i i ' l4-4 ;i7 i 4 v- Vi gtgvicnttural $u 3w pU ttartfccm'te. W M . S. WEST TOOTLE, II ANNA & CO., . i,-f.; tar APPLE TREES gcbvasha ttij mv'$. jj c l m d 0 l d j(bmi to tr. r. parcel. cheese; factories. :MakiDg ch.eeo in factories has prov ed to be a rery profitable business. The farmers of Nebraska should turn their rmemion to the most profitable methods of turning raw material into money nnd cheese making on our prairies, bere grass is plenty and an almost un limited number of milch cows can be kept, is one of the most profitable meth ods, especially away from the river towns, where there is no market for hav- In the Eastern Slates cheese factories have teen built in out-of-the way places, where the cost of getting hav and trrain lo market is so great that it will not pay for raising and hauling, tnd the farmers have found that they can make as much money as some of the more fortunate ones who live near cr market, as their land is cheaper and taxes and expenses generally not so hieh. They are generally built on the com pany cr stock plan; for instance twen ty-five farmers will form a company and issue one hundred shares at S25 a share; this gives a capital of S'2,500, which will builJ a factory large enough to use the milk of six hundred cows Each cow will average two pounds of cheese a day for the whole season of cix months, which would be 1,290 lbs. per day, and for ISO days 216,000 lbs. The work is done by a prac:ical cheese-maker, with the necessary as sistance, and he is allowed one dollar per hundred pounds for attending to the business and doing the work. The factory is allowed fifty cents per hun tired lbs. for the use of the factory, and the expenses for salt, bandages, etc., ore erenerally about fifty cents per hun dred lbs., or two cents per lb. for the whole expense. Each farmer who wishes to have his rni!k manufactured into cheese brinsrj it to the factory morning and evening, or where several live on the same road the one that lives farthest from the factory takes it for all that live between him and the factory, for which he charges a small amount The milk ;s weighed, and credit giv en on the baok. to each man for the mount, and when the cheese is made each one has his share of the whole and pays for manufacturing. Th av erage amount of cheese is one pound to a gallon of milk. It is easy for any one who has a cow to 6ee how many pounds of cheese she would make by meisurln? the milk. Some cows will j nrersge three gallons a day for six months in the summer ajyl fall. The average of butter in the best dairies is one pound to two and a half gallons of milk, the same quantity will make two and a half pounds of cheese. It is much less trouble to take the milk of twenty or thirty cows to a factory and have it made into cheese, than to make butter at home. The price of cheese during the year past has been from 16 to 20 cents per pound in New Yorktand it is never lass here than there, -and cenerally it is higher. The business would pay here both as an investment inlhe factory and the greater advanta ge3 it would give farmers of making money with their cows. Ike invest ment in the factory will bring from 33 to 40 per cent, and supposing cheese worth 20c per pound, and a cow to av erage two gallons of milk a day for ISO days would give 872,00, and de ducting 2c: per pound for manufacturing would leave S61.S0 for the milk. The attention of farmers is called to the above subject, as it is worthy of attention, and the business will be a paying one in our' Territory for years to come, as the demand for factory cheese increases every year, nnd as our facilities for transportation are in creasing, there will always be a good demand for all that can be manufactured here. w. t. p. 52) O CO f k-i CO a 3 O ID a m O c3 CO a J o 9 M a o o f N a N ! o en CD B a I. soliciting order. f APPLE TREES !and Awarr Apple. fi-". . " ' Quinces, Peach?,. Plu-n,. Aproo ranneb.r- lies, tirapws, uiiwrn"i -- iii!'... l-7. V:- r?..nterrif4. Strawberries nd veryth.ng from Big Apple, t. Little Berries. ALSO: Ornamental Tree,, Erergre9s. lTl.Zlf: and all Tarifties .f Nursery pUnti de..rab; in the latitude of Plattsmouth, hi-h will b ready for de "ery on the l.t of April. IrtS. L. GOADING, D. II MrTIECnAlV. rm I Dealer in . ,,T-,rn . -or A T"T'TVTI) I 'I'l 1. IN.il iMAAiN toJL-KAA, or- n..M.1v Hardware, uuuciy. III OX, .WHLS, STOVES jSW'D TLX WARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. FLUID EXTRACT LARGEST Atn. Ae-nt for the Fa!e of t!.e C 'J?'''"' a HATS &. CAPS, OODS iMHIiG G Boots & Shoes, BET' vt-f n 1 .rr' cst of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SIGK OP TIIE BIG PADLOCK, j MAIN STREET, Ue!w the Eeymour lloue, on opposlt. NEBRASKA CTY, NEB. T- or- octS5 HARDWARE, 2. Trunks.Valises. etc. L. FROST & Co,, WHOLESALE GEOOEH8. Opposite tbo Post 0Co, BUG X-XTT, 0 n;m mn a call. I Trotose coincreast in a short timo to rurchase eoods, and will sell on my present sioc as Extremely Low Figures. Clothing of every description. Nebraska city, k. t. I At It.. Cap i f 6 ,0J n p T HE U O T T E .V T 0 7 S OF T!IE PADLOCK SECOND STREET, (FEARZT OPPOSITE TJ7S POST OFFICE,) ST. JOSEPH, MO- rr . . ! nn.1,..aJ n mv nlA nartn.r all hifl 1 II t T- est in tbeetablii'hed Hai dware House of VOLUUVX Ji C O., 1 oner an extensiye etocn or HAEDWAEB CUTLERY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS . Wbolesal. and Ketail, at Low Pi ices! A.TTE?tfTIOrV FAK.TIERS! T v - . 1 A w-T A ba rP ciw fi tti. m arm nPCil by you; call at the "sign of the Tad Losk." to purcnase PLOWS, CUf. T1YA TORS, PLAXTEUS, HOES, UlCAiy VHAV1.B.S, GRASS A S IP DRV Sir SCYTHEA, OX CITA IXS, TRA CE A SIP II A I TE It t HA I SUA SXATirES, SHOVELS A Sit SPADES. COTIOX ASD WOOL CAR IS, WE A VERS' REEDS PA TEST .SPIXSJyCr WHEELS. COLLARS; RememBer the t)lace. One doer WEST of the Herald effice, PLAIT SM0UTH N-T. CO O fa o -.- o o UAMES' WlSIfOW GLASS, XAILS. LOCKS. II I SUSS, H H en o c RVTTS ASD SCREWS, AXES, HATCHETS. a raws. 8 A WS ASD P LAKES. GRASS and fill A IX SCYTUES, the bfbt article iu the ruarkpt. Agent: ror the.T.4 YTGA CHIEF" Eeapor and Slower, aootuBteii:.T tue oet nine nine m maiit'v. Agent for MEXIPEXIIALL'S II ASD LOOM. J. Jj EHingwood. Will rumntA to mv New Bnililinc:. North side r eiix 6treet, net-ween anu 4th, about March 1st, lsob. ic2Siy n . era ok : is C- P WtNEB AND UQUORS OF ALL KtND3. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, t QUEElWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS tfc GLASS And erery article required by S,' HARDING & GO,, tost orrica buildixo IIe IcLg u?d NEBRASKA CITY, N. T J3 U C XI TT SCHOOL BOOKS It wis l.jrmir.1 f in l-i tr ni'lo praru.. .r, the ari'l I) f.ch i'l.r i.. 0:1 .mi w. in nidation it hi ru-ii ri :,, and ha( coiiirt int it-nu-r.il I'.-c. ll i KIT,,'i ''" "v 'i ' iv- i, C'!.-"i.i - Ca'arrh ,'. lie M. rl-i.I iriita loi. tt.e . :t.r ui Urelliia, fr f"e:i..t ei.Li.r.. u-1 AND STATIONERY Also Agnt for all the principal EIUIGRAITS,!FI?EIGIITEItS, MIXERS & FARMERS And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. Saddles and Harness, I MA G A ZI?(ES and WSPA PER S, For Pr eel Earit I -wn. ,.r IV ,rl I'itI, a f 'f i ' 'i c n ' i.'a n ! , B i): , jLlC'JIjtiUt'li'T O T t' I l.j. . 1. 1 J Hi . . !' i . . . F., wwh Snlierlutlr.ii(i are received at I'ubll-her,' I ' h .liii: ir a t .. K l.,s. vf i-a; .. u. ' I'ncM I varta lorico.'iiid lu ili .acjat;ju. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, liAKCracTrKKB er av phih i II ll i'.tJ rccouim nicd la cut 4 of Si 5 L AT TIIE BRIDLES, COLLARS, CIRHIE Combs, Spurs, Lashes, hips, j-c. Main Etreat, NEBRASKA CITY. - - N. T. FIRE PEOOF BEIOK. New Periodical Store ! Tootle, Hanna &. Co, a A. G. MANSFIELD, W jolesalc and Retail Dealer in IRON, STEEL, HEAVY HARD WARE, Agricultural Implements. M a!ock ,f I'on nn 1 Stetl is Urge, comjiltte, and inperior to any heretofjro offered ia this niarkei. Alio a large stock of WAGON & BUGGY WOODWORK, Bit A CKSMITWS TOOLS, FAIRBAXK'S SCALES, MOLIXE AND ROCK 1SLAXD PLOWS, BROWS CORX PLAXTERS, SULKY CULTIVATORS, nrr.nr.vr. nr.APERS AX'D MOWERS, &C, AC. Z m CO CO 7s o CO -3 P3 O o o GQ o o p '22 5 c P Q o Plattsmouth, April 10, '60. 1865. 18G5 AMISON, DOVEY & CO., Noclh Side of Main Street, . Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of A. K. WHITE &. CO. A full asPortiacut of SCHOOL BOOKS 4- STA TIOXER Y Alwny on bard. Latest Eastrrn Pap'rs and Periodical received daily. r.rd"rs i.rouipliy ai')d."i NCHRASKA CITY - T Apothecaries Hall. JOHN REED & CO., Cor. Main and 5th Sta., NEBRASKA CITY, - - NE3- Deftlersln DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Putty ancGIass- t,iar,t f.H;r;nn nf1l Vindp. Tiiilct nrtlrVn. Pla- tionery.and evrryihinir L.-rt la a Crut-clnrtS Xrug Sloie, at L.i-Ifro ru-e. X- Vi. are r retried to fill a'.l orders, an'l warrn cur goods ! Ijc fre-ii. ai.r.10 C Agent for Grover & Baker's CELEBRATED SEWING .11 A CHI XES. I'ork and Corn. A series of carefully conducted ex periments have established the following rule upon ibis subject. A bushel of good raw, unground dry corn, fed to a middling good breed, in comfortable quarters, without much sun, and not allowed to root, -and before cold weath er, will produce ten lbs. of pork, and if the breed is very good, fifteea. The tame amount cf fomented corn meal, one half more, and if cooked also, about three-fourths more than the first named, hence it is easy to find how much pork should br;ng 10 correspond with the pi ice cf ecru. Take, for instance, raw corn, the most common way it is fed; pork at 5c per pound is equal to corn at 50c per bushel, and so on, above cr below, in the same ratio. The good of our farms and pockets demand that we sell our oats and corn in beef, mut ton, pork, butter, cheese and wool, in stead of having half their vahe eateu up by railraads, warehousemen and the "Hie. Prairie Farrr.tr. t5- Orders from a distance will receive rrompt attention. TTo. 22, THIRD STREET SALVT JOSEPH, - - MO, October 25th, 1S65. 6m WO O LWO ItTII & CO , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers; SALVT JOSEPH, .IO., ec25 6m 8. ADLSI, B. A. FEIXkMAX. RECTIFIERS AXD DISTILLERS, Deaieis in all kinds of Foreign ar.il Domestic WINES, LIQUORS ANDiCIGARS. XO. 14, EAST SIDE MARKET SQl'ARE, St. Joseph, Mo. oc-25 r . AVooIu'orlli Harlow, ST. JOSEPH, MO., GENERAL FORWARDING, ST0R age and Commission Merchants. 53" Rterire and Ftruord Freight in a'U point! on Missouri River after close of narration oc23 Cm KLEl'SER & WISE, Dealers in WILLIAM. S. THATCHER, OoiaJLlsst, tJ'tVarraDta a fnr it no pt.S4 Offw a tbt store of How & Thatcher, FLATUS UOTJTH, - - MBXAJSA. tr. if, a. BOOKS & STATIONERY, XYAIAj paper, WINDOW SHADES, Confectioneries, IVolions, Toys, Coal Oil Liamps. Sac, &c. We am also apetH for the Buchinan Wooln Milia, of 6u Joseph, Alo., and have now on baud a gO'nl asfortmeiit of FAXCY CASSIMERES, C LOTUS, JEAXS. FLAXXELS, a , irhlchiwe ha reeelT'' on commission, and ara prepared to ex change for WOOL OR CASH, atrery rcasonabla Jrure-f. 'live ns a call, one door east of the IIekaid office, Plattsinouth, Xebraka. May 16, 1S5. tf F. M. DORRINGTON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, PLATTSMOUTII, XEB., Prompt attention paid to the purchase and sale of Keal Kstata, and parxi-ni oi iis, nu "i"""' r.rrt.iininir tn a trneral Lind AsencT. TitieS inves tigated. T?rr hs ,.rmi?iSion to H.-.n.E. S. Dundy. Judg j 2d Judicial Pist., Fails Citv, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbant, Paymaster V. S. A., LeaTcnworth, Kansas; Hon. J. M. Barbar.k, a k . i - tii. . - r v V h : Hon. T M . i.bfr n!.c&aw. . . . ' ' . . Marqu' tt.. P!uttsmoutb.b.. Col. R- R- LiiDgston, late Co!. Nebrfts-ka h.t Vtt. Vols.. Plattmouth, N.'b.; Mjor D. H. Wbeeler, U.S. Indian Agent, Pawnee Agency; Cha's Ncltleton, Ko. Ill Broadway, New Tort; Harvey, Deitrich It Brown.Washington, D. C ; Tracy, Magaire A. Co , CUicngo, IUs ; K. G Fitch. Rocbeater. X. Y . Pr-. Henry Arlirpiftle, "Hartford t?fliTrily," V. T. oee3 QUE ENS WxVRE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Oflered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Nebraska city, hebeaska. Dyspepsia, Chronio ribeumatiia, the ni')'-!' s w I'i' h r.' t m:.-. v ' U ti r '8 liui:.. 'i - hr.r-.-t tl.'-ni , l.rw t k I iii ay t tit attack, U aure t' arte .; tlio ! v: ' tea..t aal anu, l.rWCI . Our Flcslf'a.rid PIcolI aia arppoi tc ! fr m lU-f! .::rori. rERtoss at evz::y rxitijD er un. I'm in Znfiinry to 03d Av, And itijer'jr ''t :te o. i b a I a; to t it,, of ttiti. d'.a-t. . The Causrs ia many instances unhnvvn. T!ii pt!t,t ). a a, KrTi". -i ai:.!..ii,.2 wnij UJJI.rvIHOIxDTi' Fluid Extract of JJucta. CIIAS. YOGT & CO. Cor. Main and 5tb eta., Dealers in In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &c. LEATHER AND IRON Thankfulfor past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus- SADDLE &. SHOE LEATHER, f thf samfi. iness iu iiitiit. i,umiimimvv " - - Call a did examine our stock. riatttsmoulh, April 10, 1SG-5. tf JUST ceived.f50:jcn n O to AMISOX, DOVEY CO to purchase your JJ spring nuoda. end lea ar iety of Ladiea' DS'DG'0. " ' Z c f, colo tf r 0 CASW Moltcj't Cove u, - -VcO'a. REAT bargains in Ladies' Dresa Good, at G fHfiXLEat AMISO.N. DoVKY & CO'S. Coffee, 1 Tea sucar. Golden yruP, SBr House Mo latses, Sew York Capdief.'etc , etc. A larpe lot of Cheg and Smok inp Tob ,o for -. sale at s - ' a' QOALOI L for ile by A. P. CO. ALir for Lirre assortment of men's and boyH' J'hi"8 1.. A- " sale by S HfcLLED CORN for ia!e by A I). CO. J ACOX and Lard for sale by A..P& CO. UK AV Y INVOICE of all ini!f" of Family Gro- X. ceries and uuinung uoouijusi rnmic. j A D. A CO i1 LL kinds of Farming Implements for sale l y A. I. CO. Saddlers' Hardware Findings and Tools, WAGONS, PLOWS, &c. CsTOrders Promptly attended to. Philadelphia F.L'.nirfi u.'Wmi i.'aV.-r Stpr. ir, i.05. IlELMBOLD'S GENUINE PEEPAHATI0N3. His 6uUd and Fl'ild Extracts ernl.ody ti.e ? 8'rn.K'U of tin in:-:. lnli ..f wl.i. ii tl.ry are r.:a Th'-y are ! ft t V": ; ' s (J nil. A it L' conilu.-U e t-t of !) ir pi' : -it.s wi 1 !. a r j,;.t.- son with th.-e t f.r:h in tin- utnt-.l fatory Tlic-e n-ni" !;'- a.e yr ar-d I y nt- bold, a driicKist of !xt:.u yra-a' X- -r''e la 1 city, aud . bli. v.- :.tni t-j I.- :. . i' a , iii f t. " have n- vcr k iwn ..n n.:'r - i.nii,; iwii' with a peruia !'!. t i-tirr.-, at: I lr. Miliiihn'd is C'Ttairily itixiii f.i . h :.' tee. f!i Ir.? Cl.eiiiicjl Wai li .u in iho ,ty if .' V'" 1 not exclle'!, if eu-ilci, l,y m i'n- -ountry, 1 we woui 1 advUt ur r-ier, wh- . v,i:!.-B that t J to give hiai a eal!, a:id j-dg': fur tti'-uiltaa. VLarjji iot of Two Horse Plows for sal? by A U. & CO. AN endless Tandy of Hardware and Cutlery f.;r sale at A.U.aCUi. SaSH, Doors, ghinslptt. Glass, and Nai's of erery description for sale by A D. 4 CO. HELMBOLDS i;xtim:t or KuriU rf, BOXES Star Candles for sale cy A, I. & CO. VLL kinds of Coumry Produce taken in exchange for goods bT A . D. A CO. ra-O enumerate all the articles we hae for sale X. -would fiil one sideof tho 1IebaU, and otheri have as good a right to advertise as AMIfOK, DOVEY A CO. ; TZZTrZZZrTTt " THE la geet Outfitting: Uotise north of St. Joseph LargloofCholCTeit t 1 i AMWOS, DOVEY CO'S., v. . PLattsnwJtta. Kebraska. IF you want to purchase goods at a bargain , go to BAU3 COFFEE just reeeiTed by D C(. Drug Store. Call on the undersigned for FURI2 .HEDIGIXES, PAIX'TS, OIL & STA TIOXER Y. D WIIITINGEB. 1 NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T. j X3ZXI3X-.X2C H2, OjUJ --?r