Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 30, 1866, Image 3

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'from Wedncafli'j't Dui'y. .
rJTW. L. Thomas has procured a
lnrje sized camera and bath, and is now
prepared to tiiko your picture "as large
d9 life and twice a naturl,'l lie U also
taiing the celebrated porcelain pic
ture, hich in a new thing in thia part
of the country. He is assisted by Mr.
Reno, one of the best trtists in the west.
Go to Thomas' gallery and ''procure
the shadow e'er the substance fades."
("Joseph Bennett, Esq., of Lancaster,
T1, in the city to-day purchasing goods.
Bennett ii doing a good business at Lan
caster, and finds th it he can purchase
goods of our wholesale merchants so as
to enable bins to sil them again at rea
aoD&hle rates and make a fair profit.
Lancaster county is making rapid strides,
and will soon be a power in the land.
II?r resources are inexhaustible; and so
6eon as Ler salt springs can be "worked
to advantage (which will bo when we
become a State) 6he will possess wealth
IpvonJ any county in Nebraska. Uy the
Mr. Bennett informs us that the
people in his locality are uninimous for
State. Thfy know tho undeveloped
wealth of that r"gion, and ara anxious
to sea it brought forth.
From T.'tur&ltry'a I'at'.y.
,l7It is a well established fact that
l'urcel & Sons can beat any establish
uient in the west on ice cream. It is sj
Jelicions that a person does no: know
wbeti to stop unless he finds the bottom
of lko freezer or the b jttoni of his r.ouket.
JjII. K.'Montgomery, IIs'i,. Las built
a school house, iu the n Kth-west part of
town, and his daughter, Miss Ei'ima, has
opened school in it. This will be of vast
lent-Ct to that portion of tho town, giving
the joung in t.Vit locality a chance for
intending achool without coming away
djtvn town.
rSTThe LocjiI of th? Council Bluffs
.unjiireil Bays he saw a dozen wagons in
camp near that city a short time since.
We have jo doubt that it was a huge
:ght for him, but wc are Rceu-tomed to
count thera by th hundred ilown this
wnv. Come down this way, Ju ph, and
ceo a live city once more it will doyou
yF- M. I 'rrington. Esq., arriveil at
his home in this city last evening, hav
ing been absent ateading ccurt in IUcli.
arlon countv. lie reports ll 'publicans
iu tli southern part of t Ii 3 Territory alive
t j tho importance of electing their entire
ticket?; whether they go against State or
for it.
""It is quito cheering to seo a long
tring of white covered wagons como up
to the river on the other siiie again, and
rtiDiods one of the flush times last year.
T.i5 travel towards tho far wit his rot
l.een so great so far this sea-ton as iu
former years, but for the past week it
hi, been coni'ng along quite lively an J
t'.e rrospects are that it 1:1 ;iy yet bo as
gr?at as formerly. A n'mibcr of trains,
iine large, and some email, started out
ye-itcrdiy, and their plices about the
'ores have already been filled by others.
' "VI t'rihiy'x fhiil j.
"'jC A. 13. Fuller Is in town look
ing for freight for tha mountains. lie
is just in from Ft. Lanuie, and reports a
pljasant trip and fair profits.
Cfliuttery & U'hite's train ha3 just
r.rrived from tha mountains. We learn
t'.i'-y intend loading with a general as
j-ortment from their grocery store in this
j7"Mr. McKinley left town yesterday
with a fresh supply cf goods for his
stire on Salt Creek. We notice him in
ton a for go.odi frequently, which is a
very good indication both that ho is do
it1,; a good business, and that the Salt
Creek Valley is rapidly improving.
r"The streets and country begin to
vear a lively appearance The white
CDvers just in from the mountains dot
t'.ie prairie in very direction. Among
t'.iose who have been absent with trains
during the winter we notice Mtseri. Shaf
fer, Inhalder, McDonnal, Squires, Dan
ly, Patterson, Iiurger, Ferguson, Ac.
(3?"We are happily disappointed to see
1 0 good a turn out to the Sheep Shearing
r;tivai. Some of the best specimens of
Nebraska and Western Iowa, are on hand.
Sheep from eeveral Rooks that nre pledg
ed to be on exhibition hare not arrived
up to .his writing; but as they are from
a (iistanco they will not probably be in
till late.
J'i-om Saturday' Daily
Ci?"A meeting of the ministers and
de&c.ris cf the Baptist denomination in
)9 Territory will bo commenced in this
ity on Wednesday the Zd'.h inet., and
will continue several days.
CTWe learn that Mr. Upton's Buck,
cf this county produced the heaviest Eecce
at the sheep shearing yesterday. The
C-3?ej weighel 201bs. Particulars of the
festival will bo given in afew days.
Ci?"The man who was arrested at Hun
tsr's Slough a few days since for tha mur
der cf Gideon has had an examination be
fora Justice Dean, and held for trial at
'ho next term of court in i'aii county,
lie is on the wav to this city, fn charge
of f-n officer, where he will be lodged in
jail until trial.
Ci?"There was an immense rush for
Tared & son's New Bakery this morning,
and upon inquiry wo found that it was
caused by tho arrival of a largo lot of
Coufeetioncry, Orange?, Lemons, etc.,
which they were exposing to view. What
Parcel A Son's djo't have in the line of
1'ixurics can hard!y be found in this part
m country- - - -
CTCnpt. Lee P, Jillette, Lt. Martin
B. Cutler, and Sergt Wm W.ells. of the
1st Neb. Cav., ond Lt. B. F. Gyger, Reg.
Commissary, 7th Iowa Cavalry with six
men, arrived in the city this afternoon.
Tho let Neb. is all at Kearny except two
companies, which are on the way there.
The regiment is ordered to Leavenworth
to be mustered out, and will start from
Kearny immediately upon the arrival of
the two companies mentioned.
Ti?"We notice that some of the cop
perhead papers of the country art- trying
to traduce the military, fame of Gen. K.
R. Livingston, by the publication of
anonymous articles, which reflect. upon
his military character,. It is an up-hill
business for them, however, as the Oer.
is too well known, both jn the field and
at head-quarters. Ila has fired many a
solid shot into the ranks of his would be
traducer's; and is able to withstand all
tht paper pellet they may feel dispose I
to send after him since he bas retired to
private life. In order to show how the
lien, is looked upon by those who have
a chance to know him, we' would merely
state that he received, a few days since,
a commission as Brigadier General, and
this too after he had written to the Sec
retary of War declining the nipoint
iaent. Tho commission is issued for
"bravery, gallantry, and meritorious
conduct." ..
from Howlay'a Daily.
C!?" White covered wagons continue to
come thicker and faster,
f3?"Those wishing election tickets
printed at this ofuce will do well to send
their orders early.
(57"See advertisement of ''Sealed Pro
posals." Let our contractors hurry tup
with their figures, as the time given' is
3?"Daii. Castello failed to "come to
time," but Train didn't. - He has ppuken
in I'lattsmouth. Are the people satisfi
ed9 We rather think they are.
2?Gen. Livingston is making pre.
parations for erecting a brick resilience
on the corner of Vine and Third streets.
Workmen arc engaged in making the
necessary excavation.
7"In ordT to show tho fairness of
the opposition to State, we would itc
our readers to the course of the Nebras
ka City At res. In publishing the appoint
ments of Gov. Saunders to speak in the
southern and western portions of the
Territory, Morton -changed the dale of
every appointment. When men resort to
such trickery it shows the weakness of
the cause they espouse.
"7" Wo see our enterprising neighbors
at Nebraska City are about turning the
channel of "Old Muddy" so as to render
tha bank of that river near their city
uvailable as a levee. That's right.
They will succeed, too; for where men
nre determined to help themselves they
always succeed. We commend the sub
ject to our city authorities. It would
cost very little to make a survey and es
timate of the work necessary here to im
prove tho river so that boats could land
at the foot of Ma.n street. Stir this
matter up, you who are interested, nnd
don't let it drop till a survey, at least,
has been ordered by the Counci'. ,
from Tuttntity'a Daily.
J7"Tho river has been rising at this
point for several days past. The proba
bilities arc that this is tho commence
ment of the "June rise."
7If you want to see a jerfict speci
men of the horsa kind, just drop in at
Huttery & Shannon's nnd ask John to
6how jou his favorite ponr.
QVe learn that John S. Puke.ESqT,
has received the appointment of Deputy
Assessor of Internal Revenue for this
sub district. We h;ive but little ncrjuaint-
ance with Mr. Duke, but believe him to
be a man well qunliSed for the position.
C3?"Vo learn th it Julius S.Morton
is now a fugitive fro:n tha scorching re
buke of the Democracy of Otoe. He
packed a convention tliTe, but the -trly
havo knocked his packing all out and
nominated another ticket.- Milton has
tied to the southern part of the Territory.
CTAlthongh the eky was calm and
ncreno this fornoon, and not a cloud vis
ible, we saw a man quietly seated in
front of Donelan's old otnnd flaying with
the Iightnin by .which he was surrounJ
ed. Willinais ha J'moved out to give the
workmen a chance to repair the telegraph
N. Wise, at the Book Store,
has just received a ffesh supply of papers,
magazines, etc, of the latest dates.
Amonj other'' "interesting and valuable
documents, he. has - a few copies of. that
mirth-provoking book called "The New
Gospel of Periee.'' lie also has a good
supply of Wilkes' Spirit.
KARHIED on the 22d irst, by J.
W. Marshall, Probate Judge, Mr. Francis
E. Keyes and Miss Mam- E. Hill, all of
Cites Co.
DIED On Saturday, May l!hh, 0
o'clock a. m., at the .residence of K. J
Clement, iu Plattsmouthj Mrs. Annk,
wife of II. J. Barker, aged 24 ypars.
She Jeavts a hunband and three children
to mourn her early death.
fT5?"Wm. Stadelmann & Co. are sellin
an immenso amount ofClptbintr, having
already brought on : tSeir third" stock of
goods this spring. The reason pf this is,
that thev sell cheaper and better clothing
than any other establishment in the west,
and are accommodating and gentlemanly
to their -customers. Don't fail to give
them a call if vou want anything in their
line. .-
ri:.itoK nooss.
Tbe editor t of. the Chicago Journal
is evidt'uily not very favorably impre?s
ed v;th the uw style o; li,',lP4 ;Hear
him : -
It ia pratifyin to observe that our
first c.ass ladit-g are gradually dropping
or have; ahujrellier reiusd to wear the
latest &ty!e ot hoops, cilied iliing
liot'ps'' aud "peacock hoops.' ho
everlsas ever seen a peacock shake up
his tail and sirut his 'iioineut of selt
adiniruiion upon tfie public road will
see the analogy between such a spec
tacle and that of the hoops which are
worn in such a way . as to expose the
person to the public gaze, and iiil the
sirred with jfb and jeers aimed at
tho5w who behave themselves in this
execrable manner in tread day and
brazen front.
Hut let us not do the "peacock'' in
jusuce by the comparison. If he acts
according- to his nature, it is no reason
why his -humane tmnators -should be
allowed to act according to their.
besides, he a perfectly chaste in his
performance, and whatever exhibition
he may make cf hi? gorgeous appen
dage, lie ktps within the bounds of
fowl propriety, while the female hu
mans who follow his example do not.
They trample upon the rules of com
moil decency, outrage decorum, and
flaunt their immodesty in open day on
the open higjiway."' :lf piorures calcu
lated to demoralize ih pullio taste
should be removed by the police from
the shop windows, the wearing of pea
coc"fc hoops should be made an indicta-H-
cfTei.ce. and every woman who ap
pears in such infmnous harness should
be eondji-.ted 10 the station house by the
trent'.emen in blue coats and brass bin-tons.
,L03T Onj the 16th of April, between
Salt Creek and Sam'l. Barker's, via
Weeping Water Falls a gray overcoat,
containing a. pass-book and a pair cf
leather gloves; : tha book has my name in
it, also Elias MaClnre's. Any person
finding the same and leaving it either tit
this office or the house of Joseph MeClure,
one mile west of Mt. Pleasant, will be
lilrnlly rewarded. Tho book is
value to any one but myself.
mavld&wfiw. Joux M. Joiivsox .
-Hew Wmtt!$cmcnt.
In aLTorilance with tlif pKi s and i-p 'cificatiurs fr
the fiecrion of M. l.uke'a Cliuich. ed prujjijMli
w ill ! r c-iv-! up Iu the 4 h l..y of Juie, A. i.,
1S,8, at the t!i-e of t he nul'ri.if(uel.
sucti prop.i-al iu iy lie : Firs-t. fr t!u" whole r a
pe-Maii-me, iiicIintiUK liick, .l it ritiif nr.J wo'iil
i rk. SecotiJ, t-T tlir bi i k-woi k iitxl l iasi' i ing,
iinJ;rortLe J iiier-wtuk.M-p.tmtely.
iu.s, Hiay vefen n: t'ie tffife'of '
I;. H i.ivt.vcisruV
('l i t ol St. L4.e' Parlr-h.
I will sell, on tv:iori;ih'e terms, KhI aerrs of T.aml,
Willi eitd In in h.M-e on i-, of u ill ir tie iieil by u
J i'Brj!ii r. 1 1 2 HI, otie huD'lrr : nw uty
of w. e-li is iminuvej. I lie ihti.i ishiui"! hi i..):ni
.Vile irivi-, in (Vs. rn i!tv. hdiI is or e .f 111 : "est
bt h-Ic farms in KrO iiskj, being well and
ti inhered
l or particulars enquire '" t'.e of
May if,
General Life, Accident,- I'ire, InlanJ and
Will take risk at reasonable rates in the most reliable
coim-aiii'- in the I'tiit-'d States.
tf'Cllice at the book Hole, l'lallsmoulli. Nebra
ka. may'il'ltf
UavinS pe' inane HI y lo 'at 'd in I'lattsniouih, ro
sy, eU'i'to hit prof clonal hervices to the eo
llik of Ca-s c anity, "
Otiee with D-. I.tvinn-toQ, Main stri et .opposite
Curt iluuse, l'lati.ioi-oitli. l AprlT mlf'
c n. KING
Carpentor a n d Joiner
Will do m:ik in bio liLC Willi ccati.css aud tlispati h
tr.i tijeu short nctiee. , fcb.7 dcwt
: . ' , ' I V ' ;
k-20O BSciTnrd.
Execuiivl C'utMura, Omaha, XehrasVsi, )
A(1ril IS. 1M".5. S
Wur nTa. tthascum-l i te Vnowp-d?.. of i l.i s
d)t one JDSIAII S rl(-r i'aml indicfd
in the County t f 'lJU83. in ihe Territo y of Ni-br iska.
for the ni'irdor of one Thoina N iclioU, which took
place on i' about ihe lio'i day of August A I lsii..
SiiidStiCi tian tl.-d rom said eountr.
New, Thcief ire, 1, Alvir, BllIldells Covernof of
the Territory of .Nebrask a, l y the aii'l hrny and
power in me vesl-il t an act of III" Ten itoi ial
iiIaiure. apprtive ! lebiuaiy lHih. liereliy oir r
a reward I two liuntlrcti tlollars tor Hie arrest and
deliver of fid .I'isi th Stici; to he Sheriff or Jailor
of auid ilaH county.
. In lesumi uy h-re if I Lae here.ilntd et niyjmod
and Caused to he aftlxed th-i seal'of the ahl Ter
ritory, thia 18lli day of April A I I-0S6.
By the Governor,
A. S. PtD KK,
S-.-cretary of the Territory. ap'H
Win- SI. J-emke,
Plattsmout', Nebraska.
iecCT liCS tf
An Amendment to Ordi
nance r. 3
Jir if .uaiV.i ),u ti. ( dmiroii Council afVecitv
nf J'uilt-mout,'Srfrff!l:'i, That Ordiuai.ce No f,8
he, ai d la hereLy aoienUiil in eau mut. -o." i-.oo.
n ,.,1, iu, the urjvlnl.ins of thm Ordinance
shall be fied by tlie H i or any Ju;ice of the
Peic". thttaiim of not Icsh iliau flTe 5), no more i ban
one (SIOO) dollitrn foretell ami every oftVuce Coui
rniltnl, and na;irsoued lie ti I said tlnebepiid.
Prorid' a flirt her-thai il any person or p rsonseo
confined shall not piy or ctn.-e in l e ptid micIi fine
after a re is iriable lime of iniprisoi.nienr, ha!l J i ing
the litmn of 6 uVl'-ck, a. III., and li o'clock, p m ,
Joe tuktn and ri t le I J i. rk Ilia st:e''Tr h.u the
corporate limits of paid loly until toicli 11 ri - and
co-t a'e paid ; and dedu' tin foiu lU ir aid daiiy
wuk't iti" Co.t of b ant aud imprison-ritut. ' .Irid
further.-all puch persons shall a her llnishinir daily
I .loir be confined iu j ill until the hour fur work on
the next. orso:ne ul..soq'i.iut d iv.
1 hi Ordiiaiie ti taae eirect f-fm and after its
publication Hgi.ed tt is 3rd day tif Mav, l.-titl.
O. I. COUl'tt!, Mayor.
F. M. IhiltniscTOX, U.eorder. tmay,4w.
Tie n'idt 'siI3"d hivirtr purchased he estab:ish
tr.ei't lernieriy owned l y M. U, 'inrp'v, is pieraied
to iiccommo.lale customer with M ythic in the li-ie,
auch a-sM AKK?,sADULtS. Bt:i lll.lis. COLI.AK.
WII.'PS frl'KS, and tverytliing elio hM iiajr bi
cat I'd for.
g3 Kcpairing done on short not'ec, and at tea
snsble ri.tes. .
Apr1fi:wj O S COLUTKIGtiT.
: ' So. 18 North Filth Etrtet, - ', - - jiissOcm.
P'alers in
Violins, Guitars. F! ites, Acconleons, Hutinas, Mu
sic Books aol mikxt Mr-ic. Genuine lialian and
tier man Violin S:i alwaji cn l.ani.
Dealers in
BOOKS & stationery;
Conf e ctioneries,
Iolioii ?
'' .; Toys.
Coal Oil Laii).
&Ci &c.
We are also ager.t for the linchtnan Woolen
Mills, of St Josrj.i, iio., aud have now ou hand a
BO"d a-ortuieut of
- " f
if ; ' ' CL0TI1S;JEA3S. "-. .
which we have received on commission, aad are
pn'pired to exciiang for
Htvery t-nimab!s iRurei. Give n, a enll
one dour east of the lltKALD clhce, riaitaiiiouth,
Xrhra kti. '
May iti, iC5. If . . .. , ; ; . .' " ; '
I bav on th"b t fitrrri in SeVik, alto, a good
body or timber and a quantity of unimproved prai
rie land, which I oiler sale. Tie re are Kood irn
provenien'a, water, rock anil thnh.-r on ihe iilace
and it is a d irable Block farm, tut further par
tu:u:ars, ndjrui, . .. . .
ApritjwGin. l'Uitiinouth, X. T.
Opposite the Tlatte Valley House.
Where I tn ty tie found at all times ready tj wait
on hl and iif customers who may wih to purchase
llitCTS or SSHOKS at the lotfe-t ;::urV-d pricrx, uud
will e warranted tf the lies work nnd material.
. iJf Kepairlng dene on klurt notice, t ome nd
Is prepari'd to do all kindi of work in hi- line, Ktich
:t IC.-.K, SIOX. HRVAJlKMil, aud CAltiUW.k
l'AlTI V G I lilt, if;," 01 iziiik and Taper linnet lie.
SU. p itt the old H and. I'i'lweeu tde M. K. Cnurcb
and ?"i'iiool House, tthere I havr the heit ti' couveni
euci'a lor Carriage. Waj in and Siu'n F ntioi;. tiive
Die atrall 1" you Want (joud work at low priees.
(i.F. UYGEU.
PlattKin julb, April 9;h. c'Aqi
Although Burned Out, TZot Burn
ed Up.
rTainjr, comn ?nrrd busit-e-s w!:h ih inten'ion of
n'ickin to it. w - mil i.ot be rrii.hte. by one tire
We pn p .se in sup, .ly the p. i pie or l'lait-inouth
wiih a superior ria iloy of Hr. ad. ma te of Iho t-it
flov.r the in i k tadords, and cheaper than they eau
all-mi to make it thtuis' l ves.
Our uiotto is
We always have ou Laii'l
tf-c, tj c.
Which ur namni can ct at t!ie Ba&err, or have
it tie ivi-rcd at their door.
ry our ISrcaJ, and you will not want to ca anj
fcskirg t home.
J PAHCKIj &. S0S3.
We wi'l keep Ice Cr-am on nani of the very best
-0'.il.t-, we Will n il by the dish, quart or
gall n. . ,
Uewill euppiy ftnllie w ith I 'e Cream, of any
rV.-ired flavor or quantity, for dessett, for ditn'.T, or
Parties can b wupplied on short notice.
Price per dish, 15 ccnU : per quart 75 cms ; nr
galiou $2,o0
P. . SONS.
Go to the Xew Baikeiv aud tret a drink of nice
tweet iced mi k.
P. & Sox
Got the New riaki-ry to pet vourfre h breal.
P. A Sons
Plattsmoti'h, May Ifth, tltf . "
Burned Out.
S. W- Shryork 'is ncain at the hi !and
prepa-ed to wait up..n h s fornier customera, aud i lie
puidic pineraily. If yon w -a tit aii y 'bins in shape
of I'm niiure or Chairs iiivc a call 8 d street
ue tr .ilaie, l'iattsmuuth, ji. T. ,- , , , ,
May 17 dlf.: : .
Uuuicery Sale.
Frank M. Woolcoi T ,J . '. ; . t
v - la Charicery.
Almeron Kussell. S
In pnrsuenre and by virtue of a decretal order t
me directed f.orn the offieo of the Clerk cf Ihe Dis
trict 0 Ol a of the Id Judicial District in and for Cass
t'ouniy, NebraiUa, made in the aboTe cause, and
bearinif date on tin- 14'ti ': f April. ltiS I. th'-
aiibsci tlier. will sell at pnl.lic vendue for cash to the
highest and h-st l.i.ldir. in fl out of the Court-House
iu 11 itisinontli, 'braka on
Saturday, Juhe2d. 1S6G,
At 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. the follnw
ii R described Heal Estate, to wit: Ad that rertain
pirce o pa ce of land situated in the county t f Cats
and Territory cf Nebraska, k ow n and desc itied as
follows: The south-west q iartcr ( l-4 of the narth
east quarter (14) of stction no. one ( 1 ). in township
no eleven (II), north of laune no. twelve (Vi), east
of the t'.tli p m in Cass c- uniy, Nebraska Territory,
ToRi-ther with all aud sii.-ular the imp-orements
and apuurtenances thenuiito belonging t r in any
wise sppertaininn, lo be sold a the property tf the
defendants atiove namtd. to satisfy said decee, the
amount i f which Is the sum of 2u4 40. with lr.t. rest
t:i.reon from the date cf said decree, and cosis of
suit and sal
I'lattsmouth, 5:h of April. loR-
Muster lu Chancery
T. M. Marqcett, Sol. for Compl t. .1 plll
-iSiravVd or Molen.
One lnrj' iron (tray Mure about sixteen hands
liili, tii.n nostt ami a inn- ismo. say jieiso su
ing informs i.-o where the isiir imy be'touint to the
uniicr-"itrnert. atlJ'Wlrt. f'tnrniiT.p rrmritjr, Neb a,
shall b euitab y reward- d. ., 11. A. SAJlO.N
May VU - " ' -
t (l Kslray Sale. ,
Xot:cis he'ehr tiyi-o that I wi!l sell at puhl ic auc
lien, to the h ii-'hest bid le jfu cash, at the residence ef
Nathaniel Kiniw.n, in Pali (.Vee freeinet, 11 Kk,
S T . on the thud 3J day of July om
o'clock, p. in .. one mare colt, supposed to t.alhre
vears oM. and oue horsa ro!, u;iiiri.ed t be two
yoars old, w ich wre t il:en up as estfa s by sai l
Kenison. Provided, said l.iBhest hid sh.dl be Iwte
thirds the appraised v.tlu thereof.
May 89, Sw. t Ju.-tiee of the Peace.
laivery tStaMe,
Buttery & Shannon . 4
Corner tf MAIN t FOUR rH ets., Flaitsmoti th,
. If yoa want a pood Saodle-torse, ITorse and Bn
irv, Carrjate team, rr you ho"ses ted, iriveus a call
We would also lall the aitention of the citizens of
riattsmoutb to the ta.t that e have a NEW
HEARSE, readv for ne n a!! ccc.tsioas.
April UO, lciiG. dtf.
1805. JSG5.
: . ; North Side of 3fain Street,
Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of
. . , , , v J5ver Offered
; ......
In fact, everything the Farmer,
w . . . . grant wants. . .s ... . ... ..
- x:... .:- . -.",-.;. v
.,-" s"
riiankfulfor past Patronage, e .strict attention to bus
iness to merit a continnance of the same.
Call and examine our slock. . - -
Platttsmoulh, April 10, ISiVi. tf
TO T rtCeiveil, SOcasose JCannedl eac e it
A.UfSON. DOVEV 4 'I'd.
jOtoAMISWN , DOVEY4 CO'S to pur ate your
JN end le.-;s variety o f La
- sfo o Sa
, ; A. l dVCOS.
" ( CASKS Moltby'a Cove Oysters for ante
k f O'S.
i :j.iiil b in Lacit s' I ress Goods :.t
A. ! CD'S.
1 Te b. Suuar. (iottlfti byruii. Suirar Hon Alo-e
ass.. New York Caudies, etc , etc.
V large lot of Chewing and Smoking Toi .ceo r
sale at . & CO'S.
Co ILOIL. or aala by '
A. D. A CO.
- l DOXI.Silar Candles for sale by
iv A. I) A CO
It" you want to i urchise gootls at a barrai n, poto
y BAUS COFFKr just received by
A. D. Co.
Larc lot of Choice Tea at
A. D. A CO'S.
mmM mm
E. T. DUKE & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Stovrcs, Tin, -Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned
' AW keep coDSiamly on hand Emigrants' and-Freighters ;
Such as Camp Stoves, Frying ,
Lamp Kettles, ivc. Wc also keep Chain 1 umps and
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Collee Mil1" &c.
O" 03E5 STSZ
Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done, on short . notice, with
neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew
art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove.
Give us a call we will not be undersold Iain St., South Side, between
. ' ! " Second and Third Streets,
Ordinance IV o GO.
7i Ordinance to jiroiibii obstrvciions
vpon the side walks within the limits
of Plaits mouth, on JJ.iin between 2d
aud oth streets.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained hy the Mayor and Common
Council of the city of Piatttnoiithr Xvbras.a, that
it shall be unlawful f ie any ji.Tson uf j.ersons to
nlace or leave or Pause to lie placet! vT left on the
outside i-ix feet of Mile-walk any box, waeon, plow,
liarroiv oi- cultivator, or any cb-tructi'iti iipoa the
s ile walk U n Main In tweeu -21 a-id 5lh strsett
within the c.rpoate liuiiti of -aid city.
SKf. 2 It shall fcfi tin-duty of the city Marshal
h n finding; any obstructions upon tho side-walk
nbove l;.ted o retimve the a lue, and ch;tri;e the re
uiovii.g of tlie same l the p:irtiea t trtriidinp ; and
lor Hie s 'coi.d o.'tence shall be arret d and tjJtea
bef.retlii Mayor, or any Ju-ticeof the Peace, nud
upon conviction b flint ihe sum of not less than
2 5'J. nor more ihtn f'Jo.tfi) V Kether with the coals
f .r such ottence or oireiices after the first.
Tins Ordinaries t tnkn tfeet from and n'tcr its
publication S:m d 3d Hay of May, IsA'i
C 1.." COOrPft, Marnr. '
F. M. Poam.vtiTON. Tlccortler. uiaj 9,4.
KF.Vr COOPS at the
wlch I will ee I at
n 11 D U C E D I It I C ES
aa I am In ned ofiy.
l.. rm.fixos.
Take;i up by the u"bscriher.on his premii-e", aNittt
ore hilf mi.e south-esst of ihe Tl iee Groves Pot
Offii e, :-s coun y Nebraska, on the'S.'itli day c.f
April, to hortes, described as follows: One a
Ushliuy. hWs-iiuia, - a puused mis ten
yera tld. and is tbin in oider. The oilier is a brown
horse, -supposed to be shout tteven years old, is 15
hands nih, has a star in. the face' and a tmia'l p r
tion tif i bite oa ricbl hind foot and is branded " H
S'' on ;ett ihonlier and with. " S" on rijtht side of the
I lat'moH!h, K. T.rKay 5th, 156.- i- -
in this Market.
. i.
Mechanic, Freighter or Emi
A Lirge assortment of men's aLd bors' clothing
a a. lor i ale t.y
A. 1) & CO.
HELLED CORN fortaleby
A D. A CO.
r ACON and Lard for sale by
I . -:s: ... .
) A. P. A CO.
-IIEAVr INVOICE of all inds of Family Gro
X"V eeries and Outfitmi; Good jaust eceived by
;a. d. a co.
ALL kinds of Farming Implements for sale by
A. D. A CO.
Larg4 iot of Two Horse IMowa for sal bv
A- f. k CO.
N endless variety f Hardware, nn t Cutlf-ry for
A. D. A CO'S.
OiPII, Ioors, Shingles, Glas, aud Nails of every
. ' description for sale by AD A CO.
LL kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange
1 for (roods bv . I). A CO.
'1 'O enumerate all tho articles we have forsaie
I Would fill one s;d-of th- IIkuaiji, atd others
have aa good a right to advertise a
'"IllL laigett Outfitting House north of St. Josept
A i . , ... . AJ11SON . DOVtY CO'S.,
-I'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
mm swsi
Pans. Skillets and Lid?, Ovens,
CnnrtuciffT on th1 ba-i of Actual Bnsinep, hy an
vxjttrrieiiced mi'l nupprior Prniiun, wiiose
wWVthe mt jtnpulmr Conmp'cial CcHe(? o the
j UuWm potorM thoro'iphite ntk'l rputitioa to every
graduate, and command ine iw"" po.-Tttons.
(liven to ait Myl-s of Penman-tit; p. on which we have
been award"il tri ft;?t Premiums for many J'ears at
various Stute Fairs
The Collese is al Wuvs" 'ira to v!sl nrs. and eircn
l.irs c full .m t ciila-s. will lie sent to any
rtdres. J IIU i J, lit.x .A T. I'M't,
liinrl St. Joseph, Mo
ron SALE
iro-d two atory I r:ck store bnildiair. 22 by 60 feet'
w il" I'wil et-llar; ter (ur't ei narticularsitiquire of the
- ' lo-lt'xn can -ol sea okn. Iiat tods
erood No. 1 Lime always on hind and for sale by
he wholesale and retail itfaiaoun't t suit pu-chasers,
ty J. BtTlS.
Ui4i2 STCra . .
drover &z Bakci-s
J.. s i;Alvt- 1 nn-emr. f '.'I
XVl ; 'llsIi- I7 5 aecmcss. f 1 ,v
r ' lk ( V i Wf "''s c' "' y -i
Vr4S mtmnrA. f '
ESlfistio Stitcn
Were awarded tb
At the State Fairs of
New York, Illinois, Virginia,
New Jprsey, ' Michigan, N. Utirolinti,
Vermont, Wi.sconsin, Tennessee,
Pennsylvania, Iowa, Alabama,
Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon,
Indiana, Missouri, California,
At the Fairs of the
American Iitslifute, Franklin Institute,
Maryland Institute, Massachusetts Me
chanics' Association, Venn. Ve
chanics Institute, St. Ismis
Agricultural and Mcchati
Y' As'ociatKiVy
And at numerous Institute and Comity Fairs, inelud
ine ail the Fairs "lit nliich they were exhibited the
past tuiee years...
Firrt Prizes have also been awarded time Ma
chines at the exhibitions of
And they have bteo furnished by special comtnacd
... to i:ie
Empress of I'rance,
Ji.,nrciS of Austria,
Empress of Russia,
Empress of Brazil,
Queen f Sfain, and
Queen nf Bavaria.
lSi; M A CHIN ES are superior to all others for the
following reasons:
1. They sew direct from the spool-i, and require n
rewindii jr of thread.
2. 'I h are in ore easily understood and nsetl, and
less lUble to cleranireiueut th iu other niachtnes.
ft. Tli.-v i,r.. ctujlil-of riei'u' in iierfectly, with -
out cnanue of adjustment, a much greater vai ieiy of
work h.n till. er machines.
4. The stitch made by these ntachin -a ia much
more bun, elastic and durable, expi ciaily upon attl-
rlea which require to be washed and ironed , titan
any oilier s tub.
5. J bis stitcb, owing to tlie manner iu wmcn urn
mule- t read is Inwrouirhl. is much the most p'uluo
aud henutiful iu u-e, aud ret ilui this plumpness and
beauty even upon articles frequently na iled anil
ironed until they are worn nut.
6 The siructure of the aeain is such that. Ihnairti
it be cut or broken at intervals of only a f w at itt ti
es, u will neither ouen, run or iavi-1, but remains
Ii rm Htitl durable.
I'ulik-' other m"chiaes. thes" fasten both ends
of the s.'am t.y their own operation.
S. witn tiiese maciunes, Winn sus is u-ej uin
the right nr face side of the seam, cotton may be
used upon the other side without les-eninK the
stiengtu tr dursbility of the scam. This can be
done on no o'.her machine, and is a great saving upt a
all articles stitched or ma e up with silk.
9. These machine, in additoa to their superior
merits as intiuuienls for stwing, by a clmnce of ad
justment, easily learned and practiced, execute the
mo.-t beautiful and permaneut embroidery and orna
mental work.
Grover & Baker S. Ti. Co..
inr21 6tn 495 Broadway, New York.
THOR. . TOOTLE, T. K. HAS.Hl, J. CLillB,
Tootle, Hanna 81 Clark,
Dealers la
" " " ' i , " . "
Gold DiinI. Oold and Silver
Coin Exchange, U.
and other StocK's.
and special attention given to Collection
ai t il.f wlf
, . 3NT 353 "V7"
llaving recently built a new and nulla le shop on
Main St.", Plattsmouth, N. T.,
Would resptcrfully inform the citixeos of Cass ond
adioininjt counties thtthuhaatue facilities f ir car
ryinK on the
cablVet uriiEs
Io all iu branches
I am prepared to tnrn ont the
C M 1 A J? 12 S T
ar.d most durable
Ofevery description, ever offered in the Ttrriloijr.
fliPsrticuiar attention paid to making and fia
isliiiigt'UFFlS. . - ..
All kinds of lumber taken in exchange for work.
natU south. April 10, I6C5.
National Claim Agency.
bCB AuTNT: ' " ' " ' '
Is prcparsrl to present and proaecula claim before
Conres, Court of fliaims aud the Depirltunu. Pa
tents. Pension. Bount ea. and Bounty Lanr.a e.
cured. t58f"Charges moderate. find in proportion
the am lunt of theciaim. F. H-XQitIXGrQ"
April 10, '65.