r l MkitiiiiMaa iLocai.. n rows- -- -'''-'v'a !-:irn tint t!i 1 -i f r'un- nrnl wnrm wi'lier linv- r-liI-T'-l the Platte liver i in r-:i 'l li-i water is runulb on tli-: t ii of t!i5 ie.. :i-re a rumor m town that tli? . r"k'Ti i"ie-e ;i!nn tli' hank' of ihi ;iri fi' cv; ln-ro. Sh-Mil.l gin-h lie t:ie f i'-t, w! t:i iv Iftck out for a li -hre:ik u'," u til' have freezing wcntlj'.-r very ijon. r;'V :ir r. Streolcr, INj., C'erk of the (',.i;rt f ir '''I'lii-'ial Di-trict, e:tiicl on u t iv. u: his way down from Omaha. Vc :r 't,r "''? ations to him fir .1 f-jv if tlie tj'jvernor'd Message, in ini- sr.'--.1 1 f the uuii-. tt-h'raj a new, no maih, r:o 1 i-tl i:"v l.iri'; 1,; okf n, "jtao coinpunv hrok , 1 ' the river cir :u'n-t en ji-s our ru.j.'rs mujt rliure t he ii't f '"'.ti'i' irs n j ' niinovuri'M's wiili us. ("',"" ' tt.i' 'i? atj :'.ir to he tin; r-ije r 'rv-a-ihi h. N hr-.-ka t 'ity would "like t f.-,v '-c itt:''-:' Cuinoil BluIN his c )Mi-.u t i t ik- a co!j.U of hundred 4-r a1 :!ir',:"' liaiiwnii 1, a'.thoii.'h a'-very j.r.-ttjr r.ami-," ha--, t fur, faih:d to get ni v '-cof-'if' : ' an i l'latta.ui:th has ACttrt'.iy rcfu-.-d t- have 'cUae-.' r y""Tr:iit j r ; t s ? -f I tin pt"ph; of N- jr.eversil prisoners havo escaped from the jail at .Nebrafska City lately. where th?y can find :i ready M nk I, having a Marthalt f dt that fsrress purpose; and ThT m:it he pomthing wron; nhnut I third, having a P'-rler, and about loo i thi: as they have n good jail, with iron pound cf (i-isa, they will be enabled to evils. , furnish tlie city with said article for the Pt7"A Toung man bv the natne of I. J. j CQml"Z --"n. n.ey r res-ni to us :i .limes was set ion sly injur'd a few day I Ftir Ji'la: an 1 cs t ieir purpose is a lauda ble one, they fhould bo ineournej. Spectatox. i! cdlt-jr I.rnke, and the ica in to break. l.'nder tiiCe H'nce by falling from the landing at the entrance of the Merriph office in Ne brask i City. So says the AVk-s. C-"A gentleman now in our city from Ohio informs in that several families from his vicinity intend removing to this dace early in the spring. ""The firm of Ainison, Dovey S: ('o. havt- engaged the brick and made otiier np:e.-ary arrangrm.-'iits for extending the dimension' of their business house early j Jl-.raU, published by Legh It. Freeman, at in the upring. Their present house is as Ft- Kearny. It is a neat. little sheet, large and capacious as most business i unJ devoted to general news anda dis h )uscs in the west, yet insuincient for i semination cf correct knowledge regard tlieir growing trade. Their new buildin" : inK tnat portion of the country. will be on? hundred and thirty Sve feet in length. We mean no disparagement to Nebraska t'ity in making this statement? and hope fiiend Miller will not censure us for it. fJvThe 1'i's-i argues that Plattsmouth is not doing the entire trade of the Ter ritory from t lie fact that some firm from i now is a good tiuie Ci?"An examination and survey of the Missouri river is hbout to be made by the Pacific li. It. t'o., from a point ten mhes above Omulia to a bhort distance below this city. CUMr. '.Villi ini9, telegraph operator, has cur Ih inks for copy of the Kcuruy fJi?"V. II. Shea advertises in this issue to take all kinds of pictures, and we would recommend the people in this vicinity t give him a ca.l. livery person should have a cozen photographs of hi;nsc!f or herself, and two dozen of their little selfs. Shea's 'a a good placo to get them, and here have sent goo. Is to Ncbaaska City. Siime firm in this city in-iy have t-ent gnmls t. Ni-liras'ia City, nlihough v.-e know not who is is, if any on Yet it is not to be expected that we can keep track of every firm in the place; and it is no uncommon thing for city merchants to send out a portion of their Mock to be .... p.i.i fin 'in" En .n-.'f f-f J ' " I snbl ."it ret.'l l. V" nra r.lr.iKml t r ' . 1 ..f unrniir IflO III Tl ! V III" n l' fl f V- " . , . r -. i . ' . .i . . 'if"lr t,,:lt goods are being sold at Ne- ji-n-- nu V... woii! 1 t: N-hr:i-::a i ,i. J m- t hut it can be published, tog.-tn- br l .:it l.i iTiII'MitTi tli'-ui on various ii r "nil iir.7 ?u. :: vn:i -hut - failed to meet them vet. ' towns that eaeu n! l: it'i his aeeptance, in the Oiniiha , r- j'iV? have received a copy of the l i it. Aii'iHi io' for lsGO. We know ,f . . .i!i rr !.!(. k .r Ih.' snTr.e size that i . : t;i.: s -in ii a vast ni 1 varic 1 n mount f tif.iri.ation, and at sv.eh a tril'.ing -. li'-il-M tli-i aim :vi.; r.i"t.r, it fljnt i'.r-, in :- e in b ii- -d f.;n.i, the acts and r" ".'. of tlie hist v-. ion of C 'ii-t:re--, lir1 I're-i'Ient i al roelam atb.in. braska City, as we have many warm friends in that place, and would be sorry to think bu'iness wis not prosperous there. Don's get "out of sorts," Uro. Miller, because l'iattsmouth is thriving: we mean no harm to your pi ice when we record our own prosperity. J' u:n Sutur fily't Ifiiiy. ?"The editor of the Council IJluiTs llu.'e has been s-hown a fine specimen of I.'.tuniinous Ca't said to have been taken from a ve:n discovered within five tni! :s of Council LlulTs. Cir.Mr. Turl -y of (ouneil TJluCTs is cx- hrl-.f ree .rd ..f ;.' re'.-liior. for the paM ; penmenung in i:ie mun.iiaciiirs en prior- f ti, - rout State con. ! , r h 1 ,;e --V oi n.ai uy i, e v.-ur I -!" n i r. toi -'nil-- ! i MiiVn;.", I'i-r.-l 1 -iit I. in- i, the Con-titti iyiiiir' m ivr C"llail the tidvertisement cf Lewis t C. in to-day's paper. They liava bought the Old Sarpy Mdl, and propose doing an extensive business. They pro-io-'i buying all the wheat our farmers have to sell, thereby making a home mar ket. Mr. Lewis, the head of the firm, is said to be one of the best practical mill wrights, as well as miller, in the west; and we donbt not they will be able to furnish a better article of flour than has ever been produced in Nebraska. Per- GUAIiBIAN SALE OP 2EAL ESTATE By ontsr oZ the Probate Court of Ci;s co'inly, X. V, 'n Saturday, the tloy cf January, . u. l-i ij, lirlwofn l'ie liuurj i r 1 nul H j.V! ck la ;ht alf-i T-O..U ni -iii1 ii T ori tlu' P'"r'ni knnwu n iht J mi.. f.irm . i i" i!i- liiiin Ho-tolac... wn i I, ki. : t I'MLIi v-rJie: 1 "'it liik.'!i-l mul b -1 'cl-lc-.tli- f.j! luAii; r'-.lrli ... th-pr"! !''' vl l'.J ties Mi. el II. J mi:-, iiiiiii"' linrHifWi y J.iiivk, do- S, to wit: itieir i:ndivide. im-rt-M ia the r.w. 14 r f I I- rl o. l:Ji TowU!.lui .o. 1 i. linr:!i nf li.(. N'J. 11 cl ' f ) Ii P ni..i.ii I ni- Itie n r:!. u t i 4 of ! ?.e n il lh--t 1 -4 i'f .J i ina No. IS towa i hip In, iiorih of r:iii-o X. 14, -t ol siie 0" h p. in , l.3'l l'.f;I I 4 i.f r'C'i ill I, tOACSllip N. . l'.l,linit!l f r.uiu'! ' . 15. e t-. i ! in.. Mi i 21 aciir ui M i-a-t 1-4 i T lie- uuitii-ct'l 1 1 c t the tmih-siitl 1-1 uf tni.ll Nu. So lowcitiip Xo. 30. i:-jiili r.f ranee N' j. .:J, east uf the vlh 1. to. App'ai--'! Hi Uw.ia: TtrliJ: liiiidir knnwu on titi-' iijjr ci ale. !-;Mi. L A V. Justs, G'jar.linti if Marcaict l. an i jiiiu-1 II. Joaii January 1st, ItjO. 3-v EMtrny Police Tuken up l.y 'he on. eisipnul, tt "-Milc rv.C- r-jiinty, N't , f.n ItiM 54-: i uif, .u 11 ill, 1 ycir ol'l la t i riiif. ri-1, with lilt- nt iiu tup ii f hliKii I'icrs, u h; Ic ly anil H'liile h;iot i:i f-.rhi-ail. Nninirk$ ur l.i.iu-1-. JAMtS tl'.ABTEtli. j in3 ow fMtrny IVotice. Taken up tiy ti? uu k-rsi'ne.l, J utiles w-t of Plait -aui.ui ti, iin ;t--p 'il St. tt, itb rtilier lifavy l;iirn-i, u''IImI nut of l-lt tsr. n op ulT r gtit ear, :i flit iiuil mult rliil out -if ?:iiiir e;ir, i.i.tinlii viiili cii-r C" in 1-it hip. Al nrie 3-yerir i.l.l in -;i mi: iU -t er, l.elly auilfi'ft w hite, yoke ulirkun tup uf nick, thin riiiiiliiinc, litlit h. ru liritl y rn p.d, almiit 1 inch ot: t.ame. No tar u:arks Of ! t r:i):litty f.ozen oil in pnints. J jU.n M. Jiius.-os. ic -'Stli. l-Oo- jm5 5w From l!i" unl i-rii?in l, uue rei lx, 5 years o!il 1 i.uiili'il will, leiter on left lun.p .li- i one red tf'i it, 4 ymri ni-l, bramlrd K i. W uu t!i horn An.v pfifi in Lti v i g iim in format inn nf 'he hei i'iiIiuuU f tin- uhove Ufcciibcd cattle wi 1 It In-nil v r-wanl.-l. K Llil'SliH & WlsJJ. U..-L-J7 TiV'ti up I'V tlu- u:iil-r-ij eil 4 Mi.le- south of Rirk Iiliul, lliue Mter one i-year !.! p:tt h.le ami n-l spri'kU'l 'ti er. m irked it ti uuiierl it ni ai-i e ir, -pl l in l i(fht f ir. 2 p its in P It e ir. One 1 year oM past pate n il .stei-r, i m,i and iplii in each -sr, tTanil ed uu iett hip, hr.itid in lititn-t. One I year old pat d -f p r -tl Mi-er foiii-j vhite on fl.mk, belly a:.d face, bwailow folk iu loll car. .N'n other b amis or mark. Tll'iMAS L. CAMPBU.L. Iiec 25:h, 1-03. jan."5 5w CST It A Y OTI C l b X Tal-.m t:i liv tlie uliil-rTnp L nvn T-il-n OM!h of sons buin Hour to take west will do '. riatt.-"iiuui,iti 'ii i',:t 'l jv u---. i ', one c-ev aooui u years oiu, nm i fceti iv ui a mujiiiiic i-rt-ji .V- i ill rr- i i,: 1. ii--' f ti.:i':.t, 1 hi c !,H hi m-ir i' -.f I' ll inal A tm n 1 us n. i. 1 I i .-tin iiuil n- 1 a tli o:- a-: i . '. ii.r t.i V T. I- ' Vi !!! -' : t Ir- Lit:, rer.t Ml ' r llii'v:-i that p" i!r: in th v 'I well to five them a call and examine their productions. f"Ve understand a Cood Templar's Loi'ie was instituted at Kiht Mile Grove last Saturday evening. The good work is spreading; and many a family will be provided with the comforts of life, and tuany a home made happy through the in fluences of this society. There are sev eral men in this locality who, sis months a;;o, were almost constant inmates of some of t'.ie many drinking houses of the eitr, nr'.jetin their business avocations and squandering their money, health and cliiractcr, who have been reformed should rrenonnee it e.'.cellcr.t. It is : through the iiu'luf-nces of tlie Good Tem plars, and are now in lustrinus, frugal testing 'he article :ind froia the appear anei? of the paper upi"n wh eh it is used, aid to be ra-iiy made, and not so expen sive trs the article now in use. l-ft ear a:d an nridi-r slop- ofV reJt ear: shn is of a yel owish color mixed wi'.U white, parity white fce. u in irk or bruudj. c-auvli. l-utsii arv. le'"j7 I1STK1Y i'OTIcai Taken up by the sub 'c'lher, one-half rni ed cf Ceut-i- V l.! V P. H. iTl Cass e ill it , ini III ' l tll llilV of lice , si;."),oue tw-i-veir o.d Stee, whi eatnled spuiie-!, red Leek, Mar iu fuvle ad MCI.I.A3 HALMt:S. nroenibt-r IStli, 1SG5. dc'-29 18G5. 1805 AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side cf IVrain Street, Have on harm the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, FIAHDWAI1E, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Kver OlTercJ in this ularket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Iu fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnnnce 01 the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 1SG-5. tf I-ti-ny IVotice. Taken np by the uml riaeil in trv.p-"i Ir ;n t. Cn o-uniy, N. T , in tic tit'i, 1 -t t yiie 2- car ot 1 rr.au Hrilt r, ex pt rck, tvli'di is f a rriMivi a-t, e:rs in;trel v uli mi nrnj rbit out t't!i; )' ear ! or whui-h tonn a s cioi pvii a iillie, hji ii vy N-o;L.r uinrk-i. SALE CI? AIT ESTRAY. At or iib nit 10 oVIocU :i. i l!n 1'i h ! iv rf February, 1-;i'i.", -t in- re-i ! nee uf J il.n i'fwk-b.ny. Ill S-.Miie (1 o ve l':i-i l '. l',i- e.iinuy, N'.T.. I vx.ll , . , i . l r I I sell " i ' r c.l li I i li.oi'i. to ll.e lu-i.ei f.il l r, I.. ' lm- .md respected citizen-. Such fruits speak i,.,.,,,, ,,n . eitVt ,:4 u ;i. a e.r:.v ... vu: .. (-"-Th- penr.le of this city rind vicin- I volumes for the organization, let who ! 'V ify are iiecomin iiw ikcnfd fo the inipor- I w;n deiicunc it. iii i. . . f - r f V 'I . i . I 1 1 ' V ! f.- I i; 1 nr!.y : it - I Ii. !:: : re- v : : r. i . t ' . I in i:ry, ,i v v :!.;;, .-. ': v:th i'.r. .". c -r y f th.' I tincT of'toin pomothin for tlirnis-dves. 1 :: i :,t. j Th "V hiivo ben wnitirc :iy p.irntly, t ..,. ' be fnrcd uh'-nl, until thuy huve be. ! r-tiind tl e M'.ll f roj rtv j eorr.e . )M"iii"i! thut if th y do not help .'. (i ::i : V '.! . of th.H i-ity. I o make known h- suporiorit v of t!.is , ("ms .::. f : : i."; . - j poii.t, others with L'.j$ n.itur.-tl advantage.? v v.- ; so! i for :fl.!.-' ; wiil -t the star?. l . ,r 1 I. is s,;.,v - ;l I I fir,- .-'r ,.- J ', ti iru ; - i . - ","Tl.e f.dlotvln to ist, iven by a 101 ATI0N. A donation for the brn- !'t rf K -v. Win. A. Amsiiary, l'astor oT t'ne M. K. C'htirdh, will be given at the !5rick School-IIuc.f e, in I'I.:tt: niouth on Tuesday evening nest, J:m. '2'.ld fit G o'clock. All persons :;re mo.-t rej eet ful ly r.iiJ cord::i'.ly inv it' J to assist iu thin "j'. d work- iinl by G. : ituby air! JO. -i.i 1 Dye, us ;':.v, L:-n r. v. julil" o W Frov.i tl-P niiile!ii.''ie 1 r.:iu 'i ye :;- oM fnv.-, villi line ba- ( and reil .iie white l-iiy, the ri;h: c.i.r :. it. i: -ni i:i...n win u'.ve tu; ii.. M.l I iv him. tail In 1 1 i. in I v.-li V. A l. i.IMl ACKM.. W S W i t-i'ii d i i i :, .t iJ a. Worth of C'bifliin, Hr.t, C np-j, IJjotp. at Tuken i I v ' -i '.:e'ei -i i-ui- I. ooe iir. w:i 2 ye ir oi.l M.n-e col, -.1! . Is" in V ...-:-: ! . :ll;-l i '.! l.'lef.H.t v '.it- iiiu ouc l : y sii.iiil iioi ii'i, e.i t; i.o u ii h v 1 u ass (j. I'Attia. ?, ! v. -lil! r.i I. W i ii i.;.r ,.. Ji ti.!:: ;r fill t -.in.d i.iv covinr i-rnrv, arcood enough to 'diii.Ii' if.y tini- : ','!'!!" Preci; It ex rrsrs truth, re- prpsss error. si:i-pr-ssp knnwlfd.i-;, do- .Shos. und virythinj pcrtti'uhig to i i j J i'l JJ i.'J i L pre-f. s t v:;i.-iy, ::nl or - pr.'.-s,-s i.on.v j r,...t t.'i:ls ( -.otltins II.'.ls-, for suit? Ther..d,v.d:;:e nn-: bltn-: lied -h-rk?, 1 t ,-,t f.,r thirtv dcvi. h-. liLOOM . M ICKl l.w iiT, TT1TT J. SIIA1.2. th white tc-'h and the rice eves cf a h f, 1 ' ' u i 4 '. r ' t u -a t ini" , l.i in ! th i' i but th "cin't ol lie iti '-is wi'. ni'ither c-t.i 1 1:'.' II I'.r... Mil;r. I: . tie l it uf -mid to s cnuse tl:is cir v j.j :.: i ,; i :i :i : ti - , ill... M-i r.r t!.:- :r. 'iiii; fo- i:ia Iti il'i. lov eiV -ill- IS e ) 1 1 i II i . ! r. s a ii v YAltD. -.jl'id-' ts. tnki loM-ns in 11 ' V-J , ,. ; nr.! T "111 ' V :i;-f- n.i.y, I r you, ;s : ;io l.i b.i i'.i'.il:-iii-i!: ; uf the '.'-'.mi c-u'.n'b. I ni:vp:.r i r r.otcrity v. '. n '! tell t ii -m .-Ui.h r I I I , ...... 1. . . r nnnla. I , ( .1 ,,l r l-f , f r 1 :i'l(' li.'l'l tlll'l VI U'il il 'IC- i limn; s iblier m the b.xtlle of .:fe need ; 1 . , ,. i lit for trees m ine i iiniamouni uuim-i i, size, and peed vavietie;'. Also a variety of othr fruit, ornnmcntal trees, idirubery 'r.i.i M-'ittltiy' 1 .i-J;t. C'lt is ptuted in otir exchanges that evrrreeriS, Ac. Anvthinr: in the nursf- , i ii: in tin injury !.ii. S.i v some more n in.-t the h-i-t lit i Sillll'lll Im'- r- it' kii"vii. tlio ::r l who (iie j some time since Irom i i: le, vc. j ir.halln- e.ial-as was not "Artr mus' of ; b(, f Hrl.j..he)1 to order as carlv in the n.:vTp:jr notcnty. j P,rirjj !;s ,i:e rst of April. See adve-r- fT?('..'d weather has nninsrt in, and tisement in another column, saved the ice in th" river. Snow has 1 15 tf Win S. West. faib.Ti to th. d pth of six or c-tpht iftclien. j L'"1 maliin,; cxoellcnt sleighing. j UST "W pTibiihor a dintitrou runawav oc- , . . T , , ... --r r-i , tit- ;,'r-"""r "r JEWELRY STORE was driving on the Iowa t-ide, when the slfi-rh up-et, and frightened the hor'es. j 'phe sub-criber haviner purchased the Mr D.oi-hertv, being somow hat "mixed i Hod Sture en Z ftrc-t, lately occupitd up" with theleiAh, was unabl.i to con-i :'rpy and others, wonM respectfully ' , , , ... , inform the citizens of riaMsrioath and trol them, and thry pot out at fun speed, vio-m:!v th;,t p(; rt slttod the stire and breaking the slel-ih and harness, ar.d in- i t , t , r-1 1 1 -1 a lnre and fell stock of Jewelry ed men to uthtr points n:i !h OP-smiii, i oni, pf jj,,, -,r!M ppverelv Th'ani! l'am-y Articles for T.adie;, (ients, I -s favorabb, i:i pit of natural adva,,- j ,, 0D j at the livCrv .table of W. rf Au . , , - , i - lis prepared to do ail Kinii ot watcn, t.ii?fc-, but r.ch in courage and an u:.!::i- i i ii.-...( 1 ,, h , ' , , , .l ' , J' ll."". ; Clock and Jewelry llepairinln toe best t-ring belief in ilieir future cr.bli-hmenr:- j . . t. .,, ,, ., i .natner, and would be happv to serve his ... , e 1 -. 1- .- What 13 the matter with the mail , , '. Q ..... We hear of b.iibhng ::.--oci:i'iir.s est- I o'J and as many new customers as may CVVVhy 1 p; iit.-mouth be behind ether ii:'.. - inthi-i i -M.ti:y i.i li. 'initter of cnterj ri. ': !') ou r it ...... - 1 u-k filth i:i the Ultimate ; eritv ol )..ac Arc we fearful of Some jreat Mua-h-11; e uue day, ti. it will di. prse our mom y i ed men t" other tudnts i.;i !h M.- where, wbv not have one h i"? What i necded Capita'.? We have it. I'.aery' plentr of it, only just at pr. -er.t d .r mar.t. '1 I. truth i-, we only !. 1 a b ? jiinner a mover, a leading tiri. .Not exactly a Ir.iin, but the motive power; an inline, steady, earnest and reliable: and having th'., we don't care a button for its Lriiiiaitv'j. Her-' ar luinci men in our town who, by imtiicdiato organiz atton, iniiht secure woo 1 at 1 .v rate.-: and by iirod-.i.-ii:g iol briel; secure- that artioic at lilie oc from Om-iha. Wo have had no news g-vp jljm tliL.ir patronage, assuring them from the Capital for seven days, and con- ; of their work well done ut. moderate pi i- -eou'ntlv are left in ignorance of what ! es, ana on short time, ine stoci, em ! being done by cur law maker. The reason assigned for the non appearand? d the mail is that the Platte river cannot be crossed. This might do very well for a day or two, but that excuse won't an swer for a whole week at a time. Can't the mail be taken across the Missouri at Hellevue, and re-crossed at this point? maker, ' '!0 cn t',' Missouri is perfectly safe, t. We an tn's cscus j that the Piatt"? cannot be id we thin!; oar' crossed is about "played uu:" in this lo- t.lwn i- i n--it ! - f nvni-heit with I Caoty. brick f r w-mt of 'capital." No one doubt that Platt-moiit'n o;V-rs .v will not av better, Imt a: least as -afe an 1 d i:i-I.jccn:eats t ) ttlers n-.id capitrilists as nuv city in N- ! raska. N) one d oi'.ts that oar l.ici'i 1:1 i-r.e of the very best as r-gards beauty of scin erv and general health. Vlll oar own I eop !e t'.iii k of tl.:-l- We cannot ex rcct eastern capltali-'s to Jeyelop our c luritrv if we neb.jt tlie means tic:; na ture places so .'avi-l.'y i r"57"I overheard a conversation, a hort time since, between a few of th-; old pa- braeinrr cvrrv varietv of goods usually kept at a I'rst class Jewelry Store, will he o!d at low prices and warranted of the bci-t workman.ship and material, lie has also a t-niall stock, of Family Groce ries, which will be replenished from time to timo, and sold nt the lowest figures. Having permanently located in this city, I respectfully solicit a sdiare of patron age, and cordially invite all to call anil examine the htock on hand, ns we would be rdeased to serve you, and d 0 not ask vou to huy unless we can make it for vour interest to patronize us. li. II. KATON. I lattsmouth, Dec. 27th, lSi'.o. tf Valuable Lands for sale P. ;i-i r i i Pine I.umb r, L ill., Shi: CV, II .i i-, Pn-h l.;:inU, I'ii l:.o, au-l v.ry v.tin'y ol' I'ottouwood, .illil.t HIUJ (.l.iK I-ULlI.e;-. W li 1 ice.-i c ti.-lauiiv n h-ii-l Cord v. r.jd, both (.'.tii:i uml i,lc. All old. r . ( ion tic ii ! J. T i" t'ttiii- 111 li-i e St rev l, nouth of C. L. Coo;ier' ti ni ai.J ni.Ki Deool, PLATTSMOUTII, N. T. Xovemb-r Sth IS05. fin WILLITT P0TTEKGER ATTOllXEY AT LAW, plattsmoutii - - nebraska .lstimv motice:. Tiken up l.y the imder-icin d 3 miles et of PiiUt-inoin.i, "n lie c. letli . lsu.i. one C at u.I ( .'It; cow lei iii'l while i-potie'i, M'li s red, lurrK inii i.;-i:y w'nte. No i:liir ol ll'luil.-. ilceiO ok A. II. TAYLOK. 8. B Li O..OM $ Dealer in triarchs of our city: making themselves j ; NV 1 Id 12: Sw "2.J 10 12: E 1-2 taerrv in rehearsing suns of their jokes ! s e 7 10 1.1; 11 1-2 n e lS 10 13; .S w -as thry trrm them that were plaved ' 'd l" lot e 11 11; b w o" lo I..; IT on th,.;insil,r,etin? rictim4 v!l., f. r. e 0 11 13; N 1-2 n w S li 13; ! ' . Alo I own Lots in citv of Plattsmonth. ' AU of hieli wi:! -old low for ca-li. Cail and see chnncp, were attracted hither by the jrreat inducements held out by these same in.li- j ti,A.:!r.;'t,-",li bi:arc v l llCKK. viduals. During the convcrsaiiou sever al interesting ane-'dotes were narrated, reviving old scenes, and also thai spirit T.ix P.i; er raid l.:ci I .-t-er.t. ir h inds. . n diich so long has lain dormant, llavin; Wlrj will be the Grt to s: irt in tiiis. and win to himself the cratituJ'? cf a f.our- no fit subject up in which they cot'.bl i-hin tv in theni di-tant future. i"vTi.3 A' .r. is on.l- Etray IVotirc. Tafcen i'P br ilie nihrcril er livi: s near S Mile OroVe. eii' red ('. nr. .! lit 4jeir. ....il5.t:ir ir. fjr lie nl, ri.i ii'id tlit iii left e;ir, b.naic l -'K.' &. 'U" .n r: h ru, bluud iliv.'' le I. bring their forces to bear, as a matter of jiuua-y 2, l-o. iiu course they had to batter away at each 1. ... .oit'l f i . r n w 1 ni. f ii I ihn 7 V V ultltll.l h :irnt :iti. Ktinr-lu ,c,rir.z to in alto j matter tney rcsoivca to organize tn.-m- ; Th1r.rm af.a iunci.. b ior;Cintf u u. ih of .U- AIfXAJr 1-' v iiihT -tun i on IILAT EEADY 31ADE G-ents Puniisliinc; G-oods :ats. Caps, DooU, rhocs, Trunks, Valises, &c, S:c., &c. Also a larr lot of PvCUBFR COOPS and HHVOLVF.nS always on hard. AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their bneSt to examine my stock before purchasing eewhere. It I S Lir'e assoitment of men's and boy' elottinif A. 1. - v. v - I ACO' iid Lard for n.ile by . A. P. CO. IIKAVV IXVolCE of all inds of Family Uro ceries acd tlutlitit: iooj-ju-l reeeived t v A. P. & i O. TrsT r.oeived. J0 ca. s of Canued 1'enclie at j L ireasso AtilSO.S, poVEY i t'O'S . ; IV fortale by Vo to A MIS , DOV tY4 CO' t i.urcli:it? your j C'1ELLK; C0KN -" A D & H fprtui; e cN I VX etidlesi var Uty i I Ladies' Pres? GomN at i 1 A. P. 1- CO'.-. i 1 A. P. CO':.'. ; A C, Ki:AT baiKtiius iu La-Jie' Pr.vs t.i.o.Mai J A. i'. v CD'S. i 'OK PALE at AMISO, p.) h V ii C o . oi;. e, ' Tfl ii, Suf .ir, Hidden Syiup, Snjiir llou-e ilo- la- vs, N w York Candies, e'.v , ele. i y Vlari;.. l.i of Che v in - a ii d S;iiotiu ,t T- h ico for N endless vaiiLty. f s-ale tl A. P. i. !'V;.. ! j j a , Co VL (,1L i'.jc s-ile by A. P.i CO. f llOX KS st:ir Caodl'-s f, r -a!.- by CO. 1. 1. kicds of Fai ue.tij lu:ile!i)e!i: for pale by V. A. P. & CO. Lsriro lot of Tw Hji'se flows for sale by A I), ic CO. Hardware and On lerv for A. P- A C'S. S P e-r-, .-"liticl. s, Glass, aad IJalj of every d.-M.-ri; t:on d r -ale l y A - P. & CO. 50 A, P. & CO. hitrealn. cot A I), i. CO LL kin Is of Counny l'roiluce taken in exeliMiiK a l'ir (.'umis )Y A . V. 4 CO. ii jouiviin wi'iors ' r.vj enumerate all the Bitieles ws have forsaU 1 i 1. vi'Uid lid one i-ideor th- IIkhald, and others 25 A"S FFEK ' r'CeiVJ A. P. CO. j ,"lVe " fi"0,J l" AMlM:iOVEV 4 CO. l.are l I of Choice Tel bl A. U. & CO'i ff'IIK la ge&t Uutliiuns llou.-e north of St. Joseph A u AMI.-D.V, HDltY itlo f., i'latt.-iooiith, brak. 1ST WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Geo. Boeck & Oo. i:Te r'inoved to their .YKW TWO-STORY MUCK SHOP, JVurl.'i'U-est of Bowk's Old Stand, Where tiny are prepare 1 to tarn out ,-.!l kind of New Woik, such a WAQOna BTJGGVI33S. Plows, And evrj thit g needed by FrcibJite.'S or Taruieis io tho bet of style. Horses, 31ules and Oxen Shod in tlie best stvle and on reason able terms. JOB - "W OEK Of eveiy i!i sciijjioii, either in wood or iron, done on rhort notice. CZT Particular attention pnid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTIIIGS of such. Ihey kcipoti l.and,aud f c cu!e, Ox-Yokes, Hows, Steeples, Cable-chains, EOLTS of all sizes, WAGON E0WS," &c, In fact, everything in tlicir line rjeriW by Freighters, Euiigrants or Farmers. Hiving a larjre stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble Skeins . 4c. f !ect"d by ont?c"ve, r. ith fj. cial reference to tl.i trade, we f- cl orifideu t that we can turn ..ut better an 1 more work, at cK-.tji-r rate, than any other shop in the Territory. Thankful Icr past patronage, w c .oiieit a continuance of tho earn. lyiv" 8alir;ictioii iiakaii(ecl or 3Tmcy Rcrnnricd 3 Pi-.-.TTMiitTii, N. T.. Nov. Sth, lc-C-3. Cm XOTIC12 1 o.ittcal capital i-y a j tar upon me . m.vcs into a uoui , -v. , ;",',-;, d tatxer4,:t r,,,.,. I2 .., ;f ,.;,,;. i name, of .-,r.ie of the i r.-tnlnent tVwn understand it, to advance tne ,r,terests cf j i;, ; Cash paid for IlMeS, F n:rn of the Territorv. X'1' is "rst rat0 ; tri 'ni Gr-' l'-T o3''?rin .imupments ta p. , cll., t..i. n. . u-. i'.o-,u.,ns al i. r'.eeiv-; ,,',f M'itt Democratic argument, and will unboubt-i thoje who arc extremely fond of anec vlX'XZVTTt cdly exert a preat iol'.nence upon the ; d iteu on rainy diy.; seconJ, by directing J 't cama;.n I riattsmootb, May 2a, tf retd-rs cf th? Xe'ss. old lalies, who to town marieti:', ' uU " Gi n'-i,ac I Tj-To'.nR. Savpr and .I.inath iu W. Wise and the r:;k ni-.wii hei- and leiril r --i t -eblal i ve- of eM Ute of I'eter A. S i'ii., de ea I : Vi u are he el y 10 Inline I ihatou 'l.e 41i day of Ii-i-.-ni' r. A b lsti.". Jc-1- W.'i.erla sml Wi!.i;.m Cain l...ll n e 1 their petit bia in th- Tiobite Court in and :.: .' . eoiui'y. N T , The object and player ..f - Oil pi l.ti a is t i nbniii an order ..r d-cree anthnr i.i: j .m l iiiret-ti- f the dmiu:-tr iinr of sai I i -t ite in make and exeeute a c ir. v ev 3 uee to th r ninA Jee H.-ti r!l and Willinm t'l.inp' ' II. of the f.eiewit i:.-:l 1--tale in Cii-n r.nmty. N. T., t" vr.t; L.e.- ?, i i.. 1 .cid Vi in bl. ck number s.xty.f. n; ( 4 -.n the i i:y . : I'l itl-mouih; and '.liattai 1 julit:. u w.i. tome u;i t.o- hearing on the 'Sin! .-ry of January, . 7. D. 1C5, a' M e'ee ek a la of -aid day, at ll.e t - ol the l rv;lia.e Ja ie iu and lurCa-s coui.iy. N I'. J t:--E 'A i ti: i: ki.a, ml WlILIAM I'A MrbLl I. . Ty or.!er of iKj IVobatc Jadg v- l .i-- , y i: el: (j .e 1CST RAY X OTI I'll. T-i!i?i i ti I v the uTi!e:Vi"l ,uv'" 11 "''- n i -. H lilTH. dc' "Joia EST 15 AY lOTICK. Taki n up by the ubcriber, living - 1-2 milei wet of I at -tno'ith. on ibe -t i ihy of lie' emli-r. ISO.'., one rs!r r -I ar.a white yetr'irjir Ht-.ee C'aif, r r- p on of riilht ear, v hit f ire and b.lly. Al o, cue wb te and 1-aik -putted fjoiii Calf No mirk nor brands. The oti.c-s are rei'u it I to pTie pper lv "'y charms a':d take the avfav. J. C. CL'MMISS. Decenilir 14tb, 103' (bcOC iv. FOll SA. Va A n d two stery l i'i i t.-r- fc-iildlng. 2a ty CO f-et. w th fo.d cellar; .-r fiirttioi particular.-i;.riane i t ja'.l It LoAKLI Of .-t ll.KII. tllr.KCl OK.S. lit -. l-'Oi. l-C.'i.im ' I"'! re t :e :i l t. :-h . f luil while. Itoi t LialT-, X. T., Uec. ICO. i:iTStAY AOTIt'i;. Tken up b iIk'ui d-r-iuned, abou t pn mile and a hall Sineii of It "k blufT.. on the 8th Jay of De cember iMij, oi.e 3 year old icer, while fpeikled, m ii kd with a cop ud uu.ier'a.t in the rrght and a half c op outof Wit ei r. Ke o'her ruaik-. dtpilf Lv; Csrcit. PROBATE NOTICE. Thrni.1- K. ll.itiua tlii.-iV.y ma le ttjrieation tAtV-l'r-1-aie Court of Cit-s coui.i: , X. T , 1 1 make a. fioi.i fi. tiielaeiit of h .s A ii:ni tii-t al. -a uu ilie e,u of W. D. !ri-..rd, decei ed, therefore Friday, the day of January, k i l-r.i,. Bt 1 o'fij'k p m., is iir- by at.ooiE .d i- m v '-. e - aid Utt.'ii el tU uii nt, at x hUU t : Uiz all peoa in;rt: -a.-'l e m n;; ear. Wr.u ---my ban i n-l the ceil uf ii;J Cone. ,1.6,' tuis 7ili iiy ol Iee-mho-, l-j.r. J. W. .llAK.-HALl., jAno3w 1 lohtte Jq le. EST KAY AOTICr. TaVen op ty the nndrr.-ij,ne 1. in Platurnccth Pr' cire t, Cas county. T., one Steer 4 years oiu. of a red ro..a color, w.th split in nitht ear and a hUf rr.jp la leu ear, branoed on left hip with the lerier "H." ?3 V. O P o C5 I cr S CO o c: H X o O 13 C5 S3 O 9 mm 03 P3 t v. O 0--; i a CD 3 o in P d ni CD TO CO 7s f3 3 t 2 O o w O o o o e a SJ c c rji o KLEPSEU & WISE, Dealers in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL P.VPEi:, VINDOV7 SHADES, Confectioneries, IVotioiiK, Toys. Coal Oil Lamps. A:c.i Szc. Wc are also aer.H far lb Buhanan Woolen Mills, of at Jom ph, ilo., and havu uuw on La.i4 a go"d a-f-ortment ol FAXCY CASSJfERES, CLOTHS, JEAXS, wi.ich we have received cn comrr.i-sion, and are prepared lo exchange for WOOL OR CASH, ill very rcamnuVa iure. Live ik a eall, one door oast of the llnKALO ofiice, I'latiMusyth. Xebra. ka. ' May 10, 15C5. tf SOI HAS 1 A. ;L L IE 1ST ! H.n movi-il ialu hi nfw brick b-iil lmir on the cor ner of Alain ntreet and Levee, whom li- ii daily re reiviTiC largo aUd tiu-) ta bis already cxttusiv .lock cf aZtOCBRIBS AND 21.IQTJ He ofr.-r the very best of bargain tn e::sl..mcrK. and reiiie.-m a ( .-.II Ir .m those who want auyilur.g iu his lin' t.i. tent the advantage iu piuca v.i:b ttati4 o f otiier. Keineuibcr thJ BRICK CORNER, and pive hint a call if yon vrj,h to buy cheap. dov 2 Wih IS- IeiLe, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR I. A ST OF I'OSTOFFICE, Plattsmoutii, Nebraska. d'e2T 1.-C5 tf MRS. L. GOLDING, rRACTICAL MID-AYIFE, Ha. x ract.ced s'lrce' sful'y f v "-vr.il years iu St. Loui- and in l.eav. nuith rity. Was educated, pro-fe.-i'-na !y. in (toalan.a K. Mrs. u-'ditirf I. a- i aianeitly InrJ'i d in tblj City. Ke-ieenee in tiie unri!i--A cat part ol t'a u. J ij-J!j( WM. S. WEST U licitii.fr ord t,r APPLE TRPES fcr.d lw-Arf Afplt;, I'M c5 nuti Dwijl Ji, ii'iince. I iiiiii, A j-ri':ot-, Nv--:rit.-s, Cher- ri-(t, ir-', Ou b-rrir!, Curru U, i;ackbrriet Wtite bU'Arri'1!, Ha pbo i e; Mr w btrr ie buti tTJtti Lg :ru2j B.g Al!ea to Lti..t Uerri. ALSO: OrDirof.ital T.-', Everrens, !:ris of nil color, llonrruekl". Lilacs, snowtall. r'iow rinir Aim .ud, ar.O al! varieti-, of Xursery plant, deiifuble in trie latitude ol Fianamouth, wtiich wiU b-a rsady for de. liy n tb 1t o ApHi, wpn i ir 1 1