TOOTLE, HALVNA & CO., jj E L m n o J) 1805. 1805, AMISON, DOVEY & CO., MAINUSTHEET, -. PLATTSMOUTH, N. CIIAS. YOGT & CO , 3 North Side of Main Street, Cor. Main and 5th st9., FLUID EXTRACT LARGEST m NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA, lUbrajshu (Situ gMv'ss. 03 O Q a o a o U2 CD Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of H tr t i w sa - H feT ' -3 CO en O W . - fed- w 4m . , -.4. 41 Dealers in or- Oft) West of St. Louis. s1 B o LEATHER MD IRON, si Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 3S XT CHTJ r M S3 Liil .(2 L1 w CO O O OF THE PADLOCK SECOND STREET, XEAR.Y OPPOSITE THE POST OFF ICE, ) 'tT. JOSKI'II, MO- JTavir.p"ptirc?nnc 1 c f my old partners!! hia Inter est ia tlif t'-titliii-licil iluMiar' ii.Ttsem iviHVt.i & CO., I tfflir ;iri txwnsife stuck of HASDWAEB ' CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wuole-l aud Retail, at LuW Prices! ATTEXTIO. FARMERS ! I tare a 1 ro nk of such Good aa are need ''d ry you; cail at the 'Vign if the l'aj Luck" to p urease tons, ciltivators, PLAXTl.RS. UohS. ORAIX CRADLES, ORAs AM' Unroll . - VI 11 AN, OS I tlAlXS. TRACE AXlt HALTER i ItAlXS. SXATllES, SHOVELS AXl SI' A ttES, CitTVo.V AXP wool carhs, we a vers re eos pa text spixxixu wheels. co.i la rs, If AMES HIXItdH' 'il.ASS, XAILS. LOCKS. HIXGES, P.UTtS AXlt SCREWS, AXES, HATCHETS, A U'iERS. SA ns AXlt P.AXES. I cull tpecpil attention to nv rtoc of HLOOD'S GRASS ami fiRAIX SCYTHES, the b st article in the maikct. Agent for the? "CA YVOA (77fF" ReapT ami alow-'r, unihi .bti-il'y the best iiiaMiitit; in iu.iKi't. iSeat for JlEXltEXH ALLS H.tXJ LOG it. .1 li EUingivood. Will remove to my New Building, North side Felix street, between 3d and 4th, about March 1st, I8CG. oc25 ly A. G. MANSFIELD, Who! :s;ile and Retail Dealer ia 1B.OM, STBEIi, HE A VY 1L 1RD WARE, Agricultural Implement. My stock cf Iron end Steel is larire, complete, and fnperior to any liT'tof re offered iu tLis market. Also a larsc stuck of ILlO'O.Vi UUGGY WOODWORK, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, ?A IR BA .V A' S & CA L E S, MOUSE A y D ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, BROWN'S CORX PLANTERS, S LL K Y C CL TIVA TOR S, B L'CKE YE R EA I' ER S A yn MOWERS, &C, &C. MTS" Agent for Grovcr & Baker's , CtLEBBATlD SEWI W XI A C II I X JE S Orders from a distance wi'.l revive rrompt atltutiou. No. 22, TIIIRD STREET SALYT JOSEPH, - - MO. October 25tb, lit-5. 6-n AVOOLWORTI1 ifc CO., J300KSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Faperdealeis, SALYT JOSEPH, MO., c25 Cm 8 ADLFR, B. A. FKINKMaX. S. ADLER Ac CO., P.ECTIFI KlS A.YD DISTILLERS, Dealers in all kind of Foreign ai rimfst'e WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. AO. li, EAST SIDE MARKET SQUARE, St. Joseph, Mo. c2J ly Ijnl A'oticc Petition for It'roree In thr Dj.trict Conrt for the 21 Judicial District cf the Territorj- of Nebraska, Coua'y f Cam. Amanda M. Harris, ) TS. J hu l.ori). ) To Joba B irrii". defi-ai'ant : You are hereby notid that Amanda 51. Burris, plainlif)' h if- filrci lier fetiti( a f-r Uivoic in tail loor', pra.viui: IliHt ihe non'ts of nulrimntypj. I-?inp between nfl' an i yju W disisdved; and ailep Ing Ciuae therelor that yu hare willfully abau 1 nieil without food cau" f r a period of in re tha'i eiroy- r. prior to the fl! ine of hr said petiti 'n, ami nU.' th" l.mui'r au-o tuat you have Ih-c .nie a h.ibitual drunkard, and al-o t-xtretiie cruelty upon your part in, Ihe tie.ilment f the raid plaintirT; Ami th .t you ai 'n:i rd to px.'ar and answer said petition on er t et re the 9th dav of April, A It 1S66 AMANDA M. KCKKIS, I'lairtilT. FoTtritI t Mat, Sol'a forri'tff. Uittiw QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, . SHOES, CLOTHING, &C.,- Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. in fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic; Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of "the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, lStV. if J L'ST rtceived, 60 ca.-os h 0ann'd I nc e it A.JTSON, UOVfcY 4 O'S. ("lOtoAMIsOX .UOYKYA CO'S to pur use jour A X en lies, rar icty o 1 La A. D. 4 CO'S. 50' ' l CAbKd iloltty's Cove Oyntcrs fur sule at G K iAl I Hi (.niLf :D L:dica Lre?fc Goods at IOK SALE at AM1.-O.V, DoVEY & CO'S. C1W. Te h , sucar, Gulden Syiup, Sugar lloase ilo lais3, New York Candies, etc , etc. Vlarpe lot of Chewing and Smoking Tub icco fur Bale at . & CU'S. QOALOIL or gale by A. D. & CO. ( BOXES Star Candles for sale by A, I. A CO. IF you want to i urcb ise troodsat a bargain, coto A. i. 4CU OrC BAUS COFFEK just received by - A.D. CO. A Large lot oi Choice Tea at A. D. t CO'S. . BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, i Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for ffie'flicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. JBlacli. Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1SG-5, tf E. T. DUKE ifc Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE- We keep constantly on hand Emigrants' mid Freighters, OUTFITTING- GOODS Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens, Camp Kettles, Ac. We also keep Chain Pumps and Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee Mills &c. Tin Roofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Second and Third Streets, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA L-irjr. a-ioitnitat of men's and boys' clothing a. for ale uy a n co. fHLLLED COKN '.or sale oy It AC'OX aud Lard for sale by A D. CO. A. I). & CO. IIKAVY INVOICE of all tntU of KiMiily Gro i. ci i ies and Ou litini; iools just received by A. D. & CO. LL kind, of Fanning Implement for sale by A.I). St CO. VLarg"? 'ot of Two Hor?e I'lowi for ab" by A L). t CO. i N end'.esa vanity c f Harlwar'.- an I Cutlery for 1 V sale at A. I), k CO S y".SII, I.ors, Siinflp, fili and Nail, of every O description for r ale by A.l). A CO. I.L kin l. of Countiy Pro.iuce taken in fxolrtriKe J. X for poods bT A. V. A CO. rMf Pnnnn1!:! ft all tlirt ni ticli'. bavrt for Sale X would fill one sidof tli Hkkald, and otbers bave as good a rij.Lt to advcriii-e as AMI-OX, DOVEY & CO. THE la gest Ou'littintr Home north f St. Joseph U A.M1SC.N, I'OVEY A t'O'tf,, I'latlsmouth, Nibiaska. si SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hawarrdc Findings nndXools, WAGONS, FLOWS, &c. G3T0rders Promptly attended to. R JIc.HECIIAN. Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROjY, .vails, stoves a.yd tlyware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A!s-, Ajr.-nt forthc.;ilc of th- C' lobrnf 'l MA O EE COOK STOVES, AXlt RRAXCI, LliOUIiS c- LO S SA YS. SIGN OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, U low the Si j mour If us e, on opposite si'le, NL BR ASK A CITY, NEB. T. T ( V . CRENSHAW, f A I hKB OF ixr JJEALKK IJ Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, ( URRIE Co7ii0. Sjiurs, Lashes, Whips,yc. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. rosr otfice ucilding NEBRASKA CITY, N. T wholepalk and rf.tail dealers in SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agents for all the principal MAGAZINES and .XEWSPAPERS, For which Suliscrirtiori' are received at Publishers' I'ricea. Apothecarie'S Hall. JOHN reed & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sts., NEERASKA CITY, - - NEB- Dealers In DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints Oils, Putty and Glass Patent Mc!icir.e!i of h11 kimls. Tvilet art:rles. c;ta tiooery, a'i everyihiiix; kept in a tirst-class Irug St"ie. t Eateru prkv. 8f We are prepared to fi II all orders, and warrant ourgooda to be frefh. apr. 10 '6't L. FHOST & Co., WHOLESALE G- H O O E RS. Opposite the Post Office, NEBRASKA CITY, IV. T. New Periodical Store ! A. K. WHITE 8c CO. A fullasortraeut of SCHOOL BOOKS tj- STATIOXER Y Always on hard. Latest Eastern Papers and Periodicals reci ivtd daily. tSill ord"rs promptly filled.-Ca NEBRASKA CITY - N T Drug Store. Call on the nnderdgucd for PURE MEDICINES, PA LTS, OIL& S TA TIOyER Y. T. WHITIKGER. NEBRASKA CITT, - - N. T HARD Clothing of every description. WIWSS AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEElWARE, IRON, KAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOOttS & GLASS. Ani every article required by E .13 1 fi I A ATS , FREIGHTERS, .1SIINERS Ac FARHERS. And everybody else can Le supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensile stock. AT FIRE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, HCaiina Sc Co. riattsmouth, April 10, '6.5 WM. R. I'EXICK, PEMCK & fh Wholesale Patent Medicines Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Oil and Lamps, NOS- 3 &. 4 SECOND af-We are the Nurth western Whole' ale Agents and can furuirh thi ir uie..iciujs iu any 'ianiitie. North Pictures taken of all Kinds- Ambrotype.", Photograph?, Gem Pictures, .lc. A CO"'! assortuipnt of Cases Frnmes, Albuni. &c, constantly kept on hand. Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames made to order,-of any size TSTHST 3.jZL.FLTSJJHg3& SHOP. M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Tlatte Valley Hous, PLATTSMOUTH, - , - - - NEBRASKA. Has on hand a large stock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES- WHIPS, SPURS, Cnrrv Combs. 13 - 7 lie Outfit a Mule or Horse Train With everything in his line, on short notice. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Repairing done at all time?, at reasonable rates. W ARE, -A Fl- a Large Stock of THE- Wil. LOVING. LOVING, Ita! rs ia 3 Pure AVinesJand I.ipiors, Coal Stationery, cVc. ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- - for Ur. D. J.iync & Sun, ond Dr. J. C. Ay-rA- Co., jan.'4 ly W. L. THOMAS -f,rT I Picture Gallery. jMr Si.:e Slain ft , - X.T. rushes. Cards. tfcfiJ 77 can Al t!i Cape of God II. .pe THE 11 O T T E .V T 0 TS 13 U C II TJ For a c'y of h.r--1 . it was l.i rri.w d frc m h,..e I u pt i.-t fi.h, the Fn-'ll.-li and J-iii li I'l.r-u- .in-, .n n , . . ,,, ,, mrri'tHpcn it ;n imp . v-, in Km ope, au.l h.n n cint' iu:. rt-iiMMul it f j:ivrn chi Cv i- f;-,,vi I, I'lironu .', r.,r Hir ii 1, M. rl :,1 i r.l .,! l,.- . 1 a.,, . , ... , I'rrt.'.rj, for I'- d ,ikn ai.ii OKIJILalTY, for Pr !a-scn an I r'-.irin Br Pr. I'teri, llivan'K i'l Hie I'rlK" llliu I. IU:, k:, ,r iiii'i'iii mi i'i r 1 in", .,mi . 1 i in .. .I., n . , ,J4',., aid ..r a diuri'l ic ai ,in : t cm .1 Ima f u. , lu. I .11 1 coiCri u d i u it t vac j.ili' ii. It is a Is 1 1 ccoinui' iidi:d in c:it .( Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cut.moui Ai;..-cti.iii. anj Pro; . To rm lli'we disc'i.. w niMt I tin.' .:' 1.1 tl'C Pill- 1 I ' S W hi' ll II r 1 iji 11 . ! i ;i I h ,r , .1. 1 .1 , r. tionn. '1 11 iH'ciiTl Iii h.-ft :i'u:. m.iir I li.t attack, i auic tJ ltet "lie tudi;, lival:li :.: i t.uS. P'ltt CI S. Our Flcsli and IJIcod aie tipiortc'l fn iu lh''- auuiri-a PERsOXS AT EVERY VEUTt y THE I'iuki Iiif.iitc y to OM zc. Mid ill V'TT -tit- of hr.ll.h, I ;i.: I tn -u' A th' .li,. .1. The Cijusi 3 in iii'iui) i,isl iu: s mi vii.iti'Un. Tlii- puti.iit J.j-', liijntv r, hti U'lin; :n.; r n.- r , UELLIBOLD Fluid Extract of Jkieliu, PJiiladtij-Lia Er'-niiiff Ilulii tin Edit' ' Stpx. J .3, IMM. IlELIBOLI) S GENUINE PHEP AR ATI 0 K ri . Hii 6Jid and FiuM Kira.-i em! miy lie lrLllI;: h i if I In i ii Tf! i ! t i. ? h of n iiii h t lit- a re r .1 nr-rf 1 hry are I -f t to the In- -o.-tifin of all. A r-ii i '' r.i couflii.iie teat of h' it prpci V.,- will h n ("". ' son With il.'" M t '..r:h 111 th- i i..t...I ji,,t... i ... , , u ' a'ury TIi.-k rtm-l,.-. ar prrpar- J I y . T. II- ,s bold, a d- iifc-gist f ;x'hi.;i yan' t xp lii-n'c in th. Ity, aud e lelii v linn to h-; ;i. f.ut, w. have a v-t k L'jwo an arti '. Ut-kius ji.iti' . r ith a prrmatirnt pqi-ci"", and Mr. If-lijih. i ik-c - is cirUirily prima fav'iej e i-lnce. Ill" I'tJS ! U"arriiou.., in tl.e uy . f , V r.Ot Miv lied. If r(Jllaltvl, by nv 111 tlio roiinti ;. , I' ve would advis our renders, n lien v."!tini th'it.'" to (fire hlin a call, and judgu fur thtunt lrtii. IIELJIIJOLD'S EXTRACT OF RUCIIl'