Etc gJArasfca gcraW. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 18CC UNION STATE TICKET. T. M. MAKQUETT. DAVID BUTLER. , For Sfcr'l'irti ttf ttn't. T. P. KEXNAKD Fnr Stit Auditor, JOHN GILLESPIE. Fr Sf iU Trtaturtr, AUGUSTUS KOUSTZE. Fur Chi'f Ju'i-, O. P. MASON. fcr Jsnucint JitMiceS. h. CltOUNsE, GEO. B. LAKE Union County Convention. The Union voters of c mn'y, N. T.. aro re queued lo meet at the place of hulditis the. rUeiiuOs lo their respective PreciLcW on S. TV 11 DA Y THE 5th DA Y of MA Y, at 2 o'clock, p. ni., for th? purpo-se of rlcctioR Dele gates to attend the County Convention, lo be held iu I'latt mouiln, on HA TURD A T TI1 liirVt DA Y of MA Y 1SCC, at 1 o'clock, p. m , fur the purpose of noinicaMns Cn!idate lo be supported at the election to be held o-s the Second day of June next, for the following OfJice, to wit: Four members of the Stale I.eait lature, oae State i-eaa'or for Cash, bad out fur C'a&, Lancaster, Saline and Reward cauuton. The number of delcejatea appointed to each Precinct, the pan, e at la-t a lollops, to wit : I'latts- inouth 13, Hock lilulls 6, Liberty a. Ml. Pleasant 4, Light Mile Wrove 2, Oreapolis 2, Louisville H'ep lc tf W ater 2, Avuca.2. South Hind 1. Salt Cieek 2. It is hoped that every I'recinct will be fuliy repre emed, to the end that the choice of tue people may t-ss fairly tetk'jteJ iu tac Convention J. W MARSHALL, Chairman Union Ceu. Eexecutive CummiiU'e. Com., and meaner S.ate STATE AM) TAXES. The bugbear, and the principal ob jection to State organization, in this Territory, is '-fear of increased taxa tion." Let men look with unprejudi ced mind upon this question, and let them bear in mind thai every mile of railroad luilt gives us 3,200 acres of land, and at ihe minimum Government price cf $1,2.5 per acre S1000, whil .the road proper is estimated in a other Stales to be worth S5C.000 per tnilo including rolling stock, machine shops, Depots, and Way-stations, &,c We put these figures very low, so that our readers may understand that there is no desire whatever to Hind or decieve thein. Thus we have for each mile .54,000, and before the Legislature c juld meet, on the 4th day of July uext there wi'l be one hundred miles of road finished; giving an amount of property subject to taxation of 85,400, 030, which at a tax of nine mills on the dollar would yield a revenue of 829,160. In one year from the meet ing of our first Legislature, anether one hundred miles would be completed and then the aggregate capital of the Union Pacific Railroad subject to laxa lion would be doubled, as would al be the revenue, which alone would be more than sufficient to defray all the expenses of State Government. Let every citizen of Nebraska a'so bear in mind that two more railroads will tra verse tha country ns far as ihe 100-1 meridan ; one from Kansas, which wi! tap our Territory -arly next sprin and the other from Plaitsmouth. These roads will give an aggregate of six hun dred miles in distance in the Territory by the time they reach the 100th ineri dan; to which add three hundred miles of the main trunk from the l00;h meridan to the western bouiiilary of Nebraska and we have nine hundred miles of railroad, worth to the Territory in axes 8:262,440 annually. These fig ures are all lower than Assessors wi! place them ; but we put them thus low purposely to show our readers what awaits us, as a State, even in railroad interest alone. Let our honest think ers ponder over this matter, and quit this senseless blowing about Taxes. We have every thing to gain and noth ing lose, and tnat individual who votes against State votes against hi own interests on ihis very question, for we cannot as a Territory tax any of the property mentioned, while as State it is all subject to taxation. OVtt IIAt'iS STILL, CP! Hurrah for Colorado! The Senate .as acted upon the reconsideration of the former vote on the Bill to admit Colorado, and as will be seen by our despatches; the Bill has passed that body by a handsome majority. The House will, we are assured, pass favor lly upon it also, and the only stumb ling block in the way to prosperity for our Western Sister, will be the ruling passion, strong in spite of adversity, which the National Executive may or may not exercii?. We hope His Ex cellency will not deem the safety of the nation imperrilled by the admission of Colorado, but that he will cheerfully sign tb.3 Rill and let her in, whether her representatives are in love with "My Poli"-" or not. FACTS t'Oit Tilt: IiIOil.E. Tlie frovt!i nut Prosperity of Aeurasua-ilie I igures. We are permitted to publish the fol lowing correspondence between Gen. Living; ton and Mr. Gillespie, Ttrri torial Auditor. The figures give an encouraging view of our condition: PLATTSSfOUTH, NEBRASKA .SKA, ) 36. April IS. Mr Uear John: I want you to send me over your official signature a statement of the taxable property un der Territorial Government in each county in Nebraska, and the taxes on the same i?i detail, niy dc-sire is to present unanswerable and incontrover tible arguments to the people, and show conclusively that it is every man's busi ness in Nebraska to advocate and vote for State Government. Dj nil you can, and as speedily as practicable, to help ins to these figures. The people are intelligent and will understand such arguments infinitely better than pas sionate oratory or Billingsgate. Yours for State, K. K. LIVINGSTON. Office of Acd. and School Com'r Omaha, Neb., April 21, 1SG6. Gen. H. R. Livingston: Sir: Yours of April IS, lSiG, is received, in which you ask me to give a "state ment of ihe taxable property under Ter ritorial Government, in each county cf Nebraska, and ihe taxes on the same in detail." I have the honor lo trans mil the following, as taken from the Auditor's books now in my office, viz : ' For the following levy of Taxes made by the unamimous concurrence of tha Territorial Board of Equaliza lion for 1SGJ.'' BURT COUNTY, 1S6-J. Tottl valuation, SI 90.943 00 General Fund 1S5-5 at 2 1-2 mills on the dollar S447 37 Sinking fund 1SG5 at 1-2 do 2s!i 41 School do 2 do 3S1 S9 Total tax, S1.115G7 CASS COUNTV. 1S65. Total valuation, 1.746,529 00 Gen. fund IS63 at 2 1-2 mis. 84,367 07 Sinking do 1 1 2 do 2,620 2 School do 2 do 3,493 6G Total tar, S10.4S0 97 CEDAIt COUNTY, 1S65. Toial valuation, 843,256 75 Gen. fund 1S65 at 2 12 mis. S10S 14 Sinking do 1 1-2 do School do 2 do 61 S3 SG 51 Total tax, 8259 53 CUMING COUNTY, 1 SG-5. Total valuation, 822.S56 00 General fund at 2 1-2 mills 57 14 Sinking do 1 1-2 do 34 33 School do 2 do 45 71 Total tax, 8137 IS DAKOTA COUNTY, 1565. Total valuation, 8230,016 00 Gen. fund 1SG5 at 2 1 2 mis. 8700 12 Sinking do 1 1-2 do 420 07 School do 2 do 560 09 Total tax, " SI.6S0 2S DIXON COUNTY. 1S65. Total valuation. 843,735 00 General fuud at 2 1-2 mis Sinking do 1 1-2 do School do 2 do 8121 34 .73 10 97 47 Total tax, 8292 41 DODGE COUNTY, 1S65. Total valuation, 833S.716 00 General fund al 2 1-2 mills SS4G 79 Sinking do 1 1-2 do 503 07 School do 2 do 677 43 Total tax, 82,032 26 DOUGLAS COUNTY. 1 SG5. Total valuation 81,959,100 00 Gen fund at 2 mis on lands General fund at 2 1 2 mills on oth er property Sinking fund at 1 S3.97S 12 2.705 79 86 CS7 00 15 mis on lands Sinkiag fund at 1 1-2 mis on oth er property 82.3SG 93 1,G25 2S 4,01211 School fund at 1 3 mills on land 83.1S2 57 School fund at 2 mills on other property Total tax, 2,178 04 5,349 61 S 16,048 72 GAGE COUNTY, 1365. Total valuation. 115,490 00 General fund at 2 1-2 mills Sinking do 1 1-2 do 2 S3 72 173 24 School do 2 do 230 9S Total tax, 8692 91 JOHNSON COUNTY, 1S65 Total valuation, 8220.553 00 General fund at 2 1-2 mills 551 46 Sinking ao 11-2 do 330 85 School do 2 do 441 17 Total tax, 81,323 51 JONES COUNTY. 1S65. Total valuation, S15.106 50 General fund at 2 1-2 mills 62 77 Sinking do 1 1-2 do 37 66 School do 2 do 50 20 Total tax, 8150 63 KEARNEY COUNTY, 1S65 Total valuation, 825,336 00 General fund at 2 12 mills G3 34 Sinking do 1 1-2 do 23 00 School do 2 do 50 67 Total tax, Sl52 01 LANCASTER COUNTY, 1865. Total valuation, 8114,623 00 General fund at 2 1-2 nulls 2S6 56 Sinking- do do 1 12 do 2 do 171 94 229 25 School Total tax, 66S7 75 i NEMAHA COUNTY, 1S65. Total valuation, Sl.651.6S5 00 General fuuJ at 2 1-2 mills 4 201 21 Sinking do 1 12 dj 2.522 53 chool do 2 do 3,363 37 Total tax, S10.090 11 OTOE COUNTY, 1S65. Total vnluatinn. 2.500.265 00 General fund at 2 1 2 mills 6.250 65 Sinking do 112 Jo 3.750 40 School dj 2 do 5.000 53 Tola! tax, 815,001 59 PAWNEE COUNTY, 1S65. Total valuation, 8221,197 00 General fui;d at 2 12 mills 553 74 Sinking do 1 12 do 332 25 School do 2 do 442 99 Toftl tax, 81,323 98 PLATTE COUNTY, lo65 Total valuation, 8343.722 75 General fund at 2 1-2 mills S59 31 Sinking do 1 1-2 do School do 2 do 515 53 6S7 45 Totil tax, S3.C62 34 RICIHHDSON COUNTY, 1S65. Total valuation 81,139,741 3S General fund at 2 1-2 mills 2.S49 10 Sinking do 1 1-2 do School do 2 do 1,709 46 2.276 23 Total tax. ; 8G.S37S1 SARPY COVNTY, 1S65. Total valuation, 8673.323 00 General fund at 2 1-2 nulls 1 ,695 F2 Sinking do 1 1-2 do School do 2 do 1.017 49 1 .356 65 Total tax, 84,099 96 SEWARD CI.I.1NTY, 1S65. Total valuation. S2S.665.O0 General fund at 2 1 2 mills Sinking c'o I 1-2 do School do 2 do 71 66 43 00 57 33 Total tax, 8171 99 WASHINGTON COUNTY. 1S65. Total valuation. 8705.839 00 General fund at 2 1-2 mills 1,761 50 Sinking do 11 School do 2 -2 do do 1,053 76 1,411 65 Total tax. Total valuation in the Ter 84, 23o 04 ritory for lfeCa, 813,140,965 00 Total valuation in the Territory for 1&64. 89,059,522 13 Increase over 1S61, 4,037,442 37 Total General Fund. 1865 at 2 milks. Total Sinking Fund 1S65 at 1 1-2 mills Total School Fund 1S65 at 2 mills. Total tax levied in the 832,367 41 19,720 35 26.293 93 Territory for 1365 87S,SS1 69 The abstract cf assessments for 1SG6 are begining to come in to my office which I will givo below as far ceived, rhowing an increase in lion over the year 1365, viz : OTOE CO UN TV. as re valua Total valuation 1566 S3, 191. 890 00 1SG5 2.500,265 00 Increase over 18G5. 8G91.G25 00 DODGE COUNTY. Total valuation, 1S65 SG3G.570 00 1865, 33S.71G 00 Increase over 1SG5, 8321.S54 00 DIXON COUNTY. Total valuation, 186G 84s 922 0C 1SG5, 13,735 00 Increase over 1SG5, 81S7 00 MERRICK COUNTY. Total valuation, 1S66 818,231 00 " " 15G5, Increase over. 1SG5. SlS.234 0b Some five or six new counties wih make returns this year, thai have no' in former years ; which, with the rati of inert ased valuation in other coun ties, will make the valuation of proper IV in uie .territory tor lcGG neat 820,000,000 00. which at 0 mills or the dollar, (amount now levied) wil make a revenue of S120.000 00. TM "l I 1 f 1 1 1 ine ijenerai anu school r una art .1 . . - f I r,. tne principal revenue itinus. 1 m Sinking Fund is used for the paymen ot fees on taxes collected, interest, &.c anu mileage to t-ouniy i reasurers ii. 1 ' . y-, m travelling to and from the Capital to make t leir annual settlements with iht Territory. It is supposed that m less than three years ine Union Pacific Railroad wi! be completed to Jule.-borg, the westTii line of Nebraska, a distance of 400 miles from Om: ha. When completed. and the road with all its rolling stjck machinery, and lands are taxed, it will bring in a revenue larger than we now receive from the Territory mo question is orieu osueu me whether taxes would be increased un der a State Government ? My anstver is that until ihe Revenue Law is chang ed, taxes will not be incieased, By referring to Revenue Law, Sec 30, page 14, ninth session. 1S63, you will lind that tne lew is limited to G 1 2 mills on the dollar, the amount now it vied is G mills. Ihe General and School Fund (the two principal tundsj are to trie full limit of the law 1-2 null (additional to the present levy ) can be levied cn the linking lund but at present it furnishes a sufficient C .1 . l e 1 rr, revenue ior mat parucutar iunu. n illusirasp if your property is assessed at So.COO CO. at six mills on the dollar - . ,11 . J 1 , your tax wouiu re cou ana unless the General and School Fund levy was in creased by law, your taxes would con tinue yeararter year the same. I believe wish proper legislation and control of our school lands, lhat we can iorm a ocnool t una amply sumcient to make our common schools free, with- out a tax being levied upon the people, Thereby releiving taxation in that par- 'tcular. I am sir, your must nbtdini servant. JOHN GILLLSITK. Auditor. The above letter from cur worthy Auditor merits the attention of every tax-payer in the Territory. The total value of taxable property in the Territory is S13. 146,965.00. and the total tax S78.SS .69, and to tin's total tax add 845.000 from the United States for Legislative expenses, and we find that it costs in, as a Territory, nearly 8124,000 to run the m ichinery of Government. The great objection of many honest men is that if we be come a State we lose the 845,000, which they say, must necessarily come out of the pockets of the people. Let us see if this is so. At a tax cf six mills it would require 87,500,000 to raise 845,000. Now then, 200 miles of railroad is wonh at ihe lowest fi ures S10,S00,000 so that it is plain to any reasonable man that instead of 815.000 we would gain from this source alone 864.S00. being a surplus in favor of adopting Slate Government cf near ly 820,000, and this we can obtain from foreign capital, without one additional null being paid by our farmers, for all the capital in our railroads is foreign. But let'our good people bear in mind that we cannot touch one cent of this revenue from railroads while we are u Territory, and that it is only by becom ing a Slate thai we will ever realize from it. e have pui the distance r.t 200 miles, but every senler in Nebras ka knows that there are fully 400 miles between Omaha and Juler-burg, and the Union Pacific R. R. will alone fur nish a revenue in two years of 8139, 600 to us as a State, at the lowest pos- .-ible figures, while we cannot levy one dime on its capital while we are a Ter ntory. Lei us not be penny wise and pound foolish on this question of taxes, but let us give up ihe 845,000 at oncif, for that will enable us lo receive 861, 300 fro in one to i d alone. The oilier roads too, mu.-t come in for their share of taxation, and with a State Constitu tion that by its most liberal construciipn d es not cost the people more than 830 000 per annum, surely we are bet tering ourselves by becoming a State So much more will the taxable proper ty in the State cf Nebraska be inci eas el over that of the Territory, that n charily the percentage ot taxation v i 1 1 be much smaller, and instead of paying six mills per dollar to the Ter ritorial Government as now, we will, as as a State only be required to pay three .. II - U - 1 11 . I ! ., nuns on uie uonar to realize a;i use money now required fr Territorii.1 jovernmen', and which is actually more than that needed for State. Lei very tax payer think of this and vote ni the Constitution understanding)' t,verv iieB in tho reiiiiuiv understands this thing perfectly, and hey are ail tor ivate because it saves noney to them in laxes by btinging in Mew capital which we cannot touch as t Territory, but which we can and will ax as a Slate. A CHALLENGE. We publish ihe following letter with pleasure, liadiey l). Johnson, Lsq. is one ot the "Ancient ind is competent lo judge of all incon veniences ot a xerritori tl existence. Not being a candidate, present or pros pective, he proposes to go before the public and discuss only the policy of lie 2i3te movement, and his opinions ivill be eniried to great weight. Let is have the debate. Nebraska City. April 20, 1S0G. Mes-rs. A. F. & W. L Harvey: Gentlemen: Now lhat both ihe Re- u! lican ;u.d Democratic parties have1 eld their Conventions, and nominated their candidates for the several offices ,rovided for in ihe Constitution, which is suMiwtteu to a vote ot the citizens or adoption or reaction, wliithoute'ther party having put in issue said (Jonstitu ion as a party measure, (very proper .. ... r ". u:..i. .... . i : i iy, too., as i tniu. i inus ieavinT the rgument for or against the adoption 't the same to be carried on, outside of he r.-gular party canvass; nd as ihe 'pponents of State have heretofore -uggested lhat prior to the election ihey would afford ihe people ari opportunity hear discus ion ot the merits of op position to the Coru-ti ution, I hereby propose that if it be the wish cf any gentlemen in ihe Territory, of enher political pirty. to discuss tho question I will find time between this date and the election, to take the affirmative of he following' proposition, to wit Resolved, That it is wise, safe and sound policy for the people of Nebras ka lo adopt the Con-titu'ion now sub i i i.i mitteu to mem, ana tnus seek to De- come a State in the Union. And if it can be done without in'er ici.iii- umi me irS..i Km. as, iu oe inaue. oy tne two juities,! wm canvass i- i .l I ... ii the several populous counties, debating with such gentlemen the above propo rtion, at such times and places as may be agreed upon. Propositions to discuss to be address ed to me at Omaha. Nebraska. Respectfully, &.c, H. D. JOHNSON. Statesman. , CSF" Col. E. W . N ynkoop. Special Indian Agent stationed at Furl Lara- jr .., . "iic, ivuusus, reot i to mc oounuis- sion of the Indian Bjreau that the ,uo" iciui" "uuiju rscon. i across the Plains, is now attended with no danger : the Indians along the va-1 rious routes being peaceably disposed, ine igent states mat in his opinion, I if ihe Government will only fulfill its pieages, the Indians hitherto hostile will continue to comply with the pro- visions of recent treaties. Loyal .lien mini Guveru a l're- sei vcl itt-iub!ic. Sneaker Coitax. la a Lriet response :o a serenade ai Washington the other evening dec.ared that-ihe true policy of reconstruction" was that enunciated in the speeches of the President during the years '64 and '65, which, being condensed, were to the effect that "Icyal men niurt govern a preserved Republic." Those words will do to be inscribed upon ihe banner or ihe great Union party of the country as a ral.ying-cry tor all time. It should be the mono of the executive, of Congress, of the Republican party at large, and of all true patriots everywhere. "Loyal men mut govern the Repu blic," now and in all tun1 to come. It is the only hope of the safety and perpet uation of the Republic. No men who have at any time been traitors to the Government, or who have been the friends of traitors, can with safely be ntrusted with political power in the nation. Having proved false to their solemn allegiance once, they have for feited forever all claims to a participa tion in the Government. Let them be required to take seats in the lobby, and lei "good and the true" govern the Union they tried to destroy and guard the liberties they tried to sub vert. It will be a safe a well as a right eous "policy of reconstruction" for the President and Congress to adhere to and enforce when admitting, or pro posing to admit. Representatives and Senators from the late insurgent States into Congress, when appointing m-n to positions of honor or trust, and in all the operations of the Government. "Loyal men must govern a preserved Republic." Let the principle be en grafted upon the Constitution and the laws of the country, and lei no officer servant of ihe people ever dare to set it aside on ttry pretense whatever. When our brave patriot soldiers rushed to the defense of ihe Union, the rallying try winch animated them was, "77e Union must and shall he preserved ! " Arid now that it has been preserved by the courage, fidelity, blood and sacrifices of loyal and true men, let the rallying cry of nil pa triots henceforth be. -Loyal men must govern a served Republic ! " Those iw omottoes should forever hereafter be our national watchwords, at the polls or in the field, in the South as well as in the North. This will guarantee freedom to a free piople, loyalty to a great and good Government, safety and securety to ihe national common wealth. THE CHOLEIIA CLEAXLI- E!M. In view of the threatened visitation of ihe cholera the coming season. Hall's Journal of Health makes the following suggestions: "1st, Every householder owes it to himself, to hu family, to his neighbor, to the community in which he resides, to have his house, from cellar to gar ret, from the street curb to the rear hue of his lot, ir- Vcrupuluusly clean1 i .... eil oy vi-epDJf:A vasfumr nml washing. -V 2d, Every man who has any author ity in cr.y or town government shoutd consider himself bound bv ihe oath of office, and bv every consideration of humanity, to givrf himself no rest un til every street, alley, close gutter am t i sewer is piaceu in a state ot as per fect tie as possible, and kept so until the frosts of next winter come ou, the cleanings should te done now, because, if put off till warm weather, the very effort necessary for the removal of filth will only tend, in the essential nature of things, to ln.t en the appearance ot the disease to increase in malignity and lo extend the time cf its deiastation; because the suns of spring and suintn r the sooner warm into life and intensity ihe vipern: and malignant influence, which -. i . i in us remorseless ireau wrecks so much of hum in happiness and deso lates so many hearthstones." Concerning cholera in New Orleans, the Memphis Post, of the 1 1th says : "The papers are silent, but private letters and gentlemen- coming from New Orleans report a few cases of cholera at that city " fSF" Twenty-six murder indictments await Mr. Quantrell's return to Kan sas. New York, April 26. Commercial's pecial "ays ihere is not much chance for passage ot tha Northern i'ucihi! Railroad Bill. Deputy Health Officer's report this morning shows there have been twen ty-three new cases on board the ho pital ship. Two deaths have occurred since last report. Communication from Dr. Symenburg health officer, to board of htalth, stales that mailers are progressing favorably. arid the disease is assuming a milder type. The increased number of admissions to the hospital shin was occA&inrur1 r.v Micuen cuanrre ot ienineraturp Washington. April 2G. House. Kaxsou offered a resolution, which was adopted, requiring the President to communicate any negotiations entered into or proposed in relation to the rebel debt known as cotton loan. Randall offered a resolution, which was adopted, that Committee inquir3 what legislation is necessary to prevent loreign vessels bringing hither passen gers in undue nron.rrti.rn n thir ran.-i- city, wherehv cholera is hkelv to be . . J innoauced. Speaker presented report of Super- iQienaera tt i'bb IC Hill dincrg. statllit? he had caused mir-horn ,.f Npw Virginia, and Npv1i K nuinted in glass paanels over the hall of the house The bill to spmro .npdv rnnstmp lion of th NVihpm Parifin liailronfl by guarantee of its bonds was taken up, read miii - fncr. nuov ww.i worth oiid Spaulding spoke against the bill, and lYoodridtia in favnr. Merrill, of Vermont, from Commit tee on Ways and Means, reported a bill to amend the Internal Rvenue. Senate. Sherman from Committee on Agriculture, reported resolution to print ten thousand copies, and report on ihe subject. Rinderpest ; Sherman said ;he Ccinmiuee had considered the subject Rinderpest, but had come to no conclusion as to the best means of pre venting its spread in ihis country. Senate then look up the Colorada ques tion, Doolittle in his speech defined his pns:tion relative to the resohi'ions of inconsin Legislature asking him to resign ; after further debate ihe Senate by 19 against 13. reconsidered former vote and then by 19 against 13 passed ihe bill admitting Colorado. List of Letters llemviriirinar unclaimed lu the lt Office at Pltt mouih. N.'lraka, M.y lt. l-6o T obtain anv of tbe.e IcUrs, the applicant inu t fall lor Aover tu-d Letter " five Ihe dale of thi Jit, ar.d pay two etius lo aiiveriijiiitr. If not c ille.l f r wiihii ore tnonih thy will he Hrnt to tl.a Dead Le:ter Ollice. J W. M AKs; ALL, V. M. Arnry M Akenjchn Atkisvin Mj.3 K 1' Ak-r M H.nolll Ucu Ke.lwrll Win l euueit Mjtitha llir.'CA Iliv-onJM Iteny K l Tuem-v Vr R A t'ln-tu y A -! -vt tn 1'roivliwell John C'rui.k 5e. 3 em-unil T C t't,op.-r Lute Hooey Mrs Lou liutil;tp J. hu Ovis M Da riMn II liner J S U iilW K ite u nil A J (iol.ecii S:in'l Uairison .Mesi-ra (i.'ison ("apt f W (iai-m -Mis !:!- M A Mellon J ). 1 K lloltaray ' (i Ji' k-on Jo'm V Jour Morp.m Kouiitiuor (t L Lauitei Mi-s M Levy Mis M Mi'Kile- t'oluly Maun Vi.4 N MilerJC I'latt 11 F 2 hdh M i- M .ry Kiley J. .ho iluttor j O. Kibiiisi.n Win Krckmd W Li.- Mr K J Kliod t A Z Sniuh It A Snll !. is Sherri- V r 2 S.-car W W FpraiMe K A Sai.ds O St ckli.iiii MrE Slurwalt M S St o d J .-lull Swift Mr M O Tailor Mr- M J 2 T.i hit Sep Wo il.e Warm r i Isn l.oc Wu.-hiJ I' 2 Walters LI isha Whceim k Cha 2 DAN CASTELLO'S GREAT SHOW! MORAL EXHIBITION and WON DF.KFUL TKAINKD ANIMALS! Remodelled, Refitted and Greatly Im proved for the stasen of 1366. JAMES i. nixo.- Manager. Dan Castillo's Great Show Will exhibit at llut(smoti(!i, .Hay 21t, TWO I'LIirORMAXCES 2 an I 7 P. M At each performance ihe world renowned Humorist nil I CuuTcraatiouaht, th? bc.-t g,i."ai talker or the dry, Dan Castello, will i. i - ar iu Irs m-.tley attire, civc lil liunit-r o ih! Iitiiir. intndiKe lii niif uilt -t-nt Lur&o witii tl.r THE. RUSSIAN CZAR, iv IIm jaiMcions trick steel "Andy John.on. " The lr- reMMible p,.ny, Ihe niiall't and smi l' -t one in tli wort I, ' January. ' and iliue iriep'e.ible 011:1 Jru- ped. - iliPui uiuies," '-Aittiuus Ward" an 1 "llrick I'omeioy." NEW and STARTLING SPECIALITY! C.iv.'n for the country. flit time in any exhibition in ary XjiOI3ls:o1X I !i most 'larinR art t who ha cvr han'M d th inunK'1 of the froiest, I'laius mu1 Juuzkj, wiil e- t i tl.e eii with the WILD LIOXS AMD LIO.XESSES: and Kivc a pei foriiiaiirn that ban creafed an unpaial- leled exci lem. nt th' nt; hoi.t the country. The paper. an'i people navi enaMis'ti and procjnue it tu b the KKatest l,:ay of ii, t ejidnj ever uiplajrd by mortal u -.1 up; 1 i.e animals will Le exhibited in a circle. In a com- modi u. ca'e, ko arranged tlutt tlu fpectitois can. won perrc. K 1 1 eiy, Cl.'iy mei V? e very mov-!iiej niiida hy lho- nob e creaiuren. whicn are adiuitKd to be the fiii'-st Hpi-f.-iiu.-u. ever c-ip'ured. AmoiiK the p-'ifu uieisof eiiiiuem e are Miti Kale Oitnand, Mi Lucille Watson, Mrr. 1'an Cn-fll.. Mm. II 1". NicliuU. Uiki Klla La Mo.u-, Mr. Kerdi. nrl Tou'iiairr, Mr. Toui li'irr an, Clowo, Mr. E. Water, le.rii. I! iuq"U and ..wer Mr. A llniian, lf. I'. M'ulfos, .Mr. Ihr.uiaS lIoUfTe. !t. C. Unu, Mr. . F. Nicho j, Mr. T. iWloway, aud a full and emc-eul corps i,l atiyllane;. 1'.. tr .n j d by the clue. (Jouutenauctd bv th- la- '!!. supimrtej by the best society. 1'ionounced lo ttue ht a .point d, best regulated, be-t inanau-. o ud nxr-t repetiabl C.F-cus llw.t Las ever traveled in Aruertoa. The Procession Will L qiv-n at 11 o'clock a. m , and wi.) an.piKx anythitig ol the kind ver attempted or earned into ex -cutlo-i, Ladie in Cou-t Co-tome pre-x-i' i ty ou'tieis. IP raids and leier. a t -mled l,y Ktiii.-ht.'i in Keat S eel Armor. The L DKN buill tit a co-t of IjiS (","J, iii'-t el bora'aiy paiut.d aud 1 iKl'lr flnubcd, drawn by ftie pjn of rienn-h hor. ees The A uomed M.vr Cornet tSand. 1 tie li.ti n-tinue of Kily a tir-d ri l-r-, t ie'.hr the B. a ded liorie. Trick P n o, and Mn.. s, fuui a pa- Kt-ant of uucoinmou mi'-ot and uttsu: pasaaule graaueui-. Kciiicmber Dan Castillo Great Show! A a orthodox Circus, with new ipectatities, etagant surrnutiaingi ai.d magnificent c jnconntants. ia by iar i-o Kreiesi ann largest eaianitshment lor publir in truc-rioti. amusement and (renuiue eujoyiaeni that lias ever been brought to the West iLclmls sion Adu'tn DreM Circle Childwo lauiivr tea yean of age 1 00 60 Cta SEATS FOR EVERYBODY. Two performances afternoon at 2 p m.; night at 7 o'clock. Donra oiu an hour p-eviomt. RiCHAKpjoNEs.Cir.cor of p, RICHAkD JONES, Cirecor of Pabltcati ons. XOTICE lilt,. ,..1.1.. I.., L.. .. iaj-.i . . on . i - U'le.uon wi i . Hi H , leraticn .f the v.,t ri of thi. epeeial tax f 1 W Inn.- .l . i. .,, """ty t0 I r , ui:.,, i-'iipitii of th.. i . . ' ' '"""" "un um Uu tht year, f,,r ,e puiMi. ,,f p (tn ' ..... . or un 0 reek, m,,! tte County CouiinUnmeri r l!'u ".f.cti.n J I'A A ( ' 'O . , J l ty ruttanmiilh, M.iv Ut. lsri).' " 1 r. 200 EltM.UMl KXECUTIVE Cl.'l.MniH, Om iU N.l,- WllFkEA. II has eome t , ApM 1 l,a L .. . . . I- Drpartinent that one Jimi All s rio i , j ,f ill the County ,f Ca-s, m th,. ,.,, lt , v for tlie munlt r of on,. ' I, , ,. " place on or hIhkiI th,- 1 ; I, , v ,,, A, ' " ." ' " ;' sai l Slice lin (1 d :r. ni ra .l c . un . . " " ' Now, Thi ief .te. I, 'Inn s ni,i,.,s r Ihe Territory ,. ., hi ..-k ,. .v t. ;,." power ill me c,t,.. l,v an a. I ..J n r..,. J r' r iM iiure. approve l hrl. u.irv i l l,, l' 4. I. a rewarii et two tiui.dr.-l ihdiai. i. delivery c f s-.i .l .I.-i h S'icj to he S!,, of naid IJjmi county. In le.tim..iiy h leof I l.e-nnd an I nu-e. In I . H!!v,.,l i!,- ,., t - ritoiy, I h 1 1 bill day of Apui a n ,-; By the Gove n r. ' N A. &. i'AOD I K, Secretary of t!m Terr st.iti:mi;.yt' Of Ihf. Coin IT A R T F () u 1) x IKK INSURANCE COKPAvv Un ii,.. Iifi.Ln f ii,,-,.,,,!,,, is,--. niJ i ' liior ot tlie li rritoiy ot N.'lraka, in mill the l.jwi,,r Tel l il ry . Tt nan f iliU t'nipar,y ts the II , Inmiance Cuuipaui , m,. , Mt ,lltr CAl'lTAL. t. r : Tlie ano-tint of f'aiili-il .L, ... ' I I e ,-, I ',0.,tiLl Altlouut of capital Mock p.inl up la A-XTS. Oah on hand an I in Hank Cash in lii.ii, I . of AK, i,t, ai.d In courts tf traiMnrHiuii ItilN i eceivable lr lo.ui.. .,.,-u , ,.. y ,,r i-. atnl c i Her il He.-uiity Iteal Ktlle HLI I I lltllli ,d r.eiitand iniere.t uci 1 tied, pavable J..r t:i ; ti'.: ii i ?l : Kl, lsl.i aud Hi D !i 1:. 1 i- Total Atto.s l.t-: IIAIUI.ITIKS. Ltaliilitie to BanUt. or others, Cut or no( ,ju, Lossei ai'j' Mtcd ati I due ,mci e iher una liutid or 1 Adjuso-1 a ml uot due ( Losses in MiHiieuse, awallilitf fiirll.iT i r All other ci inns against tlie C' 'in su . ( paid divi lt'iiur.) Tot il liabi'. ti k MIsCEM.ANroUS. Tli? Kruatesl amount insured :n any t,tr ,k l.'o.i'iilll, except in pe.-ial tasei". i in- uiihiu i insuieil in ai.y uni, depends upon lit t. ix-'. abd h .M The am. mnt iLtuitd in ai.y one bl i ahov". ii . l.u, C rt.fied Copy of the Charter of tha ( , Bled herel ,ljie. (Siern dl "K I 1LT, I, TIM (I. C. AI.I.Y'i. Pr..,.!,a, GEO SI. ColT.SecreUr. ' State cf Connecticut, I llartfo.d County, jM J mui'y 1st. i-rj Personally appeared T.'fi Aliyi. 'r.. . , . j fleo M. Coil, Sicrelary of Ihe lla'If .ni f,.t I,',.,,',. ' -in.-e t'otoi.any, anl oat It.a' f,e f..r.- j i g ta'enietil, l y Iheiu mihscrilied is a t,u,., f j correct Haletneut of the a Hair, of s ,11 t',,A, ml exhibits, to fir us can Ii a.-eri.,in'i i i:', lUte, conJUioii on the tin u ilrtt ila. -f Iheintier, 1S(;5. (sitrned) CHAKLi:-" W. Ji'HN-v, apJlslw Jaatice ol ti e l'rrt. Lit St'.ni-.Innual Financial Uihild J of the J? PI GU 3ST I X INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Ilaitfoid, Culm., t i the T. rrX ry ,.f N.l .t,,, J. Hillary, l.tO TATEMENT "f the eoi.lition of IU lit i Ii. ance ( oinpany, of lla If. r l, t'oini , on t ilav ol lec( lnl.err lst;;f inmle to the Ai'i T' ri iti'i y ol .S ob iaLa , pi i niatl t i t. c M t.- that Itrriloiy: The niirne or the (-iimpsoy . fi,.. ji,.,,- T j,, ,, t'oinpaFiy. mid is he aln 1 at ll.,rif t l, i n i I'be "t". .Ollt of Its c-l It il -IOi II I, Ij'l'l. ( i TJie m ill II lit o' irs r ,i.f. . i - , o to i l ilt. , -r,s " f'.ililp II, y iii .,,,!,, . '"ash on liaiid and in i,i -. -r ('ahh lo hands of A oil t - ;.o,l ill r,,u ri e i I ItallMni.-imi 1i,j u -111 lla reeeivah e 'or 1 1 , s, rm e.l b par- bonal il II l clinter-ll i-ect, ny ; - l Hi Is reee v ih c loans, teciiej t y Ileal Ksl.lle J 1,1 i , .-locks Htol Uo. d 0. i ,, AeiUlll(..,t d i,fe t I I Ar. -:i f,.i : : Ihel.ial.i'l ienhrnin follonii: Tlie ritinuii.t due und m l . 1 1 j . to lialiki are) C'llier ci c d itoi . oi tior Company l.o'ses a l u te I and d ie l.oss.11 adiii-t.d tn I uot due , . I. i-ses rep i (eil and tJlun further pr-of'. If other c l.iiii.s c, n,..t the C'ouipu. , 1'iiutit B ivt , mjt i 7J U 00 Total 1 iribiliti-n , The pieat. - t amount Insured In' ar,v f lo IHIo, exc- pt in .i i,, cafe . , H II Ill- .lliioiint I II - u r I In aov nun (' Ir. T Villiik-e, dej.eiiils its siz.. an I 1 w t I lie amount nit u-ed iu any cue bio k d. i thove. fc-'iif.c I Copy of tlie Ch ot-r nt f, r,, He. II. KKI.Lid.'i, I'm WILLIAM 11. CL.M'.K,.--tate of Cotit'T ieof. i tt.l J County oi .'lanfor l ) ' 11.11 llo-d Per.-Mb'-r Mr, Then peiviiallv appealed W i;i. 1; . I :.t ls. tai v, nml m id-, oath lhat ihe al.ovi s .v, him iihcr-h,, I it true accoruiu tu 1.;, f .1 1 u tn natl btii- f. Heroics ti e. CiiAS. W. JrMIN ' V, a Ji;s.i r I'.a I tJJ" Tolieie Issued and Renewed ly D- H. WHEELER, Resident Alter t, 1'ltittMnou IL. Vetua-i. i. a: t of 1. II . WIiu.'1'T k Co. ft; V, t JEWELRY STOKE Tin? subscribrr" i.uri'lia".! tl," Rcil Store on 2J strerf, ;it' lv f toMipi''! bv Sarpy ami (ilL(;rn, wouM p,f':'"fu- inform the citizens of l'lattsin njth unt vicinity that he lias r fitted the stur.: an I opened a large and full utoek of Jewr'rv ttrid lancy Articles for Lmlie. i i.n. Children, and the re.'t ol inaukin l, r.ri'l is prepared to do nil kinds of Watt!., Clock and Jewelry Repairing in the b'-ii manner, and would be bappvto trvl. old and as many new cujU-mers as ucj irive him tbeir patronage, asnrin tl.ra of tbtlr work well done' at mo h .Tate pri ces, and on abort time. Tl.o stock, em- bracing everv varietv of e-ooih u-uai v kept at a first olaas jewelry it'taf, wii'J be sold at low ririoci and warrrifit'ol 'A tho best workmanship and mater'tnl. has also a small stock of Family ries, which will lie replenished from to time, and scld at the lowest f?nr". Having permanently located in this eitT, I respectfully solicit a share of patror, nge, and cordially invito tit to cail nr d examine the stock on hand, as wo would be pleased to servo you, aui d not a vou to buy unless we can make it for jour interest to patronize K. ii. j: io.v I lattamouth, Dec. 27th. Im;'). tf Music! Music ! JIAYMOXD, MIXER f- CO., VEALKti l Piano Fortes, Melodeona, Music acd Musical M'dse, COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - IOWA AND OMAIM, N. T. Ordr8 tv nuit for Mh . Books, or auythir f r'- tainiog tj Music, prr alf lly attended l lSr-" f)rdor for lu'r i or repairiuJ PiaooFi)"" and Mendt.ns In Pa u-a)Jih and :ii.:y wi.. vt attended to at our -rl:et con ven'.er.ce. i t 1 r myl dlv.i t::s, KAlKCh V, M15&E QC Cw.