Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 20, 1865, Image 3

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    . n i-
t Im
jfaiF" Sirii;fiinij continues good
much belter than is usual iu Nebraska.
Oa'Old Muddy" is now cUtictually
bridged at this point, and teams are
coLtant!y crossing, free of charge.
jfcjT' Wood is being brought across
ihe river in considerable fiuantities, and
the hijh prices paid heretofore will bi
heard of no more '.his winter.
tx2T VcoA should be careful about
picliug op looe s'.icIm of wood near
o;ht?r fulna' wood-j)i!ei, as many if our
ciiiz' iis are inclined to experiment with
gun powder Ly placing a small quantity
in a stick of stove-wucd.
Xtf' The. Judiciary Committee of
the Hroe h.ia tgred to report a till
t'.nuiuj out t.o word 'white' Irom the
cL-iKer ot ihe ciiy of Washington.
Ihe Fenian Sen.tte adjourned
ou the 10. h inst. Several of tLe Sen
ator have gone home.
IIo:i. Turn (Jorum, cf (JW'.o,
tvbi struck with paralyse on the loifi
mat., while ui aii assemblage ot disiiu
guijhed Duir.ii, m Washington, city.
Jle is Ctnidered dangerouely ili.
" Official ijforma;iori ha reach
ed tiie j itrtineni of tute of the rati
fication by the lrgisiaiure of Indiana
linorgia and Al.ibaina, of the proposed
amendment of hi Cun;muii-i of tiie
L" Sm'.csoii ihe subject of blaveiy.
xj?" This part ot the country wai
fovcr.d w tli another heavy fall of snow
last ingh and, what u i-v better, no
wind accjmj-auifcd it. The ground is
now coVfr.d tJl'.ie depth of sbou one
5" C 1'. Huntington, Vice Presi
dent of the Central radio Railroad his
received from the TretMiiy Department i
til, "WO in bond-, on account of the;
tcond diM: i m C'f that road, which is
completed .
T" Alter the l?t of December no
clerk in the Qu rtermaster General's
tier artmei.t will, with the exception of
a few expfru, receive more than 810
a inoniix.
-- - - M 1 -
M Lttkc s Eur-The
lad, ps have psrt-d no pains to maUe
this fair a mccoss. The supper will be
oue of thj lines! ever prepared. A
lrij auJ varied ns-oltinent i f Toys
atvl o.hvr Chri-lmas presents will be
di.;i,'aye '. Let ail cmiio and make their
purcha-iPi for Christmas presents on
Saturday, tlie "J3J, at the S cl.o J.-hoUse.
r0 N!:V. DiTOT. About the
tldi of the pn.-ent tnontlt we wi'l be
prepared to furnish the readii.Lr public
f l'!a'.ts")0!i:!i and vii.-inity w;:ii any
i-.ntuy of readi:- matter, in the way of
Newf aper.-1 an! M;;izities. Also,
the Tribune Almanac, lierman Calen
dars and I'uckei Diaries for ltG.
We have now on hand a line assort
ment of Photograph Albums, Photo
graphs, Children's Toy Docks, eic, for
the IljiiJaya. Cull and examine.
Klli'.-lu is. WlSE.
Css5'" A few of the young men of
li s city have formed themselves into
a debating vr-oety, for the purpose of
mutual improvement. Meetings are
held onc a week, a! which cpieati ns
relating to the pre:-cnt I me.- are dis
cussed. The question for delat-at the
next meeting is whether State Clovern
rnent for Nebraska, at the present lime,
is expedient. " This course of debates
not only serves to improve the partici
pants in oratory, but is an incentive to
Here the mini with useful knowledge,
in transactions of the prent day as
well as historical facts. Let our young
men lay luld of this matter wnh a wiil.
it is far better employment than loafing
about saloons or pas-sing their evenings
in idle and frivolous conversion.
(ieorge Francis Train is in
) aidha again, ile is trying to make
lie people there believe he is a "heavy"
chap, ly telling them lie is going to
build an hundred houses there if the
capitalists of Chicago will furnish him
the funds. Who wouldn't build houses
if some ono would furnish them the
"Therewith? We know a "felier" that
M'llI do the same 1 y riattsmouth, and
cot think cf claiming any particular j
credit for it. Train, ftowever, is doing i
one good act. he gave, a lecture last
evening for the benefit of the poor of
tli city of Omaha.
"1 have tboajanJ-j of good apple
trees in the I'lattstuouth nursery, of good
sire, nnJ pood varietie. Also a variety
of ether fruit, ornamental trees, shrubery
cvergreoji, ic- Anything in the nurse
rj lirw not to b-? had in tny nurse, y, will
be furnihed to order as early in the
pnng as the fir.t of April. See adver
tisement in another column.
15 tf Win S. VT..T.
Geo. Boeck 8c Co.
1It removed to their
J"EV TWO-STORY BRICK SHOP, JVorth-vrest of Boeck' s Old Stand,
Where they are prepared to tura out a.11 ktnj of Xeir "Work, uch si
Ami everything nee led by Freighters or Farmers in the be,t of ityle.
Horses, Mules and Oxen Shod in the best style and on reason
able terms.
Of every .'esrriptlon , either la wood or iron, djn on thor-. noiice.
CzT Particular attention paid to Repairing all kinds of MACHINERY AND
They keep cn hand, and fur iile,
Ox-Yokes, Bows, Steeples, Cable-chains,
EOLTS oKll sizes, WAGON BOWS, &c.,
In fae(, everything in tieir line needea by Freiffhters, Etnig-ranta or Farmn.
II iTing a large stock of Seasoned Timber, and tho best quality of Iron, Thimble
Slceim, 4e., i- ltctet by ourEtTves, with special reference to thU trade, we f.-el confidant that wa aaa tare
t at Letter li t more work, at chap-r raten, than any other hop la the Territory.
Thankrul ftr .jt patronage, we aalieit a esntinuanee cf the fame.
JCrS" SaCiraction Ciiarnnteed or Honey Refuiided !S2
Plattsmoi th, N. T., Not. 8th, ISCo.
or TBK
rAU.MERs' AM) Mi:i:cii ants'
Insurance Company,
Wo, t!ie uu Jersined, I're.idcnt and S'rritary rf
the Karn'-' Mild i-ri ltau ts Insurance C'omi;ny, uf
i'imcy, lihuoi-, ii ht-rottv c Ttily th:it the -aid C'm-'(4s-d
if a caj Itul, in :irc riiHtir" with tiie
finrffr "f .ti.l (riiaiiv. aiii'iiinii Ui; tn Four iiuu-
lt(d E:Khty-MX Thoa'aud Five lliimlrd and
eviuy-three lifty triK'ht one-huuilred D.ilr", btjin
lN'(it Notes in f.r-e on the n'-t day of January,
1 hfurl hy iin on Oie ieat etatc iuxurtd.
a-.uuu'm- t'i over Xine Million Dollar, and riot
fii. u !.l)'.'ttil mure than Laif is vain'-; aud, in addi
tion tlniot , tlie sai l C'nnj'any is "po;. sstd ol Cash
a-K t and Hills K. rcivable m.ituriuii daily . nearly all
di.LWiit in'er.-t at tho rate rA ion jor rent. J'er an
wiiii, aino'intn it I" Sin 'y-Six Thousand Eii.Lt Hun
dred and Li(ciiy-Four l-IM rllarij, Leiug talance
on hand January 1-t, A. I !).
l sri. W.N.CU.NE IVe-i lour,
1kal) VAN (ItANK, Sec.
Ailum Couuiv. f
I, A!cxai:drr Johnecn, Clerk of the County Conr,
wi hin and t ir iaid count t. do h'T. hy cTtifr, that W.
N. time and V. It. VariKrank terM'nally apiearod
loftr-- mo, c o, Leiii d'lly Mtroin, liei-oo and My
Ih - t!. I.t N -Tntd 10 tho uLove ooi tiC'-att; are. true
i-. it..- lo -t of Ih-ir kni'wi-.!- au I Lr-n,-f.
In t-tnnony h roof, I L.tvo heio.iuto et my liatnl
and ; tlixod the oal of th" l ountv ('ou;!, at my oITlco,
in ibn nl) f yniiioy, tl.u!th day cr Novoiii'lo r, A.
l. 1
l. i-J u s r. ALLX. JOHSiOX, Clork
Tu t-xpire ou Iho 31t tlav . f .tainnrv. A. t. IStiij.
1.S.-L'I;a'.V( K liI.l'A KTM KNT, 1
t.lliv of IVrri'n: ial Audit r, r
fJTiuha. Nib.. Xuv. litli, ISt"..
Whoreaj". 15. M . I'u Kra'ik. L') , 10 1'iridoul of
ll.e l.i-m-r,' and .Mr c!i.u::' Ju-:irauc,
locnoda- i) i :u r,, j:; th;j Oilloo a
co.-t.:i"d o ,.y ot i:.o A i t il I i.c j: ..r iliiti of aail
C-i,:p.k)iy , i. . Ij : u i! f. a iri I'li-u in-triiint-nt uii-l' r
Hi.- - hi t f .-.i:l c ,;u.y, -i-nt-il hy itie I'roidoist
and s-.-v t irj fi.-rt.jf, un . oroarh, ci. niying that MtiJ
Coinpa'iy i- i ".'-i,-""l ol' a o.ij.i; il . f I ,ur Huu-lit-1
a"-! Kivii'y-S.x Ih. u-.iiid Ki'.i' lluudrrd and l.itr.y.
'I Lro.- jo l io lo!! i: fc, hoinc I- i-o.-it Sotos ill f iree on
til Ilrt I iv ! .1 .tuuaiy, l-tV. .-ctiro-i l.y hou on Ihe
io.i i-'iit,; Hi-iinil; uud u wrttiou i:. t r i:nou:,
K'lt-i bv t'.r I'rosLI-nt aid fiCiotiry of faiil t'oiii-i-niiy
. .'jurli.jiiiii.'r; ;uy in.-! all Auom-t aid Coin
j.aij iiuy aitoit,t 111 il,.- T-rri:ory f ebr&-ka to
aoo- ;tt and ..cauowledire ,oriioe of proot ?s. ,-jc., for
auil lti l.ot.aif of :aid C.-i-p .nr. arid waiving all claim
ot error.- by roa u of -u hervi -, 40.; and the said
t'mn, iii.v h i- lu! ;j ciiuj. :,.d w.iii the r 41111 enients
if " Au Act i:i reUtio.i t 1 Jnmiai.ce C'oiupanit
al p-' VI.I E-' 1 ):h, I-"Vi
Iherofr.- it k n-irii , Ly the ' pr-ent, that in . f tii-- -id Aot, l't William K. Haivey, Au
d:to. o !.'! Tirrinrv of NoLrask 4. do h-r' by c"rtify,
tu.,f said Farmers and Merchants' lauiance Compa
ny has fu l auih rity tj transact Laaiuej ,f the la-
-.rafico in tho Territory of 0h.a3ka. ui dt-r tli e lw
of tl,i-i r.rntory, until the 8lt djy of January, a.
U. lboG
In witnes whore f, I have sabscri jod my
name, aad caLlcd tno iVal of the Auditor's
L -!!i - to be Lort-uuto Bfllxed, this lain day
of November, a. d. l-oi5.
I- s R W. V. It Alt VEY,
do )::-lw lerr.tvial AuJ:tir.
X -tioo is Loitty civen that Mrs M ugar-t E. Mur
; lo has mad'- a, pi o atioii to the l'ro ale (.ouuof
I'a-. Ci-uuty, N. T'., to tiL- upv..intol A Inn li.tral nx
of tlio ostai'-of N. H. M urlie.-, late of said county,
do.-o-iied. i'Le Court tbort-foio appoints
Thursday, ihe 4t day oj January,
A D. at 1 o'clock p ni, f or hoarini; sai i appli
cation, at which time periout intcrei-t'-'l can appear.
W itnes luy hand and seal of ot'ice this 12-h
L S day of lcctuibr, A. 11. l-oiS.
J. W. M 11.-; II all,
cl3 8t 1'robato Ju.'g.
To John U. ?arpy and JunatLau W. Wise and the
unknown heirs aT.d b- il r prtseutatires ot the es
tate of IVter A. Sa'py, dc eased :
You are hei-Ly ii. formed that on the 4!h day of
Decomlr, A D 16j, Je-se Wotneria aud William
Ci'iirboll C!td I heir petition iu th- l'lobate Court in
and lor Ca county. N T , TUo object and p-ayer of
aid p'-tition i- t , oLIain an ordor r d'-cr-'o author
izing and diiecti: g tlo- AdMiinii-trator of nai l estate
to m -ike arid eroiit a convovaiice to the sa.d Jee
Wethi-rta and Wi.linu Canipi.oll. of the follow ing
Koai Ktaie iu Ca-s coMtity. N. T., to wit.- Lot y.
I",l I and IS in block uiimlior eixty-f. ur (C4 . in the I
city of fiatt-mouth; ant that said p-'..tlou mil come
up To- i.eariLjf on he
"2'.rd day of January, A. D. 1SGG,
at li o'clock a in of nid day, at the ofSc1 of the
1'rol-att Judj;-i in aud tvr courity,X. T.
Jesl Wktherli,
Ty order cf the IVobate Judjf-.- of Cast county,
X. T. docl3 tW
Elray I i lice.
T. kon up at the reidence of the subscriber, in the
c:ty ,.f PiAttsuioutli. on the bth day of Deceuibt-r,
l"nj, our Cow and Calf; the cow is largo, rod, w it
whit fl inks, both liind foot while; supposed to te
about 1 yo irs old Ca t is red, with a little white
in, supp sod to be xr-tl old. The owner
is r 'piosted to cab, prove prop- nj, pav . hai: anJ
tako thom away. u. y. Wib.
dccl'i Jw
Str.v ed from iuy farm, 2 Steers, yearlings, part
marked with uniier ballcp.p iu li-jl.t ear, i. per
slope or crop in eft ear. Also one red spotted Caif
not luarm-il. 1 will pay a reasoLabie reward to kaow
whore they are.
K. U. L'OoM.
doc!3 If
Etay rVoticc
Taken tip by the nndeieiijned, Ii ring- on the farm
cf K. O Doom, 4 ui'les south of HaUsmouiii, olio
yearlinir Hoiler. red and whito sp: tied, tuarsetl with
crop off the tight ear, and uppei half crop io the left
ear. Also, one b laCK aud white yeailiDK Meer, un
der ha'.f crop in therein ear, and swa.low ft.rk in
the left ear. Th owner la rrquei-ted to (all and
prove property, pay cliarg-s, and Uk theia away.
BtMJ. iIaLE.
Dt'saa-r l!'b, 1553. IS J
Ila moved Into hU n-n- brick binding on the eor
nerof il ain stieot tut Levee, whom he is daily i
caivme laige additiju to hi alrtady cxtcusivo
stock of
lie otiorj the vtv best of bargains to customer,
and request a tail ir-un thoso urh- want aovthing in
bis lino I tent the advantaoa iu price with tto
! 9 I cthe'n.
JCeiuciuber the
an I piveh::n a call if you wish, to buy theap.
he suhsr-rjber woul.l re-nectfu!y call the atten
tion of tho ritijfii it i'l,H.n...t.ik .1 11
1 - .".........utii ntiKi lilt-puuilt at
! to the tact that he has located one door easi cf
Dont-lan'a 1'ru .store, where ho intends keeping
; - k ,iic fnuripM noitco, eveiy
, arliclein his line. His Mick Leiiie selected I v h ni
j Keif, and Lavii.i; s.ent the most of bis hie in the
1 bufcine, he foels ct niideut that be ran give fatisfa
I tion. Give him a call.
I April 10 TO. J.TnOCKjrfmTOSi.
Dealer in
G-ents Furnishing Good:
. ats,
&c, &c, Sec.
Also a larrre lot of RULBFR O00DS
and REVOLVERS always on hand.
will find it to their bpnefit to examine
my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Cash paid for Hides, Furs
and Wool.
Platismouth, May 25j tf
Post Oefice Department. )
Washington, (icloltr 31, 1865.
PROPOSAL? will be rect-i vd at Ihe Contract Office
rvf this lepartm-nt until 8pm of Man h 2'J, Ibift,
for convin Uie mails of the lTniltl Staten from
Jul 1, lid', to June 30. l?T't. in h Te-ri'ory o'
Nehraka, on the routi'a and Ly lh chiulei
departure and arrivals hi-r in spec.fied.
Deciiioug ann"iinced hy April 23, lrxlG.
(Examine the farmt and inttruction annexed )
11401 From Council Bluffs. Iowa, by Omaha City.
Omaha Tor., h.khorn 'My, rroiwont, Lit. coin.
Wallace. Buchanan, Kl lorad, Coluuibua,
Grand Island City, Junctjonviiie, A baville,
White ClotiJ. ebraska Centre, ami l-ort Keai -ney,
to Kearney C.ty, 19- 1 ii iu lies and Lack,
nix time a wock.
Leave Council Uluffs daily, except Sunday, at
i a m;
Arrive at Kearney Oity third day by 6 m,
(i-i Lours;)
Leave Kearnoy City daily, except Sundas", at
6 am;
Amvo at Council Illuffs third day by 6 a til.
(4-j hours.)
14 102 From po'umbui to Can-dcn,C3 miles and back,
once a"week.
Ioave Colnnibus Monday at 8 a in;
Arrive at Camden rent day by 6 pm;
Loave Camden Weduesday at S a m;
Arrive at Coluraubus next day by C p in.
1103 Krom Colunibu. by Monrne. to Genoa, 20 miles
and hack, three tim.-s a week.
Leave Columbns Moiiilay, Wednesday, and
Friday, at 2 p in:
Arriva at (i''iia by 7 p ins
I.oave Gen- a Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
at 1 p ni:
Arrive at Columbus by 6 p in.
14104 From Omaha City, by Bollevue. Larrirar Mills,
l'lulte's Mouth, Kock HI'Ul's, Lt-wistoii, Three
tiroves, I'lnoii, Wyoming. Kebiaska City,
Mount Vernon, Brownsvi le. ieBB:iha City,
Aspiuwall, Klkton, St. Herein. Ft. Stephen's,
Arai;o, Kails City. K'do, Nohart, White
Cloud, Iowa Point. Highland, W'aluut Grove,
Troy, Wathena, an-KKIwood. lo it. Joseph,
Mo , I CO miles and back, six times a week,
leava Omaha City daily, except Sunday, at 3
a ni;
Arrive at St. Joseph third day by S a ra, (43
Leave St. Joseph daily, except Sunday, at 8
a in;
Arrive at Omaha City third day by S a m, (48
hours )
14405 From Omaha City, by Florence. Fort Calhoun,
Yar.oo. Iowa, lie Soto, Nev., Cu-nminns City,
Modail, Iowa, Tekamah, NeW , Silver Creek,
Pecatur. Omaha Agency, Otn idi, Dakota
City and W.Hulbury. Iowa, to Si.iux City, 97
miles aud back, three time a week.
Leave Omaha City Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 5 a m;
Arrive at frdonxCity next days by 10 p m;
1j ave fiionx City Monday. Wednesday and
Friday at am:
Arrive at uniaha City nest days by 10 p m.
14 tOC From Omaha City by Va!ley of tho Horn
(n o ) to Niobrara Kiver (u. o.) miles
and back, onoe a we -k
Leave Omaha City Mnndav at 6 : m;
Arrive at Niobrra Kivor Friday by 0 p in;
l.eavo Niobrara Uivor Monday at ti a in;
Arrive at Cmaha City Friday ty G p ui.
144l'7 From Omnln by Ilnztoton (n. o.) to Forest
City, 24 mile and back, once a week.
I.oav Omalia City Saturday at 6 a m;
ArrivcHt Forest City by 1 p mi
Leave Forest C ity Saturday at 2 p in;
Arrive at Omaha City by Spin.
14403 From Fiomont , by Jalapa and Saint Charles,
to West Point. 34 miles and back. once a weok
Loavi' Fromont Saturday at s a in;
Arrive at West l'oint I'.v 6 p to;
I.oavo Wtst Point Friday at s a tn;
Arrive at Fremont by C p m.
141u9 From For-tar.elle, by Locau and West Foint,to
T)e Witt, 30 nuloa and buck, i wire a work.
Leave Foutanclle Monday and Wednesday at 6
a tn;
Arrive at De Witt by fi p 111;
Leave Do Wist Tuos-Iny and T!iarday at C a in;
Arrive at Foutanclle by ti p iu.
14410 From Primrose, by Eik Horn City aad Belle
Crook, to toutatielie,2J miles and back.twice
a work.
Leave Primrose Monday and Wednesday at S
a ui'
Arrive at Fintaiielle by C p in;
Leave Fontanels Tu-sday and Thursday at S
a ni;
Arrive at Primrose by C p in.
14411 From Bellevue, bv Platte Valley and Plattford,
to Forest City, 3J miles and txick, once a
1 eave liellovue Friday at 7 a m;
Arrive at F..ret City by 0 p in;
Leave Forest City Satur-lav at 7 a m;
Arrive at Bollevao tiy 0 p in.
1441 '2 From Plattesnioutli to Cileadale, 12 miles aad
back, ottce a we.-k.
Leave Plat,r-iii.,uih Saturday at 0 a in;
Arrii-o at (iloudalo by 12 in;
Leave ;:. l dale Saturday at 1 p m.
. Arrive at I'laltesmoiith by 5 p m
14113 From Plattfird, by Fork or Ssli Crook, (n. o.,)
to Catndos, .ii nii!.-s and btttk. once a week.
I.oave Plattiord We lno..iy i-.t 10 a in:
Ar-ive at t'tiudou ntxt day by 6 p n;
Loave Cam-Ion Fridiy at 10 a m;
Arrive at P attl'ord next day by C p ni.
14114 From Kock Blutls lo Kanosha, 4 mil'-s and
back, ouie a week.
Leave Kock Uluffs snturday at b a m;
Arrive at Kanosha by 1 1 a in.
Leave Kamsha Saturday at 1-2 m;
Arrive at Rock Hlulis by 3 p in.
14415 Fpim Thro Groves, by Mount Pleasant and
Centre Valley, to W. oping Water, 17 milts
aftd rHk. once a w ek.
Leave Tlree Groves Sat irday at a tn;
Arrive at Wi-epinir Water by 12 iu;
Leave Wovpiti Water Saturday at '2 p tn;
Arrive at Three Groves by 8 p in.
1411G From Wyoming, ly Av-a, to Salt Creek, 40
miles and back, mice a we. k.
Leave WjoininB Friday at G a m;
Arrive at Salt Crook by s p m;
Leave Sal; Cre- k Saturday at 6 a m;
Arrivo at Wyoming by Spin.
14117 Frrm Vebrasl-a City, by Xurery Hill, Pa Imy
ra and iraltillo to CamdtB,67 miles aud back,
once a week.
Leave Nerraska City Wednesday at 6 a in;
Arrive at Camden next day by 4 p m;
Leave Camdt n Friday at t? a in;
A rrlve at Nebraska City next day by 4 p til.
Bids to extend the service to Koaruoy City, by
JuuctioBville and Valley City, thioo t.iuos a
weec aud back, ou a schedule- of 4-5 hours,
wiil be considered.
1441S From Nebraska City by Grant, Helena, Bry
on, (n. o..) Hooker, (n. o., Crab Orchard,
Beatrice. Blue Springs and 0;.? -4oiicy to
Marysvil!e, Kansas, Io5 uiib s and back.viice
a week.
Leave Nebraska City Monday at C a m:
Arrive at Marysville Wednesday by 10 p m;
Leave Marvsrille Thursday at ft a in;
jtrrive at Nebraska City Saturday by 10 p m.
14419 From Nomnha City, by Mont, roy and Lour
Branch to Table Hock, : Jt nuie ami nam,
once a we k.
Leave Nemaha City S iturd.iy at S a in;
ylrrive at Tble Kock by 4 P in;
Leave Table Rook Friday at s am;
Arrive at Nemaha City by 2 pin.
14420 From Brownsvd'e, by Popers, Tccamsah and
Vesta to Crab Oichard, 4o miles ai.d back,
ence a erk.
Loa- e Brownsville Monday at S a m;
Arrive at Crab Orcbaid next day by 12 ni;
Leave Crab oichaid Tuesday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Ilrowusv.ile next day by G p tn.
14421 From Falls City, by Snlem. Mile's Hanch,
M.ddlrbur. Mi.n ad. lluuil-oldt, Scott's Ta
ble K.k, Pawno C ity. Lib i ly and Blue
Springs to H.-atrio-, Pti miles aud ba-k
once a Wrek.
Leave Falls Ci'y Monday at 6 a iu;
jlrrivoat Ib airic i xi day I y G p m;
Leave Beatrice Vt'rdaesilay at a ni;
Arrive at F'uB- 'ity next day by 6 pm.
1)1. Is tor twice aud tbiee-times-a-wcck service
14-122 From N'.-braska Centre, by Elm Crook, (n. ..)
Buffalo I re- It, n. o.,) Month cf North Fork
of F-latte Kiver(n. o .) and Lodiro Pol. Creek,
(n. o..l to Boulder, Colorado, 450 miles aud
buck, ou.-e a week
Leave Nebraska Centre Monday at 10 a m;
.4rrtve at Houldor .-aturday by b p m;
Leave Boulder Monday at 10 a in;
Arrive at Nebraska Centre Saturday by G p in.
14423 From Jul. sburyh. by Fort Larimie and l'eer
Crot-k,iil. o to irriaia t-liy, aouiaua,
7o0 miic and back, twice a mouth for once a-wetk service luvited.
Bidders will propose a schedu.e of departures
aud arrivj,.
14424 From Fort Laramie, by Doer Creek, (n. o.,)
Piatt- Bn.lj.-e, (n. o .,) lireen lOver (.n. o.,) and
Fort Hriditir. Ctah, to Sa't Like City, 513
mile- ana ba- k, onoe a wtk.
I .eave Fort Monday ai s a m;
-drrive ai Salt LakeCity tenth day Vy G p ci;
Leave Salt Lake City iuut.iy at s a in,
Arrive at Fort Larauiic tenth day by 6 pm.
14422 From Cottonwood Sprirgs I y UepubHctn Fork,
to Fort biley,2o0 miles and back, ouoc a
Loave Cottonwood Sprint's Monday at Gam;
Arrive at ltepublican F'ork Thursday by p u;
Leave k-publican Frk Monday at 6 a m;
Strive at CottuawiijJ Spriniij Thursday by 6j
p ui.
14?2Q Fros rk?r, by O'Cutci:, P?a:, N-vCt-
tie, 8ai'.t James and S lint Helena, to Frank'
toi t, fed mile" aiid t , once a week.
Leave Hbk. ta Monday at 7 a tn;
Arrive a. Fruiiki. rt next Widio sday by 12 m;
L ave Fiar.kfort Wednesday at 1 p m;
Arrive at Dakota u xt Friday by g, p m
prrposal.-, invited i include louia and Dixon
(n. a. ) between New Castle aa 1 Sa.nt James
fff The l. tt.-rs fn. o indicate that no ofriccoxists
at the pi. mi named at the date ot this adveriisemoiit.
Tiie und rsisied
addros U , County of
who-e post ofllce
. Stat of .
prop-os to convey the mails or the.Lnitecl state
from July 1, ISoG.'to June SO, 170. on route No ,
betweeu and , under the advertisement
of tbf Postiuas'.-r Ci neral, dated October 81,165.
with "ceir.ity, certainty, aud se'ur.ty, iol the
annual sum of dollars.
7 hit i,roioci,l it intt't trith full knoirletije of tha
ii t .ni-i iij k- ruttte. the tc-iyUt or the tuuil to be'e., und c,tl othe- partirularm in reftrtmce V
t.'te r,mte and rerrit e, and nlo aftrr careful txam-
inntvni rf the laict awl instructions attached to
the wtvftiiatm--iit.
Iiated (Sigued )
The un-lersij.ned, re-idlii at . Sta'e of ,
undertake that, if the fore;oiu; bid f..rcarryiujr the
ma:! ou rocto S bo accepted b the 1'ontutas-
tor Oeri-ra!, ti e bid-ler sliall, prior to the 1st day of
July, 1SGG, eut?r iut tho required obligation or eon-tra.-t
to perform the aoivice proposed, with good aud
sulliciont sureties.
7"'it we da. undersUinJing distinctly the ol'lipa
timm pnil liabilities as" by jutrantrs under
the 'Jllih secliun of cony of July '2, lMjo.
latod (Signed by two guarantors.)
The und. rsined, postmaster at
. Slate of
, c-r'.ifles, v.iuek nts oath ok office, that be
is acquainted with the above ttuurantors, ami knows
tbatn tc be m. ol property, and ablo to mako good
ttiotr guarautta.
Dated (Signed.)
The above Ccrtincate must have affixed to it a five,
cent revenue .tauip, caucelled, as the law requires.
Cuntiiinin j alsn conditions to be incorporated in
the ctnitrncts to the txtcut the Zeja tMut may
deem Jiroj-er.
1. sievpn minutes are allowed to each intermediate
ofl'.ce, when L,ot otberwite. specitied, for assortii'i;
the msils; but on railroad aud steamboat routes
there is to be no more delay than ia saSQcieMt for au
exchange of tUe mail pouchea.
2. On railroad and sbamb iat lines, and other
routes whore Ihe mode of conveyance admits of it,
tho special ai:euts of the Post OdKe Department,
al-i post i-IVue blanks, mail bags, loci, aud keys,
are to be conveyed withi nt extra charge.
o. Ou railroad aud teamboat liues the route agents
of the d partment are to be conveyed without charge,
and for liio use of tlie agents a commodious car, or
apartment iu the centre i f a car, properly lighted,
warmed and furuisiied, and adapted to the coiiveiu.
oi.t separation aud due security of the mails, ia ta
be provided by the contractor, under the direction of
the department.
Itailroad and steamboat coir.pauies are required to
take the mai' from aud deliver it into the post oBices
at the bcginiCnir and end of their route, and lo and
f rom a! 1 fftces not more than eighty rods from a
station or landing. Proposals may be submitted by
t -e companies fur the performance of all o'her aiile
service that Is for otllces over eighty rods frum a
station or lanilin
There Will tie way-bill''' prepared by postmas
ters, or oth'-r airetits of the department, to aecompa-n-
the iu:ii!a iiouveyed ou railroads ud st-amers,
siecilyiR ' the number aud d-stiuatiou of the sever
al bags. Ou oilier principal routes, likewise, receipts
will be p-quite J a d way-bills forwarded," the latter
to bo exa nitiod by the several postmasters, to insure
r-.-ulant . in ttte delivery ol mails.
4. Nopiy will bo made for trips n.-t performed;
and for ei.eli of such omi-ions. not satisfactorily ex
plained, tin e times the pay of the trip muy be de
ducted. For -arrival so :ar behind time as to break I
coiiuictioii w,th depending mails, and not sufficient
ly ex.-iise'l. oue-f-'U' tii of the compensation fe' the
trip is sttbjecv to forf.-iuire. F'ji ropot.-d deliui;iieu
cies of tl.o kind herein spec-tied eu.arged penalties,
pi-ipoi iKoied to the natnro thereof aud the import
ance of the mail, may be made,
0. Fo." lemiuir lo bind or th otitic; 0!T the mails
or auy pi rtiou them, for tlie adu.issiou of passen
gers, or for b'-ing concerned iu setting up cr running
an express convoying intelligence iu advance of the
in 'ai I. a quarter's pay in ly be deducted.
G. Fines w:ll be imp-. soil, uulets the delinquency
be promptly and fati-fa. torily explained by certifi
cate of p jsttaastcrs or the affidavits of other crrdinh?
prison., tor failmg to arrive iu contract time; for
negiectiu to lakt the mail Irom, or deliver it int.-,
a po olil.;o; (or s'ltferii.g i t to be wot, injured, de
stroyed, lotib.Ml or lost; aud for refusing, after de
it:anl, 1-. con-.'ey the mail as frequently as tiii cou
t actor runs, or is concerned iu running, a coaca, crar
or steam1 oat on a rout.
7. The l'lotmioler tieueral may annul t!;o contract
for r prated failures to run agreeably toe "litiaut; for
v lolatiint the post office law-i, or disol'eying the in
structions of ;he lepartinetit; f .r refusing todischarge
acaiii-r hen required by the depattiu'-ut to do so;
for running an expr.-ss as aforesaid ; or for transport
in persons t-r pa. ktsgoa convoying mailable matter
o'lt of the moil.
S. The Fi'stm-nter Ootioral may order an increase
of on a route by allowing therefor a pro rata
increase on lite contra' t pay. He may change ache.'
u l.-s f :. part iir. s and an i v sis in all c4.--, and par
lii:iilarly to niske t!:.-m conform to couuvotious with
railroad-, wituout inert aso of pay, provided the
riiuniug time bo riot abii-lsO.I. Hr may also order aa
iucrraseol speed, allowing, within the restrictions
o iho lavir, a ro rifi increaa" of pay for the addi
tional stock .r earrie's. if any. The contractor mav,
however, in ." of increase vfsjud, relinquish
the coutri-ct, by givine, pr. nipt nonce to the depart
ment that he prefers uma; s ti c irrj mg the order
iutoeff ct. ';'he l'o-ti:iastsr ui.ral iuy kSo dis
cotiiiinie or c irtail the, in whole or iu part,
in order to place ou the route a greater degtee f ser
vice, or whenever 'he public inteic-sls, in his judg
m -lit. shall require such discotitiuuauc" or ouilail
niont for any other cans' ; he allow nig as a full in-
ilouinity 1" c Tttactor oti" month's ox.ia j ay on the
amouul nt s-t vice disif used with, and a yr nU'i
c inpctisati' L ior the aiiiouul of au I
t P.-iyineiUs will be made by collections from or
drafts on post roasters, or otherwise, a tier the expira
torn of e icb qua! lol s;.y, iu November, Fcbiuary,
M iv and August.
in '1 ho d. stances are given according to the lst
inform. iti. ui; but no iucr. i-sod pay will be allowed
should they be greater than advertised, if tho points
to be supplied arc coirecily stated Bidders mutt
inform themselre on thi jmint , and so in refer
ence to ll.e w eight of the mail, tin- Condition of roads,
bilN, stream-, &c , and all toll bridges, ferries, oi
ohstiuoti'-ns of any kind b which expense may feu
i iicurrod. Nc claim foi a Jd.tion I pay, based on such
ground, cau be considered: n ,r for alleged mistakes
or misapprehension as to tl." degree i f sort ice; liar
fur brnlgoj d.. stfoved, ferries discontinued, or other
oi-str'icti..ns irtc.euinc; ,iistar.ce, cccurrinur duriug
t!:e coiittact e ci. , -ia!'lih--d af! -r tits a-1-vertisoun
in :s isstie.l. iiu.l also during tbe contract
torui,a.e lo be viMtew ilht-ut txtra pay, jf i3e dis
tance b- not increased.
11. bidders aio cautiouod to mail their proposals
io time t- reach the t i pat ttiient y the day aud hour
tiaui'-d, (l p. .it. . Mar.-li 2i, ISiW',.) for bid.- rooeived
ufier that tinje trill no' be coiwidtred in cffija-iition
with a Id I o; reasonable utuou.-ii leceivcl iu tune.
Neither nil bids be considored which are uitlioul the
gua autee required by law and a certificate cf the
s..dicieucy of such puaiiiiitee.
12. Biodors i-Uotil'l first propose for service strictly
arcordiuij. lo the uilve' tisemeiit. and then, il they de
si i rjira!frly tor dilTerent s.-rvice, and it the refj
v'arbni t- the l' ofterrd f--r the a.lvo.ii-e-l ser
vice, the olli-' pr-.posit iwi.s m.iy be considered.
13. There -lmuld be bin ot e loutobid t l in a prop-sal.
Consi lidated or r 'tnoiie.ition hols . ' proiiosing
otir sura for two oi ino'e routes'") are lit'iilden by
ljw, and cai.uot I e con-ideied
14. Tli ! route, the torviee. the yearly , the name
ai.d r'-sioeiice .f th. l-:d !er, ( ; h it is.hiw uual jiost
I'ltice ailuroei..) aud theo of rr.-h m -u.bor of a linn
whore a company oil is should be ili-tn-.ctly stated.
15. Huiderr- at" req'te-l 1 to Use, as far as practica
ble, the piitilcd propofSls fuiip.-hed !-v tiie drpart
i.ieut, to write out in full the sum of the r bids, and
to retain cpios ol them.
Altered bids should not l-e snbinitbrd; nor should
bids on' o sul tn itt'-d b- withdrawn. No withdrawal
( f : bidder or guarai.t a ill bo allow ed uti.ess tl.o
twthdrawal idie.l tsr.d received Lefre the last day I
t-.r recciv iriir proprsa.s.
Each bid cittst be guaranteed by two responsible
poisons. ILebid and guainutce should be signed
plainly with the full nano if e:.cti je-rsoii.
I he dep irtmetit reserves tha right to reject any
bid whicii may be d me 1 exliavai-'aut, aud also to
disregard tho bid- of failing contractors and bidders.
16. '1 he bid should s-e staled su(orscribed "Mad
Proposals. T. rritory o!' Nebraska," a Jdresscd "-tec
aid A-.-i-tant i'ostuia-tor Central, Coutrict Cfnce,"
and sent by nail, li t by or to an agent; aud post
i:ias:eis will not enclose proposals (-r leiters of any
kind) iu their qiiarb rly retirns.
17. ntracts are to be execute ! and returned to
tlie department by or beforo tu : ls( day if July,
lsijtj; but til..-so.-vi.e must be begun o.i lhat day, or
i il the tii .il li y lo xt after it, whether the contracts
executed or not.
Tran tors tf coi tracis, or of interest in cot.trac's,
afo fo-bi Jde-i by aw, ai I oii-oqut:iit!y cannot be
iillowed. bidders will ther,fure lake notice that
tl.ey will be exi ectoti u pe firm the -ervice accepted
to ten through the w-t-ole term of the contract.
1 : I'ostia.istors at odices on rr rear railroad, but
lutoe than eigtty rods fr-.m a ,tati ui, will, immedi
I'tcly a:t--r t..e -2th of Apiil uext rcoort their xact from the nearest sia ion, and bow ihey are
otht rwiso snip. led with the mail, t..enao!e theVo-t-inastrr
ttece'ai t diret't a mail-messe.-tge.- mpply '
from ti.e l-i of July next
li. trotioi- eighteen of an act c f Contrress app-ov- i
id March a, ls-Wi provides that contracts for the!
transpuriato n of the mail sha.l Is? let "in every
tiise, to Ihe t-owesl b:d.tT ttnde:inr urniier.t guar
a lters for f tittifu! performit'ce. Without other refer
ence to tiie mode of su- b trauiir:aii. n than may be
li -cessary lo provide for the due ce'en'y. ce lunty,
acd securiti of such transportation." Cmlerhi
! w. tods that propose to t.ansport th' m.vds with
i-elei Uk, cerUi ;. and security." haeintj been
dacMleti to 2x tit only Uycl bids, are constrLed as i
vhalcrer may be the mode of cfnrey inee necessary
to intur its "relrrity, certainty, and security,''
and h'tve the preference over ail l,srs,and no ot
er are considered.
2d. A iuoliil, anon of a bid in any of its rveential
terms is tantamount to a new bid. and Cannot be re
eeived. set as to into? fere with rexiar eomfilion.
after the lat hour el fur rccoiTinK bids. 1 Jkin,t a
new bid, with t,-i.arantee and certificate, is the only
way to mod.fy a previous bid
21. Postmasters are to be careful not to certifytl.e
pttthciency of guarantors w suretioi without kn
m that I hey are porsonsif snfbcirnt reet',nsibil!ty;
it disregard of thisimdi-n. timi by Prtma--der is a
riubtfion of tl ir oath of o ft--e, u'o'(n;r Viem fc
inu.iediate removal . All bidders, guarantor", and
.sureties are distinctly notified that on a failure toen
ter into or perform the contracts for the service pro
posed for in tho accepted, their legal liabilit es
will be enforced agaiust them.
22. Present contractors, and persons known at th
department, must, equally wit!, others, p.wuro ituar
antorsand certificates of their tuincieucy subsianli
al'y in'the forms above prescribed. Ihe ccitiiicate
of snraciency roust be ripned b a postmastor, i.r by
a .i ml ire or a court ,.r record. No other will b- ail-mitte-1.
The certillcate roust also have affixed to it
il tlve cen: reveaue alainp. cancelled, a- r.iiired by
liv. W DK.XKIS0N,
decl3 Gw fosmtaster General.
Main St., opposite Platta Valley House,
Has on band a
Curry Combs, Brushes, Cards, tfce.
Flo can
Outfit a Mule or Horse Traim
Withcverythins in his lino, on ehort notice.
My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." done at all limes, at lcaoiialile rates
Wholesale and
Drugs, Medicines and Oils,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery,
Pure Wines and Liquors, for Riedicmal use,
Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs,
Farmers, freighters and physicians
Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu
ine and of the best quality.
Physicians1 Prescriptions Carefully Pilled hy Dr. Mack.
Plattsmouih, May 1st, 1365, tf
rw sirt -4s -ss
E. T. DUKE fc Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned
IVp keep constantly on Land Emigrants' niid Trc-jiiier;.'
Such as Camp Stoves, Frying Pans, Skillets and Lid', Ovens,
Camp Ketties, Owe. We also keep Chain Pumps and
Fixtures, Hydraulic Cement, Sad Irons, Fruit
Ccns and Jars, Lanterns, Coilee Mills &c.
Tin Roofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice, with
neatness and despatch. Are agents for the sale of Stew
art's celebrated Combination coal or wood Cook Stove.
Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St.j South Side, between
Second and Third Streets,
W. L.
g picture Gallery. grf
Rt5 .i K,,rih si Main st If.
Pictures taken of all Kinds
Ambrotrpos, Photoraphg, Ge:a Pjctures, &c A gool a?orfm'-n r f Ct oi T; -irrrfs.
Albumi, &c, constantly keptonbaod. Gilt and Rosevrood Moidir, cr Frame
made to ordr, cf any fire. "
Mnsic! Music T
DkaMmS t
Piano Fortes, Melodeons, Muficand
Musical M'dse.
Orders by mail for Music. Bo..k, or anything r"
txinlng to -Vusic, promptly atlonded to
"Orders for timing or repairinz Piano Fcrtof
aud Molotleons in l' att suiou'.h an-l vioiuity wdl let
attended to at our cailirst convenience
Aug. 8. IS65 I
large stock of
Retail Dealers.ia
and Fancy Articles (.Vnerally
.. i-.0 cV ''t4 rViW
T 1... '"I
1 f
t I