO IS 90 sw w iO s nw S do do SO 9 66 f e nw 2S do 5 50 for t'.4 nw ne 9 do do 160 12.63 n ne 32 DW 19 do do do ln.64 sw do se 21 do do do 12,11 ne 33 S.43 S.14 do 5 50 20 SO 10,6- 20 27 20.S0 Weeping Water Precinct. n ne2S 11 10 so re 84 do do 160 3 ?9 7 79 fw 31 11 II 160 S.63 d J 2,53 e sw for '61 w nw 83 do do w ne 1 10 11 nw nw do do do s pt nnff 2 do do 73 so 40 4 62 nw ne do do do 6,.1 se n w do do do K,s8 w se. do do do 40 d 80 do do 2 17 d 4.3S 4 94 5,34 e ae 82 do d n nw e 4 de do 20 1.48 nesw 29 do do 2,15 ne S do do 160 7 75 do 3,1 1 for 64 pt se 8 do do 40 .2 42 ne SI do do 160 8 64 se sw 9 do do do 1,92 nwnw do do do 40 e sw 10 do do f 0 8,s7 tw nw do do do 40 2 17 do 8.43 sw sw do do do 40 2. nw 84 do do loo nw 11 do do 160 ll,oO do 12, IS for '64 e sw do do do SO 5,79 do 5,94 for '64 s ne 13 do 00 do d ne 4 10 12 nw 4 do do n se 5 do do e sw 5 do do do 9,62 do 10.79 80 5,00 do 6.37 do 5,75 53 149 40 2.70 SO 4 92 8 ne 1 do do nw do d j do 160 li.5Se pt n nw7 do d w se do do do SO 4,bo se nw 7 do do e sw do do do do do sw 15 do do 160 7,4S ne 20 11 do d do ne 27 do do SO 6..VJ nw27 do d do 4.27 do 5 S4 for '64 n se do do do do 5.61 sw do do do 160 7,46 do 5.S4 tor '64 w w 10 do do se sw do de do 4o 2 47 i.w 17 do do 160 10.79 se ne IS do do 40 Z.59 ne se do do do 40 .73 se 19 II do 100 10,79 do 9,S6 for '64 nw 20 do do do do 2.70 do 5,40 do ne se o'iJo do 40 B re 23 do do SO nw tssJo do do 4. US for '64 s sw do do do ' iswtjo do do su do se do uo do 160 8,63 n nw do do do ni 4,32 swne33 do 00 120 7 20 xr i w do do do e se 29 do do a ne 30 do do SO do do do s nw do do do ru 4. so do ae iw do do do 40 2,40 me se do do do 40 2,13 Louisville Precinct S T K A's Tax 1SG4 ne sw 2 11 11 40 3 30 se sw 2 do da do do e ne 3 do do SO G 34 sw sw 3 do do 40 3 30 2 3-5 se 5 do do 160 12 63 sw ne 7 do do 40 2 35 wsw7dodo SO 6 51 4 02 se ne S do do 40 3 30 2 35 se 9 do do 1C0 12 93 sw 10 do do do do ce 13 do do do do nw do do do do do ne 14 do do do do nw 17 do do do do nene 12 12 do 40 3 78 ne nw do do do Ho ' do Lot 1 do do do 32 3 00 w p't lot 2 do do do 30 neswdo do do 40 3 77 sw sw do do do ' do do ptne 13 do do 34 3 21 ptnwdo do do 52 4 30 w se do do do SO 6 98 lot 4 15 do do 33 3 44 lot 5 do do do 43 4 28 lot 7 20 do do 60 5 17 lnt 1 21 do do 40 3 73 ne22 do do 160 14 SO n ew 23 do do SO 7 40 e sw 26 do do do G i)3 ne 27 do do 160 13 96 sw do do do do 14 SO ne ne28 do do 40 sw 29 do do 160 do ne nw 33 do do 40 3 49 w sw 34 do do 80 ne 5 11 12 160 13 15 ne 7 do do do do se 17 do do do 12 92 SA'do do do 160 do nw4 12 do do 14 SO for "63 514; for'G2433; for '61 Fiin:istille Prec'nct Lot 3 6 12 12 30 2 85 se8 do do SO 7 40 2 35 2 66 1 02 3 20 4 76 2 40 4 02 2 35 4 02 7 94 8 90 1219 sw nw 9 do do 40 9 t!c nw sw 9 do do 120 e se 19 do do SO nw sw 8 do do 40 sw se 19 do do do e sw 20 do do SO ne 21 do do 160 se do do do do s ne 29 do do SO se 30 do do 160 s ne sw 32 do do 120 n se 29 do do 80 sw 33 do do 160 lot 1 33 13 do 39 lot 2 do do do 25 lot 6 32 do do 41 lot 3 5 12 do 12 3 70 11 10 7 40 3 70 3 77 6 95 14 10 do 7 05 14 10 10 56 7 05 14 SO 3 66 2 39 7 33 2 05 G7 do do do do 4 50 8 90 4 50 8 90 Lot 4 on Sales 5 Island 5 5 5 5 5 6 16 17 South Bend Precinct se 14 11 10 160 7 33 12 do do do do do do do 40 do do SO do 40 to 58 40 do SO 1 65 do 2 22 3 70 3 72 1 2 46 1 90 1 96 nw sw o sw sw 5 nw ne 6 s ne 6 e se6 do do se ne 8 do d c ao o uo CIO 1st 5 10 do do sw sw 9 do do sw nw 14 do do n nw do do do 2 19 3 74 2 84 1 94 3 74 se 22 do d. 160 7 33 nw sw 23 do do 40 1 90 n se 25 do do SO 3 92 se se do do do 40 1 90 Sail Creek Precinct nt ene2 12 9 73 4 31 I 94 4 16 sw 3 do 9 w ne 1 do 9 ne nw 1 do 9 s nw 6 do 9 ew 11 do 9 nw 14 do 9 se se 18 do 9 160 SO 40 80 9 73 4 SG 2 43 4 86 9 73 do 2 42 4 15 4 S6 9 73 2 42 do 4 SG 9 73 3 20 160 do 40 SO do 160 40 do 80 1G0 n sw 27 do w ne 23 do se do do n ne 29 do nw ne do do ne ne 31 do se do do Lots in Piatt smoiiih City. lot bl'k tax lot bl'k tax lot tlk tax C 2 140 8 2 140 4 3 1 25 6 3 1 25 4 4 90 10 4 1 40 6 6 1 40 2 7 1 40 3 7 1 40 12 7 1 40 4 S 75 12 9 90 4 10 1 40 7 11 1 SO 8 12 1 SO 1 14 90 3 14 90 G 14 90 3 15 1 03 4 15 1 OS 7 15 1 08 1 16 55 13 10 1 40 14 10 1 40 6 17 1 40 11 17 do 12 17 do 1 IS 90 10 IS 1 SO 11 IS 1 SO 5 19 2 53 12 19 2 53 9 22 55 10 22 55 4 23 55 8 23 do 9 26 1 SO e hf 8 29 2 5S 4 30 2 53 n hf 5 31 1 SO s hf 4 31 1 SO 4 33 15 24 e hf 2 33 6 80 10 34 1 07 4 37 2 53 5 37 1 SO 6 37 1 SO 10 do 2 75 1 39 90 7 39 90 3 40 90 5 40 do 5 44 73 9 44 73 10 44 73 2 45 do 3 45 do o 45 do 5 46 do 6 4G do s hf 2 47 2 5S 3 47 2 53 n ht 7 do 2 58 12 do 1 40 1 43 90 2 48 90 3 4S 90 8 do do 9 do do 11 43 1 SO 7 49 2 5S 8 49 5 12 9 49 do 8 50 1 40 2 53 75 7 53 75 1 54 75 5 54 do 9 do do 2 55 90 1 57 do 4 57 do 6 57 75 8 do do 9 57 do 12 do do 2 53 do 3 53 do 6 58 do 9 do do 5 59 do 8 59 do e hf 3 60 33 11 60 62 12 GO 62 7 61 62 9 61 62 11 do do 2 61 do 2 62 75 4 62 75 8" 62 75 9 63 90 5 64 1 30 9 65 do 10 65 75 12 65 75 13 do do 14 do do 5 73 55 6 73 55 9 74 55 1 75 53 3 75 53 4 76 53 9 76 do .10 76 do 7 84 42 9 87 53 10 87 5S 11 87 53 8 S3 53 10 SS 58 11 88 do 12 do do 9 S9 do 10 89 do 12 S9 do 9 90 40 8 90 40 9 90 40 12 do do 7 91 30 9 91 . 30 3 92 do 4 92 40 I 6 92 5S 9 92 53 2 93 do 4 93 40 7 93 55 5 94 55 6 94 55 11 95 do 3 98 90 10 93 1 30 2 99 75 3 99 75 4 99 75 1 111 4G 2 111 46 3 111 46 4 do do 10 do do 12 do do 1 122 do 3 122 do 4 122 do 10 do doll do do 12 do do 1 123 do 1 123 do 2 123 do 3 do do 9 do do 12 do do 9 J34 do II 154 do 10 136 do 10 137 1 SO 5 137 40 13 137 1 SO 10 133 40 2 149 do 6 151 75 11 151 75 1 152 do 2 152 40 3 152 40 12 do do 9 1G3 do 10 163 do 11 163 do 12 do do 3 164 4S 4 164 4a 5 164 43 6 161 do 7 do do 12 do do 1 1G5 do 2 165 do 6 165 do 8 do do 9 165 do 11 do " do 12 do do 3 1G6 do 6 166 do 7 166 do 8 do do 9 do di 12 do do 2 ICS do 4 163 do 9 163 do 5 169 55 9 1G9 55 1 170 55 2 170 do 3 170 do 4 do do 5 do do 6 do do 7 do do 8 do do 9 do do 10 do do 12 do do 1 171 75 2 171 75 5 171 75 2 172 90 5 172 90 6 172 90 7 do do 8 do do 11 172 do 13 do do 14 do do 1 173 48 2 173 43 3 173 4S 4 173 do 5 173 do -6 do do 7 do do 13 173 do 14 do do 9 221 40 9 222 40 10 222 40 5 223 40 6 223 40 5 224 do 7 221 do 8 224 do Young & Hays' Addition G 13 22 C 15 22 2 21 22 3 21 do 4 21 do Townsend's Addition 2 1 22 1 2 22 1 3 22 4 4 do 6 4 do 7 4 do 8 4 do 7 5 31 8 5 31 5 G 31 6 6 do 7 G do 8 6 do 1 7 do 2 7 do 3 7 do 4 7 do 9 7 do 10 7 do 11 7 do 12 7 do 1 8 do 1 10 do 2 10 do 3 10 do 4' 10 do 5 do do 6 do do 7 do do 8 do do 9 do do 10 da do 11 do do 12 do do 5 11 do 0 11 do 9 11 do 10 do do 11 do do 12 do do 5 12 do G 12 do 7 12 do 8 do do 1 13 22 2 13 22 1 14 22 3 15 31 3 16 31 1 17 31 2 17 31 Tlitiiiy:oil"s .Addition Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, G, 7, 8, U and 10 in block 2, tax 22 cts each. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. in block- 5, 22c each Lots 1 and 2 in block G, 22c each Lois 3, 4, 5. G, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 11. in block 6, 31 cis each Lots 1, 8,9, 11, 12, 13, in block 10, tax 22 cts each Lots 1 and 13 in block 11, 22 cts each Lots 8, 9, 10, II, 12 and 13 in Hock 12 tax 22 cts each Lots 1, 2.3, 5, 6, 7 in block 2, 20 cts each for 1S64 1 lot bl'k ;C4 '63 lot bl'k 'C4 '63 north hf 3 47 1 CO 2 53 43 1 24 1 '57 43 I 24 10 65 43 1 75 ' 4G 11 87 33 9 89 38 4 111 33 10 111 38 10 122 33 23 5 137 86 85 10 138 33 1 35 : 2 149 3D 40 6 151 33 2 57 12 103 25 1 54 3 164 23 88 5 164 23 1 31 6 164 23 1 31 12 do 28 1 81 6 165 25 2 56 8 165 5 22 70 9 do do 79 11 do do 2 56 12 do do 50 3 lf,G do 1 62 6 Igg do 40 8 do do 2 5q 9 dd do 50 2 168 do 1 3fl 5 169 40 2 170 40 50 9 170 40 35 5 171 do 1 41 5 223 25 50 6 223 28 1 50 5 224 40 7 224 40 8 do do 1 84 Delinquent Tax List of 18G5 and former vears, including the year ISG0 inthe City of Plattsmouth, N. T : Ain't Names of Owners Lot Block or tax A. lams EC 8 29 T 15 Ilarnes A G 1'2 and 8 76 39 Marker Bca 1 13 4 ' B. vd Matthew 10 68 17 do do 9 69 Sd do do 10 85 89 do do , 8 88 13 do do 9 H6 60 do do 11 138 t' do do 4 16T 17 do do 11 170 do do do 7 171 19 Currothers J 1 97 f 3 do 2 97 f3 Fori W J 7 ST 2 6 Graff WS 8 and 7 15 4 do 2 172 33 do 46 17 JassPP 1 92 do Hope EH 11 69 20 Hcrold Wm nnd 1-2 8 224 15 Hail es J V 1" 63 46 do 3 95 1 95 d, 0 11 165 Hess ft Finisher n 1 2 6 81 0 '20 Hammond JO 10 49 65 Incalls John 8 172 1 f6 James EE 5 41 33 do 2 57 20 do 1 67 do 6 4S 17 do 10 22 do Kineda E W 8 20 8 90 LathropN 89 39 do 10 46 52 do do 83 62 do S3 ' 20 do 2 20 do 1 1 89 Lewis & Co. 60 feet off of 7 and 8 47 2 91 do 6, 8,9, 10, 11 and 13 64 46 15 Vornan RD 6 43 1 15 MePeak William 8 74 . 99 Xewman T W 9 25 83 do 1 IS 26 do 13 and 14 65 40 do do and do 172 62 Newman Amanda 10 136 26 do do 8 173 IS Xewman ft La brop 1 nd 2 93 79 do do 1 and 3 111 80 do do 5 and 6 20 1 64 do do 5 and 6 27 1 30 do do 2 and 3 44 52 do do 2 and 3 54 62 do do & and 3 53 62 do do T and 9 53 66 do do 1 and 2 60 53 Otmsteed A J "' I and 2 74 40 Po-silJiVob . north 1-2 1 and 2 27 2 93 Pollock 1 bonias 12 95 20 do do 11 149 13 do do 8 172 S3 do do . 0 40 83 P:muc:ee C tl 5 IS 2 93 Ram.y i N 12 83 2 60 do ' 8 47 3 25 R"i' hackel A outh 1-2 10 43 1 30 Wheel-r D 11 7 49 P3 Weils Joshua 4 and 6 8 - 66 NON-RESIDENT LIST. Lot bl'k tax Lot bl'k tax Lot bl'k tax 9 8 89 5 4 81 7 4 49 0 6 49 3 8 S3 6 8 83 4 II 65 6 10 65 5 11 49 7 13 26 8 13 2 23 6 14 33 1 10 20 13 16 26 J4 16 26 7 IS : 12 19 if 4 23 17 8 23 17 2 26 17 10 26 49 wtfS 29 65 a 1-2 4 31 65 11 82 1.95 In 34 33 5 86 65 1 39 33 7 39 33 9 40 33 7 43 26 10 44 20 8 45 83 10 45 83 t'i 7 47 1,30 nl-2 3 47 49 6 49 69 8 49 1 63 10 50 83 12 50 49 1 52 49 3 62 38 2 65 26 7 55 26 2 56 2,60 T 56 20 3 67 2.13 4 67 21 f.7 20 8 57 20 9 67 20 12 57 20 2 58 26 6 63 26 S 56 '-'6 8 69 26 4 69 26 5 59 '.fl 8 69 Sffi nl 2 3 00 13 11 60 26 12 60 ' 26 9 61 26 do 61 26 do Cl 26 4 62 26 0 63 83 10 63 33 12 63 13 5 64 49 5 73 20 6 73 20 6 74 17 9 74 20 1 75 20 8 7o 20 6 75 17 4 76 20 9 76 '20 10 76 20 11 66 49 It S7 20 9 83 20 9 69 20 10 S9 20 7 90 13 8 90 13 9 90 13 12 90 do 7 91 10 9 t"l 10 2 92 do '2 93 13 4 93 13 7 93 20 1-2 93 65 5 94 do 9 97 49 4 93 83 1 111 20 2 111 20 3 111 20 4 do 20 10 do 17 11 do IT 12 do 17 I 122 20 3 123 20 4 122 20 10 do 17 11 do 17 12 d 17 1 123 do 2 123 do 3 123 do 4 do do 10 do 20 12 do 20 8 134 20 9 134 20 11 134 20 10 13S 13 11 13S 13 2 149 13 1 151 13 5 1)1 do 6 do 20 7 do IT 9 151 83 12 do 33 2 152 13 3 1.'2 13 10 lot! 13 1'i do do 9 163 17 do 163 17 11 163 IT 12 do do 3 164 do 4 164 do 5 164 do 6 do do 10 do do 11 do do 12 do do 6 li"i d do 165 do 12 165 do 3 H6 20 8 166 20 6 166 do 5 do 17 9 do 17 11 do 20 2 16S do 3 169 20 1 170 '20 2 170 20 3 170 20 4 do 20 5 do 20 6 do 20 7 do 20 8 do 20 9 do 20 10 do 20 11 do 20 12 do 20 1 171 20 2 171 20 5 171 20 6 do 20 8 do 20 11 do 13 9 do 20 10 do 20 6 172 26 7 172 26 11 172 2(1 1 173 IS 2 173 IS 4 173 Id 5 do do 6 fdo do 7 d.. do 9 221 13 10 221 13 11 221 10 2 222 do 9 222 do 10 222 13 12 '222 10 5 221 Jo 6 223 do 5 224 13 RELIEF FOR THE SOUTH. We .'earn from the Nebraska City papers that an association has been formed in that city entitled the "South ern Relief Association," the object of which is to raise funds for the relief of Southern widows and others who are in need of help. While we would not deioari nm Joia from the good In tentions of any benevolent organiza tion. yet we cannot but notice and remark upon the avidity with which the people of Nebraska City lay hold upon any thing that is calculated to help the South or the sufferers who were wedded to the rebellion. We see men, women and children taking1 hold with a will when money is to be raised to help our "Southern brethern" who are needy; but how different it was when some of our own gallant boys of the 1st Ne braska were prisoners and were suf fering for want of the commonest ne cessaries of life. We remember very distinctly how hard it was to raise a few dollars in this same City of Ne braska when Lieut. Polock and his comrades sent to their friends at home for relief from their sufferings. Now, when rebel sufferers call, the whole commuuity is alive to the. necessity of doing something for them. Long, trtn-dy appeals are made iu behalf of suffering humanity : associations are formed, and money in abundance flows from the coffers of these same men who grudging doled out a few cents to buy ti.i cups for the use of the defend ers of our homes when they were pris oners and "strangers in a strange land." Yet the prime movers in this "Southern relief" arrangement would be greatly incensed if any one should be bold enough to intimate that they were not strictly loyal, and the true Union men in the land. only Oh! yes; certainly they are loyal (to the Ccnff deracy). Don't they support "my policy," which declares that the dear people who were lately amusing them selves by starving "Lincoln hirelings" to de.ith have done no wrong ? How does ihe thing look to the veterans of tha 1st Nebraska. - A "SPECIMEN BRICK." Hiram Lightner, the regularly elect ed delegate from Colorado to ihe Andy at Philadelphia, has been consigned to the U. S. Jail in Denver, for the theft of a bar of gold valued at 83,000, from Holladay's Express office. This "delegate" and supporter of "my policy" admitted the theft (after the stolen property had been found upon his person), and has been found guilty of stealing-a number of articles of lesser value, such as gold pens, etc. He should send a proxy, and then complain of an "arbitrary ar rest' for political purposes. ,: U. I. R. IIKltJGE. From the Rocky Mountain PTews we learn that Gen. Dodge has gone west for the purpose of locating the bridge for the Pacific Railroad across the Platte. It is supposed the crossing will be made somewhere near the junction of the two rivers, and that the road will be built to Denver. Should such be the case, the road from this city west ward will eventually be the main line. It will be the shortest and most direct, ihe easiest kept in repairs, and conse quently can be run at less expense than the Omahn road. The B. &. M. R. Company are pushing their road thro' Iowa at a rapid rate, and will, in all probability, commence work on the west side of the Missouri river early next spring. From the Omaha Herald. THE "GREAT" FIZZLELET TER FROM DR. IILACK. Plattsmouth, N. T., Aug. 3, '66. Editors or the Herald: Gentlemen I am compelled to ad dress a few hues to you in order to have the late lleaih Convention set be foro ihe community in its proper light. The Plattsmouth Democrat ot the 2d inst., publishes the proceedings of the Convention as made up by lleaih and his c'ique ; and I am truly sorry to see ihe Democrat debae its columns by publishing a garblf d and erroneous re port of the numbers and doings of the convention for the sake of the aggrand isement of Heath, or any other rene gade politician. It would have been much more to the credit of the Demo crut and to every one having anything lo do with the convention, if a full and true statement of the facts in ihe case hid been made to the pubhc And in asmuch as my name is published as one of ihe delegates to that convention, I wish the truth to be published as far as I am concerned, and as far as ihe Dim ocraiic party of Ca5s county generally are concerned. On the 1st inst., about ten o'clock, on entering mv office from making some professional visits about town found some ten or a dozen of the De mocracy of Piattsmouth discussing the propriety or impropriety of having any thing to do with the Heath convention. I then and there stated that I was op posed to having anything to do with the movement in any shape or man ner. In the caucus I stated that, person ally, I stood firmly by the action taken by our Democratic members of the Lesilature in appointing Messrs. Pop p'eton and Morton to the Philadelphia Conventon. I then made a motion in ihe caucus that the Democracy of Cass county stand by the delegates elected by our members of the legislature, which was lost. The caucus then sent Mr. WTtse to confer with Heath & Co., and ascer tain if they would allow us to name two of the four delegates to the Phil adelphia Convention. It was suggest ed if they would do so, that we had probably as well go into convention with them and elect Messrs. Poppleton and Morton. Mr. Wise confered with them, and reported that they would not make any arrangement of the kind, and assigned as a reason thai it would look too much like a political bargain. Mr. Wise staled that they were will ing lo pledge us in advance that J. R. Porter should be one of the delegates. I presume that they thought Mr. Por ter would net be in their way, but that Poppleton and Morton would be. I then made a motion that the caucus adjourn sine die, without appointing any delegates to the convention, which mo tion was lost. A motion was then made and car ried, that the chairman of the caucus, 3Ir. Porter should appoint six dele gates to attend the convention. The chair appointed Jacob Vallery, A. B. Smith., E Hutchinson, J. N. Wise, J. I. Early and John Black. I then slated that I hoped that the caucus would excuse me from acting in ihe capacity of delegate ; that they were all well aware of the fact that I took no stock in the movement, and that I did not wish to act in any capa city that would conflict with my convic tions on the subject. The caucu3 de clined lo excuse me. I then stated that if the delegates would stand by me and that if we could not get our rights in the convention, that I would with draw from it. The convention met in a private up- stair's room of the Platte Valley Hotel, at 10 o'clock. There were present seven persons from nil the other coun ties of Nebraska, besides the six al ready mentioned from this county, mak ing in all 13. Before the meeting was organized an effort was mad a by Jacob Vallery, sen., Jacob Vallery, jun.,. and Jno. Black, to have the convention hold its session in the public school house, where all could attend that wanted to, as there were a good many persons about town, some from the country, , who wished to be present at the con tention. Heath and Patrick strenu ously opposed holding the convention openly, and Heath cut the matter short by putting Patrick in nomination for chairman, and pressing his motion to a vote with more haste than the occasion required. ' . Mr. Patrick took the chair, and made a few pertinent and well-timed re marks, al the close of which Dr. Jno. Black put J. 1 Early in nomination for Secretary of the meeting. Mr. Early declined to serve, for reasons which will presently appear ; for the thing was all cut and dried by Heath, Patrick & Co. Mr. Early put Mr. Hutchinson of Cass, and Richy of Burt, in nomination for Secretaries, and they were duly elected. The very instant they were elected, Heath jumped up and moved that the chair appoint a committee of three on resolutions. The chair appointed Messrs. Heath, Wise and Early. Jno. Black moved that the chair ap point three on credentials. The chair ruled motion out of order ; and stated that ihe convention was not a delegate convention. Jno. Black produced tho call, and read that portion of. it where it speaks of the number of delegates that the different counties would be entitled to, and that no proxies would be allowed, &c. But the chair perti naciously adhere to its ruling, and would not listen to any reason on the subject. 1 then stated that if the convention was not a delegate convention, I did not know what kinl of a convention it was; and ibat I did not wish to hnve any thing more to do with it. I then beg ged leave t5 withdraw from the con vention, and pick up my hat and re tired. After I left, A. B. Smith inquired of the chair how the convention were to ascertain whe were entitled to seats, and who had a right to cast the votes of the several counties ? The chair replied in a very huffy manner that any gentlemen from any county would cast the entire vote that lhat county was entitled to. Mr. Smith referred the chair to tho call; but the chair ignored il entirely, and Mr. S. retired from the convention in disgust. So he told me the same evening. . The Democrat says that there was a large attendance, embracing men from all parts of the Territory and of all polit ical parties. I call on the Democrat to tell us in its next issue who they were, and what political parties they belong ed to. The Democrat says that during tho reading of the resolutions by the chair great enthusiasm prevailed, and every one of them was received with ap plause. After I retired from the con vention, I took a seat on the pavement directly in front of the room where ihe meeting was being held, and within ten feet of some of the members, and the windows were up, and I never, heard one word of applause or enthusiasm. I have inquired of others if they heard any, and they have all told me that they did not. At the end of the report, the Dem ocrat caps the climax, by staling lhat Douglas, Otoe: Platte, Kearney, Saline Seward, Washington, Burt, Cuming and Richardson counties were all well represented in the convention. Will the Democrat please to tell the public how seven delegates could represent eleven counties, when according to the call no proxies were allowed ? That part of the call that refers to the way in which the convention shall be made up, the DcmocratSov some'rea son of its own or Heath's, has seen proper to omit. Mr. Wise's name is appended to the call in the place of Mr. Hanna, Heath and him having had some correspondence about the matter before the convention convened. Yours, JNO. BLACK. Horse Thief Captured. A man by the name of John Alow, was ar rested at noon to-day, on charge . of stealing mules. The animals were taken from Missouri, about three weeks since, and sold on last Saturday to Mr. Edwards of this city. He was arrest ed at the foot of Main street by Mar shal Ilickey. He had an examination before C. W. Pierce, who ordered him to be committed to the iron cell. The proof against him was very clear. J"eics. Viexxa, Aog. G. It is expected that a definite peace will soon be signed by the Austrian and Prussian plenipotentiaries at Prague. Italy is not included, if the difficulty relative to the armastice with Italy, is not ar ranged within a few days hostilities will be renewed. . Cuicago, Aug. 9. The Illinois Republican State Convention which met at Springfield yesterday, nomina ted Gen. John A. Logan as Congress man at large from this State. Resolutions were adopted endorsing Congress, and recognizing - it as the supreme power in the matter of recon struction. . , - Bo6tox, Aug. 9. Among the dele gates to Philadelphia, appointed by the Faneuil Hall Convention, are Rob't C Winthrop, Isaac Davis, Geo. Ash mun, John Q. Adams, D. 'N- Couch. ' i: i i !'' t' '