AYEE'S arsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And for fhexedr enreoftbc following complaints ftcrefalra find SUro-falooa AOctirsns, snrcl n Toiniir. I.'lccr, Horn, Eruption limplc, Palnh. Kflolcht-, Mioil. ltiuius, and all Mkia Iie4'. Oakland, Ind., 6M1 Juno. 8T,9. J. C. AVFR fc Co. Gents: I feel it my stufy to ac tnowledge what tour Kursaparilla has doue for me Having inherited m Kcroluloua infection, 1 Lav. lufTerel from it in various ways for years. Some time t buret out in liicers oil my hands and artns sometimes it turned inward nnd ilistressed mc at trw iton.at Ii. Two year it ferek out on my hea ind ocverod my scalp and eers with one sore, whicl fas taii.lul and loathsome beyond description, j tried inanv medicines and several physicians, bu without niuch reiier from anything, in fact, tin disorder jrrew worse. At lenpth I was rejoiced ti read in the tiosjiel Messenger that you hid prepare! in alterative (garsaparclia), for I knew from yom reputation tliat anything you made must bo pfuxi I rent to Cincinnati unii got It, aud used it till it :urcd me. I took it, at you advise, in email does of a teepoonful over a month, and used almost thre bottle. New and lier.lLli v kiu rooa beau to lorn cinler the scab, whicli after a while fell off. M kin is now c leu j, nnd 1 know by my leeliiiRS tlia the disease has j;one l'ro-n my a vstem. Yon can wel believe that J feel what 1 am sa) ing when I tell you that I hold you to be one ol the apostiea of the agi and remain ever crattf Jllv. Your, ALFRED li. T ALLEY. Sr. Anthony's Fir. Itoaa or rairela Xrtier nnd Will I ICbrmti, Meatd Head llin(Worm, Ntsre Ii , Uropvr. Lr. ICobert l. l'rcble writes Iron balem, X. V, 12th Sept., 136l, that lie has cured au inveterati ca?e of Itropsy, which threatened to terminate la tally, bv the iwrscveriiiK use of our fearscpariila and' alio a duncerous Malignant Erysipelas by larri doses of the came; saya he cures the coiauiou Erujt lions by it constantly. rtronrhoc-rle, Cioitre or Srelled firrlt. y.ibulou sloan. of lrostiect, 1 exa. writes: J'hrei Lottie ol your Sarsapanlla cured me from a Ooitr- a hideous Duelling on the ueck, which I bad sut fcred from over two years.'1 J-nrorrlirii or While, Ornria n Tuner tflrrinn 'lr-r1ii, i-il Iira'n. lr. J. It & hannii.fr. of Jiew Vork i. ity, writes "1 moit cheerfully comply with the request of you Cgeut in saving I bare found your hansapariila I most excellent alterative in the numerous com plaints tor which we employ such a remedy, bu epecially in female diseases of the Scrofuloui i!iathe-i. 1 have cired many inveterate cutci ol cucorrhra by ir. and some where the complain was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer rtion itelf was soon cured. Nothing within int knon led ;re equals it for there female derangements." Kdward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes "A dangerous nrnrian tumor on one of the fern-lei In mr family, which had defied all the remedies wi could employ, has at length been completely curec ly rour Kx tract of Sarsaparilla. Our ptivsiriai IhoiVlit nothing but extirpation could afford relief l.ut lie advised the trial of your Suraapariila as tlx at resort before cu'ting, anil it proved etlbctuui Alter taking your remedy eight week uo syniptoa Li the disease' remaiuH." Mypbilia and Irrcarial Diwaar. kH MtLKANfl, August, 1&9. Dit. J. C. Avkk: fcir, I cheeriully comply witl lhereiiiet ot" vour tpent, and rej)ort to ou soini ot the effects 1 have realized with your Saraaparilta 1 have cured with it, in my practice. tuos.t of tut complaint lor which it is reef mmeoded, and hart found its effects truly wonderful in the cure ol i'tnereal ami Mercurial J9tease. tine of my pa tients had Syphilitic ulcer in his throat, which wen cotirumiu hit palute and the top of his mouth Your i-ars.iparilla (tendily taken cured hiin in fivt weeks Another was attacked by secondary symp toinain his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the dis crder uould soon r?ach his brain and kill him. Km it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not ol courM without some disli juration to his face. A womai who had been treated lor the same disorder by iner cury was fullering from this poison in her bones They had Itecomc so sensitive to the weather that or a dam) day she snTered excruciating pain in fei joints and bones Mie, too, was cured entirely by votir iHrs;tp3rilla in a few weeks. J know from iti formula, which your fluent gave me, that tuii preparation liom your laboratory must le a jrrea' remedv; cor.seijiicntlv, these truly remarkable re suits with it have not surprised mc. raternally yours, U. V. LARIMER, 51. P. nbranialium, dont, I.irer Complninr. lMKrnNUi;xcE. J'restoii Co., Va.. tit h July, lS.1 k J. C. Avkr: .Sir, I have been afflicted with I painful chronic Ithctmatism lor a long time, whicl baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to mc ll spite of nil tlie remedies I could find, until 1 triet your Sarsaparilla. line bottle cured iuo iu twi weeks, aud restotod my eeiicraJ health so mucl that I am fur better tbaii before I v.'&s attnckctl. '. think it a wonderful medicine. J. KltKAM. Jules Y. Octchill, of St. Louis, writes: "I liav. been afHicte'l lur ears with ail ajf'ertinn of the hirer which iie.-l roved my health, i tried ererylhing nnd everything tailed to relieve me; and J hav Iwen ii broken-doivu mnn fur some years fri. ni ti otlier cause than ilrranrj?m,'nt of the I.irer. Mj beloved pator, the Rev. Mr. Kspy, advised me t try vour f-ur.-apni ilia, because lie siiid he knew you ntid anytliin yon made was worth trying. Ur th blecsin of iiml it has cured me, and lias so ptiriiie my blood as to niiiile a new ma.-t of me. I toel youii Oiiain. The best that can be said of you is not bal good cnou-rh." trliirrii. I'anrrr Tainorw, nlnrg;eiiient L leeriitiou, Cnrictt and Exfolialiou ol I lie Hsnrn, A preat vailety of cases have been reported to ti where rures of these Ibrmidable complaints hal resulteil from the use of this remedy, but our rpac here will not admit them. .Some of them may b found in our American Almanac, which tlie ajent lelow named arc pleased to lurnUh gru.ls to all 1 call for them. Dyapriiin. Heart IMaenir, Kit", Epilrpny leliiiicboly , rarnl2in. Many remark:, Lie cures of these aiTections hnr lecn made by the alterative power of this medicine It stimulates the vital functions into rigorous action and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup posed bevond its reach. ur!i a remedy has loiij been requireil by tlie lu-cessities of the people, am we are confident that this will do for them all tha medicine can do. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral FOE. THE RATIO CCRI Or ConsTis, ColiN, Inffiienxa, lloarsrnfu C'ronp, llrouchitia. lucipirnt Con aiiipium, and for ttvp llelief of 4'onnnjpti vr E'atient in ailraarrd Hlagra of Ibr Uisnisr. This is a re meJy so universally known lo snrpas any other for the cure of llirouta'ud lull" complaints that it is nsele here to publish the evidence of it rirtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs am colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonar disease, have made it known throughout the civil u.td i.ations of the earth. Tew are the communities or even lamilits. omotiir them who have not som personal experience ot its effects some livin. trophy in their midst of its victory over the subtl and danperous ilixirilers of tlie throat and Ittiifrt As all know tin; dreadful fatality of these disorderi ind as they know, too, tlie tllects of this remedy we need not do more than to assure them that it ha now all the ti-fues that it did have when tnakin the cures which have wou to strongly upon tb ;onfi4cncc of rumkind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATE2 & Co., LowelL Masj Vv PILLS, ' A n v.-r f .ilin Antidote f ir Sirk lfead. ache. Dyspepsia, fever and Ajue, J Li'er Compi.iiut, Costivencs & , " V T' . S. .1 n T t- I . . -S Cepraved Appetite, lMsor- s . n, .,.-,,,.1. rv .th, ; i Obatructioas, c. 83 eta. 5 WITjE OK S PILLS are xraiveruilly Xsow UJed to be too best bow in use. As a Vamily Jicine they arc part ieiJarly reooratnendod-simpls and harmliss. but hishly medicinal In their eons llnatiir. One Fill a dose, with mild but cer t tain e!Tts. Tha robust man and the Juliette rhild tfis thetu alike, with evory assurance cf entira ; safety. With Wilson's Pills, every Mother ir. the land becomes her own physlcinn.- They have proved theaiselves a specific, and it-ani without rival for tLe following affections: HEADACHE, SEVER 8c AGUE, HEADACHE, F E YE ll At AClEg TJTSTXPSIA, LIVTR COMPLAIHT. DYSJiPSiA, irVXR COJHPI.AIJTT, Costirttess, Biliousness, ICeuralgir CostiTenesa, Biliousness, Notiralgi Boll by Druggists & Dealers evcry-wliej PEEPARED BY . B-1 FAIINESTOCK & CO. Importeps &. Wholesale Druggist Ha. 0, corner "Wood and 4x fcta. PITTSBURGH, PA. SOU TVfKlZOU Of 1 B." L. Fahn8stock' Vermifuge. THE TRCRrXE for 1S65. PKOJPECTr?. Tfce Military and Naval mcce.e of 1SC4. with the auspicious result of ccr Prrsi Ject la 1 eentest. Lava tilted a heavy weight from the breasts of the h yl million" of our countrymen. It is now felt, even ty those who have been distrustful snd faiDt heart, it that the Union is t emerge triuioi hant fmm the disadly strife whereiato she was s wickedly pr. cipi ate'l by her assuiUnts and that slavery, her re entles f'e,i s t enconat-r the r .te of Hm:m. 1 he tieiils of foielen itei Vei thn and of Western iiisui eciin are safel pMsseil ; Anasnnv I.i.foi.s. D'-uiifi'-r MssaiUtrle as a ehuire cf ttie irin i:y. hMti tie helm uf Mste fir fuiir yoars loneei: the iel liinn alpably w akeu-d I'y itsdl'als and looses duiiuL "ie past vt ar with its credit so reduced that us orse-l elrer . tti'-m It d' tUres th..t lis TreasUiy des can only ir eX'-h nT"d lor c iti at the ine i wenty five fr ore, i kilt- its iKntls e.-rni'iattd hu lx cents en th iio!l:ii- but awaits the llmy whiel had sorm ii ise L-sword from its .a acnl..l li.iuii iiiil remit it-master spirits to the j'Utice. or i. insy e to the -(e:noi.ey, ot a s.irely wr'iu-e. an! jut censr I but f iihrariiiir and m-tauini.u- people. Mich sre the au.-.ics uh.ch j is'iiy our r.nili tha' ti e ,reeDt year wi I see tt e Mars al tir.p s tl.iat ut- h lleuKed frmii every battivme'lt in the K 1. ic. .lid the riet law of Lieriy f.r All immovably iui ;e Med iu tt e CnD-utJlinn of nur tuion. TuK Stw CoitK Tulaif.NE, 'uuuded in VM. will n er ii( on its twenty-lonrih year with quiekene- pes ami enlarge d linanj f teluir.es.s lis piinci-.l,-s need no re-st.iietii- lit: its aims j,re the ditf't: iot f Iuti lliceiie . and the io-K.-ul.itio f a -.ii it uf Fise ni a Dd llaiitaoity. Wh en this t u:t shall l.av eeu U'-neiallv reco,ja Zsd and e tah.isl.ed as iho bj s of ti'u in-titlMui.sanil j ity, that iujHsiic- to ih ,o re!t, the w-MLe-,t, th'' tiu-st tiespised, I-. a te-iilu: nist.ikt- that no e-niuunity state can art , id t vra UK even its huiutlet uiemVei th. a wi'l on and ba k of.ee more iu the Calm tunsliinc ef cac and pro.-peiity. Tub Iuibi.vk his for the last year been puhli-he A-illnxd prortt to its pioprietors, sol. ly le cause of th. , Jrpreci.ition f our cut rency hriow sitecie stuadaiU juirrilin us t" buy p-,pcr aad other materials at -4l votini lerably aive the anioont leceived f.'.ii. ur sutrsci iht'ts. On our weekly eU'ti'.T.. the net loi has amouutej tc several th usaj d l dollars ; wi,il our lartfe lee" pts from advertising have l"n whollt hsorheil by the ext.ai.rdinaty ei"ii-es for t;'ir .oDdei.ce, TeleS apliiUi:, etc., devolved on Us by ll. arar. As we do not suppose our iMttoos desire that w--hool 1 w rk for tl.em at our c st ai d p.efei u I t le pationized by au who mat ilr-i.e iu we hav. 0 mrwh it advauced lor ih ensuing year Ih- prio- f our ein i- eekly aud w erfe y, as we had altead loi.eu itti ihose of ..ur Uily edit ions. This iurrea, is pmely nominal, there never lei'.ire was a tun bet li.e farmers of our re tinny country coi.ll bu, 1 l:e Ti ibnae for so little of their owu products labor as they uu by il.e .ollow uK TERMS: DAILY irtlbTXE, single copy - - 4 c. t.- M'l snbst-iihers, one year, 312 i-sui'S. - JrlO.OI SE 1-wKr KLY TRIBL"3.'E, ine copy one year 101 issues, - - f I'rvo copies ue year, - - 7. Fe copies or over, one year, each crpy, t3. WKKKLY THIBCNE, tlue copy, ,n year, bl issue-, - hi 5m Cli-s I five , - - lO t'i Persons r- in i tt in jr t2' for 111 ooides, will rective u. cr y ext a. iriat.s. Peis'.ns reini'tiup iHO foi 2 I c.pies, will teceivetn e. py .sei i Meekly, gratis Persons r, in. I. inn so f.,r 40 c . pies, will no ivion, V I'aily. (rratis Prats on Xew- Vt tk. payi.ble to th- or.ler if "Th Tribune,'' heirs; sale-, are preferable to any othe ui'sle ol remi tame But where diafts r.iuinn ! ..nv Di-ntlv procured. Called ta:s, ur Nat. on.. Hank hills a,e next be-t. at d may he sent by mail but In eas of Ins-, The Tribune will nni be r.-i-p' i si hie unle-s luini.-di d wi'h a full ! set ipti,.n of th. ills, including th'- name of th.? Iiai.k, d-tioliiiiintioi nd mmiber, and the tinie and place of mailing . h" letter with the iutKnuies Address THE TRIBITNK, Tribune Bu ldius, .tw Yera. 'Unquestionably the best eustained work of the kind in the World HAuTiiirs yew lontlily M.Tffazine. Crit'cal notke, of the 1'resS It is the fo.emost Msjtaa'ie ef the ;ay. The fire .id never had a mole delo-'uttul comaiiion, norb uii'iiou more entei n-iu: trioud. tlan lla'ter' M.iKHiiue t!itit I'rot'etttnt (Oaluiii.'re.) ' h-moft po a'ar Muu'.h'.y in theoild. X. Y Observer. e must re ftrr in t-rms of -u!?y t the liih h.n and va 'led cxe,-lli-ni e- i f II n j er 's Va-vzint j on nal with a mouthly ircul.iiioii of about ilu.niiti i-o.-i". .iu whose l';ic are to b; louml sene !! cheiee-t li'iit and i;eui--al iea.ii"K nltlediy. W s"ac of this w ik as an evoViiee ff the Ainericai t'eoji e ; and the p. olr.i it has a.-fuired is met it d. Each number eo:iins fully 144 .aes (it rea-. Uft nialter. a.f.roi ialely tilus late I wall .-ood woo, ciil.-; atid it C'.iubiii'-s in iiself the lacy nuiuthly au tit' more ihi. .is, l.cal nuarte'ly, LI nd-d nh tin besi features of ihedailv j. uru.tl. It b..s jjn et ixiwe. n ihe ilifein iiHi n . f a hve t jiure literature.- Turner's O'Hi'le to Avutrii-riti Lit mitre, (l.oi .1. n. The v..liinr.s hound ron'timie cf themselves a I hrar of piir-i-'cllauisjiis teadn.r, sut-h as mui ii b fouuil in Hie same coiiia-s in any oih'-r iih!i,at ioi that has Come under our notice. boxtun t 'o'ti ier. S U liSCU I PTONS. 1 SG-3. The t-uhlisiicrs have jwricted a y-teni fcof mai'.iri by which they can ni-py the Maya 'ine anil eesiv n.niptiy to those who n fer to r. c ;veiheir jnd lea Is din t:y from fie office of .nhhca inn. The postai:.; .u llari-et's Ma'azme is C'4 cents : yesr, which must be pal J at the suboenher'e post of rice. TERMS: HmrFk's IagszIse , on" year. - - t An extricopy of either the Map.izifie or We'k iy will he sudied pratis for ever. Clnh f five full -crihers M 1 1 each, in one rcniiUktiee ; r six Ci-pic-for t.U I'.si k numbers can be su plied at any time. A Complete set, n. w rompi isinij Twenty-niue Vol umes, in n'-nt chith hiudiui:, wi.l tis -nt by expfes. fieight at expense of fiuithasfr, for i 2o per vo uiu'-. siiikT'e voluineji, by mail, post pai.l. $1. Cloth ca-e for bindiua-, IS ceOts, tv mail p. i t pxij Address 11 AKI'KIt i HhOTHF.ItS. Fraoklia tijuare, N. T. S. BLO OM , Dealer in EEADY MADE Gents Furnishing Goods liats, Caps, Boots, . Shoes, Trunks, Valises, &c, &c, Sec. Also a larsfs lot of RUBBER GOODS and REVOLVERS alwavs on hand. AXD COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it to their benefit to examine my stock before purchasing eleewhere. Cash paid for Hides Furs and Wool. Plattimouth, May 25, tf PILLS. Ari von sick, feeble, an eomplainiujr Are you ou of order, with your syFter deranpe.d, and vour feeling uncomfortable? Ihesesy nip tomi aru otten the iirelud. to serious illness. Some fi of sickness is creeping nptx vou,auct should be avertet le tinielv use of f lie Hrrli fSJsi Vniliy remedy. Take Aver s Tills isViV TP--S ",, c'11' out t,ie disor H'?lt;Ser'ui tiered l,uniors purify th. W ""HwfViirt-i 3 blood, and let the rtuid itC. r!w.S&.fm(n(. cu unobstmcteil ii iKir E Sv. health neain. They stimu i L.fjC5 late thi' functions of tin '.Zzli"'r body in'o vigorous activity urify the system from tha obstructions which reak lisease. A cwld settles somewhere in the body, am bstructs its natural functions. These, if not rt ieved, react upou themselves and the surroundin rfrans, producing freneral aggravation, suffering .nd disease. While iu this condition, oppressed b; he sH-rangements, take Ayer" filU, and see ho lirectly they restore fhe natul action of the sys em, and with it the buoyant feeling of health again Vhat is true and so apparent in this trivial and com non complaint, is also true in many of the deep eated and dangerous distemper. The same purga ive effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc ions and derangements of the natural functions ol he body, they are rapidly, aud many of them rarely ured by the same means. None' who knmv tin irtues of these Tills, will neglect to employ theu rhcu suHering from the disorders they cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of th iriucipal cities, aud from other wail-known public tcrtous: From a Fonearding Slerehant of St. Louis, Ftb. 4 Dit. Atee: Your Tills ara the paragon of all that s gieat iu medicine. They have cured my littlt laughter of ulceious sores upou her hands and feel bat had proved incurable toe tear, llermothei Ms been long grievously afHictil with blotches aud rim pies on her skin aud in her hair. After oni rhild was cured, she also liied your Till, and they lave cured her. ASA MOKOKIDGE. As a Family Pliysle. From Dr. K W. Carttrriffht. yew Orleans. Your Tills ara the prince ef purges. Their ex. ellent tonalities surpass any cathartic we possess. Tliev are mild, but very certain and effectual in their xtibn on the bowels, which makes them invaluable o us iu the daily treatment of disease. Hradncbr,Mirk Ilrnilachr, Foul Nloiunchv. From Ihr. Etlirard Unrd, Baltimore. Dear Hro. Avtn: J cannot answer jou irhnt mpiaitits 1 have cured with vour lills better than o say nil that ire ever treat icith a purgatire mrtii' ine. 1 plaee great dependence on that effectual athartic in my daily contest with disease, and be icving. as 1 do. that your Till., afford us the best we tare, I of course value them highly. riTTSBURB, Ta.. Mar 1, 18M. Dr. J. C. Aver, riir: 1 have been rejieatedly ured of the worst headache anybody can have by lose or two of your Tills. It seems to arise from a oul stomach, w'hich they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W TREBLE. Clerk of Steamer Ctarivn. Biliou Disorders I.ivrr C'emplnint. From Dr. Theodore Bell, ofXtiir Tort City. Not only are your l'illsadnniably adapted to their turiiose as an aperient, but 1 find their beneficial fleets Ujioii the Liver very marked indeed. They lave in my practice proved more e fleet ual for tlse uro ot bilious complainl stliaii any one remedy 1 an mention I sincerely rejoice that we hare at ength a purgative which is worthy the confidence ol be prolessiou and the people DePARTMEST T P TJIa l!TKR10St, Washington. I. C , 7th Feb., lSofi. f Sift: I have used your Tills in my general and tospital practice ever since you made them, and aunot hesitate to say they Are the best cathartic ve employ. Their regulating action on the liver if luiek and decided, consequently they are an ad nirable remedy tor derangements of that organ. nueea, i nave seiuom lounu a case oi oiiifus ais ate so obstinate that it did not readily vield tt hem Fraternally vours, ALi )NZO HALL, M. If., Physician if the Marine Hospital. Tycntcry, Dinrrhrn ICelax, lVorina. From Dr. J. (!. Creen, of C hicago. Your Tills havo had a loii trial in my practice. J.d 1 hold them in esteem aa one of the best aperi tifs I have ever louml. They alterative effect upon he liver makes them an excellent remedy, when ;iven in small doses lor liilicus dyscntrry ana diiir lata. Their sugar-coating makes them very ac cptable aud convenient lor tha use of women aud hildrru. I ysprpsia, Impurify of the Blaoti. Trom lev. J. I', limes. Pa s for of Advent (.Itureh, Jlotttm. Ptt. AVER: I have used vour Tills with extra ordinary success in my lumily and among those I ato lled to visit in distress. To regulate the orgaus of ligcstion and purify the blood, they are tlie very est lemedy I have' ever known, aud I cau couli leutly ecoinuiend them to my friends. Yonrs, J. V. HIMES. Wakbaw, AVyoming Co., N. Y., tet. 24. 1356. rAii Mi:: I a in usiii)- vourt'iithartie Tills in my ractice, and lind them an excellent juigative tc leanse the system and putifu the fountains of tin lood. f JOHN O. 'MEACTIAM, M. I. 2utipnf ioi), f'oslirearm, Mupiireiwion, Khruniiitisin, oul, N'rurnliu, IJropsy, 'lira I y His, I- ilx, t-lc. From )r. J. P. I'attghn. Montreal, C rinada. Too much cannot lc sm 1 of your Tills lor the tire nf costireness. If llris of our fraternity have ound them as etlicncioiis us I ha e. they should join ne iu proclaiming it. foi the benefit of the multitudes vho suffer from that complaint, which, although ad enough in itself, is the progenitor of otlier that je w orse. I believe coAtii etitss to originate in tht iver, but your Till affect xUbt orgau and cure the liscase. Trom Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, toston. I find one or two larpe d ises of yotir Pills, taken it the pioper time, are excellent promotives of the uitural trcreliim when wholly or partially sup wessed, and aho very t-flectual lo clran'se tht tomach and expel worms They are so much the test physic we have that I recommend i.o other to oy pati'euts Prom the lev. Dr. fan-let. of the Methodht Fpis. hurch. Tulabki IIocpe, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. fi, ISofi. lloNOKKD hill: J should be ungrateful lor the elief j our skill has biouglit me if 2 did not report n v case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and irought on excruciating neuralgic painx, which tnded in chronic rhrtimuiiirm. Notwithstandiug 1 lad the best of physicians, the disease grew worst ind worse, until by the .nlvice of vour excellent igent in lialtimore. Dr. Mackenzie, 1 tried your ills. Their ehVcts were slow, but sure. T.y per evcring in the use of them, I am now entirely well. Sexatk fiiAMBF.it. Rntoi TSouce. La.. 5 Dec. 1S.V U Ayeii: 1 have been entirely cured, by yoot 'ills, of lihemnatic (lout apuintm itieasetnat nai .fllictcd mc for years. Y1CET SLIUELL. C7 Most of the Tills in market contain Mercury vlncli altiiough a valuable remedy in skilful hands s dangerous iu a public pill, from the drcudful con eouences that frenuentlv lollow its incautious use Tiese contain uo mercury or mineral cubstauct rhatcver. -e Price, 23 cents per Box, or S Boxes for $1. fepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & Co., Lowell, Mass Hannibal & St. Joseph, EAILEOAD As'D Packet Lines ON MISSOURI K1VER. Tri-vrcekly Tuckets (H innihal and St. Josep'i I. R Line) leave Oiuaha, Councd Bluffs,. I'latlsniouth. Nebraska City and intermediate points for M. Jo-epb, conDect ngst St. Joseph with trains on lianuiha! and St. Jweph K. R , leaving St. Joseph at 11:30 P. M , snd ariiviug at QTJINCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS NEXt DAY On and after May loth, daily and close connec tions from St. Joseph to ,t,hiaon. 'Weston, Leaven worth, Vt yaodotte, Kansiis City, Lawrence, Tcpeka, fcc, via I'latte Country It. R. and steamer EmiHe (H. i. St. Joseph R. K. Lir.e.) Leave St. Joseph ft:2' A. M., arrive at Atchison at 6:30 A. M., Weston ".to A, M.. Leavenworth - :U0 A. M., Wyandotte Kli'il A. M., Kansas City 10:.".l A. M-, Lawrence at 5 1. M. TlIROl'GU TICKtTS FOR SALE by Porter Deuel OB.al n; D. W. llitcheotk. Coun cil ll!uff; E. C. Lewis, Piaitstnouth; K. 8. Hawley, Nebraska City. Buy thiough t.ckets and save inoa ey. Extensive repairs on the Hsnnihal and .t Joseph Railroad, new iron ties and additional rrHlini; stock eoabl- iheai to off -r ibese important changes to fa- ilitate travel by this route. C. W. Mead, (ien"l fnperintendent. P. B GROAT. Gen I Ticket AeeDt. U. H. Cui'RTBiGHr, OcnT li eight Airent. llaDiiiba), Mo. C Apr. Rcfcs Foan, Superintendent Pocltet Lines, Ft. Joseph, Mo. ' Jnlyl, lstlf. s.aSEn tJ.Ricy NEW Boot & Shoe Shop. 'he subscriber would re;neetfally oal! the atten tion of the citizens cf Flntlsnouth and tbeputl at aige to the fact that he has h eated one door east of Doneian's Drag Store, where he intends keeping on hard and mskiig on tLa shortest aoutA. evei y articlein hia line. Hit stuck being selected wf him self, and having spent the laofct of bis Ufa to tha business, be feels confident that he can give satiifae tion. Give him a call. April 10 "65 J. THOCKMPRTON. TOOTLE, IIANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, L A It lfcst of Wholesale and BEY-000BS, HARDWARE, Clothing of every description. WtWES AND UQUOBS OF AU KINDS Constantly on band a Large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEKSME; IRON, MILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS tfc GLASS. And every article required by EMIGRANTS, FREICaiTERS, RSfc F ART1EKS. And everybody e'se can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. -AT FIEE PEOOF BRICK. Tootle, Hanna & Co. riattsmouth, April 10, '65. 1805. 1805. A3JISON, DOVEY CO., Norih SiJe of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BEYa00BS, 0EOERJES, QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10,. 1SG5. if JL'T rtCeiveJ.OT cases of Canned Teaches at rtceive . AM1SON, DOVKY ti CO"S. C O to AMlfON, PUYfcY A CO'i to purchase your "X sprim; g.Hids. VX endless var iety of Ladies IMess Goil t A. D. t'O'. f CASE3 MolU'v's Cove Oysters fnr sle at A. D. fc CO 3. "1 REAT bargains in Ladies' Dress Goods -it T A.I.CO'S. IOKSALBat AMlsOX. Do V tT CO'S. Coffee. 1 Te,fcui:ar, Golden -5'iup, Si:gar lloase Mo lasses, Sew York CaDdirs, etc , etc. A lares lot of Chewmgaad Smoking Tob icco for sale at 'OALOIL for sale by A. D. A CO. 50 A BOXES Star Candles for sale by A, D. A CO. IF job want to purchase goods at a bargain, po to A. 1). CO 25 X BAGS COTFEE jost received by A. D. 4CO. A Large lot of Choice Tea at A. D.' GO'S. PLATTSMOUTPI JN. T G E S T St. Louis. Retail Dealers in THE- Ah tige assortment of men 's and hoys' clothing for tale by A D. 4 CO. s HELLED COKN for (a eby A D. A CO. I ACOX ami Lard rr sale hy A. P. A CO. VIIKAVY INVOICE of all inds of Family Gro ceries and Ovtuttnif Goods jus I received ly A. ! A CO. ALL kinds of Fa miiig iDipleuieiiis for sle hy A. 1. A CO. VLsrgt lot ol Two Horr-e Plows for sal by A U. 6l CO. AN endless variety cf Hardware and Cutlery for saieat A. D. A CO'S. Si9H , Poors, Fhingles, Glass, and Nails of every description for sale by A-P. A CO. ALL kinrta of Couu.iy PrrM-uce taken in exchmise for goods b A.T. A CO. r'0 enamerate all the articles we have for sale JL would fill one side of th- Uekalo, and others have aa good a right to advertise as AMUOX, DOVET & CO. THE largest Outfitting H ouse north of tit. Joseph is AM1S0N, IIOVfcT 4 CO 8., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. NEBRASAK Is the place to get CARDS, CIRCULARS, RILL-UEADS, DAILTICKETS FOSTERS. EAREsLS, OR AnytT) 1ng; From a TO A 1EUS BILL ADVERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, AND LET THE PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive & Stirring. SXJ3SCRIBId FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP.YOURSELF POSTED. INT 3Z2 CABINET SHOP, II. BOECK, nving reieatly hutlt a ntw and suUt (lk) Main St., Plattsttouth, N. T., Wonld respectfully inform the cUlrens of r,., adioiniuv e..UMics thu he has tb. laui.t,,., ', ryms on tha ""t.. carIsi:t risi.m: Id all its branches IN THE MOST APPROVED STYU 1 am t.iej.ared to tnrn out tv.a CJZII E A P is s T ami iin st (l iraHa ; Ir,TLrxxitruLx,o Of every description, ever cffcreJ in tb Ttmiry SATISFACTION G VA RANT LED. isTT irtirular attention liaid to maklna n i . l.hiUKCOFFl.Ny. ' All kin la of lumher t iken Iu exchantce f r wk riat(9':ioulh. Apiil In, IsOS. I'LASTEUIAG, AND BRICK LAYIiVG. Tbo undersigned nre prepared tidj ALL WOBK IN THEIH LI5J ON SHORT NOTICE and nt REASONABLE RATES SAMUF.I, HANKS. (.Kfn;F. NMURIS April l3--ru6 O P c" o a B rt P i 5T s- ' O i IB H H cn : o c H X c 5 S5 S I 3 n a o- -n p o o a? o5 o CS o c c EHbliliM ia 1-42 ) A CS'Hi'Ij t:heop atvl irry Valuable Va ' for llirry Ma i, Woman, a id f.7nV.i IS CITT, T1LLAGH, AN'II COI NIKY. tiii: American Agriculturist FOR THK Farm, Garden, and Honsehold- Including a Siierial Ihjxtrlinnil ()' 1 'r esting nnd Instruct ne li(adivgfjr (Jhilrlrrn and Youth. The Ayi-icultHi-ixt is a larire p' rlo!icrt! .- f ".: fi'' beautifully pi inle'l. ami fl! ie'l wit !i ti'in, p-ic relial.le oriainal matter, including hmi.r-.i .-.( tilul and instriK tive Li.gravu.gj in every iit'. volume. It contains esrh month a Cal'n ler of 0u to be p-rf rm d ..n the farm, in li OrrLir'l -' fJariUn ia and aronnd the Dwelling, e'c. The thousan'U of hinu and su.-:i i givi every volume are prepared ,y irct.i-al, io''1!-'"' Woiking Men, Mho know w.mi iliey vri!eai 'i'. Th If'itiirh-ibt Mi,ai1mert is v.il i.il.le ' ' Housekeeper, "(T.iil.n, very m,ny useful I ia ''J diiec ions, CilcuUted to lighten aiid lcii.ii1-' door-work Th! Department fur Chibrei) and 'f 'h i 7 ared with pe ll ere. to m.-nith "ii only .ir.-'' lent, bat also to inculcate kno "lcJi;e snd s- pared men moral principles. oral principles. Tebms. The circulation of the A-Tiricin dturitt (mire than lMi,"00 Is -o larrretfi.t it to i furnished at trie lo price of 1 ) a ye-.r r Tebms. The Circulation of the American A7V cuitu be I copies one vear. $.1: tea copies one year. 12; ft-' or inorf.cne year, l ecb, sicgle copies, 1- " each. JJTfiT IT A TEAR. ' I o , . OS Z " !! r S s t' - 7 C. S ? rs rs & -3