Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 14, 1866, Image 2

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    i :
She 5Ubr.t5fcib...aUraIiL(
good xru's-
V? hatr-i i- from po d authority tha-
the Burlington Mi-.-ouri 1kiver
, Kail Read Company are making
necessary arrun7--iiiens to toi -tif.luti-
dred miles of their road wot of
ton under contract at on. e and tha, !-
Decenary work on iLi end of ih I'"-
is to he cminenctd wiihuul delay
Luliv for P'ati-iiK-nth.
' , , ---
cued it
AVe see that this infamous swindle
hasocain pas-f d the Lcgtslafire. It
is claimed that i s l jectionaUe feature
are removed, Lui from wUi w learn
we think they aie not, and we trim Lis
Excelency.tiov. Sunders, will aMin
u-iurn itdiarrrov',d- y-1'"
"looks to boi-ih::isg Oorana run- n
the legislature like ground lijhtnm,'.
ibis winter. Nebraska City La Leeii
.nutted, once - on her Mercantile Li
Wary Act and once on her JJjard of
' Trade Act. It i ime that memorial
for grants of land for railroad purpose
for NrlrasU City and Browmil.e him
j assed. lut it U nl-o too true- that the
inonstriu swindle c.lird the Credit
Fonder has passed twice. NVhin- i-
"wrong if Omaha can le sul served; tu
if her sisters ask anything, a wonder
ful fetling of acute discrimination seem
to animate the majority, and trmur.ier
nbld oljfctioiia arc- rai-ed that giv the
people a right I tiue.-lijti the Lom-siV of
many acts perpetrate J by the Legisla
ture this winter. It u fortunate for the
pcoph of N-hraska that they have n
Govf-mor uh . is above sccumbr.- to
pt.y local interests-, and whose keer
sen-ij of jjsiict) to Nctruska, an a
whole, has saved litem from such
gross swi':dl as this Crtdit Fuucier.
Like thi unfortunate who used
to come all the way from the east to K1''
our Legislature to divorce them fro:i.
husb.nds ihey were not .vorihy to mate
with, (i -orge Francis has come here,
thinking he could get our law-maker?
. to perpetrate this ntroci us wild-cat pt
of his tpon hone-i people . We would
just as fooii etppct to tee n law legal
izing counterfeiting as tint this other
mode of oLiau.i: g money under false
. pr tenoes should be sanctioned. W e
; hope ,Tehra-ki is not to b.;i;o:ne the too!
cf eery winner who comes to it.
In cur Ust i.iue we published the
glad tidings announcing a speedy com
pletion of our Railroad connections cnsi. i. however, Mill iti To.-peMi, and
whil-J we would not detract one wi.n
from the commanding importance r
gives us as a commercial city, we would
q-iictly caution our readers aainm It
ing iMrried away with fojh.-h ideas ol
the valje of prsipeny. and against en
gaging in sj eculative porch tses ha-.ed
on those wild atid extravagant idea that
t often ' lift a in;m out of his b'"ots."
Fr soTiething over twelve years, h.'pe
in ihrt finishing of this line has t-Lbed
and flowed, and nt last the f iithful are
apparently about to be. rewarded ty 'a
'coiisunnrati;,n of their long cliPii.-hed
trust iu the Burlington S Mi-souri
Rver U ii road Company. Rot vhen
we look back at the stacrgiring Hjw
railroads received in 37, atid reflc-ct
that the financial embarrassments of
that period effectually si jpp d the work
uu this lioe at U:tuuiwa. and that for
several years ii appeared a if it wcuid
never p?t b?yoni that point, we
:fhou!J. remembering the cautions of
Secretary McCulioch, atid the stri ng
probtlili'y of a financial crisis arproath
.ing,.rr out of J tit, and avwidthal reck
less ari l ruinous leaping into purchase
"which inevitably bii;-gs ruin' upon the
ever sar.g'jic.3.
Jso diubl property will change hands
- v:e hear already of 6ome extensive
purchase? having been made but 'we
caution our readers agaimi asking or
paying, extravagant prices for lands.
The one will keep out caj i'.al, and the
cthtr," pcrhap?,""e nT ail rc:.;a t p m the
purchaser. It should le b une in inind
that, as it was easy for the Union Pa
cific INtlroad Company tu swing their
line down to Uellevue", fo it tony prove
eisy f'ir the Burlington and Misso.iri
:Rirer Railroad Company .to swing
theirs uj to. t!ie same point. Congress
' apprfTed the one course indirect oppo
sition tb.9 permanent location of the
" linVus" first estimated oa and Congress
tl:15u be. led to .do. as much for the R. vS"
M. R-R-Xo. as it did for .the U. J'.
n:k-;:' : ;
"Wo say to our readers, do nothing
rashly .look before jou leap and
don't get a railroad fever on you that
will tvis? your financial s'repg'h, if it
ch es not kill your pi cket entirely. V r
make no pr dictions for we are
prophet (although j lent y .of "Cotton-"'
wood" grxts in our locality) vv.e siin-!
ply give our readers a little quiet advice
for which they may thank us some day.
That tae present aspect , of-' railroad
makers is encouraging, caimot be de
nied; but, some'imes, things are not
what thf-y reem. and it would brt w'eli
chough." :o Le'tilre first, and go ahead
-i tu. stun 1 .- .
It will be rtmem'.ercd by many ot ;
uur .fcaJera ih-isome e.e-veu year ag.j of c0,f taxeJ to" the de-
SJ.OOO DCO worth of ' fraudulent shares
w.-re issued by' the- President of the
NVw Haven R. R-. and when he ab
.-; n.kd the ioiRCent holders tried to
have the company assume these shares
This was refused numerous suits were
brought. against the company, and after
six long years of motions and counler
mctions, in wh ch many innocent hold
ers of the fraudulent issue had Un:ir
pockets sorely tested by the lawyers
a decision was rendered ndvtrse to
their topes. Discouraged, many of
ihem effected a compromise with the I
eoiripany; but Commodore Vanderbdt
was not dircouragfd. and the directors
found his purse nearly a long at theirs.
They hoped his fondness for horses
might lead to tome capsize that would
terminate the suit with his life, but the
Commodore stuck to them, and at last
his abiding faith in the justice of law
lias teen leuaided by a full verdict,
together with interest- and co-ts, against
the New Haven R. R. Company.
In this country, Justice, though some
time:?' tardy, ;s nevertheless sure and
Wash i. no ton, Feb. 5.
Editor Hkiialt):
The prMiiineni subjects now before
the Senate and II use are bills pertain
ing to the wants and demands of the
freedmen and Liyal inhabitants iu the
recently rebellious S.ate, known as the
Sid to enlarge the Powers of the. Freed-men's-
Bureau, reported by Senator
Truintul"; the -Civil Rights Bill, sup
ported by Senator Wilson and his rad
oa I aso.i':te; and the L'.iual Suffrage
liiii, ii.troduced iutothe House by Judge
KtHey, cf Penn., and reported from
the J udiciary Committee by T.Ir. Wil
son, of Iowa, which passed the House
by a vote of JIG to 51, repealing a'i
colored resiiiciioiit on ihe elective fran
chise in this U:.-trict, and which still
eiuiubers in the Senate. Yet last, bui
uot least, comes the Bill reported to the
Senate and House from the Recon
struction Ci mmi'.iee, providing a New
B is of Representation, by an umend
t j the Constitution, This Bill makes
Population the Bams of Representation,
provided there is no disfranchisement
n any Stte c-:i account of "race or
cyiur," in which case the disf raiichistrt
population shall iml be reckoned in lb--
i epresen'ati.m. This lhll recently pass
ed (he House by a vote of li'O to -1G;
and the few factiouisls whooppused th
iu. a:i:re wfre buried so dctp i.i the
.lelris that their doleful democratic re
tuoiisiiancea co'iid scarcely be heard.
Of course the Senate will "second the
mo'.ioii of the House," arid the question
will immediately go before the State
Legislatures fur ratification.
Such is the unanimby among th
radical majorities , of the Senate and
Houe ofiht grtat principles and in
terests involved in the above bids, ihtil
there can be no false prophecies as to
their result. Consequently, it is' a fixed
tact, that the Nauou tl Legislators wnl
make ample provision for the protection
of the life, property and rights cf these
who stov d by the Government i;i its
trial hour; and who, even now, are pri
sBCutcd, outraged and murdered by i.d
lianded anu devil-hearttd rebels, who,
though cou jutre J, are more biaer and
fienui;h foes than ever. The business
of pardoning aud honoring these fell
con-ptrators has become quite loathe
som?, especially when this is done at
ihe peril aud infamy of the loyal while
and thek men of the South; and the
ir-ih is established and must be con
fessed ihal.the black men must have
the ballot as well as the bayonet placed
in their hands in order to preserve or
der, property and iibsrty iu the rebel
leni.uries. God speed the right. In
haste, D.M.KLL&EY.,
Omaha, Feb. 0.
Fd' Hehald: The j-int resolution
submitting a Constitution to the people
of Nebraska passed the House yester
day by a vote of 22 to 1G. For the
last few days both parties have profes
sedvio be in favor of the measure and
ihe enly difference.: seemed to be as to
ihe k.Midcf. a Constitution. . I
Morion stated that if -the election'Jof
officers and the qiies.ion of US adop
tion of the Constitution were oniy'sep
arated, (that is, have two election?,)
that not a m.n in the House would op
pose it. I dj not knew hew th-it might
hnve ber-n, lut I know that leading
lmcfrj(tit i.re3-d fa
vpfatly'dispod to the measured with
that proviso. ' ' ; "".
.In the House yesterday, i"he School
Law was amended so as to require can
didates for teachers in primary schools
lo pay the inpect.r a fe cf SI.
In the House, to-dav, an amendment
was a J. pt- d to striun C'J of the Crim
TnaT'Cod? jobs to' make grind larceny
cansij't in appropriating a turn at least
ieoua! to also, to the Justice Ac,
rrn.,iJiti;r thilt irj i:rdiriJly tates before
. a,ntUI1, f)f
fen-!;: nt
shall', lib', t-xceed the sum of
TIieJse5siuh ' w ill close bfi'Mor day
next, and I suspect that the members
will be glad to get home; many of them
are paying mere than half of ail they
receive for board. It is a common re
mark here that Omaha is about as ex
pensive a place to live in as Denver.
Omaha, Feb. 10.
Ed. Herald: A joint resolution
passed the House unanimously, to-day,
asking Congress lo grant ihe Burling
ton ci Missouri River R. R. Company
the same aid from Plattsmouih west to
ihe lOOih meridian, as is new granted
to ti e U. P. R. R. There is strong
ground to believe that the aid will be
granted.' -
The business cf the setsion is nearly
c!o-ed up.
The lat of the Revised Code was
passed today. The movement to re
viso the laws originated with the mem
bers from your county last winter, and
they have labored assiduously .or the
accomplishment of that object. A
thorough revirioti would have been
preferable, and I understand that the
.first bill that passed ihe House for that
purpose last winter provided for a revi
sion, but was modified to meet the views
of some members of the Council.
An appropriation bill was introduced
into the House about three weeks ago,
and came up on its ps,ag.? three or
four times and was recommitted, but
finally passed the House this week and
came lack fiom the Council to duy
with, many of the iumsnf appropria
liontiriiken cut. The House refused
io concur, and a committee of confer
ence was appointed. The main diificul
ty seems to be with military claims;
some of these claims are undoubtedly
jut, but there is no doubt that at least
a portion of them are trumped up. and
I'ouht not to fce paid, and it is difficult
for the Legislature to ascertain wh-u i
just and what is not. Cur Indian war
has ben prolific of claims of this din-racier.
A. vox.
Omaha, Feb. 12.
'Fn. Her Art: The- session will prob
ally clwi sbysi 12 o'clock to-nigh'.
The wMolo Revistd Ci de passed the
House today; but the IIou-e has not
yet, G p. m., agreed upon an appropri
ation bill.
The Democracy, after opposing ih"
Stat- movement for a while, then a
week ago to day coming- square around
in its favor, imd stating that if the
Siai.e men wuu'd only separate the lime
for fubmiuing the Coi siitmion to the
people, and the lime for holding ihe
election of officers,' that ihey would
support the movement, sayiug that the
Constitution was unexceptionable iu
every othf r respect. Failing in that
they tried another dodge: last Friday,
Gihuere, of Oue, at ihe instigation of
the great Moul, introduced a resolu
tion into the Ileuse, alleging frauds iu
the passage of the Suue Constitution,
and requesting tho appointmeii. or u
committee to send for persons and pa
pers. Kvery member, of the House
voted for the resolution. The commit
tee commenced their labors with a great
deal of zest, I at next day two of ttie
Democratic members asked io ba ex
cused from further service on the com
mittee, and two more were appointed
in their places; bt.t even they (the Dem
ocratic portion of the committee) were
ashamed to make a report, and to-day
asked to be permitted ti submit the evi
dence as their report.. The House in
sists that they shall report conclusions,
with such evidence as bears on the
cue; the committee find that some
Democrats had proposed to some State
men that if they (the State men) would
assist ia putfing the Constitution in a
shape to suit the Democracy thai they
would support some of their measures;
and that J. B. Bennett had proposed lo
T. II. Robertson to become the editor,
at a salary, of a Stole paper at Nebras
ka City. Ti.u, this is the second big
fr2z!e of the Democracy under thfflead
of Mortori & Co. M noa we believe,
once 'attempted to go to Washington ns
Delegate, on the strength of. a certain
vote. The present a tempt to humbug
ihe peofle will be about as successful
erery respecLJ .- ey ' . . ..
'.The UII passed 4he Cou&cil to-day
amending the charter of Piat:mou:h.
There is more general buiness do
ing at Platt.-tnouth than at this place.
Latest Despatches:
New York. Feb. S. The first Na
tional bank of Portsmouth, Arkarv-as
with a capital of SuO.000, and the Na
tional lank of Newberne, N. C, wnl
w ipitl of lOO.OCK), were to day au
thoriited to commence business. Six
teen hundred and thirtf-twa National
banks are now in operation.
New Orleaxs-, Feb'D -Biowni-viiie
papers of the 3J announce that
Kseablado is reported to have taken and
occupied Monterey.
Gen.- Negrell has arrived at Browns
ville and it was. reported had forsaken
Juarez for Ortega. '
The commission investigating the
Bigdad affair had reported, and threw
th- blame on Crawford and a party of
United States soldiers acting under
contrary orders, sent over by request
of the authorities of the Republic of
Mexico to preserve order.
Gen. Weitzel has arrived from the
Rio Grande, and leaves tomorrow for
Cincinnati. He expresses the opiniin
that ihe country watered by the Rm
Grande was: not worth goina to war
about. He says it is very difficult to
preserve strict neutrality on the Rio
Grande; but oificers there concur in his
opinion as to the inutility of war with
Washington, Feb. 12. Col. Sam
B. Jones has been breveltt-d Brigadier
General, for meritorious services; he
commanded one of the colored regi
ments in Gen. Viman's division. Daniel Ulman
has been trevt tted Major-General for
meritorious services.
B. ston, Feb. 12. A dispatch from
Concord, N. 11., : reports much t-xiite-
iiiHii iiiiwu? Uie ,,wrectors and stock
holders of tiie Concord R. R. corpora
iion. caused by developments said n
implicate passengers, conductors and
other parties with embezzlement aud
the issue of fpi.riou3 railroad ticket.
Property lo the amount of 300,000,
belonging to the alleged defaulters, has
been attached :li:d legal proceedings
New York, Feb. 10. A bail was
"iv-t ii iu Washington last night by Mar
quis Montiiolon, the French Mmi.-ter,
which was attended by large numbers
uf prominent ci: izens, army and navy
. lficer, and foreigners of distinction.
Ni.w York, Feb. 10. .V Panama
correspondent of the Herald says the
combined Peruvian and Cnilian llett i
under orders to c Miimence immediately
hostilities against Spain. is strongly fortified with guns,
including eight Blakeley's cast-steel
oOO puut.ders, ihe monitor Yictjiiaau !
mm Lc-a, also some baiteiies officered
by Americans, who.had experience in
the lale war.
The Peruvian war steamer Callao i
at - Panama, repairing, and wid soon
leave wi'h her ton-orts.
The four iron c'aiis lliat will leave
Fng'and before the declaration of war
reaches there will either a'tack Cuba
-.r carry war to the pons of Spain and
attempt iho destruction of the naval ar
senal at Ferr-.I.
Gen. Kilpati iek h-fi Call is for "';il-p-iraiso
in the Fngli-h mail packet.
A number of Cinfeleraie (.tticrs
have been engaged f ,r ibe Chilian na
vy, and t-.-u had left Panama for Chili
in a Chilian war steaunr.
Torpedoes, atid other infernal ma
chines for tii" (lo.-tni'-tio.i f ihe Span
ish Heel, had nirived at Calias. They
were purcha-ed in New Yoi!. by an
agent of the Chilian government.
Catesby ' Jones, late of " the rebel
navy, was in. Panama en route to Chili,
where he was lo have a naval, com
mand. i ...
New York. Feb. 10. Gen. Joseph
S. FulN-rtou, Chief ot Stalf to General
Howard, resigned a day or iwo since.
New York. Feb. 13 Willard, a
banker of Norfolk, Yn., has pruven a
defaulter, and departed wi;h 40,000
Wasuingtox. Feb. 13. IFuse
Whaley, of W. Ya., offered a resolu
tion re-athrmin" ihe Monroe doctrine,
and requesting the .President to take
steps for erreru g i-ito an alltanc; wirii
11 ihe republics on this continent to re-si-i
the French encroachments w! i:h,
was referred io the committee ou For
eign Alfairs. '
Smiih, of Ky-, moved tliat James M.
Johnson, claiming a sent Irom Arkan
sas,"' be allowed ihe privileges of the
Hall, pending the consideration of hi.
cass. -
Stevens, of Pa., said it was mon
strous to thus adiiiii men as membtrs
from defunci Sta'es.
Smith repudiated that idea, denying
that the Southern Stales were defunct.
Kassou, of Iowa, advocated the ad
mission of Mr. Jonson. ,
New York, Feb. 13. The sum vf
t750 liollars in prizes, which was of
fered by a number of gentlemen of
New Yc'rk city for the best specimens
of penmanship of soldiers who Iot their
right-arms in battle, has beea awarded
to fourteen left armed men. A book
is to be published which will be .com
posed of the best of these contributions,
and the Rev. Dr. Bellows has written
to Mujnr-General O. O. Howard, re
ques'jngJinn to furnish an article for
ihe volatne. . .
A larcje Fenian me-tinsr was he'd ai
Cooper Institute last evening. Speech
es were made by Mr. Kiliian and
cth'-rs. : .
It i. reported that several pieces of
heavy cannon have 'recently been pur
chased in this- city by Cen. Sweeney,
the Fenian Secretary of War.
Tribune,'. Washington special say
hat cur Minister to England, Charles
Francis Adams, wnl probably return
home. It it supposed his place will te
filled by Mr. Msllery. now Minister to
Vienna, or Mr. Marsh, Minister to'limnM IS A D E Q nTPRT
Ita'v; o thes- vacancies Wta;j i.e Ii ilecrty Gov. L urt i:i.
Great indignation H feit by parisp-
-ijners xjf Dr. Sunderilnd s church in
Washington, lecause .the .Trustees con
sented to ths tr$e of that edtfiee for the
tecture -of Fred DotmUss.
gar gldvcttfcciucnto.'
1 8(ir E AST W A 5.1) 1 8GG
Short nnd" (J'uicli Route to
In r..iinert'.ui with lU R'' "Mn'oiM Valley and
Cu icai;, UurOufiloU auj Cimui y lUlti Mads.
" i,r. tr ilns laT Ottumn a daily on ariira! of
Dc-s Mo;uei Vaiiey trains, ...
council bluffs,
nebraska cuv,
Bi"ia;a checked from Ottumwa to
Chicago and the Last.
l:ispricors Ii.ive c'-.'icti of .til th it 1 iiiri 1 :iJ
in Nirt!.,iK ai.a S iii'h. :nil will Hud t cke:s lo
ail i-: iiicp i. pi i 1. 1 3 l.u-a l.y nil iniueial ll.t' O.iumv. a
Iick-t jili " Iti - c- ml. in y.
'ascii'i Mil fni'l lint- roatii Quick, Sfc a:;d
Sure ill it 'f un. cti. m.
C II . I'EitKINst. Sii;.tiint-Mj.Tt.
L. CARPKll, G.iiUal Fnlgl.t Ml 1 l-asntifr Airdit.
Stray 2Ioics a1 Inlo.
ThPTe art r.ow on th'- Oii.alia K-'-errttioa,
4Dil in Iny pT-icu, ll'.e d-fi!lea horses
mill liiuVs, wh; li were tiken u; l.y ill- 'iniiih.i In
iliaui, Jurviif i In- nnnl Ii ti ov., i Su-i, wliilt uij ttiuir
fail utl wiuii-r l.ur.t. v z:
On.-iMiif", 'la y Iht"1. Male face, snaj t ack,
uii'l all I. jr-i in'e 1 1 h-- kiu t.
one e1y ImiiIs, it yt l ow lior, ati-r.t S y ars ol'I.
15 liuiiil-i Lith, ua- I iia-- in riglit luie tLvuluvr wLcii
lakrn up. jml invii!i in
ouoiiinll, oi.l limy mart- p. ny, witli very feint
bran I " on I. It tii;i.
Two la'-c, il'l k bi vR n borf mules, ul J aaJ n orked
d"Wn n br.iie1.
I'ue p d s J o. iol luaro iiKiie, with Mack main
an.l tail, L: 3i, Jed u3 :.'ft nlioului-r "O U,"' aD 1 on lc:l
il 1) -s.
i'wo veiy 1 -i t , liTiiw ii m ire rui'i-s, ntd, and
Wt d duvn. "1 Iic.a-U : Kind tool uf nut lia. lie -u
I-u!;imi, ami r;j:h,t. fui tiul tli.itly r icy I one no
bra' .Jit.:
one medtum sized l r wii nian niitlu. Willi f int
HlllaH llratid "N .' er. !-f! i-hmi dtr.
One nj.d.nm Sieil 1 . v. u inu i', bran J on I. ft
k:p iih a h n -
Hut'.iu i7.i ":io-.v nisrf mule, with a very
f..-l.l. !!: n-i "X ' I f' -h lul.l.jr.
Hit- t-jy J.e e ;.i.i i.r. wu uiire mute, brand "O
l" on l. -ft -h i.iidi i -, r h ! .lii rou-i t.
U J- : !:e i.wLo r or o-'- n aat if.i ""t'lrM v i I a ti
ll :, iir.v, p:-,.,tfty, .mv X! 'n.-. an i t ' rlei (re
.a" Oie a iiiuii i on t.r .-f..r.r ;i.e xp.r.'.i .u el'cJ ila;- ir.i1 (I .le ,T' ad v et ti-.iiicnl, s.t il ai irn i!
w ,ii i:. er t j. ii-d ever t the In. 'idii- or s .id i"
C'liiiplian.'.' with Or- i-Ii.iv liiw.. of tin-i Teriitoiy, tit
counsel .r tin- A.' tot wet.! may atvi
K. V. H'liN'.sS.
U. S. liol:m Ago. t.
Omaha di.iu Agency, NMj., i b. , IcOd. 1.? 2:
Of ihe cowl i! ion of the
O.Vitf York, on the firl tliy of Jar.
vary. .1. 1 lOt" i xcide lo i'-e .u
difor of the Territory of A'tirtfvAv,
pursuant tv the Sftttule ,j Ter
V." nam.- f ' Injury i 'he ,-O.WB iXSCS
AXt Ii 'O.V'AS i'. in.-oi D ined in 1o3, uud It-
;ieJ in the City c: X. tv V rk.
Tii'- cajiH 1 f said coin;-anv :e ti.atly pai l
up in t..tL is J.0iiO flOl 00
TlieiTirflii on ll e 1st day of Jau, l-:;3, 1.444.17 'A
Tt,il am'i nj ita! and sn'ius
3,41),'J7 00
Ain't of c ii-ii it Coatini-i.t U Lak, Jii-w
t'.o h -itidA -f aad in
c i:-i. .ii iti n.-?.i i i.'ii
;0,741 4?
17 010 il
ain't t" fi i.-st-t t..l m.d cttip-.n
ft., u M-l, m.i'k-t value JIM ftl
do V s iToliil-, fwu d ! 1 130, 3o4 l,3j0,S34B0
d. 1.1 1-.-cri s ate ll.'i.i!.-, C per
e nOtPiti l la w - 15 Ci'O
i!j JCortii Cafo'i: a It aids, C pt r
cent uia-keiva te? - 8,o00
do '1 eiitie--i i'.-'u isti j-er ctrit
MMrki-t Mll.lP 1S.0P3
do is' MV'1 lCmds 0 i-'-r
if ut mat .i t f 'ii -7. CC0
do II un .i 0 per ecu! nik't val l'.c.'JJ
do llliode Isinnil 6 ptTteiit't
. vtluu 4C.00O
do t'a i:i nin Sial Hon. Is 7 per
ee:,t a;a,ket v .li.e 'l oOO .
ik I'oul tt-l:i ul Stan- B"!nit nikt
V il'lr J.'i.OvO
Jo X V ity O'Hr'I Pa-k hnnrlt
l.'avket ti'ui C'5 75
do On n c .un y 1 or.ds m l:t
valtw 25,000
do Kithn.r.hd C' onds
luaiket value 'J3,7od
iti l;-(, 'kivii t itv Water Uiii N
la ui.-' v.,.,:-' 9.4V1 405 425 CO
r.i't l.iausi... U .lid-a'. d M.v t--i b ini;
f.isr on el' ifi-i rd on c'tiioeuriiiei-' d
lleil l-;-t .l- Wor h at it- id 'J 4yi 90
rate.o i:, eit-t li and T p r.el.t l,!i'5,S:2 50
d. L-fl- ti't "; Ifiil 1'ondt, pa' sh'.e
on I, the m . ; kvt v. nie it the
;. Ket j....-d--vd, t ! .!! $1 i.'ii) ?7,G.'2 0?
do Heaiuer JUiJ.ot.and rcckitri; uym-
ratuj feii.lSS &4
Co (l ive nmpnt Stamp JM 0
di tin r pr ipetty . mi-c -Unneoui) items, 13,5-Cj 13
ll.J I'lle f r !. U1.UU1S oil l'oliciej is-e.fti at
Maoe t l'ire. In a:.d and Iarme.) 43,141 Sa
d bid . iieeMiv.tli'e f-r premiunn on Ma-
rn." at:l lnlaml Navigation Kuk, 4c. 43 1.11 4S
Intcieil J-e ou lt January, lc'jd Id
H&as,074 14
Ain't of lo csBdj isiu I fcnd due and ui paid tone
d ci inrun'j a:. i n ' iocei--of
tid.unment $to2 046 24
d ) di iden N deel ire'l, dui and unpaid, fcjJ U0
do dividi bill rliirtr ia cash cr fciip,' tie-
ed Lut not yet d ie n nc
do i ellother cxi-lirc; claim as'nt eotnp'y none
Total arrt I if , claims and liHVdili'S S-loj "40 24
The Si'aiett Kinojnt ioi-ured t.n T.iy ri.-k if t7.i:0v'U,
but t i ! col ai a uera! rule fx" ed 1 10
The C'linipany hat no f ::era! rn e at to th amount
a 1. wd in l e niftied ia-any cKy, 'ir, iUa.-e or
I l i k, h-u Civt'r. t J in tl.U m-.tier, iu ea li c is-,
by me e.mal clnac ir ;f buiid.ns, width of
str.--, I'aci.i'i' s for pnttin? out tireK, etc.
A cer.ilied Coj i; of. Ah" Cuarterur Atl of Incorn .
ra:io:i, amended, a'ctoai janie J a previous statc
iocut. Ci' tr,fi r uuty .V. ir Y;rl: " i
C i..- ei J. Jiartiti, ricshieuj, Jotin JUOee, j
e--rrot iiy of the llo..o; ln?u ance Oonipatir, b-di. j
sfv a!. at,d duly ..worn, and (tu 1j lii"'- ;
set t a ii .1 th-' f- r-' in; it a tru, lait an I
foi r. c Wntetneiit .ii i l,e a'.fiira of the i-aid I or(H.ia-
ti..n. ai.l Ihit thev a-- th a'.ove de-c, r. t tti'-et '
theretift CriAKLtS J. M ARI1X. t'rei'iet.t f
iiHN iictiKE, Secret try. !
,Vt'iJt.;n7'"f 'nntf 'mc'-m hore me this 1'j'h day of
IL : ji.iiiiri, A l , j
IHciS. r. Goi'l-HICH, No-ary Public.
X.X- IVISE,'.'' -
fel" 1C W4
Ta'.eil uj by tt ut.dr-ii,ed. at R .ck B!ul-,
on the lit ''.ay J Jan , IsciJ.oiirf trl hfU.r. 1 1-8
.ear-olii hat a vrhie streak acr'sa the forehead,
and left ear cr.'i p'd.
V li UUS5".i
UI3IW1I HrmitUww ytl Ul
. jrx uoi r-jij i u.-i i wx jr ct.
Ui-.iif.irtji.r aaJ e.-!c-
And every uVJal'y k'-ja .a th Siddlery line.
ca l.Jrt n tk.
Done at ail times, reasonable. Uire ui, we
ft-b? 1 v . .
B. Ifewman !
(Sncces?cr o S. Bloom,)
Dealer ia
G-ents Furnishing Goods '
( ats, . , .., j
.... ,
Doots, . - . .
Also a Inrup Int r,f EUUDFj: GOODS
and KEVOLVEKS itlwavs on hand.
, ---ASD
will find it to thlr hnpfit to esr.mine
my stock before purchasing elfewhdre.
Cash jwitl for firfrs, ir.y
find JVooI.
Plattsmouih, May 25, tf
' o
c .. -
5 .
Boot 8c Shoo IShop.
- V, i -il-... m-...: I rn.ntf.lPv l-i.ll ll, 'li.r.
. ... ...-v.... j
' ar'ic-letn hia !-ne. Hi -t --k !-ir.g ele'-ted by b lo-
' t. and baiig ent tf e m t tf tu -it's in O t
notiijes, he f-v tytrfder.t the; be ci a gire satisfae
lion. nun c;i.
I April l.'3 J.TimCKHOniOX.
t tion of the cifizn f I'iaO-rr.oi: II, a-.l tt"pu'.i'i. at mn at. 1 al. ktni. i.r At p 'i -m ut,- '
I ait;" to the "aCT u,t he l:a Kctfd Die d ".r en-f of e,B'ai:ie tii.r t rf ii-cl u;-on prai i '
rv.r.elan's rirn? n,ir, rfli- Iiit-M lfplil,uin :u-:ri'ote i.rcferable to lhu,e lroa.Lt:"
'! on tiar.l and m .kirtr -:i the i-h.-.rtest noitre, eveiy. : j. tt,
I W AT ft. W 17 Q '11
. -."!.. . n J, U J
H f.iTtra,,.v-, nrjf. f r APPLE TPtr-r,
Q iit.ees, tf.-H. I. 1 ium.. An
Y-. jript, n ., f'urr.i
Wll t Ii ..lHTn -.. II: .11,. !. - .
ev.iyili.i.; frrm H v. Aj ,l.s o. L
Oru w- ! T: ,- U,rpro-t r.
Ii. v-i .tWI.-.. I l - ' ,14, ). .
Mill .11; .ari- irs .if v i.'ki,-
r.T;tu-irtf I ; : -iii .iiOi , w I. .. fi .v. ',
l:vory w:i IL-.- vl A, ..i, I -ft'.
. I: ft ;) ,
. I.-,..,
Ula- lau-:,: :. it i:... ill,.
Arn ucw deitimiiui not t lej.;i:1 bj L,
tr. ',i.,
r i
I I'i n.; '. attention paid to
iu7 3m
tt Cc Shoe.1-',
A 1.IIII1VN, V illlCSi, CIC.
b .... . . v ..I. - . .
C!ire fn n a!!. I pri.Top rr t:,
in it shirt time tii ; iirc.'. tsc pri, it m.J
vciil si-JJ u1' niv j r-i fcc at
Exlrcmclv Low Figures.
Ileincmher the t'l'""0. On
of th.! ;r
Music ! Musio !
raymo.xp, Mjynzt o, ,
in iLir.) it
Piano rort"s,llclodeciis, Ilusicani
Musical JM'dsc,
Oi !it 1 y i.nii f.T V'l' i'. ! t :iy ,
t . ii i n j; ta -lu-ie, prulliplly atl' l.'h ' I
fyrrdar. fir tin!rnp or rep,, i r ;'i e I ' t -t n .
'ttiil .Meliileon in H itT-,j,.nh met v i...'y e.--i. i
alt' Dill 1 to at tur i-ai Ii- 't run im-i
itV.MKI. Ml. '.Kit & '
Jut received ly Efprs
101) Pieces-TrinU,
HO Uleat-iicJ Cotton,
And oilier seasonable floods.
Alt i, a Teiy t!i-ant lee f
; - . -,
j A ii'gt lot 1 1
Ladies' and Children's Mioei
I r aale lew f jr ca.b l j
! f .b3 diw
Good Bargains
' l'-r fa'e, the -tao I Dr,w nt.-I by Wni K l',...c ri
1 d mi; --t i i; - :i no fi hi te r.f V .. iu st. t , o; ; :, i
i jot e A lian ii die . r I.i :clt. l'.is.e,-i
1 o.i or af :-i .1 . y 1 - I -o'i. A . . r.e i.e'.v : e.- t,."'
' -Ui;a,pd nt Fi- id of .'la, a street, iwo lati w-ll '
V I'rivlerl iu ChUlch. t ei p, if- r.ito .
A.j':y u a I'.i:i-INOT"V
1 fe7 I'.-.a K tat.. A,r.t
TJ e nnderl rnt.d. lovtifr tsirchittid t,.j r ' 1
...... V..,. V . . , - ........ - .
M'"Srf.iu-'i'siu..euc l,.i iJ''it.''
unt ct,; i! ion ina! ft t ! it. ' ! "
: tht mil Lt .i.:li da -.:i in oe ciiinut
I'tlE-tl. BEATtV
w vv i )--..-.
. t . ...
I i