LOCAL NEWS- fn-m Verhiet'lat'l DnVy. ("Late advices from tlio wet report the feeling against State unanimous. r'v'Tbc Tost Ofli;e has been removed to tl;9 nW; building, aouth-west corner Main and Thrid 6trects. Q-Ve understand a new Tost Office has been created in the southern part of the eour.tv, on the route from Wyoming to Silt Creek, and our old friend Win. JU tailor appointed t M. CT. Ii. Glenn, Esq., is going about the country doing good by furnishing p.jr!. prote tion against lightning, in the shape of star fluted rods. Every dwell in" barn and out-house should have one nn it- Glenn can put one up that he will . Vatrnd,iy't Iniihj. 5f Gov. Saunders came down this m'.rnir.g, looking ns hearty and cheerful Hi usual. W. L. Thomas, artist, has just re ccived a large stock of picture frames, of all sizes and styles, and Ts prepared to fill t'neia with the finest executed pictures to bo had in the west. Go and see him he will u jou well. 'VOur city has been crowded to-day with delegates to the Territorial conven tion, and "lookers on in Ven:ce." Among the latter are Gen. John. M. lhav.T, Col. O. II- Irish, Col. E. li. Taj. In, Judge Kellog, Kev. T. W. Tipton, lion. J- W. Chapman and a host of others. rrTho laJios of the Trot. FpK Church will hold a festival lor.ino ueue fit of the Church, at the Hall over Staude I Anderson's store.cn Saturday evening, ")th inst. Admission, ten cents. Let everybody go, and seo what a fine festi val entertainment the ladies of Flatts inoutu can get up. . - i .( . t rTr" We noticed, in the remarks of an Ilono ub'e gentleman from Omaha ast evening, that in epeaking of the Railroad interests if Nebraska, he talked of "our '(Omaha) Railroad," and ignored the idea of nny.otSer road ever being con structed in Nebraska. This kind of talk would do in Omaha, but should not be indulged in before an audience composed of men frum all parts of Nebraska won't go down It ETThe trade oi! the. upper Missouri is immense- the present season, giving em ,.!.vtnent to three different distinct lines ,f ptenmboats, besides transient crafts The Great Wot is being hi ought to no tice, and is assuming the iiur ortance which its resources demand, with greater alaeritv than was ever before the cao with nnv country. Let those who desire to reap tho urinti. an early locution in this favored land bo on the move, Now is the time to make your m irk. (rVe would call the attention of our readers to the new ndvprtisnmer.t of U Newman's. His stock oT Clothing, Gents' Furnishing' Good-!, &c, is the largest to he found in the west, nn 1 is constantly being replenished. Newman m a "live" man, and knows how to treat his custom ers well. If vou want anything i.t all in his line of business, call and ee him. lie has not only an immeh-e tock of goods, but occup.es an A No. 1 roi.nn; where you can see what you are buying and need not be deceived in its quality. Froi.i Friday's Vaiiy. (5?"Vc saw a number of wagons load ing at the different stores in the city yes erday, preparatory to starting west. Q3r"()!d muddy has bean raising since morning, and is now higher than at any time this spring before. "j7"Park G. Dobson has purcahsed the Hotel property at Rock IV.ufTs, iil is pre pared to entertain all who may favor him with a call. Dobson won't be out done in the Hotel line. f07". We notMO that freind Gage has iremoved his Boot and Shoe shnp back to the old stand, opposite the Platte Val ley, wher ha U again "pegging away." Look out for an advertisement. CsTThe suit between Elbert, Clark i Co., and E. II. Eaton, which has been looked forward to with considerable in terest by many of our citizens, is now progressing, with a large number of spec tators present. fj5TS. F. Nuckolls, ono of the old pio neers of Nebraska, arrived in the city jesterday, looking after his property in terest in this place. We understand Mr. Nuckolls proposes to again settle in Nebraska City, aud we predict much prosperity to that locality in consequence. CiTWe are now prepared to furnish blank Deeds, Mortgages tfcc, in large or email quantities. Also ' all kind of job work, doDe on short notice, and in a style that will compare favorably with any work in the west. No need of Sending cast for your cards, bill-heads, and other work of the kind, when they can be done " in just as good style at home. Ci'Our readers will remember the murder of Thos. Nickols. a resident of the southern part of this county, some time last summer, of which we made mention at the time. This afTiir has been clouded by a good deal of mystery, and the au thorities are still unable to make a satis factory solution of it ..The wife of tho murdered man was indicted for the crime, and was brought to trial before the court now in session in this city; but the evi dence failing t i substantiate tbe indict ment, she has been set at liberty, and the ! &Taiiie.ft in'mare mjsterj than ever. j From Saturday's Daily C?i?"Owing to circumtancea that could not be contro'ed, the lectuae last nlr.t was not viT7weil attended 1 ' The bud ject "The Saviours of our Country" is one that should draw an audience in any loyal community. Mr. Sydenham propesed devoting one-half tire 'proceed to the National Lincoln Monument Fund; and, be i said in praise of his patriotism, in consideration of the email attendance he donated the entire proceed of tbelee ture last night to that fund. "Mr Sydeiv ham lectures in Omaha on Monday even ing, where we hope he will have a large audience'. ' ' ' ' ' " 1 i ; ' CzfJ' Sterling Morton comes down on the ticket nominated at the correction in this city last Thursday in Lis usual Bill ingsgate style. It is usual for Mortou to treat anything in this style that he fears, and it argues to us that we have a strong ticket, one which Sterling fears will be elected. Did he speak of our candidates in a favorable way, or attempt to mc argument against hem other than this particular kind, we might think it was a weak ticket; but now we know it is a etrong one, and is sure to he elected. mm. . From JflutuJni't Daily. i C"J. N. Wise, Esq., arrived at home yesterday, having been cast laying in a stock. The case of Eaton vs. Elbert, Clark i Co. was decided in favor of defendants last Saturday. 5?"The river is still on the rise, caus ed by the melting of snow in the moun tainous regions. Drift wood lias been coining down quite freely for the past few davs. C57"W. II.' Shea, artist, has been re fitting his room, and is now ready to do work in a superior style. He has engag ed the services of one of the best artists in tbe country, who has been superintend ing the arrangement of the establishment. "Workmen are engaged in complete, ing the sidewalks on Main street. Go ahead with tho improvements. We hope to see a 'vast change in the appearance of our streets, bridges etc., before cold weather comes again. C5?"The Festival on Saturday evening for the benefit of the Prot. Epis. Church, was a complete success. We did not learn the amount of receipts, but under stand a goodly number of persons were in attendance, and suppose the receips to have been in proportion. Thu ladies have our thanks for a line cake sent the Herald office. fJ?"The Democracy of Nebraska meet in Delegare Convention at Nebraska City on Thursday, l'Jth inst., where they will endorse choice portions of Andy Johnscu's policy, and pass resolutions condeming :he Union men of the Terri iory because they do not think the same as be does on all questions They will wind up by nominating a State ticket, and go for the rcneral good of the coun try as they see it. QfSotu person cr persons, mischiev ously inclined, carried off a lot of stove lids, upset stoves and otherwise injured property in front of Ilighees auction room on Saturday evening last. This mav be very fine snort 'for boys we do not be lieve men would engage in such an affair 1. ut is a great annoyance and loss to the owners of property, and should be stopped at any cost. If we cannot af fcrd a night police to keep such charac ters in check, it might not be amiss to tie'tle theit legs with bird shot. from Tufmlay't DaH'j. 7:57"See advertisement of G. S. Court right in this issuo. Give him. a call if you want anything in his line. fTSSee advertisement of W. D. Gae in to-day's paper. He Is back at the old stand, ready to give everybody "fits." "Settlers are beginning to arrive in this locality, nnd changes in real property are more frequent than during the winter months. C57This locality was visited with refreshing shower this morning, nccom panied by some electrical demonstrations which have had the effect to!cool the at mosphere and lay the diist. (75?"The man who took tho picture of Miss Lawrence from my Show Card, on Monday, will please return it, or come and pay for it immediately. V. II. Shea. f"Let those at a distance bear in mind that in the withdrawal of lands for railroad purposes, the price of odd num bered sections of land was not raised. They can be taken as Homesteads or en tered as before. ZTVi. II. II. Waters, F.oq., formerly of tho Nebraska City I'ress, now Receiv er in the Land Office at Nebreska City, is in town, looking hearty. He reports a lirge amount of business at the Land Office this fpring principally Home steads being taken by men from tho east ern and middle States. 5?"Petty thieving is a common occur rence in some places,but we had suppose cd,that we were not to be troubled by such annoyances here. Some scoun drel took a picture, from, the ehow car J of W. II. Shea last night, as will be seeo by notice to-day. We think this is about the smallest, meanest thieving that any one could be guilty of. r If any one wants the picture of a young l-idy, he should make love to her and obtain it through her consent. . - . FOR RENT A farm sir miles west ol Pliittsmouthwith thirty acre, 4under cultivation good fence and dwelling house- Apply imtnedi.'tf fery to - - Ear9tf J. N.. Wise. CTp" Just received by eirress, a lot of new Sorin2 Clothinz. Come and jnvc us a. can. ,' marlO lw Wv.Stadelmanv & Co. ("The undersigned offers for sale ICO acre of desirable unimproved land, about 3 1-2 miles south west of town. A sufficient amount pf .timber will he.seld W?th the prairie, if ' desired, for' fencing and fuel. Samuel Maxwell. Plattsmou-.h march-20 180 w 4 For, Sale Rent or Trade. -1 have a house IG by 24 1 1-2 story with 3 rotrto sell, trade or rent. aprll A. G. Barnes. ST. LOUIS and'PLATTSJIOUTH, Coitncil Uluffm and Omaha PACKET LINE. Tbe boat of thii popular line are now making regular tri-weekly trips to all points on the Missouri river, be tween the above points. Parties desir ing information in regard to freight or passage "will find it to their interest to call on the undersigned. MlCKELWAlT Sb SnARr, npr5ml Agents. C"The notes and accounts of the firm of Howe it Thatcher, have been placed in the hands of Mr. Wni. S. Thatcher, Sen for collection. All knowing tfcemslres indebted to ns will please call and settle f fortuwitn. v ' . v- - J. Howe. aprl5dlw Wm. S. Thatcher. mum LOST On the evening of the 12th, one very large Buffalo Robe. It was lost fomcwhere between the Brick School House and Oreapolia. Any one finding the same will be liberally rewarded by returning it to . aprl2tf FQ. Parckl.; ' "Stewart's New Goods are arriving. Prints of the best kinds; at from 15 t j 20 cts., and other goods in proportion. Call at the New Cash Store if you want goods cheap. apr4 "Wagons, Wagons. Staude & Anderson, Plattsmouth, N. T., have secured the entire agency of the Schuttler Wagon, and will have a large supply on hand and for sale as soon as navigation is fairly opened. mr7 Dread. The undersigned propose to start a hread wagon as soon as a sufficient num ber of rpgular customers can be obtained to justify it. ' Thosejwishing cheap bread, made from tho best of St. Louis flour, delivered at their door every day will nlease call at our- bakery and register their names. We can furnish you bread cheaper than you can make it yourselves, ana warrantea or ine Dest vuauty. aprlOwl BLPvGESS & GOFF. REMOVED. The undersigned has removed his Clothing establishment to the new brick tiu-.ldins-, corner of Main and third pis , where he is prapared to sell anything in his line as cheap as it can he had in the west. 13. Newman. mar2i5dlm REMOVED. Staude & Anderson haver emoved to the new three story brick building, east room, corner Main and Third streets, where they are readv to accommodate their old customers and as many new ones as will favor them with a call. feb. -i Methodist Hvmx Uooks a very fine assortment, large and small, Just receiv ed. ANo a few very nice, sewing ma chines, at Ibh-s liuuiv a l vhvj. NEW GOODS ! SETT GOODS at the ... "NIMBLE S1XPENGE," which I will sell at REDUCED PRICES, a.s I am in need of mon"y. nia9 l. BILLIXGS. DnCLLn(S at all prices. Auy penon wir-hinif to purchase Farm-property, or Result-tiers in town, will find thtui fur.ga.le at all r , By F. M. POKKINGTON ma7 KEit Etatb Aof.st. PROBATE NOTICE. All pernona hivinir claims agnio-t the rotate o Thoin. W. Barne. Ule of Ca county. N .' T., de. i ael. murt hlu the samu in the Trobate Court ou or before the 6r7i day of October, Jl. D. 1S6G, a 1 o'clock p nt , at which time the Court will hear and determine on aaid claimis. ... J. W. MAJISn ALL. ap3 3w Frimate Jui'pe. WAGONS! 3. K PO!lTJ;ii & CO.. Are agem ia this city lor the sale of tha celebrated "South Bend Wagons," Made by Stud-baker Broa They kav on hand a guixl aisorttnent, which will l rrpleiiisht'd as Iat as needed. 1'Uey . p opo'e to el at the very lowest fljfutes. I'lattsmouth, Mah 26. U GOLD II A S FALLEN WJJ. IIEUAL.D Haa mnred Into his nw brick bnilding on the cor ner of Main street and Levee, wbeie he is laity re ceiving large addilijns to bis already extensive stock of G-ROCBRIBS AND . ' !.. :. i:- - ; LIQUO JFZ. i3 " He offers the very best of bara'ns to customers, and reiti"rU a call Irnu those who want anything iu his line to test the advantages in prices with uta f others. . . Kemeiuber the: i B R I 5.TTiC QXN.E R and give him. taJJ if yoawiih t boy caeap. ... KLEl'SEtt :.&rISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, zu WINDOW : SHADES, Confectioneries, iVotioiis, - ' "' Toys. ii::'r Coal Oil Lamp. We are also afreet for tin Buchanan Woolen Mills, of St JoKfph, Mo., and have now on hand a gcKid assortment of FANCY CASSIMEBES, e fi'l ' CLONUS, JEAXS. FLASXELS,tc, which we have re-eitrtd on prepared to exchange for commission, and are "WOOL OR CASH, at very reaaonanla jsnres. eg- Oive na a call. one door taut uf the Mkbald otlice, rlall.uioutl., Ma 10, 1S5. tf - - - CABINET SHOP. Having recently butlt a new and suita lc shop on Hain St-VPlattsmouth, N. T., Would respectfully inform the citizens of Cass and ailioinin counties luat ue Has the facilities fr car rying ou the - - CABINET mJSIxXE.SS In all lta branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE 1 am prepared to torn out tho J 1 1 E A IP E ST and most, durable Furniture Of every description, erer offered in the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 43-Pirti-nlar attention paid to making and En- iKhiogCOPVlNS. , .... All kinds of lumber takec in exchange for xrerk. 1'UtU nonth. April 10. lb 05. FRESH EI3IE ! Good No. 1 Lime alwav on hand and for Fa'e ly he wholesale and retail in aiuuuu'.s to fu rmrcli3 em. It J. lil-.TrS. nar2 lsr6m . c. n. KINO Carpenter and Joiner CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Will do work in his Hue with neiitners and dUptit h and upon short notice. feb";7 d&wt Farm for .Sale Three mile south of nttmouth, fn a first-ntto n- isrhlx.rho.'d, with good water and five acres heavj cottonwuod Umber. Fcr p:ixMcnlara eiiqaiie of II K. Antlarson, on The premise, . i M. HOT. I5IXGTON", b23 di3m .. U4l Estate Agen ESTKAY IVOTJCE Taken up by the sub-cri -r. 8 miles west of PUts mouih, on tha lin'h of Feb., ISCfi. one laige wliita ox, some red ppots on siiles and neck, crop lft ear aril s callow !rk in li'ut ear, long scar on left I: ip. is about 6 ve:r old. 4.11, liiLun March lib. 6 - Sheriffs Sale. Fy virtue of a venditoni expoiiai to me directed ffoio the office of the Clerk of the District Cuurt of the 2d Judicial District, within and for Otoe county N. T . and tearing ria te the ill i-t day of March D. 106, I, the uuderirnert, Sheritf fn and for the conutv of ass. will sell at public auction, for casn to the highest and best biililer in front of the Court House, in PlaltMuotit'.i, Cs county, N. T., on Saturday, the 1th day of April, A D 1SC0, at 2 o'clock m.of jaid diy, theiollowing desc'ib-d reisonal pror-rlv,-to wit: Kour mules and two si tt of hane-s, lake i as the property of Wil liam II. Graham and John Gregory, to B.-.ti.fy a judgment in favnr of William Fulton. Sheriff ' OUice, Marrh 'J3.I. K D 1S66. A B. TaYLUil horifT, rnr2S 2w By P.P. Ciass, Deputy Sheriff. Dissolution of Co-partnership. The Arm of Kiepscr t Wise is this day iliolved by mutual consent. The business of tbe lute film will be cond acted, hereafter, by J N. Wise, who is authorized to settle all accounts owing to or hv said firm. KLEPsER A WlsK. March T 1st, 1SC6. All persons knowic? thcnis"lvfs indebtel to the lata Arm of Klepser k Wise will please call and set tle Immediately, as I need money. mar-26 J. K. WISE. Music! Music I RAYMQXD, MISER CO., Piano Fortes, llelodeons, Music and Musical M'dse, COUNCIL BLUFFS - - . - IOWA AND , OIAIIA, N. T. ..t Orders by mail for ai . Books, or anything per taining to Jiusic, i rrortly attended to tOsilers for ttiati gcr repairialt Piano Vorf-'s ami Mekdeons in P)a tm.)ttth and'Aftcinity will be attended to at our rliest eon vni-nce. RAYMOND, MINER & CO. Aug. f. -. IVotice to Tax-laycrs. The Taxes fo? IS'53 rjifeit on Ule first of May. Gentleroeu will plee call at the T. euun-t's oflice and get their receipts, and save the reoaliy. which wjust Us -13td aXt' that dale, accordant to law. iija:7 td. t-. DL'K-E, Tras. Boot : &. Shoe - Shop. Th mihsrrmer wouM resacctfallr cat! th atten tion f tbe citiiena of FltttniuOth.aul t!).titil! at 'I ar to the fa that lie hrw located one d.mr east or linna.ii.ii'a Drnz More, where he iuf-nds kerpinsr on hand and mtkizg- on the tihorten notice, evei jr- rticlBin line. His mk-k nemp teietiwi ujr inm- e!f. and ba.ng apent the most or lus life in the. ba: uie'i, feel contldect li&l lie can gi y -.iI tion. tii.Biin acall, .iii. ' O April 10 0 iliun.iiuniu-'. PLATTE VALLEY G. W.CROW, PROP. I am nrepai-ed to furnish a'l who may'faTor me with their pctroaaSu. With lodging, iiu,'1e meals it board" tv the werk. ' ' . Ci.W.CUOW., Jiattm(.ut!i, April 13, yl ' BRYANT'S Conducted on the basis of Actual Business, by an experienced Accountant and stiperior Penman, wuone i, vs LONG CONNECTION vrth the most popular Commercial Colleges of the 'nion ensures thoroughness and reputation to every graduate, and commands the best positions. SPECIAL ATTENTION liven to all styles of Penmanship, on which we have been awarded the first Premiums for many years at varioo Ht..e Fairs - - The College is always open to vsilors, and circu lars contait ing full particular, will be sent to any address. ihu'b j. mix ah i, i-n-s . marl St. Joseph, Mo FOR SAIE . A o-ood'twn stnrv brick store buildine. 22 by 60 feet with pood cellar; for furthel particulars inquire of the jalllltr liOARIJ OF fCHOOI. BIHItTUH. Estray IVotice. Taken np by tbe subscriber, on bis premises, in Oreapolis I'recinct, Cass county, . T.,aliout three miles northwest of I'lattsmouih, on tb 25th lny of December. A o lf5, on -poney raarp, 01 af we color, with While face and feet. Ko other marks or brands perceivable. HEXKY STl'I.L. Plattsun uih, . '1 ., Marcn sin. 1000. ipij- IVOTICE Is hrelrv given, to all whom 11 may conactn, tliiA the County Commi-sioners or la?! coumy, ii. i.t win ,.iot ai a liord of Koualization. at .the Couniy Civ. k's office, 011 the third Monday in this April, (the 16ih mt.,) and hold a t-esion 01 three nays for ine purpose of correciiua tne Assessment non 111 meir County, snd daring the sitting or s.n.'S . Board any perwi;i f.-eling Aggrieved by anything in the Asse:-s. meut lloll may apply to the Hoard for the rortection of ny supposed error in the listimj or valuation of his properly. llv order of the Board of Commissioners, this 2d day of Atril, a jJ.-tot). B t-l'LKLOCk, ap aw ' vuuuu 1 i. . . Furniture ! VAIalaERY & SIIRYOCK llnve re e'.ved their first installment of Furnitur. whirh th v oiler at 1)1 ices to suit the times. Thair ock consists of ? ' Fine Dressio? Bureaus, - - )Vash-Etand5, Eedateads, ; ; Mattrasses, Cane-seat, French, Dining, and other Chairs; Breakfast and Dining Tables, Sofas, What Nots, Children's Burries, &.c. Sec. If iuwant a iood article at a fair price, c!ve thei.i ;i cill. 1 Utf C. 1 COOPER Wholesale ana rttail dea'er in BARLEY, ITIEAIji Flour, Onions, Potatoes, And til kinds o f Tr educe at St. Louis cash prices. Also OX-YOKES AND BOWS. CORNER 2nd AND LEVEE STREETS, riattsmouth, N. T. apr2 T. M. MARQIjETT, ATTOU1NEY AT LAW Ant F olicitor in Chancery. PLAT ' 3.OUTII. - - NEBRASKA D. II. WBEELFR, J. W. M AKHIAI.L, E. C. LB Wit D. II. Wheeler fc Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTH, .V. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceels re mi. ted at correiit rates tt Kxclmuge.- Tate pid"in Western low and Xebrk firrnoti-rsirt.-'tits. Titles 'of land inveligatd. Money losued on Keal K-tate ecuritiea. Laud Warrants locate.'. CLAIM AGENTS. Agents for collection of claim against Co vern men fcr Sold ers, their idows and minot heirs. Agent for the purchase ami aie of Lat.ils and Oily prr,pe&. tjr, Leasing of Teaementi. .' , ' RKFEIIEXCES: IT..n. P. 11. Ktbert, D.-nver City. C. T. Me-srs. Knnrite Hro.. ttmaha. Neb. . Jtc Hriu is. M tcaif, Nebraska City. G. F. l-'iiley. St. Louis, Mi.-ouri. Pr. Dlo Lewis, lloston, Massachusetts. H W Ditmars Cbicsg .IKmois. r.. . 1 11 M Magi'.Witieftinatut.hio. ' T.'Otle K iliiuna. TUU'-ujuiTth, Nebrasli. . L It Kih, Three Kivers. Michigan. Ib-n K FeHollo'jiuWU, Wisconsin. ( Kuc t M M .rntt; Ptwrsmontri, NtbrafVaf " I. Lewis, A-toi ney at Law, Buffalo, New i'ork. " - Carter, Hussy &. Carl, D.s M jiaes, Ioia. ;an3 diwtf COLLEGE! C. B. STAUDE. - Glenwood, Iowa, ;. i"' j STAUDE & ANDERSON, J . 1 ' , , 1 . l i 1 ' ' Removed to New Three Story Brick IVildinpr, East Room, Corner of Main and Third Sfs, Plattsmouth, N. T , : v. ; - Wholesale anil DRY GOODS.GROCEltlES, HARD WARE CUTLERY, QUEE3SWARE, Soots and $7tocs, Ready-made Clothing, . . BLANKETS, HATS AND CAPS And a variety of as , . 7 22 LADiES' DRESS GOODS Also keep constantly on hand a large surply of o, Q 1ROJV, NAILS, PLOWS AjXD CULTITA- . . ' TORS. - - A large supply of OU TFITTI r. Flour. JBacon, Lard, Meal, Beans, (XI Dried 4 i A large stork of : : ' ; Wooden Ware, , ' Buckets and Tubs,. Wash Boards, J ' . Butter Bowtar Baiter Firlcins,. - Waler Kegs, . Half Bushels, Meal Seives,-- feb27 1ST ,E3 WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOP.- G-eo-Boeck & Oo- llavo-remoyed to tlielr NEW TWO STORY BRICK SHOT, Noiih-wesl of Botch's Old Stand;' Where they are prepared to turn out all kind of Nr Work, mch a WAGONS, BUGGIES. Plows, 1 - i ' i And everything needed ly Freighters or Farmers ia the best of style. Horses, 31ules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason- able terms. job-work: Of every description, eithet ill wood or iron, done oa tliort notice. Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AKD CASTINGS of such. They keep on hand, and f.r sale, -v -w -r a ' Tr d ux-ioKcs, bows, steeples, ablc-cliains, BOLTS of all sizes, WAGON BOWS, &c, . . .. f : ; In fact, everything In'Hleir line needeJ bj Freighters-, Emigrants or Farmers. Having a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and tbe best qoalitj of Iron, TftirabTo'- Skeins, &c, t elected by ourfelves, with fjieeial reference to tfiU trade, tre foel confident that w can turn! . . - ' - ' - out better and more work, at cheapr rate, than any other shop in the Territory. Thankful for p'at patronage, we solicit a eontinuaccaof the same. . , r OeO: l tg Saliraclion Gunrnntceil op Honey Refundert Plattsmoctd, N. T., Nov. 8th, 18Q5 . . Cm, . r , - .- - W. PIctu MS hru&h . L Pictures taken of all Kinds. .LAmbrotvpii?, Photographs, Gera Pictures, Albnmo, cunstaatly kept cn hand-, made to order, of an j eizs ' w. II. ANDERSON. riattsmoutb, N. T Retail Dealers ia .'03 ' a. & m m mm mmmt . m imm Hi. AND FANCY ARTICLES? CD GO ODS ,K N G Sncli ns Fruits, O O 8 B CO O. H Hi Building material, Window Glas3, Sash and Doors, Faints and Oils, Farmers' Utensils,. Shovels and Spades, Forks, Hay Rakes, Double Shovel and Two-horse Moliae Plows.. .7 4 . . l 11 i Boec3i cfi3 1. THOMAS' 3icturc Galleryr Jl I 1 J &c. A good assortment of Cases Frame,. Ut and Rosewood Maiding or Fraaw