AYEE'S Sarsaparilia FCTR PUSU'YJJJa THE BLCOD, And tor flit speody oare otlia following complaint Scrotals Bfrfn!na Affection, ancl n Tumor. l'lc-r, !fref Eraptiona I'implea, Ialat, matches, Uoiia lllaiaa, and nil ikii Oiwnwi. Oakland, Jnd., tith June. 1E59. J. C. ATER Co. lieuts: I feel it u dntr to ao roowledjre what vour hurstvpanlia has done fcr me lisvinir inherited a bcroiuloua infection, I ha niflered from it in various wavi for year. Some Jmc t bunt out in L'lwn on tnr hands and arm, sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at tiS itoniach. Two year atro it broke out on my hciwr. tnd severed mv scalp and ear with one tore, whici was gainful aiid loathsome beyond description. J triea man medicines aud tevoral physicians, bu' without much relit f fmiu anything. In fact, tht Jisorder grew worfp. At lenrth 1 was rejoiced tc read in the joprl Messenger mat you hadpreparei; an alteram e (Sarstiparilla), for I knew from yooi reputation that anvthinK you raaue must b god I seut to I iticinna'ti and pot it, and used it till i ;ured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses ct a teaspoon 1 til over a month, and uied aimott threi bottles. liw and l.eal'.hy skiu coo a began to lorn under the csl, which alter a while tell o9". Si) ikin if now deal, and I know by my fcclinfj thai the disease lim cone from my system. Yon cun wcl believe t lint 1 lee I what 1 am Faying when I tull you that I hold you to be one ol the apostles of the 2 aud rcmaiu'ever grnttluiiy. Yours, ALFBED li. TALLET. St. Anthony' Fir. Ron or Erysipelas Truer nnd nlt Hhrnin, Weald llcat Kioxworm, Wore Eye, tfrropay. Dr. Hubert M. l'rcble write from halcrn, !T. V. 121 h Sept., li'M, thr.t lir? lias cured an iiiveteratt cae ol Iti-ipi'i, which threatened to terminate fa tallv, bv the jwrsevcriuir use of our fcarsaparilla and altoatlantteious Malignant Erysipelas by lar close, ol the i-ame; avB he cures luecuiumuu Erufi twin by it constantly.' Ilronrliorrle. Goitre or Swelled !Yrk. Zi'l.ulon !oan,cf l'rosk-ct. Texas write: ' T hre bottler ot vour farppaul!a cured uie from a Ooitr a hideous swelling on the ucck, which 1 bad tut lered lioui over two vcart. ' Lencorrhirn or AVliitr. Ornrimt Tumor. Uterine llrrraliea, Fcmnlt Dwaw. Ir. J. 11 S. l. aiming, of ewr Vork C ity, mites I inn! rltifrfullv rnuiiiJv witli the reouest of vou. eent in saying I have found your Harsapariila I mot excellent a icraiive in ine numerous com nlaints lor which we employ such a reroedv, bu .leci;illy in Frnxale Itiseases tf the Seroiultfiii diathesi. 1 have cured muuy iuveterat cases ol I.cucori li ra by it. and some where the complain' was cuiiscd bv ti'cf nttion cl the uterus. Tiie ulcer otiou itself a fouii cured. Nothing within mi hnoli tlei.,i:n:f it tar these ferule UuranguineutaJ Kd'vard S Jlnrrow, of Newbiirr, Ala., writes " A . numerous oiMriu tinniyr on one of the femalei !i, inv laniilv, which had dt-tietl nil the remedies w could empior, huat length bveu completely cure bv vour l-.xtruct of aiiparilla. tlur physiciat l!Mi--lit mitliin but extirpation could aflurd relief b:it he advised the trial ot your Karsaparilla as th ;a-t rr-cit belorc- cuttme, ana it proved enuctual Aficr tukiiii! our remedy eight weeks no symptoa ui lnv tii!-eie remains." Nyihi2i uml ?Irrcnrial Iiene. N m Oi:lv:a.. Z til Ausunt. 1So9 Pp.. ,1 C Avtit: fcir, I cheerfully comply wit ti.i r. i ii vour nc'-'it, and ieort to you soim , i : .c ' . 1 e icaiicd with your Sarsaparilia, 1 jv i j-.-.i uiih it. in mv pni'ctice, most of till -i t..: t.,-1.1. i .- iThicli it is rtcoinutended. and ban i ... ,t i i'.'-c;- ti li v wondcrlul in the cure ol i . ... t.- ' mi-rial Migrant. One of my iia V' . ' - . ' ' l i i. ic u.cers in his throat, which wen i . : :.i l a ale and the top of his mouth . - . j :. i .a stvadtly taken cured him in liv ,, . a ' !.e wuj atiiickeil by socotiditry symp- i: i: ! ...i-i-. f'ni the ulceration liad eaten uwaj ..i. - j. lit of if, co that I believe the dis .- ,i I .-on reach hi brain and kill him. liu' .'. .. in. t ilmiMi.-tiation of vour 5aniarillar : 'i. iM i ih iiatiied, ami lie is well fccuin, not of courst v i'I.iii.' -oni - ih-li jumtioii to his lace. A womai I'. ! I .cii treated liirthe mine disorder bv mcr -mi v ; :-. -ii.Ti-riii from this poison in her bones 1 :: i i 1.' com.- co sensitive tot lie wcatherthat ot ii ;;.uip .iav f.c nilli-red excruciating pain in bet jiiiit- nii'l boiitK She. tio, was cured entirely b our in upaiilla ill a few wevks. 1 know from iu :.i iiinia, which your npent Rave ine, that thli rn iiiii al:cii iiom your laboratory iniii-t be a Krea r nui: : n.iii-. .juently, the-te truly remarkable re suit.- witn :t ba.c not surjirisea me. t'lateriiuliy jourK, Ki. V. LAUIAIER, M. D. I-iiiifitiiiti. (i oat. I.irrr Coinnlainl. hi" ciMscE. 1'rerton Co.. a., t'.th July. 1S59 !.: .1. ( . Avi.n- Sir, I have beeu alHicted with I v-n.ii ciiiiii'ii! Ithi'umatifm lor a lon; tiaie, whicl i .1:1 i. tin kl:l of iihvi-iciaiis. and stuck to ine ii in all t:ic remedies 1 could lind. until 1 trifc '.i:- -t;ai iiia. One bottle eured me in twt . . ; i:l re.-uired my general health so mucl . i. . i"i tnr n.-tter ttian belore X was attneked. . . i ..:;: till nu'diciuc. J. FKEAM '. . eti-'.icll. of St. Louis, write: "I hav. . .-. ui; euis with au affection of the Liver 1 1; my health. I tried everything . niiiiiii lulled t j relieve ine: and 1 hav . :. I. . ol.ci.-'lowu iiian lur some years from m ,. , : r uise than ilTiingemvnt of the Lirer. Mj i.t:oiri pi -tor. the ltev 31r. rpr, advised rae t try your Sarsaparilia, Irccause belaid he knew you r:id ai.v tl iii iu ninde was worth trving. lly th' t.lc-r-ii:;j "1 Ciod it has: cuie) me, and lias so puritiet uv I i 1 a- f iinxie a new maw of inc. I feel youii Drin 1 i :- l.ftt that can be taid of you is not bal WeliirrM-t. Cimcrr Tmiior. I'ularirmrnt t ! r;i1ion, Curici and Exfoliutiou ol IU- llout o. A t'uiit varhty of cases haTe been reported to wlierc curis of "these formidable compliant ba resulted liom the um- of thiti rented v, but our spac lieie wit I not inltnit them. .Some of them may b liiuiel in our American Almanac, whi'ch the a cent he.ow i.mu.-u are pleased to furuuh gratis to all win tin. I r iiiein. Iyprpirt. Heart Tirje, Eit. X'pilcpsy .tl limirholy, Aruralfia. Manv reinaikabic cures of these aOectiona bar1 t.t n iimtle by the alterative power of this medicine i: xtitnulalcs the vital functions into rigorous action m. d thin overcomes disorders which would be sun poed teyond its reach. Such a remedy lias Ion been required by tlie necessities or tlie people, am we are coiitiileiit that this will do lor them all tha medicine can do. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral FOR THE RAPID CCKE Or t'oaiH. 'old, Indnrnzn, llearsrnrsi Cratin, Itronrlnlit. loripirm loo, nil in pi ion, ll lift for llx ICrlicf of f onuiuiliic I'nticnt in u clvn need $4tnjcs of the llitenx'. T':i' i a 'fni'ilv so universally known fo cnrpaS c ii v ii her lor t tie cure of throat and Junp complaints t nit r i- use'iss hereto publish the evidence of it wt.us. I. uiirivalled ctcehenee for coughs am : -i lis truly wonderful cures of pulmonar : - ! i are made it knewn throughout the civiJ .... ol Ine earth, t ew are t he eommunitie e i .-i, ; um i, -. uinonp them who have not som I'T O ;ii txrerience ot its effects some livm t .ipln in tueir midst of its victory over the subti ii.ii ran-, rom disorders of the throat and lungt A- ail I. i.ow II. e dreadful fatality of these disordrri Jim ii4 tnev know, too, the erlects of this remedv c i eed l ot do more than to assure them that it ha i.u'.v a. I the virtues that it did have when makin the cures which have won so strongly upon th ;OUUUei:C tl lllUIlHlllU. Prepared ly Dr. J. C. AYES ti Co., Lowell, 2fasi PILLS, A tat.Tr fr.ilinr Antidote fr Pick Jlrad- a:Le, liyspepsa, Pever and Ague, Liver t'ou-plaiut, Coftivcncss, I'.i:iounes, Neural .jla.Co'.ic, Pi praved Appetite, Pisor- a ervd tonia-b, I cmaio Obstructions, ic, cw- 25 eta. t WILSON S PILLS are ttnTers-ilIy a V.ocnldt:ed to he the tot now iu oso. As a Vamily J.ciDe t'apy are p.-u ticf.l.trly reeommended-siniple an J hrmlss, but bifrhly medicinal in their com-biuati-c. One Fill a dose, with mild but cer tiin euct. Tha robust man and tho dolicate child ess thefu alike, with CTurr assuranca cf entire s ifcty. Vt"ith Wilson's Pills, eTery Mother id L laaJ b .eornes her own physician. They have I rjel tlieuiselres a sncirir, and stand without a rival for the fjllowing aCections: HE All AC 111:, FEVER & ACCE, HLAIAt III-', FEVEC Cc AGlEi, DYSPEPSIA, LIVEK COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, rrVXR COJCPLAIST, Costiveness, Biliousness, Ileuralgit CoitiTenese, BUioasaeas, Keuralgi Sold ty 2mggists & Dealers eveiywhei PREPARED BY 33. L. FAIINESTOCK t CO. Importers &. Wholesale Druggist JTe. CO, comer "Wool aad 4fct St. PITTSBURGH, PA. mu ftiruti er B. L. Fahsestoclc'a VepmiftifM. s 5r & .4 THE TRIRVE for 1SG5. rr.osPECTrs. TheMiiita- aud Nava ' ucce,.e of 1SC4. With the neictous reclt of cur Prcsi Jeotlal untrnt, liava lifted a heavy treiubt lVora the breasts of the loyal inil'i. ns of ear couatrymen. It is now felt, even by tlTe v. lm Bne bea 1i-irttfal rd taint neariea k-.. i- ,rr :., t f..r.f. tiiam;baat from the 'af'lr srif aheretn'Osbe was ri kedly pr.eipi- tated hy her ansailanis Hid thai slavery, bet re- entlc-" f-ie.i tu encounter the r tent liamin. i ne peiils of foreign iterventioii anJ ol WrMrro insji recii'a are salety p:ie 1 : Ashauik LtscoL. eo nr'f assaiiHi-le a- a chuic-e r tlie nMii.j ny. iieius the helm of .-t He f r fi.iir y.iars hn;;ei; the ret' liiou, palpably weakened by iti d:' aits uu i loss'.it ilurinp; Uie past year with its criiit so reduced that Us purse-hearer ithcialv ili'ians th;,t its Tre.i-tlry rentes can nul j be exeii :ajf.l lor en a ai ine rale twenty nvef'.r on', w hile i's liiiiitf cinnian't but six cei ls ou tlie ii". ilsr-" but awaits the blow w hi' h ehall six. n stride ihe sWurd from m paiacul il haud an.) remit it-master pirits to the justice, or it may he to the elenn ncy, ol a s. rely wronged HU'l justly iiicen-r.l hut t rbearniir and meauiuinus iieople. Such arc the iiispios which justify mtr f.tilh thi' the rues. lit year mil see ti e Mais an l Mlip. s 11 .a I uu- thslli'Dted fn m every leitth merit in the K' l uhtie, and tlie perf'vt i.iw of Liberty for All immovably mi be'Ued io the roustitutioa of ..ur fuioii. TllK tw c iik Ikiulm. 'euieleil m 1S11. will en ter upon its tweiity-fuiirth year with ipiick' Ue". no;'es an I en:arir. d iikhus I useluies lispitnci ph'S lieed no re-sMieini'iit: its aiuis are the diil'ioiJ of lutt-llieiiCe anil the in-i'iil.itia if a spit it ol ptte- loin Mini lliimuuitv. h"ii lins t uh shall have l-eeii ceneially rccoiiize.l aiol e-tnl'hshe.1 as the b4. sis of our iiiMitu.iotis and po ity, ih.it iuju-iici- to xUk p. .re-t, ti e w-ake-t, th'' 111. ml uespitii, is a Jeaiful i-t ik, th.,t no en. nihility 0.' mate can uftora to n iik' even its humblert ue iiihei tie n will our ai d ba k once more iu the calm sunshine of pcao an. I pro-peiity. THE I kibi xs h o. for the last year been publi-he.' illeint Iirolit to -t l-rooi i4.t..r. sob It leaexe of the depreciation of our currency below vpecie staaJard, C1..1 p iiini; us to buy p..pet auu oilier llla'.-lla. at cort Consi leiably a'.iove the amount leceiveJ f.'.iu mi- subset ih :ra. Un our weekly edition, the net loss has ansocutej tc several th o-.u.J-. of dollars , voile our large reee'pts from ailvei lisit'K have been wlo .1 ahsorl-eil bv the ext.: aoi ilinai y expenses for tlirr-s- pouii-'r.ce, Xelt-y ai-hiui:, etc., devolve. I on us by tt.e war. As we do not supjiose our patrous lesire luai wt shoul'l w.rk for them ft our cost, and prefer D It be ption:zed by any who mat desire it. we have somewhat ndv::uiel lor the cnsninjr year the prio of our .-em 1-U erkly and Weekly, as we had alreaj) doi.e wan those of eur dailv 1 iiilioiis. This iacrease is purely nominal; there never before was a nine aIici the f iruiers of our ceuniry country could buy 'i'he Ti ibuue lor so little of their own paodoctsoi labor as they tau by tho iollowia4 TERMS: DAILY lRIliUXE, ?int:lecopy - - - 4r!.ts Mail subi.r;bers, one year, 3!2 i.-su-s. - jflO.Oll SEiI-w I-KKLY TUIBO'E, Oni copy one year 104. isrues, - - $4. I'wo copies 1 lie year, - 7. (he ci-irts or ever, one year, each crpy, 3. WKKKLV TKIBUNK, Due copy, one year, issues, - 2.5( Clus of live , - - 10.tn Persons n mittinjf :2i! for 10 oopies, will receive oue copv ext. h, elatis. Persous reciitti'ijr i1-!!) for 5f0 copies, will receive one e py el.w eek.y, eratls. Persons remit ing for 40 capies, will receive one copy 1'aily, frratts Iiraftson Xew-Vilk. payable to the or.ler if "Th Trii.iine ' beir.e safe.-, are preferable to any oihe in ide ol re'iii tauce. but where drafts cauuot hi oiivi Dieiitly procure J. Tniled Staffs, or a;eua Hank bills ae next best, and may be ncnt l y mail ; Iiul til race of I.iss, 1 he I ribulie will not be rs!.Miusi Lie unless ftinji-h'd wrh a full h sci intit.n ol ih "i.l-, i...-:u'l me Ihe iisiue of th hank, detiouiiiiatioi HiJ nuaib r, :nl the time mid plate of uiailn.e o Mi- letter villi the Incisure- Adaress THE THIBUNF, Tribune Iiu.ldings, New York. "Unquettionably the best sustained wors 01 tne Kina in tne woria " fCi itiral notices of the l'ress.1 It Is the f.ueniost Msym i.c of the day. The fire side never had a mole iletiehilul compan.on. nor ih itutliou a t.iore enteriii i-iuk' frioud. Ihan lap. r s Maitaxiiie. ilttluxliH i'rutfutaHt tBaliim ire.) 1 he 111); t popular Sloufh'y in the w 01 :d. V. J' Obxercer. W uin-t refer in terms of eulocy t. the high Ion. slut varied excellences i f Harper's Magazine a jeur i.al witn a monthly irrut it.on .f about liti,U(Ku oi i-'ssin w hose T':i. es are to be fouud isnnv o! tin jh-ieest lik'bt aud ueuei at leaLini.' of the day. V sp ale of tills work art Nil efi'!in.-e of lliu Aiuricai peon e; and the i..!iularit it has Hrotiired is nieiit -.1. Each nnmher eoutsiiis fully 144 panes of rea I tg matter. aproprial-ly illus.ratel with kj.ioil wim.c 'it.-; an J it combines in it-ett tfie racy monthly aio th" more ntiilosophrc.il quarterly, Pl.-uded with lie b-.-si features of the daily journal, li has ftn at powe n the disseni.nat lou I a love of pure lit'Tature. Tinner OuiUe fo Aneriu(iH Liltintut t (Loiiili.n The vol'in es Ixuin.l consti'ate c-f themselves a 1: hrar of uiis-ehaiivoiis leadinir, such as r;tuuol b fo iud iu !e same tomp.tss in any other iihlicat iot taat has cuiuu under our notice. Bvetm Lourttr. SUDSCRII'TONS. 15G1 Hie I'U-Hi-.her.' Imvo p'-rir-rifil a ytHin in:ilinj. oy WhM.ii tliy run nij-l'-y th Ukriue and M vrkty (n'iiiiMy ! ttiopitr who jr U r to ve lTethtir period KaN tiir.'t t'v ficm - i tr - 4f iiuhlirH'iua. The iKitj-'e ti lliirj'i'i' .Mnirazine is '24 rent" ii yeirv wti.i'u Ui'iic tc i-iiu at tue &ut.cribcr e iol of TKKMS: HlKPEa's iAOAZlNE. olio year. - - ft All exira copy of either the Mnciz'me or Week 1 will be siipiied gratis for ever . Club if live ful -eril-r nt (i each, in one remittance ; it six Copie lor .'i'. Hack nuniherM can he supplied at any time. A complete tet, now ounpi -intuit Twenty-nine Vo ntiii'.'. ia n'nt cloth hiudiiiu, will be sent bv expfess treik-lit at expense of piitciiaser, for f . 'Jo Per vo.iiiu ine.e volumes, by mail, post paid. Clothcase tor I. in'l ii.tr , 5s cents, by mail, post paid. Address llAKPKIt & BKOTHKHS. Piauklia tquarc, N. " S. B L O OM . Dealer in EEADY MADE Gents Furnishing Goods i I at.s, Caps, Boots, Trunks, Valises, &c, Sec, &c. Also a larpo lot of RUBBER GOODS ami REVOLVERS always on hand. AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will Snd it to their benefit to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Wool. Plattsmouto, May 25, ti ti-'CJL.;; r s ' PILLS. Am yoa lick, feeble, an complaining? Are you ou cf order, with your systen deranged, and vour feeling u noonifortable f These it mfl toms arc often the prelutl to serious illness. Some fl of sickness is creeping upoi vou, and should be averet by a tioiclv use of the rich remcdr. Take Arer'a lilla and cleanse out tht disor tki?" '.:'.ji ieia iiumurs jiuniy in r.Mltr,.vLWil Wool, and let th auid rfCt t-;-'k"fi'v5f! move ou unobstructeil ii M-.-UJ; ji-dliHilih asin. Thev stiinu 'tciifigag lat the functions of tin - AtfcMt '- bodv into vicorous activity lurlfy the svstem from the obstructions which inaki lisease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, aoi tbstructi its natural functions. These, if not re ieved, react upon themselves and the surroundiD rgans, Tirouucmg ircnerai aggravauon, wiicnng Jid disease. While iu this condition, oppressed b; he deraugementa, take Ayera 1'ills, and tee hov lirectlythey restore tho natural action of the sys em. aud with it the buoyant feelln of health apain Vhat is true aud so apparent in this trivial and com aon complaint, is also true iu many of the deep eatud and danerous distempers. Tlie same purga ive effect expels them. Caused by similar obstrue ions and derangements of -.he natural functions ol he body, they are rapidly, aad many of them surely urea Dy me same uaeniis. nuira 00 .ovn m. Irtnea of these 1'ills. will jeirlect to employ theu rhen sutlerhip from the disorders they cure. atateaieuts iroin leauing )invsicians in some ui 1111 irincipal cities, and from ether weU-kiiowu public ersous: From a Forwarding Merchant cf St. Louis, Feb. 4 Dr. Ayer; Your Tills arc the paragon of all thai irreat in medicine. 1 hev have cured my nun laughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feel Jiat liaa proven liicurauit- loryeais. no muuio iss been lung grievously ullticted with blotches and limplcs ou her skiu and in her hair. After oui ihild was cured, she also t.ied your Pills, and they lave cured tier. ao-i iiunuiiiuut.. As a Family Pbyale. From Dr. E W. Carti right, JV'ein Orleant. Your 1'ills are the prim e of purges. Their ex client qualities surpars any cathartic we possefs. , ney are miiu, out very cei l mu auu riaxiuni 111 iiitii ction on the bowels, w hich makes them invaluable o us iu the daily treatment 01 uiseatc. uteadarb,Hick llcnlachr, Foul Stomach. From Dr. Fdicnrd Bovd. Baltimore. Dear lino. Attn: 1 cannot answer you vhat omplaiuts I have curttl with your lills better than o say alt that tee ever treat with a purgatire viedi ine. 1 place great depcniicuce ou thut cflectual atbartic in my daily contest with disease, and be. iering, as 1 do, that your Tills afford us the best we tare, 1 of course value them highly. riTT6acna. Ta.. May 1. Ifi65. Dn. J. C. ATitt. t-ir: 1 have been reiieatedly .ured of the worst headache anybody can have by a lose or two of your 1'ills. It teems to arise fioiu a oul stomach, which they cleanse at once. lours witn irreat .respect. .l. . Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Oilioua Disorder Liver Complaiutr. From Dr. Theodore B'U. ofXno York Citu. Not only are your 1'ills admirably adapted to their mrpoce nj an aperient, lut 1 find their beneficial tffects upon the JLiver very marked indeed. They lave iu mv practice proved more euectuai lor tist iure c f bilious cmnplaintt thau any one remedy 1 an ircntion. I sincerelv rejoice that we have' at cngth a purpative which is worthy the coulideuce ol ue jiruicuou uuu me ieojHO. Pepaetmest or tiie Interiou, 1 AVashincton. I). C . 7th l eb.. liin. I Sir: I have used your 1'ills iu my general and toepital practice ever tince you wade them, and amiot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic ve en. ploy. Their regulating action ou the liver it luick uuu decided, consequently thoy are un ad airabie remedy lor derangements ot that organ ndee.l, 1 have'eeldotn lound a case of bilious lis ase to obstinate that it did not readily v ield ti hem. i raterna hr vours. ALOXZd HA 1. 1.. M. I). ' Phyiici xn of the Marine Hospital Dysentery, Diarrliucn, ICcInx, Woriu. From Dr. J. G. Green, of CJilcaao. Your 1'ills have had a lontr trial iu inv uroctiee Jid I hold thein iu esteem as oue of the best aperi tifs 1 have ever found. Their alterative effect upon lie liver makes them an excellent remedy, when ;nra iu Milan uuiti nir ouiutis uisemei r unu iimr. hvta. Their suirar-coatinir makes them verv uc- tptable und couveuicnt lur the use of women and , . . i . i Uliuieu. Iypflia, Impurity of the Blood. "rem 7et?. J. V. Zfimet, rastor of Advent CJiurch, JiOilOH. Dit. Aver: I linvp uted virar 1'ills with extra. irdinary success iu my liuniiy aud among those J rim a I leu to visit in distress), i o regtiiute the organs oi lifrettiou and purify the; blood, they are the very n.'M reiiieuy a nave ever ftlliiwii, buu X eau cuuu- Icullv lecuuiuieua llicia to my nicmis. Yours, J.V. HIMF.S. Wahsaw, Wvomint Co., N. Y., tX-t. 24, S."os DtAK Mil: 1 am usint; vour fnthartic Tills in my iractice, and find them an excellent purgative tc 1 ante the tyfcteui and purify the fountains of tht i . . , 1..11V i- if i: ion ii f - 'UUU. UVSUsV KM. Jll.ilil.lJI, .'X. aj. 7tuatinmioii. C'oHtivrnMa, Niiinr-iion Clieuuiiiiimii, (out, !i'urulU, lropy, jrnralyms, A' sl., clr. From lr.J. P. l'aunhn. Movtreat. Canada. Too much cannot be said of vour 1'ills for the ure of costiveness. If others of our fraternity have bund them as efficacious as 1 have, they bhouhl join ne in proclaiming it. for the benefit of the multitude i ho tulicr irom that complaint, wincti, uitnoiigi: md enough in itself, is the progenitor of others thai .re worse. I believe rr-surrutss to originate in tin ivcr, but your Tills uiltcl thut organ and cure tht uscuse. - rur Mrs. E. Stuart, rhysician and Midlife Jioston. I find one or two lare doses of your Tills, taken it tne proper tunc, ure excellent jnonioiives ot ll latural stcretion when wholly or partially sup iresjed. and also very eflectual to cteantc t tie tomach aud ernel icorwis. They are so much tht Rst physic we have thut 1 recommend r.o other tc ny paueuts From the Jlcv. Dr. JIa rkes, of the Methodist Epis t kurvn. J'ri.APKl Housn, Savannah. (Ja.. Jan. (5, 1S5G. lliMii:tl !ik: 1 should be ttnirratcful for tht elief vour kkill has brought me if 1 did not report ny care to you. A old settled in my limbs and jr'ought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which mded in chronic rheumutism. Motwithstaudiug I lad the best of physicians, the disease grew worst ind worse, until by the advice of your excellent igent in I'.aJtimore, lr. Slackenzie, 1 tried youi nlli". J heir cllect were biow, uut sure, ny per evcring in the use of them, I uiu now entirely well. Sfxatk Chamber. Caton Tlotige. I.a., 5 Dec, 1S55 lit Ayeii: 1 have been cutirely cured, bv oui 'ills, of Jlheumattc Gout n painful liisenselliiil liai Jllicted me fur years. VlXJt-N 1 fLILr.l-L, fT7 Most of the 1'ills in market contain Slercnry vhich although a valuable remedy iu skilful hands s dangerous iu a public pill, from the dreadful con eeiuences that frequently follow its incautious use "hese contain bo tuercury or mineral bubstanci rhatever. Price, 23 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. 'repared Ij Dr. J. C. AJE &s Co., Lowell, Mass Hannibal 6c St. Joseph, AND Facket Lines OS MISSOURI U1VER. Tri-weekly TackeN (Hannibal and St. Joepli n. R. Line) leave Omaha, Counc l Bluff-, Plattsmouth, Nebraska City and intermediate points for fct. Joseph, connect eg at St. J .sep -h with trams on Hanuibal and St. Joseph K. U , leaving St. Joseph at 1I:U0 P. M , and arriving at QTJINCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS NEXT DAY- On and after May loth, daily and close Conner. Hons from St. Joseph to Atrhison. WeRtou, Leaven worth, Wyandotte, Kansas City, Lawrence, Trpeka, &c.. via Platte Country It. K. aud steamer Eniilie (H. & St. Joseph. R. H. Line.) Leave Ft. Joseph 5:20 A. M arr.ve at Atchison at 6:30 A. M., Weston 7:1,5 A. VI.. Leavenworth t.OH A. M., Wyandotte lU.t'tl A. M., Kansas City 10:30 A. M., Lawrence at 5 P. M. Til U0CGH TICKETS FOR 8ALE by Porter Heucl Omaha; D. W. Hitchcock. Conn, ril P. ulTs; E. C. Lewis Tlattstuouth; E. if. Hawley, Nebraska City, liny through tickets and save money- KxtenMve repairs on the Hsnnibal and 3t Joseph Railroad, new iron, tits and additioual rolling stock -uabl- them to ff -r these important changes to Ja .iiitnie travel by this route. C. W. Mead, Cen'l superintendent. P. B GROAT, Gen'l Ticket Afreet. H. H. CuVktbight, Gen'l freight Arent. Hannibal, Mo. Capt. Ecpus Foiid, Superintendent Packet Lines, ;"t. Joseph, Mo. Julyl, ls65. X E W & Shoe Boot Shop. f'LlfVA8KI,--y " he subscriber would resoectfully call the atten tion of the citizens of Tlatts month and thepublie at aige to the fact that be has located one door east of D.inelan's Drug ftore, where he intends keeping on hand and makir g on the shortest notice, eve? y srt'.clein Ma line, bis stock being selected by him self, and baring spent the most of bis life Id the busiaess, he feels confident teat ba can give so. tufas Don. GWe bim a call. Afril 13 '65. 3. TH0CKJICSI0X. TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., In TAINT STREET, LARGEST JTst of Wholesale nn HARDWARE, - AFD - Clothing of every description. IVIfJES AND UQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS fc GLASS. Anu every article required by T2!RAXTS. rRCIGSITERsS, .TII:E:RSS: And eerybody else can be supplied nt this establishment. Call and examine our extensile stock. -AT lIIE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna 8c Co. riattsmouth, April 10, '65. 1865. 1805, A MIS ON, DOYEY & CO., North Side of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, 11 AH D WARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &CM Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. , In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &G. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stoch riatttsmouth, April 10, lSGo. tf -rreT r ceived 50 can. s ef Csnned I raches at A Large assortment of me-i's and boys' c',,bne JLST r celveu.. 'IISOX. UOVEY & CO'S. iV. for i-ale bv A D. A CO. C-lOto AVlON, DUVtVi CJ' to purchase jour DUELLED CORN for sale by ADA CO. X spring g'Hjd-i. : '- endless Tariet, of Ladies' D'l)(;0';ts JC0X aad Lardfor sale by cq ri CAS E3 Moltby's Coye Oysters for sale at HE AVT INVOICE of nil iiiids of Faaiily Gro- A. 1). & CO'S. . ceries aad Outfit 01.' Goods just rece ved hy A.U.4CD. GREAT bargains in Lauies L're-s Goods t A. I. it CO'S. A LL kinds of Fanning Implements for sale by IV A. D. t CO. FOR PALE at AM1?0S. Do V E V A CO'S. Coffoe, Te a, Suesr. tlold-n Syrup, Sugar House Mo- a Largq lot of Two Horse Plows for sal by lasses, Mew York Candies, etc , etc. A U. & CO. A large lot of Chewing and smoking Tohirro for A N endless variety of Hardware and Cutlery for sale at A. D. ti CU'S. V. sale at A.D.aCO'S. COAL OIL for asle by CSH, Doors, Shingles, Glass, and Nails of every A. D. k CO. O description for sale by A -1. A CO. 50 BXE3 6Ur Candle fr 5,16 bJ A D k CO A LL kind, of Counuy Produce taken in exchange UKJ A. P. CO. J for goods bv A. D. A CO. TF you want to purch.se good, at a bargainee to rpu enumerate all the article, we have for sale - X would fill one sidnof th- UaaaU), and others O EAC3 COFfEE just receiTed by bare as good a right to advertUe as Blli,uwju a.D.ACO. AMIf ON, DOVEY k CO. ALiXfft lot ol ChoicaTe at THK largest OuUCtticg House north of 6t. Jowpb .arga 101 oiuooic. i m. X. t CO'S. i- " AMISON, DOYET 4 COS., PUntaouth, StbrMka. plattsmouth:n. t SsC Mr4 St. Louts. Retail Dialers in THE- Main Street, a-. use NE B R AS AK Is the place to get CARDS, CI CLEARS, BILTa-IIKARS, DAIL TICKETS POSTERS. I.ABEI, LEGAL BLANKS, OR Aryfh1-n From a TO A ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET TIIE PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive Bl Stirring. STJI3SOEI-13Ii: FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. 3XT S3 7" CABINET SHOP. EL BOECK, naylrif recootly bu!?t a new and s il i, Main St., Plattsmouth, X. 7 WnuUl re't" c'fully inr.rm i"is rit;7.n. , r. adlolDinv counties thjt he ha, t u- i , V riingcniha '" f CAIJI.5r K5!A:ss In alius branches IN THE MOST APPROVED ST YL2 1 am i irr ared tj trru cul ti , CJ1I1 K A P 1: H T aJ nu n Uurui: Orevcry desc rlj.t.on, ei ctr icJ , lL Xe:,,.,,,. SATISFACTION GUAIIANTEED. iscam.":!fljM'ia IM ,JL- All kin-Is of lumber taken in c-clsi.jje r.r w,...t Plaits loi-.'.h. A1.1.I in, I-.;;,. PL A S TJU li i iN U , STONE AND- BI.ICK LAYING. The ui.Jci jiiicd arc i.r;.iirtJ ta & ALL VOIiK IN THEIR LIS! tartd at REASONABLE RATES. April IS-c.fl o o ex. H "JO O 3 p. i b Ml A ct 7 P g r- O . Vs - s. f Q g P IT. cr c rf- m c- s " a o o sM rr. vT 22 c rr. V. E-UViVhe l in 1M2.J .4 (iooJ, ('Ittaji and mry Yu'nitble I'uf' fur Ilicry Man, W'ouin.iy ami Child IX CITY, V1LLA0K, A.VD OJCSTRT. Tin: American Agriculturist ron Tiii: Farm, Garden, ancl Household, Including a S r-.il )' yar' 'nit.nl (. I ' tiling and In sir 11 ' w lltn-iiitf-i' "n . rcn and Yi. l,'!,, Th Airl-:al''ii Ut is a t:.'?e -r:od'i:.i! of 8.' i h' Hiitif.i.! . . n.t.-l. .11.. I fl !.-J wit: iilai'i, j 1. k , rel.n'.lt uriwifi 1. nut - r, inriij.lj,, h'iij.1 ...f, of t.nj-t-tul aad lUKt-uttive Li raviu. iu eve-. -i l v.jitiiue. It cvntiin e.ich m 'f."i a Cala Vr r f fi.-t'.' .i ! p-il 'ila ) . n th-i rj,. jn tl,i, Or'-Uuru s-i fjitru'.ii ia titi l arcuitd l;. IttveWtn q, etc. The th'jOssm'N of l.iijt and nfvstl -tii" : rvcry volutin-.ire pn p irfd tv piactii!, 1a:... .''1 V,'oikiitff M'Tt wlj.k:if.w a hi t they r:te ah--l. The l'jixt-!,n'l If) uitmsr t i-. vat ihIiI t, IIoueke.'per, 3 -idiii, vry luinyi: 1 ful hints s:i diic ii. us, tilt.j.iiej to tighten aaj faci.itsis :s-d'...ir-wr,rk The D-pai-t Hfut fir ChU-lrn, o-1 Ti'Jh is :S parel iih pe i.il care, to tur.n-ti 11 t ouiy inn ni-iit, hut also t inculcate V:i')" "-oe snd so-.c4 moral priucipl'S. Tr.a.M. The cii i.'; .n -' th Am-ri- 'in Apl eufturUt (tn-ir.f than 1 "". , i " I rf. that It be funiikhed t tt.e l w price ! tl 10 1 yn foaf copies oue year, ti; l-u c t-irs t,e year, :2; twsntT or inure, Liie ycr, l e.clii s.ugle epics, li eicb. CJ-TEY IT A YEAR. G2A"GE JCDD.rta. iroFaof'a .11 T.rk C.7W, i sw Tk CVs,.