Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 10, 1866, Image 3

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tig tamgiim 6 i
(The gTcbva.oha guvaW.
rj The soat of (let). II!i, !'i"ml:or
i f the legislature fr :n the Kearney dU-
triof. is un 1 :r contest, on thy ground of I
L'.j being in the Military .service.
n' x:,.rTyr.r:;T K..-
& ' ' 1
n-r v Wise, .-irrivi.'d from I):r.ver a few
dav .irico. Hi reports Lut littlo snow
on tho p!a!::'.
;'-."Anv one yroir.j; to St. Joseph for
l-ia-!;:)'.; enn p t an order for a small
n mount of frdiht v calling at this o.Ti'.-e.
'."?"'ne ' ioverti u's Message Wits prob-
il-livere 1 to the I.eislativc aisem- j
t'.iS !!lrirriin.
?"A cotton jickin machine, which
b.-iieved t he as valnable an the cotton
f'v.. !.u been inventjd.
frWood is abundant in this market
r.t j re-tnt, 1 at prices ranln much
!),v-rt'.:ni at the commencement of win.
r'Thev have ranized a society in
tha :ha called the ; Anc.ier.t Nelrasklans.'
i: i-, as tie: name indicate, composed of
tha early settlers (d Douglas county.
C i7"The case of i :n. Ib utli is not
it il-r'nl 1. our latr-: news on the joib
'),: b a v os ti: ! House in ommittce of the
w!i -!.
Q yAceoruin to the'As.sesor's returns,
publish',d in the rl'irr, tlet popu
liti hi of Nemaha county, ia Arril last,
;f.n itamiratiim in 'cTin was lu:ld
in '::riha lat Frbiay evening, at which
('.(ci h 's wt re ;nad ; by Maj. Curtis, Col.
S!rr:son, nn I oth'-rs.
r.-ri iwe .'c 'i'ha'cher advertise their
H-.oek of
'lb"- is
li at cost for thirty days.
! and make
a r'tvo 1 iiiin:
y.,,;r )
s it. m
'I. a iii. u.d meet ire; of the Ca C
i: V I. S..ei.ty wi:; b.; h. ,! 1 at the M. K.
".nireii in ibis city on 'i l:ur- 1 ay evviiin,
tLe 1 i iii iint.
' r';"At : ! electi'Uj in IJ- orretovn, Vil.,
!.T'!i vile.s w-'i-e p.. lied aair.t nc-zro
m.!vi-:i .-e. -n 1 only 1 to favor. The peo-
. afraid of !i i;ro (quality.
rV"Ii'e H'J r't;,;ta ofthuisd ty even
nir s 'vi that lieiiher branch of the I.c
i!.;t ire Irid yet ora::;. d. owin to the
t.:. reeedetitc 1 contrariness of the' op-
T ..; li.'-id M -mbers.
i V"N. .1. Sharp i, is
"lato Il'.cs of the M. n.
--j is int- ns(.!y ii ! . '
lu. k:u X soirit ..f ..-fa-' o
.tv ii r:i
n;r t hunk ' f l
; .1 -'-. Tlie
and .sIiom's the i
:id u : u n it. :i ; :i '
i -;. 1 .. mar. v i.iriui -W.
I.. '1 '.. In .s :.; x'.lX, w i.i !
1 ,!r :'
a.-- d :
1 ;! n that !: h i f.i far ree.; en d fr :
i '.- late i !o ; i -1. T t j or :; 1.
"V 'i ' ( ' ';i'ity Ci.a! C.'mp.u.y
la-.: j. " i rt, '2. iii f et into the n: th.
: !, iv
y -' r
ii V.
r; . ;i'
. t
a i
:i. ;t.y a" up, ii .
' it.-o
. 1 1 j.' mi' ' r n.l.
v.-,ne. 1 i.i . : K- I'tural m itters to nP.'ir.l !
a ;;)..d fa!.-, a' !.-ast uiiw a year' Let
..or fane. s tak- bubl of tl.ix matter and j
t licet an ..-gan':aT...n j
,--.: ii.,. ..i;., no! th t.n nf the!
. 'jurt II 'ti
.-ma.. .'i:i
i i
il.n ' m
Ill i.tM I , .11 u -' C 1 1C
b"i:ig victori:;.
C'-Tl'iA. Sims r., I'r.ident nf the Hoard
of I'om m i--".oners f.,r tin:'ion of
I'.rst f.rty miles of the (t:t aiia l.vaiieh of
:'! Paeil'.e Ibiilrnad, has t ":: ai bed to
tlie See;..-.!!.-.- of the Inteiior that the
road is in cotiditi !.''
- - -
VSd .Miller if tl. White Cloud
Chi f, and Judge Marvin, who runs, the
Southern A rii.-'. ;
ire trvir
o see
whieh can say the hardest things of each
ether. '0 in: we'll take stock in tho one
that eat:.
fJiT" The 1 iwer braiu-h of the Legisla
ture t l;.eted an organization on ti.e Cth,
by the election of Jaroes i Megrath, of
Douglas, Speaker; Hoorire May, of Cass,
First Clerk; II. S. Towle, of Richardson.
Second Cieik. The Council still remains
r-,?"- woman and child were drowred,
recently, at S. Joseph, w hile cross; rg the
iiVi r cn the ice. They were crossing m
a wag i.i. when the ice gave way and the
t 'wn, wrion and eontnts were cngtilf
c 1 and immediately carried oat of sight
by the currenf.
fJA western editor to his
readers somewhat after this fashion:
-'vVe esr e.'ted to ha t-. a death and a mar
riage this week, but a violent storm pre
vented the weddin-y, and tha doctor beins
taken aick himself, the pat'ent recovreJ,
aa 1 we aro accordingly cheated out of
CiTThe Nehrasks City A"-'.".--, looks
upen our remarks about the Rail
road question as sectional. We think
the accusation -of St (:'...'. i, especially
when aj-plied to, comes with j
rather bad -race either from Nebarska
C'itr or Omaha. Are th y afraid of Tlatt- !
mouth? Are thev afraid to -ive her .an ! l,.in.a hof il:i Muni tw tl. l.a I
ciaal cl'anc. that tl'.ev taunt us with b-!
. . , ' , j
- 01 ,..' whenever we do or sav anv-
tiling calculated to advance our inur.s',, .
eoeaiallT ben it docs not particular'. 1
f.;7tlCC thiir.? - 1
CsT'Read tLo advertisement heided
'Auction Room., Jluerybody knows
tint b-jr-iini ran b i had at an miction
si!p, but tli"y arc'r.ot r.!I posted on the
CTtremfTj bey j rices and line goo Is at
this ctriO,
nent. (io .'Hid see f or jour-
L y lnoo.naliA II:, ai l claims tho 0.1c-
tion f M'- speaker of the House,
as a Damne-rati.- v
ictory; and :it th3 same
time says hi receive'd a lara number of
Ilepublicm Jvotes. Does ii constitute a
Democratic victory for a man to he elect
ed l y Kpuhlican TOtesV If k) Cass
county irsii?. he strongly Dernoci Ktio.
CTi'Ihe picture in llarerrs W'rekly
f jv Jjn. Gtli, representing the different
cotunits for lSGo, is worth ti'a sub-
1. 11. i . 1 1 p.
'tii)uiuii 10 iiii paper. vio 10 nicji'fi '-
Wise's and ;;et a cojiy. They also have
Frank ilerman edition CJerman
Almanac?, and all tho lato newspapers
and Maaiues.
C"Ve are of opinion that a lijrlder
rado on the embankment at the foot of
Main street would do more towards a re
formation of the morals of the city than
any other one thinthat could be thought
of: and we know that hundreds of poor
horses und oxen would thnnk the city au
thorities for such an knprovemuot if they
could only express their gratitude.
fJThe l'ostmaster at Glcnwood came
near bclrp; 4 .sent to the dead letter oluee"
a few days since by the explosion of a
coal oil lamp. lie attempted to cxtin
uih it by fanning with a newspaper,
when tho oil in tho lamp ignited and caus
ed an explosion, throwiiiT the fragments
about promiscuously. We learn from the
Oj' in ion.
The Council ll'ufl's .orij-a-cil says
it will require a good deal of the milk of
human kindness to keep our daily alive.
That may be eo, but the people of this
section aro blessed with a good stock of
it, and are not goin to let a daily fail
fniii lack of it at leat we think so.
They have se:a the eil'eot of doinj; with
out a ii il'y pfipor, whila other points had
tlurn, r.nd are not inclined to let the gold
en opportunity pass unimproved.
CIlev. T. Tipton delivered a
temperance lecture in Urownvillo a short
time since, at which initiatory steps were
taken for organizing a permanent trm
peranee society. So says the AJrcrlhr.
Tipton is a forcible speaker, and will
cause a tdiaking among the dry bones if
he gets thoroughly aroused on the tem
perance question.
'j''Xm Council LS luffs X.n.artU lias
an ill-j strat jd report of ld Cottage's
i.-o. F. Train) speech. It consists of
the pr. 1:10.111 'I tii- wirds 't'aiaha," 'cot-
i tages,' an 1 '-live tivvsjnpiT' mixed up
j promiscuously. Ve tlnnk their reporter
I fully undi-r.-tood "(jIJ Colt.igf .5," and i..
only man that can correctly report his
ri vi-ht-.
r-itt of :h firm of Clark,
Fr ttt L Co., In. ban Attorneys, will pay
ot.r city a visit ia the course of a few
I-ivs fjr tho purpose- of rfceiving and
: r:ii-c;itinz any claims agiinst the gov
eriiMi.T.t f r Indian depredations that he
m iv be ranred wiJi. His arrival will
d-.t:v ann-i'iTioed u the Hrut.i, also
his tdaco of while here. Let
llm.ser btivin i-l:i:e.s of tbis r.:itnrn r. t
them in shape by th - time be arrives,
r rl'l ittsmouth is doing almost the
entire trade of the western counties.
ThrV co.,l0 from Lancaster and Saunders
counties and jurcha-e goods here, b :eiiuse
thev find that the? do as well, if not bet
ter, than nt Nebraska City, and have a
much lietter road to travel over. The
pe;irle of these counties see that their in
terests and those of riatt smouth are iden
tical, which of itself, is a great induce
ment for them to make th'.s point their
(yiVo see the scheme of forming
biiilUing associations being agitated in
other towns in the Territory, and see no
rsasun why such an association should
rot lie forined here There are many
persons here who do not feel disposed to
build, single handed, to any greater ex
tent than is neceossary for their own ac
commodation, but'would undoubtedly join
in with an association of this kind, where
each one could furnish such mrans as he
had, and not be compelled to superintend
the entire arrangement himself. We
hope some steps will he taken to secure
ilia erection t f a sufficient number of
houses to accommodate the large acces
sion to our population that may reason
ably be expectel nest spring, and we
know of no surer and better way of doiug
it than by the formation of a building
association. There is certainly no in
vestment that will pay better than tha
buildinu: of either business or tenement
houses ia this city, at the present rates of
rent. Let oar capitalists and mechanics
think of this, and see if they cannot make
it rotltahli to form such an association.
It is not nocessary that a man should
have a large amount oi money to qualify
him for membership in such nn associa
tion. Men who havo lumber, lots, brick,
mechanical skill, and everything else tie
cessarv for building purposed, are the
men to take bold of it, in conjunction
with thoao who have readt mor.ev. Let
US not have a repetition Of last Spring,!
1 i
when fro:. i fifty to one hundred persons'
were compelled to find ehalter under the!
same roof and we will have it unlets
there are a large number of ho jses erect.
ed earlv in the smin2. - Wc woulj have .
bad a dozen more sto-ei established here
, . , , .1 ,
tluring the past season, ony taat suita-
ble rootus could not be had, aud the.anie ;
will be the case again if steps arc not ta- j
kca to i.revent it. ' 1
l,J n .I.i-, on iiifiro ttfirH rst fibiishcd here
CfiTdnnot the people of Glcnwood
rnnke us iin a eiub for the dallv? Thev
can get the news soverul hour earlier from
h-rs than from any cthr point. lJet:de-s
1 1 the int Presto of I'l at if mouth are idea-
j tz ii with their, and the people of that '
I section should frel (.01110 inti-n-sfd in the
j citablMitnrnt of a daily r.-.r..?r here.
j T;,v
vniii.Ttl u.ii.l!c rnnpr .1
, ,
hoin, Lu; can hirdly expect to support a
daily there for some time yet; arid in the i
meantime wo can furnish them with the i
latest news, telegraphic and local, at!
reasonable ratis. Can't the P. M send
us a few names?
(77 Ve overheard a man berating our
innocnt little daily, not long ao, be
Cfiiisd it was not so large as the Chicago
dallies. We would wager our old steel
pen that he never subscribed for a news
paper in his life; that if he did ho never
payed for it: that he goes to mill with
wheat in one end of the bag and a stone
in the other: that his neighbors have
"poor luck" with their chickens: that the
boys pocket their marbles when they see
hiri coming; that he puts a five cent check tho contribution box and takes out
a ten cent check for change; m fact, we
think he is mean enough to act as bill-
have thousands of go od apple
trees in tha Plattsmouth nursery, of good
size, and good varieties. Also a variety
of other fruit, ornamental trees, shrubery
evergreens, ic. Anything in the nurse
ry line not to bo had in my nurse. j, will
ba furnished t3 order as early in the
soring as the first of April. See adver
tisement in another column.
Nov. 15 tf Win S. West.
I am credibly informed that tho
Early Harvest Apple is not perfectly har
dy in this vieinijy, but I cannot discard
it, as it is tho best and earliest of all.
'Ihe top appears to bo hardy, but the
trunk becomes injured. A good plan
might be to plant seedlings and graft the
l.iubs with Early Harvest.
W.U. S. K;T.
At the M. E. Church in thi city, on
Sunday the 7th inst, by Her. W. A. Ams
tary, Mr. Thomas IJ. Glf.n: and Mi-s
Eixa F. Doom.
Tom. has gore and d ne it;
He hss met his Doom at last.
F.ila seeks a Glens as shelter
From life's cold and chilling blast.
May the joys of life Ritend them,
And no trouble eor betide;
May tluir (Hums through life be quid,
And thvir larder well suppliod.
Tli nn is K . la. nun tl.:.-1 lay iu i-K. a'j.:i.-;Oiii!i t lli
ln l-iise C"iiri (if .- ctMii.iy, -.T , in ni.i'sc iiu:il
?t'Hi.;uie!l t n i i s .1 l:li! I" - : I Jl.' il U lilc I late ul' V .
11. Ju C' tJ, il-c-tli. retMi c
l'ri l'"j, Hie. Willi tiny of .hinunrij,
L I l'l'i'. nt I o'i ! k p in., i 1 i. r 1 v a;eiu;iit"J to
ii.M k tin;. ! e'i 1- lie i-t, ut ttiiiLU lam- all i ' i sou
ui:er'-b:'i! rm ui-iu-a.-.
Wim . n. 1 a:id ihe sp il nf sa:J Coaic
iLh) tliis -J7.L ui 7 ul I'. -ta!i -, 1-!'.".
J . W. .i1jks:ii.i..
T rrito-y ef N ,..ka, I
( eiu v. f
re:--.a".r I M.T "f lie Pr.
i.ui I . f khi 1
u:' ty , :n nl-- ..ii 1 1) e - . Oi i'ii y i f I 'tT.'m'.t r, 1 :., ut
t i j . r l-y (.-iVfii tiMl all 1 1 tuii-i ainiii.t i !.-: c-ale
.! I Ii in i.i Si ii . ! --, lai" of '.i-s ", 'l.- jsi-,i.
nut r.. i.. 1;U. in luc iil'a-v if -u;.-i C'..u:t uti or Li'lo.s
i lie C.i.'t ay or Jun A. D. 1SG0,
wlii-'li .1 iy tlio C. iirt w:il in si--iuii tu he:ir
Alui il'j'fi nil en a 1 s- ii ti ilniiii-t.
; : en r in !i ii'il at il tlie 1 f
-.1. bl C -irt tla -lta il iv if li- u:l. r. a. u. IsijO. i
J. M . 31-IKMI Al.l.,
jaielC-v l'l'ubati-Ju-le.
KUay lolice.
Takeu up Ly the undrr:lrued. ou the i'ilih tilt , on
niieue.tof lot. art .v Sht-id u's Miil, on W'-epin-Water,
'.e red supposed t" Lea years old next
r.ii:i, ri"p :f ri : .t ear i.nd t li t in o f:, wl.i:. belly,
-ln white fnls o'i lelt tide. till" red Lelf. r, two
years oal next fj. i i i, lorehead rind 1m ily t iiile.
red le u r. 2 j ea: s eld, hue tij.t-k, some white ia tors
lie i 1, bite Le ly. Cue rid heib r. 2 veaii.l I, v. hue
b-'!v. JOHN'
janU .'
By order of the 1'roUite. Court of CaiS county, N".
X, u
Sifiirday, tte27!fi day of January,
4. d. 1 m'.G, between ti e hours of 1 ami S o'clock iu
ihe af.e.n-i'.n of s-iid d ,r, ou tin. I'r-'ini.e.s known i.
tlie .1 en--s f i.tii , ne r t he l'i ii.n Post.-iaee. win he
at pnbii-. v mi ue to the Inchest and b .-t bid le -,'he. lol
1-a ii:i re .l e-la e,.is th j;r ij-elly of .Mirtfaret I'.Joiies
and San 1 1 el II. Jou m:n r heir . f Wney J inc, da
re iM.1, I.i wit: tluir iind.vitleil ir.:eie-l iu llie p. w.
1-4 of '! ion No, 1-'!, 'township .. 1-1. noith of
ranr-. No. III. eai.1 of d h p iu..aud also the u "'tl.
t,i 1-4 of the inn tl'-wi -t 14 of s -t-tiou So. IS. towa-l-i,ii
rib of r: i:-e S... 14.ea-.tof thet'eh p. to ,
aud ine west 14 of r-eo:io:i 24, to.uliii N. . In, tio,li
of rani--e S". 1:, e -i of f,;li n m., aa 121 iicre.s oi'll.e
ea-t 1-4 f ihe noith ea-t 1 2 of t ae iiortL-eait 1-4 of So. 2:1 t,.w csti.ia No. 10, noriiiof r.:ii:e No.
1 i, ertl or the O'.h p. in. Apprais ! at doliars-
.Turuis u.ndc known on the day el sale
ItiiK. I.i V. Jesus, Guareiaa if
Mari-aiet P. aui! faiiiu.-l II, Joue-l.
Jimiiurr l.t, l-' C. v
Taken vp by Ihe inu'ersiijued, at 8-Mil- 'a mve.Cass
coiintv. Neb , ou thi 2 'U tilt, oun Hail. 1 ytjr old
hit pi in-. ie I. w th white ' on to;i of (.h-a; ii'ers,
white Leily and waite slot In forehead. No m it ks
or Loan.!-. JAMta CltAUllttK.
j iii I Off
Etray IVolicc-
Taken up by the un.l.-r.-igue'! in Or apo'i Preeinrt.
Ca.-s e. may, N. 'f , on Dec. 6:h, lsi".., one 2-ear oi l
roan Heihr, i-xcj't l:e.k. tn.-h is -f a reilibli ca.t,
run la irki d with ti nnd rb:t out of eaih; also one
3-year 'd steer. huish loan. u:i crufped a little,
Lorm heavy N j other marks.
j.n:Jt. William Jtevenj.
Iatray IVoticc.
Takn uT tT uu-'erirr-t1 ! 2 milfs t of
PiaUt mouth, ne '.ecp 11 J &t t.r, with ratln-r Lravy
liuiif, ur.iif: li l ul.t i! a-It ci.r. crop v-.X r tht etr, :t
tlil ajti uri! rbit ut if game etr, tranur-1 with Ic tt r
-C" in i t h:;. Ai-. urc 3-ycftr o!I m rini? r-d
M-r, !'"!lv aa J fea vt:itf, y1(w mart on tp -f n- k.
:hin ci-nii iou. iiriit horu bligvitly roopcU. about
ii.'h ufl' fame. N j uurki .vf t x.ihtlj frozen
Ktray "Police.
Tascn i:p by 'he kiib-ri Icr li in near S-Mip"
(irove, one red t' w. .1 1 u: 4 tears old.tiar iu fore-
head, r,-.,p and nt in Lft ear -.b.aodred "k" &
on rgt horn, I r.iud iuverte.1.
januarj 2, 1-C5. o
l'OK liKI'VX-
A Val.J3l,ie FarnTand Ranche.
The yrm gua i.,a.-i,e h-ier-in.. td !.e e.iate of
J.e r-Jw J:"?;'
in, ,u ; h. is for real f -r o i.e and prol ably three years.
m..n;ii. t for r-t f .r t.d prol ably three years.
Tiui farm h.t b,. aei.s va.ler ca.tivation. ;
z. a , .ai nc. 1 .s.siuons1,i t.e i.ceiv-,
". fc----L'. Cil ?ilMt&SVtw." I
"'..urt.'" Ol -u U.c. C
ifMSTPn C'T f'TP , MM! Q
UllSlCLI O EHi iiiMiWi
W'ls't'u -ion, fh-U.Ur 31, lt-P.5. $
' V., .T.V.' T. ZV' '"L . .,
I'.r roov . oi;
J s-
, , . Jan.. C... !.:. ia tU 1-..itrv
NtLranka on t!:e roa'.- ai-'J by tti" -rli..-Ju 'u if I
iiurin, ar.i a"-'iv.ti!i h -n in pj.c.O-'!.
Dccisiui s a'lU'.unctU by Ai'vil 2, WO.
('"'-tuf,,rm? aii:ifrcti,, hj- )
j j J4,,j ri.,,.n (.
iinoil U!nfs I-iTi, l.y Omalia Tin-,
(innlriT.T.. K::.h tii ( y, Ir ni iii:, I.u i-.In
YVmhiii.. llui h uial, Kl i, Coiillniius
O.H'i I Isl oel Ci4-. JuinMioiivilV, A luvilie,
Wlii x Clou 1. ?lr ika nr. ami Fort har-ns-,
t.j K.-..iin"T C.IV, 193 I-J ni il- and l.i.ik,
t-ix timf. a w.
Lto Couuii: niutr uail v, excct Sun.l y, t
ti a it.;
Arrive at Keiiin y City t! inl ilay by 0 n,
(Is timrs;)
I.. ave Kearin y City ilfiiiy, t-xciit SunJay, at
lj a i.i ;
An iv at C uncii HlufTa t!ii d d ly by C a m.
(4S h mr..)
1 1102 From Col"ni!'4f to Cand-n,S0 inilas su-1 Lick,
ouce a w-.'k .
r.'Sve Cclii nliii" Moa.Liy at in:
Arrive t l'aiiui-n ui-xt iiay ly C i m;
I."tive t'am ! -ii W'y.'.ue.-.iay a. s a in;
Ariive ut CuldmuU ctxt ii.y l y 8 j m.
11103 From C.'Hii:V.w. l.y onrn. i fieiiua, 2) mil
aii l fi ii 'i. tl.r iii4 -i i M t- k.
Li-iivh Coluinla- M'C'Ijt, Vfd.ic'!ay, aaj
Frid iv. xt -J p in:
Arrive at (c'n.ia by 7 p in;
le-ave Gen a Tucsd.ij-, Tliuriljv,and Satarday
at 1 m:
An ivc at Cuhiliib-.n 1.7 C I) in.
114el From OmaliiCity.l.y ll- H.-vue Lurrira-T Vi:!',
1'lmtV M.mtli, K.xk I'.I'iui, l.vii.iii, Three
Criivi. t'i:i m. W.Vni.-i:i r X"hiiika City,
M "lit, li.i.wofvi ir, e' ilia City,
Asi:i-all. Klkt'-n, St. II ' v i. St.. Siei!ieo'j,
Ar,ii.". l'.k'i City. It ilo. Nnh-irt. Wtii'.
Clutet. I'.w.i I. tint, H v-lil .nd, Walnut lirnve.
Tray. V.itl:.-na, ami LIv..od. to St. J.iiih,
y.-, ICO lui:.- an-l liavk, six tim.-.i a wc.'k.
Lra. OiaaLa City daily, cxci-j t Sunday, ttt 3
a ei;
Arrive at St. Juv jih tht'd d..y Ly S a in, (45
l..-ave Si. Joseph djily, e .trt-jit Sunday, at 8
a in;
Arrivu at Oniuha City third day by 8 a m, (tJ
Lours )
144)5 Frn-n Cmaia Cily, hy F'tivii-p. Fort Calhoun,
Yj. m. Iuwa. IV 5 .to, Ne.. Cnnimiii'.' (,'itv,
M nlail. Ioa. I'kam id, Sri) . Siiv. - Cieek,
linalur. Hrr.ali.i A3ea, Oin.nli, D.ikma
City an I w oiilburv, lew.i, to Sioux Ci.y. t'7
IniHsi'iI lurk . tliree :,it-s a WeeK.
I. -.ivc OinalLi. C'i'y Jlotiu':y, Wcd 'C d:iy and
Frid. iv at .") a m:
A r ive n t S'liix Cily r.f xt day- hv 1 1) m;
I.-ivo Sioux Ciiy -Mond.iy. VidueJ..y and
Frii! iv at a ni:
Arriva at On.alia Ciiy nest day by 10 p m.
144 C From Oni.i'u:. Ci.y by Valley of .ho F.Ik Horn
(ii o) t Niobrara Kiver (o. o.) JJU uiues
and Lack, rnee a ive
l.tave Oi-'i .e i Ci'y Mm v at C n in;
Arrive at Niolimra Klv. r Friday by 4 pm;
L.iivo Niuliraia Ilivr .Mm. .lay at 'i a in;
Ariive at Ci.iaLa City Friday 'y 6 i m.
14107 Fron Oniah by lla'tton (n o ) to Forest
C-iy. J4 m:les and Lark, a wt-ek.
I,e..v.- O'ii ill i l-iiv S.if.n-lay at Cam;
Arrive it Forft Ciiy Ly 1 ! in;
I. f ive Fo'tt i'y atiiidy at 2 p in;
Arrive at i.iu.txi Ci'y by 'J v in.
lltuS From Fremont , by J.ilaia acd Saint C'uai'es,
to W-1 li i lit, : 1 nr. b'-i aad bu li acca week.
I.. ,v Iroinont Safin! ' v a: S a ll;
Arrive at W '-.r 1'oii.t Ly 6 p in;
J. i i W i-it Poict Friday a' S a ni;
An ive at 1' rein 'at by 0 p in.
144') ' From Fintanlli, by I.nran and West Point, to
De Witr.o i luil-s an i hark, i wi.-e a n-i-ek.
L' av Foulani'lle iioiijay and Wednesday at 6
a in;
Arrive at I" Witt hv 0 j m;
Ja ave He Wi t Tu.'- l iy ar d Thursday at C am;
Ariive at Foiit.nielte by 0 p m.
11110 I'ioin Priiurroo, by Elk Horn Citv ami Belle
Cm k, to Foutaii'eli,5J mi'e ai.d back, twite
a we.-k.
Leave 1'rimroe M .-nday and Weduejday at S
a Hi
Arrive nt r.inta'iel'e l.v It p in;
le-ave Foiitin' ile Tu -slay and Thursday at 8
a ni;
Arrive at Priia:ose by C l ia.
ltlll From li.-ll.-viic. bv Piafe Valley and Platttord,
to I'.m-jt Ciiy, 3i mile and L.n-k, oare a
1 rave i'.i llevue Friday Ht 7 a in;
Arrive M F'.nt City Ly tj fa in;
Leave Fun-: City Si.iur.lav at 7 a in;
Arrive at He:iivu ly 0 p in.
11412 F'rom P. Iteiun.iith to GleudaV, li lui'es aa.i
Lru-k. itii-L- a vi" k.
I.-ave I'lafe-ui, ui !i Saturday at 0 a m;
A;rive at lili'il.Llle Ly 12 in;
Leave (ileinlale Saiuidav at 1 p m.
Ar.ive at I'latl. -ino.itli by o p m.
14I1S From riattfonl. Lv Vmk or Sil! Creek, (n. o.,)
to Cam i.-li. o mil.'d an.l La k. ou.-e u week.
1.. ave l-iatt;..rd We ln.- !.iy ut I'l a ml
A n ive t CaniiLoi next dav Ly J p ni;
I.t-vv C.iia leu F. i.i y at 10 a m:
Auiv'e at i'.attljid i e.t day by 0 p ni.
14114 Fr iin P.oek 15:ul)'a to Kai
-1 miles and
b.o k. ou - e a ve.-k .
I.e.-tve itoek I!lull .'..iiirday at - a m;
Arrive at Kanonha Ly 11 u m;
Leave Kauooha Saturday at ii ia;
Ariive ill 1'. -ck l.ufU by i p 111.
144i; I" mm Three C roves, by Mount Pleasant and
t en e Valley, to Wvepiuj; Water, 17 liuita
and aaik. oaee a week.
Leave Tn-ee tjioves Sat irday at K a in
Arrive at W.t-pirn; Wat -r by 12 ui;
Leave W a epin- Water Saiunlay at 2 p in;
Arrive at Three Gloves Ly p m.
14 11C From Wyoming, ly Avoca, to Salt Creek, 40
miles aud baek, once a we k,
L-avo W joiuiie: F t nlay al ti a ni;
Arrive at Salt Cn-ek by p in;
I.eae Salt e k :aimil..y al ti a m;
Arrive at Wyoming by S p 13.
11417 From N'ebral a City, by N'ursery Dill, ralmy
ra and salt illo to C'auuL u, OT miles nnd back,
once a Wc-k.
Leave N'eLr iska Ciiy V" dt'e-dav ut 0 a m;
J rive at Camden ilex: ' V by 4 p in;
1. -..VC Cam. it 11 1 at ti a in;
A 1 l ive at Xet.nojju Ciiy next day by 4 p ni.
lii.U to extend the service to K. ai u.-y City, by
Janctiouvilie au 1 Valiev Ci v, lb ee times a
t e. k au l Lack, on a eelu'du'e of 4S hours,
w ili be eoQ-idered.
111)3 Frtim N"ebraka City by Grant, H-'fiia, Hry
s 11, (n. o..) Hoeser, (11. o .1 Ciab Orchard,
l'.eatriee. liiii1 S.rm : and O;o.- .1,-eoey to
iMai yvi::o, Kansas, LJo uaib s aud b u-k.iuee
a wt.-k.
I.e ive N'et -aka City Monday at fl a m:
Arrive nt .MansviHe VVe lln-d 'y by IJ p in;
l- ave Marvsyiile 'Heir.,! ay al 'i a 111;
Arrive al Nebraska City sa'urday by 10 p 111.
14113 From Ncm h:i City, by Monterey and I.onu
I raui-h lo Tab!-- Lock, 2j lai.tis and hack,
once a M e
le ave N'enial.-t City S ttttvd:i.V at 5 a 111;
.Arrive al Table Keck by 4 p ni;
Leave Table l'.ock Frioay at S am;
.4 1 rive i.f Neiiiaha Ciiy by 2 p in.
1142 J l l'i'll l'.iotvn vi"c, by J"I-r-, Tttuii,.i.b .v,J
Ve-.atoCrab Oreaard, 45 nubs aud back,
on.e ii wet k.
Lea e IJ-.-.t.-iisvilit! afon h.y at S a ni;
Irriie at Crab Orchard n.-xl day by 12 ni;
Leave Crab orebaid Tuesday at 1 p iu;
.trrive at Uro was v ,11c u-xt il.ij by G p ni.
11121 From Fd's City, f 'e:n. Mile's It .inch.
Middleburo. lion r.d, lluu.ooidi, Scott's la
be Koek, Fawne-' City, Librrly and IJI'ie
ISpririi,. to il.-atiic, I'd uiilej and back
one a week.
Leave Falls Ci'y Monday at 6 am;
vlrriv at II atr'ic- neM day by 0 p ni;
Leave H. at, iee Wcuuc-d 1 al ti a in;
.41 iie at Falis City next day by ti p ui.
Dids for twice and three-liiiics-ii-wfi.k serTice
1.122 From N', Lm-ka Centre, by Kim Creek, (n. o. )
l-.u-.Valo Cr- k. (n. a.,) MuH of A'orlh Fork
of I'iatte l;.v. r (n. o .) aid Lod.-e Pol. C.cek,
(:i. o. ) t 1 ' u.der, Colorado, 4o0 miles and
b ..c.k. t n e a w eek
Leave Nel ra-k . Centre Monday at 10 a 111;
-4rnve at li"U).!er ,-niuiday Ly ti p 10;
Leave lioulder Mouday at in a in;
4rrivo al Nebraska Cvulte saiurJay ' y 6 p 111.
14423 From Ju'i-sbur-h, by Fort and r
Cre k,m. o .) to Ynpui.i t iiv, Jl iatana,
7 Va mile-a id Lack, twice a moi.iii
Iii ds far once a-we-k service iuviied.
Didders will propo? a schtda'e of departure
aud arrivals.
11424 From Fort Laramie, by Der Creek, (11. o.,)
Plait. Bri,i.-e, tn. o .) tir -en l!iver(n. t..,) and
Fort IL idea r, Utah, to Salt Lake City, ild
niile 3UJ La. k, once a vc-ek.
L-ave F. ri L.iaune Mond .y at S a m;
.Arrive al sai: Lake C.ty tel. tii day 1 y G p 111;
Leave Sail Lake Ciiy Monday at a in,
.-lr. ive .u Fori Laramie tcutu day by ti p ra.
1442 j Firm Ct'on wcK-'. strrirps, l y T'eubliean Kork,
to Fort r..!ey,2oJ ini.ea and buck, oncf a
Wl ('.
i.eave cotu nwoo.i Ppuns Mon.b.y at o m:
t.rive at Keoutii-an Tork I hursa.y by bj, mi
j.eav- t pubu-mi i'rw Mcu.b.y i t a us,
ac by 6
r.-es Dai-n., by O'C-tisaa,, KeC
1 t., S .it. t ,l imes ao-1 ft .in H'r. i. to Frank
f.-i t, .i mi 1.- mi J tt:n'k . once a Wi tk.
I. a e l;k .1 i Monday nt a m;
tn v.' -t Frank', r'. next M i die s.lay ly 22 m;
I. ate l'rar kf Tt Wednesday .it 1 y us.
.Ir. -ie at I'akota U' xt I'r'ijv I.r b .,
l':uii! iUVlte'1 to IB III-.C 1 Ida HR.i llifon
(ii. o. ) t.'tf 'n 'ew Cast'eaud l:Dt
CJ Til 1) -I'a-rs (n. ) i till i no ,!!! i,.;,
at i!.- l' iui t uuu-J at tlie ii.'tf o- tu. adverti-cue nt.
The uud Tsi.-nel
ad.ivii n , county cf
iri "i is I.i convey 1 1 1 - uiail
-, u lin-e I'o-t i f;!ce
. SUM lit .
thj Fulfil tlalin
rrom Ju'y 1, lir., to Juno na. l7i on ri.ute S
Let WeeU M 1 id
, under the a.Uei f vln-nt
of lie- p.)-:iii-.i r Cieee ai, i..t-U .,i:.-ber iii, 1-ii.Y
WLh "eeieiiy, i rtaiuly. aud e'aii.yf" lor the
annual una of dollars.
T't i p.'ujtoxt'l l..""' irithj.tll I'noirf-fl'jt- nf in
c'W 'iirt ,',( r'niir. in' trmj'n t, i i until lu In
c-.fe ', i . till tiiii'r iHinii xi'tf i,i t'-ii.. ?nr lu
th finite iinif hi rrii-i, ffnii iimv t'Trr vitriifl i.i itiii'
i:n'iimi rf t i t-'tcs au'J t.ttfn uviluu.; t.'i .n . - U to
t.'tt it'lrrttUti ttiil.
(Signed )
5ta e i.f ,
(7'mrntit' !
The unders igned, rei;!!!.-; at
uiel' Hak' thai, if H e mieeiu Lid forcairyiu the
mall ou rou1- Li- aceeptfU ov tlie 1 o.-. I ,oa
t..r rtn-r .1 in- l.i.l.l.T si.:. ! !. friol to Ihe 1st daV of
Juiv. IsCtl, ei ter into tb raciuired oLiikati"0 or eon
i-a - t to p.'rto'm the at ivice prop-aied, v lib g.od aud
sullici'-iit fU'tle s.
Thi tm iln tiiiilrr.itttiiilii)' tlUtinrtlu Ihe obi illa
tion it ml lut iHiiiit axsHiitril I'l ijito i-ti util S UltUir
titt ,titf:livii oj .unitiexaoj oitt'i 1-..H.
Dated (sijiied by to guarantors.)
Ct ii feVif e.
The nodjrs'neil, posiuicslcr at
. S ate of
e itifl. V, I'.il.EK lUf OATH or oFcieii, lhat he
is ai qiiaii.ted with the above guoianlois, and know
them to U' me. ci piopeu y, and ablo lo make t;oo 1
tli -ir guarantee.
Dated (Signed.)
The above t ertiOcate must liave affixed to it a five
ceut revenue stamp, cancelled, as the law require.
Cuntt'ini't'J "' cmiilii :ons to be inn ritnrtitnl i.i
the n.,i.',n-ij i'ol.e txttiti ttt I'rjiUi intent itttij
llfi-iil oroe i'.
1. Seven esaieatlowed to eaeb intermediate
oflice v.l eu 1101 o'heiwiie up ciiied, mr -ci,rtiN;
the 1.1 .lis: bi t ou iai"", uud atcmboal routes
th'"e is to be no mol t dehtv thai is -uHcieat lor au
e:;' I: tne of oue 111 i'l pouches.
2. On ui'iOad I'nd sttiToboat line, aid other
1 ,,nt s h" -e I'ue mode of couveyi-tic" mi r e of it,
1.- f :'it of Ihe i'ot Odice Dep imuM,
al-o po.t olli e 11 Us, mail l-ji. locks and keys,
ale to be conveyed w ii'oi ut exlia chaise.
:I. Ou raL'oad aa,1. 'e; -i'i oout i- ue : , 1 e route agents
of. t'aed p 1. tmeut a' e o lie coo', eyed wit'i-uttcharge,
an, I lor the ue of the feiii a eoiiiuiod'ot's car, or
a(- . lute: t in ine ee-ii e 1. a r.r, .,r,Mie- ly I'.i'u-n.
: med ami in- u 'ru, atm auajite.i 10 .ie cotiv.-ii,.
enl -eii..r iiio i and due M' u iiy i f .lie ma is. is to
be p ed by Iho con.' .01, under the i.iicf '011 of
tie Jepai uienl.
lla.lrcad i nd fte: '.I'.oai lies pre requi ed to
ta ie the mat1 I'om ; -'tl deliver it lum toe pot o.tlces
at the be.Tiiinne: and end of i.n-.r iotite, and to and
f . uiu i i 1 ofrlees not n.oie lli 'n eighty ions 110m a
s .lion or liiuin;,'. I'lopo o's may be suhnihttu by
,,..,.1 ... :; 1 . -v.
. -. :. T. l.n .... T. .fr. . n., i.T nil m Lur .,. .
m-.vicc nat is lor oa ces over t-i-i-ny 100 - 1.01a a
st. "ion or latioo;r
Ti'fie W '1 be " v.. v-biPs o.epitn u by po. mins
ters, or 1 1 aeius 01 ine tie ee-.i. to aceompa-
ii'- ihe ma 's eaoveyed ou l ' .-oads rud i-Uaniers,
i:-: .he nitiine and I .tiaiinn of trie sever
al ba -s. On .er priDcp - ron e ', 1 kewise, receipts
will o'i r i1 i y"-oiil- .0 ,'.i Jed; tlie latter
tt he e-.t.ii'- cd by the seveial pi 'ilstei.lO iilsuie
lari.. in the ih'live'-y id ma '.
1. No i v v.-iil be made for 1 ips net per'oi uieJ;
anu for each of Mich o ne'ons. iioi - sr .c.oiiiv ex
plained, three, t'nues iie 1 .y of th" ip may be de-
di''ii'd. For aii iva'i" . i -"ar benind tm e t 10 1 re ak
c. uDectb 1 tviih dope u nja''s. and Hot suflicit ut-
lv excu-ar'l. one-'our.u 01 tue e..ti:neii-.iil"ii fc tlie
t" i is sn'oe'ci lo re a. ir e. For iv.,, -icl deli'aipieu-
c i --i or to' k nn si" c,. .-.. ... yi-u ,,111,1,11,11,
opoiiii ut d 10 the tia.'mo tlie-el aud the unport
,ce of ihe nmil, may be made.
.". Vo.- leaving b'-hi id or lb ywiac oTlbe maiN
or auv P"i . it 11 uf teem, for the admiss-oa of pnsseii-
1 g. or Lir b 'in-; coiicei lie a in se n ; op t r ruumnj,'
I' ri express Convey III ie.n jruir iu 01 llic
111-1I, a iuar er s pay ia y Le d -unct. M.
ti F'io, w II Lei uiile-s ihe ib I'nq leucy
be 1. romidlv and iii 10 i'y exp'iiitd by eeitifi-
c.tes of po.iiuaster.sor iLe : u lavits of oihe. creuiiile
p.. sons, I or la" in 10 ai rive in couuac.; lor
ec. lt-e to l a i.t t ne ma 1 1 11 on', or ae, vc 11 I'll ,
t'i!l.-e: for s'iil'e' iin it be wit. iii'ii'ed, Ue-
t roved, robbed or . .; aud for reiosiuj;, at'er d
11 .. n 1, t-convey 1 r.a in .1 as -c' . '.- as to., cou-
r luns, or is coee.-. uea : 1 -.- 1 n-.i, a eoac 11 , tar
... stea'aw.iii on a o'i .
7. 'ilii'To-nn t ei al may anr.ul the contract
f.r icpciued ft It'. - to run agreeably to cnnti c'; for
v.i'af.i-: ine po.s; o T-.-i la-.vs, or i!is,,l eyin- the in
.Mruc o-is of U.e ie'eiri .pc-ii ; fir r. fj.iiii,- todi.iciiariiis
a cr1'.'' wb n tolu'-cd bv the depaitue ot ta do .o;
b ii'in-'i ; i icx'i. ib 1 as afo'es. id; or for tratiport
in.; pei-s.ius ak,i-w cavcy '( uiai'ablu 111. iter
ca of the m 'il.
s. i he r'os e -C.ei.ei al may cub r an ieceaje
ol" ?ei V't' oil a iiiiin by allow1 iu' iheivfor a ' t o rii'a
iiicu aseou tjeron .ctpiiy. ilr tie' v d'e "ge ehe !-ul.-s
of .j. .in ,u' es aud a rivals iu all cases, aud part-cola'
'y to make .i-etii co'iroriii toconaeriiuns with
lail'o. d ., uiihoui j-icrease of pay, provided ihe
011'r.iuK urn.- be not r-i-id.-icd. He iua order au
i:-c-. :-e of i-oe, ,i. a'low-n. within the lc-iticlions
o. i-ae law, k y.i-'j re'-.' inc-case of pay for i'ue adili
t,t. i;i ' s.,,c!c .i ci e ' ii'a'iy. Tl ec uliaetur niav,
howeve.-, - ii tnt fit e t-.' ii'Cit one os;ie tl. rcbequish
ihe 00 tact, by ivin pr.'Iiipt o .c: lo tl,o tleiart
Iii oii ihat in-pielers uoios so ta cn oilij ihe order
iuioeu.i t. Tbo Pos-uiast-r General tuny a'so dis
fin ii.ue or curtail the ,sei v.ce, in ..hole or in part,
in f der 'o '. d ou tho 101110 .1 - eai dij'ite of er
v: e, or w"ii lever I lie pubpe ii.,t-a-.i, iu Iii jndg
in -at. seal1 itqiiiie sucli d ' soon: i 11 aa uce or cuitail
ineat fir iny other cause: he ado a as a full iu
dc ui oily 10 . ontiC'or en' lnouih'a ex -1 a pay on tho
amount cf e--iv j dis. d with, a jiro ra!n
c lnnc'i -,.ioa .or Iho an ."ut of service .eiaiuid aud
cr- Mutt-l.
U. I'a.vments wi'l be Made by collcc' ions f'om or
di . oii imas e", o.-oiherv. 1st, afi'-r the expira
tion of t. eiqi-. c- s. y, iu Novemher, Febinary,
May ami Au ust.
Id Ti e d.stducc. are g'ven aceoruin- to the I-e-t - but no i"i:a ..std p..y wid be ail mrd
s'iould I hey be gre 1 er iau adve' ..ised. if Ihe poinlK
to be si'pplitd me 1 o-1 eialy aiated. M 'ttleti) ,nu,t
itiioi .it t:t mx'l.-e o.i tlii jtnint, and also in ruer to l.c wei'il of the ina'l. ihe condition of loads,
L IN, e..uis, i'C , e' d e' ,"' Li iues, ferries, 01
oh .fci uci ,ons of any Liud by which cr.pense may Le
incurred. No claiio fr e 1. 'on 1 1 py y, based on Mich
(ri. unri, 1 ei be coc-el"! ti; nor for a'teged mistakes
or mis;. e cii s- ou as 'o ae de'i'ee of s- rtice; nor
f, ,r br T - in- ov i ferries do continued, or other
ibs r --loas r n't distance, r.ciiiiine; .turioif
tlec.e. ct Haic . ...b' s'.- U aa r iiis a..
v tise'. ent is i; 1 - 1 and ' da ihe contract
n.a.eio be vi . ed n iihonl tx t pay , if the dis
i.i ice b- noi iuc- a t-d.
II. L"Jde,s a e ci:.1" ?d lo imill Ihe'r prop-ifals
in lime to ieai h li'e ile-i."-. uient by ihe day aud hour
l-a-.' o. ( I p. ui., M ircii '19, lbad:) fo'- bids received
; e nlvi dine til'.' uoi be :o.i ttejiil io i'oiuieti'L,u
w h a Lid nt ..a-nnable J n, teceived in time.
N :' her c u bids i.e consider d iv'iich a e wbhout the
i-u t aniee 1 iU"-ed by 'aw a id a ceV.icale of the
S'jUitiell. V t l clil-ll 'r-w - e.
1.2. L-aiders sb .'.i 'i I: -t pro.iofO f ir se. viee si; icily
;.ccc'-tl",'T i Ihe auve tisein-. ., aid tiieu, if they de
fire, t.e. nti iile. 7 lor dltl'-reut s.-rvie, and il the rt-it-nliif
biii be the I 1 '-".'en d .v 'ie a lvef.i cd ser--.
.ce 1 i,' o-Ler pr"C si ,.os niav Le con idertd.
Id. Thei e sb nilil be bet o ,0 route led f r in a pro
posal. ConsO'.id 'led or c unleiia 'in bid (pif.posi-iif sutw for two or mo e rouu- aru loibiducii by
lw, uli-t eaiioo. b. . ,.' ;il..fe.l
14. The i.iu e. tii . ' va-e, tiie yearly pay, thti name
and residence of to.' Lid ler, ( oai )s,hi s usual post
office add. , acti .'io. e o. each '" -tuber of a lirm
uhe e coinpaliV Oi" . sil. U'u be il;s,i"C;ly tl.Ued.
lo. 15 iltle' are rt t -nt- d 1 1 use, 11 fur . praciica
L!e, the p ' Hid p'oposi". Iu le.-htd ov ib depart
laeui, to wi c out in lud .iie .-uiu of - heir bids, add !
to retai 1 c ieis i.r ti-- -n.
ALe' ed bids sn ialu not be i.ul"iiitted: nor .'hould
Lids once subiii't ed be w-ilnlrawn. So withdrawal
of a b tl ier or 1-U.tran'ot tvi l Ije allowed un.ess Ihe
v. . th i-awa! i-d ltd nnd iiceiveJ Lei'.ie l'i- last day j
f-ir ree-ivin- oioposa's. Liu uiusi be pe npiitted by two f ponsible j
pe-sans. 'I he bid and piiaiauiee shoui.l be iijiiU
plainly with 1 be ull nri.uo of each person.
I he depa.ttuetit re-fves ihe listhtto reject any
bid whic'i may le d tin i ext ava-ant, aud also to
ills - .1 id 1 '-e bids of failing cod 1 . ac.o. s aud bid. lets.
IP. I ho LLl should be staled Siipei-ci .bed 'Ma:l
Piooosai. 'i'e-i oiy of Ntbiaska," Sec
on 1 AviMi ut 1' ' ,er Gea', Ciutraet Office,"
and seat Lv ;i''', n -t by or 10 an aciit; and post
iiia e-s wU not ehclose l'u I" a l'r letters of any
kin.l' in iheirqnar.'-i-iy re.arr.s.
17. ': he e ut: act ' tees euled and returnerl to
the d p..r nient by or before th- li iwy 0 July,
tSiin: but the servive uJ'ist be been 1 01 that day, or
ou tlie mail d iy n-xt af er it, whether the coutracis
be fxtt-u cd or iijt.
Traf-fer-of CaLl'acti.or of interest in conliacls,
are fo- ijiien by law, aad cc usequein ly ramiut be
allowed. Didders will the. if,. re take noticj that
thev ill 1 e expected to pi fjriu the -erviie accepted
to t e ii th ou iii ihe whole term of the e attract.
I'ostiniiste' at office 0.1 or rear railroads, but
n.o.e t-:.--in eiiriiv from a ttaiioti, w.ll. imuiedi
ateiy uil-i the 25th of Apiitncxl leport their t-sait
.lisiai.r - from the nc .t;,;i sta ion, au l bow they we
otb. rv. ie supplied ith i ii' ai', toenaale th- l'o-i-niastei
ii. oeral 1 1 dlr: I a mail -met-ciger up,.'y I if I -t of July Dext.
cd,;M.fra: 8, is:r, .lir
tran-portalioa t l li e can ib,i i .-t. in ctery
ra.e, to the lowest Lahb-r leude.iUK su:r.cient gua r-
, , Ui, lu,;es.),t,3Dii'i.i:iiiih;iii LUTia
,.,., , ,.rc,v,,ie fr ihc due it eriiy, ce Ui'utr,
, .. ' f turh t7aut.ort..tioa " Under !,". ;
toU fV.liriJ0'1!.!
rv:tmsrr . . mc..,.rer i.i.4, an M.
antees f. r t oih'u' petio'-ni u'ce. wtinout otner rei.-i-
- i irhnlirer Ttiaif lie tie mtrj of c ticcemnry
to iiiiif iln e r.;, t rrUimiif. and eeii. i!y.
n itrt h-tri- Hi p '"'-- fi-'tre over all a. iu no e..-
' I S I're lO yiUtil.
2 V A m.)u,:iia-ii ii of a l id in r.ny of if e-.ntial
t-v m. i tiiTHiiieurit t.a a new Lid. and cannot L.- re
C"f . a, so a.s to int-i lere wiih renihir comprii. n,
Hi-r (he !at U ur ctl.r ri- eivinc biai. Vtmir-g a
tfir bi.l, a i.L i:alan:ee and ccrlltr f if the oniy
vi a v to modify a e. hi t
21. I oiinaI. i are to c.iriful uet to certir'ytl o )
.. . . .' T ' ) 7.. .
I'.'l''ld'.ll nf IV.r.V f''.' l.r' I;;' ', u'-ji!:-tinj l'f.l lv
i iii ntr' t-t't r t..vrt I, AH o Jders. jraarai.torf., u'.d
siurtu a i e 1--. y notite l tin; t crt a failere to eu-
i:i m'onrrr e -nr. a !er l ie servie
pos -. To-' the ;h' ep.ed ho a, .(.tir legal liabiiit e
vi;i be t reed apa nt t:i m.
2J 1 eut eoDiraeiofc, and person1 known at th
d-n-l i,,..! lni,r .Mi".ltv tva. I. in'ilrn l'u ir-
al'.ors and e.- lifi. '.i .... ,,f iheir si ltn-ieiiev sllli-hiti-
Ly in th foiins al.o.e p' rr.brd. I he, :i;e
i .nlliciency unei be ine; by a postui.'.-fr, or by
' a .illde ef a Court o" r.e.lrd. No oilier will be ad-
ml. led . Trtf t rt i I'e:,le um.-t aUo hav iitlixe.I to it
a 1 ve-cent reve iuo s.aui y, c ine .Ji.-il. a reipi' red Ly
! law W DKNNtM',
I dee'SCw fiisnitlaier (ii'tirral
Tken up by Ihe undei :jiied liviinr .1 1-2 miles
oiuh-wei of k HiiiHs. in Cats county . N.
111-' l.lh dlly of lire : iae &t-ei, .if a pale led co or,
d-iep tio.U. crop otf nf vaeh ir and underl.ii o t f
i-ujii ear. AIo nurrked iitli dew Lip. etippo'e.! to
i t,K '""" frs JA5. M. HALt AM
d 0.-20 jv
1ST 23 -TCT
Gs-eo. Boeck &. Co.
llava r'aooved to their
.YEV TWO-STORY BRICK SHOP, Xorlh-ucsl of Boeck' s OU Si and,
YThere thty are prepared t turn out all kind of New Work, auch a
And everjtliirj; needed by Freighters or Farmers in tho best of style.
Horses, Mules and Oxen Shod in tlie best style ami on reason
able terms.
Of eveiy de'ciij.iioii, cither in w ood or iron, done on short nottce.
Tarticular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND
fiiCTTuma u
w.xxtivji i a cuuu
Tli.y keep oa hand, an t for sale,
Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains,
EDITS of all sizes, WAGON SOWS, &c,
In fact, evcrytliiui; in their line needed Ly Freighters, Emigrants or Farmers.
Having a largo stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble-
Stceim, 4c. s'lccte I by ourselves, with reference to Ibis trad-j, wc f cl conHJent lhat wo can tarn
cut tetter and more rvo:k, atcheap.-r rates, than any other fhop iu th T' ri itory.
Tl.aiiV.fu! fcr past patronage, we ol!cit a contimiance of Iho earn.
tZr Sa.iractiosi (-itarantcccl or Iocy Kt rmidci! 233
Plsittsmoi-tii, N. T., Nov. Sth, ISOj. Cm
AVboIcsalo andKetail Dealers in
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery,
Pure Wines and Liquors, for IKedicinal use,
Dye "Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally.
Farmers, freighters and physicians
AY ill find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu
ine and of the best quality.
I'litsicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black.
Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1S6-5, tf
- -A si.i Vny. t Jt ss T4 2Spo,
E. T. DUKE ifc Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
StoYcs, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned
We keep coiijiaiitly on hand iairiigraat-j" and Freighters'
Such as Camp Stove?, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid?, Ovens,
Camp Kettles, -vVc. We also keep Chain Pumps and
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Coffee 3Iids &c.
Tin Hoofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice,
neatness and despatch. Are
art s celebrated Combination
arts CCiCUraiea '
r n -.,
Ti John It. P.i'i't 1 Jonathan W. YVise and tl a
i,.kuoii's ai d I jral r. frevutat ive ollhe i
' Litem 1 'eter A. S,i. . . .Its eased :
I Yen aie v ii f. i ...e.l lhat ou the 4th day of
' 1' .eiiii'T. A i 1 ", Ji'-i.- W.-tiieiL and VVillium
i C..M; '. 1! fiie.l their i - tii Ma iu the Piobate Court in
j nv.l or Cns r uiiiy. N T , The ol jt and prnyer of
I s.i.l p. lili -n i- t ."l laiii an order ..r d--cre autbor-
wi.ii; an ! uir-1'iiiie me A.iattiuiraij- "
I., ill ike Kiel JU-enle a cnl.vevance to III '
i .'i-i, .,,.1 w,.;;,m c,u.i.,n. u.uwg
I 'i ! Fta;eiQ Ca srounty. N. 1.. to wit.- .
In. i 1 r.ii.l 12 in bl.. k number aixtv. tour (o4l. in ii.h
n:y ,.f lalt.-iiiuih; aim that fald p. t.tfu Will coluo
up I.'r hea-iiig i n the
Sird day cf January, .1. J). 1SGG,
at 10 o'clock a m of naid 'ay, at the office of tha
I'roLatt Judc,- iu aud lor Ca comity, K. T.
Jl-ssu WiiKi.nia,
YYlILIAM Campbfli..
Hv order of tie- rrebate Judge Va- ce'iity,
V T lecl3 f w
nsTie iv .ori4 i:.
Taken up I y the uud.-i signed, in l'latt:-mouth Pre
citn t, i as. cutity, N' . T.. one Steer 4 year" old, of a
re 1 roaa color, unlit in riirht ear and a hull cnr
iu le.'t tar, branded on left tun n-iih tli letter "it.'
D.v. Mli, isda. d.c'J7 3a
Kwtray IVolicc
Taken up by the uuderidjiii-d in I. .uiril' Pre
cinct. Cas rounty. N.T., ou I'ee 120i, l?i.j, ore
laa! spriug's Meer Ca'f, laofly ted wiiii whit.- biota.
No marks or brands. FaKi'tiilcs lilioxtuw.
Dec. 20th, 1-oj. jana:")
agents for the sale of Stew
coal or wood Cook Stove.
not be undersold Main St., South Side, between
Second and Third Streets,
'i ' . -