ill lie 2Ukra$lut jftftalil LOCAL N 1:VS. i -i I. V.j on.l h:ir at . n en inn' t uiruu-'i -- ,f Main street. .-'"The annual CouTerence of the M. g'hurch !3 now in session in this citv. n-.tendmceis large. 'r-yt ', 1 M'J Mv lias been on the "ram .:,.c'' v.-trJ.-iy risin-veryra! id F" ti. in,---.t ion 9 sire that it will boon IT. ca the f Cy-W cannot b.'Kin to keep the run ef th-; 1. it-, and will merely city that C ',''- throa arrive at our landing every , r.,,.'i one leaving un immense o ' i Hint it poil-J- iui " ...-... in recuipt of -'Per Peuts- 1 I t I'm. eVr I'raine rariner, - io'n i' ; aiupi:'. form, and ehouid he in tht h lt, u of tvery German Farmer in J,-',rava. . 'i'niri- tint hav3 been q-iite prev ail T.,r the past few ill, 'lhey wen t . .1...,. t nhi i' rr.Tf'nt in no ii'si in. in .vmj - .! last nijrlit, in Iowa and Nc'iras- 10 :i rZf,. TJillins", at Uie TMm!ie nix-i me citizens or imi civy m poncp," re-fitted and painted the in- please! to learn that the l.ri.le on sail f.5d ? of hi." store, and now off. rs "rood Creek is completed. Thi is the only to his customers in first-rate shape and Mream on the road from Plattsmouth at low figures. to Denver that needed a bridge, and the - - - T 0.1. 1 . " . I . J . - . . .. . rS-It would astonish vou to see the citizen- oi onn y.rK are emm ioKn.fc piles of poods that leava Staude 4; An Grovf-r fc I5;.l.ets derson'u store every rooms in Masonic Block are just the place to sell poods. Q-Can somebody solve the follow, inp: If a Railroad Co. can build 109 miles of road inside of 54 miles on a praise for their enerpy in thi work. It i . . . . . dav. Their new ,s a permanent structure, navinp cos; me sum of .$3,0t"0, and no fears need be enter tained of its beinp washed away by hiph waters. Now. indeed, we present a road to emigrants and freighters without a trenm o ford (except 'uch as aredesir- I nfila fnr tha iratir TlPCPnr for ll . Htraipht line, what '.enpth of road wou.d . " t ,. . i ,.f .' e are they con-truct between the Missouri river and San Francisco; and how much money would it take, at .$40,000 per mile. L. -J We hope to eee a pood turn out at the convention to-morrow. The choos ing of Delegates to represent the people of and one that passes through tho finest grazing country that the eye of man ever beheld. B. Newman (Successor to S. Bloom,) Dealer in READY MADE From Titfulay' ' Daily. CsT" Judge M. L. Clark, formerly of this conntv on the State question I this city, is now visiting here. should be a matter of importance to ev- juj?e g. Dundy arrived this erv man in the countv. 1 hesc delegates niorn;n!ri for the purpose of holding the should not he selected by a few individu- reo. lfir Arrii term 0f Court. i;rc,it cir-i hhou.a iu i.iiiiii, i,.,.l v will lose a house or fence by rVTootle, Ilanna L Co. had the si ie W fiiUd with go ids f..r the distance Of - m-:l.i g less th in a quarter of a jb.'u, a few day since, ail of which h ive diar paired within their capacious h ales TOim anl wire houses, from which evrjbo.Jy can be supplied at the lowest pru'.s. fy-Hie young mn of the city have -',ini.-l a I'. ise Ball Ciub, called th- Kv-l.-ior,'? and exercise themselves er-ry evening at 1 o'clock. We uimI-.t-Itm 1 they intend soon issuing a chai ,..,-., to the Nebraska City Club, when n e v-'tnig g uiu may b-3 expected. W c jr , (,n the 'i:x..-.:lsi.r.' .-V'W. often hiar of peoplo in the al, but ehouid be the choice of a major ity of of our citizens, and should be men who will, in convention, represent the views of that majority. Ct?" We understand C. M ck?nhaupt, Eq., i preparing to burn an immense amount of brick the present season much more than anv former time. This AND LOCK STITCH i fi7"Soine fellow from Iowa, we did W1u ROod new, , wo antieipate a not learn his nnme, ached to get into r,rp;ii, demand for the article this summer the new jail yesterday evening. lie got nnj fui p!ue into a row with some one, and, as is ns- 1 with men who have more noise thun k, drew a revolver ar.d flourished it nrtibablv wish.r.z some ono to held him. Such characters should be taught that we have laws prohibiting disorderly conduct, and that they must bo respected. Ca?" W. Henry Holland, Esq., super vising agent of the Ttna Insurance Com panv, was in the city yesterday, looking after the interests of the Company. A statement of the condition of the Compa ny's Gjances will appear in the Herald in a few days. 7"Our townsman, F. M. Dorrington, is agent for thn sale of tickets on ihe B. Persons : if there are any churches, From Silur (' Daily prThe building formerlv occupied by & M. R. Railroad at this place n 1 r ( . i. . 1 1 1 . 1. . ". - Howe .t " hatcher i s tieinc Jirte.l up lor u traveling east win uu wen in ea.iinme dru Ktore bv Dr. XV. E. Donelan. this route, and we doubt not they will rVwni Il-rald has received a heavv fin J it advantageous to go by way of r r. ;n,l choice Lienors. Plattsmouth, Ottumw and Burlington, which he is offering at reduced prices. fTrof Sands, tho renowned Magi cian and Ventriloquist, will pive an en- instead of making the circuit by way of St. Louis. CxTAnd still they come! A pentleman Were awar Jci the HIGHEST PREMIUMS At tt e St ite Kiirs of New York, Illinois,. Virginia, New Jrsev, Michigan, N. Carolina, Vermont. ' Wisconsin, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Oregon, India'na, Missouri, California, At the Fairs i f the American Institute, Franklin Institute, Ma-ybind Intitme, M.isackueU Ma chanic' Asicrilinn, I'enn. Me chuiii: Institute, St. Louis Agricultural and Median' t'c' Association, 1 r.H t T,nmrnu Institute n.l County Fai'S, locla.l iu;a. the f Hirniit wh.jli Iht-y we.e exh'uited the i ih'r- years. ... Firt I'r z-h h've 1st been awar.led thesi Ma- chiu.-s Mt ihe exhibitions t.f LONDON. PARIS. DUBLIN. LINZ, BE SANCON. BAYONNE, ST. D1ZIER, CHALONS. AuJ they have Ineu furni-h'd by special command ' I'.myress of France, Empress of Austria, Empress of Russia, Empress of IJrazil, Queen -f St ain, and Queen of Bara'ia. ThP & BAK.EK ELATIC-fTITCll f-F.W- lSi MACHINES are superior to all others for the G-ents Furnishing Goods Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, &c, &c, &c Also a largo lot of RUBBER OOUUS. . An(j a variety 0f and UEVOL. always Mil C. B. STAUDE. Glenwood, Iowa, V. H. ANDERSON. Plausmouih, N. T STAUDE ifc ANDERSON, Removed to New Three Storv Brick Building, East Room, Corner of Main and Third Sfs, Plattsmouth, N. T., AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their benefit to examine my etock before purchasing eisewnere. Cash paid for Hides, Furs and tfoot. P.attsmouth, May 25, tf Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS.GROCERIES, HARDWARE CUTLERY, QUEEXSWARE, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, BLANKETS, HATS AND CAPS, Ch LADIES' DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES' n.n Vn mr.sHntlv on bind t Urgs aupn o( O IROJ NAILS, PLOWS JiJCD CULT1VA-V - tors: IK TORS. AlsO A large supply of OUTFITTING Such as GOODS.S fist :iitin p -'ii .l-.. A c , .ii this we..tcrn c-Mintry. V!.v, jmii. y.'s; we have n loss th m wis'o'. nt churches in thin . .e i. ..... i...l;. nti l r.ri- y .-n'V (! r" mi ...-, u .iii j, ....... r- itc nnd nil th other nccompaniincntu of a clvi'.izcd and well regulated com ni.;:iiiv. Cdiiir on, anl nettle in our rNii'iT e .nintry. You nei d not h ive nnv f.-iri nb.iiii lni':in.-. lac's of school. c!n:iv':i", or -iid -t.ciety. 'J-I'li.. Crm of Dovpytiavo tA-tamment in this citv nest Wednesday who arrived in thin city yesterday from , r;u, ,u rtra,.8 : U ' tho east, reports steamboats, railroads . T'.r ..n-t from the sPo.s and ,,u.r. no nn.l Thursday evening. " ' rnr:iiilu.K of tli-el. , , arid all tho principal lines of travel thro' i 2 U.,y ate easily uoders oo.l an.l u.e.l, at.J P-Thi steamer War F.ale was Slink . ... i I lf-li .l.le to tleranu. lueut Umii o.lit-r m..clin.-. tJ the States crowded to the utmost Wlh B hy ,r ci abl r execa it g pt-riwl y. w:th- a few davs since near Atchison. e . to ,lq lr;a ut tl.aute of a.lju.tmnt. a much Kre..ier va, iety of , i i u i o nrrP etn'grants to the great and glorious west. ,arll ,. mrt. . understand he ha l on noanl a large fri. i:ti ti, .ii.i. m,..l- tb.e macinn-s u mnt-b nmonr.t of freight for thin city. f"S7-V. II. Shea, in the telegraph of Look out for them. They may be a little later in getting hero than the emigration of former Tears; but the? will arrive in (ice, can take your picture po natural t,je reater quantities when they do come, that your sweetheart will think it is the Th9 we8t part of the city is on the original Call and see his specunens. move. The spirit of improvement is still fTT-Oiir townsman M. Ti. M'lrphy, Er., wi;Ve; and our citizens seem conscious of leaves for the vrest in a few days lie ti,(- fllct that nature is about to assert more Bi til, e!tic and durat.1.-, ly P-n a.ti- rl. which rcnuire to be wa.-Lcd aad iroucd , tlian nw nrh.r M itch 6. This Mitch, owioK to Iht- manner in which the a.ele t rt ol m iiiwrouv-hi, i much tint m. st p'ump au.l in av, o ret iu this i.iumpnes aud hcaiitv even ir"Q arnclc fr- q'icutly wa tied and III. til lll.-V ilfri W-.I11 lUt. 6 Th'- structure ..f the m-ani I Mich that, though it . cm or nruken at intetvalj ul only a n w miiid- f-i. 11 will nei'le-T ouen, run or lavrt.tut remain tm ..,..1 .1 ,,.!,!... 7 Vulik- orher machines. thrp fasten both ends CA. O o O n ri' I o 9 o as Flour. Bacon, Lard, 3 Dried Fruits, Also 31cal, JBeans,( o I - . m . 1 1 . ' .1.,. . .. r., I... il.air nivn itll 14.1 lOTl . 1 ,t thMr inmense Outritf,..- I Proposes mirplvins the wnnts ottne w. wy h,,p rlht9, nnd nattsmnulh come 0" S W..nU..liil- l el upon TC'-.v. l, at, . i travelers nt Alkali Station Pilgrim to rrni the thr.illdotii in which she has so 1 the r,Kht -r f.ce o- .he .m. cotton y be It ,n . hi this tV. t h- li't lllti. IilCtlt ul . , . I iiw.1 upou Iho other M.le withoul le-eniu. the 11 lH ",uu ' - , , . the land of gold will find Murphv a pl-ns- onT i)ecn kert by the superior enei gi I . r .iur.ii.ii.-y of the .. ri.,H ran be .i,..:r .(r:n" vt.M'Vc, and th- balance H on . f 1 , . 1 r" i .'..i.e 01. no oltit-r 1u.1cl.1ne, a;i.l a re;.t av,t.g upon ! " ' ... ant and accommodating man to stop with. ;rili perseverance of other points less fu- , ilrtic,.! Hli.chP( r , e up wtii silic. ii- '.vav, O.;oupying a portion ot Hie , in a.ld.t on t . their superior "lini,o evcrv steambaat b.twe.t. frvTSoft card of Dr. II. Hall. . vored by nature. ! JlZ . i,n,e.s to- wmc bv . ch-nite ,.f ,. h r.- an 1 St. Louis. 'I h -v niton 1 tearing ,,., and .-margin;: th"tr a tics r-om ah .ml th- tirst of .J. in-, and will e!l oil 'lcir Soring st c'i at a saciili.-o i" order to ...s,. out as n :ir as possible by tint time. - t " I.' ''' 'j- L S. M ir-hal, Yot, passed thro' t',.. c tv to d ay, en rouy. to Omaha. II r.'j .rts Stat-; t v c ' ,- c. - iv e r- t it. lea rneil ani p 1 act ic-.1 lTO. .u. oigun, onena or i.icuarusoo ,icatlful -nd perlIlHI1eUt embroid. ry aud oma- in a dying conJition ii tii" s nitl.i rti cotintu s. ' -Wo u:i b-r-tand a new banking i 1.1,. is to etablih'-d h'.'re in a xhort titn... This ad lition to our buiii-ss f,i ':'. ili. s has l.n been needed, and we are glad to hear of it. CVWe s'-' a grMt '"any white cover el wagons outfitting for the I'lains. The eeas.m for emi ration has not fairly ar rive I; but j;i lging from present appear aiKs, our tr.i bs this year will surpa-s anything heretofore. pj ''iVi; see nur ind-'fatigable Street Comini-si.ui-r is causing the street? to be c'.eane 1. We hope ho will extend his la hirs t the alleys, and while on this suh jecr, we would call the' attention of our citv authorities to th' ta iny encumher- anoes on our oide walk-; these chou'.d be lemovcd, and prohibited bylaw. 'yUii:cii is Hkst? It is almost too latii in the day to recommend the sew ing machine as a useful article in a fam ily . No well-regulated houst hoid is with --Out one. This question settled, the next thing to d is to select the best one suit ed to your requirements. Doth of the editors of the Hume Journal have long had the LJrover A H iker machine in their household, and can speak from experi ence. They therefore have no hesitation in saying that they like this machine, an l for the following reasons: 1st. lt is more simple, durable, and less liable to others. 2d. It sew? front orjinary spools, and no rewinding of thread is nece-sary. 31. It sews with 'iua! facility all fabrics, the most deli cate and t!i-3 heaviest, and with all kinds in to-.lav's nan- r. Mr. Mall has had lone experience in Chicago and other cities of c,iunty, arrived in our city to day, hav- j uicioji . rk the States, nnd conies well recotmserded. ing in custody David Rogers, indicted Let those who are in need of his services for tjie murder of George Kelly, a citizen npulv immediately at tho ofioo Pr. Living- yf couuty. lie has periulss-iou to ston. conQne him in our new jail to await Lis CZT" Jos. I. Early, E-q", delivers a trial at the nest terra of the District lec'ure next Thursday evenins. at the hall Court in Richardson county. This U the over Newman's Clothing Store, the pro- firj.t boarder our Sheriff has received . i, . .,,a n oi.l of tVie eomrlotion since his change of abode. We under of the Catholic Church of th.s city. stand Rogers was on trial during the Tickets. f.O cts. Subject, ''Recollections term of C'outt just adjourned in Rich f a trip to England aid Ireland." Let urdson county, but the jury failed to thosn who d-s!re to aid tins work, turn a?ree, ost and hear Early. 7?" If j-o-i want anything in the line of Iteiidv M i ! C'othing, dents' Furnish ing (J iods. H its, Caps, Roots, Shoes, etc., call at R. Newman's Clothinz Empo rium. He has the largest nnd best se lected stock in the city, nnd is receiving new goods daily, which he proposes to sell chenper than any other house. (live him a call, and judze for yourself. Grover & Baker S M. Co.. mr21 Cm 4j5 Broadway, Sew York. JEWELRY STORE The subscriber having purchased the Red Store on 2d street, '.ately occupied bv Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the cit'uens of Plattsmouth and vicinity that he has r. fitted the store nnd opened a larze nnd full stock of Jewelry and Fancy Articles for Ladies, Gents, ..... 1 . t . c 1. : .. .1 a .1. j. ..11 1. 1 hi iirpn. and me rest 01 uuiiitinu, -a ine inuowing resoiuiiouB cie- ,. , . . . w,i, u, , , ?, . . . I is prepared to do all kinds of atcti, passed at the dose of the session of the j cj(ck 'anJ J(awerv impairing in the best M. E. Conference in this city: tna-r,nr, and would be harpy to servhis ll'solied, That the .hanks of this Con- old and as many new customers as may nnd are hereby tendered to the pive him me r patronage ..ur... 1... , , . , , . of their work well done at moaerate pri citizens of Plattsmouth for their hoPi- , . t f. The 8tock em table entertainment of the members of J, racing every variety of goods usually eft iire.vj, si'.H, cotton, or linen. 4;h. Its scam is so strong and elastic that it never 1 rtnks. 4.h. Ii fastens both ends f t!;c seam bv its own operation. 6th. Its ssn though cut at every sixth stitch, remains firm, and neither runs nor rave's in wear. But besides the above quali ties to recarunvnj the "Grover &. Ra ker' it has a faculty which no other ma chine possesses: it makes beautiful eui broidery without any change ol arrange- 1 Taent JuumuL m Tiotn l'i idai I'aU-j. fTSTThe river fell a little yesterday, but has been on the rise again to-day. CiT'A fre-h 'ot of emigrant wagons made their appearance on our streets this morning. C57"Go to Frank Gcff's "and get your nice, white bread, ile is using nothing but the very bet of St. Louis flour. fj?"The people of Nebraska city arc about forming a Hook and Ladder Co. Eet the people of Pltttsmoath do like- From Mvmtay't lutity. f"v"IIon. S. II. Elbert arrived yester day. CtfY. II Shea has just received n large assortment of picture fram-s and other things in his line. Call and se- them. QfTho artistic work on the livery' sign of W. J. Hyatt was executed by our friend C. II. Walker, of Salt Creek; who, by the way, has a talent for painting that would make many a man famous. rTSee card of "G. Gevger Painter." Mr. Gevger is an old resident of the city, an 1 is known as an excellent painter and an accommodating gentleman. Those in need of anything in his line will da well to call on him. fJTThe M. E. Conference, which has been in session at this city since !ast Wednesday, closed its labors cn Saturday evening last. We have not learned the names of the preachers for the different localities, but understand that Rev. XV. A. Amsb try has been continued in charge of the church at this place. C5?"The spring, so far, has been very backward, and trade apparently dull; yet we are of opinion that Plattsmouth is do ing more western trade than any other city in Nebraska. We learn that one hundred wagon were loaded here during the past week, and started west, and we doubt if the same number has been loaded dutin-; the two weeks just past at any other outfitting point on the river. f7"The Burlington llivkeye states that a family living in that city has been vis ited by a mysterious sickness, from which the father has died and two or three others are seriously ill, resulting, ns is supposed, from eating pork from hogs which had been attacked by and recov ered from hog cholera. Some of the symptoms attending the attacks, which were sudden and violent, are severe pains in the head and other parts of the body, excessive vomiting, and the appearance of black and hardened spots on the sur face of the body. Physicians aro inves tigating the matter. the Conference, and visitors in attend- 1 kept at a first class Jewelry Store, will j, - - i . i t he old at low prices and warranted of anco during our session; also, to Rev. J. "p '"u 'll 1 , ,. i ,,:., ii " ' the best workmanship nnd material, lie .Miner ana exceuenc lamuy, ior i.iu j hftS ajs0 a eina 8tock of Family Uroee- cntertainraent of the Bishop and his rjCSt which will bo replenished from time Cabinet ' 10 ,im(N nr"1 SC,J al the lowPst f"Sur(8 f. ; tw tho, c,tr l, P ! Having permanently located in this city, Le,oUeJ, That the Secretary be re ,",, en,:-,t Bhare of natron- I .-j'v. .-.......- - f in P O 2 V; I 7? P mm C3 O n O Tf) A larpe stock of . . 1 1 ... wonaen are, UucKets and Tubs, Wash Boards. liuuer Bowls, Baiter Firkins, Water Kegs, Half Bushels, Meal Seives, 2 Building material, Window Glass, Sash and Doors, Taints and Oils, Farmers' Utensils, Shovels and Spades, Forks, Hay Itakes, Double Shovel and Two-horse Moline Plows. Stauae dfcs Anaerson feb27 02 i O H o t5 (J3 o o I i o o 22 5 o ir. o o WAGON 1J" 3Z3 "7r AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. quested to furnish the city papers a copy i nj;(, an(j corJialIy invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, ns we woum 1 lir nleiiseil to servn vou. and do not ask typo is wanted at this office vou t0 jiv nriless we can make it for of the above r solutions C"A typ, immediately. (7"The undersigned offers for sale IGl) acres of desirable unimproved land, about 3 1-2 miles south went of town. A sufficient amount of timber will be sold viith the prairie, if desired, for fencing and fuel. Samit.i. Maxwell. Plattsmouth inarch 2'J ltGti w 4 ST. LOUIS andPLATTSM0TJTH, Council Blcffs and Omaha PACKET LINE. The boats of this popular line are now making regular tri weekly trips to all points on the Missouri river, be tween the above points. Parties desir ing information in regard to freight or passage will find it to their interest to call on the undersigned. Mickelwait &. Sharf-, aproml Agents. Just received by express, a lot of new Spring Clothing. Come and give us a call. XV h. Stadelmass & Co. marlO lw your interest to patronize us. E II- EATON. I lattsmouth, Dec. 27th, 1S05. tf PLATISMOl'TIl MAItKCTS. corrected rm the eai-Y Ckbald. thi To ?? otypes AND PHOTOGRAPHS. W. H. Shea's NEW SKYLIGHT GALLERY Opposite TOOTLE & IIASXA'S, PLATTSMOUTH. X. T. I urn now fully prepared to tke your picture In anvK.vleyou may .Irsirr, I'hnt-yrnph, Aiunrmype, t.firi picture, e c. All kin.l- of pictures copieit -qual tnlhe o ami at mKirrtW rnles Kosew.Kl Kiam-, Morldineo, Aibiim. -c , will b- coitntly kept ..Tl h mil Komembcr, but C(vl work will perniitied to leave the luoin. Saurfucilon guar anteed. jai'17 Etray Notice. Taki-n op by the utcriler, on fci premises, in (treapoli Hr cinct. Ca.s co inty, V. T , Ht.oiit tiiree rail' northwest cf I'lait-iium h. On the 2,'uh itny of iorenihr, a r 1SC5, one p-ney mure, of a black coloi . with a hiie fiite auJ leet. X" oth-r mark or br..d ,erceivaWe. I1EXRY KlUiL. Plattsmoatb, N T., March 25ili, l-s.6. ap4 3w t hereby eicn. to ail whom it may concern, that the Co.nty Cemmi simi-M of Ca-H county, NT, will me-.-t in a Hoard of Kializ ition, at the County 'ie. W' offi -e. 011 the third Monday in thi April, (the 16th m.t .) and hoi I a e-ion of three days for the puifoseof correcting the Awesment RoM in their County, and di-rinK the ittinir of sai J Bord any perso.i f "eH-ix apKnei'ed by anything m tle AKes. meat Roll 'imy apply to the bo:ird for the 161 lection of my Jup:osed error in the list'ng or valuation of hi p'oi rry. . Hv onler of the Board cf ComraiImir'. this Sd dav of Ami!. A t lr-66. B M'l HI.. K ap4 2 Cuunty Cbrk. Flour, tl 100 !Ls - $5 O0?56 00 .ileal, bti-hel - - 7j'a0 liu'ier, V B - . - 4'J Kcgi .... on O nn bti hel in ear - 8"-W ;ol.!en yrnp, 1 ga:lon - - 2 ini hutfar ll'-u-e i?yru do - - - 1 75 soiirhon Molaae9 uo - - - 1 1)0 foil'ee. ft ... - r?) I MlflJr, tlo - - - o.i'i;3d lVa. Imperial. ft - 2 Oliifi .K) I.iunn lly.n, lo - - 2 lAii 3- Hltrk - - - - . 8H) Cn llej, 2 .... 2:13 Soup, do - 1 v.t'2i" t'vat-lm, di y, " B ... l!i..l Itlackberries, do - - - :1 Ciliriel, do - - 1HJ Apple. do V-1-U pr-eu, f) bnhel - - Salt, per bbl. ... 6 103.7 0(1 Ojsiern. Ki-ld-', 2 n. cans, caae I'e.ic'o 2 C' Can, c?e - 3 inaiicrr.e.-, do do - - lotuiiie. do il -Tine Aim !. d' Wh-ky corn fKil-n - - 2 5'i'i 1 It, u butt aid rve - 3 now.; (ill llran iy, d"ioe ic, J gll n - K (iO.:t O t'eu'-h, no - S t""! 0 ;;n, do - - tri't t'O lob ii co .U.i. V t - - 1 O, i HI ni ec i -tyr f.g . 1 jmi,i : Muokm i - 4a I an Beer, "pit - - - - sri.6 or. iO - H'Ho Chi k 'h - - - - ii i National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D C- F. M. DORRtNGTON. SI.-11 AtiFNT: PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, l prepared to present and proca'e e!aim bi f-re Oonsress, fo-irt of Claim and the D-partm-nts. Pa tents lVnoion-. It. ante". "O B ninty Lands n i h !-f-rhi,r.mii.l(rsl-.n.t in pro .ortM'n to the amtunt oftne cl win April 10, '05. F. M. DOIUUXGTO'. PLATTE VAXjIEY r ixi in Oil PROP- I am nrenared t furnish a'l who may faTor me 1 J 00 with their ptronaf?. With lodginfr. in(le niei or board bT me week. v. . v. ..- . Platiamiulh, April 1, yl Boot & Shoe Shop. Ti u cr!ber would renectfully rail the atten r iK.,K.iinnr I'liiti-nii tltli and llicnut.l'u at aiite to thu tact that he ha located one door e;t of O'lnelun a lirti jiore, wneienc mi i.u on hai.M and m.kirg on the fhorte--t a- tice, erei y articletn bis line. His stock heintr aelectert by him i!f aud haTinif :-ent the mot of his lite in Ihe bu8in.-. he fret, enfldent that he can g.Te .atiafae tie-n. Give hiui a cill- .. April It 5 J.THOCKMORTOS W. MICKELWAIT, S. J. imir. LUMBER - YARD. Mickelwait & Sharp ntr In Pine I.nmVr. Lath. Shing-Ies, noor. Pah Ulind. H'i ket. an l t very var.ety of Collonwood, Walnut and Oak Lumber. Wi;l k.-p c instantly oh hand Cord wood, both Colto . r d Oak. all otders pron ptlj filled. 53 Oliice on Leve- itrc -t, sou'.h of C. L. Cooper'i teeUuna ram ueoui, TLATTSMOUTII, N. T. SoVeniacr 8th 15C5. 6a ESTRAY NOTICE Taken up by the sub-cn w. 8 mile West of TUtu mouth, on the 2-ith of Feb . one U ce white ox, si.nie re 1 rpots on f i.lei and neck, crop ff left e..r and sa-allow tork in right air, long tear on left hip. U about 6 Tear. old. A. B. TATLOR. Marh7-h. 3w ...WAGONS ! J. U PORTER & CO.. Are agents in this city lor the ca' of tho celebrated "Soath Bend Wagons," Van h Ptud"taker Bros They hava on hand a coil ai.oi tnient. wl.ich will be replenished a :at as needei. Ihey p opoie to sell at the ery lowest Vutfmooth, 2 tf Geo. Boeck & Co Hare removed to their jYEW TWO STORY BRICK SHOP, JVurth-uest of Botch's Old Stand, Where they are prepared to turn out all kind of Xew Work, such as WAGONS, BUGGIES. Plows, And everything needed by Freighters or Farmers in the best of style. Horses, -Mules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason able terms. JOB-AYOEK Of every description, either in wood or Iron, done on short i.otice. fJ3T Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of such. They keep on hand, and far sale, Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains, BOLTS of all siies, WAGON BOWS, &c, In fact, everything in their line nceilei by Freighters, Emigrants or Fanners. IIavit) a largo etock of Seasoned Timber, and tho best quality of Iron, Thimble- Skeins, Ac, selected by ourtelves, with spi cial reference to this trade, tve f-el confident that we can turn out better and more work, atchesp-r rat, than any other shop In the Territory. Thankful for past patronage, we ;.-ii;:t a contintiaLce of the saros. OeO. Hoecli c&? c?o. Satisfaction Guaranteed or ITIoney Refunded Plattsmouth, N. T., Nov. 8th, lfc65. Cm Music ! Music t 7J.1V.VO.VD, MISER $ CO., Dealers is Piano Forte3,Melodeons, Musis and Musical H'dse, COUNCIL BLtTFS - - - IOWA AND OMAHA, N. T. Orders by mil for ?.wi. . Books, or anything per taining to Jdusic, prr ftr.t'.y attended to fOTders for tti'-for repairing Piano Fortes and Mel'xie'in in r.a tutnouth and vicinity will be attended to al oar -arliest convenience. RAYMOND, MINER ft CO. Ans: 9, IVoticc to Tax-Payers- The Taxes for IS55 forfeits on the first of May. Gentlemen will pleae call at the Tieasurer's office and get tneir receipts, aud cava the penalty which, icuu he adde4 al:er that date, according to law. 3ar7 t4 S. uCKE, Tietf. Shci i(T Sale. By vlrtne of a venditioni exponai to me directed ffotn the office of the Clerk ul the LiNirict Csurt of th" 2.J Judicial liirict, within and fcr Citoe connly , N. T . and tearing rta te the 21nt day of March A. V). la06, I, the uuiier -isr.ed, irhoutr in ami for the county of ran, will sl-1i t au -tion, for cab, to the hijhe and ben liidder in fiont of the Ceart llouse, in rMat:smnth, Cass cuunty, N. T , oa Saturday, Vie. 7th day of April, A r at 2 o'clock p m, of aid day, the lollcwine desctib- d t-eronal properly, to wit: Four moles a.ii two sett of tiamea, take as the properly of Wil liam 11. Graham and Johti Grecoty, t satisfy a jadgment in faiorof Williarn Fulton, ttcriff'a Office, March 23 I. A D H.3. A ft. TA YLiIl hh"TifT, ni2?2w liy P.p. Gau, Depaty Eherlff. Dissolution of Co-partnership. The firm of K'rpser ft Wise is this dsy dissslrel by mutnil consent. The business of th late fitm wi'l be condoled, hereafter, by J N. Wiss. who t authorized to settle all accounts owlns; to or rv 4 Arm. KLEl'stB WISH. March 2l9t,lSC6. All persons knowing thrmselret indebted o the) lata firm of Klepser A will please eail and set tle Immediately, as I n-r-i m?ai . m.r J. K. WI.