I t i I: : f : t i Ml :?.?A'jTVtf.J "If ant man attempts tit Until down the American 'lag, shoot him on I hi: spot.'1 John A. Dix. VOL. I. PL ATTSMOU I II. N. T., WEDMJDAY, AUG. 30; 18G5. AO 21. 3V 4MyA;Uy (My i 1 I? rVUT? I I T I X 11 J 1 I j L. -Li I J IS lUULISUtO EVEUY WEDNESDAY MORNING, liV II. I HATHAWAY, EDITGrt AND PHCPRItTOS. en iliu :rct, opj.Mie Aniisn, Do cyAca. j. rt r ,- -. .1 1- Terms. s-.-J'J r r annual, in v;ir i.iu. v 4Cl,UJ' ' - in advance. Halt s of ,hlct'rti.htg. On tquar ifn-P of tru I'.m o':e insertion Enti m!;-f-fnt in-f!'!' !i riofmi-'DHl cir.li n..l ;x.-:fditin f-ix Ur.e 1HK qni'tr co'nmii ur lo-, !.- in.iiuin i.x mi rilli. 4 tf r rn;ti.h, Oaebkvir column twelvemonth ti.ne ru-'iittt One column Nf'rn m 't:ifc. t so 10 " 15m; 4fl'o u !'.!.: $-1 ,'o ' fix rr ''n tiin-e nii.rr.hs A!l transierit aavr:: Tient rai: Le jaiifrial rtT:.n.e ! j- n (.rt- pt- ! t Hi a'! k in f T,b '-V.i-k ' on.Drt Dot.c. a.l in :i iy ,e O.at vi I :ve r . f'1'""- . , .-. ... ' gusincctf givectovu. R. R LIVIN03TCN. II. D Physician and utgeon, j rtr,iei ,.rol..,s:.,.ai 4cfvc.Htutu.-ti..-o or; re' 0' in i .! t-s ..i,-e..:i .Vila 'IV'-; - WILLITT -rOTTE:iGEIt. ! r ix-W I W i ATTO.Ji-sx. Ai LA , PLATTSMtUTIl - - NKWIASICA. i T. HI MA1WETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW n n Solicitor in Chancery. rLATTSMuL' l It, - - XKIiRlSKA. Naiional Agency. WAS H'.ISiGTC tl D- C F. M. DOFtfilNGTCM, M il A'j I N"! : PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, 1. prrpare l t i -..! and T' .-n e c .i-r,- t- f re !UI. IVn-...".-. I! Ml . .1!-! IJ.U'TV L.ili. ami. i.'i i .c"-" i: ... i ' -:: . lo AtMll l.'. NOTARY PUBLIC j AND mTV!'. WHi'TI. I Rral fS'ite r .x .; r f , !.-. a an 1 N b'a- ' r i-c .: :-. 1 1., ,;, cr- wiU ncciT promt r i-ftt u-i. ru-t-r.i-.r. !.. X T. .r--i h. tr NOTARY PUJiLIC COMMISSIONER CF DEEDS Fire and Life Ins. Aor't. AfrT f..r ..!-. .-t -m "i r ra u.,i-,i ...verr.m.-rt, I for Soil er. i :.ur l i, w - ni ,i I:.-. Ai i, fur ih : pm' i i Bril-i, . r 1 .... !, i..! i y jr. j.r- , ly, Lc i-if.ii . t "t y ,'.-!,,.-.,' 1' i . r, i 11: uf m all ' van, .if Nti i . 1. 1 . a i .- .Mend ! i TT I .r, :.:,! e...i.rt A.m-y. I tyiW.-t-! i-u-'i tt ia Nebraska. I luhii a:'.i. X. '1 , M y l.. 1 ;-. PLATTE VALLEY G.W.CROW, - - - PRCP j I am pri-par.! to furuilhTl who mar W rne '. ;i;hi;"s wvb ''alj; V!"' j PUf.Mll uth, April MRS. L. GOLDING, TKACTICAf. MID-AVIF J5t Ha prar'ie-d K-orrr-sfnl y lo- d! via. jt hi s . Louli l'd ri I.K.iruui,. ii, cuy. i as e iuc i' d. pru-ft-pi'.fiA'ly. iu . a an. h U. Mis. 0ji,.ii. i.nti ti m ii.--i.Oy 1, ra'-.i iti ihii ci'y. Eidn-- in ti.c Djtiii-wei ui kvn. Juy 15 if JOSEIII SCniixVTEK. 7ATC?irAKli and JEWELEE, '.MAl.v SI BtLT, PLATTSMOUl II, - - NrniJASKA. A r. d a's (hit,- , t j,t r. Ci i IViis J-Wt;lry. sm ... War , K.n or -o Vi..: cs and Vi olin l.i.iitniLip Mll- n lu.il. A.lwurt tolll luined i.. I.i- .r il le wai aiilcU. April lo, l.-Oo. FOR SALE ! Thirty desirable business and resi dhuca lLOTS IN' ri.ATTS.MOT; nr. TTea thou-an i acres of pjitirie an.J tim- LAXD IN CASS COUNTY. Terms to sua Ca-h purchaser.. li.ll UlltH.fR. K-.il I tm Aknl, Comt ll.,uv. l-it Hil .Uttl. C J'id 5, n.3 NATIONAL KILLS, DENVER. C. T.. WHITTEHORE& CO , Proprietors, Buy 11 Uri.!-of ,.raii t h-i;!,-t ma. kel r tte.. Th attUlK'll ! iUt- U ii. at It vr -r d XvlTurli.t i- call- d la H e kupriio (a. i.iu P ; r. il. d n.t :: i L iu ils lOCMIcU! Kituia.-b Itic VU H.I IUI n d f.., Ilir Cl ;ri Ju u, a k. 1. ,i,. 6, ma Probate IToticc TEESITOKY or Hfc KASKA, tti n ; loss. j' ' s ' Fwrid'. to an v'-r ..f the Pr..h ite Coa't nf:.l ecirty rude ,n ttieTth A y t i Aupust A I). !s5. !hety g Veil lljai ll! claim, 3K'i'' 'be i "ij Jou, 1.11-u i: K. o. iiy. c ci'i'd, Et on 4; io tiit tirice l( aid Cutt-t on or lefur 8:A Cyfr-it.ruary A. D. 15CG, .kU dy fA- Cin-t le ia ie'r:oa to hoar lU ' ? "'T ier n bJI.J I'tl tt.e "!' r.f lUCiittt id4y Udujif. a. n. it a. J V.!AKiOLI. 1'iolttu; Jgc. i Tlie IIirrrs of Aiifleroville. J The Nt vv yulk W )U.lsie, a let- ter from th-c ounsel for Capt. . Wertz, 1 asking the pullic to desist from f jr:n- ing an opinion of their client befure trial. Immediately following this let ter is one from a Georgia planter, who IS to appear as a witness ill ihis case ; ijs doecri;:tion of the den of hnmr at ' . -,, i A ride TMiri i is enniiofi In tnawf the - - o stoutest heart shudder. After giving a histo-y jf the prison from its building by Cant. Winder, he describes ia a meuNure Hie fuiit rings or me prisoners. lie says me pji-iui'n was seitrcieu i;y dpt. Windtr, who, when it was su- gesti'd to Iiiui that the trees Le left standing for the thade of the pri?on-rs, J r;or g'i!!g U do; he was goiag to make . . . a p'Tl f or Uie d J 1 UliUeeS Where they could rot faster than they could be sent there." lit? says ihat Winder and Weriz were regularly eLgayed iu swindling ,he roners out of thi-ir proper fuel A ged t.f am arew upon the,. ..,x.. ti... i . ...i... I :.. (1ij.,li'y, being then manufartu--ed of -hj:i1 nrtiDfirtiriri if (rnnniil flr-Itl nc!i i' , , , -r , ' Cur"t unboiled, un-ilted, uncleans- , friiM1 fhrt .flrt . ,r:th ,.i;.., v.. t last, when the number of prisoners i.icrea-ed to over thiny t-even thousand, the meat rations p.jr week were re duced to a piece of bacon for each man about three inches long and two wide, and one pone of the bread above de-ribc-d per day. Then, also, the cus tom of carrying the prisoners food into the fc'.ocaJe in wagons was abolished. 1 Th-y drov up to thegdte?, which was i Sj.ru;y . peiied, and the iCatliy food. f -id and unhealthy as it was, was t.iowri uibi.le by heguaid lo be scram- Ih-d tor ly ihe wrctcljed prisoners, the Mronjes- and those nearest the gate gt-it ng ihe largest snare, ihe weak an 1 tit Uy getting n. me. If ihe remnant, W ho Wert' filially allowed to paS OUt U.is military U l.'otha. were not wi d i blasts, unwashed, b-fouled devi's, no j thanks 3 re to be given to II- nry Wer.z 'for lick oftlfortto pruduve such a con- i j summation. i When it rained, as it does in that ! cli.nate almost continually during the sprii.g and fall months, the soil within . . . the Vi C' JSUTe Was 0110 mass Ol lubiuby, .. i c , , . sot I mud, at least ti ! teen Inches iu cl epi.i. through which fetallttd and StuggeTt d . I, .. I f...i. .1 .u i. yuaiii, linu-uju nicium U1U9 lull- fintd. The stench from the prison Could be perceived for two miles, and farmers living in the neighhoihood be gan to fear lor the heai.h of their fain i:es- As a consequence of lh'S, the hospital, facetious was Wttu iu Ins horrible humanity were crowded to rep'etic n with the emaciated, starved and diseased men who were truedlcd into them. The hospitals were con structed of logs, unhewtd, the inslersf ces unfilled aud cpni, ai'mining the rain, without f.1 iors, cot?, bunks', or blankets, filthy and f. lid wi;h the fes tering, pun id bodies of tha sick, the dving and the d.jad. Words fail, language is iiiipneni to describe one of ihe.-e dens of disease and death. I once mustered the courage, impelled by ihe earnest entreaties of a North friend, to enter one ofihem, to visit ouj who was tenderly reared, and walked in the best ranks of Connecti cut society. I believe I had seen be fore lit i st what I deemed to be human wreicludness in the worst forms. I thought thai I could ieive myself to witness mortal agony and wretched ness, and destitution, as I had' heard ii desciibed, ithout blanching or trem bling. But if the condensed horrors ol a bundled "black holes" had been brought before my mind to prepare ine for the ordeal, they would have failed lo realize the facts as I saw them face to face. I cannot, in a d,ii!y paper, read by innocence and virtue, detail what met my sight on the occasion I refer to I will not po lute any page, save the records of the court that must try the culprit lor the crime of torture bj dis-ea-e and filth, with the detail of that caravansay of horrible, imemiooal slaughter. C$iT",Sallie," suid a febow to a girl who had red hair, keep away from me; you'll st me on fire." "No dan ger of that," eaid Sallie, you are too green to burn." (;ov. sto.c. On the 17di in., l)ov. Stone ad dressed the I lrg-st p ih'ical meet ng. for abnut three hours, that ever assembled in Glenwood. He warned the people that, although ihe contest of arms to preserve th Union wa concluded, j'et important and responsible., dalies re main to be performed; and that a mis step at thi. hour n i.'ht loose for us the fruits cf victory which had co.-t the country its best Hood aud millions of its treasure. He- reviewed the action of the Cop perhead party, since the convention ai Chicago; ilif-ir c minued and per.-istent oppo-ition to the prosecution f the war, and their mendacity and nrtful d dg ng to catch ihe so'd.Vrs vote at the coming election, a well as to avoid tlie triuli of their own disgraceful ai d treaon ble history. In spfakin of ihe Union pany, (jjv. Stone showed that by their gallinry and zeal, ihe rebebi m hid been crushed; thai it had promis-ll and I pledged iiselt" loihe people that iisioiilil 1 be done and a!-o in the can'ipaign ol Ia.-t fall itprcdktr d "hat if Mr. Lincoln should be re-elected the war would end in six moniLi, and showed that the pre diction wa fulfilled i'i much l-ss time. He showed that the party hud redeem ed all its pledges in the pa-i, and urged thai such a record was an earnest of its sag.iciiy, iuteutijns and success for the future. In speaking of the election, last fall, the Governor asli'-d "if there was one man in that vast assemblage who be liv d that it would have been better for the country it Geo. 11. McCKUm had been elected lai fall instead cf .Mr. Lincoln?" A man from thi audience answered. "I do." The Governor asPed, "What iiyour name r i The man replied, "Atkiscn." Gjv. " How lonii havo you lived here r Aikisoa "About six months," G jv. "Well tint's whit I uppjs ed" from Mis-rut i." At this moment the audience ffiirly sh.iok the wail i.f the Court Hi.ust; by the lo idest and most enthu-iasiic applause. 1'hi-i man A'.kis jti pretends to be a lawyer bv profession, and has already appeared wi h some of iii brethren i i that capacity in ' Glenwo d; we also learn that he was a member of Claib Jack.-on's rt bel legislature. The Governor wa. listened to thro out wiih marked atn i.iion, and was frequently interrupted with griat ap plause, which gave a conclusive evi dence ihat the peophj are as determined to keeji the copp-rhea J d nvn. as thj wer to bury it last fab. Glenwood Opinion. t5TOver in New Jersey during the last Pre.-idetr ial canvass, a young law yer, noted for the 1-ngth of his neck, Ins toi gue and hi t i.i, was on the stump bluwitjghit horn for (Jen. McCicliau. Getting on his eloquence he spread tiiiiiell, and ivaii: "I would th it n the S h day r-f next November, I might have the wings of a bird, and I would fly to every city and evei y Village, to every town and every ban. let. to every mansion ai;d hut. and proclaim lo every man, wo nan and child corge li McCL-lian Is President of the United Stales." At this point a youngster ia the crowd sang out : "Di y op. you fool. Vou'd be shut for a guoae bclore you Hew a mile." Items Woblii Committing to Memory. A bit of ylue dissolved i i sUini milk and water will restore old crape. Half a ctat.bury bound on a corn will soon ki.l it. An inkstand wa turned over upon a white table cloth, a servant threw over it a mixture of .all and pepper ileniitully, and nil traces of it disappeared. Picture frames and glasses are pie erved from flies, by paimit gihem with a bru-h dip ped into a mixture made by boil ng ihree or four onions in a pint of water. Bedbugs are kept away by washing ihe crevices with strong salt water, put on with a bruih. Soft soap should be kept in a dry place in the cellcr, and not used until it is three months old. ("An Iowa pnpor iiviss farmers to hold on to the wool." That i -what the Kentu -ky Cor.versatues are doing, but it may prove a bad speculation- SoL MXUr. LLTTLK FltOtl IIOKAlE CHDLLHV. Washington, Aug. 5. Every year somebedy thinks it worth while to start the statement that Horace Greeley is g-)ing to leave the Ti ibune that the stockholders are about to turn him out, or something of the. sort. I believe it wa Senator Anthony's pa per, in Providence, R. I., that first re vived the old story this tini; but ii has ben repeated, and modified, and en livened with to many varieties of ihe lie circumstantial, ihat at last people begin to believe it. Somewhat puzzled, and de.-irous to know for my per.-on-il satisfaction whether there could possibly be any truth in the story which, if true, was of concern to the Journalism of the nation, I wrote over to the veteran, inquii ing about it. ILs reply was so characteristic ihat I atn lempied to betray his confidence by printing it, at ri-k of acquiring the unenviable repti ation of a betrayer of private cor respndw tice : New York, Aug. 4. Phiend Reid: Thank yu for yours of the od Your inquiries are liugha ble. . .Tlie facts are these: We if.ectan editor of the Tribune annually lya stock vol (one hundred shares one vote each). Once, many years ago. Ixo vo'.es were cast against me for editor none before nor none since. .. I have never heard that any stock holder desired my withdrawal from the Tribune. 1 mean toeduce my work on it at ihe-tar!iesi moment, and have so stated to all who have a right io know. I am overwhelmed wHi labor I grow old. and uaiit rest and ctynforl. Aiy idea is o gel somebody else to take the 1 1 boring oar, receive ihe kicks and cuiX and lei inn farm ti Mltle, travel a htiie, fish uome. and write wheu iu the spir it. Sujh is my dream. t h .pe to real iZ'! at least a part of it during ihv year lB'iG; but I may not nil .-one time It ter. You know ho;v circumstances con tiol everything. At prt s-itit 1 am writing about an at ernire of two columns per day for the Tribune--too much; I mean to wiite less when I can. inns all 1 know anout the matter. Perhaps they know more at ihe Herald office. Vol. II , I grieve to say, does not gel on so fa.-t as it should. I have loo much other work, a very sick wife, and am not very well mysdf, an I the weaiher i- Lroid tor corn and UTnins. but bad for lu-iory. I li pe for improvement in many, ii' not most respects. Yours, Horace Greelet. If to the above il be added that .Mr. Sinclair, now ihe publisher anJ princi pal stockholder ot the Tribune, is an in timate friend of Mr. Greeley's and by marriage his cousin, and thst Mr. Greeley s salary has recently been in creased one half, insphe of ni proseat against il, I fancy there are lew wUo are likely to continue apprt heiisive ihat he is lo be lo-i f rom journalism very soon. Correspondence of the Cii-cm-iuti GazAte. feSA lieutenant in ihe servive, by '.he r.au.e of 'Broom, was advanced to a captaincy, and naturally enough liked to hear hiuiselt addressed a? Capt.' Broom. One of his friends, much lo his, annoy ance call-d him Broom having done so the fortieth time, Broom said : "You w 11 please remember sir, that I have a hai.die to my. name." "Ah." said his tormentor, -o vuu h ive; well, Broom'haiidl. how ar yo ?" gSfCainbiidge eiiqu.-ue lias been very happily caricatured by the follow ing anecdote. A gownsman, one day walking along the banks of the Cam observing a luckless son of hi Alma Mater in the agonies of drowning, ex claimed : "What a pity that I have not had the honor of being introduced io ih gentle man. 1 mint nave saveu nun; aim walked on, leaving; the poor feJiovv to hi fate.- . . , - i i i SF-'Conscieiice said Mr. Tar tington indignantly. "Do you suppo-e nobody bs go: a nv conscience but your, self? My conscience is as good' as your3-aye, better too, for it has nev er beeu used iu the course of my life, while your has been used until it is nearly worn out." 1IIC leiUIST SOItTOF llELI-U-IO.V. Some one, whose head is unusually "leel," has written out his ideas of religion as follows. Il will do to read ami think about : We want a religion that goes into the family, and keeps the husband from being spiteful when the ciuner is late; keeps the wife from being fretful when the husband tracks the newly washed floor with his muddy boots, and makes he husband mindful of the scraper and door mat; amuses the children as well as instructs them; wius as well as gov erns them; projects the honey-moon into the harvest-moon, and makes the happy hours like the Eastern fig tree, bearing in its bosom at once the beauty of the tender blossom and the glory of the lipeiu'd fruit. We want a relig ijn that ber.rs not only on the sinfulness of sin, but on the rascality of lying and stealing; a religion that banishes a'l small mea-ures from the counters, small basket from the stalls, pebbles from the cotton bags, clay from the pa per, sand from sugar, chickory from coll'ee; beet root from "vinegar, alum from bread, lard from butter, strychnine from wine, and water from the nr.lk can. The religion that is to advance the world will not put all the big straw berries and peaches at the top; and all the bad ones at the bottu n. It will uol offer more b.ikel-of foreign wines than the vineyards ever produced bot tles. The religion that is to sanctify the world pays its debts. Ii does uol con sider forty cents returned for one hun drd given, according lo go -pel , though it is according to law. It looks on a man who h is faded in trade, and who continues to live in luxury, as a iLief. It looks on a man ho promises to pay fifty dollars mi demand, with interest, a?jd who neglects to pay it on demand, wrh or without interest, as a liar. Ccetliug liim with liia own Gruel. Dick Turner, Uie noted turnkey of die Libby Prison, is securely locked up in (he most dismal subterranean dun geon of that place of torture. There is no pity felt for him in Richmond. A correspond -nt, who saw the cruel- hearted man, describes him pale as leprosy, hi beard whitening, his de ficient teeth ajar, and his eyes full of torrcr. He is now as mean and cring i g hi his be havior as, iu power he was insolent and cruel. When turn key, he si ol men dead with a revolver, who came to the windows for air aud liu'lit, kicked and knocked ('own others. and took delight in augmenting theun- lold miseries of the poor prisoners un der his charge. He has heard, in his loathsome cell that the soldiers have decreed his death so soou as they are tuiiv ussuieu or nis lueninv, aim nis pleading- for mercy are presented to all who come near him; but he pleads lo hearts of stone. PEEDt.G THE SICK.. Sad iiiis iiUes are made by hundreds of well-meaning folks in thtir method i-f admlnisterii g nourishment lo inva lids It is th.t custom to keep the deli cacies intended to tempt their appeiiies r.ous'.amly within their reach. The result is. thai instead i f feeling any desire for the jellies, broths, etc., thus obtruded upon their notice, ihe sight of them creates loathing and disgust. Sick people should never be haunted with food in this way. Even persons iu health would lose their relish fur choice oishes if condemned to live iu a larder, s-t r rounded night and day with a. 1 ihe dainties of the season- If you have anything rare and delicious for your patient, surprise him with it. A pleasant surprise is a good tonic, and you may .excite his palate by springing a refreshing rarity upon hun unexpec tedly. Never hand a sick man a pile of eatables, telling him that' you expect him to devour tb whole of it. Feed b in on the infinitesimal plan, with fairy morsels; aud as soon as he has ta ken what he requires, remove the re mainder. In visiting sick rooms, how often one finds bowls of arrrow-rooi and sage, dabs of jelly, cups of beef lea, fragments of dry toai, slices of or anges and the like mixed in among black draughts, boxes of Dills, plasters, leeches and abominations of the "heal ing art. ' No wouder the pale and lan guid inmates have no appetite.-Home JovrnaL OPE.I.G COURT. An Iowa correspondent writes : "It was at the first term of old Judge Mc F 's Court, held in B county, that the following good 'un was really perpetrated : ''A new sheriff had just been elec ted, and the Judge, wishing to have everything done in order, called the newly elected official into his room to instruct him as lo his duties, and find ing said official decidedly verdant as to the proper manner of opening Court, wrote out the whole proclamation, and gave him all the necessary instructions thereto. Now it so happened that F , of P couDty, a fun lov ing attorney, was silting by atthetinie, and seeing some chance for fun ahead, prepared another proclamation, aud by a little legerdemain succeeded in sub stituting it in the sheriff's hat for the one the Judge had given him. Eleven o'clock came, and so did the order from Judge McF . "Sheriff, open Court.' Drawing his iiistruc ions de liberately from his hat, he commenced iu a stentorian voice: Hear ye ! the Honorable District Court of the County of B is wound up, and all ready to griud. Allhaviug grists may pitch in, and their giists shall be ground !" The laugh that came ia can only bs ap preciated by Western niPn. r55"'Tne following story is told by one who says he was an eyj witness to ihe affair: Just before the capture of Savannah, Gen. Logan, with two or three of his s:aff, entered the depot at Chicago, one fine morning, to take the cars east, on his way to rejoin his command. The General being a short distance in ad vance of the others, stepped upon the platform of a car, and was about to en ter it, but was stopped by an Irishman with : "YeTl not be goin' in there." "Why not, sir?" asked ihe Gener al. "Because them's a leddies caer, and gintleman'll not be goin' iu there wid out a leddy. "There's wan sate in that caer over there, ef yees want it," at the same time pointing to it. "Yes," rep!nd ihe General, "I see there is one seat, but what shall I do with my staff?" "Oh ! bother your staff!'' was the petulant reply. "Go you and take the sate, aud stick yer staff out of the win dy" . JdSSiPat was employed at a furnace. He was ordered to take the two-wheeled cart with the oxen, and draw some iron to a particular spot aud dump it. He brought the load to the place des ignated, and afier gesticulating wildly before his meek oxen, exclaimed: "Rare up, rare up, ye bastes, and throw the load overboard !" TO KEEP Bl'TTEIt. A compound of one part sugar, one part nitre, and two parts of the best salt, beaten together into a fine powder and mixed thoroughly with the butter in the proportion of one ounce to ihe pound, has been found to keep it in ev ery respect sweet and sound during two years. It isr.Lo said to impart a rich. marrowy flavor. Echo's Opinion ox tiik RebeIiox. By what argument cou.d the rebelion have neeo prevented by Buchanan? Cannon. What was the result when the South ceased to renson? Treason For what kind of a ruler were the aris tocracy aching? A king What power assisted in again making us feel peace? F.cld-piece. What munt a rebel do before a Yankee musket? Must "git." What of the gentlemen who raises the bif gest war w-hoops? Wore hoops Is Jeff Davis a more than ordijary inaD? Nurv man. What rebel is judged rao9t leniently by people generally? General I.ee. Where is the intervention plan that Nap. laid out? Played out. Shall we in future have a rebellion ever? Never. Found tue String. Mrs. Mehitable Shirfgle, who hails from a down eat vil lage, about two miles on this side of sun rise, on returning home from a r:sit to our city the other day, informed her darter" Jemima that sha cam purty near being pisened at the ho'el with some soup tbey called violoncello soup; and she knew it was violoncello soup for she found a hull lot cf strings in it.". fJ3"A remarkable cure for the sting of a bee and preservation of life, came to onr konwledge yesterday. Mr. T. E. Wight, of Clay Junction, was recently stung by a bee on the neck just below the ear, on one of the main cords; the pain was intense, and the lady of the house sought for some sikratus. but failing to find it, took a little gum caxphor, and pulverizing it in alcohol, gave it to Mr.. W., who drank it, the husband of the lady in the meantime hnTing gone for the physician. Mr W., nt once fouud relief fioru pain, and on arrival of the physi cian, the latter stated emphatically that the camphor and alcohol had saved Mr. Wight's life. Toledo lih:Je. Keeping Grekx Corx. In July last, wa made a planting of sweet corn, for tba purpose of drying it for wnitcr use. Part of the crop we cut from the cob and dried in tho sun in the usual manner; and part wc cut up, stalk and all, and put in to small stook, about the 10th of October, when the corn had just glazed. Of this latter saving, we have recently been eating, and find it nearly as good as when it was cut up and stooked. What effect continued freezing and thawing may have upon it, ns Winter advances, we cannot yet state, but for green corn to eat in early Winter, we shall praetico hereafter the cutting an;i stocking of it in the field. Ohio I'armf-r. ?"A writer in Harper's Magazine gives an excellent personal description of Sheridan, as follows: His body is stout but wiry, and set on short, heavy,' but active legs. Ilisbroid snoulders, short, stiff hair, and bis featured betray tha Mc-les'iaus decent; but no brogue can bo traced in his voice. Ilia eyes are grey, and being small, are sharp wnd piercing and full of fire. Whon mad dened with excitement or passion thesa glare fearfully, Hist nge is thirty-four, hut long service in tho fi-ld has bronzed him into the appearance of forty. m m m p"A wounded rebel soldier thought he was about to die; and feeling that ho had many sins to answer fur, he request ed that a minister should be sent to him. The Ilev. Mr. II., a rebel parson, was called in. Sitting down beside tho wounded man, and assuming all tho saeerd. til air g.-ave'y said: 'My friend, in what state was your mind when you first felt that yoa should like to be baptised?" Feelily and dolorously the dying man replied Ar-kan-9aw" The divine w.i9 instantly disgusted, and rising from the sick bid in great in dignation, said, 'shuck! that fellow don't know enough to go to Heaven!" and he instantly b ft the room-" B inapart's Prediction of America. -At St. Heiriia bo said; 'Ere ihe close of the 19th century America will he ennvu'sel by one of tho grentet "revolutions ever witnessed. Should it succed, her rower and prestige are lost, but should tho Government maintain her supremacy, she will be on a firmer basis than ever. The theory of a republic in form of Government will bti established, and she can defy the com bined power or th world. (J"''Are you really, you know, goin to 'ang Davis?" said an English sojourn er; ''twould be blasted had, that would, you know." 'Oh, we shan't hang him," said his interlocutor. "We shall proba bly blow him from the muzzle of a gun, as you did the Sepoys in India." "Ah," sai l the stranger, '-but that was quite another thing, you know." A brother of Charles Dickens, re siding in Chicago, had thiee children born to him last week. 57"-ecording to a North Carolina pa per, the motto of a large number of tha subdued rebels mutbe. "Turn up the sa cred soil, porcine inhabitant, or your name will swell the mortuary column." CP" The Nashville Tress and times says, "The man who advocates gradual eman cipation is about to apply for a patent for thegradual explosion of gun -cotton." CP" A letter-writer says Washington can boast of a marvelous proportion of beautiful women bat a great raany of them look better than thy behave. Cp"D3 honest Georgia postmaster, and only one, has paid over to the Post OfSce Department, in greenbacks tha value of the Postsgo stamps he had on hand at the breaking out of the war. CP"A poultice made of Sour and mo lasses is excellent for burns. Keep it applied until it is nbout well. CP"The young lady who lost the Utile pink bow from her jockey-hat has found a big brown one under a beaver. CP Douglas Jerrold was at a party when the Park guns announced the birth of a Princo. "Pow they do poder these babies!" Jerrold exclaimed. - "Ml"