Sarsauarilla FOU PJJKIFTINS THE BLOOD. And fortheiieedy cure of the foIloinjr coniidr.intK 9croftiln nnrl Mcrof-iloM .1 lfrr;on, mill ni 'I'linor. t'lcrr, Korc, J .'ru j'riivn Iiruil-, IuImI-. tllolr, ItoiW Itlruux, and nil M!iin liBmi'. - ' - Oaklasb. Iml.,fth Jinir. lflSt. -j. C. AYKlt fc Co. j.'iits: 1 f--l it my duty to no tnowlfur v iit.t vour Sarfavniriiia lus iione tor me? Having iiiheriTil a Scrofulous intVstion, I havi MitTereil from it in vnriom way tor years. Some rimes t burst out in Clcoraon mv hniuls and arms loinct lines it turned inward and itii-tn-sscd me at tin stomach. Two years no jt broke out on my heat lnd covered nv fculp anil ears with one sore, whicl was painful hi d loathsome beyond ilesci iption. i liatl.tuauy. Hiediciue and several lL) sioiain', bu . irittmut much rt li :f lrom any thing, in fret, tl,t iisorrler f rrw wore. At lenith I wa rejoiced tt read ill tliu Ciospel Alestenger titat you lnd preparole irl alterative ( Sar-aporilla), for I knew li om youi reputation that anything you made must ba j.notl I Kent to Cincinnati aud j;ot and used, it till i' lureil me. I took it, as you advise, in small do.-es ol teaspoon 1'tjl over a month, and usee almost tlire bottler. f.'v.nU litaltliv (-kin !. ba-'a'J trfljjt under tlie scab, vli:ch"aher a wMlc I'ertfR" MV ikin is now c!-:i, and I kjiow by my ti.e!i;i;.'s tha' tlie dii'ne lir:S pine from my system. Yon ea-n we I believe that J leel what 1 am saying whon I toll o-.t that I hold yon to be one of the jj)Ost:es of the ajje tit. Anllionv'ji Firr. l-r? or Eryipda 'IVl'cr nixl fiU IJh-tmi, MillJ C2e:n Hint; worm, Harr Siym, Bropy. lr. Unbert 1. Treble writes irinn .Salom, X. Y. 12l!i Sept.. that be lias cured an iuvetrrnM ca-e. of .Vvji, which tUreatuued to terminus i-x tally, by the persevering us of ohr 8ai:.pHii;!a and also a dan-rons Malignant Frysipela by lari doses of the same; says he cures the common Krujf Hons by it constantly. rirvarhocrlrv f7oitr or twJlcd IScrfc. ZehuliTn .oaii, of Vrox tt. Tf 3a, writt:--.T;re bottles of your Sarsurianlhi cured me from a t-oitr, a hideous s welling on the neck, which 1 had but lercd from over two ears.'' Ieurorrbmi or Vbi?r. Ornrinn Tumor L'leviae rlormlia, fi;tlr li-e;ic. Ir. .1. 11 is. ( iianiiihg. of ew York City, w rites 44 1 most chci-rluilv comjilv with the request of you agent in M;ii:g I have found your Sarsaparii'a t most excellent alterative in the numerous com plaints ); -which we empjosuch m remedy, bu t s;ecia'.tjr'hr 'Female Jtiseasrs of the Scroi'u'.oui tiiathepis. I have cured many inveterate cases ol I.eucorrhcca by it, and Koine where the complaiu' was caused by ulcertiio of the inVrtia. The uicer alioii itself was soon cured. Xuthing within in) knowledge equals it for these female derangements.' Kdwaril 3.- Harrow, of Newbury, Ala., wrft'M" " p;wi:i.iaus oc wi&ii tumor on one of the temuiet Inwiiv tainily, whicli had delicti all the remedies w oould employ, has at length been completely curec b- vour Kxtract of .Sarsajiarilla. ur pliyciciat IhoilMit rothing but extiniutiou could ail'ord relief but he ad istf the trial oftyour Sannparilla as tin last resort before cutting, and it proved etllctual Alter ta'.ing your remody eight week no syiuptoa of the diseu&e remains." Wypkilur uI fcrrtirinl Iirne Jit' ')ltLEAS', 2r"ih AllSUSt, Dr. J. C AYi:a: s-ir, 1 cheerfully comjily witt the reijueM of vour agent, raid rrport to you soim ct the etlects I have realized with your Sarsapurilia I iia-i'nru with it. iii uiv pmrtice. niot of th coinplaimi tr which it is Teooiuriended, mid ba found its eliiets truly wonderful in the cure ol t'tnnreal and Mercurial brimse. tine of my pa tieiits had .S pliiii;ic ulcers in liis throat, which' wen consuming Lis palate and the top of his mouth Your bar:-a pa rill a steadily taken cured him in fiv weeks Another was attacked by secondary symp torn? in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I believe the 013 order would toon reach his brain and kill him. Ilui it yielded to my administration of your sjarsaparilli the nicer healed, aud lie is well again, not ot cours witliont some disiigiiration to his lace. A womai who had been treated lortlie same disorder by mer rury was snlll-ring from this poisou in her bones j'hey Irid Ix-come so wriitive fotfie weather that ot a (hinij) day she mle'red excruciating pain in hei i jints and She, too, was cured entirely bj i cir .Sarsapai jila iu a few weuks. 1 know from iti j'oi inula, which, your agent gave nie, that thii I'lepa'-aiion lrom your laboratory must be u grea Tim dy: consequently, these truly rciuarkable re : itli it have not surprised me. i laleriialJy yours, O. V. I.AISIM EK, 31. D. r:!teainalini, CSont, f.irrr Coiuplninf. lii-Ei'mUESin, I'reston Co., Va., tit li Julv, lfJ3 Dr. J. C Aykr: Sir, I have been afflicted' with 1 Eaint'ul chronie .Vi. Htnati.ini tor a long time, nhicl affled the skill of pliysieians, and stuck to mc ii spite of all the remedies 1 could find, until I trief your Sarsaparilla. One bottle etireil me in twt weeks, aud restored my peneral health so mucl tl';;t 1 am far better than before I was attacked. '. think it a wonderful medicine. J. FlitAil Jules Y. (tetchell. of St. Louis, writes: "I liavi beei. Klllicteo lor years with an arftctinn of the Liver wl.ieii oesi roved inv health. I tried everything aud everything tailed to relieve m; and I havi been a broken-down man for some years from ri : other cans tiian tlsr'twjement qf the Lirrr. M3 beloved ustor, the Hi'v Mr. Kspr. advised me t try vuur:uatar3Iii, Ix'causo he ikid he knew yu aud anVtliiiig vou made was worth trvinv. Uj bie-i.ii. ,4 uromi 11 lias Liiini me, a.i.l has so 1 uriliec mv blood as to made a new ina of me. I feel youti again. The best that cau be said uf you is not liui. rjood enough." rVhirrn. Cnurr Xnanor, rnlarsoinmt ('rrriitioii, Caries nail lxfoliuiion ol the i(n. A great variety of cases have been reported to u where cures of'these formidable complaints ha resulted from the use of this remedy, but our spac here will not admit them. Some of them may b found in our American Almanac, which the ugeut below named are pleased to furuiaj graiis to all w hi call for them, . , J)-MpriM:n. Ifrnrt lisenk.e, VU-, Epilrpny .Hel.-tiielioly, INrursiisin. 3Iany remarkable cures of theie aileetions hnv Ieeu nuule by the alterative jswer of this mediuiac Jt stimulates tbe vital functions into rigorous notion aud thus ovoi comes disorders whioii w ould be sup posed beyond iu reach. Sach a remedy has lotij been required by the necessities of the people, am we are continent taat this will do for them all tha medicine can do. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. FOR THE RAIID CCEB OF t'onicha, C0I1N. Influenza. lloarMnesi 1 roaii, ICroiieliitis, liiripirnl umplinii. nnd far the Itr-lief of 4'uiiiiiuptirr I'litivnUt iu aihaarrd Minora of Ibe lisrnMr. This is a remedy so universally known to surpns any vther lor tlie cure of throat aud lung complaints thi'.t it is ucless here (o publish the evideuce of it virtues, its unrivalled excellunee for coughs am coil's, ami its truly wonderful cures of pulmonar' uisea-e. have made it known throughout the civil ize-.l nations of the earth. Few are the communitief or.eveu lumilies, aiuoug them who have not soul Pvronl 1 experience of its cfiecits some liviiL :ro;iliyin hirir midst of its victory over the subtl and ihingerous disorders of the throat and lumrf As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorder! and as they know, too, the elleets of this remedy we need not do more than to assure them that it hu now all the virtues that it did have when makin he cures which have won so strongly upon tu :ontidencc of mai kind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATZE Si Co., LowelL Kasl X. na-i3 Aa:i.n Xl. al!ii4 Antidote f r Pi'-U II-a 1- yO h -he. Dvi,epsia, Kever an J Ague, -.fs VJxX Liver Cortplaiiit, te.stiv.ness, De rave : .ppcii-r, f st- a A-r.'A Sfnr.eii il. rcilllim rj Obstructions, ic. ( 25 cts. WTIiSON S PILLS are tinlversally a V ucwl-de l tol-e the test now in tiso. As a Faiily '.,v!iciae they are r nrticnlarly remineiid1-9iicple ami harnUs, but highly an dkinal ia tlu-ir eom lliiation. One Pill a & with mil I ?.at cor toin efforts. The robost-mau aud th-' ilolicate chil.l use them aliku, with eTiry assi.ruico f entiru safety. Vith Wilson's Pills, every Mother in tbe land' becomes her own phyiiefan. They have provod themselves a spzeinc, and stand without a rival for the following afiV-tions: IIKAIACiniE, FEVnt Jk AGl'K, KEADArHG, FKVEIt Se ACSCii STSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAIST, DYSPEPSIA, I.IVXE COMPLAINT, CostivenB Biliousness, NeuraJgif Costivenese, Biliousness, jVeuralgi Sold by Uruggista & Coolers evcrywhe; pafiPATTED BY ' B. Ii. FAinTESTOCK & CO. Importers &Who!esale Druggist3 "So. CO, comer "Wood and 4th Sis. PITTSBURGH, PA. SelE PETRIITOBS OF B. L. Fahncstock's Vermifuge. i I ( 31. Gent;i Fiirxiisliiiig Goods ' ats, Scrofula:, or King's Evil s a constitutional disease, a corruption of th lood, by which this liuiil ht'comcs vitiated I vcak, and poor, ling 111 tlie ciri'Ulatioif, 1 HTvades the whole body, and may burst oti n disease on any part of it. Xo orpin is fre rum its attacks, nor is th.-rc ore which it ina tot destroy. The scrofulous tr.irtt is vavioif-1; .ausrd by incrcurial dioasc, low living, dls irdercd or unhealthy food, inifrure air,' tilt ind iilthy habits, the di'pre-ini vices, f.nd ihove all, by the venereal infection. What ;vcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the con titution, doseendinjj from nts to c tiildiei ituo die third and foirrih 'nt ration ii' iud jtd t ?eni? to be thcTotfwf Him who e.-rj i?, vill visit the initiuitijj of thu fathers upoi heir children." Its ( Ifects commence by deposition from thi jlood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, whieh, ii he lung, liver, and internal organ's, i.-j tenncc ubcrtles; in the glands, s-wcliings; and ot he surface, eruptions or sores.. This foul cor tiptkui, which fenders in the blood, d'jpressc! ho energies v! liifc; j-o t!:at .scrofulous tOJLStku ions not only sutler from scrofulous com laiiiLs, but they have far Ijss power to with tand the attacks of other diseases ; touse ptcntly va-t numbers perish by disorder.1 vhich, although not scrofulous iu their nature .re still tendered fatal by tliis taint iu the yst'jm. Jlostof the i-onHtiinption wliieh U :imatcs the human family has its origin directlj n this scrofulous contamination ; and man lostructivc diseases of tlie liver, kidneys, brain.. Jid, indeed, of all the organs, arise from 01 jo aggravated by the snme cause. One quarter of all ur people are scrofulous : heir persons are invaded by this lurking in ection, and their health is undermined by it. ?o cleanse it from the system we must renovate lie blood by an - alterative medicine, and in igorate' it by healthy foml and exercise. uch a medicine we supply in AYER'S "ompoiind Extract cf Sarsaparilla. he most cfTectual remedy which the medica kill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing nnd fatal maladv. It is com lined from the most active remedials that havt icen discovered for the expurgation of this foul asorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ystem from its destructive consequences. Icnce it shoxild be employed for the cure ol iot only Scrofula, but also those other nffee ions which arise from it, such as lrti-privi .nd Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fiue tosE, or F.uvsirr.i.AS,, Pcstui.es4 Ji-otches, liLAixs and Ho it.s, Tt Mons, Teteb .nd Salt Rmnx, Scald Head, Ringworm-, Iheumatism. Syi'iiii.itic and M Eiict' ki al Dis- asus, liiioi-sv, 1) vsrtrsiA, Deuility, and, ndeed, all C'omvi.aixts aimkino i uom Vitia- ed oh I.Mi'UKK Ui.ooi)."- The popular beliel a impurity of the blood " is founded ill truth, Dr scrotula is a degeneration ot the blood. I la articular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa- ilia is to purify and. regenerate this vital fluiei, without which sound health is impossible 111 ontamlnatcU. constitutions. ACER'S Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OP ntermlttent Feror, or Fever anilAcut, lemitte-nt Fever, Cliill Fever, Dumb li;ue, Feriotlical Ilradarhe, or Itilionf leatlachr, and Ilillou4 Fevers, indeed or the whole class of diseases originat nff In biliary derangement, caused uy he ?lalaria or Jllatiuatlc countries. We are enabled here to oflfer the community a emedy which, while it cures tlie above complaints nth certainty, is still perlcctly Harmless 111 anj uantity. Kuch a remedy is invaluable in districts .here these afflicting disorders prevail. This Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Feveb .nd Ague from tlie system, and prevents the de elopmcnt of the disease, if taken on the first op iroach of its premonitory svmptoms. It is not onH he best remedy ever yet discovered for this class f complaints, but also the cheapest. The large uantity we supply for a dollar l.rincrs it within tht each of every body ; and in bilio is districts, w hers -onn Am r. iiictdtts, everv body should lave it and use it freely both for cure and protcc ion." A great superiority of this remedy over an j ther ever discovered for the speedy and ccrtair ure of Intcrniittcnts is that it contains no Quinine r mineral, consequently it produces no quinism 01 ther injurious effects whatever upon the constitut ion. 'Ihose cured by it are left as healthy as t hey had never had the aiscase. lever and Ague is not alone the consequence o' he miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor Icrs arise from tts irritation, nmonsr which are eural-ia. Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind less, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, I'al litation. Painful A flection of the Spleen, llystcr' es, Vain in the lirnn-lx. Colic, larahsis and J)c vnqcmett of the .'ioutach, .ai 1 1 of which, wher irighuiting in this cause, put on the intermittent ype, or become periodical. This " Cfi:E " expels he poison from the blood, and consequently cures ;heni all alike. It is an invaluable protection tt mmigrants and persons travelling or tcniporarilj esidmg in the malarious district, it taKen occa lionally or daily while exposed to the infection Jiit will be excreted from the system, and canno' iccumulatc in suthcietit quantity to ripen into dia iase. Hence it is even more valuable lor protee .ion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter nittcnts if they avail themselves of the protcctioi his remedy allords. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYES So CO., Lowell, Mass T Avers PILLS. Are you nek. feeble, ani roiuplainiug? Are you oil of order, with your -ysteti deranged, nnd your let-ling uiicouilbrtnUer'l hesc nip txnna are otteti the pn-luv I f .- - - . - . 'v. w w w ... s V 1 - I Vi q W " f'ltt 10 serious lllncsa. home 11 i r ' ; 'ckne-'s is creepina tipoi "SCt vou, and should be avci wt ! , o ;.' , bv a tiuiulv use r-t the rijili Tirr h rt-medv. Take A ers rills - Sr'?! nr.d cfuanse oBt tie cii-or ms l.cen long grievously ntllictcd with blotches and t-s on lier sKin and in tier nnir. Alter oui was cured, the als.- tried your nil", auil they A(A JIUliUlilUUE. mnim-s on !l:ikl lave cured her. ' Ai a Family Phytc. - - From Dr. E If. Curtirriaht, Xew Orleins. Your I'ills are the prince of purges. Their ex ellciit qualitit-s rurjiuss anv cathartic we posses. They are mild, but very certain aud ellectiuil in t licit ction on tlik bowels, which makes theiu invaluable o us iu the daily treatment ol'dix-ase. EIcudachr,Mirk Ilrailnche, Foul Nlonineh. From Dr. FI:rar'l Boutl. Baltimore. Dear Hko. Aver: 1 cannot answer you irfiat amplaints I have curetl with your I'ills better than o say till that ire ever triat irith a purgative mnli ine. I iilace erent ilependence 011 that effectual Btliartic in mv duilv contest with disease, and be- ievin, 11s I do, that your I'ills atford us the best we tare, 1 01 course value ti.era highly. , " riTTiBrr;ora.: ?fav 1. TSoo. Dr. J. C. Aver isir: I have been repeatedly ured of the worst hexrtaclie anybody cau have by a lose or two of vour I'ills. It seems to arise from bul stomach, w hich they cleanse at oner. - Yours with creat.resi ect, .ED. W l'UKHLE. viLift y yiiuiiu r vui.tun. Unions Disorders Liver Coniplaintw. From Dr. Theodore Veil, of AVtf York fit 11. Hot only are your I'ills admirably adapted to their mrpose lis an aperient, but I tiuil tin ii- beueticial dlects upon the L,iver verv marked iudeed. They iue iu my practice proved mal e eflectual far tlie mre ot bilious compl mi(s thuu any one remedy J :an mention I sincerely rejoice that we have at enpth a purgative which is worthy the coutideuceol tie pronation auu tuc people Pepartmi kt of the Itpterior, 1 Washiin-toii. D. O. 7th Feb.: !,. ( Sir: I have used vou.- I'ills iu mv "pneral and lospital practice eve.- since you made tluiu, and launot nesuate to say i:it-y are tne nest catuartic ve employ. Their regulating action ou the liver is luick aud decided, consequently they aie an ad- rural .c- reineuy lor oeraneuieiits 01 tnat organ, udeed, I have seldom tund a case of biliou dis- ase so obstinate that ! did not readily vield tc hem irateruallv yours. ALON.O HALL. M. 1).. Physician of the Marine Josjiittl. Dysentery, I 111 11b or 11, Iti-lnx, Worow. r com Dr. J. (7. :7rt'n, of Chicaao. Your Villi! have had a long trial in my practice. 1. 11 1 uoiu litem iu esic-e:n as oiu- 01 t it- lu st aperi tifs I have ever lotind. 1 heir alterative eti'ect upon he liver makes them au excellent remedy, when ven 111 email do50s lor Jiilious dyxniti ry and diar. huea. Their sunar-coatinir uiakts lhein vr- uc. eptable aud cunveni-.-nt for tho use of women ami liiiun.11. Dj-Kpcpsin, Impurity of the Itlood. Von liev. J. V. llimex, Pustor of Advent Church, jso-rnn. Dr. Ayer: I have umd vour I'ills with extra- irdinary success in my liinuiy aud among thuie lam aiicu 10 vi.ii 111 uiMn ss. 1 o n-guiate the organs ot ugestiou and punly tlie blood, they are the very o. icim-iiv umr iluuh u, auu cull trouii- leutly recommend th. m to my friends. Yours, J. V. HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. tiLk. i m'11 iimiu your t ; it 11:11 tie l'iiis in my iractiee, and lind tln ni Jii exei-lleiit purgative to Jranse the system ni;d j-'ir,' 'he fwnWnnK of tht t'J(HI. v JUU- o. Jir.Al J1A31, M. it. onotipatioti, 'of 1 vcrii-M-. Miipr,-n.ioii. Itli-iiiiiiiti-iii, 3ou:, rN-:iinliii, UroiMT) I'ariujHiS) ii, t ic. From Dr. .. 7'. Vnu'iUn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your l'iiis lor the .lire oi' costivenesx. ll'utiiers ofour lratt-riiitv luive bund them us ellicaciius us 1 have, they should join ne iu proclaiming it. lortlie bttietit of tlie multitudes vho sutler from that complaint, which, lutlioiigb tad enough in itself, is th:: progenitor ol Others that .re worse. 1 ix-neve mcuniuj to originate 111 1 tic h er, but Your Villi aDect that organ aud cure tin liseasc. From Mrs. E.. Stuart, Physician and Midwife. - : Ho. fon. . .- . " I find one or two large does of your I'ills, taken it tlie proper tune, are excellent promotives 01 the latural stcretmii wlien wholly or partially sup. resd. and also verv ellectiial to dt-an'se the tomach and expel vnrms. ihey are so ninth the K-st physic we have that I recommend iio other tc ny patieuts From the Jiev. Dr. ITairlex, of the Methodist Fpis. la: reii. T'clapki House, Sav.iniiah, G.v, Jan. 0, ISTjO. JloNor.s:i Silt: 1 should be uiiirratet'ul for the t-liefy our skill has brought me if 1 did not report ny case to you. A cola settled iu my limbs and Koutrht 011 excruciating nexiraljic riainn, which uided in chronic rteumwtism. otitluctuuding 1 lad the best of physicians, the rirseRse grew worse u:d worse, until by the advice of your excellent igi-nt in lialtimore. Dr. Mackenzie", 1 tried voui .Jills. Their tllects were- slow, but sure, liv per everiug iu the use of tliein, I am now entirely we!L Senate Chamber, Itaton Rouge, 1st., 5 Dec, 1855 IU: Avtu: I have beeu entirely cured, by youi "ills, ot liheumatic I'OiU a pamtiil diseavetliat luu .llhcted me lor years. VISCKST S-LIDKLL. Jfost of the l'iiis in market contain Jlercurv rhieh although a vuleab!.- remedy in skilful lunula 5 uuiigt-roii!! iu h puu.ic pin, iroiu lire urcuuiut cou equeiices that freiiiieutfv follow its incautious use .hese contain uo mercury or mineral substance ruaicver. Price, 23 cents per Box, or S Boxes for SI. Vepared by Dr. J. C. AXES & Co., Lowell, Mass 1 - Hannibal & St. Joseph, RAILROAD AA.D . Pacliiot !Lincrj . . . ON -MISSOl-RI KIVER. TOOTLE, HAiViVA &-CO., r A I XoSTHEET, PLATTSMOUTII,'N. T -7-1 -r - 7- v 2ji j T r- - T I I ! ' S LA II G'EST l.rU-red. hiimois ptnifv th I.lcoil, aud let the ttuul .1 '''ICI. f 7 Orv -: '-i-n'-j- move on unobstriicti d 11 fi-t j.,rjli ;r'-i' vif henltll aaiu. Ihev st:tnu PVta ? late the luretior.s f th . o'syS body into vigorous activity urify .the system from obstructioun which nuiki lis-aie. A colli scttlir ninewhere in the bodv, ant bstruct3 its natural functions. Tlufe, if not rS ieved, react upon them: elves and the Mirroundinf irguns, prodm-ing peneral oggravation, sutlering Jid disease. While in tliiri couditiou, oipiend l he derangements, take Aver'a I'ills. nnd fee hov llicctly they restore the natural action of the Tg ein. and with it the bttovant feeling ot health auain hat is true and so anr&rent in this trivial and com 11011 complaint, is Ko true in many of the de-p cated aiid dangeromi distempers. J lie same purga ive ell'ect expels them. Caused bv illlilnr obstruc iona and derangementH of the natural functions ol lie uooy, inryare rapiuiy, una mmir 01 mein muciy tired bv ihi5 wine means. "Voiie'who kimw tfrt irtiics of these I'ills, will neglect to employ then rhc-11 sullt-nu lrom the disorders tnev cure. Matemeiits from leading phvsieians'in rome of the irincipai cities, aud from other well-known public terioiii: yrom a Fcrtcardina Merchant of St. Louis, Feb. 4 1N6G. D11. Aver- Your Vills are the paragon of all thai s great iu medicine. liiey nave cured my mire laughter of ulceioim sores upon her hands and feel Suit Had proved mcurauie iorvear. iiermoinei if t NEBRASKA 1 1 ch t of St. Loll is . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in f ire. r in. 5Vr IT A R;D W A R E, ATD- Cloiliiiig of every description WtfilES Afv'D LIQUORS OF ALL KtNOS ConMn'iitly'.pa har.J a Larp;e Stock of 0! BOOTS AND SHOES, WIK. li!i:V. jAILS. Is the place to get CABINET SilOi T-L I303EOK. liayint,' rceojtly Lui'.l 11 n .-tv aa I n. Main St., Plaitsnioutli, IJ. t Would resptrifui Hilf.iiniii' i-iitintii ryiug eu tu ) y iufni :u 1 In- ci 17. 9 tllU !. I1.1, .-, la al! its br;i:i -. in the M03TappPv0v::d siil: 1 am preiareil to trr-i . 1: t'. CJ J I 11 A 1 i ; s X au.I iii'itd .1 irabhi Of every disc rijtion, over :1" le ! in i'ls Ti-rn;. , A TI sr ACTION c,ym:. ti: Mi k PI, lit Urnti. 11 pnil 1 . 1.. cm 1 1.. n l-i fit hiiutit-r t iki u iii 1 Apiil in. ImJ.".. ll. IMlfiTICKEW it r A SI DOORS GLASS. Au. every arlit!1 rei tuire d by And everybodj else cau Is supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our cxteimcc stock. AT THE FIEE PEOOF BEICK Tootle, iEIaiiua &. Co. r:;f.!Mn;i:t!:, April 10, 'G. fiABKfjS, 9 n 1 vi 'i1 5 C ' n 2. J.j;V3 .fi. Slt. Sixia, STOMJ. .VT - BRICK LAY 0- I'EGAL BLANKS; on From a Tlie urulci I c r: i d arc prrpardl tD il l ail wom: 11; r:nuR u:;z n 11 1 :i RlAS CNAi3 RATES- sami'km'.anks. i';;'j::i;k nokki.s. 1805. TO A ' I ON, DOVEY CO., ! irin of i'rt'( t. II bund tho LARGEST STOCK of Ss-?'J- ll VE i :ns WARE, HAllU W A HE, SHOES. CLOTHING. H H o Z H X 1 S5 ADVERTISE Ever Oirered in this Market. IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, In LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. I?oots, Trunks, Valises. &C, &C, &.C. Also ft Inrp-o lot of RTTiBF.R C.OODS nnd J.'KVOLVERS always on hand. and" COUNTRY MERCHANTS will lim; it to their bnofit to psnminp my stock before purchashig elsewhere. Tri-we-lily I'lK-kets (M.iniiiliU an.-! St. J.i-ini R. U Line) ItHve Omalia. C imiif- 1 ItlufT'. I '1 ,if Isiimui h . 1 1" ;i-ica City anj inii rumJii-.t- j.t.lnt-- f.-r t Jum-uIi. onntct ng at M. J i-pn win trams u Unnuii al hii.i t. J K. K , Itrnvmir St. Ju-ih at ll:::il. it nuil arrivinir at QUIIJCY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS NEXT DAY- On anj after May luili. nail, ainl cl.oe. pounec- tioi.s from ft. .Iim'11i ti- At.-hison. M'e-toii. l.'-.-ivu-Wortli, W yauilotn-. Kaiiiii I'ltv. L-iwrutiM. Ti ii-.-ka. vi i 1 Urte (.'nuutry K. It . 11. 1 .le uiu r l,irn').t(U. M. J.H' ill H. 11. I.-:Vf St. Jvr!l fiii'il M., ;it At. hison .it 6.3'V A. M . W-.-laii 7:5 A. .ii.. i.cavfii worth OH A -M.. WtanduttL' llt.nil .4. SI 7 Kaii.-a.i Cltr W A . . .3 . . I a'Mfiic? at 5 P. M. , TilKCrtill TlCKKft! tOR SALK l y Trrlrr i'er.ii Cmadf; f.-W. Hitchcock, ronn- '-11 ii:ut,; fc. C Lewi,'Miioiitli: t. S. Hawli-v. .M iiraiik city. iu tnrouu tii-Kctf and m.r.i t xtt nsive repairs on tlie llanniba I and t Jh-h-dIi Iti i ! n . J , new irmi. ti.-. H...1 aJ.iitioUMl nilliu' Mik ii iiiuhl ihem to titlfr tlite important cluintrs to fa- llitati- iravtl h v route. ". W. Mead, ticn'l .oi -r n'or.i'out. "B tihIUT. ien"l '1 ickt iV? lit. 1!. I lil'KTKIUIIT. Ol-ii 1 iltlliilt Al-'tlt. I. Mo. ("apt. Urrus I-'okd, Supenatendeiit licet Lines, Mo. J.ily 1, Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a contmnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 1SG5. tf f.-T r cvivetl, iu cas s of Cariut d 1 acliei at AU1SON UoVtY ac Cu'S. A L-irr- aortinent of me'i's and boyi' clottiin for ale ly A. li. & to. i O to AMISON, DOVKTA CO'i to i nnliase your ! v'HEl.LEl) CORN for sa'tby 4 V X cpriUK K'oda. A D.A CO. VN end les ar iety t Ladies. Ve ti-xi t A. U. CO''. J ACOX ami L ird for sale by A. I. & CO. CAKd .Moltt'V'i Cove O ynter;- for at A. 1. ti COS 50 KKAT bargains ia Ladies IireH Good ht V. n Co'S. 1" II. ft. Jo-. i:()Ii PALE at 1 Boot & Shoe AM1.-0X. PoVfY 4 CD'S. Ci fTe, ,Sue:-r. tiold -n Sy.up, IS'igar lloa.-e Alo- laKfes, X-iv York Candies, to , etc. lar-re Jot of Chewing and Smokinjr Toti icco for tleat A. D. Jt CjJ'S. car 0P ALOII.fcrileby - - A. D. Si CO. Cash p'i(l for Hides, and Wool. riattsmoutb, May 25, tf Fur h- sui)-crihr tjuM re -nectfiiliy call the atten tion of ihe i-.tnteu ot -lntlmonth and tlieiubl: at ai it to the .act inat be ban located one ..or east of I) neliiti'a Hrii Store, where he inferdu keeDinir ui hard luakirp on tli hhoiten notice. evey ariiciein bis iir.e. His Mott helDtr electeil bv b:ni- e.l. aud having ureut t,e mol of l.u life In the business, be feels court li nt tiiat k cm give Salltfae t;on. tiive him acall. r A BOXtS Star Candles for siale by A, D. t CO. Ir you want to purchise goodsat a bargain, po to A D. A CO A HKAVY IXVOIfli ..fall iit.ds of Fmiilytiro cerie.i acd Oulut!i;- (ijod-j i-1 led- v.l i,r A. 1) O- AND LET THE PUBLIC KS'0Y7 THAT YOU ARE Alive & 'Stirring. fcir !- I o 7' c i v. PT m TO CD 3 i a o Uwi O o c I E t.ii:ui. l ,ii i- j .4 (iaoil, Clunp a-i ! : : nj Yaiu'thle J'ijiir f ir Kvry M i i, ',',," ,, nun f '..'. IN CUT, VILLA'. V, A SI) COCSTIlY. thi-: American Agriculturist l-"li 'in:: Parm, Garden, and Household, IncinUii.i; a Si .( lh-t,nrt Ktei.t. of ln,-r .N. I. ..It" llf O f ,!Jlyl' '. n an ! ', u'h. sxjBscniiBE LL kinds o Fai xning Iuipleiuents for ?ale by A. Ll. i CO. A Lar-) .ot of Two Horse Piou s for i-al- 1 y A. li. Is. CO. A N endings variety .f sale at Hardware nnd Cut'.erv for A. I. A CO b FOR TI1E CiSH, lioors. O description for aie by Shingles, Olass.aod Nails of every A D. 4 CO- " H AfiS f!ftFKICK ini, rt reiveil hv O A. D. CO. Large lot of Choice Tea at ALL kinia of Couoiiy ProOuce taken in exchange for pooiis bv . , A j I). A CO. ' . b rl enumerate all tbe rtii le we Liffl .f-rnle 1 would fill one sideof th IIiralo r.d others Lave as good a ritht w advertise a -. AMirUK, DOVEY & CO. rIlHS la-gvst Outfittiov House north of tt. Joseph X ii AMINOS, IOVEY Co s., I'lattfsioutb, tratk. Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. T!o- A -ttifa I 1 i' :i.i in, n tu in - 'dt'i r ' Vf hit -! L'il'1 i l' i .-i-d tit t is i. 1 ,,.-, ,, of m ,,v ,ttM-!ilvr ln, j,rar-K '' -, In - l.'.i, .,.,, K-tTlep, in ,-very r.n l..r of !:. it '- t . .1 : I tat-! It r ,!'t:uu tJtli nwutli a Cal' to ir- p -rf.irm d :l.e r.iem. i i 'iurij.n ia and ai ui.d t!.- IhrL 1 1.- tlio'i iii-ls , f Jij-.n ar,. Fii.-.-.-.t: 'v.-y volume ar- I l,v pi.,,!... !!'.'; .!., -a I. , know wli.i il.iy . 'I lo tfitifh'di?l.ii,ti,ift i v.i.u -.ui kt-.-1-er, i if . il.n j v-rv iii.hv i -. diec i--n-, c ilcnialed to l.-!;t-n door-woik The Dsparlni'-i.t far C lihlrtu .. lured with sfe iul cire, t furr -.'i m. ut, but a!i-o t j i iciil ate 11 moral trin. ii!i f. T The rtrc:i!;i cxUtui ixt (more tha i h be furnisheil at th- ! I Coi.ies t ne year, .'. t or more, one year, l c euoh, t3-Tr.V IT A YEAR. OilANGE JL'UD, 11 B. 1M1 1'k-ip'k i: r i J . uth i ft j.r. t oti'y atn'j- -and ho .i... :.- Am "rim A;"- large that it -a . ! VJ a year; f i.e nr, Hi; it(i ty b'i c I'ic, i -'' Api.llJ'6 J. TEOCEM0H10N. A. D. i CO'S. CI Fark Il.w, S'W V.rit f