Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 06, 1865, Image 2

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.uvt:it.-ou 01; AMitie.iSR a.
Whereas, we are dependent upjn iod
for individual and national pro-pc-ritv,
and "every good and -very perfect gift,
is from above and cotmth ck-wii froia the
Father of Iiilit, with whom is t. vdria
Llene?, neither shadow of turning,'' and
Whereas, during the past year oir kind
Heavenly Father has been pleased to re
move from u the scourge of war, and has
caused peace to apain pmileon our belov
ed country; has witheld from us the rava
ges of pestilence; and caused tho e irth
to bring forth the rich fruits and harvests,
nnd permitted commerce and agriculture
to resume their accustomed channels,
causing peace and ro'yerity t j re"'go
once more within our borders, and
Whkrea', it is beooming in the recipi
ents) of ttife inestimable blessings, to
npr.-s a nations gratitude and a reli
ance upon tho Almighty for future rros
'perity, for Ule-fsed is tho Nuioa whose
CJod "in the Lord."
Now therefore, I, Alvin Sacvders, Jov
crnor of the Territory of Nebraska, do
hereby apjoint the first Thmsdiy in De
cember as a public dny of Thanksgiving,
(being the same day appointed by the
President I thi L'tiited fc'tati s as a day
of National Thanksgiving.) And There
by rtcommend to the citizen of the Ter
ritory to observe the aforesaid day as n
day of public Thanksgiving, by refraining
from their secular p ars'iits on that dav,
und as3rnbling at their respective places
of worship to otT-r thank-'Kiviiis and
pra e to our Heavenly!u-r fur His
'oving kin iness to the children of men.
That (titiiuitaneouj from ail parts of our
beloved country, prayer and praise and
thanksgiving, the homage of grateful
hearts, may raise in one united volume
from a graceful and one more united
people to Him who holds the destines of
individuals a-wcil as nations in the lul
iow of his hand
In testimony whereof I Isava hereunto
wet my hand, and caused to be a'Jixed the
groat seal of the Territory. Dune at the
"Jitv of Omaha this Ith dar of November,
A. D le03.
) jovernor of N bra?ka,
By the Governor.
A. S. Pvonoci, Secretary.
There is an incessant deniaiid in nnd
bout this city fur mechanics of all kicJ.-;
carpenters, stone uiA nick tiiaons,
plasterers, shoe - makers, sadditrs,
harnessniakers, tailors, tinners, and
every other class of mechanics in ih
catalogue. Lclorers are nij vtry
scarce, and command the highest wages.
Ahy Jo riot more of the rut-charccs arid
laborers cf the t nst seek iiomes in the
free and glonous nest. llundi tds tf
them have come to this Territory with
in the past year, yet the facilities for
making mout-y licit- are so great that
they soon get into Lusin-bs on tlieir
own "Look," and then, iiistt&d if hiring'
out themselves, they wish lo employ
others, who in ii!:e muitier cau in a
ihort time o it. to Li?ine& on their own
account. Come alonj ; il you do not
get employment in the branch tf bu?i
iitss that suits you best, you are sure to
find something that will py you belter
than loiiinj in the eas.t with uo pro?pect
tf ever doing better thun merely mak
ing a good living. litre you have a
greater variety tf businees to choose
from, with a baiter chance for succa
in any of them. Farnniig, freighting,
trading, joLLing, the dilferent inethan
ioal pursuits all are inviting you to
come and lay the foundation tf the
weaith ihat is jure to be the reward of
the entrget;o and iudustiioia man,
whether L- roitmtences with a small
capital or no'hing tut his Lai.Js.
tiic ci.ova:x foot.
The following is arj extract from a
lengthy atticie in the Omaha lltrchl,
nnd shows where the sympathy lies of
the man who ence n:kcd the pvople of
Nebraska to send him to Congress.
Does any one believe he ci-niJ he indue
ed to say as much for a General in the
Union army? lie and his co-workers
in the party have been profuse in their
denunciations cf the war, and the men
who have sacrificed ihr ir all in tuppoii
tf the Government, and now hear what
he says of the rebel General, Joseph
H. Johnson:
"This diMincui-hed soldier has been
visiting New York. The General lias
several warm frienJs in this city, vho
. knew him in the clden time, who will
be pla J to hear of his good health, and
of his reunion with his friends a; the
North. We give it as our own opin
ion, that no man now living upon this
continent, is Rifled with higher military
qualities than Joseph E. Johnson."
The term applied here is t'isti'igiuh
tl sollitr, while the designation of a
soldier in the Union army has generally
been Lincoln HireVtug. Thinking men
will not fail to nute the diiUrecce,
neither will they be at a iosi to account
for it.
" The St. Joseph lLrald, of the
30th ult-, says a Gray I'agle was killed
near that city on the Saturday prewous,
by a Mr. A. II. WiUon. lie did not
Lqovv it wasau eagle until it was dead,
or he would havo st cured italive, which
In this western country, the first
question a man propounds to himself
when he thinks of doing anything, is,
"will it fay?" Now we wish to pro
pound the iame question to te people
of PJattsniouih and surrounding coun
try. "Will it pay" you to give s. liberal
support to the IIekald? We do not
wish to le understood thut we are re
ceiving a meagre patronage; but would
it not pay every man in the community
to assist us in getting up a better paper?
There is not a man in the West tut
knows that the newspaper published in
a town i generally taken as an index
to the business of the rlace; and every
citizen in thi locality should feel an in
terest in sending forth a paper that will
show to the world what we really have,
and what business is dene here. The
only way to fairly represent the Ium
ness of our town, is for every man to
advertise what he is enr.Ked in. We
would not ask you to do this were it not
plain to our mind that every dollar you
expend in that manner would be return
ed to you tea fold. It is almost invari
ab!v the case in the west that the news-
par er makes the town; and the people
of riattsmouth have had a fair demon
stration of this fact, in seeing other
points, less favored by nalnre, go ahead,
while this was almost at a stand-still.
Do you wish a continuance of this plan
or would you rather see our city filled
with business houses and trade cf all
kinds flourishing. Would il not "pay"
every man in the community to give
one-fcun.h cf his prcperty away, if by
that mean the valua of the remainder
could be Jjubled? We look upon this
as the most favorable time to work.
Advertise your business; subscribe for
the paper, and thus enable us to in
create its interest and usefulness. Do
not held tack because we happen to dif
fer with you on poli'ical questions. We
do not propose to abuse you personally
for any such difference. We think we
are right, and shall occasionally try to
convince you of the fact; but if we fail
in it, we shall in no way relux our efforts
to bui.'d up ycur business or increase
the value of your prcp.t-rty. And so
long bs we pursue this course, no sen
sible manihould work against his own
interest by with-holding his patronege
We are firm in the belief that, if the
proptr interest is manifested by our
citizens, the population of Cass county
can be increased several hundreds dur
ing the coming season, and the business
of riattsrncuih can be more than
doubled. Hut, as we said before, now
is lac time to work. We believe it
would "pay" the citizens of this county
to give the IIekald an additional cir
culation of five hundred copies not
only at their own firesides but sent to
their friends in other parts of the coun
try. And we further believe it would
"pay" the citizens of 1'luttsmouth to
support a small daily. It would not
only be interesting to them during the
session of Congress and our own Terri
torial Legislature, but the influence it!
would give to the town abroad would
nmply repay the expense, with a fair
balance left. If the business then and
ritizeus generally, think it of sufficient
importance to themselves, we are ready
to start a daily that will be a credit to
the city, if they will only patronize it
sufficient to barely pay the expense of
publication. Think of it; and as many
of you as are favorable to the project,
give us your names as subscribers and
the amount of advertising' you will fur
nish. Daily papers were published in
bo'.h Oinaha and Nebraska City when
they did net have as much business as
Plattsmouth; and to this fact they are
mainly indebted for their present thriv
ing condition. Let us not be behind
hand in this matter, but take hold tf it
immediately. liy starting a daily ou
we can gain a "name and a place
amongst men" that ivi 11 render a god
account of itself d tiling the coining
t"5f At a recent meeting of the
"Ladies' National Union Relief Asso
ciation," in Wash'ngton Ci:y, Mr. D.
JI. Kelsy, of Nebraska, was chosen
temporary chairman. After thanking
the ladies for the honor thus conferred,
Air. Kelsey said :
"A little less than one year ago, as
the t igh of the poor and the cry of the
nttdy were heard in the cold aud win
try wind, there suddenly sprang into
existence, not Jupiter from the head of
Minerva, but Loving Charity from the
bosom cf Mercy which, in the organ
ized form of the Ladies' National Union
Relief A:-otiation, virited the hovels
of the lowly, fed the hungry, clothed
the naked, and administered to the sick
and dying.
Oiher kindred associations responded
to the call, and contributed freely and
largely to the needed comfort and relief;
and hundreds of sufferers who would
otherwise have been consigned to the
cold charnel-house are now living to
honor the character and bless the name
and memory of these benevolent soci
eties." p' The revolution in Peru wns
triumphant. inl peace is restored.
statu c;o vi:i:.ra lst.
We sea by our Territorial exchanges
that the question cf State organization
is being agitated to a coniderabIe ex
tent, but does not meet with such strong
opposition as it did a year ago. We
are glad to see this question agitated,
and hope the people of Nebraska will
give il a cool and in-partial investiga
tion. If it i to the interests tf the
people to organize a State Government,
we 6ay organize; if net, not. But above
all things, form your opinions ;n regard
to it from a course cf reasoning, and
not from an impulse cr prejudice.
It is supposed by many that
the failure of the Atlantic Cable was
the work of some person en board the
ship. The fact that the three accidents
to the cab.e happened with the same
xrang cf men in the tanks, looks sus
picious, to say the It would not
be a very difficult task for some one of
thetn to perforate the insulation with a
small wire, such as was found to cause
the defect each time; and when we con
sider that the cable had been so thor
oughly tested before the commencement
of the work, il is harcly to be supposed
that this failure was a in? re accident.
JSCyTne Democrats of New Jersey
say that the Fenians defeated them in
the late election. This indicates that
the Democracy of New Jersey are op
posed to the Fenian movement prob
ally on account of their natural hostility
to a republican form of government.
tSyOne C. L. Valiandigham, who
will be remembered ts a great leader
iu the Democratic party during its ex
istence, had a narrow escape from a
party of retutned soldiers a short time
ago. The starting of the tram was all
that saved him from being " taken
through," as they termed it. These
"boys in blue" have excellent memo
ries, and know wli it .t was that pro
longed the wi'r and caused the death of
thousands of their comrades. -
lf A novel feature m the dry
goods business in New York is the in
troduction of telegraphic wires into the
private offices of not u few of the lead
ing establishment?, thus enabling the
proprietors to communicate with their
business agcnt9 in distant cities ad lib
itum. What next ?
t&j The search after the body of
Preston King ha teen abandoned.
All has been done that seemed possible,
to recover the body, but no clue to its
whereabouts has been found.
JtSCol. Itobcri Jtbrisou, son of the
President, has been appointed Private
Secretary to the President of the Uni
ted States, vice Col. lit owning, appoint
ed Secretary of Legation to the Re
public of Mexico.
The President has issued a
proclamation dated December 1st. re
storing the writ of "habeas corpus" in
all Stales and Territories-, except Vir
ginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North and
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala
bama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas,
Texa, District of Columbia, and Ter
ritories of New Mexico and Arizona.
A correspondent writing from
Fort Monroe says that all the Virgiuia
Congressmen are preparing to leave for
Washington. Tho oath question is to
be tested by Mr. Stewart, who will
make application to take his seat with
out taking the test oath.
J5f Gen. Grant's views in regard
to the strength of the regular army
will be communicated to the military
committee of Congress at the proper
time. He favors the reduction of the
army to the lowest point compatible
with the. public interest.
It is reported that information
has been received to the effect that tht
relations of our Government with
France and England are probably sr.t
isfactory. The probabilities are there
will be no serious disturbance. Napo
leon's speculations in Mexico are being
unpopular with the French, and he will
withdraw as soon as he can.
frS5 'General Logan has been author
ized to enter into a treaty with Juarez
for the cession of some cf the Northern
Stales of Mexico, containing valuable
gold ai,d silver mines and which are
not now, and never have been in actu
al possession of the French or Belgian
troops. In censideration of a lien on
these Northern States of Mexico, the
Government of the United States is to
furnish Juarez with ten millions of dol
lars for internal improvements.
JDSF A Washington dispatch says
the President's message contains a full
statement of the present reconstruction
policy. Indications are that the policy
will be adopted with very few modifi
cations. EKjr The grants of public lands to
the Northern Central Pnc fic railroads
will exceed, by careful estimates 2-v
000 00 acre?.
Sati rday, Dec. 2d.
By request, Mr. J. Parcel took the
On motion cf Mr. Maxwell, the
farmers of this county and of the Ter
ritory are requested to contribute arti
cles for the Agricultural Department of
the Nebraska Herald, under the edi
torial care of Wm.'T. Parcel.
Mr. Parcel addressed the Club,
earnestly soliciting contributions for the
farmers' department.
On motion of Mr. Doud,
Resolved, Tnat we petition the Leg
islature to enact a law compelling peo
ple to herd or corrall their stock at
night, after the 1st of September.
Wm. T. Parcel introduced the sub
ject of fencing; said that Osage Orange
seed cou id not be procured in Texas,
and inquired what olher tree was the
best for a hedge, and inquired about
the honey locust and while thorn.
Mr. Mutz had seen in Indiana a
good hedge of white thorn.
Mr. West had seen in Ohio a good
hedge of while thorn.
Many useful and interesting remarks
were made by various members, nnd the
meeting was spirited and Interesting.
On motion of Mr. Doud, adjourned,
to meet again on the last Saturday in
December. Wm. S. West,
From the Montana Post.oi Novem
ber 4ih, we make the following extract
in regard to the new!) discovered gold
mine?; which if true, prove to be the
richest known in the world:
"Upon the arrival of the Helena
stage, last Friday morning, the people
of Virginia City were thrown into a
gold excitement, before which all form
er excitements must pale. The facts,
as we get them from apparently well
authenticated sources, are brietly as
follows :
2dr. Brown, a German or Norweigan.
and one cf the original discoverers of
the celebrated Gould Curry lode, of
Nevada, and atterwarda of the Brown
lode in Nelson's Gulch, in this Terri
tory, was engaged in sinking a shaft
on the "Uncla Sam" lode, abuut the
head or Dry Gulch, some four miles
from Helena. Ha had sunk near
twenty feet, when the indications not
suiting him, he concluded to change his
course by drifting up hill from the bot
tom of his shaft. He had advanced iu
thi3 direction about ten feet, when be
reached a gold deposit which, in rich
ness and extent, has perhaps no paral
lel m the Lictvry of gold mining. Gold
in alTiost sohd masses glittered before
his bewildered vision. For two weeks
longer, unknown to others, he tunneled
into the golden wall. Secreted about
him, he had accumulated suvcral gun
ny sacks, Ikerally filled with the pre
cious metal, when longer secrecy be
came impracticable, from the very ex
tent of his unexpec.ed wealth, and Mr.
Brown proceeded to record 8nd secure
his property, when the public were in
formed of the great discovery. It is
said that h keeps a strong guard, night
and day over his seemingly incomputa
ble wealth, while he himself, unassist
ed. elves the golden walls around
him. and continues multiplying his sacks
of precioua ore. One person who was
tdmir.ed iut Mr. Brown a drift, states
tliut a presented a scene ot weaiili more
akin to a picture of the imagination
than an actual rea lity. Gold ! gold !
met the view on every side above, be
low and all around and reflected back
its rich hue in the glare of the candle,
as if this subterranean vault" had been
hewn out of a olid ledge of the yel
low metal.
4 This old is found in a well defined
ledge, fully five feet in width. The
gold vein is three feet wide three
fourths of the entire substance therein
being gold; the remainder mainly bis
muth. On each side of this vein there
is a casing of one foot of quartz, which
will assay from S1U0 to 2,000 to the
ton. The very wall-rock is rich. Spec
imens can be seen at the City Book
"Whether this is, to use a familiar
mining term, a "tlow-oui" or a "pock
et," we are not prepared to admit or
deny. But be it either, millions are
"lying around loose." We can scarce
ly realize that this-is a distinct, contin
uous ledge, as, in that case, so vast an
amount of gold would affect the stand
ard of gold valuation throughout the
commercial world. But our informant,
whom we know to be a man cf reli
ability, as?ures us that a distinct ledge
has been traced fully seventy -five feet.
Further and mot e positive information
will be given in o'ir next."
Lawre.nce, Kansas, Dec. 1.
A party of 200 Cheyennes aud
Apaches attacked the coach on Butter
field V express rente on Sunday last,
near Downe's Spring, and killed six
passengers and thi express messenger.
After burning the coach, they weni to
Downe's Spring and Biurf Station, burn
ed all the buildings, stol or destroyed
all the goods and other property. One
of the passengers killed three Indians,
but was afterwards shot, his heart cui
out, and the body burned over a slow
3"The rurnor is repeated that the
British Government instructed Sir Fred
erick Bruce to remonstrate wth cur
Government against the movements of
Fenians in this country.
C-ST" The Legislature of North Car
olina has ratified, with but six dissent
ing voices, the Congressional amend
ment abolishing- slavery. "
Cel. O. P Mason has just returned
from a professional trip lo the south
western portion of Nebraska. He brings
with him some very superior specimens
of upland cotton grown in Gage county.
The fibre is very fine and strong, and
perfectly matured. And to such an
extent has cotton raising been carried
on in that section of the Territory that,
as the Col. irfotms us, some families
are making more than enough of cot
ton fubrics for their own use. This is
encouraging, and is another demonstra
tion of -the richness of the soil of Ne
braska. A eii'S.
liQr Governor Hamilton, of Texas,
has erdered an election for a convention
in Texas on the Sth of January, and
the convention to meet on the 7ih of
ITrF" Official news received by the
Mexican Minister is to the effect that
not only the State of Chihuahua, bul
that of Sonora also, is being evacuated
by the French.
55?" The guerrilla Quan'.rell was
in Cairo, III., on the 30th ult., on his
way to Washington, seeking pardon.
JEi?"" Returns from Southern Colo
rado insure the election of Gilpin for
Governor and Chiliieott for Congress.
JPS Toombs has escaped from
Georgia and sailed for Europe.
g-ST It is understood that in the or
ganization of the House the opposition
will make it a test case the question of
admitting the Tennessee delegation
which is composed of both loyal men
and rebels.
jijv giircvtfecmctttjs!.
Tless & Fini3her
Have just opened and refitted the'.T
Saloon and Restaurant
Levee tn tt, nou'h of Slain, wbe'e thry will furnioti
at all linie tle bet dilies the intrkre atTordit.
t'RKP Ll'Xi'if ev'V ln-noi! ? h-iwrrea 9 1-2
and Hi 1-2. ilj'x'rty Ii orders uciommvilti!rd.
d' CO 3:u
52 'Sray IVotice.
Tstcen up a! !hv i o-ideac of the unit-rclpned. flv
mi'trh biji::h r-tof riatiMiiu'.tt!, on 4-Mil. Crek,l
red -teer. two fa:s old, "ui white on l-elly end of
lea -ar oil. Al-o. one n' b'eer, two yer old,
li-e white spot In forehead, nhi e 1 clc, knd son.e
wb it on Le'Iy . i-nd of hoth ars i if, - 1 1 1 ia left ear
und hole in Uot ear. A:o, on-H.iu ?U' r, 1 year
oiii, end orl of leit ear. Aio one iiiiirk Caif, white
back and ! I;y, under bit out of left -ar.
1'iatti-mmnh, Oecenib er 1 t , 1 i
Est ray Notice-
Taken up t'j- the riher, at hit rctMence, In
O.e.ipoti I'rermi't, C'a.i county, N. T , on the Platte
llott iii, aU.ut th:ee tniiei L.oi:h of Pf.ttfMii.juth, on
the 21st d.iy of Ncvemb r, A . I). ls6", one y-k" ot
Ox.-u, d-Ti ibed follow, to wit: one is of a oriudie
cVor, with very lone li ni;t!ie otber is of a light
red color, with two white -IM't on i iftht hip. 1 he
owner is rqu'jsted to call, Tuve property, pay cbarg
n. aud tke tbtm nway.
IMray Notice
Taken ;ip by the tubscrit er on hit encloei prmi
abrut thrne mi!- north of W'joiuiap, in Can
i-'iiiutT, u the Sitl'b ittty of IXuvpiiiljer, a. i iMiS, or-u
I'om y Marc -.h d to Lp t 'u or eleven c.ra o d,
lit arkfd a f-lit v-s. to w if; rl.t.'k b;iy. bl;u k iii'sti
nl luil, wMtc fcpot in f"i!i.iI and a btr.iiglit wlnt
Hrip iiinriujj; d-twri cv. r t1? r;ht D'jh til, :id -ai I
animal l nr;t,i;!- 1 i-n l U t, u:'ier aud b-lt lii; v th
tht tel'ers . Cr.' Tb o i r rt-rju'-ssied tu call,
p- ove propel y , j.:.y i h u 1 Like r.ti-1 nimal
dccOdw CilAKLKS il.TL'CKKii
Ksray rolce.
Ta!:en up by the PuL(.criler his p.-rmi.-en near
Mt. rieaf.tnt l'iceiiict. Cam county, K. T ., on the
fc'.Vh dav of Noveiunei, A. D 1S;5, ooe Calf, snppa-ed
to be ahuut nine iii-uth nld r-'d and whita c-oior, aud
has one uuwerl'it our or le't ar. No m ok- or brand
perc.:val:e. The o ner will e. ill, prove property,
pay cI.atjttH, and lake ai'i away.
lit. Pleasant, November 2-';h, A. o l'jfiS
decoowf C. W. Col'h'l ltlfSHT.
Taken up by the fdisiril er lii:.(r u ar tie e.hcl
hou-e in 1 i i t No. 1, ,n s Mi. ii rove 1'owustiip.
C:u.s county, N. T., two I iloh C j's, mediain
one i rrd and wlnte sp-tted w th point of nulit h.-rn
olT. ai.d white spot in forehead, uppoed to be t-u
yar old: the otber i i.iip;o' d to l.e seven y.-ars old
ari is uioaiiy red. There are no marks or brands
perceivable. The t wor is requested to call, prov"
property, pay i harg. s, and take aaid auiui uj ay.
8 Mile lircve, Njf. 15'.h, 156J.
decfijw R.J. PALMER.
Taken tip ly the pnlsci iber, in ar U.. 1'leasant
Cass county, N . T., ou y.-a i iin f-teer, of a r. d and
wnite color, ):iarkl iih a sw.iliow fo k in the lert
ear, and fr.-.ooUi i re;) ofl uf the riyht No olLr
UierLs or brands i eceivnle
This 2'i:h dy ot NoTeinher, liCS
dec'joiv V. J LINCII.
Taken up by the Buh.-crlbi at Thre 5roe, Cass
county, N.-braska, on the liTili day of November, 1 S05,
one yearling tee.r. ill .stly black, B"ino wmte ipot;
no marks or l.ra"(is pel o.-ivait.e. Aio one tvo year
old heifer, unley whito and rad pied, n marks or
brands leneivable K K. WtlvL5iKy.
IleceiubirB. 5
Estray IVoticc
Taken tip 1 V the subscriter. lvlnjf n' ar Fotdn'a
Mi 1. on WeepitK V.'.it. r, Cas county, ebraka, on
the 5th day of I' einb-r 1.05. oue t-'teer. nios Iv
white w ith red sp-t-, s lit arid upp.-r Lit in r-ght ear
au l c op off of tt,e left ar, i.rand. d on the. 1,-ft hip,
:ipp.,i. d iu he 4 year o d Also one Cow, w lii eand
ula-'k, ceQ'e. bit ana top bit out of left car, uutl'-r hit
and crop ol rijfhtear; suppoed to b-.- 3 vears ld.
d c6 5r JOSHUA LYNN.
E stray Notice-
Taken tip by th'- subs, i iber. two and a half miles
north-west of Keed's null, on Weepiui? Water, Can
coauly, N T , one tlark red 6tvt.ri 4 or 5 yeatH old,
crumpled 1:0-11?, a:id some roan on his fl ink and
belly, bi-h of tail white, and brand, d alnif the
back with the letier 'A'' in two duTVrent p'.ar.s.
November 29th , ISO"). 'w
Eft ray IVoticc.
Taken up by the subscriber, a- his far-11 on Cedar
cr.-ek, 12 mi -s west of Platistnoti :h, one -teer, tuost
ly white, with red spots and r-d, und r t it out
Of right ear, suppjb-. d l l tw 1 v.i:s old nest
spring. JOHN V.OW HI.
Nov. lri w..
Taki ti tip at th- r sid.'nr - of the subscriber, Joel
Parc-1 , 2 liiil- a north of ru'tnioii'h. in Onapoiis
l'recin'-t, Cas.- county, N T., one red Ox, four or five
years old, one horn partly broken r tt'. the th.r oi:
entirely t'oii; cond.tion p-sr, 110 brands or marka
perceivable. Also, one id Cow, about name ape,
without any brands or iuarkd perc-ival.l'-. i'o!i.U
broken off b"lh horns. JOU, 1'AIICEL.
1'iatt inouih, Nov. 11th, 15. 5t
Taken up by the aubcriber, -2 milou south of It k
EinfTs in Cas connty. N. T., on the 7th day of No-T.-tflb-T,
A. lb, ',e'i ',', one Cow and Calr, Cow nut.posed
to "o three years o'd, in Col ir prircip iTy red. with
some whit.! on the back and in the for-bea 1; no oili
er marks o. brands pe. c eivalde Calf !-ml three
we-ks old. The owu r ar -qu-.steil rill, pa- char
ges, an-- take p o, erty. t-AJI'LALLtl.
H -Ci Hluils, Nov. 14in, ISC'). 6:
321ray IVoticc
Taken up i n the premi-o of the subscriber (for
trespass) '2 r.i'e south . 1 p attrrouth, Ca-s county,
N T.,'11- 1,1m iht. wi'li two uod- r I its in nLt
tar, and rro;, and s it i'l l.-ft ear. a cirn brand of Ut
ter ' fc" wi left hip, partlr lii: back, bellv whit.
'.SAVfa ElKKkliAKV.
r.ntis-ntii-., v...-. " i. i-r-ir
G-eo. Boeck 8c Co.
Have t rooyf J t i tlu ir
,vi:nr riro .story Jinicjy si ror, Yurth-urst r reh; o:j .sv.u1
Where tliir are prepared to Ura ut a'l kind of Nr V ,-.k, -s
WAGOISTS. BTJG-G5-113 3. Plows,
And every.hirK nee I.- l ly Freighter ,y I'.i' iiwr ei ih I e,j uf niy.V
Horses, Mules anil Oxen Shod in tho best style and on rcav.
able ternis.
job-avo n re
Of every dearripi ion . c'.ilier iu wood or iron, djnr ou .-hort ::oiic.
CT Particular attention paid to Repairing all kind j of 1TACJIINERY AXQ
CASTINGS of such.
They kep ou hand, au l fur i;i'e,
Ox-Yokes, Hows, Steeples, Cnlile-chains,
BOLTS of all hzps, WAGON BOWS, &3.,
In fact, everythiu in tU.r line d .d. J l y Froi.-Uu-,.. ;,;,:,., am. .r r.rm.f,.
Hiving a large stock of Season! Timber, nnd th- but quality of Iron, ThinV.
Skeins, 4c, ..l.-cte l l.? ou,,e.s, wiU. fp-!,,! r.f,ren. to ,ht tr.,d. f ! e tC !ec, ,., ... ,
out better aul more work, :,1 ohe.-.p'r r.te. than any other !.,. ia Ih. T-rrnory.
Thankful for past rticnne, we solif.t a d' cf fm.
GcO. Bocoli ? Oo.
J5S7 Satisfaction Xiiar;tiitoctl or Jloncy IS-rinIrl
Plattsmoi-tu, N. T., Nov. 8th, HCS. r,"
n . J. . iMni'
.Tlicki'lwail A: Sharj
rtai-r- in l'ine I.urnb r. Lath, hii.cte.i. t !., s.ih,
KlindM, Th kv'. and very Vai ;y of C i tt'.m ,. ..J,; Liuioer.
Will ke'-p constantly rn tiaii t C')d w.hju, I otl.
Cotton and Oak. All od-J pi ompt 'y f id
U " (.dliue on t.pi e ftre-l, ol' C. L. C'ooj '.,
Fred aud urain I'epot,
P L A T T S M O L T If, X. T. Klii lrr..
Notice is her t'y trireo that :11mm Mailerr.arn
has nnde aj.plic.iti en Lo thf Probate Court of C;,-s
county, . i .. to be ao-ioirU' d Adnimi-trt..i t,f n,,.
esta'e of Wiliiam Hani r, Mtca-ed IaU- ci tam cu:.
ty, N. T ; the Court w.ll hear said applicalion mi
Thursday, the 14 day of Dcni.tder,
A. I), l-fsi, at 1 o'clock P. SI., at whi.-li lime ,u e:
hjiis int. rested can apj esi aud sh. w c.ui.e li m
appointment shonld not be if any th. ir l.
Vitu. s my band an. I ..llicial seal tMb 2 I
I..S day of November, A. l. I.;..
J. W. M AU-II A l.!..
nov2'.' 3w Prohatc J id-e.
Jaiees C loy.b-n. Col ipr,
k S I
Khcda lore. rpe I.ontr, ' 1 v : 11 Sew .ttt Marv
.St1 wart, Jacob t -isi:, 4ii 1 Mi ry ti.h i.cle:.':.i:.t. i
In piiraiiarce .-.u-l by viri-j-i of tieci.-t,.! rir lt r i
In ;no U:iei'u-d from t!,p ,t!i,- i tl., leik if 'be '
lbt.i.'t("uitii( t,',, i ! Juoi.- ii l.j.tio t i,, an ) f, r
Cass c. llnf.v, N- l r is in ol.- in til" at. v- entitled
canse, aud beaiii K-d in oH the 1'Hii d ty of I) c- il.. r.
l-'t. I t iiiL' tbe Hi'.b in u. ! i. :..i. Term of ti. Cnurt.
1, ihe siil.cri n r, Maiiterin Cl.aneei f .r stitd C-i t,
i'l '! .tp'l.l-L vemitie, lor ...b, to t.i Ii.ii-..
and h-n I. M. r. in : II . C 'urt il .n.-,. io l':,r.i
luoiuli. N- lna-ka. on
SATURDAY, the ifih of P,xei.;!.rr,
A l 1 at 1(1 .-. '.. v, A . V , of ai i J.,y ; t i-
1. xvini: r-- il s'nt'-, to wit :
All ill ! U'rliiiu .i. i.' ur f jr.vl nl lari i '"! in
t:. .r.iiuiy of Cass and I ml .ry N'. ! ki, known
ar.d ik'-cri:', d as tui: ns: Tt.,f . at oti-ba l' ,t' lir,.
s i:;h-We t .juaiter and t'ue v e.t Iu I ..f t!.
"lilll i u ter if s-cM'.ll No. t-vctif. i, i,, l-.l.
in t..w;'hip no len (till, ii. o .Il . T r.n.f.' .N.. f..:.r - u
I i I , ea-l ol' Hi.' tjih p. i.ovpul nil,,,, ac-f. 'li.. t'.
Ib- llov.rt.mi-lit su v,y ct I l'rtiloiv t j . I. r
with all mill sinular the ten- tin :.l an I appi.r,.--tiaiic-
s therein. t n-lob;n or in a'.y wi c u; p.-rt i.ii
lUK, 'o L s l I .is ti e property of the .1. : ...... a:, i. ,,l ,v e
ri a tiled to -ati-f j s j !,1 .1 -r r, e , Ihe au.oii nt .if w!. it. ri i-.
o's.72 , an 1 iute t t Im i . on fi jiu th dale ol
ie- rec, nnd cots ot emt and sale,
i'lattsiiiouth, N-lir,t.-k.i . . .vn b -r. l o .".
1'. M. l)ul..;lN..T.iX
laster in t h iiir ry.
.Ti mks f-n i:t, f. 1 for C'oiupi't. iiovl'i Lt
Tha Territory of Nebraska, )
Cass County. 5
Wlii'r' as, Ambrose 0. M lyfiehl , Adniini-'ratr of
the e-tt!e of I-anniel Ilahn hiI Atiifeliuu H.'hn, de
c ased, did on the 4th day of Due emus A. i 1 ti't.
file a petition in the oflh e of the Probite cf
s.ud co'inty, pryiujf f ir a licenae to ell tn- l.n.ow
inis real esiate. to pay the ilebts auaii,.-t etafe,
to wit: The north-west (planer ol sc iou ncinbr
four (4). in township nuinhi twelve (l-'i, lv.rih of
ranre uiilnber hirtren (lill.eaatof the oth prir.nul
me. idiaii in fcaid coi. nti ; therefore it is h.rebv or
der 1 that
Thursday, the Uth day of Jan vary,
A 1). It-G5, at 1 o'clock, p. m. of raid dsy b! set aput
for hearing sail potltou, at w hich tun ail peri"Li
intai 'sli d can appear and show cause why sai 1 pe:i
tinn fhoiild not be Kruted if any ih-y '...ive; aii.l
that notice of tae tune cf hearin; and e nion bo
iveu by piibhcuiiou in the "Nvbra-ka llrivthi" for
tinea toi.scutive weel:s.
'1 1 veil under my hand and tin? Mil if the
L. 8. Probate Court f said c .uuty t.'.i; .m day
J-i ember. A. 1. lsi.',.
J. V.'. SIslvSIIALI.,
dc63w Probate J mice.
Iusurance! Insurance!
Fire, Lightning and
toisado i.vsika.act:. i
Fire li Tornado Ins. Co ;
Th:j Coinpnny is otie of the reli il.Io in the j
pr-.i-iptly. Ol. farm prop rry and 'b-ta' h.-d 'lw tin-rat-.e
ar tOc. ou $1110, pi aid" auuual.v. 'Iofa.1.1
eis it Oll'-rs (rieat ln'li :. r'.euts.
To tnose who bio e ie.lor. d V r y ;.rs to e -L n holt.",
e.-ure to youiselv.s or f 11:1 Wr, aoin- reoiuneraii -u
if left h'.niel' ss by t .e r vat'e- 'if fi e. Winter is at
hau I, wben lari;.- li-esar. licc.s-ary to colof.iil, ai.d
so mauy ch ine s f.r bit ldiit;- to be destroyed, tiiat I
in .mt always se. o in time, it b-c itnea eve y man to j
('1 nil .l(;a.nst i.-s-ps OI tins nature, w ben H C.II be
s. cured by the pa rnent tf no small a citu
Apply to
F 31 IOl'l'iii?1oil Agent,
OlB.e over Hiaik it liuttaiy'a.
1102 aw 1
Thirty desirable business nnJ rei
Ten thousand acres of Trairie nn j tim
Terms to buit cash rmrchadcrs.
ft. M. VHf LF.IJ. 1-stnte As'etit,
J'-ae 5, c.3 C'.-iit n. !!', I'lafsir.outh.
Gents Funiisliinn GoDdi
I uts,
Ar., iSic, t:c.
ANo n r,f rf V.VWV.VM nodi);
nri'l KKVoI.VriS.S itlvrtivs r.n hnnJ.
wi!l firnl if to their Ii-.nff in
my stock l'rfurn j n rehm-in'r Ihf re
Cash p ii(f for Hides, ''
and Wo(d.
riattsmouth, J!av 2, tf
F .A. 1 ii !
xvji. isi:ieAiai
Has ma veil into his o-w b-i,-k h 1 il I i ri jf on V -ner
of il.nn sfe.-t a i.i L v . wi.e.e t- is l
rivieic li4-(jo t, kim already ui'tl"
ftot k of
all 1
.f-rs tbe
.-.-ts 14
1 y let
f 1 1
r: t i'i
.... Hill t
in pin.
ii 1.1 1 'w
f i..t.anljs
auy'hi- i '
, .n.-. 1 j. t
b o 11 ii- I . ;s. 1;
O I oth-TS.
I'.'-iii iiioer til 1
uric K C O It N
nnj ir r him a
if r -a wish ts bar
he Hl'i-T b -r Vrm.,1 r els-ct'tlly ri.ll lb" if ti e cit.ieiis i t i hit'-rri ntl 41 d thepuL 1' j
l.i I'm -i;l bs h i- i. cattd o..e ! CI t-'
I . el. ill's Ii, 1 j s.i. r- v he be iot' ds kml'
on d r.d 1:1 ,k:t i . ih- . hortet-t ctiee, ev
ari :cie ,o 1 ;s .ine . I! . - ,k -iii.,st, ir:l t.v '
sit, and hnvirii n ei.r 'l in. s' of '..u a
busine. he r.dic uf. lei. t that he ran '-'
tioti. Give bim a ca.i-
Ap-!l 10 . TPOCKM'7rI'.!'
'. 1 ' ' -;.!-