Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 07, 1866, Image 3

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riattsmotttli.I,cde No- 6, A-IF- &
a. si.
f rei-ul .rcnmniun.c.-.tions I-t and 3,1 Mondayauf each
nui.ih, at 6 1 t o c ock, j. ui.
E T. Dl'KE, W. M. IIOWE. - - s--s- i
Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R A: M.
llfirii ir n,m,rr u 21 and 4ih Wedntsdiys of
tib iw-uih, at o 1 2 o'clvtk p. in
J. O. HOWE, II. P.
J. C CUMMINS. Pec. i
I. 0 0. F.
T"; ..It.- I. N . 7. meet fven Patnrrt y eve-ung
lit t!:e urt tli.tiso Hail. l.f. tl.eis of tithef .o!ge
are re- .tf:1 J' If ViUll lu Visit till I.u'r. !
liv .1 II. HoWUSD, J.C
v. ctj, Ri-c. Bcc'y. '
J-', "in M'r-hitii't'ty'm Ijitl'y.
(" 'H'hnt about that Jail!
r7"iIoat are running as far n St
R'-aJ the procceJings of the Farm
ers dab.
rv,1!!'. Tfios. MeCurtnev can get hN
j . t diary by cilling at this offics.
'""" K!t)er it H'ic have lot nf fresh
ri-ii'li"' in liter. t!o and see them.
CS'" -rper for March is received and
n'.nio-t atirpisses itself. Kleperi i.-ie
h u e them for sale.
"The river i rising rapidly, and we
may IcmiIc fr a eenerrl "smash up?' 6f ice in a short 'una. - ' ;
CV I h' west room of Masonic & OJJ
I'. IIo a s buil.ljn ; will bo ready to receive
g ui ' in ;i few days. ' '
I'vUcni'Mnbcr that a new ferrv boat,
c i i il to any cu the Missouri river, "wii!
1. running at thu city as scon as the liver
r;i"n-. Cuiieon with your emigrant und
f:. iht wagons. . . . ,-
ryi'l f two men who were arrested for
S i iotin at Kov. .Mr. McCartney, weic
river, anuv trial; and, from lack of l-al
tvi'l.' to identify them as he men who
u-jue thd shooting, were acjuited
CVN "w buildings are already going
u r in diJn'.'it p irts of thi city. What
will it lijj .whirn sprinj; oyMen-? (Jo hhead,
t!i-re i lio'dangr of getting too many
L-nihil fig..
CVI'he revival at the M. E. Church in
t!ii city is srili in progress. Some thirty
Lave l.een 'onvertel, and many more are
iri-l-'r conviction. Tiiore appears to be a
g.-n-ril i truing on in the west. We
1-arn th i 1 nuni'iors are being
'adJ 'd to the church" at t.'mincil Uiull's,
where a aetiei of meetings are-, bijin";
(;'l'U eopp.-rhead papers of the Tcr
rit'iry are '.pule jolly over tlic veto uies-
ij;' and t-peceh of the It
C'-rt:iin!y inu-'t le a glorious tl.iy for De-
r;u;v when uch a misi' l:ineous crowd
-a-. .1. . !-; II i-hcs, i.-o. F. Train and
otl,. of lik-i ilk, drink to the h.-alih of
th" i.rr reitest JfF J n-vl-.
.(i.jrcw .oh.j.snri and Kohert F.'
I.-t them Jraw all the c insulation tliev
c i ii fniu it we want
,..,, . -
,UU CW 10
:T"In reply to"F. A. J.,' Or.argo 111.
we vv u! 1 s-iy that i-nty r.f ivernment
1 ri'l. ih- iine-it in the world, c in be had
mi Silt Crock, thirty miles west from
I . L- i . i'.'i. Til i
s region of countrv is
f i-: sc't'.ing ii ; with energetic anl inJus-r:-nM
peopl.', and is bound, e'er many
irs, t
the most populous and
v 'rill'iy purt t f
Nebrask-i. Schools,
iCh i-.-!,pS Stores, Mills, anl ail the
c u v ctiieri je of an old r settled coun
try, are already there, and th- Salt
S rings and richness of the sii! of the
surro-jn iing country will soon draw man
uf icturing capital , -
la regard i tu action of ou'r legisla
ture relative to emigration, a.l that hasj
be ii done so far looks only to a dsem
iaati'.n of a kniAledgj of the country.
J' i '! :. u f t''s J im'.
l. i"X: in ul tr.oii the north to-day
Can't or s the I'i.-ittc.
CV'be ice still holds, but should it
Jet loo-.? to get a better hold, it will
le a "p.i:er."
C-J'l'r. IJenner delivered a jectnre in
N-Lraika CityTast Tuesday evrning, on
the huhject of Nebra-ka City; its pre
sent l.i.-tory and future condition." -
V The .Xfws says thirty-six men
have b. en fuund in Nebraska City who
favor State, anl f-ays that eighty are
claimed to lc in favor of il.
- CV'by d )n"t some one tart a water
cart. It would pay tirst.rate. A large
amount of building will be done the pre
sent season, and witer will have to be
hauled for mixing u'ortar, Ac. Let some
one g.-t a water tank made and hoi.-t it
on two wheels hitch a horse to '.t and
start in "business" We predict he would
make more money than any teamster in
tow n.
2? Let eve: body prepare for business
There never was a time that indie ittd
o much "go-ahead" in l'iattsiuouth as
at the present Already mm from the
ea-tern cities are here looking out a
pi io to "set up" in, and all agree that
tl.s is iff., phice. Build houses! There
:il h" an unprecedented djnand for
th?m this summer, and those who have
theia to sell or rent will be the ones who
Biike the money. We are becoming
kr..'.wn to the world as a city of impor
tance, and should be prepared for the
ru-h that will be made for here nest
CifScrgt. Wni. Wells, Co "A," 1st
Neb., is in the city, on a visit."
C5"Wild geese are again becoming
f'entiful, and our sportsmen are begin
ning to talk of a hunt. ,
Z. - X- " " '
b14'? t'gntj nd 'he mer if clear
to-Jay. Look out for steamboats in the
course of a week.
(Tiee fjdvertijeBient jof.'fEaTiery and
Confectionery" in to-day's issue. A
good bakery is a necssity in a 'Swell rei;
ulated" city, and we! hape 'our citizens
will patronize friend GofT sudiciently to
enable him to keep p-n first-class estab-'
ii.-nmenc. ue can furnish jou with fresh
bread, cake?, pies, crackers, &.C., cheaper
than you can aCford to make thetn-your
(7"We invite attention to the adver
tisement of Bryant's Business Collre, in
this iiui. . It is A necessity that every
young man (and many older ones) t-hould
make himsilf thourouhly acquaint, J
with gen eral buMoens principels, and at
the same time' learn to write a suitable
business hand. Bryant's College is the
best place in the northwest to acquire
thu knowledge, biing conducted with
rspecial regard to business q-jaliQcations.
Let our young men go and prepare them"
selves for d ing something in the world.
From Hut'ir I fj'n DiUj
(TThe, Union men of Omiki hare
noni'mat; jjji ticket to be supported at their
charter election, headed by John Taffe
for Mayor,
' C"Tlie Council Bluffs nnpareil says
work will be commenced on'tLe C. B. &
St Jo. road as soon as the weather will
Cjfhera nre more strargers in tha
ci'y now than was ever before known at
this season of the year. They are all
looking up bnsinos3 locations. What
does it signify? Does any one suppose
I'iattsinou.n is not moving
C7.t a Democratic ratification meet
ng in Oarnha a resolution was passed
end jrsing .ndy Johnson's veto Message
and his reconstruction policy. They
dare not, eren yet, come out and square
ly endorse the administration of Presi
dent Johnson
from JhmJiiy't liniij.
tSStop at the News Depot of Klepser
'it Wise and subscribe for a few more
copies of the Weekly Herald to send eat.
Don't wait to think about it until it is too
late, bnt go now.
The amount of money paid by Cass
county for guarding prisoners within the
past two years would nearly or quite
build a good jail. Who objects to build
ing one the present season?
fsf A gentleman from Baltimore, who
never heard of l'iattsiuouth until about
three months ago, is now in the city
making arrangements for opening an ex
tensive business house.
s?Wliat is the m itter with the A l itr
its 7? Would it not be well for lh I'tts
to say to it that we need men and nevvs
p.'ipeis that will stand by tho principles
of the party?
Cs?"Mr.'J;ioob Betts means business
He h is lime to sell, and proposes to m-tke i Don't forget, vou men who
re preparing io ouuu, mac me man who
advertises can n fiord to sell cheaper
than one who does not, anl e-overn your- '
selves according )
sen e accordingly.
C2?(iir City Council are entitled to'
great praise for the energy thev hedis- I
. . . ,- ... . " "
,...v .v, ... ..,.,, -.c..-. ...... .ji i
! ti.. l ..:t i: . i i i l
ill's vti .a ii (j it ui iut ii ui iu3 unu if O
nn Second Jtreet and the construction of
the sidewalks. up to Fourth street, was
no light undertaking, to say nothing of
tho bridgethat liave been built." the ob'
traction of the creek on the south side
of Main St., and numerous other impor
tant improvements. I,t the same spirit
be manifested for another twelve months
und the change-in the appearance of our j
city will be wonderful. ,.
m . -
From 'l-fsl,ij'tl,iily. ...
GsfM-iils are again arriving from the
north and east ''on time."
C"l)r- keener is in the city, making
his regular monthly assessments.
Vestkv Mfc.Ti6. The Vestrv of S:.l
r.ike s ran ail will meet this evening at
7 p. m.
5? Our farmers are busy preparing
Tor spring work. Cfs county farmers
arj a .wide awake class of men, and are
generally "up and doing" at the proper
time hence their success.
CiTThe ice in the Missouri is entirely
broken up, yet the cool weather has pre
vented its ctcari ng ut ihe banks. One or
two warm days. will tiTectuiilJj -disperse
it, however.. ...
HVSeo advertisement of ''Auction
Suie" in this issue. This is a eplcnd.d
opportunity to purchase cattle, farming
i..i.leineuis, cheap. Those desiring
to purcn.ise will do wtU to be on hand on
the uay of sale.
(3?" A few more laborers, mechanics,
v.. . ... .
meichauts, jobbers, manufacturers, anU I fee. ti h 1 he t r; Council hold the rii;l,t to rejfO
. , lite thu cha-jfa for such ilrayHjre. &c , within the
every oilier class of honest men can Dnil t c.rp.nat lim ts of said Cry wlun extonionaie
it rotilablo to vajale the crowded cities
of the east; and settle ihriiisciTes in tie
free and glorious west. Come aiung, u. w
is the ttuio to commence.
S?Souie of our iive" citizens, wli.
uneratand the imi-ortauce of letting ttis
neck uf the ood" bs known, are cn
gaged in raising a fund to scud off copies
of the JjKRA(.ir Fvcry man should dj
oiueihinr. There is uo other way that
ii knowledge of our country can be spread
so i U'ectualiy uud ut to small a cost.
Now is the time to move, before etni-
grants apKI lleW scttier flUVO been indue-J
,. i . , i, i ..i.,
ed to seek some other locality.
c: : i...
.irs. uc " icii.r.iii, iu a i v w c? .
n u in ber ol the lltconsh ructimiist, speaking)
of a resolution pen.lii.g in Congress to
remove the Capitol cut west, tiajs.I'ltint
your Capitol in the North Western Ter
ritory, and let this city of iniquity bco oie
.Mi. ' "Jl
an abode of bats." Certainly; ' britjg
along your Capitol. The f'New Chicago
w'.U try and mike room for it, notwith
standing, it is just now a little crowded.
LnnJ is cheap, j however, and the, "New
Chicago" is not jet "fenced in." '
Ci'l ho community owes our Ciunty
Commissioners their hearty thanks for
their prompt action in the mattei cf a
jail. , The " Bonrd ; yesterday . purchased
the two story brick building known as
"Haines' Brewery" for jail firposes.
This building consists of a substantial
stonn basement and solid brick super
stucture. The lower stor can be cheap
ly fitted to retain the 'awlets frawlers
whom the .beriff t ikes nnd?r hrs charge,
while the upper story will form n good
dwelling for the sheriff or his deputy.
This is one inrc.step in the right direc
CjiFOut city has made gigantic strides
in the matter of improvements during the
past twelve months, yet we need more of
it. The graduation of Main St. should be
completed the coming eummer, and the
side walks extended farther up. Not'-J
withstanding many of our citi.-r.s
"could'nt see it" when we commenced
battering awiy jlast' sumtner for these
improvements, there is not a property
owner in the city who regrets them. L -t
us take hold and'make good, substantial,
improvements, anl thus not only keep
pace with the times, but show to stran
gers vis. ting our city that we have nn
abiding faith in our futn're piosperity. .
On tho 1st inst., nt the residence
of the brides father, by Kev. Win. A.
Amsbarv Mr. David Marqiett and Miss
Hilda Montgomery, all of Cass county.
, FORRENT A house and four acres
of land, situated in the North-west part
of town. Tho bouse contains six rooms,
a j:ood cellar and other conveniences.
There is also a good stable on the prem
ises. For terms, Ac, enquire of D JMarqcett.
A good Farm about 3 1-2 miles north
west of Flattsniouth, about 40 acres,
good house, well, an 1 barn. For further
particulars, enquire of F. G- Parcel, at
the Herald office at present.
Staude t Anderson haver emoved to the
nw three storv brick building, east room,
corner M iin and Second streets, where
they are readv to accommodate their obi
customers and as many new ones as will
favor them with a call. feb. 27
Now is your tim"! If j-on want
Cheap Clothing, call on Win. Stadelmann
Si, Co., as they arc sellinz olVat cost to
make room for a large and heavy 6tock
of spring roods. feb. 22
The subscriber having purchased the
Red Store on 21 street, 'ately occupied
b.T Sarpy and others, wou'J respectfully
ft ''r'T
vicinity that he h is r-fitted the store nnd
opened a larze and full stock of Jewelry
and Fancy .-'.rticles for Ladies, Gents,
Children, and the rest of mankind, and
is prepared to do. all inds of Watch,
c,oek nnJ j(.wejrv R.pairin in the best
ma-.ner, and would bo harpy to servhis
ll.n.'1 now customers as may
give bun their patronage, assuring them
of tm;-ir work wpl, done nt jnoderatorri
i - ... , . 1
ces, and on iihort time." The stock, em
bracing every variety of jjoods usually
kept nt a first class Jewelry Store, will
be sold at low prices and warranted of
tlie nest workmanship and material. He
has also a small stock of rami'v Uroee
ries, which will be replenished from time
to lime, and sehl at the lowest figures
Having permanently located in this city,
I respectfuHv solicit a shnro of patron
age, and cordially invite nil to call and
examine the stock on hand, as we would
be pleased to serve jou, find do not ask
vou. to buy unless we can make it for
your interest to patronize ns.
; n.attsmouth, Dec. 27th; lStio. tf
ordi3Taici3 io. ,ir.
In Ordinance io prohibit Drais, Hue-
ons, S'c. from running as common
. - M 3 - - . m ' I t 1 I A 1" 1
'transportation Vehicles without first
obtaining a License, vctthin the ccr
porate lumU of the Vity of Ptutls
mouth: - -
" Sec. It. Ve it ordained ly the City Cnnncil of
rne i lty ot I'latiatoouih, tja-s Cuiioty, -Nel'M-ka,
I'll it it -La I b-nolawfal for any peixoii or prr"ns
to use or-atie t i be used any drar, wagon, cait or
ol ber veliii le. a a cr mmoii Job wj;nn will. in tb
corporate lim.'sif srtjd City, without fi- pr-nrif-.g
fiorn the He. order a license for the mmM, ao : pay
ing the of ten doilais for eiu h au.l every vehicle,
Ate . io us-.l . This is to include Ih.ide b .u:io from
ot o establi-bmeut lo another, gootiaaiul niercbndi-e
from the b ai iai.iinir, Ac.
Sec J. A ay per.ou or person n'lns nny ot said
Telncl- ni b iv stated, without firat pro.-tirtTis a
Il0'"D e f ir the tame, s-bal" 1.'-, before Ihe Mayor or
any Jus ire of th - "eai e, found uil.y o' a mis 'e
mean r and fined in ihe sum uf not l-sj than $5 00
or moie I ban HJ Ou for each and evety iff-.tcr to
CunwiU4iel. -
fea. 3. All funds realized from ai 1 licenses an l
flue shall " be use-l Lyih--Mreet t'oinruissi ocer in
L'-eping the street a d roady to the lauding in re
pair. r ec. 4 b. All licences and finea shall alw. its be paid
in cash and in advauee.
Sec. 3 h. Lt'ii and every v.-hide -o licensed shall
he Duiuh'Ted au I made re.-p nsa le far al! gxsj eu-
Ciusieo l 'iiir cr-
eliark-es are mole l.y tuoae uing or causing tj be
ued such veb c;es.
Sec 7ti. The City Recorder shall, lor each and
eva-y l.eeiise so itu. if, le etitlHM lo the sum of one
d d'ai; p.yable fn m the carte p-(K:ariug tlie license.
sec s.h. No licen-e sall be iued f..r a less periud
thau twelve ma iths
se -. a h 1 h s Ordinance t a take effect from and af
to. it pub ie itb'n.
Inttcd l'.h .rf February, lit.
C. 1. COOPER. Maror.
F M. Ponar.iriTox. Rec-.rder- 2w
A Valuable Farm and Ranthe.
The Farm and n.inche belonging- to the e late rf
the l.ile Alexander I. viug ton rituated oo the g-eat
freightnm ai d emierant road, 12 miles wrst of 1'intls
tiiouih, is forreutf.r one and prubaby three eii
l'he faini h is som 65 acres under ca tiv.itu n. n ith
a ol i us. tnh es. 'c Piouoitutns will ...v.
i I 1... ,1,. .I...I.....-H .1 .ill P.l.r.... I.e.-
in pe.on or by letter, slim li.e .e-t ort' r wm, if
we ii secure", oe ate ue i. i e m casn. payau e J m-
nry ,.ti l5ti;. a. L. thiud, Adm i.istrt, r,
.J.uu3tf ... GieoUle.Ca.eCo., .eb.
Farm for Sale
Three miles south of P lattmnonth, in fl. u rate
n- ibhurbood. with go, si water and five acre beavy
cottoiiw 0.1 1 mb r. For particulars ecquire uf H.
K. Aadersoa, on the premises, or
r I. M, wajuslirUM,-
Keal Estate A ient.
or tin. ...
Insurance "Comp ay,
We, Thnlim J. Tuuer. I're-M'Dt. anil Charles
c lni'". Secretary, ol lliel'ire Mid 'lom..J'i 2 ar
nii'.e Cuiapny, ul f r t .ort, 1 liuu.s. hereby cert ly
in-it bmiiI Compile i u i- -tl ul a eai.ail of hi
le-t uoe litinured tliouriAU i Uuil ir. a-eu.tMi Ly lin
0ii real e.-tte wo: lb al c u-h. va.uallon ai 4CH-t live
iuiet e Mm.iu'i 1 1 f i d ral'i il aod not enoumbe
e.J iu mu.e ilidD oue-Ku'h cf mid c.t-h vahkatoo "
ei l iins. J. ti:i:nki:. t,
(C H -) CLAK1.LS SQL lllt-j, ftet'y.
statp .f Illinois, '
So prieosun Culintf. 1
ft-.-.onAliy ai.Mitri-il brfo eme, le-ic of theC-ar-
ly C 'art c u .iy. Thou a- J. 'I n. i. r
and t'ha ! l n:e ku-jw ti ms the I'rrs.J. i i
adS creUiTor I lie Fire ad Tn:uaU ln-u h -.-
C'liU.'ianjr, Ue, Leii;B 11 Uiii n ii ac.-n uin U
I: v, f.'vonllf df o-e niid sly ikt II - ab.ive c r-
tlKeac.e, tih'. le.i lo l.jr th ill re-p ctiv ly. It t ue in
lu-ju me auil is f.i t. us tliown l.y the rectu. u!
eail CuniiianT.''
cu.).-c ib il a'td swo'n io bef jre me, tbU 6 h d.iy of
Jauu y, A L I- !.
--:.l i. Kn TIUmI S'N. Coun'y Cle- W,
l' 111 lly K. P. l'IKutUL, l)ej.utj Cleiw.
7-i f ':' e mi tie SI ." 1 Jiumari;, A M-t'.S 1
lsti..M:e iinrimiitKT, t
(IS t of i.nit rial Audit-. r. v
, Omit, !. iisks, J. if U4r ief.6. )
. WJereas. J r. C t.Mfiritl.1 t.n, Aitam ... n
erai ;pentf.r li.e tire ami I'm; n-io I.xarifie
.i,,i t. tuc ll. n i:l t ree ,o. t, in tlie Male ol 1 1 1 -n
is. Uni. liUd i.i tli.s oflict? - ei-fii.ieil cuj.y ul b
Act of iorj"i.:i ol ;.id I'oinpaii.v, toKeiher w lb
n wntte.i in-'iulneut mule r t Ii b.-.,i ut mii l'uia-DT,8i-'iid
l.y the I'.tsi e u ami Secretary of .-..ul
Crsupjoy nfiiier pa) b. oeiait ,-iiif; tliat atd C'onii.aur
in j.ft nf 't jiiial of at lf ii-l Uue lliLiidred
"Ihiiuit uil ! . M . i- , .ecu cl Uy lier. on it-al estate
north aifnb valuation at l"i Hve tini. K the union m
of vael tint euuninbred to inula Ih u
une lyiirtb ..f iid cash v.Oimli.Ml,'' in uccoidauce
with b refUireni.-tt . f Mo;i,.fi Kunneen uf ii 1 .
of li Teriitury ul' f; k.i, entitled "An A'-t . .i
Uelntinn to IimnruiiLe '."yu," ul'p.oved te.j
I'Uary I jib, iSj4.
Theiefoi e. be it knoirt by the pre.un. Tint in
purni.iocror lb Alorei tu Ac', 1 Julio'
auditor f the Te:r.t..iy iff .ri.r k.i. lo beri-by
Certify, that miid I- ir.1 loruaii.i lii.iuanre I'-jtn-p"
ha lull aaibu.-y .. tiai.t.:ict !. sineaa of li
Mirance in the a t -j, it or,,V tii.iei- ihe
aw,"olt JijTeriTtuiy-uut.l ilui,li day of January,
In witnesH wtvrenf. I have !inh'Cril.d tn v
mine ami cam 1 i he or I be A.i.lit..- "
s?al Ollice to be attlxed, Ihi lffifc da ,f Jaiia
A ., arv, A D Is6i.v - - . .-
T( riiiorial Aui'iicr.
F JI. Dorriiilon, As't,
fel 2 6d " " Plafii..utli, Xehiahka.
ifausic! Music J
Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Music and.
Musical M'dse,
Orders ty mill for Music. Bi.ukn. or anything p
tatnint; tj -. u.-ic, .roiupUy attended ti
tOrders for tiiuiiiu or repairiDZ I'iano Forte
and Arilele"U4 in F attMiioulh and v.eiuily will
atieuilt d to at our earlirst conv -nience.
Aug. S.lSC5-t
Br order of Iba .I'roiiale of Cuss county. K.
t ., un
Saturday, Ihe 17 day of March,
a u 1'tiS. bi tvve, n the hours uf 1 rniil 3 i.'i'livk r in.
of td day. oil ih n-niir4 iiejir Mi. Pie ant. in
raid co itiiv, w:li le Mild at Aiblic vendue, to tin
Uil he I aud bil hi'l.ler lor Ci-h, the folminz It al
K-lal". the property of Ii e ..s .ite of Thonia. W
llame-. d--re,i-e.. i. ti ii.t w.-i ti.nroi li.e oulh
e-l iiuailT of -eiiion ti. eiirhi (-). in towii.liio no
en (lu), north of rxnu-o no. thirteen (V.), eit of the
iiti tiriiicipal meridian, in t'a-H roiiaiv, Nebraska
Ten itory. J. w. IIA11 KS,
Ouardiaaof ine minor heirs of TliMh W
Barnes, deceased.
Ci Id
o .
&-?. SL.
A - 5
c s H
2- O
2 C-
l-t?al Notice.
In the District C oart f N br?k i Te'ritory In and
rut Casa county, in SI Judicial Iilstncu
O. P. Mason T
va i
Solon M. Joh isnn and i
Geoise t'linti.a J
To sou. n M J.ibnsOi and Geors-e
Take n. nee t a p trtmn n ed aif ul yrt'i by O.
P. Mvoi in the District Ooun 2 1 Jnd.oiat I)itrict of
Nebraska in and fo Cass county, oa the day i f
, A I lstaS; Theubitctand pry-rol smI
petition beiug to cau.-e and ub'iua, toK.tber w ith i.i-
leiest. Ihe i'ayui''nl of a certain protui-soiy Dole ex
ecuted l.y you s..l"n M John-on on the 4th day of
Deretnlsrr, a d lviO. fur o. e hundred d4lars, and
made pa . at.le to t.core Cliuivu, which iw is now
the i-roperiy of Ihe abuva earned plain if, That ;er-taini.-airiii.ite
in tuid county, as the propeily of
S.loii M. Johnson, lias been attached iu aid of th'
above entitle-! action; - . - -. -
Now. the.ef ire, y.u are taerey-TmtIEeit to appear'
and plead, demur or answer to the said petit on on or
btire Mcii'lar, the Pth "lay of Ap-al, a d 166, ur
such petition will be ik B. aatrue and judgment
rendered" accordingly." O. P. M.sOi
Order, d published in the Hera'd nrwpir, (uur
cotisaeutire week. F. bruary ISji, Ifcoav - - ---
T. M. MAtQCiTT, AU'y.
Glenwood, Iowa,
Removed to New Three Story Brick Building Kast Room,
Corner 'of 3Iainand Third Sfs, Plattsmouth, N.T.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Hoots and Shoes, Ready -made Clothing,
"Anl a variety of
2h ladies dress goods
Also keep cor.staal'y oo hand a large supply of
A lirge supply of
Such as
2 Flour. Huron, Lnrd, Meal, Bcans,U)
A larjre stock of
Wooden Ware,
-' , . Buckets and Tubs,
Wah Hoards.
Butier Bowls,
Butter Firkins, -Vate
Half Bushels,
j Aleal Seives,
Geo. Boeck 8c Co-
Have removed to their
XEW TWO STORY. URICK SHOP, JTorthwut of Botch's Old Stand,
Where they are prepared to tarn out all kind of Xew Work, such as
A Ld everything needed by Freighters or Farmers in the bast of style.
Elorses, Mules and Oxen Shod in tlie best style and on reason
; able terms.
Of every description, either in wood or iron, done on thort notice.
C" Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND
CASTINGS of such.
1h"y keep on hand, and for sale,
Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains,
BOLTS of all sizes, WAGON BOWS, &c-,
In fact, everything in their line needed by Freighters, Emigrants or Farmers.
Hiving a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble-
Skeins, 4c, selecUd ty onrcelvea, with special reference to this trade,, we f el confident that we can turn
out tetter and more work, nt chenp-r rates, than any o:her shop in the Territory.
Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a continaance of the same.
Geo. Eoecli cfc? Co.
EST Satisfaction C.uarantecd or Jloncy nefiinclcd
PLATTSMorTn, N. T.j Nov. 8th, 1665. Cm
Administrator's Sale
By order of the Probate Court of Cass county. K.
T., on
Saturday, the 2Alh day of March,
A n 1S6 . between the hoii-s of 1 and 8 i 'c ock p an
of said .lay. a t rha f'ont d-ir of the lourt-l.otis- wi 1
t.esuld at public vt-ndu-, t.. the luche-t ana t-st tiia
il'T fjr cash, the f d hivia; Ural Ktate, as tiie p-.p-
ert. uf the estMte of hhiiih I Halm and A-.feclina
II a tin, d to wit: ihe nor.h we-t qia ier of
ectioti ( 4) four, in .toWBstup (lj) tw:ve, north of
range (1 i ibut.s-n, east of the 6th principal mtrid-
tan, in ( a county, ebris.a l-rr-.tory.
A t. Ji A r i ti.ii,
Admitistrstor of the estate of Samuel ll:ihn and
Anslina Hahu, deceased. fil-iS 3w
Boot & Shoe Shop.
Th snbcriber would rsoectfnlly call the atten
tion of theeitieeos of flatismonth aud tbe pablie at
atge to the laet tnat i.e nas locatea one 1-or eat of
D.melaii's Hrri More, where he tnt'eds keepina
on hand and m .kit p on the i-hortett notice, evei y
artlcleiu his line. His stuck being selected by him
self, and baring spent the most of bis life io the
baiaes. he feels confident that be cab give tausfae
tha. Give biin a call.
April 111 5 J. THOCKM0BT0S.
' Platuinouib, N. T.
and fancy articles
Building material,
' Viudow Glass,
Sab and Doors,
Paints und Oils,
Fanner?' Utensils,
Shovels and JSpades,
Forks, Hay Rakes,
Double Shovel and j
Two-horse Mohne Flows.
For cncral IMucation,
The Knglish department underthup rintendence
of Mr. Sherlock, lite Inspector of Public Schools in
The Musical depa-tme .t i-cindnct' Mrs. Sher- 1
l.ick, pupil of celebrated manters in Knglund.
The c .urse of in-trrction inclu'le, th vsrinus I
branches usua.Iy taiinht in tlrst-class schools, BTa- I
Kee.inp by 4onrl and s nc e ei-.tiy, Froncb Jlusic, j
(i'laiiu Forle, Guitar and Mnfirtr") c. The term '
commences from the entrance the pupil; pvta-rit
in advance. " j
r and Mrg. Sherlork ret'irn thanks f..r th- lib"r- j
n . -n i. ii. i i ir, . mc i. vri. cr.i.a'iiiru.lll'Tnnreinit
tin, itten i..n to the.r pupils en-leavur to merit its i
continuance. There are enly yacan. ie for a few i
morepcpils. anI0 8m I
lVm. II. lacinkc,'
llfVnM arW WaPM mb. m eaa. sssa
'-IJ'-'i.t.Wi-lXAX J. AHlXjUXlsj
ONE DOOS EAST O if mvrYnrnrr t
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
XSr 1569 tf
Baalnf bought And re Cited U
!- v; i;
Are now rfsf.rmiacj cot t be excel'ed by any mi::
in Xebiaska for
, The HIGHEST PRICE Paid for
"W H E J T !
Pimp, attention paid t
Janl7 3m
Uanofactarer and dealer la
J- V
1 1
whips, spurs,
And every niually kept In the Saddlery 'line.
en short notice.
Done at ail times, reasonable. Give as call, we
feb9 ly
Has moved Into hi new brick billdine on the i
ner of Main street and Levee, wbeie be Ls latlr re
ceivinc large additianl tu bis already exUosiwe
stock of
He offers the yery bet of bargains to cutnmr,
and reijiiets a call Ir'tu those who wn.t anything ie
bis lin- ti tesi the advantage iu prices w,th Ibuse
ol others.
Rein-ember the ,
and (rive him a call if you wish to buy cheap.
J. E. TTJTT, Proprietor. -
f.b2 !
We now have a
wYV ic, large and commodious
Equal to any . n the Misouri R:ver, which n! 1 eom
nience rnucn p as -con as oavlgati n o;iei.s. W'e iu
rite the attention of
Emigrant anil FrciIitcrs
to the advautdges to be cnine l i.v cr.s-ine at
po"'t. PLATrsMouTii f n w Cj.
lei. 27 di
t, .
Trompt sttent,on paid t-i tae purchase and sal ct
. , ei ami payment ol J axes, and all ba- Incss
f,t'"n,'1g to a general Land Agency. Titlee lnVea-
Kefers br frmisslno to
Hon. E S. Dundy. Juilge gd Judicial JM-t., Fille
Ci'y. Nebraska; Major r.dw'd Uurbank, F-ymsster
C. 8. A , Leavenwoitli, Kansas: Hon J. n. Barbai k
late Assessor Nebraska, l-alis ,'ity. Neb ; Hon. T. M.
lateCol Nebraska JUYrt. Vola., Hia'fnjouh Neb
f.lcv'v -J? . V. "
Tort; Harvey, Deitricb Jl Brown. 'nh,i.t.,n' i .
oailwsv K
U a .i ... V r l : , . . . . . .
I Rochester, A. T Prof. Heoiy Arling tie, "Hartfon
vniversuy, x,