She 2lcbra$lui gtraltl. LOCAL NEWS. HIE X ATIOXAI. IlCrLBLlCA.'V TLATrORil. t,, t Ritot-PTio propo:r(? an amendment to . .,.,,,t, ,.n nt the United states 1 ?,... .rM nv . and Wouse of Repre- LC - ' - . . . . lie auta t'oa- ..r ik. 1'nit.d states of America la . 1 1 . .t ! hrinrwhl til h!! Legislatures of the several Mates a. an amend ,i,e Constitution of the United Mate, which Lh"n raii.lty'.rrf ,. of aid I.g,lt..reS Taill te ai:d a pa.lof the ConaUtation, uaintljr : ARTICLE XIV PectiON 1 All persons born or naturalised in the i-.d Mate. Q) nieci luiNfjuiiu.- .v., :rr"K; '".to. No n.ase or enforce .n, law -hich .hall afari h ! P-ivilrew r man " -1 of citiaen. of the United State, ; nor .hall rir witli-.ul du- pr-t-M t Uw.n-jr deny to any V'r.on within its jurisdiction the eoual protection Vtc 2 KepresentatiTcs hall b'' apportioned .nM.n t'ie teveral f-tatw according t their rrspec numbers, counting the whole number of person. ' LbMa't, Inliaos n. t taaed. Isut ,V , ,be right to vie at any election for the choir ,f al..-cfr fr resident aud ics l'ridnt of the r, ud States, repre.f-utatives in Congress, the exe ,,; at.a judicial officers of a SUf, or the in. ni f the l-g.sialure. ther.-of, i denied to any of h male inhabitant, of .uch Slate, he ng tweuty '.;, IeJri of age. and citiina of the United Kates, rin auT ay HhriVed,ex.e,t f r participation li. rb- li 'ii or "tner ''i"1". f rfn-eienUiti-n IKrrriii reduced in the proportion to ichich h male citizen ahull lift r to the wWe tKimher of riuia citizen twenty-one yeara of u je in 'icA Jitute. cat- : No person shall boa Senator or Repre sentative in CoDKros. or elector of I're-idei.t or hold an office, civil or ml'itary, under the Luud Maf Lr under any Mate, who having previously talteii 'an oath, an a nieml;r of Concn-aa. or i an ce. of the United State, or a. a D'Dt'r of eny Bute Lrgislatme.or a an executive or judicial fh rer of ay state, to aiipport the Uo:ian:uti.n of the Un tel f tales, th'tU h.tne eng.ig'd in Insurrection or rf'ellion ao'iinat the tnrne, or 'jiven aid or com fort to the enemie thereof. But C-r. -. may hy a v.,teof two thirds of each Ilouae, icmove auch a The validity of the public debt of the United ritatea, authorii-d by law, lociiidinjt debt incurred for pavm-nt cf penion and bountie for rvicea in aurprejs.nif lnurrrctioti or rel ellioo, AiBof tjueationed. liut neither the United Ttatea n..r any State anali a-ume or pay any debt or obligation in aid of insurrection or re-1,-Ui-m wjairtt the l nit-l StaUm, or any claim for lorn or mancipation of any n'are ; but ail ucli detta, osiigatioin and ciaiun ahall be held illegal a'l 1 void. . fEC 5 The Conpref 'hall nave power to n f.rcebv approptiate legislation, the .provisions of tUi.attic.e. SOIIUYLtll COLFAX, Speaker f t the Houe of Representative!. La PAYKTTK S. KoSlfcK, Preidi-ntof the Sen ite pro tempore. ' Front Wednesday' Dai'y, 5TThe Steamer Denver laid at our Undine last nieht, on her do wnwara trrp The Denver is one of the best boats, and Harry Deuel one of the best clerks that run" the river (jy W. D. Jag has removed his boot and shoe shop to the new building one door west of the Platte Valley House, and O. S. Courtwright, Saddle and liar uess maker, can bo found at the same place. &It is saft to suppose there is some thine rotten when such men as J. S. Mor ton uses the term "conservative" instea of "Democartic." IJeware of all such ".Johnson" men and Johnson Clubs started by their ngeDt". It is nothing more nor less than a mo Jification of the K. G. C's. fJ"We hope that every ono in ths locality who has black tocth, yellow teeth, crooked teeth, decayed teeth, teeth thu uche, or no teeth nl nil, will bear in mind that Dr. McCluskey, lato of I i-tsburgh, is in the city for the especial purpose of attending to just such casus- The Dr. proposes locating permanently at this point, provided he receives sufficient encouragement in the way of business. There are plenty of people here who need the services of a dentist, and low is the time to secure them. olden Age says: We arc in formed by Maj. D. II. Weeeler, Indian BSent n the Reserve, thit the PawDees, 2,700 strong, and nearly 1,00'J of the Omahas, started on summer Moore yesterday, and was held to bail in the sum of of $200, in default of which he was again remanded to prison to i await his trial at the next term of the District Court. From Friday' Daily. -Our friend C. II. Walker, Esq , the great "sheepist" of Saundere county, brought In a quantity of wool yesterday, which was sent down on th steamer La cey this morning. Mr. Walker informs us that he sold five sheep a few days since for the nat sum of $200. He has some of the best sheep in Nebraska in his flock on Salt Creek, and takes great pains to promote the wool growing in terests of our young State. C5?"The lost is found the wanderer returned. Gen. Livingston's elk. which was taken away by some of the men bel onging to Johnson Jb Co;, circus, was brought back on the Lacey yesterday. We learn that a law suit had to be insti tuted before the showmen would give him up. They came out at the "little end of the horn," however, and "billy" was returned much to the delight of his 'many friends" in this city. (JThe papers of Nebraska City have been filled for the past few days with articles of a personal nature, which have originated from some misunderstanding about the payment of the brass band. The amount in controversy is about $20; and about $50 aworth of space has al- eady been occupied in abusing each other that is if their rates for ''person al" items are as high as most papers. Give us something else for a few days, neighbor; and settle your personal diffi culties in somo other manner. 5?"If our neighbor, who ia panting for fame, wishes us to advertise him free of charge, we would Buggest to him the propriety of using language becoming a gentleman when speaking of his cotem poraries; otherwis he may fail in secur ing the notoriety which an occasional notice in the Herald would give him Whpn a nerson haviuz the airs of, and r '-' claiming to be, a gentleman cannot ex. preos himself so as to be understood with out resorting to his na'ural mode of ex pression, and using with profusion such ungentlemanly terms as "liar," &c, we generally take the ground that he is be nea'h the notice of common mortals We never parade such animals before the public. Their outward appearance may be pleasant to the eight, but the stench they create when brought in con tact with mankind is horrible to endure and is exceedingly offensive to the morals of an enliehtened community. Such lanuuge might be admissable among th blood-tubs" of Ba'timore, but is gen crallv considered as evidence of a low base and corrupt mind when ued pro fusjly through a newspaper in as intelli gent a part of the world as Nebraska Again we say, if our neighbor wants ad vertiaing, let him change his mode of ex Drcssion; otherwise we 6hall treat his efforts in that direction with the contempt they deserve. following named officers were elected. I ("Ib going for or orderinir eoods, l.i & . ! n. V n a 1 . a & rpstilpnt. .Tacnh Vnllerv. 1 reaUTT. I v'" K1""" . , , ., , , J w - - ' Thomas K. Hanna, Secretary, E. C. wards tho building of a fence on the same money that woald have to be paid l -j .u. r 1 TV- r at a creator distance, it is certainly an west side of the Cemetery. The posts .P Let oar' dealers in Groce. are already on the ground, and lumber . L1 or. ec reason upon this sub. uflicient to build it purchased. This ject, and when they want anvthing in the I matter should have been attended to line, go to Westheimer & tppstein, in St. Joseph, and we aouos no mey can make it more profitable than to send or go further east. je2Glm'3 ong ago, as we unaerstana tne graves and quite a number of the tomb stones are badly injured. tThe Local of Omaha Herald says that a boy was drowned the other day 'in Flattsmouth." We were not aware DENTIST- Dr. M. II. MeCluskey, Dentist, offers his services to tho citizens of Flattsmouth before that our Nebraska neighbor, down and vicinity where he will be happy to the river, was under water. Council wait upon all who may give him a call, bluff. Xtmparid. X. A. CRAVES, WX3. MORTGOMERT. ''Honesty is the best policy;" and if the local of the Omaha Herald bad copied the dronning of the boy, and given us proper credit, he would not have made such a blunder; but that's what a person g'ets for an attempt at petty larceny. JJm Tuetday'i Dnilj. . fXSTBayard Taylor left for Nebraska City on the Denver at 11 a. m. to-day. (J"Ye have received the annual re port of the North Missouri Railroad Company, for the year 18G5. showinr the South tide of Mam street, one door east vt earnings for the year to be $257,803,81. dTTlie Nebraska City Xews says the PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. body of a man Was seen floating in the I We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of river opposite that plaoe. Hi may be ewis. A movement has been made to- thev can be had so as to enable the pur chaser to make the greatest profit If thev can be had near home for about the B N E W M A -N , Corner Main and Third Streets, Plattsmoutii, N. T;- THOA. B. TOOTI.r, T. K. RAltlt, J. CLlKK Tootle, Hanna & KarK BANKERS, OUTFITTING CLOTHING II 0 U. S E for one month. Artificial teeth put np and warranted to etve satisfaction. Terms moderate. Office on Main street opposite the Court House. june6d&w2w. IN THE WEST! Dealer in Graves & Montgomery TOBACCONISTS, le of Main street, one door Duke & Co.'s Tin Store, Gents' Furnishing Goods. lints, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, fcc , &c that it was the body of the boy who was drowned nere last week. (J5s7""We eo it stated in the Omaha Herald that the Indians have burned Elk lorn Station near Jack Morrows. We know nothing in regard to the trvth of the statement, but give it as we have it. CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, Also a large lot of ETC., ETC., ETC. 9-GIVE VS A CALL ! ways hangs out. The latch-string al- RUBBER CLOTHING AND REVOLVERS 1?&4anV TVaatlff Taken no by th. .nbaeriba,. about three mile. Of a'l descriptions always OD. band. luulh of the Coiod Post office, Cass county, N. T. (T?rWe learn from a man just in from 0.1 t..e ssu, day of m. 1S66, caught pin J I road, one dapple array horse, described as follows.- Salt Creek that eighty families have Set supposed to he seven years old. In toleiahly good tied in the vicinity of of Lajcaster with in the past three months. Our predic tion that this Salt Creek country would yet be the most populous and wealthiest portion of Nebraska is being rapdly verified. (?"The Omaha Herald chap calls us 'Lilliputian," and says they have a special correspondent" in this city. Your "special correspondent" is laboring Warranted to take up and load bay as left by .he v v a Mower, without Raking, Cocking or Pitching. AUo under many aisaa vantages at me present 1 to load Grain, riax, tc, wunoui me laooroi iu- time, being nnder tho care or bnenn I of iabor from n to 20 dollars per day. Price cfMa- Gass and not allowed to go to the Post chine tiw.Ciy;i u blifEht. with a Bmall rope hround bis neck, saddi "je20Sw ' DaVIP CUMMINQS. Iewis, Durbin & Cos HAY XD GRAIX LOADING MACHINE. TUB GREATEST LASOS-SAVIKG XACIIXB jy EXISTENCE! Call and examine my extensive stock at ike New Masonic Brick Building. Plattsmouth, April 10th, 1866. "Official Office to mail his letters, tyranny,'" we hear you say. (35terling makes a vicious attack upon Gen. Livingston through the Aeic ' of last Saturday, without tho least shad. ow of a cause exeept his inveterate Addie, J. N. WISE, Esq., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Jyll4w FARM FOR SAIjE. I will sell, on reasonable terms, 160 acres of Land, with a ftovd farm-house on U, or will if de.-ired by a ..II Oiii aires, one hundred and seventy of which is improved. The land is situated at Eight Mile Grove, in Cas county , acd is one of the test Vnt,0,l f all mor. who rinvft served n the stock farms in Nebraska, uimg wen .ateie . I U II1UCICU Go in, Sterling; the sold- For particulars enquire on ti e rreJf?' R a vai Simpson, Sharp ds Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gold Dust. Gold and Silver Co in Exchange, U. S. and other Stocks- DEPOSITS RECElVfiD, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. ap9 dwtf Grover & Baker's Ta-"l -Taf uim y """""""'iK 73' Mar 29, it, Win. Stadtlniaiin & Co., One door uest of Donelan's Drugstore, I Dealers in From 6'i turday' Daily r?Trorerty in this city is ch:ngin ban Is moro rapidly now than ni any vanced ideas in relation to our own sys other time during the past year. It is a healthv eijn, nnd we doubt not our city will propser all the more rapidly for hav ing a little change in tho ownership of real estate. Union army. isrs of the Union have withstood rebel bullets and copperhead slander for four years, and they are yet able to withstand your slacders. rJiTTho lecture last night, by Bayard Taylor, was weVi attended, and gave uni versal satisfaction. Mr. Taylor treated the subject "Ourselres and Our Rela- GENTS tions" in a ceneral manner, showing tats, cats, boots shoes. the relative condition of our own and ..-,. ... , and a general stock or w . European government-, giving the good OUTFITTING GOODS and bad features of each. Those of our For the Plains; also, a larpe lot of people who failed to attend certainly RUBBER CLOTHIXG. RE VOLl missed a good thing, as Mr. Taylor ac- ERS JlXD (JI1UJ A. We bouzht low and will sell cheap for cash. Call . i -i 1 -h .r. U a v: .1. , r I ana exsnnuuour aioca iinwt yu tern or gavernuicuk nuicu cicij mici jyj Republican government and Republican - institutions should hear and ponder well. "Mr. Eeanett from Lancaster was in the city to-day, from whom we learn that 5R 4 Ready-made Clothing, Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, -.T-ivTcf r'TTnx'rciTTArr: nnnns. Wm. 8TADELMANN k CO. (r7II. Boeck Esq., received an im mense stock of furniture this morning on hunt last Sunday, off for Solomn'o Fork the steamer Glasgow. Among the lot th Ronublican. after which, hould we noticed twenty-nve uozen cnairs, a V ...ll.A.AAni'a Kan It f KllPrtl II iKa. nnl fin, thn huntlDJ eOOU mere, UWj ui tn aumuc. v, , J i ' i i I .i 9.. V,- Ij will cross over to the Arkansas, uuua- ninua, louagea, vcu a.. In deer and SIou.x are to constitute the time to buy, while you can nave an -- ...... t . c the principle game Both trues being L assortment 10 .eiect irom. friendly formed in alliance for mutual rTSpecie is again beginning to circu protection as their deadly enemies intend hate. Tootle, Hanna A: Clark, bankers attackiu" them. The Pawnees nave m this city, have on nana a large quan about 2 Odd horses, and the Omaha S00. tity of the now one, two, threo and five The fighting braves of both bands num- cent pieces, which they are putting out ber 1 900, wearing fancy breech cloths freely. They don't have the "jingle" of onlv and well armed and equipped, the old fasuonca money, dui win prove They have besides the usual quota 01 very convenient ana moro uuruom man medicinemen, peace men, big Injuns the postal cunency and little Injuns. They will be gone two Settlers continue to flock to Ne- at no distant day moons, as expressed in their beautitui brask:u Every day brings a few more and expressive language, or as we eay WngoriS to our city loaded with women, in our cumbersome jargon about sixty cnilJren and household good. The im- days. migration to this county and counties west of us Lancaster, Saunders and Seward has been three times greater this season than any previous year; and what NEW JEWELRY STORE The subscriber harinc purchased the Red Stoie on a.i . lot-i. ..irnnicl hi Saruv and other, would respectfully inform the citisens of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that he has refitted the store and opened a things are moving along prosperously at the Salt Basins. Mr. Bennett informs us that the new Salt Manufacturing Com. pany, Messrs. Lintlenun & IJodenburg, have a part of their machinery up and are large glock of laboring vigorously for a completion of -xt "IT" their arrangements at an early day. -M -Jtlj TtiAvv nta ?i rTf-i n rr Vi nnprirptitl rnpn. And I ai.CJ . B-J O .m-lrl CO rlr mnch towards develoDins the latent fAlNT nilivLto weath in and about the Salt Basins. .xica. Steamtooat Agents, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealers in FAXCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, ST. LOUIS FLOUR, DOORS, GLASS, PIXE LUMBER, SIIIXGLES, WIXDOW-BLIXDS, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Also, Agents for the celebrated WATCH, CLOCK AND SEYMOUR'S NEW YORK MOWER AND REAPER, Quaker Boy and Wood's Mowers, r-T.j;. n.nii nhSMren and the rest of man kind. They also propose opening a goou eiocit i and i. prepared to do an umi i of general merchandise for the accom dation of settlers, and will keep on hand nil lrTnrl nf Intnher and bu ildin? material. JEWELEY REPAIRING The people of that locality cannot but In the best manntr, and would u hatPy toservehU j IE "3l Clli & XX "7U" to O Ui & ; C&3C. hail with joy the advent of such men in ?&:V.n AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINE Were awarded the HIGHEST PREMIUMS At the State Fairs or New York, Illinois, Virginia. New Jersey, Michigan, N. Carolina Vermont, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, Indiana, Missouri, California,' At the Fairs of the ; American Institute, Franldin . Institute,' Maryland Institute, Massachusetts Me- chanics' Association, Penn. Me ebonies' Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Mechan ics Association, And at numerous Institute and County Fairs, includ ing all the Fairs at which they were exhibited tli. past three year. First Prizes have also been awarded these Ma chines at the exhibitions of LONDON, PARIS, DUBLIN, LINZ, BK SANCON, BAYONNE, ST. DIZIER, CHALONS. And they have been furnished by special command to the Empress of France, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of Braiil, . . Queen of Spain, and Queen of liar aria. The G ROVER & BAKER ELASTIC-STITCH SKW ING MACniNES are superior to all others for tho following reasons: 1. Tney sew direct from the spool", and require nt rewinding of thread. 2. They are more easily understood and med, and less liable to derangement than other machines. 8. Tbey are capable of executing perfectly, with out change of adjustment, a much greater variety of work than other machines. 4. The stitch made by these machines is murb more Arm, elastic and durable, especially upon arti cles whirn require to be wasued and ironeo, man any other s'itch. 6. This stitch, owing to the manner in which the nnder t read ia inwroukrht. is much the must ntum . SASH, I nd beautiful in use, and retains this plurapnw. and Deauiy even upon articles ircijucuuj w aucu u ironed until they are worn nnt. 6. The structure of the s-am is such that, though it be cut or broken at intervals of only a f?w atitth es, it will neither oven, run or ravel, but remains firm and durable. 7. Unlike other machines, these fasten both ends of the s-am by their own operation. 8. With these machines, while silk is nwd np". the right or face Mile of the eeam, cotton may be used upon the other side without lenxming the strength or durability of the seam. This can I done on no other machine, and ia a great saving upon all articlea atilched or made up with silk. 9. These machines, in addit on to their superior merits as instruments for a wing, by a Chung, of ad justiuent, easily learned and practiced, execute the most beautiful and permanent embroidery and orna mental work. Grover & Baker S. M. Co.. mr21 6m 495 Broadway, New TorW. their n idat, as vast wealth that it JS the fererunner Of the done, at raodrate price, and on short tinia. The ... . .. stock, embracing every variety of gcoda usua ly kept at Will POUT in upon them ,t a first class Jewelry Store, will be sold at low ' .i . . v .... ..n.Vini Tiwhin and prices, ana warranteu o material. He has als a small stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, MARRIED. On the 21st inst., at the residence of Liwson Cook, Esq., in Otoe county, Ne braska by the Rev. II. T. Davis, Mr. which will be replenished from time to timfl, and sold at the loweat figurea. Having permanently lo cat'd ia this eitv. 1 respectiuily solicit a share or pa tronage, and coriially invite a I to call and examine From Viuraday' Dai.'y. fr-sv-ri.n J. M. Thavsr. Senator elect iw - - m - , -1 A .1 - - n t li a rippr nn irom -eora!,pa" ..ttlera t.- . ir.,l,;BlAn rr. Innk nfter the ' Vl Oil ) m nw""i, I i . -,a .nma t rs maknmfinav noi ppecuiuiui. " . . . - , ii: I .v.. w mr m-nnld be D. eased to serve WM.T. l'ARCKL, OIID1S City, anu H Vk von to buy unlss. we can make HaNNA IlARRlSOX, 01 UtOS COUniy. r tViA irpttlpr.. and then leave. Come along; we have room to spaie for a few hundred more of the ame sort. From Monday' Daily. 1 - fT?"Ve bear that Dr. Street, of Glen nr,rl. anAY-red from coupde soleil last Sat- je?7 6w urday. p-Wells & Irish are about opening a of Kamuel Elkrul,ary, m piat v. .,,..l hv W. Cax.eoon:y. T.. on the 14th day restaurant in iua uui'u",6 vv-r.- j I S6G. b- tween the hours of If a m a II. Leruke, as a tailor shop. . w- Viorft June. 1-6S. f AUUKL HKENBAKY 5-1 he Ilea n By order of James O'XeiU. J. P admission of Nebraska. E"F. P Todd Esq., is agent for the sale of Willcox & Gibbs' Family Sewing Machine in Nebraska. He can be found at B. Niwman'i Clothing Emporium - ("Another room is being added to the building occupied by Wra. Lemke, on the east side. We are not informed s to what it will be used for. g-Wso. Baker and Hugh Orr return d from Omaha last evening, where they had been on the hunt of a chap who had,,i with soma nrODertv in his -- j a " posession belonging to Mr. Baker. learn they succeeded in recovering m of the property. CThe S. S. Tic Nic yesterday was a comrlata success. All wh r both young and old, enjoy hugely. We like to see such gatheri encouraged thev are much better o h. mnrala of the vouiiz than prom -the5nr at" a hall, where "forty ir-Montgomery t Graves have open ,a n-oa.innallv reigns sutireme. d a tobacco and pipe store at the Oid g-A colored man named Robert Gib- auction stand af J- S. Higbee. Let soita, arrested in Nebraska City last everybody in need of article. ,n this line Tuesday on the charge of stealing a horse from Daniel Beaver, of this county. He was brought to this city and handed over to Sheriff Gibs, who provided lodgings for him in our new jail. He had a pre- Vtm:.nn. .lamination before justice I Estray Sales. it for yonr interest to patronize us. dec27tf IIAIXXESS shop. The undersigned having purchased 4he establish ment formerly owned by M. B. .Murphy, is prepared to accommodate euntomer with anything in the line, .nh ..H 4RVESS.SA.DDLES. BRlULEd. COLLARS ..i.:n...n wuwiivnis ud everything else that mar bo Notice is hereby given that 1 will sell at public auction, to the highest idder for cab, at the resi dence of Daniel Kleper, in Weeping Water precinct. Can county, N T.,ontnexa aay oi uSu.. ov,. ' . o " -: ..j -.v- i.:. i.i.i iij A. UAKlUHlCb, Justice of the Peace. sc nable ratns. Aprl6:w G S. COCBTRI'iHT. Kntioois hereby Biven that I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cah, at th. resi- lattviil. rmiui-t. of July, A. D. and 4 p m, two r. " -hicta were taken up as estray by said Samuel Bikeobar.. Given under my hand turn itm nay oi itlin 1 kCo.) To r.aimond. Minor St Co. 20 5w fnr some davs. Saturday the thsrmometer ,r- t :-.i;..l n th ahade 1U3, SUnJay 1W I Notice is herry given inai i win i.."v We indicatea in tne snaua iw J n. tion to the liinhet bidder forc&h. at the resi . I a ,An iry rlptrreaS. dr. of C. 5. Wormian, in 8outh Dend Precinct, OSt J . . ronitr. N. T..on the SSth day of July next, at rS"Our farmers are having a hot time , Oclock v m, one steer, supposed to i four year. Of It IOUOWing tno iDiiuuitiim"! t Wortinxu; provided, .iiu nicoesi dij enaii oe i Attachment Notice Charlea F. Catlin vs You aTe hereby notitled that an attachment was . i . in f.vor of the above plaintiff and agaiDat the above named defendants tor the sum f day of August, at you trat 4w iKaiost the above namea nc.r.m..., wr " " " K6.85 dollars, and trial et r Wednesday, the 15lh ... r isr. at 10 o'clock a m of said day. jt . ... j j : . .. Which tim. judgement win o. renaerea wi-. m if you da not appear and jho w e aw to thecon- tw JAjltS Vl talLaLj ' Ju-tice of the Peace. Plattsmouth, i uly the 6th, A. D. 1866, Probate Notice. h. attended, that are heard now in all dir.Uions a,praUtd value uy,,, p ed themselves throughout the county. Crops are un- -s--u nereby Biven that there M!d at rrecedonteclv nne in tuia wunmj, puiicauctiontotneni US' l' . - ...J . irtence of William Sl i m i-.m wkmw a a run m hipii i t ,ir aver aCO OI v ucan f"" Ca county. N . X.. cn 1 m . . t. -l .1 . ! oa-A mt ih r on r of 2 u i a " a mz & t rtr rw linn iim.m. i lmvi - - iscu- irom iniriy-u o . j - o a ,Ie, r. , -. .1 Viav in thn richt kind caU on tiieui, " "'-' --n-- of men and are deserving tho patronage of the reople. William Kropp. Guardian oiin. Bi ior um v. Heary anu aupm. o.ii'l'i - vs. , r wtn and a 1 whom it may concern: " .--.l ih., n the Sd dav of ghest bidder for cash, at the ..., re1TAu-id r.nardi.n ftled hi. Petition in rlhena,nl)reopolis Precinct, I '"'y- --.. Mnnir. N. T.. the obit the 6 h day of Augu-it. A. D. j"0 of .aid pe.itlon is I. obtain an oider ,'clock p m of said day, ?oe I P" X. ,e of ,be ( R al La i one three year old I c",,. , it- The northeast quarter of section (7) taken np as etr.ys by the .aid i'tepheus; proviuea Vn towrship No. (10) ten. north of range No. the highest bid shall be two third. ..f the appraised "7v" n " , f th M- " Cass county. value. Given undr lay hand this 6th day oi juiy, I v- ' , nr. -,.1 bear said petition on the 4th ISCo. JAMtS 1'.NEILU, hV. Wnst. A. D. 1W'6. at which lime all person Jylt 8w juicc oi to. re-c. f'te app ar and show cause v. hy .aid piay "farm and timber land 5 'iraW-iy. a. D FOR BALE. . 1S06. " . , r Li . ...v. ,-v.u. ivl14w Probate Judge. i hail one lap ue-i uarius iu icui", i t - - - - ' rte land, whic I I Oder sale. Th- re are good im- l T le At a meetirg of the Plattsmouth I t "Kr ffiK., Cemetery .Board of Director, at the ucui.r,, G w Und u g ood ord,r. -r' a i-iu' muf w j - - - - offico of J. N. Wise, July 20th, 1866, the , Pri6wm jnetS OwCm We invite all to Call and See us, and Examine our Stock. Simpson, Sharp & Co. FURNITURE, C O IT 3J1 I nsr S v AND Cabinet - Work ! IT- BOECK Having enlarged his Shop and Sales-rooms wou'd respectfully remind th. people in this vicinity that he can furnish them with the very best furniture. Chairs, or o' ber Cabinet-work, at tne most reason able ratea. I ahall kep constantly on hand a large assortment of Eastern Wort, and am also prepared to manufacture anything in my line on snort notice. A large assortment of Keaoy-made Collins kept at all times. Call and examine my stock and pri-. jelU dw tf , II. BUKCK. I Ii, C Huntington & Co., E. T. DUKE fc Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, 15rass, Japanea AND STAMPED WARE. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants and Freighters OUTFITTING- GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens, Camp lvettles, ivc. ve aiso Keep nain uinps ami Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Jlil&c. . 'Wholesale and retail dealers ia Leather and Findings, West end Pioneer Block, Farnham SI., OMAHA; NEIi Would call attention of manufacture!, and dealers to their large aid complete assortment, consisting of every article needtu to the Shoemaker and Ilarnessmaker. Thev wonld call the especial attention of owner mills to their large stock cf . Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. machine Stitched Leather Belting Of all sixe.. (ive us a call- -we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, WOOL AND FURS- PLATTSMOUTH. N15131S.ASKA j.ri3mw