r i r. i llUC CutJ!Snt giCVUlU. j - I LOCAL N'FAVS. r7r".T. ptfrl;njr Morton, wis In the city I ct."(!nr on In wnv to Omaha. , ' f r , , - - , ' , rest' Maet wnek, were fired apon by a couple of Oar Territorial I.is'r. lure w il vena in nt .Vedn lay. con , " T ". , . - , wenthr for th past few dnrs Th.' .fp boon remarkably pl"iant P ,rk i. selling nt ." Jin -r 1 -2 c's., er,.j, in Moines-, I ma. --. m - - r" Iiv. I'r ifcs.-or Miller will preach r 1 - f .7 .1 f infirt'' fin r. t V''H i-i' .i J V 1 ' i-a y'j.i.ntii. l.a!f-p:tst 10 o'clock at th M. !'- r'.nr.-h. r-J',' T:,.n.vool Ojiin'x'ii fav3 that Y. (1. I' i'mf r. who was rrport.J 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 ),y tV In i nn. ha? arrived at honi. Proh- V' -y r t ii'i'.f'. r--M- i.av Wolflott has our thanks : f r. f.vv! f.ir our Chrisma.4 d.r.ner. : ..:r'.;vnSht,th.rrintpr:r.nd,lV'- :;".i know t'. l.alanc" -f., v. 11 ! r; rit- Tr'A iaro r,i::n!CT 01 nor -,1. p-. thi 'urp'T :tr.J bal', iver. :" t .T (i, l.", '.!.i'.v, at Iloek IiMi::-, on l :.r;;:- , ... 1..". Tl."v r--r'';: t Lavin; had a ! f n ? tlr.-. P;v"Th or linanc? '.T bnv.i-m vrai a 1 r.in;trrd ti five candidates y"-t-rd.'ty aft.Tri ion, ly Mr Christ: 1:1 (h n j u" r; :t : n Uiin'ran. of the r'? M''ri IV ti' n, (trin.'S, ll.ir- -' ' J '',r.s.-,n nt'-d Willi mi', h'.Ve I r.rri i'n'. 1 p.-i tl.o Senite Comtuittee or. J" i IVstlval, Fuir and S-.ippor, on S,i' !.! v '-venit: nndr the au-pics of !';''. -ral th:irch. was a complete .ircjj. Th( rccjiptw, rr Ivarn, were fv"llt- .d tin advert: J-:ir.' .,f r.. ii. II:'. ion '.ti V. v i w n t t -.!.. y h ri i:i:i"iy of '. i: M- n is i c:ti.',n- as 'i cupo r": i i r i. 'i.:i:i, '. t I o: well dc-rrvin .. I.', f. :).'.:, Mrchar.t Ti'.ljr, ; r.-,r.kfs Ln in a hit bu-inss t the j -.iblic tbi w i in ::"fd .i hl.-t b( rvici-s ;,: v.': ritr.an an.i a w : : h 'if v.l- i ii t for, : tl.- P. t i lTi Il i:i. Ail-.-n A. .i. tt.J o. 1. I , r: i. t r ;;.n.ifo..i. I Cj irad?, nnj f imiTiv of Nebrk Ci:y, ' v.r.i run over by fi'.'.'t I'.if i..:.t t;:'-3 j Jl-t ir.-t. -.:. tl s--;i..uly ivy.-l. I U .;!' v I'.V IT'! ' ' w ' V I t i - What ii r 1 1 Ills VM ::.;.. t I -.. I: t f r ! - i a! V ii tl: that '.v s :a :v fvks. I ':'.' : It '.-1 of :b -'r V. i : l 1: r. i : o t i r!:e r an r.f r I. :: rt T i. ar ti: . rs m. 1 :' . i v. '; t : -t ' , 1 I leri'. r 1 'i:ri.--tr.i'is iiii..'n : St.?. a .' i. i-i ! " A "1 ' 11 - a:i .' :.i 1:1 : '. i'. ah i'.;". ' . it 1; . 1 1' :r nf : v . 1 b ':i -1 -v ; i 1. : ,r "1. a :. to t-a : .'. : . 1 . .' .- :. I v f .u ti i ; ' 1 !s c ' an .y , 1 .v a , l.i r'l i.i .ie'. iit bams nu 1 li.- v I. . iit:.-. ii He :-. 1 i s r. s arts f. oiu 1 .' nit ::i'' 1 . ' ti-O i . 1 t 1- 1,:. :,v...:J 1 1 c p :i fi.l a : ut our su:,- j r Falls c ti:t l.ai:i fri'.'-rs i.t ' at of i."t l'o;:';;i th-Hi::: l.n re-ra'.ar 1 i ttV. . We re 1 1 1 1 i . -1 to a.". Mil. It firth-? fat. lire ' ' . ns tlic i ii t er is i:ia'.i:- l i on'a 'arly from this j c (toCr-. e limit u J Ier ar-J ...it , ll (.r three OiliC-rs .?tWotll l.or.; a ml i e 1 Htjir Water. Let uu: Post M'itt-re ! " al'.ttlo irore cart fill in overlianiin r i ini fiiail. nud probably there will bj no rr.i in fur e !. la'.nt of Hiim kind. ;r i.t l r'i i c jiTejpou.J.T.t pf 'ii.t t) think it ii v.i:r duty t or-- t... Stitttt oro-inlatiwii. We wn:M .:iv to him that we think it ot:r dntv t rpnre it whi ii.-tf r we are thoroughly c ni:ic d that the measure is in i-ppositiun to tha int-rests of tli people of th.' Territory. e are gbi. to sec a disposition on the part of the p-opli to disL-iis this matter, lis it is an unwise po.icy Tor any people ! to ri:,h h.-ai'.on- into a"ine:iurof u'ch ! imp rtince as orriinizin a State liov- j l I U III'. Ill I . l-lil-- Ik il ' I7I.VII OI 11 JUp.l.l discussed iu ail its bearings. r-tTTh p.-oplo 0f Nebraska City, nftcr oanin- a public meetinj; for the purpose Z""' al, la men to eo nip is a said cOEUiiiitee, V. w- concluded to try it n little liTer '.he rule of civil law. The cal.inp cf t..e ne. l;n will Ulljoubtedly have th ; : dree: of dtivin out a coodlv r.ufiiber off the -Tuff," from thtu city; and our farm-j rs will .li' well to ketro a sharp watch j r.rni fled pritnea iiiot.-um lor tear soaie ' ct thctti m.-iv travel in this direction in! .aii, th-ir cs.t I,., we have iu. little j let's if tli-.ir iMiin tn:s part oi the i "utitrv. as thc-v will (ither fro Lack to ' here th- y caioe from or tri-Vel farther woi-- is well to b-j red iy and on the watch for such characters, and give t'um im'tie'iiu-'e Ju:ice should any stri pier r.i'tke liis ay pe irance in these part. C5I have thouiin of good ar pie- j t:'-3 in the I'lattstaotith nur.serv, of good - and good varieties. Als - a variety cf ether fruit, ornamental trr...s. shrubery ; t;r-rc;o., &.C. Anything in th nunse- j rj i ne n it t. be hal in my curse, v, will i famished to order as enrlv in the. ,riasa,ther of April. See adver - 'ment in another column. j -:t. tf Wu, S. 'SVis-t. : . . jr,.., t0 tcQ thousand, cnn find profitable frnployinent in cbrislta, early next 7"Tw. rcturn id soldier?, while pass- ir.r nlnn'F trm atrppra" nf VwKrn a flilt- "constitutional Ipmocr:iti" of the bush - whacking persuasion. The assault wis without provocation, exe-pt that of wear . , 1 . , ' ... . in;r tha national uniform , which is su.Ti- cicr.t to raise th? ire of a, ' oi many of those who responded tj ,1-1'5 Cli" tMe 1 , , -i n-i 1 1 i i .' last fail. li.a "OOVI 1(1 blue, j 1 ,,.., ,lu1 ,i p -',inT i.it ri-'i 1 Ii ,v..r.er, were ael to l.i.m jasi J-a ( Kcoun Jre!-1 havin-' bcn cn-rtjrn'l in tiit I . . i iiti'-itusi Ir.r teverai vers :vna i:ni:ieu iitt l tt:rnc l on their assailants anJrnaJe th'.m il j'uhi-'i'iick bthinil their entrench ments each of them having abul'iet hole in his rnir)oribI l.i.Jj. If t!n:v don't onit hootin at men in Nehrrska City merely beciia-a'j they wear Uncle Satn'a unlforin, "IUI""" ii , A -'- Z on citin, .to "stan i and deliver," Vi't; J'vn "b!:U! "ated-brass button- i c 1 a'-oiitionititi etc. etc.. reonlo that don't know any better will soon bein to j t'.i'nk that rcrhaps there may be a few i reb"N in that locality Coi.ou a :io Stti.e. One of the !ea i- j it:.; i;.i:ii.-ters of the T.rri;ory retatua j b 1 1 ti.at fn o:,e oaaK.i i j ivus tjuverM i :t f . hir.i ' i f.ri Vl:a till'1-! I .e ' .. .. i I... ...! i ikii Ci rt"!ir.o:, u:u lit. a?utu ii':i wi.ctlier t'le cc:.so!r.tions a:;(. i. 'rt J n.itiistra- ti.-.i.'s l1 m church v.iri' as prei-i jus l.) j h'T iu h r ne.v ln:ne as iu t!)? States .t t'l'.i Vililril !'.:-; V illtj rt;.-) nJi tl, in Il. i i ' . . 1 . - . i it-.: ; ere U rpir:t. hut tsinp.y from U; i ' i,f . ..;. ..Vim I.pt ' i ""u " tl"-'-". xouuei. j - " j Rat iiFACTOitY Answer. The Col ! orac'o Alining Journal, puhiisheJ at Cen- j tral City, contairw the following dia pp.tt h from Dot.ver aiid the answer in rel.iii-jii t oloriion news: T.Icgra:n "All one way down here; ssi.J us your vote." .'7;is:'.v "Can't Le did. Cave it thrni;: ii a wimhv.v to another felk-r. a:;d f-xpCi 11 4 lo-t. EIS.IH3. On the '2-Hh inst., fit iiock V.'.niX - rask i Territory, the wife of dospph hera, i.-'!-, a 'on. -t th'l IIAEPwIED. On .Monday, the 25th; j iiif, Ly A.. Ca;incha..-1, Kxt., Mr. James 1 i V. Ci.auk, of Cass c junty, and Miss Ger- ; " :'"At ':::, :-:: T. Juiro:;. " I At the residen-'a of Y. F.. .Caldwell, fit I'.e'i.eva-', N.T..frfi the 2i!th irt.,byRev. Mr. M '.t.liall, Mr. II. M. Tittle and Miss IIl SRIKTTA IitWIN. Tim printers wre rer:iBriihored. 1 rti:-n 1 1 :, (' ... . r- .i ? 1 .1 11 -' ' C '! - :! -.I.I! .'. f-y ;!i i ..:. r. 'J in le vo: f-I lio .t '.ilty. N o. , I lie 1 -t da of !. 1 -t)J, r-. tiro y ., 1 , 0-1. a iittV 'white on the : ui oi' "cicii N 1 iLjik-i "i- b: ti.d.. per A. 51. liOI.MES , ; l.y lb-- .lib -ci ib.r. our mile w-.t of K-n- - fl.Tlty. , i- in'C t - r. 3 IMW oi . kh !, .n-i :.'-t I : f ,'oi e, nupp"!.-ii ! : i'z.-Li Ti.i 1 1 Ii r 111114 or h.-.n;.ls" i I.tOllANU II. DBjIVS. tl Ta:." i v :i ... . a, ., d -!:. ' ' t- -: t.;' the u..il.-srgnri, Lve w ! of !'. .li-. . if., -5-Mll "l-r.', I to - . ') .i, ' !ii!.- 1 11 holly. ' r.d of A ' - n o: i t-r r r- c.-, t '' o y -. r- j'S' l'l r--h -.4.!, Ahi - !-;.rk. :i:-ii ...tr..' : .'. 1. 1 f I. il h .f-. . it, vi.t ui :rll -jr I.. .1 - ill !i .': - i 11 : ; r a r. A I , t.i.r il .a a l.'"r. 1 year old. en I :f of ear. A n. on- i.!.o-k Ca:f, white aril ?.. ,:y. under ' it it of left ar. 1' a it - n- ..: - S, li.-.v:. 1 ci 1 l , 1 -' ". .!...:;. IH.NRY xvii:u. Iitray Police. Taken nr. l-j iiberibor, at Lii r '.ilenee, in ' '. .-1 . -,i. I'i i- i ii t, C 4 cot.i-.iy, X . T., i :i t!i" I'latie it m .v. '-i it :!-e.- mi:c4 iii rih if lfa:tsi. loom. i,a : the s;t aav f Xoveinb -r. A. i. lOO. ni y..k- .f . ... .1 . ... I. I -. . . . i... I j o l.rl. .1. u I - .;,;, ,n,v , h,.r;; , ...ue.- is m a nEht lr u",d t.iii.i Lei.na.ri)' ,,:,;f'u,-i - nd ta.o theai away . i:e4--" 6 FRAN It O. PAltCEL. i IP" AKD BLACKSMITH SHOP. Geo. Boeck 8c Co, i liar restored to their W TWO STORY BRICK SHOP, Where they are prepared to turn WAGONS, BI7G5-G-IES. Plows, And everyth-tiir needed by Freighters or Fa.mers in tl.c bet of ityle. H0"eS' Mu'eS an1 XCn Sh?V able JOB-AYOEK Of every description, either in tvooj or iron, done on h:rt notice, ti Ct 1 arUcul!lr attentl Repairing all kind, of MACHINERY AND CASTIIiGS of Fiicb. 1 hey keer, ri hand, and for ale, Ox - Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Callt-cli ai n s 7 ' I I'll ill II 9, EOLTS of all sizes, WAGON EOWS, &3., In fact, eveiythic in tUir line needed by Freijhtera, Emigrants or Faroun. II ivinr; a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and the best quality of Iron, Thimble Skeins, 4c, f 1-cto-1 by ourfe!Tes, with speC;a rer..renc3 t.y U,js trade, ire f- el cor.5.tent that wa ... i.r- cut I clter ts.l more work, at cheap'r rates, than any othf r hop io the Territorv. . .. . ,, ,.. .,. Ti.at aftt! for pasl pstrcnage, xre 8o::s:t a c antlnuarjcc of tlia eame. . , S..itsfaction Guaranteed PiATTsJforTBT, N. T.. Nov. 8th, 1S55. Lexal XbJicc la th" T)i. trier C- xri cf tat- 21 Ju ticinl Ii --i.-t .f : 'iVrritiry ef Nebraska w :'-.n and Ijr tlitf coucty cf Ci. n Ch.1r.rer7 -.! tlurf : Jan-.t iiukf.y,co,:aSoant, . lIL' lIt .i.iai.i . . fria'ignt , na- .ij rilia Ciuusur, .118 ; 'lf. 4let..-aila:il. J To VVilll.Trn W. fl.if!ur a'. J Mii.-tt. iaaghtfr, ile- !..-id.i.t' i:i In.: a , i -' i'Kir.1 rl ! V.. 11 - li t-' y ni.'.:s- 1 tl. .) -i'i .v- -.4if.!. . C .11) ln it !.' I'li-I 111 Hi" !) tr;;; C'0':''i'r" i i .ii ty H"f-ant, ou the (.huncr, aiuu tier-. '. h !":.l of C mp..nt i7iiil :!, i lii- hi j- rt mid prrtyrr of which I-. lo obl'.U I de-ree ir s.d C-urt Jorc.o iusi 7 car. .in iiiortv.iue ru (he followin-r described rvi! estm-. uriwi-- in -.id county, to wit: I h- turth-f'l-t 1-4 - f vntti 1 4 "I eecuon 9. t -wn h p 14. r'ft.ge 1 ', i.vl the. nut I ot l a no. 1 in i i k i". 14, Mtui.'te in th-- ci:y of Plotf mouth, in rji: c -uuty, ,1"c '"v i'u'i. to i' t.- ).iyniut fa c?r- ' ' " 'mia,' try i,oi- txrc r I hy t!ie w n l Win. M. Mll Kt,t.r t . li. id c.a.p.aiiMlaU J W7.l,5 arU l wrll,J 1' 011,1 r"r l!,t ' "l,f .., Ulrtliaw,l rejn:,., to ,a!,;r di,t, ,Jud f ' l!'' T " ';re.jr cn.i -m.-uer ?.i i-.iii m or '-'"I T-: th- Z :li ti.;y . f J.tnurr, A. 1. H'jG, th fcri r.e will be t'tket jro cuiimr. t."id a iliori'. made i- -onlm-Ily. J a M t-.H htAK l.Y, (.":vp t. liy l.AI- f lIAMBAt-GJI, Lit SuiiCiluT. dor-'O 4w J. F. Fox vs. Wiiliatn Eoxlcv T- William Ii.x.'ry: y u tire ter y ti.,tii!l tl.j a ori!erif tit liic! mjl win ,l.;'ine I K-'i:usi you l,y J. K. Fox 'iu the Jih'm'sI'.-jH. b-:'v J. 11. Allison, a Jus t.ivor lb IV-K-in n4 fr C'iss e .aa:y, Nebrdk'( 'I't vrito 'y. for T'. ruin of iiH' tiuuiW'e.l iloilirrn. rirnl orj. r ot AttTrh'tiont UK i-u"l a a-' 'JU1I1 dty of N't e 11 iL-r. 1 o.", and you tire re. ui-e 1 1 . a 1 jicr in.-l O.-r- tot iu iL 10:!i 0y J.iiUd'V, l-j'.. tfi 1 o'clock ;.. 111. " J. V. fOX. li'LrL?."- ffa-Cgal IVo5C4 J. V. Conn f. To William Ih:jlru Vilii.ara iioxley Vo i art- lii ui'V ii .tilicd th(t 'Jii or,li-r . f ?:. t'fcIiiii'ot 4 i)!.!i'ml ijr'iri- t vou by J . IV . Conn, :a 1 1. J ii-.! ii'f N ;.i:irr, lo-tor-J.H. Ailin-in. J'lv II.-- ot : iV.i ; in (:i.l I . CV4.S C-i:llity, N 'l'VHkll Tci' - :or', lu tlie sum f one h'iadrcl d-iil i r. hid I "!.:: :' Afri.Tiurnt wt; i.ju.d on th- l9.h day uf 'N'o - .m r. j. 'r ri. i y.vi ut- roirmeJ t ((i.pcc a-i l iil.f.nl oi Hi.- loiu iMy i.f Jit.iiuiry, t 1 n ck w- '-'' Ktray 7'oiice. T.fco np a: the iei.ilnceof the uli-crit.er,it the ,,tv I' . n.m.i .tl I',- :tl, ,1., of D.-.-etubr i'.-,. a-'caw ui.a t.!f; th- c .w u iarge, r,-.i, w u vrhii. I! mi., b.ith hiii I fe.-t whit.-; supposed In Le hb - ut U;-,..irs.ia -lf i red. w:th a litte xrhK- i:i iiiro'ie'd. -,"i'l1 i'd tn be wr-.-ks old. 'I'lie oveiiL-r i" r-i-rt-i t-V.t:., i-rovc p.-.-p -ny, j.-y cIu:k. an .itcii.i.v ftray IVolicc. Ta'icn tip l y the U:.dt-1 fi.-u'-il, !i ving on t!i farm . nf U. (i Doo.ii, I lu'le Muth of I'hittsnioii' h, niis eailini; H-'if-r, led an 1 liit- tie 1, mitrkeil with l io;. e T the 1 1- tit ar, and uppi-i h ilt crop in the lea ir. Als-i, one bl.ic nud wiute y;:.iliti Mier, n:i ilrrha l cicp in lherii;il lar, and wa'iow f.irk ia ths lef: car. 'I he ow.itr is nquc'ted to call aod ;.rov? propeity, pay chi'gs, acd tak- them nway. titsj. llaut.rri. De.'ember 11th, If 56. 13 5w B'i1aay IVolice- Tiik'n up 1 y the !-ul..t-ii!,..i . J iui!v wfft of Uor'a 15 ii.fl'4. ('.-! c .iinry, Neb., i a Hie t ' f 1'eC 1-C-. nm) ; y. ar oh: Mr-r, vale I'd, sola-" white uu back at 1 be ly, tail ulut ', under il"pe nlT .f l acli ear. l-.el35w 1.. V. IATiB,N. GOLD HA S FALLEN ! Has rn-Tcd ir..f. hi n v brick bii:dir.p on the cor nerof Main fitteet anW T.eT-e wheieh- is daily i i-ftvric large i.d ! ti .as ti Lin ali-a !y extenie Mock of AND 21.IQUO 2FL FeoT rsthe rry tie. I of bargains to ciistornt r, and le; y.-tij tt call ir .in ih'i4 wh.i want auything ia hi.4 l.i. .- t i tent the advaiita.s iu prices with thiae- o ! oil;.-, s. Jteu-tuiber the BRICK CORNER, aa'1 f "i a ca.l if ,uU winh to buy cheap. J,'ort?t-vcst of Boeck' s Old .Viand .i -----. out ill kind of New Work, audi a lhe best '.vk and on reason- terms or .Honey Reruniled .r Cm - smrrrn otath maiic i uni i i.u a;niL mkiLOi EBEASKA. Po"T OfTrifK DFrRTMUST ) ... , . ,' . , ; . ot KJ. J VVJ.iir:.','f.ii, th.ti.f.ei .il, l.S.i. rrt(i00A!. ill li- nc : v d :it lii" r.iiiirjrt f.--' tilt lf:trm-M untii 3 ' i'i f M.fii J'J.- tj. J f r conv"t it' in ;." vf il.c l':ii:e.l t:itf fi..m j Jul . 1. ;-t"i ;. i.i June 2 1 1-7 1. 1 j 1 ii- Iv riorv tif d.;p: t irt- ttlnl art iv;i s h'T in s-p:-c.li'!. Dtci j':uii8 inu junie 1 by Ai: ii2S, 1-05. (Examiw th forms a tt instruction tunirtd ) lll.U Frain ("ojncil K'.iiT. Iowa, by Omaha City. Omaha T.T., tikh"rn t'ity, Fr- inani, Lirieailn, Walli.c.-. l'.uchanaii, Kl !ora !, I'ohanbnii, (i-an 1 11 Old City. Jun iionrilie. Aibaviile, hi'e (b"'ld. sebri.ka (Vlitre. and I oi t Kear. m y, tn lve.riiey (.'.ty, ltd 1 'J ui lies and I uck, -ix tini- a week. Lewe Council Ulu'aJ daily, excent Sunday, at li a m; Arriv at Kearney Oity third day by 6 m, (IS loars;) L' ave Kearney City daily, txn-pt iiuiiJay, at fi j w: Arrive at Couaeil UluiTi ihird day by C a la. (4- Iwurs.) Ud. . From Coltimbui to Can-den, O tiiiies an lha- k, once a wtk. leave Cnlniiibus M inday at 3 a tu; . Arrive :.t Camden Dent day by b p n; -L-ave t'amien Wedaesi ay at s a m; Arrive at Cnlumubus next day by 3 i in. 141113 From Cohinibi:. l y 5!onroe. to r;nua 2 ) miies and bark, thr tim s a we. W. Leave Columbin Mmday. Wcdn-!ay, and Friday, at 2 j m: Arrive at (i u-.a ly 7 p ir. I., ave (leu. .a Tiic-day, Thurj lay, and Fatnrlay at 1 p ui: Arrive at I'ol'icibu by C p m. 14404 From Omaha City, by ll' li-vu-, I.arrirner 5li.l, Platte's Mouth, U. ck ltl' IT.-, I.evi'.n, Three (ir -ve-., t'nii'li, Wyoininif, N bin. 's i City, 51 -unt Vi 'ii'Ti. llrown.vi le, Nelanha t'My, A'pinw.-ill, Flkton, St. Di-rvio. St. St. ph.-n's, Arau-a. Fall. City. It'.lo. X.lurt, While Cloud, Iowa Point, Highland, Walnut (irov-, Troy. Watla-ria, and Kiwood. t'j M. Jo-ph, Mo , lih miles and ba' h, six limes a week, leava . anaha City dully, excej t Suudiy, at 5 a in; Arrive at St. Jcmeph third day ty 8 a in, (4s hours:) Leave St. Joseph daily, exctpt Suuday, at S a in; Arrive at Omaha City t:.ird day by S a in, (! hours ) U405 From Cmaha City, by rioref.ee. Fort C.illioun, Yaz in, Iowa. De S .to, Nev., Cu-rinif City, M'diitl, Iowa, rekaiiiMh, Nel) , S,le' Creek, Ii-cattir, Omaha Apcncy. (nn.idi, Iittkota Ctv aud Wor.lbury, Iowa, ti hioux City, f7 miles sul back . thr-e times a wci-t Leav- Omaha City .Monday, Wedm fdy and Friday at 5 a m; Ar.ive nt siuux'Jity r.ext days by 10 p m; Lear- Sioux City Monday. Wednesday act Friday at " a in: Arrive at Omaha Ci'y next days by 10 p m. 1 l4uG From Oman t City by Va'Iey of the KIk Horn (ii n) to Niobrara K.ver (n. o.) miles and l ark, one- a wck L.:av- Omaha City Mr.nd iv at 6 a m; Arrive t Niobrara River Friday by o p in; Leave. Niobrara Itiv-r Monday at li a in; Arli'. c at Cmaha City Ki i'h.y ly 0 p in. 144u7 From f tuah i by llazl. b.n (n. o.) to Forest fi:y, til mile, ard back, once a week. I.eav" Oni.ih.i Ci'y Sa'tirday at G a r.;; Arrive nt l'.ee-t City by 1 p rat Leave Fore-t C ity Saturday at - p m; Arrlv at Omalia'City by U p in. 14 Wi Jroi" Fr mont , by Jalapa and Saint Ch.irl-. to v.v.t Poin', S 1 nu le au I ! .. ac.ouce awe-k. l.fotv. Fiem ui'. Sjturday at a t.i; Ar.iveat V.',-t l',.:-.t by G p m; I. i.e Vt-t Point Friday ui S a r.i; Arrive nt l'ri iii nt I y 0 )i m. I'rom r. Etnt elle. l.y I.oirtn and West I'oin'.to lie WUt.oC in iles aiMl lieclf.i ts- a w-ek. L'-ave Fontanelie Mo'iJ ay and W.-CrR-s,!..)- at 6 " A r:ve at n-V. it: by : p !:; Leave I'e Wi t Tuesday and i.nr Aruv at l'oi.t.iiie!!.- by G p iu. iv at 6 a m; 144'.0 Fmm I'rine o.e, by Llh l-'orii Cite and Belle Cr.-ek, t , Fjut.uie!i-,2J nu.es ami back, twice a weel:. I.iave rritr.ro.'o Mor.d.iy and VWdne-diy ct S a in' Arrive at Fontanel!- by C, p m; Leave Fontauelle Tie sd ly and Tiiar-day at 8 a m; Arrive at Prim.'oe by 0 p in. 1-1411 rt - m Eellevue. bv ! at:e Ve.ll-y an4 Plattford, In I'-r.MCi'y, ii liiites ar.d back, uriej a M eel,-. T rave it.'-vn- Fr o..;.- a: 7 a m; Arrie :.t F-r .st Ci-.y by 0 p l i; Leave Fore-t City .Snt irdav at 7 a ni; Arrive at lltHevu.' by i p in. VAV2 From I'latte-oi. titii t: (i tuLre. 12 IiiiieS 1 back et.Ce a We k Leave I'i.'ia-lin uli. ?al :ii: .y at D a iu; A i r i ve at O ndale by 1 -J n.; Leave CleTi ia'e Saturnav ;it 1 p ra. Ariivat I'la'.ti.-m. Uiii by Op ni 14413 From Pbittfonl. by F-rk ! ?at Cr-e'-, (n. o..) lo Camden, mi!- ami 1 K k. oie'- a w tt-k. Leave Pla'tford We In" . I iy at 11) a m: Ar ive at Camtb ii next day by rt p rc; Lea ve Camden Kiid-y at Ida in; Arrive at l'lattford next tiay by C p in. 14114 tr i.i Itoc'i: BlufT. to Katiosha, 4 rr.iirs ar.d l.ai k, ou. e ;i week . Leave Itock HlulT- Saturday at Sam; Ar-ive at Kane.ba by 11a in; Leave K:.resl,;, Saturday at li m; Arrive at lt .rk Biulis by 3 p in. 14415 Kr-in Three Groves. 1 y un t Tleasant and Centre V alley, to U.epiii.: Water, 17 miles and ei' lt. once a w- ck. Leave Th.ee (i roves Sat i:dny at It a in,' Arrive at W'eepin-; Water by 12 m: Leave We.-pin Water Satunlay at 2 p in; Arrive at 1 hree Groves by il p m. 14415 From Wyoming, ly Avoea, t- Salt Creek, 40 rnil. s and bark, o:i-e ;i ' k. I.'-ave Wyominr; Fi iilay at G a m; Arrive at Salt Creek by s p in; . Leave Salt re k Mituitlay at Cam; Arrive at Wyomin- by S p m. 14117 Fr m Nebrala City, by N.irs-iy lllo, IUny i i aud Saltillo lo Catii.l. n, 07 in. 'as au.lback, one-, a wet k. I.'-a-. e Nebraska Ci'y Wt dne-d iy at a in; .4rrive at Camden next duy t-y 1 p ni; la-ai e C:itn.. d I'rid.iv at C a ni; Strive at Xebra-ka City next day by 4 r m. hid to extend the rvi;e to Kearney Cny. 1 y J'ilo-tioiiVii:- au I VaiN-v Ci'y, Ihr.-e t.lne. a u e -k and l-a.-k. on a sciieiaie ot 4S l.o .:: s, rili be cjusinered. 14US Fruni Ne'.raska City hy G- n t, He'.-m, Pry fa:, (n. u .) Hooker, (u. i,i Crah Orel il l. Heatin-e. ll.tl" Si.rili s and Ot .-t-to v to Warysville, Kausai, JoO mil- s aud bach, s.ucc a wc-k. Leave Neb-n-ka Ci'y Monday at C a n: Arrive at Ibirjsvill- We i ne-.i .y by 10 p m; Leave Marv-vi.le i ii ills. la V at i a m: Jriive at Nebraska City tfatur.i.iy by 10 p ta. 14413 From S. m-.hn City, by Monl-r-y and Long branch lo T.;l ie Hock, L.i ii.iio. and bie , once a v. e k. Leave Nemaha City S ittlidav a! $ a in; Arrive at Talile It-M-k by 4 p in; I.eav- Ti,i,e :.n-k t reh.y at s am; Jrrive at Xemsha City by 1' p i:i. 144'.'') From Nro r.-ville, by I'i.per, Tecuinsa'i n't'! Ve.ta tr Crab Orchard, 45 r.i -s and back, on re a vv.-.-k . Lea- e Bro'ieril' Monday at S a m: lrrie at C.-ab Or.-hard uext d iy by 12 r.t; Leave Crab ncl aid Tuesday at 1 M ni; Arrive al Isrow nsv .Ik.- u-st day by 6 p m. 14421 From Falls Cilv. I-' Salem. Jlile's Itanrri. Jl .d.l'ebnrir. .M. u htl, II jmtn.id: , S oil's Ta li '-e K -ck, Pawne City, Lib.rty and Blue Sp -in,; to ll.-at.ic?, i'i miles and bak one- a week. Leave rai:s t. i'y Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at lb atre next day I y 6 j. m; Leave Beatiue Wtdue-il iy at li a m; vlriive at Falls City next day by 6 p m. Bids for tice aud ihiee-tiiucs a-Wiek service invited. 14422 From X'ebraska Centre, l.y Kim Crt. fc,(n. o..) l'.uBalo Cre. k, (n. o.,) Mouth of N'oi th Fork of Platte Uiver (n. o .) and Lodee fob Creek, (n. o. ) to lioti'der, Colorado, 4o0 milc-aD'i back, ou.-e a week. Leave Xel ra-ka Centre Monday at 10 a iu; Jrrive at Heulder Salurd-y by 6 p in; Leave li. ulder Monday nt Id a in: Arrive at Nebraska Centre Sattir-iay by C p in. 144C3 Fr ron, Job admrgh. by Fort Laramie and Letr Cre k t... o )lo Vi.ytui.1 L.ly, .4 eutaua, 7.ai miles and back, twice a nioi.lii Iiids.foro.ac a-we.'k wrvi.'e invited. Bidders will pn.joe a htdii:e if d'pirt-r-rcs and arrivals. 14424 From Foil Laramie. Ly D-.er Creek, (n. o..) Datte Bi a. i.e. (i. e .) Or- en Uiver (n. o.,) and ; Fort Biidtf.r, I th, to Salt Lake C ity , tld i mile an ba. k, once a week. 'ave Fort L Hatn:- Motid.iV at 5 a m; Leavc Arrive at Salt LakeCity tenth day by upin; I.phc Sail Like City Jnui.ty at bam, riive at ion Larauiic tcutu day by 6 f c. From Cottonwood Sprirp. by ItepuMican Fork, to Fort E. ley, il.-) n.iies and buck, once a wect. LeiTe Cottoiwood Pprin-is Msrol.iv at 4 t uit ,4irive at K-publican it rk I hur?l:.y by fe p m; ; Lear-K-pall.cin Ftik Monday at 6 a l..; I ' Arrive at Cc.'-oawooi Siting. IturiiUy by 6 1 put. j . Heai. I j iiuk- I jrt. : iri:r rr-if imr. urice n wns. 1 1." i e L ai -la iIouo.1T hi 7 a ui; yirri-N Vr: ukt. rr i.t xt Wt-rtii' s lay ly !C rc; ' L'av- l": si k l Wt dtr-d: J at 1 i 111; j .1 .-1 : 1 ii! ' n' xt r:d.'T t-v C p m j poi fU j:T.:t.d to iBrliuin ! T);iin ( in. o. ) .etMn Sew Cast ha at Jjn..-? 1 . . j. . .1. . .! W 1h- !.-! (- o )ird.cats that 1.0 office . x:-! at Uie 1 oitl ni,ii.d l lh it f tam adve: ueiuiit. j PriTA? fW 1'PAPIK tf. nrif IVTTri' lyAW.H Wl Ik'-I ......... .w..b...A4WL.9 AN1 CEIMT LT0AT11. wWe rk.eC late ul The ond-ri-i -neJ addre.s 14 . ct.anty of - prepo c-to convey the ma Is r,' the L nit-tl Sta'ei from Ja y 1, 1 -.,. u June oil, i,n, on route , h-tweef mil! .under the admi n.-metit of tn P .Ta .M-r (tetial, dated October HI. I-... with -cele ry, c--dainty, au.l seen i ity , ' f jr t he annual mou of doilara. 7".'ii Atye.jro iii iiT'l- tci'?t fuU knoiclrdj nf (ha t.'tf i f nf tltf runt', th' ir-i'j.'if uf Ik' iii.n to be e.irriei'. ;n iiliir.e- itrltrui,tr in I''rtni ' M the rout- toe nerrice, unfi ri.vo .V-r rtirt rui c.r.oi- j hi,iti"i' of the i and instruct Hint attac.'U to te mtv rtUement. Datd (Signed ) C'i .TanftiT. The ifJ-'Sisrnrd. re-iillnir at -ta e of un-lerta that, if ; he 'ieoia' bid for carry I the m ii! on rout- X-i i o- areept-d b ih I'ostuias- ter (.ni-r il, the bi Ider shul I, prior to the 1st day of July, l-t!6, ei.tei i ito the r ij'.ired oblix atiou or ou-tia-t t" perforin tl - mivuc p: tp aed, ith goo J and sutticieLt sureties.' Thi Te o. uiiutr?ttn'tt'( ditinr'l'j the obliga tion c.tid Hi''iltti6 iinvhti hy iuxrt ifors tiiitier t'.e 't'tiecti-JH Cvnjivt of July -J. Is" Dated (signed by to guarantjrs.) Cert ft :at, TUa uaJ -r.:,"i '.!, ltosim ister at Suit- of , c-1 ii!le., t utitt II Is OATII OF orrteK, that l e is aiipi.tiuled will the above puoiaiitors, and know, tl.eui t. be m-.- oi pro;.ei:y, aud abl t" make yood their guarautcu. D-trl " ' (--isiie-t.) The ab.,ve c. rticate J:iU4t linre aflixed to it a tive ceul re enutf btan:)i, cancel 1' d, ui the lav r .(jUireP. INSTRUCTIONS TO DIDDERS AND POSTMASTERS : Cont'tinitiy .j.'.'o c nlit iotix t le i itcorjHsraU'd in the c"n'rt::U to the iSleut tht J'' jnn t merit tucj- ! d: vi prvj vr. i 1. ven minutes are alloired to cicii iuti rnii-d ate otuCr, when l-.ot -.-iheiwi.e. ..juH-itied. for as..rtl"H f the in u. s; tt:t ou laiiroa i an I aicair.iioal r-jutc thcKS is t be ii- i.iore tlc'.ay than is -uGi.-icat fir an IX h,ti'i.'0 I tneinil pjin lics. J. On" railroad and sttatuboat lii.e. and other ruUtes he e the mode of conveyance admits of it, the sp tial ucents of the l'nst (irtije liepartir.eiit, alsJ po.i Hi. c hlauks, mail b.i-s. bets and keys, ,,re to be conveyed Willi, ut extra char-. a. lu ra iiio.nl niiil , I earn boat lines t he ront- nren til of the d-partment are to be conveyed wi'h-ut cliare, and lor the ue of t'.e agent a commodious car, or apartment in i lie .entte of a car, properly lighted, waiij'.'jd and f am shed, at! 1 adapt.- 1 lo th- co'.iv'etii. ii. t Kir.tli'ia aud die- -scruri'V of the mails. Is ta be provided be th'-- cciitravtor, under the direction of 111- ; il' Ull-'.t. Itaiiia-a.1 ai d steamboat coiiipjirr-.- airequiretl t take the mat' from and deliver it into the po.-t ofile-s at lhe he-ins. n tf in 1 end of th-ir route-, and to a d f i oin il 1 fit res rot r e tti.ui eijtt.ty nxls trota a station or l.iii.l.n. I'r-iporoil. may be submitted ny t- e c-'inpanie-i fo.- tt.e t.ei f..rm ince . f all o.her side rervir. ibnt is for otllccs ov-r eithty r-.-d-. frcra a -tali. m or lauding l licie Will It -way-biiis" prepared hy :o.-!iu3s-teis, or other a-r.nts of the il-parinH-:.!, to a -compa-ny ih" tuaiis -oueyed i u r iilr-iads nud i-atiK-r., fpecifyii.K the number au.l d -e t i ri a t i' n of the sever al h.u s. On --ther )ri uciiiai rouus, likewise, i-eceipts will b.- r'.piirei a d way biil- lorwardej; the latter t c be . xa nu ned by the several pestuia'-ters, lo iiis are rea'arit . in the de':v " y ot nail.. 4. No pay wili be made for i.ips in t p: r'orinel; and for each i.f such iiii-.i .in. le t s i ti?f..ct Til y u plained, th e- times the p.:y of the tr.p may le de ducted. F .r .-rnvals .o :iir behind time as to break eotiD' Cti.m v i t ii d-i?tid:iii: n , i i -. and not suffl b-ut- Iv exeti..-.-!, otie-f Hi of t.i-c..inpn atian fi r the t:ip i s'.'vlc' to foif. r.ur '. 1 ot relit- t.-d .b liiiqiien- ' I i ivs or tie kind herein -piciil I en a' g.si pctia'ti s, ! I propoiti. to d to lhe i.iit-'iie thi-ii.-r ud the import- j atie.-.t t:.-man may oe ui. i;e. i il. I'o. le:.vint b.-hitnl or th -ia - n. iiin i or in irvi3- o:t I lie mai:s or ai'y porti. n f them, for the admission of pas-t n- i;. rs, or tor b .-in.; concerned iu settirift nj c r ruuiiMi: j an e.ii conv--yiiii; iu'eilitrene- in iidvauce of ti.e i ma:!, a iplartei-'j pay m -y be ib Juctel. o. Fines tv. '. be i:uposfd, ui:;-.i lhe cie'ir.quenoy j be p.-ouipt'y alio .ti'i: ta' torily expiaii'- d by errt Ii- ' cates of po.tmai icrs.d' ihe affi-liivits of other crcdibH : pels us. Tor f.ti.ti.- to arrive in r n.tiY.ct time: for ! ueiemiti- to 1 a i.e. the inai'i :n la, or deliver it ii.t , j a po t "fll.-e: fortitl'-r:t.4 1 i be wt. injur. -d. j stroyed, laid ', i or 1. -I, an I .' r refitflttff. aft.-;- do- j maii I, t coijv, 5 the i.. ill a- tl- i'!ei::ly as tie cor.- j t i-.e'or tuns, or ,s citLeenieJ ia i . u'iiii-', a Cjacl;, c ! or r.u-on- oat t :. a ro-ili . 7. i le- I'o . in i -ter i.eueriil may anrul th-c t.trat far i peate.l fail-arts lo run apreeubiy tocetitiae ; for violai.n-- the iost ofijee law-", er disobeyiuj.' the in- ' rii'-;.i.in "f ' he li ;i rtiii'-n. ; f r refosi o' to disci. ari;e . ac.i. ::.r ii l.'n rrfpii. e 1 by ti e t:t.p:1 - tr.n-nt to do so; : f.r r'.u. Ir. .' i.t, ' Spies its af .re.-iiJ, or lor trtiTitpo: t- itig p-f.....s - r ; ic :ai-?i (XtiV-y-ais 1 .-iHa'-le ni.ttt -r j o-.l . f fl.e n.:t;l. t s. lite 1. - .master General may i'tl r an increase of s-. v.ie- on a :-.i:l- by yliowin-, lh-r. f-r a 700 rata ii.cr-.i-t 0-1 ne -mtiaet pay. Mr may change aolu- '- i lilts f. 1 purtnicS aud an iv .l.s in all rus?. aad par ticiiiai ly to .na e tin m c. n'o: m to conn-rti.11. with railroad"., v. itl. out i!.ni:i-e o.' pity, provided the runtime tim- b. not abn .Jed. 11 uiayal-o older kl iucr. use of hpced. allow in-, within the r.-ti iete ns o. the iaw, a j.njyt'tn irrr.-iis" i.f pay for the .-ul.ii-tion.tl flock -.r earrieta1. if any. Th-cittraefor ina-. honver, in tht cite i f i.irrmn" vf"; d, 1 1 iiiiuui h the 0 ntract, by giving pr. nipt no. ice to t!.e d-part-uirrit I tiat In- pi eler.s tbiitiL- s 1 to carr Uig the ot '.er inio. ll i-t. The I'o-Una-t.r G-n-ra I miy al-.i dis j .-..ntmiit: or i-unaii 1.1 s,-i cr,in wn..ic or :n jar, 111 older to place on the r oit- .1 e'rt atv r de-'re i f -ei -viee.o vlnu-er th- jubjic ii.tt-ta.-t.-. iii li:. j-i 0; ni'-ui. shall letpiiro Mich d:-. on'.innancr or luitti. tnetit fr any other cans' ; he ail e-vinj: as a full iu dtii.nity to oiioac' .r on- Month's extra pay .11 the amount of s rvice dispensed with, and a y.ro ri.'f't e ni;-eii.H:i. u U ;' the atntiuut i f tctvicc retained au 1 com in ued. 9 Payments will l emad : by collections fn ni or dral's oi p i.fir"ii-r-, u- ..:h rwi.-e, nt;er lhe -xplra-tion of e.ehqiaitei s-y, in Novetuler, I.lm.,ry, May and A'Uiet. 1 1 The l.itnces arc given a-coriiini to the l e t litfotmatioi ; hut no iner used pay will le Ali-w-d sho-ild th'.-y i..- ::ie iter than iidveni- d. if ttm points to b- -iipi-il. J .re coire.-ily s' it-d Jof-.-a ;'!- in farm 4?'i.--n.4v7vr thU j-tint, and 1.U11 iu r f-r-eiice t- the weight of the i.i. iit. t ie cor.diti' n 01 roads, bill -, streams, ...c , snd i!l toll hriiigen. ferrh, 01 i b.i nrti.-n ..f any kii.tl ly wl.;t-h expense i-a;.y le Incurred. Notlaiir. for addition tl pay, has don such rro-.tii, ca.: be -.-'.i. si. lore I; n r f..r a!i-.r-d mi-takes or mi-a ;-:r-a' i Ion :n to ih - .'.-;.-- il s. r ice; uo: for I rid-e s i!-t'.oy"d. ferries tl.si .-,iiune J, or i-lher obs'r action - ine e.i.in:; oi-t-.ine-, ceenrrlng during tt - c n-ia.-t icr.it. or.ie-e; e- ta'-ii h -tl aft -r this a t v. riiseuien: is i---.:e 1. a..d al-o derii i; ibe ciutrael t-ri i,are to be vi-n-d witi. ut is:r.i 1 ay, if Iht-dis-l..t: .- b - nut iu. r a -id. II l iuJois are cuitiored to mall Iheir pr. p 'SalB i 111 hi" ' t" " a' f i::e ..cpai ti.i-r.t t.y me i: iy ai,u lo.tir i-.aned, l'l n. ia , M ir. ii p.ii;i lor bid- l. ceived aft.-r tha' ;.:ti- .rill not he etoi.v.aie-iv. in C"inpetitb.a airli a bid . f r.'a.ouable am. u:it icet ived in time. Nei: jer can bids be om-ide-cd a hi.-h are wi' lo.ut the iii.i auiee !' qu.retl by law aad a c -niiieaU- ot the aulet'i-ui-y of e-ieh i-iiaraui e. 1 B.o.ha s should fiist pr-poje t r service strict'y accr im- to th-' a'lve tlseiiieiit, ar.tf then, if tliryde M .-, Aej-irofe tor differ, ut st r u-:. ami if th-j rey- vhlr bid be the' loViSt oeeied r..r 'he a lve ;j.,.,f Su-. Vic. . tio- otl.e-- j.r. po- i; lot.s ni.iy be . ,,n id-jred . lii. Thci e -h uhl I-but o: e loa- l.:l f.r iu a pro poa I. Com. d hot ted or c -i.h ua: i. ; bid.- v' pi oposinr; on. ,-utu t-r tw or mole r t-.t -' ; ?.re fc ' iiMvn by 1 . , a'i'l cant" t I e .on.h'vri 1 11. 11.er.-ut.', th" erv:c.;. the yearly ; ay, lhe name and re-i-l-tiec i f t!t. 1 id-er, ( hot is. ii t s itstil post ofti. e aiid-.e. s.) and 'le.ss of i-.-.e1.! m -iiiber of a firm wh--e a compary rs b -il.l l.e 'lt-:iiic:iy ttatej. 1 Bidde's i.re r-i t. -ts.i t , . a-far - s i rac'ict ble, the piii.iet propo-als fun ; ,e i I v the depart men', to wi te out in full the - itu of tue.r bids, aud to r. tain copie. f tbem. Altered l ids .-hoald not "Ubmitt d; nor .houid bills line- sti'.m if. .1 be w-.lh. Ira a-ii. No n ithdrial of i. liid.hsror inaiMt.t wi.l b- I'Mowed un ess the withdrawal 1- listed and reccise.i befi.rs; th- last day f. r rec ivir.t piop-sais. Each bid in ti t be yuiranteetl by two r "pr.n.ible per?tins. 1 he bid and guarantee should be signed plainly with too full name of each je-r.-on. '1 he ilep-ii imetit reserves the lis'ht to reject any bid which may be ile'iuel cxt.avai.aut. at.:l al-o to dis i gn-d t!ie Lid of f iilti-; contractors ar d 1 id lers. It". 1 he 1 id sho'.ihl be si al' tl auperscribt d "Mad Pu-.-osais, ler.itory o!" Nehra-ika," addressed -'-lee nml A-ritai.t i'o.tai J.-ter Geutral, Contract OfTace," nd sent by ii-i.i, n .t by or to an atreui; and posi maitetli wili I. ot v::?!oe Trep.itls (. r letters of any kin i i in tht ir .rnart-T'.y r.-t jrn4. 17. 1 he c ju I tacts ; ro loLerxt cuh d ar.d rctarrtd to the J. parlf e:.'. by or before ih: 1 din if July. ls-'i; but the r-.-'. i e uiui-t le be-'jn on Ihat day, or on the mail ib.y n at af'er it, whether the contracts - t - , aIir. ,1 c.(itra,u, or of interest in contrae's. nie foi hiJd n l y iaiv, au 1 cun-tqiirLiily c.nntt be all-we'l. Bidders wi.l ther.foce take uotic- that tlity will b -e .; actod to pe linn the service accepted tot c ii tin ou .: lue bole term ot the contract. I s i'otnE:ine: a' oU'-o-s on t.r r.ear tailroaJi, Lut e than , ty i-es iioiu a n ttr ri, will, lmraedi- at.dy a:t er the -Sth i f Apt i: n xt report t'.i.ir exact l..t ibc lV.-a th- ne-.re.jt st and l ow tiny are oth rwls- 'tpr:ie.l with the mill, t-enaoie tht- I'- st- master Ger. -r.ii t i d.rect a raai:-:c8ea,;er iup;.!y from the of July next. lo Svcti.-n -i-'htc-n of au act rf C mcrre?? app or. td .March K, IS43. provides that ccr.tiac.s Sr the tr-nporiat .0.-. r f the mail 5h:t:l to let. '-in every I ca-e, to the lowest led 1-r tec de. ins 'ufllcient guai- i ar.t r s for f iltMt:' j e-fo' matrre, w.thcut ether refer. I eii.-c to the mode of fudi V appertain n tu n may t e j uf-ess.iry to j-rcvide ior tne t;u cc ercy. co lau.ty. srd -eciri-y tfsucb trausport ition " Ca-Ier hi. la a . bids ttia: p.r.p..e to ftr.tpc.it th- ra.'.ls with -ve'iritsf. cert nttr and etr.'y- having un .', Svii.t Jawe as J a wl 1 4 ii-aitTer may t'.t rt x!f of C1 ":vv"ii T.rcasary 1 t.i intun "i.iri:j, a. ...'!. ami w.'t I V. ( jnri ti.it a ih ir'''-r4nca Oitr Jii o and tio ol'- j er-ir? considered. ) A UuiJi'1. rioa of o b:d in aoy of its enswuti-l t : n in :inT:.m unt to .1 n-w b.d, knd CjitinM I"- r-- 1 col rc I. o a to Infifere ith I'fntsr cimjrii. s, J aficr ib Jat . nr et for rer!rinir l-:3 . akirjt a : ut I'i !. ith nnar.iatpe m-.'l liriu.cat . i tin- 01. ty I Wllv to , , , ., :, ,,r,Vija4 ,,,,, i, .j,. -.,.-;;,r, are ta b? carufut cot crtlfy. Fii!l'c..eiicy of ir M:tiir.4 or i.nr.-Uri. wt'i.'t knoa-- ;"-' t11.1t ihoy ae t r m of s .fnrint 1 e-;i i 1 itv; , i.iL' 1 1. it uipy a e i -r-i on. oi ..inrieiii i e-;i in - i i . 1 1 , , 'tvr'.jttr-iof t.u -n Uu. p:t..tr i n in.:,-l.aU r-uturul. a'h "i.y.lers. K jar.intor", and I arc; e a - e d iMiiu ti v not.fi i d tl.at o:. a failure to en- tcr l-ito or erloi tn tbe e ittrct for the .ervl.'e h"u- P,,.f.,ri.,lt.J,,t.,lWl!.i,,,,t.r i,.fM Labilit ei Will b-till' reed ah.aia-t th t:l. oj IV.ent eoufactors, an I persons known at the dcpat tiaert, iuut eq'iallv with other, p.-ocur- amr- antori, and certilic ties of iKeir ?ulTidei.cy fub.ianti- a: y in tii f .rms ah .ve ;o .-cnbed. lhe re-tirieate i of i-ulU.-.enr v iuu-. be . ino b a pce-tuia.-ter. ..r by a .iti lire i f a court -r record. No oi'ner will be ad- j ir.Otrd. The rerrilicate mint also have atlix- 1 to it a live Cent revenue stamp, cvieelled a- r. iiiired by w lih.NMM", declSOw J'osnJdetr r General. M. B. MURPHY, Main St., opposite Platte Valley IIoue, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Has on hand a large etock of SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, bridli:s. WHIPS, SPbRS, Currv Combs, Brushes, Cards, fcc. Eo oan Outfit a Mule or Horse Train Withevcrytiiing in his line, on short notice. My motto is "Quick Sales and :?mall Profits." Rcsiniring iloae at all times, at ieaoiia?lc rales- BJiACK, J5UTTERY & CO., Wholesale nud Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Hruslies and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Bfiedicinal use, Dye V.'ooiis, Dye Shifts, and Fancy Articles Generally. Fa rmerx, frcigliters a n d ph yslchi m AVill find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu ine and of the best quality. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Black. Plattsmou-h, May 1st, 18G5, tf . s-4- sir- sij- V-isv-r-, s '" sfSo-sa Vs xs?y4 wisfc E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japnned AND STAMPED WARE. Wp I.cep coii&tar.tly on Land Eiriiijra.'iia' .inJ Frcigl.icra' O TI TJP X T TIXG GOODS, Such as Camp Stove., Frying Pans. SUillets and Lid', Ovens, Camp Kettles, vc. We aho keep Chain Fumps and Fixtures, i Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit Cans and Jars, Lanterns, Colfee Mills &c. TOB WOn2SL ! Tin Hoofing, Guttlers and Spouting done on short notice, with neatness and despatch. Are agents for tbe sale of Stew art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., South Side, between Stcond and Third Sireets, PLATTSMOUTH. - 'NEBRASKA d S-k y. .4 'HI ' W. t-7ilolSi !' tf' K Vcrth i.jlt Pio lures taken of all 2Sinds- i t,.i.M pv. -- r t, e p. ,.,.- f. - , , e n. r V AmbrOtyp-?, I nOtOjraj.l,, i FTTI I .CttjreS, &.C AgOOd ftt0rlm'7it flf CcSfS FrITl' 1 Albums, ic-, contant.v kept oa hand- Gilt and Ri-wocl Mjldlr.", cr Fratu Miisic J Music I RAYMOND, MLEll CO.r . - " ...... IilALK IS " " J, , fc . . ! piano Fortos, Melodecus,' Music and MUSlCll IU C-SCt ! poi'VPlT IHITM ... j l-U L -X -1 la uLul3 . v, . , IOWA AJU U.MAUA, . I. Orders l.y mail for M'iie. Books, or aaytbing pr (.lining ti .uosic, promptly attended to fVdrd-rs for timing or repairin; rianoFrrfei and MelocleoBS ln l'lattMiiotith ami vicinity n il ts attended to a: our rat Urn convenience RAYMOND, Ml.NKR & CO. Attj:. 8, ls6.S t L. THOMAS' .'-i .rC iir-r-r5B Picture Gallery. jMW ill Sit'eMainSt, gvlJ-. "Jin t ir