91 gostph rcrtitf m'te. TOOTLE, HANNA fc CO., J J E L M B O L J) 1805. JSG5. AMISON, DOYEY & CO., North Side of JVIain Street, ... Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of MAIN STREET, - - PLATTSMOUTH, 3 CHAS. YOGT & CO , Cor. Main and 5th sts., NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, Dealers in LEATHER MD IRON, SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hawarrde Findings nntlTools, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. ("Orders Promptly attended to. FLUID EXTRACT LARGEST o B f i-i CO H fe) W H M o w w to Ul O Owl 03 M id 03 o Q Q O 9? Q o 02 or IVest of St. Louts. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in o M M o M f M SJ 33 XT C? HU o Hi" B O 1 H d 03 c CD liufl 0 SIGX OF THE PADLOCK SECOND STREET, SEA HIT OPPOSITE THE TOST OFFICE,) WV- JOSEPH, MO- ITavipg purchased of my old partner all his Inter est rn the established Uai dwarc House of C0LII0CN S. CO., I offer an extensive stock of HAHDWASE CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Wholesalo and Retail, at Low Prices' ATTErVTIOiV FAXUIER! I have a large stock of such Goods as are needed by you; call at the "Sign of the Pad Lock" to purchase . rLOWS, CUL T1VA TORS, PLANTERS, IO EH, ORATSCHADT.ES, GRAiS AS BRUSH SCYTHE. OS ClfASX, TRACE ASD HALTER 1 A IS. 1,1 , .S.VJ Til EH, SUO rELS ASD SPADES, 'OTTOS A.SD WOOL CARDS, WE A VERS' REEDS PA TEST SPISXISG VTIlEEl. COL L A RSI . JIAifES. WINDOW ft LASS, NAILS. LOCKS. fIXGES, BCTTS ASD SCREWS, AXES, HATCHETS. AVOERS. 8 A W3 AND PLANES. I call special attention lo my stock of BLOOD'S GRASS and GRAIN SCI TIIES, the best article in tne m&met. Afent for the "CAYUGA CHIEF" Reaper and .Mower, undoubtedly the best machine in market. Agent for XESDEXIIALL'S IIASD LOOM. J. Ij Ellingwood. "Will remove to my New Building, North side relix street, between 3d and 4th, about March 1st, 18GG. - c25 ly A. G. MANSFIELD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in IKO-NT, STEEL, HEAVY HARDWARE, Agricultural Implements My itock cf I' on and Steel is large, complete, and superior to any heretofore offered in this market. AIho a large stock cf WAG OS & BUGGY WOODWORK, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, fAIRDASK'S SCALES, MOUSE AND ROCK 1SLASD PLOWS, BROWS' S CORS PLASTERS, SULKY CULTIVATORS, D UCKE YE R EA PERS ASD MOWERS, &C, &C. Agent for Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED SEWING MACIIIIVJBS. K5" Order from a distance will receive prompt attention. No. 22, THIRD STREET SALYT JOSEPH, MO. October 2oth, 1SC5. 6m ' WOO!LWORTKlr& CO , BOOKSELLERS, S7 AIONERS, Binders : Paperdealers, SALYT JOSEPH, MO., c25 6m I. ATJLEK, B. A. rKIKEMJJt. S. ADLER & CO , EECTIFIEES A.YD DISTILLERS, Dealers in ail kinds of Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQU011S AND CIGARS. ' ' 'NO. 14, EAST SIDE 31 ARRET SQ CARE, St. Joseph, Mo. W. MICK EL WAIT, N. J. SHAAP. T TTTI TTTi T71 T"i T7" 1 T T II l i s if is 1 r yj ii 1j U JlLJJililL L XI. ILL Mickelwait tk. Sharp Dealers In Pice lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sah, Blinds, Picket,, and every variety of Cottonwood, Walnut and Oak Lumber. Will kep constantly on hand Cord wood, both Cotton and Oak. All oidera promptly filled. 13" Oflucn Levee Street, sjutb of C. L. Cooper's Fed and Grain Depot, ; - t PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. Kovembsr fith. ISCo. Cm HARDWARE, -A Clothing of every description. WINES AND UQUQBS OF AU KINDS Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QTJEMSWAM; IRON, WAILS, WINDOW SASH, And every article required by EMIGRANTS, FREIGHTERS, JVIIftERS & FARMERS And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensile stock. -AT JPIEE PEOOF BEICK Tootle, Hauna & Co. Plattsmouth, April 10. '65 . B NEWMAN, r Corner Main and Third OUTFITTING GLOTJIIKG HOUSE IN THE WEST ! . Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Sec , Sec Als a large lot of '. RUBBER CLOTHJNG AND REVOLVERS Of a'l descriptions always on hand. CST Call and examine my extensive stock at the New Masonic Brick Building. Plattsmouth, April 10th, I860. -m.m WX. R. PKKICK, PENICK & ' ah Wholesale. Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Oil and Lamps, NOS. 3 h. 5 SECOND JT-We are the Xrthwetrrn Wholejale Agents and ca furnioh their medicii.es in any ij'iantitie. FD - DOORS fe GLASS. Till - Streets, Plattj mouth, N. T., Wlf. L0TIX0. LOVING, Dealers iq Pure "Wines and Liquors, Coal stationery, &c. ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- for Dr. D. Jajne ?on, and Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., . jan24 ly B IflcMECIIAlV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROJY, JfAlLS, STOVES AND TIjYJVARE, AGEICTTLTUB.AL IMPLEMENTS. Alw, Atrent for the Sale of the Celebrated 3TAGEE COOK STOVES, AND Eli ASCII, VliOVAS 4t co pa n s. SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the Seymour Hmse, on opposite side, " NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 - " THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, FACRER OF AND DEAI.KBI.V Saddles- and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE tsombs, iSjiurs, Lathes, Whips, tj-c. M.i in Street, INEJJKASKA CITY, - N. T ti $ HAmn g a goa TOST OFFICE BUILDING JNlii-JliASKA CITY, - - N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS SCHOOL BOOKS 1 AND STATIONERY Also Agents for all the principal MAGAZISES and NEWSPAPERS. For which Subscription are received at Publishers Prices. Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NEB Dealers in DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty andGlass- Patent Medicines of all kinds. Toilet articles, eta. tionery, and everything kert iu a first-class Drue Store, at Eastern prices. 4EsT- We are prepared to fill All orders, and warrant our foods to ue iresn. . apr.10 65 L. FROST & Co., WHOLESALE G R O O B R a Opposite the Post Office, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. New Periodical Store ! A. K. WHITE &. CO. A fuli assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS if STATIOSER Y Always un hard. Latest Eastern Papers and Periodicals received daihj. S?All orders promptly filled. NEBRASKA CITY - NT Drug Store. Call on the undersigned for PURE MEDICINES, PAISTS,OILk STATIOSERY. D. WHITINGEE. f NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. j QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, If BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever OlTercd in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope hy strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 1S6 . tf JUST rtceived, 50caoe JCanued Feae o t A Largv ftcfortrueut of muu's and boy' clothinf: AilfiiOX, DOVEY & 'VS. iLfurtaleby A. D.SCO. GO to AMISON , DOVEY4 CO'S to pur -use jour C" HELLED CORN for tale by i O A D. A CO. A' N endlesa variety o IL etoo Fa TJACOX and Lard for sale by A. D. C0'd. 1) A..D.ACO. rt CASES Moltby's Cove Oysters for sale at ? 1IKAVY INVOICE of all iods of Family Gro tVf A. D. &. CO'S. Xa. ceries and Oiitflting Good j.-ust eco.vedbjr . ; A . D A CO. GK . I a:f,Jiits iu ljidits' Ek.s Goodsat . . , r , A. U. 6 CO'S. LL kinds of Farming Implements for rale by ' J ''OR ?ALE at AMlON, DoVEYACO'S, aCoffee A. D. & CO. r lea.buuar Golden Syrup, Sugar Uoa Mo-e . Largo lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by lasses, Il-w iork Candies, etc , etc. A- l ii CO A large lot of Chewing and Smoking Tob.eco or a N endless variety ,.f Hardware and Cutlerv f 2 sale at . & CO't. J sale at A. I). A CO S. ryALOIL or sale by . ' . OiSH, , Pl.inle,Gls, and Nails of er ' a O description for tale by A-I. A CO. ' ri A BOXES star Candles for sale by JU A, D. A CO A LI. kind of Country Produce taken in rxchanw -I - for goods bv A. I). A to. XF yoa want to i urchase goods at a barpain, coto ' : A. I) A CO I enumerate all the n: tides We have fursalr ' A would fill one sideo' the IIkrild, and oilier Of BAG3 COFFEE jut received by have as good a right to adverti.-e ms J A. D. Co. AMI.MIX, DOVEY A CO. A Large lot of Choice Tea at rTMIE largest Outflttinr IIoue north .f Ft. Jotwpl A.D.ACO'S. 1 li AMISON. DOVEY CO'S., BJ.ACXi, BUTTERY CO., Wholesale anjrtetiiil Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines ine and ot the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1865, tf k i 1 C r ni 1 rr i im . E. T. DUKE tfc Co., "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WARE. We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' and Freighters ' OUTFITTING- GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid, Ovens, Camp Kettles, &c. We also keep Chain Pumps and r l.xtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mil1" &c. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness ana despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and PLATTSMOUTH. complete. Warranted Genu Iron, Brass, Japaued Third Streets. I - NKHKASKAi At t)i Cap of Good B.y THE IIOTTE .V TOTS !! loaf us4 BUG H TJ "or a TarUty of U'.mimi. tt M l1rroWlcI frrrn these rud prsrC'i,. , the EnclUh and Dutih JMiyicians, on l, ... tc mendatiou it was employed ill Europe, huJ , come into petucral use. . lli Kiven chiefly in Gravel, Chronic CMarrli .r the Uliul.ier, Morbid Irrlia.ion nf tli . I., irr I'rctlira, fur Eemala iejkuc and DEBILITY, I'or Pr.ilarsus and Bariukr Down, ,r pritui.. Ltcri, injure of the I'roia (ilan.l, ll.t.i.c, ., lucontiueiice of l"i Ine, nud all diseases m . in, 'u, aid ot a diuretic anris from a loss f lU in it. parts conrernt'd iu its evacuation. It Is also recommended In cs of Dyspepsia, Chronic Eheumatlsro, C'utaiivoii, Air-ctlvus and lrp,. To cure I!p'p di.as' we rniint brinir Into nai!. tte muf li'i v I, i h are mraee l in tli..,r j,j,,u, f1Lr- tiiiiis. To ni-.l -i-r th 'in, liei-ver hliirlit in ir tje lb. nlUi k, is sure t i arii-it Ihe bodily hcalih un.i mum Our Flesh and JOJootl aie supported ftoru th'-ae source i:r:soxs a t i: cnr vruioD er art. From Infancy to Old Apr, and in every rtil of health, at llabl lo t s!J at of lliegif diseJM' M, The Causes in many inilancn are unknown. The patient has, however, an admirable t'mtj tu HELMSOLD'S Fluid Extract of Ihdnu Philadelphia E rent tig Bulletin Editorial, Sept. lG, 105. IlELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. nis Solid and Fluid Extrarts embody I)., fill strength of the Incredlen's of which thev areiiiini'J They are left to the inspection of ail. A rendy n, cocclDKiv tent of tin ir propertin will ue a c.u, rl- son with tbM-e set forth in the vinted fi'a'.ei in;tu tafory These remedies are prepared hy . T. Ile.'is bold, a drovf'i't of sixteen year' exp -'inuee in thu eity, and we believe them to be reliable; iti fatt, ws have ui ver known an article larking inrnt to o i with a permanent fuccex, and Mr. HelMlrrH'u" ti is certainly prirmt f i-) evidenre. Ilia I'rK "d Chomical Warehouife, in tii city of .NVw Yurk. I not excellei, if j'iled, by any in tlie country, si ' we would advise our reader", when visiting thai it".' to give him a call, and Jndgo for thvoisrlv. HELMUOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCIILV 3E3C33X-i3VE X3 OL 33