f 11 , 1 i A i i i ; 5 A :i Ayer's PILLS. Are von tick, fee Lie, ari. com plain iug? .Are you on of order, w ith your systen deranged, nnil vottr fi-iiling iiiiconit'ortablt-fTlicsu s nip toius are often the pri-lu-i to serious illness. .Some fi of sickness is creeping upoi you, and should be averh-i by a thui'lv use of the rich remtilv. Take A vt-r's i'llis and elt'tine out ti e elisor k4qr.:?,:v::--., d "iviii r s . "Ft "v2'"ki 5- ;'1 dertd humors purifv t Ii 9" "fcvl': L irt :l l,lc.ol, and let the fl-iid !er-d humors purifv th- , iJj:- to t on unobstructed ii F i'Ai '. Ik uUIi again. They stfinu ; ; mie ine iiiiiciioni or in l-oily ii.to vigorous cctivitv ttrify the Fj Klerii from the obstructions wliicli maki lipase. A cold M.tfli;s some where in the tody. mil ilntructs its natural functions. 1 hie, if not ra irved, react upon themselves ami the surrounding igiuis, i odm'iiiK general aggravation, fullering nd disease. hile in tliis condition, oppressed b he derangements, take Ayer's l'ii.'f, and e liov lirectly they restore the l.ntural action of the kts em, ai.J villi it t.' e buoyant feeling of health again hut is tr le and ;o nr. parent in this trivial and com non complaint, is u.s truo in iur.nv of tlie deep i-ated iind dangerous distetnriers. The same purga n e illl-ct expels them. Cac.-ed by similar obsti uc inns and derangements of the iiatural functions of he body, they are rapidly, end many of them surely tired by the fame mean. ione who knew tlrt Irtucs of tlu .'e Tills, will neglect to employ theu rhen njifcrini.' from the disorders they cure. iatinients tioiii lcniiing phvticiaiis in some of tht irincipal cities, and from other well-know n public icro..f : yrom a Forwarding Jeyhnnt rf St. Louis, Fib. 4 r-r.r,. Dr. AYfcut Your ViV.s are the paraxon of all tha' I c.'eat in n.i Uirii.e. I hey have cured my Iittt lai'j;:tm" of ulcerous ( ores U u her l.oniU and feel 1 ai l.il proved incurable lor) earn, llermoihei it 9 hrcn Ion? jriicvoiu-ly otlh'cted with blotches and limplew on her tkin and in her l.iiir. After out :hiid wai cured, the also tiied vour J':!I. nnd they lave cured her. AtfA JiUiiOlUUOE. A a Family Physic. From Dr. K If. Cart aright, Xexc Orl"'in. Your Tills are the prince of purges. Their ex int riua'ities l'llrpts any cathartic we po?sF. 'hev arc miid. but very certain and effectual in their ction on the bowel, which makes them iuvaiauble o us in the daily treatment of diteasu. HVa!.- hr,SicEt ilcrstlachr, I?oi1 Mloi:mchs J-'rnm Ir. Kdtrnnt linyd. Tlaltimore. Blf.S IIj-.o. ivm: 1 cannot' answer you ichtf itnp!aint'4 I have cuiv with your l'i.ls li-tter than o tny nil tltut ice evir tr at with a puryitire nu'li inr. 1 place firest depemlence on that etlectual nthartic in tny daily contest with iiiVcn.-e, and be levinp'. si I do, that your Tills n fiord us the best we tare, I of course ulue them highly. IIttsbcko, I'a.. 3Iav 1, 1;.V. Da. .T. C. Aver. fir. I have been Vepeatpdly tired of the worst hcmlrtche nnvl odv can Lave br a lope or two of your Tills. It sier.i" to arise from oul Ftotuach. which they c!ns M ojice. Y'ours with grtatre.-pcct. ti. W. J'KFRLE. , t lerk (j Sleamir Clariim. Bilioni Itor!crs I.ivrr Cotup!n!ntr. From Itr. The-n' rt Jirll, of Xtrc York City. ?Cot only are yonr l'il!. admirably adapted to their mrpose us an aperient, but I tind tleir btnclicial :irects upon the I.ivcr very marked indeed. They itve in inv piactiee proved more elltctual for tli rure t.C biliuas cot,iji!i,hits than any one remedy 1 nm mention 1 sincerely rejoice that we have nt i ti&U a purgative which U wenhy thecotdidence ol tit rrcrltision and tlie peoplu Pep.ietmkxt op tub IxTtninn, l Washington. I. V , 7th Feb., 151. f Piu: I bnve used your l'ilU in my general and lospital practice ever i-ince yon iwadc them, and aiiiuot henitale to Fiiy they are the bebt cathaitic ve employ. Thuir rtuauug action ou the liver is uick unil decided, coiiseijuently they are un ad r.irable remedy for t!eraiif.feinents oi' that organ, udeed, I have seldom found a case of Itiivits : ftte so obstinate that it did not rendiiv ield te hk-ai. riaterually yours, A Lt).Z(l ISA l.L. M. J ., i'ltysicitui I'Jtlie Murine Injiilul. Wjsontery, Diarrhora, ISrlnx, Worm. Frnni Dr. J. G. Green, qf Chicago. Your Tills have had a long trial in liiv practize, j.d 2 hold them in e-teem a one of the t e-t aperi iits I liave ever found. Their alterative etl'ect upon lie liver make them an excellent remedy, wheu f.vcu in small dotes for bilious ilysenttTy and tliar ham. Their sugar-coating makes t'lem very ac- ptnblc aud convenient lor thu use of women and luidren. Drapcpsia, Imparity ef the Blood. Tram, lieu. J. V. Mm?, Pastor cf A'lrent Cliurch, JSortim. Dr. Ateh: I have used your Till with extra rdinary success in my lamily and among thobe 1 am nlled to visit in distreu. To regulate tae orgaus of ligcstioii.and purify the Llood, they are the very t remedy I liave ever known, and I can couti leutly recommend ttcm to my friends. Yours, J. V. HI JIF.S. WaTISaw, "Wyoming Co., X. Y., Oct. 24. 1855. DtAK mu: I am unitig your Cathartic I'ills iu my iractice, and find them an excellent purgative to leanse the eystem and intrij'u the j'ouutnins uf the footi. JtIIN U 3Ii:AClIA3I, JI. l). 2onttipntioii, Cosiivnionx, Nupprrvcion, 8ilM'uaintini, ttonlf ieurnli:i; Dropsy, ParalyoiH, B-'Ik, tc. from Ihr. J. P. l'aitgltn. Montreal, CanatTa. Too much ennnot be said of your Tills lor the tire ot'rosO'rent'A. Jf others of our fr&ternitv havt iuiiid them as ellicacious as I have, they should join lie iu proclaiming it, for the benefit of the multitude! rho suffer from tint complaint, which, nlthough td enough In itself, is the progenitor of others thai re worse. I believe 'o.renws to originate ia Hit iver, but your i'iils affect that organ and cure tht liseate. from Mr$. E. Stuart, Physician and Mittirje. JSostoii. I find one or two large doses of yonr Tills, taken it the proper time, are excellent promotives of tht uituriU ttcrttinti wheu wholly or partially sup iressed, aud also very effectual to clitutsc the tonmrh and ervtl worm. Thev are so much th est physio we have that I recommend uo other to oy patients Froni the Eev. Dr. JTairkes, of the MtthotHst F.pit 'hurch. 1ur.8Kl House, Savannah, Oa., Jan. 6. lSiVi. lloOKlir Mil: I should be ungrateful lor the elief your skill has biought me if I did not report ny case to you. A cold settled iu iny limbs and nought on "excruciating neuralgic jiains, which ;nded in chronic rhniiiwtism. Xotwithstauding J tad the best of physicians, the dhseasc grew worse Hid wors, until by the advice of your excellent igent in Haltiniore, Lr. 31ackenie", I tried you "ills. Their etrects were slow, but sure, ily per evering in the use of them, 1 am now entirely well. PrsATB Chamber, Paton Rouge, La., 5 Dec, 1855 Ur Ayer: 1 have been entirely cured, by youi 'ills, of Hheumatic Gout a painful diseasethat hai .dieted me for years. VISCEST SLIDtXL.. C-Most of the rills la market contain Mercury vlncli although a valuable remedy in skilful hands s dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful con (Kjueuces that frequently follow its incautious use Tiese coutain no mercury or mineral substance thatever. . Price, 29 cents per Sox, or 6 Boxes for $1. repared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & Co., Lowell, Mass Marble "Tard. The undersigned have opened an MARBLE YARD In the' City of Plattsmouih, Avhere they have r PERMANENTLY LOCATED. k. Call an J Examine Specimens. We are prepared to do as good work as can be fouud in the country, at as Reasonable Prices As ahyv establishment in the - - West. JOSEPn BUTZERIN & CO. July l,lS6i,mS STATEMENT OF THE FIRS AND TORNADO ! Isiswsv-isec CojnjiaBjy. ! OK I FRLKrOItT. ILLINOIS. We, 11iim" J. Tnru-r. Pr. si. I r.t. an l I .XV. C i Titi:er, si'-fretHre, of el.e Fir.'atid T- ruAiit Io-nr;ince ! C'-nt: iiv, i.f Tr -ei' t, I Illii'tis. lie-ehy ceitify t!i ! s ii'l t'.jinj any is poyes-e-l of rnpit.il f at feiist one ; liMM.l-id tliii-iitin doll.ir. , wctirti ty fea on real ps- i tit wonii ,t ca-h v iln i;i"U Ht ! at five tun?, the uiu-jMiji ef Kaid cap!', and cot ncuiiiver..d lo iuor. ! tiiita u..e fjfc.lii el b.iid e.isti valuit'on. , THOS..I. ILMSKK. T:e 't. 1. W. C TANMI;. M'j STAT K OK lU.lSft: Hci.liensoii C-uuty. ) ,- . P - m i j ly spp-aretl befi-ie me. ("If rk of the Ci'.-.iit f t. ple i:-rn cvn tv. 1 ho. J. Turner and 1 C. Triune.-, t . in k-i -v.-n a- iNe ''re i lelil and -cr- t try of th Fiie ;-c; d T'rn;u! Infaran'-e t'onii'ii iiv, nli.i ni; ii r-i d'liv ffii'i ao'.iia t. law rri'.y .iepose and s.tv tlint tht ah iTe urtilicate sub s rne i t. ly thci I re-j. ' ivi-: v is true in Mjltttauce .;r. J iu f u-l. us -h , n li: ' rrc t:l--i f said l.'-t(t;jl:y : h . lb d ul .1 -.v. in to he:ni- nie :lii- -1 -.t il.iy uf Ai:;;a', A 1. lai.i. U. II t cn4i:ii;.M, C"icr CCCa. Cuu; t, sro. u jlu Co. CEP.TlFiCATCF AUTHORITY, To . Xj.jr. -. u tlie 31. t i ii.u.tiy, l:;i". IiiHttr'ii-i .rt friitit t. OJir? of '. Andltttf, ) '!il I: i, N l.ri.-S.i, O't. I. til, J-li) !7 1' R f A , .1 - 'I. t'arni.lti'il, K-.i . A -.-isi.t n I (ielierui ViLiit -or ine Fire aad 'ti j..iii im.ur.iuce company le I t Free;-irt, i i the .Ma e "f Illino's, ha tile. :u this i.ttii t tVrtined copy el the Ariel ne r;firH i;n ..f -;iid Ctiiii;iiiy. t -i;e:h-jr iih a wiit'en in i-t ' n ;:i- lit -r the il d ; aid t'l.ln i inv em'er on th e-rti'vin th.it a:d C'liini'-inv is i.o-es-o I of a. c i i 1 1 t ;it lea.-t U"e llniidied Thou-ai'd Ltuilars. seenr- .-'! I y Liti n rea: e lTe -1 1 1 rt a: valuttio'i :i .t l- it Tim..- t e un. 'lint ot saiil oatiial, Mini Ui . le end ! to mo-e tlnl'I oue-f,m: th nt' i-,dd f-n-l, v iiiu.i t.iti," in Mcrordjuci! i.h ilirf f ip.iiremeuts ol :h - l- ..i; t e'.lh ..-ejl in a law r f tl,c Te.-i Iturv N'eh :;m. ri tit e l An -ti l in ri-l.(:i..!i to ln-u jiiee oi-HiTiie-,1' apprnvod rehi-iivy l.V.h, lSilt; 'Ih-vfl e lie 11 klio.lll 1 V th'-x'- ple-'-ll''. That ID wii . ia i:ce of lb" sf-ri id -tel. I, William V. Ha iry. .1 iditor eftt.e 1 ritnty .f Xehrai-k , do hereby r i:y t..-T;:ld 1- ire .V To i: id . 1 1 ut aae loii: i'Jii ha lull ,.::t!ieljtv t. raus:-rt l-u-iiMf ef In.-lirale e in hi T. ir.o v of Nei'ia-k.i, uneer the I. a w it' tin- ! V 1 1 1 ' oi v . u ni 1 1 tin- Hi t d iv if.liati.iy A. If 1'iOii Iu Ulllh Whereof 1 have tub -erlhed lav li :i ni" v nd eans'-d le,; A-a 1 of the A ndii -e (I.. . otlh-e to In- i.tiied, tin-. 17:!l day et Oftob A. U-4 t i W. K. H.IUVI-Y. Teriitoi nil .iuditor. I' L.l TT ; M t L' 1 1 1 NKK. oct :.' v. i est iVi.-h- 1 iu 1-12 i (.' ?. ( ';:ct -inJ i rnj Yn'iiitb!" P,ticr f r !.t-nj M ti!ii'iiit Vun Lntul IN CITY, YII.I.AGK, AN1 C OCX THY. Tni-: iimcrican J griculturist FOIt THE Farm. Garden, and Household, Including ft Sjtciol l)i:purlnwit f Inter efluiiZ (.'. Inlructir? HutJiiifvr i'hU-lrtn '.'?: Youth. TV- J.jrifit't'.-rht is a la-.ge : rl.i.l. I of Si pr.g'.j lof.t. tally t. inteo. :.nd tried wit.", ti ril.i, pr.ict lea I, -e.iiil.le ( r'l:i;t! Iir.t'fl', 1 o I I'll.:' liTlliil't- a I heiU- !'d and hist uctiv Ei gravi: gi ia every aunua! volmue. . ' I' cull lin eae'i motit'i a ('a' a ler of Oi era'.ions : h.- p -if irm d n ihe Farm, ia 1h Or.-h iril and 'r't,-i. :t iu Mid arour.d the Ittrrllii) ff, e:e. The th'tus-iud i ef hints and su'ge-tiops (riven in veiy voluino .:rt-ni-p i.ed by prnetic-al, iur"Jjenl Wmkiny Sim, who. know wli .t liny writs; about. i'le IJ'ith'iil !-. urtttit-rl is valuable to ev iy i ion-.kf. i". r, i IT o dim. v iv in ,n.v in-eful hints iu"l in ee iou. c ik uialed to lig'iten and faciiil ile in d'wn" wo:'K The artio"if fur i 'hibh-en ami Youth is prp r.l with spe i:.l rare to turnish not only amuse neut, lnu iilsu t- i icui ate luo-ledfe and kuend morui j.rincinb s. Ti:i: t "! he ciiciiitt: m of :ho A tui'ri -on A(jr-i-i;Hurit (m r tlmn loh.noO) is t-a large t. nit it can hi- furnished at ti.o i.er ric- of ii I . a ye.ir; fi ur eoiiies or.e eHi Tt ten coie one year, i; t'2; P-t my or m r-.,ije yar, fjl e.tli; siugU cieies, 15 eeul each. Sr:tY IT A YiiATl. oitAX(F. junn.ri n. akd ra-p'R. 21 1'ark How, Kpw York City Complete Pictorial History o . ths Tines.' "TIi le.!, chfapesi. and most siiccess (t.l Family Paper ia the Liiion." EE ar per's Weekly, S I'LKN DID LY ILLUSTRATED. leal r t ii'fs )f tl.o Pr.'s?. v ni-'vii.iivr in the Tait- il states. Th" he-t f it y. ' l.-t.iii m -l'l'i rtist-r lh node! is-w-inijwr of our country ruin pi rt" in a!i thi ilepf-tnieiits i-t an American Family Paper, I'at p-r'.- WeeVIv li i earned for itelf aright to lis i: , " Joi k.n AI. i F Civ.LUii I j .." A'. V Fr. ii.' ng J' frt. l ids pper furni-h',s the b-xt i!liixtratinn. Oar futn.-e hi.fo inn- mil eniii'h theiaselve out of Har per's Weekly Ion; a Per 'i iters, and printeis, and (iubii-!;e s are tnrired to dust. .V. Fi'tinili.vf. A iotei.-iiy iu every household stvn 'iittox. It is at once h leadmsr jeditical and historical in nalit ef the i-adon. I'Mtrnh Ij hid Prt3. 1 h best of iij cla-s in America. B-oi'.on Traveler fu?criptions. 1SCG. Tin- publishers have perfected a syoteui of mailing by which they en snjiply tlio -Mill azlvk anil Week i.v Ineiiijitiy to those who pre for to receive their je ri' di -als directly f-om the lUce of mtliratlon. i .stnia-Ters ai.J others de.-irons of pettiuj; up clnts will be M-ppIied with a handsome pictorial .show-bill on application. TER.7IS: HATtrKH's Wkkki.v, ni.e year, - - - ?kf. An xti a copy of eilix'r tho Weekly or Mapaziue will be supplied o-r:is for every club of 1'ive Sidi cribera J4i eaeii, i:i one remittance; or tix copies for .0. I) ick r.i:m'e s can be vupplie I at ar.y time. T; e annual volutins t 11aUi-i:b' Wkku.v, in nea ciorh liinditi .', will bo fceBt by expn rs, tree if ex pen-'-, for t eieh. A conipb to lot, conipri-inp Ki-!.. Volumes, sent nn receipt of ca-h nt the rate o $i ;o per volume, freight at expeus-of lon-eTner Address II A It I Kit .V PKOT i! Kit. Frankliu Sipi ive, Y- "TJnquestionably tlie best sustained work cf the kind in the World " IIARPKirS Critical notices of the Tre . It is the toremo-t Jlupmi o of the riay. The f.re s4d" niver hud n more deliehlfnl rtrnpu..n, nor the iniiliou a more entert-risiur frioml, ihan 11a p- r's Ma?::zit.e. Atrt.'to-tixt I'rotfutiiut Haliim re. ) The niott popuiar 3Iouth!y iu the Woi Id. A". Y. OltserCvr. W inu-t ref-r in terms of eulogv ti th bigli 'un" nd varied excelleti'es of Harper' Muli.r !!' J ur nal with a Biouthly circulation of about i 7d,t)0(i cop ies .in whose paes are to hi found- some o: the cheieest li-ht and -en ial readmif of the day. We ?! ak ef this wo.-k as an evidence of the American peop e; and the popularity it has acquired is merit ed. Each number contains fully ft I m-'tfs nf real ise nntier. appropriately illustrated with pond wood euls: and it combines in itsell the racy monthly and the more phi!osophicai quarterly, b. mlol with the best faturei of the daily journal. It has (.-real iKiwer in thu disseminal ion f a love of pure literature. Tiu-Bor'a Guide to Ain.-riciiH Literature (.London.) The volumes ln:nd consti.'ute of themselves a li br.H of miscellaneous reading-, such as cannot be found iu the same compar-it in any other publication that has come under our notice. Boston Courier. SUUSCRIFTONS. 15G6. The publisher hnve penpcted a ytem ;of mailing by w hich, they can fupply the yaazineand Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their period ical directly f.era the i trice of publicaiioa. The postage ou Harper" Magazine is 24 cents a yor, which must be paid at the subscriber's post of fice. TERMS: Hai.peb's MagizIne, one year. - t4. An extn copy of either the Mnpnzine or Weekly will be supplied pratis for ever Club cf Five -Suh-scririers at 4 each, in one remittance ; or six copies for 0. Hck nnmbers can be supplied at any time. A complete set, now compri.-lDir Twenty-uine Vol umes, in neat cloth hiadinp, will be sent by expfess, freight at expense of purchaser, for t J 2d rer volume, biosrle volumes, by mail, post pail. $ Cloth cases for bindinn, SS cents, oy mail, post paid. Address HARPEIt A BROTHERS. Fiaaklim Square, N.Y. Scrofula, , or King's Evil s a ronstitutioiial Idi-K.'.TJC, n rcrruption of th jloocl, by tvliich iliis lhii-1 becomes vitiated veak, and poor, jlciiio; in the cirt ulation, i KTvades the wliol-; body, and may burst ou n disease on any j.-ru t of i:. No ortjan is fre iom its nttiaks, n?r is there one which it ma; .ot destroy. '1'hecrof'tilims t:iuit is variously .auscd by mevcu:f ,tl di.-eisc, low living, dis irdercd or unhealthy too l, intjiurc air, lilll tnd iiltliy habits,; the ilf-pressinjr vices, end ibove all, b- the Vcncrcrii infection. M'luit :ver be its origin, ;it is hereditary in the eon ititution, descending from pat ents to ciiihlrci into the third and fourth feneration ; " indeed t seems to bo tlir? rod of Him who says, vill visit the iniquities t-f thl fathers upoi heir cliildren." Its ciTects comm nco by dopo-ition from tin )lood cf corrupt jr ulcerous inattir, which, ii he lung-, liver, ai;l internal organs, is termet ubercles ; in the ;r;l;inc!s, swellings ; and ot lie surface, eruptions or sere. This foul cor uption, which ger.ders in -.he Mood, depressei he energies of life, that scrofulous coustitu ions not only SEiFer from f-crofulous conv )laints, but they live fir less power to with .tand the attacks', of other diseases ; conse luently vast numbers pcvisli by disorder,' vhieh, although njt sciofuious in tiieir nature to still rcndci'cd. f;tt;d ly this tair.t in tin ystem. Jlot of ;.lic corn umption tvhicli dc limates the hutnanjaniil yli.is its origin directl) t this scrofulous contamination; and man Ic.-'tructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, nd, indeed, of allj tlie organs, arise from oi .re aggravated by :he same cause. One quarter of a:l our people are scrofulous : heir persons are invaded by this lurking ia eetion, and their I calth is tmdermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate lie blood by nn alterative medicine, and in igorate it by healthy lood and exercise. juch a meuicme wo supply in. ACER'S "oiiipomul Extract cf Sarsnparillii. he most effectual, remedy which the medica' kill of our time9can devise fur this every- ihere prevailing at.ul fatal malady. It is com lined from the most active remedials that have ieen discovered for the expurgation of this foul jsorder from the tlood, and the rescue of the ystem from its destructive consequences, lencc it should be employed for the cure ol tot only Scrofula: but alsn those other afLc ions which arise ;from it, snrh as Ertrnrn rid Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Iike, losif, or I'.nYsin.As, I'imi'M's, PrsTfi.r.s, ii.o rc iiES. 5i..MNSiandi;oi!.s,TiMO!is, Tetteh .nd Salt Itnr.tK, Scai.d Head, Hixgwohm, liiiu MATisM, SYPffiri.rric audJlKiiciTtiAr. Dss- asls, Ditoi'sv, DvspursiA, Dehii.itv, and, adeed, am. Complaints auisino fkom Vitia- ed or Imithe lii.ooi). Ihe popular beliel a imvxtriiy of the blood " is founded in truth, ar scrofula is a defeneration of the blood. The articular purpose and virtue of this fiarsapa illa is to purity aiid regent rate this vital fluid, cithout which sound heal'.h is iiiijiossiLle in ontamuutteu con.-,-ututicdi.-. Ague Oure3 FOR THf. SPEEDY CURE OF lit crmittcnt Ff ver, or Pcrcr and .Hut'. Irinittent Fevter, t'iiiit I'tTtr, IiiiuIj ki;iie, Perinclictil Ilcntlartie, or Ztiliou lenelaclie, anil liiilniu l-c vers, tndecii or tlie whole clnss of iisenses origlunt. up in hiliary fterniifjremeiit, caiiseil !' lie malaria oi 'iiasmutic countries. We are enabled here io oiler the commnni! v a emedy hich, while.- it cures the above complaint? rith certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any uantitj. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts ihere these aolicf-inir disorders prevail. This Ci'HE" expels tht; miasiiiatic poison of Feveu no Ague from tlie; system, md Tuevci-.ts the de- elopnicnt of the disease, if taken on the first nn iroach of its nrcmouitorv Bviutoms. It is not onU ho best remedy ever yet Jis.-ovcrcd for t his clast f complaints, but nlso the eliecpest. Ihe large uantitv we supply for a dollar I rincs it within tht each of every body.; and in bilious districts, whert V.vr.it ami Aoi'f: Tirevails. everv Lodv sliould lave it and use it freely both for cure and prolcc ion. A Krfat suponoritv of this remedy over nnj ther ever discovered for tin- siicrdv and ccrtair :ure of Intcrmittcntis is that it contains no Quinine ir mineral, consequently it produces no quinism 01 ther injurious clients w hatever upon the cotmp ion. lhose cured ny it are icic as neaiiny as i; hey had never had the diseat e. 1- ever and Ague is not alone the conseqnence o: he miasmatic poison. A cf cat variety of riisor lers arise from its irritation, among vhieh ar Xeuratgia, Iiieumetism, Gift, Headache, blind- thache, hsiaclie, ( ctarrli, Antlitna, Fair ntation, Painful affection cf the Spleen, llystcr- cs. Pain in the ISc-icels, L o.ic, Faraysis and Lie- anacment of the Utomach, all of which, wher iriginating in this, cause, putpn the intermittcm tpe, or become periodical, xtiis " cuitu expen ic poison from tht1 blood, and consequentlv curet ;hem all alike. It is an invaluable protection t mmigrants and persons travelling or temporaril esiding m the malnnous tnst.icts. it taKen occa lionallv or daily wbile exposed to the infection ;hat will be excreted from tho system, and canr.o- iccumulate in sufficient qtiantity to ripen into dis lase. Hence it is even morn valuable lor protec ion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter nittents if they avail themselves of the protectioi his remedy allords. prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass if. o o" n l P o c 50 2 H O c o n O OS . cn O O o m CD CO ?3 3 a tfi TJ1 O o TOOTLE, MAIN STREET, - L A 11 .t Z .4: West of AVholesale and H A R D ey .-.. Ft f ark tpi Clothing of ovei'y description. WtMES AND LIQUOBS OF ALU KINDS- Constant! j' on hand a Lnre Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEiWAKE, IROK NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. Ani every article re.;m'retl Ly And e try body else can Le supplied at this estaLli!iment. Call and examine our extensive stoeh. -AT FIEE PEOOF BEICK. Tootle, Ilnniia ?i Co. PlnU?mot:!h. ArriKin. I8CI5. A5IISOrT, DOVEY &, CO., North Side of Main Street, Have cn hand the LARGEST STOCK of (iUE ENS WARE, I I A 1 1 D VA RE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING. &C, Ever Offered LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &G. - Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to Dus tiness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine oiir stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 1SG5. tf TLT received, M can 8 c f Cuoned 1 i nches at AMISON, DOVEY & CO'S, "i O to AMISOX, DOVEYi CO'S to purchase your J sprinj,' goods. A K endless var lety of Ladies' Drese Gooils at A. V. c " ( CASI-3 Mdltliy's Cove Oysters fnr sate' at A. D. &. CO'S. GREAT bargains in Ladies' Dress Goods at A. U. CO'S. 1'OIl SALE at AMl?ON. PoVKY CO'S . Coffee, T a, Sucar. Golden Syrup, tiigH.r llouie .Mo laef.es. New Ycrk Candies, etc , etc. larpo lot of Chewing and Smokinft Tobacco for xx sale at A. D. & CO'S. Q0 AL OIL for sale by A. D. It CO. - f BOXES Star Candles for fale t.y A, D. CO. IF you want to purchase goods at a bargain, po to A. D. ft CO Or EA03 COFFEE Just received by JLD A. D. Co. Large lot of Choice Tea at X. D. k CO'3. IIA'iV'iXA'&CO., ' - PLATTSMOUTH, N. T G K S T c- -4 St. Louis. Reto.il Doalers in W A R E, -A FD- THE- i8(5 in tliis Blarkct. A Larci aas-ortment of mei'6 and boy8' clothing far f ale by A. D. i CO. ' HELLED CORN f.jr sale by A D. t CO. B ACOX and Lard fijr sale by A. I). A CO. JIKAVY IXVOfCE of all inl of Family Gro- ceries and OutGting Goods jui.t receive tl by A. 1). A CO- A LL kinds of Farming Implements fofa!e by A. D. 4 CO. Lar5'? lot of Two Horse I'lows for sale by A D. At CO. 4. Nendless varietycf Hardware an-1 Cutlery for 21 sale at A. D. 4 CO S. SaSII, Poor, ShinelpB, Glass, and IXail-J of every description for sale by A - D. Ic CO. LL kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods br if.D.C. ro enumerate all the articles we have for fale JL would fill one sideof the Heralo, and other have m goud a right H advertise as AUIfOX, DOVEY 4 CO. THE la gest Outfitting House north of St. Joseph iJ AM1S0N, DOVEY fc CO'i., riattsnromh, Nebraska. T II E iNEBRA SKA J.4 i. 4 inprriirr Is the place to get jCA5B POi'TUIff, -on From a Tl) A i i c'S f? r TV TC ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET Till PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive Ik Stirring. STJESCRI33JT: FOR THE ITebraska Herald, AND KEEP.YOURSELF POSTED. l m n o i. FLUID KX TIJ ACT At the C :! . f ! ,j I T II : ii o T T i: .YTo i:.iv,. ,;s... XT O II i; Fur a v u'.c'y i f Di . It w-.-ii 1 vi .. ! f , i (!. I,, ,. i ; . , tiie Kn-.isli ;t.rl Ji it.-!, l'i v-ici.-iM., mi kh - i . Illt-Il'l.-ltii'll i: .ii . i.t,-,j j;i L.l:! --, .is. j ; i-nuii- intu .'I liu-T.-i! I.--. It i ifiv.-n (ii !y l'i i:vl, Ci.r i-i!,- (,,,', , tin- i::;ni M.. ii i, i 1 1 ? ,ta. .,t t v .1.1 l.'rctl 11, i( i'viiiais 0.- kin j ;it.. l'nr Tr la-siis :i n .1 TV n-in ,- , or V l':. ri, Ii.-.-r.--.-s ..: ;i :..,.,.. i,i., j, if, ;, i i:"iiTit in lu H f I ' : i,.-, ;, ;i , ! . , ... . , ,j ;ii 1 i: a ilmii-lic at f,m ;i : .,, ,... ' i rts , 1,1. -..: i. , J iu jt- , v.ti-.i !t ., n. It i ..!..-' icf.jrniii ::.! 1 in Dyspepsia, Chronic P.h?umat:::i. C -.l n.o ,i; , t; m ..n .; Ii To i :. ' tl. .- -i. .. 1 1 lull' - ' .;: i. I, . , . tiil.. 'I i tlfl.ft Hi.-.., , i,. : :ilt.-i-W. i- -uic 1 1 . ri. ; I jiuv. ti s. Cur rict,h lxJ Eloc .ti c i- 'i ;i ii :i -1 U . , u t, . j;:i:-n.s a t F.vr.i. y vfuioU t r . . I'Ktm Infant y ; C;: i -t , rurl in rV t ;to of n!,;,, .a'. !.. in -u- , if ill 1 3' liil-J-. - , The Caits'-s in i.iany iiist-tnat, .. tin, aowit. Tin- lintki.t Iia-., hov.-i v r. u:, u.lnn.-iil)!i' r-'rn Jv :n Fluid Extract of Dii' lnv PhUittli j hin r.Mii'.ifjr Ho,'.', tin ;,'. r; Sept. lo, l-;. iiii:i.aiijoi,i-s GENUINE PKE?AHATI0:i3. His Koliil HH'I Fluid F.xtrarts rrr.l i. Iy ti r i. '. Htrer.Ktli of the iupreillm's of whi.h tl.cy aren it ' Th' y are left t.j the inpertirm of all. A ready no conclui-ive text of their proiertiia will be a cutii; ir -sun with thohe net forth in tlie United g!;il"i Ui. : a'ory These reroeiliei are ir.-ared by ij.T. li'-:.". hold, a druggist of KXti rn yeais' exp rii n'-e ;a '' ' city, ami we believe lieru to be reliable; iri f..ft, "" have ni verkuouu an artii In lacking nn r.t to !:'"' with a peririatK nt s-11' ce.-.s, atid Mr. Helmij'-iii' uci- ' Is cirtainly prima fni .a evidence. Hi- I'ruT ' Chemical Warehouse, in the ity iif.Vi.ir York, not excelled, if rqaalcd, ,y muy in tin country, we woul l advUo our r.iders, whci v.i-i:irifc' thatciiy to give him a cad, aiid j'idg i ! ft' thi-i.-dve. IIEOIBOLD'S EXTRACT OF BU IK II 1: LMBOL 30