rr ( !. lit P.. h i i li : f i I;. i ' ( If ' - i : 1 1 ' '1 V s PILL Ap von fick, ('rlnf, rti rniiinlfiiim'T? Aro vmi mi -fy"3TT:-'T,'4 rif order, with nir') stm lj g;..w,...l1 d tanked, nntl vour livlin; ".rilCE " ?-'..! micc'iiit. rt:il;ie?'l hcxoc. nil) ton: on Imi the prclii to si-rious illness. .Some 13 rf sjcki.ci-s if crw-j-iTii; iijioi ou.i:ud slionM be nvt.TK.-i lv a ti:i!t!v use of the rrt'li 'lake Avfr's s ian! out t!:e (ii.-T humor juiril'y 1li ar.U iPt tlie lln::l on uiioO"trtictd 11 anin. 'J hey tir:iu tlie functions ! Hx boilr into vi'-oiom acti.Mv inrify the sysem from t':e obstruction v liieli niaki ilsfaite. JS. Colli Fcilics soim-wnuru in wit moiy. i.m ibstruets its naturi'l f'liiction. These, if not r fcved, react 111.011 tlii-niseivi-s Jiinl tl.e t-arror.ndinj frnnF, irotiTirin? jremrnl uprrnvation, fulloriiv; .ad tlim-e. While in this condition, oire(:sc-d l. lie derangements, t;i!;o Aver's l'illn, and see J ov iirectly they restore tha nhtttral notion of the i.r8 em, and with it the Luovant fi-eliii!; of health again, Vint is trn and to oj'i nrciit iu this trivial and citm aon complaint, is ali-o trim in nianr of tho det-ji ratvd and iuiif;erouti tlijf. inpcrj. 'iho sumo purpa ire effect expels thein. t'anscj hy timiiar ohstrnu ions and derangcmcntd of th natural lunctioiiK oi lie bodv,tlieyare rapidly, and many of them eurel Bred iir the same mean. Kono who knmv tin Irtucs of these l'ills. will neglect to employ then rbeu eutleriu from the uieorders they euro. Statement liom lendiiifr pliyeirians iu some of tl:t nincipal cities, and fioia other cil-kuowu x.uli.t K.rous: From a Forwartfhig M'rchnnt cf St. Louis, fib. 4 Dr. Ateu- Your Tills nre the paraxon of all that a prcat in meditino. '11.13- have enied my litth laughter of ulcerous sorts u'pou her handi and feel liat had proved incurable lor years, li.-rmothei um been lonjr frrievousiy jilllicted with blotches and iimpl( on her (-kin riul in her hair. After oni .iiild was ctued, ihe uiso tried ytitir Tills, and they lave Clued her. AA 31uKUKlIHiK. Aa a Family 1'Jiys.lc. from Dr. E W. Curtirritht, A" w Orltuin. Your lills are tha prince of purges. Their ex. client qualities fui j a.M any cuthanio we o.-.-ff-s. Tliey ore mild, but very certain and effectual in their .ction on the lowtlf, wLch make them iuvalnahle o us in the daily treatment of diea.-e. Ueadnchc,SicU ESracTnrfto, fi'oul Hioiaach: From Ir. Edwtinl J:;'J, Fi'tuiiore. Dear Tito. Aver: I cnm.ot h::.vit yott vlir.l omplaints 1 liave cursil it li your i'ii.'s li ui-r il.-.ui o say nit that ve n r Imtt villi a purijotir vvt'i inr." I place rreat tlependcixc 011 tliat ei;ic'.!i:ii Athaitiu in luy iai!y co'iiti'.it with !5?oae, and l e ietrinr, as I do, that your i'llis aI!ord us tl.e Lett v.e tare, I of course vsilue th ui highly. TrrT:ni-::. Va.. Mav 1. IC Vi. Drt. J. C. Avrn bir: 1 have been "re tJitecly -a red of the worst hemlaclte am body i:.n i:a . e by a lose or two of your Tills. It seems to aiiset:cni oul stomach, which they c'eane at unci. Youra with great respect, l.li. W . 1 Klil'.LE. t It rl; f .;t'.'ii :rd rton. Editions DioriIrrs Iirrr Coip!.i:r:t. From. Dr. Tltentlre I:, II, rfXt u- ' rl ( iij. Kot only are your 1 ill aiimiiabiy ;;dapteil to their mrpose as an aperient, but 1 find their l.i -s.eiiuiul lleets upon the Uver very marked indeed. They lave in my practice proved uiore eilvctual f r Xk aire of bilious comptaiiifs than ai:v one remedy I an mention. I t-iucerely rejoice that ve have' at enpth a purgative which Is worthy tLe comideuce ol lie proleraiuu and the people Depautmitnt ov tiit. I.sTi:r:iirt. Washington, lJ. , 7th l.Vi. ) fint: I hare UM-d your l'ills in my .'m-ral capital practice ever since you made thein. i.ad ten not hesitate to fay tiiev are the Le-t cathaitk e emplov. Their re'j.-iila.'i action en the liver i mick and decided, Co:i-e ;UL!itiv tl:L- art- ;,n ad niiable remedy for iieii.i:'eitvnts oi tl.Mt ( r-a:i iideed, I have seMom 1 1.1 i a cn.-e of 'i';o. n--M CO obstinate that it riid not ri r.i'i'v i tk Lean Jr'ratc-ruaiiy v ours, AHy-i) T.. I.h. .!. L.. l'htfuiciait tj'ihe Marine it ii. Dysrntory, DinrrSrn, I!c!:ix, V,'o:ui. From I)r. .1. O. Vrten. cf i'l.ircgo. Your lills hare had a loa trial in my racf:.v. jtd 1 hold thein in esteem one of the best aperi nts I have ever lonnd. Their a'ter:.!ive viiect upon lie liver makes them an excellent remedy, v. hen veu in small dos.-s lor I'ilivti V's. nt ! tnJ tlUtr htra. Their auar-co.itin makes them very uc ptable and convenient lor thu tiie 01 wonieu ami Juldreu. DIcici.-i, Inipr-rity of tJie RIooil. Trom Rev. J. V. Ilimtn. r-is' r cf .hie at 'liureh, ..oili. Dr. Ater: I have uced vottr Tills with i-:tra-trdinary success in my family and ji;ici:;I ho-e I aru lled to viit in ditre;s. To regulate tl.e ovaus of Upestiou and purify the blood, they are tne ver wst remedy I have ever known, and 1 can couii lently recommend them to mv friends. Yours, J. V. IIIMES. WAESAW, Wyominp Co , X. Y.. ( t-t. 25. IiearSik: I am using your Cat hni tic iu my practice, and rind liniii an exu int .urLrative tc Jcaiise the system and .utrifn i!.r J n.nt iiii if lilt iuod. JOHN t. JILAC1IA.M, M. 1). 3enatipntimi, Contj rr 11 ;ipr,-ioii. Hhrawaliun, Hont, iVeiirali;it, ?i-y. S'arniyntH, I' iti, c-ic. From Dr. .. P. Vaughn. J'otitrrnl. Cmit'tii. Too much cannot be said of jour Tills lor the ntt of cottiveue. If others cf our fraternity have bund them as elncacious as I have, they chonld join ne in proclaiming it. torthe L. neiit of the muhitieler rho suffer from that complaint, ul.ii'h, aittiouli ad enough in itself, is the progenitor it others tiutt re worse. I believe cosiVt hhsj to originate in tiit Iver, but your Tills ailect thiit cr;,uu and cure tut Qseaiso. firm Mrs. E. Stuart. Physician and Mirhrife. Jloston. I find one or two larire closes of ycur Villa, taken rt the proper time, are excellent promotives of the taturcu Mecretion when wholly or partially sun rcsed, and also very effectual to 'c".i..-; the tomacn and trtl arorms. They are o much Iht test physic wc have that 1 recommend no other tc ay patients. Front the Rev. Dr. ITairla, of ihe Jfctkodiit Fpis. 1tnrrli. rrjLARKI House, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. C. IIoxohed Sir: J should bo uionati till lor th lief your kill Las brought me if 1 diil 1 (,t report ay case to you. A cold settled iu my limbs :r.m roncht on excrucmtinir vciiro.ljir p'n'm. v !.ich tnded in chronic rhi.itvuitim. rNtumthataudiiJ i lad the best of physicians, ibo divease iew wo'rst aid worse, utitil by the aihico of your excellent gent in lSaltiinore, Dr. Mackenzie. I tried yoiii .'ill. Their ctrects were slow, but suru. liy'per tvaring in thu use ofthciu, 1 uui now entirely weU. Sbnate Chamber. Baton l:oupe,Xo., 5 Dec.,lSo Da Avhk: 1 have been entirely cured, by youi ills, of JiltenmcUic Hont n iiainffil diif !:: e that !ia' ifllicted me for yearn. YlXCTN' f SL1DELL. CMoet of the I'ilU in market contain JJercurv hich although a valuable remedy in skilful hur.ifa dangerous in a public pill, ironi'thu dreadful cou wpueucea that frequently follow its incautious use. "hese contain 110 luvrcury or xuiiieiui tjU.boUuic shatever. Price, 29 centa per Ecx, or S Boxes for SI- ' .tesaxed by Dr. J. C. &YZ2. & Co., Lowell, Has3 A nuvrr Cilin? AcUJ-to f t Sick IIea.1- ache, Pysr.psi.1, fever and A.j Liver Comfla - tYnrtivnu1, y j. Jilliou-npss, .-.eui ,-. ..v - ... - T - T , . r...Ti, f V Iepraved Aj.p. lite, .- A V dnd t?tom.v-a, FuniJio Obstructions, ic, j 35 ct. , y WIIjSOIS S PILLS cm unirfTonlly KBUTtUdgcd b0 thebi--t nox la use. As a F:i:ui:7 -dieiBetbeyarerrticuUi'.yreo cir.ir.ded-sin;i le yimi harmles, but hllily me-ti.-ln.d ia their en tioaUoo. Oao Fill ''sc 1 b E-iu ,Jut 1 thin effects. Tha robust mr.n anil the i .licata chili fwm Jhetii alike, with every assuranca -t cntJro L aofcty. Vrth "Wilson's Pills, erory Mother In 'the land beoomes her own phyirUn. Tbry have 'proved themselves aj9PB'3rio, auJ staui without a rival for tbe following alfcetions: nEADACUI't FEVEB cV AGUE, ' HEADACHE, FEVER, fie AiJVIl., DY6PEFSIA, I.TVEB. COMPXIST. BTSPEPSIA, 1IVX2. C0ISPXAI3T, CbBtivenoss, Biliousness, Ketualgie : CostiTeneaa, BiliousnesB, Ifcuralsi toll try Druggists & Dealers ovcryu-tei PREPARED BY - j B. I. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers &Who!esa!a DrugQista Ho. 60, oorat 'Wood and ixh Sts. FITTSBURGH, Pa tois fanrrjicBa o B. L. Fahncstoclt'3 Vermlfuiic. ., :r. lNX1f1t:-'-..-t. Into THE 7.7 P P A Q J7 i ill b hll ft A A '-;:; 7 v . y-i -. f 5 . tti nt Is ihe place to get 1 ti ).it.ti it u i . aft. ttu jl. -(!- Ff i i;i a (J S-' TO A -O ADTERTISE IN THE NEBRASKA HERALD, .AND LET TI1R OBTJXB I.C KNOW IIIAT YOU ARE Alive Si Sti3nina. STJJ3SOEIBE FOR TI1E Nebraska Herald, KEEP YOURSELF POSTED AYISE!S And for the speedy cure ot'the fj;o-.n ' c.i.npia.iu's 9croOiln au:! firrcf'i !' ' c'io:n, cl n 'i'nniot-.. l';-..-, Svr, K:-nt f."ii:-i, Cii-ial'', !-!-, sjs' tiAKL.ist), .;i.. il-'U .hn:". 1-:.:'. J. C. Av.-n ft Co. Ciiints: 1 1W t i my duty to ne mowIed?c; what vour Sttrsfparilla-dMs iono &;r tu'j Having inherited a f roiuiou.-- ; ntection, I lia.v uirfered from it in vaife.as ways .'r ) cars, t'ouia atnea :t burst o;it in L";erH mi mr I.-i'iils mid limn jomi times it turned iuu'ard nnd ui;tff .st-ed me at thi itomach. Two M ars ajro it trok.r oat en t:ty h"Tl iud covered iny'rei:) :iid cars v.it!;one rore.wliicl itb painlui aiid loathu-iu t-cve no I'tiii. ' :riod nianv tm-'i:-i.:' - nuJ fcvu-kI phyMei.ui.-:, In ivithout m'uch r.-lief ith'.a onti4.J.3C. in fact, tin iiorder prew wor.-c. At len'tli 1 wai rejoiced u read in the Uospel Mrscnertl;at you had pivpai r in alterative (Sarsapai iila), for I hnetv- iiorn youi reputation that unythi.ii; you made must be pood I went to Cluelnuuti a'id pot it, uad used it tiii i' jurod me. I took it, as you advise, in musUI dohes ol teaspoonful over a month, and usod ahnost thrci bottles. Si w end healthy t-kin scon be.nti tu fiint under the C;il, which alter a while tell oil", iiy ikin is now clear, and 1 know 1.; my U elinjrs tha the die l.assone frwn rav syftem. You cm v. el helicve that 1 feel what I ani sayii-a hen 1 tell yen .hat I hold von to he one of thu Bjio.-tles of the uJ and reuuua'over sratcfuliy. Your?, ALrnr.o u. lALLr.v. St. Anlhouy'a Firt. Ro c ErysirK.?n 7tii r iiiid Nail t:ii anii tii-nUl 2ca;J ttiiiKWorjn, Merr tCjvi, iPoiy. lr. Jiohert M. lTi hlo w rites t. cm .Salem, 5T. X, 12th Sept., lilJ, that In; has cured an iaveteratl Cte-e of lrotii, which threaten. 1 to terrninato jit tr.llv, br the porseverans life t our ;.ar.-:'. firil!a ami alsoa danjrvrous Maiigii'int I'l ysipelas by InrpA dofO. of the xaine; says he cures ;hc vouiniou JJruj lions by it cqustuntly. Bronrfcocrle, rtltre o- r-tsr-!!tfl IVorTt. Zeliuion .Sloan, of l'i ospect, To as, writes: ' 'Hire, bottles of vour -nrsapariila cured mo from a t:oifr a hideous swelling on the net;, which 1 had sut fercil Xiom over two ycuis." LrncorrhTn cr Tbi:o, Cnr?tn Tttti3P TL"Uriuc Cif era;ion, t ela io irai4C Dr. J. i. S. Chnnuii of 'rw Vork City, writes "I tiio.-t che'rful!v cr.tnpiy with the rcjuest of yoifc rTf nt iu saving I have found vour fcars-apaii;ia t most excellent alter, tive in tfe iiuiuercus com pJaiuts lor which wr employ f -icli a remedy, bn Lpeci:dly in Ftmrl '. y.f. ?f the Serot'ulou! diathois. 1 have cured many :r.vcternte cases ol J-cucorrhoea, by it, ami some vili-'ie tha cotnplaiir was caused by ulceration of the i'i-rj. The ulcer atiou itsek' WU.-1 soon cured. Jv'cithiiiir within nij kuowledjro equals it tor these fciu&Ze dorancineuts.5 Kdward S. Marrow, of Jsewvury, Ala., write "A damrerons orm-iji tumor a. onc of the female! ' in mv liinuiy, which lid deiierf nil tha remedies wi could cuiploy, has at length be. i: colni-letely carcC bv tout Kxtract of .Saranpr.rida. ur phys:w"aj thmitfl.t nothing but extiq atioif could ufiord reli. ( but he advised the trial of your J-arar.anila as thi lnt retort l-eforo cutting, iunl I" i roved cil'ectuai Alter taking your reni-dy eiht weeks no sym;jtou Of the diet-use remains. ' Hyi'jili. nnd Icrrnr'-ril I: ions'!. Knv (. :lj;aj(, 2rth August, T"3. Dn. J. C. Aveu: Mr, I chciriully comply witl Hie rerjitest of your nnt, and reiort to yoa poi:V Of the i-tr.-c: I have realized wi h your Sarsaparil' 1 have cured with it. in my j r.i'ctice. mo-t of t!ti couiplaiutk lor which it is r'c i;ine;;!v?d, mid hav found its eii'cctn truly woude'lul in the euro ol t'uittsreiU awl rcurlal Jt-i4rs.e. Or. a of my pa bent had .vphilitio uioers in h-t throat, which we;i eonsumin l.ts palate find the top of I, is mouth l our iiarsaparKia stert lily lake ; cured him in liv weeks. Another was attacked by .secondary Fym; tomsin his nose, and the ulcerat-.bn had tatea awaj a considerable art of it. so tiiat I I elieve the li-' order would i.oon rcncli l.is brain and kill liini. I!u It yielded to my administration cf your .arsa;iaril!:o the ulwrs healed, and he is well njjaiti, not of courst without fomo distigumtion to his lace. A v.-onm who had been treated tori he t.;ine ihsorder by mer cury was Mirt'eriu-? from this ; o;so:i in her liotiei lhey hud become so sepsitire to tha wcatiier that or a damp day the tuft'eied oxer K-iatin. pain in hoi joint and bones. M.e. too. .r. cured vtitirely bj your S.ir.-a;iarii!:i in a X wv . I know- from i!i i'ormuiu. which your n -ent ewe rue, that tldi 1'repiiratiou from" your i bor.i.toi v miitt be a pic:f remedy: conseiiuwutly, these truly remarkable re suit with it huve notVutpti-tii me. I raternally your? , ti. V. iVHIMEn, M. D. KlK-nmatiit!, loif, TT.irrr Co!i;ta:::f. Ixi'iKtsiitM k, l're..;mi Co., Va.,r.;u .luiv, 1-0 hit. J. CAykix: Sir, 1 havo been aillicted" with i painful chronic .'icxma'V.mi f ir a Ion ; time, whiol Ladled the skill of physician ..and mucI: 1) me h spite of all the lenitdi'es 1 co;i;d li'id. until I trie jour Sarsaparill.t. One botu cured me in twt week, and restored my yv. t ral health o muol that I am far better than befjel was attacked. . think it a wonderful medicine. J. i'iiliAM- Jules Y. l.ctchell, cf St. l. uif, writes: "I 1.0V been afl!ic!el for yeais with awnil-tinn of tit l.iv.r which destroycd'my heaitli. 1 tried tverythiiif? and evi-rythinj; failed to relieve mo; and 1 havi been a broken-down man fur tome years from in Other cnuso than .'- rungeiw nt (f thu Ziti: M; beloved pastor, the 1,'ev. Mr.'Kspy, advised me ti try your Saiaj;ari'la, becau-e he .-aid he knew yon mid'anythiiii; you made was worth Irving. l'y t lx blessing ot Ood it tins cared lae, ar d has so purict r.iy blood as to made a new r.zjr. of me. I fi el yomii ainin. The best that cuu be of you is i.ot hi.1 pood enough.'' feit hirrMM, C'aiirs'r Tmurt-", Tnlrn-'.Trs-.seiiS l'lcirniio:j, i'nriv niJ lixi'jialioa ul I in i3o.n-i. A treat variety of cacn hr.ve been rcwrted to u wlier cures of these fbrm.i.'rib'.o complaints ha? resulted from the us of this-tomcdv, but our f; no Aere 'will not 'ndimt them, t-oroa ot them mav b touud in our American Afcl'inae, wleh the neiit below named arc picutod tu 'urniah gru.is to aJl wtu call fur theui. Dyipt'tsi:i, Heart 1Iwm, Fit, Epllcivy :'Scln;iciio.) , liciirntgm. Manr romarkahle cures cf these 'directions hav- been made by the altorativf ower of this medicine it stimulates tlie vital luuotinus info vigorous action and thus overcomes di.-onk-ra which would ba cup poseu oeyonci iib rcaco. Mueu a remear tins ioiij been required by the iieeotfi. of the people, am we are confident that this nil tlo for them ali tha aititiiciue cuu do. Ayer's phcrr Pectoral FO'J TUB BAr-I' CURH OP Coiisha, CctAt, I nflt- nzfi, 3.ar'-r-rirs lro;i, Jiirourinli. iui i(:ii: Ciii fcUkisrti mil fu-r ilM iitlU-f of C;cmj!iuptr.r 'fntU-iit i'y uilvn.ei Smxcm , ; of tli- i-:-n This is ft remfldy so uuivvrsiidly known to purp.-.s any othur lor tl'e cure ot threat ami lun? complaints that it is tisclcol' here to publish the ewdenee of it virtues. Its urt-tvalled excellence for cot'irhs am colds, and its truly wonderful cures of puiinor.ar diei, have mft-le it Irnow;! throuyhoui tiie civ 5 ized nations of t. eenrtli. I'ewaro tl.e communities or even families, amone tlit-m who have not torn persoual experience of ri.H cflicts some liviu. trophy iu their mi. 1ft of Its victory over the Pt;b!l ana o;unfreroin itist ruers of tiio throat anil lun As all know- the dretdful f.i;alitr of these r.i.-orden and as they kuow, tco. tl effects of this remed we need not do more vhcii to usmre them that it ha now all the virtues tlmt i- did have when makin Uie cures which have una to etxorjgly upon th sonfidenco ef mankind. Prcp&red by Dr. J. C. AYX.H li Co., LovcII. Mas TT V Boot &. f"? ' o S m.Ss 'tic FiibscriVer woul 1 nsnocffnlly call th" pttrn tion of tl.e cituens t J'latmeutli hi '1 the 'in' i: .' at :itv-i. to tin- :ae' that l,e t.n preenr. d :i f.irti"n of Mr. Lo.vkV Cihiaet t her , wliere.h-; int-T.'! Ut- p'nir en hand ali't la ikir jr oil tie; ?I.iitest le tic . e; e y article ia Inline. Hi tck Iwlns et:el ty hitn- sfl'f, fICll liavil' FPiilt the III r : uf l.H lii'tf ill 111 losiues he f-els eonr-ilcnc that lit can glYi fatisfae. tion. Give tiii) a call April l'i '05. J. TlIOCKMOItTON. n DeiJars !:i all kinds of School & BJaM Eooli?. STATIONERY, GOLD PENS, ALBUMS, ac, Third Door West ofS 'ymcnr House, NEBRASKA CITY, 1T rr Scroiiila, or King's Evil s a con-.lituUi.iinl disease, u coi ruiuion of th ilo.i !, iy v.Liuli ta: i:.:i.l lit-etmi. s vit"..)l.,l veak, ami .r. 1 in r Lii the? t lit nl lii.m, i itTvutles tho whole body, a:ul may btu-t on 11 disease on any r.ivt of it. Nt er;::ri is fro ru:n its atiac'is, nor is there o:-i which it nm; lot destroy. The scrofiilous t;.:n is v.:i l"ul; :ansil by iut'iimriul dista.-.e, low llvir.;;, cli.? )rd"red or imhcalthy food, imjrnre air, lilU Hid liltlij" lia'nts, ii.L d;'prcs;r. vices, rmd ihovo all, by the veiu-real ii:tVo:inn. AVl.at vcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the con titution, dci-cendinp; ' from parents to childrei into the tl aid and fourtii frciu raticn ; " indeed t seems to be the rod of Him who says, " '. vill vi:it the initiuiiies of the feuhers upoi heir childi-cii." Its clfocts commenco Ly dojios.it:on from th lood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, it he lungs, liver, and internal organs, i Urmec ubc-reles ; in the glands, swellings ; and or he surface, eruptions or sore. This foul cor. uption, which gctuLrs in the blood, depressc.' Lc energies of life, t-o that scrofulous constitu ions not only Ftiii'er from scrofulous com daints, but they have far less power to wi:h tand t!iu attacks of other diseases; consc itiently va-t numbers perish by di ordcrs vhieh, although not scrofulous in wieir nature .ro still rtndero:! fatal by this tair.t iu th vstom. -lo.st of the consumption v. l.-.eli tl linates the luiinan family Jims its origin direct: j rt tins scrofulous contamination ; atid inanj Ic's'tructire diseases of tho liver, kielnci-?, brain aid, iud-vel, of all tho ovgatis, ariso from 01 xc aggravated by tho same cause One quarter of all our pe ople are scrofulous r.eir persons arc mvatloa iy this lutiiing in action, and their l.ealth is ttndormincd by it o cleanse it i'roin tho system wemu -t rtnovati ho blooel by an alterative lr.eui -ine, and in morate it bv lualtr.v loo i and exercise iuch a iaeJieuie ive supply in AYER'S jOnip3:is(I Extract cf Snrsnprillr ho most cfTectual remedy -whieli tha meelic: kill of our times can devise for this every .-here prevailing and fatal nialadv. It is com lined from the most active rcmeui.ils that have iccn discovered for the expurgation of this foul lisorder from tho blooel, and the rescue of the- ystcr.r from its destructive consequences lenco it sr.ouid bo empkwca lor tne cure o tot only Scrofula, but also those other affee ions which nri:o front it, such as Ekvptivj nd Skin Disuasus, St. Anthony's Fiun tosr, or IuiYstiT.i.AS, PiMi'i.rs, I'i-sti-i.ks' Ji.oTCiirs, Plains andljou.s.TiMoits, Tettf.h .nd Salt lliimr, Sc-ald IIi:at), llixcirotiii' tur.vMATisM, Syi'uii.itic andMr-ucvniAi. Dts asi:s, Dr.orsv, I) yspevsia, Dr.r.tr.ri y, and, adeed, at.i. Cumpi aints akisino ri:o-i itia EI) OK ImI'VKK Bl.OOD. .1 ii.tpi'rily of tl;-: Hovd" is founded in truth ar scrotula lsaUeg-.nera'.ionot tl.e 1 . lcou. 11. articular purpose and virtue of this S ilia is t j purify and regenerate this Tital fluid .-ithout whic'i sound hialtb. is impossiLit; ij ontamuiatcu constitutions. T"3 O f-v tt w 5 FOR TliZ flXEDY CURE OF xterm!tc!5 Pcvrr, or Fevfr nntl Arrtie triaitti'it Pevcr, t'iiiil FtTir, Dtniib Ijite, i'mctilem Hraiiartif, ov l.titost! le.rt;ic lie, mid Ullioiin Fevers, itittett' or tlie tvliole class ot'iiscrtKt-K cris-unt" iijj li 1ili!iry ih raniri nicnt, -ttstil by lie nainrta or luiasmatic t ouutnts. V,"e arc enabled here to ofiVrtho cofnrmiriitv cmc-Jy which, while it cures the above ccmp'.aint .il!i certainty, is ftul jitrfeelly harmless m anj uantitv. fsdch a rrmeuv is jnva.uable in ths'.r.et here these minctina aisotacis pievan. j ins CiTiC txnels the miasmatic poison ot iuvia .n A'ilT. from the system, ami prevents the do el pment ot t;ic (tiscajo, ii taixcu o:i tiie urst n; roicliof its prtni'mitorv svr-iptoms. It is not on 5 lie best tcineJv ever vet discovered fer thi f cnniphtints. Lut also the clicspct. The l:ir nantitv we supply for a dollar 1 riims it within tl:( each of evcrv b jdy ; and in bilious districts, v. licrt r.Ti;u Ali AfJT'K prevails, cverv bo;lv s-honlJ tavc it and uc it free ly btitli tor euro r.nu .rutte ion. A rrp?.t superiority cf this rrnicclv over r.r tl.er over discovered f r the speedy and ccrtaic urcof Inlcnnittents is tl. it it contr.ins no Qiiini-.it r mineral, conserjncntlv i: produces no quinism oi ither injurious cilerts whatever upon the cotist-.tu' ion. 'liiose cured by it arc left as licaUky as i liev had never had the disease. 1-evcr and Auc is not alone tlie consequence- o he miasmatic poison. A creat voticty of disor Icrs arise from its irritation, amonc; which arc 'eitra!;ia. luieitin!tsit. Gout. Ihadnchc, Jinnri- less, 'I'oothciche, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal- ntation, Patnjul Affection of the pucn, Uystcr cs. Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Parabsis and IJc- angement of the Stomach, all of which, wher irilliatin m tins cause, put on iiie uiimniticni h'pe, or become periodical. This " Cl'I'.e " exptlt .he poison from the blood, and consequently cures :hcm all alike. It is an invalnablo protection tc mmiarrants and persons travcllina or tcmporarih csidm in the nialanotts districts, li taiitn occa- iionally or dailv while exposed to the infection ;hat will be excreted from the system, and canno iccumulate in sufiiciont ouantity to ripen into dis i.ise. Hence it is even more valuable for protce ion than cure, and few will ever sulier from Inter nittents if they avail themselves of the protcctiol his remedy nllords. Prerstf&d fcyBr.J. C. ATEH & CO., Lowell, Kass EhcrifT'a Cnlc. Ber.jamia V.'ia .lia-. i, v Samuel li. Klhert. f y virtue "f :i Fpcri li r-.';"'."'.';; ,, to in !!r.' t.-d from t he Clers of the I'isfi ict Court of th -J : .Tu,:. L!J.s;.-irt w,-H:i aaU ! r the c.utuv of t'-i-s ai.il 1 . rritoi f "ti-Kka. n.'.-tr'u dui- ih 7'il biv .l".T:io A. I. 1 I, th iliM-rilier. .Slu r; a in anil for Cass ci:ntv N. T., v.iil k.-I 1 at public i.ue tirn ft r rash, to the b:;-' nest and l-est bidder, in frmt ef th" (.' iu.t Hoi:ae ;'a i'hittsiuuulli, Ca.-s cuiiiity N. T.. on SVr.'wn.r;, tl.e 15i' 'i u-iy'tif July, A. D, !?.", :.t 12 ot l--.ck "il. of said day, t'.l'J Jfllowitig de:-crih.-J rial -.-i.it".to.v:: . 'i !:e i:t:r.i !iii:'(l-2) nf W no. one (T) !:; hi".- ri'. thi.-tv'(3C); wt'si halt (t '-) of lot . two (.) in Id- i-k t'.irty :!!:; lot !.ve (.) iu 1 Irck thirty :!; l.-t ni:e it' ) in hhi-k nioeturi (1-), a:. I 1-t t-.ro l'i I ia !l-e- j. one hr.mlrt ti ard ,-iMy-t'o I JO-', v ii!i al! ih t""e l: i 1". :.:el j '."IjCI bci'-. 9 the re on r r ike 'err, Im intr, or i a an v u io r ; i-e : ta: i: ii;T; all f: t-:. i'l . s t -n..-- l.iliile.i lu ! :e it y i f P :h:c sl:i- .ith, ' : C 'linTy, N. I ii'keu as ti." : r-'perly -f .Sitina 1 11. .le to ?alu-iy a i u oceiii at iu u.vor .-r Pcaj.-.uiiti V.'iudh.un. tiieliU ' 0:.'icc, June iy:h, "! j. i. c..y?, -.::;' L x-i Co., N. T. T. M. MAnauzTT, AU'y fr T. L. .t H . C Cuthern o .d, Vs. Eareue C. I. irr:n.;on. virtu-? f p.tnl rei'?iion t -ptm'r t4 me Hrerte I l'r.jni t!e ..lilee c: t:.. CI. ik f t:..- le-triet Cu-t et Ce: 2' .'-.U :al IM-trlet. 'vr.hin :i n ! for t!-e e .n.ty rf Cass, N!es -,.-.- Terri i"ry , he."1 rie 'l.fe the : : ; v of J-iai-; A. 1. 1 I, the u a Vri-.-ae 1, Shcr :" i-i and f r ti e ei urn - of Ces, N. T., will sell lit I :ilnie a'e-tien. for ea.-h. to tue li.;aett and 1:est bid er, in frjut tf tne Co.irt House In i'lutLsinutii Cu-s ecuiity, Xii:rak;t T-'nitory, oil S,:!itr,Li; Ju'.y lo.'.':, A. I). lS'33, iU 12 oV'ni'k Jt. rf s :ij diy, ur. fellow in;,' Jej-crihcJ l'cl .t.tte, tu v:U Lot; n .s. five t,.",) aa-1 t'.ahi (s) ir Mock tiiirty.five (li). v.rli all tlu te: merits ar.el ai r nr:. 'mince. tin rw-ja or lUer-tu Lelui. or ia anywise er tainiu;: ; all of toa.i l i'-ts n.-iu,' si! u iiei i:j th- ci:y of l'iiillM;ioiiili, Ca..s. touiuy Z. f. T iiicen .is tiie (.roji trt y oi Eii.'eiie t". Harniia to sati-fy a jui'e ui nt in lavor r f V." ,L. i K ' C'allier xojl. fcheriii o Oilif, Juno J5, 1S'!3. 1. 1'. tiA.r.t. S'itnfl" Cass Co. J. T. T. M. jr.tECfKTT, Atfy for Pif.". Probato IToticc Notice isliorel y i;ivca jl; .it .Mrs. I.a'iella V. Joucs r.d A. II. Ccp'lauJ hav-.' iiuvi i!ipli::'.ii':i v tl.e I'roliate Court to be :i;o oi.t''ii Aum:cUiratrix anj A-iiuini-trator of ti.e e-n::e of Vii.y Jen's, lute i!e-cea-eJ, of Cn. County, I.'el'rask i Tlie. Court will hear ii'i 3,.1'liealisu tor si-i ' iipp jii.tuieat on 1'rUay, June oOlk, L"G5, at It) o'clock a. m. I,tmii Cay, ;it wLicli tim' all iHreous '.T(-8'.rU can ajipt-ar. - Willie s inj Und aaj ottl lul seal , this 2d L, 6. j:iy cf Jaiie, A. D. 1 i".." u .1. v.iTFri.r::, TOOTLE, IIANNA & CO., J.IAIN- STIIEKT, - - PJjATTSMOUTII.X.T L A II West of Wholesale and it- -V'- II A R D Gloi-Iiing of eirei'y description. WtWES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KtDS Constantlj on hand a L'arq;e Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEKSAVARE; ri7 Jr t?v -k Tvrr c a r ft And evcr' article required Ly And everybody else cnu Le Call and examine -AT FIEE PEOOF BRICK. riaitsmoi:t!i, April 10, "Go. 1805. 1805. ASIISON, DOVEY lb CO., North Side cf Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of rH. f, r? m f f jr- QUE EXS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Ever Offered LIQUORS OF In fact, everything tlie Farmer, grant FLOUR, BACON, 'J'hanliful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a continuance of tlie same. Call and examine our stock. rialttsmouth, April 10, 1SG-5. tf JVST riccivtJ, 5 J c:;s. k . f C:u:i e 1 t .-urlK a .Ullsu.N, lioVfcV & Co'S. G1 0 t i AMISOX, DOVl.i t CO a to p-rci.i?B juui f p;i i:!i- 'o:!s. VN eiHlle? v:ir itty cf Ladies' Ire5 tio -U nt A. V. A L O S. 50 " r CASKd Moltl'y's Cove Oy-ters for sale t A. D. CO'S. C. liKAT bartaias in Ladies ' Dress Goods. -t X .t.u.itt'O'S. -oriFALEat AMljO;;, DoVKY A Co'S, Cofloc. liif.-rs, New York CaLUies, et1 etc. V large lot cf Chewing anl Stuck i:i(r Toloicco for saleat - A. I). & Cu'S. V) ALOIL fjr sale by A. D. & CO. r.i llOXLi Star Candles f.-r fale 1 .yJ A, D. & CO. IF yea want to furchsse goods at a bargain, pro to A. V. & CO. 0 BAG3 COFFKK jn.it received by A. D. .fcCo. A1 G E S T 1 -5 tr x-f &t. JLouis. Retail Dealers in W A R E, AFD- 1T A TT DOORS supplied at this eEtabiishment. our extensive stock. THE- ft, (a3U,, in this Market. ALL KINDS. Mechanic, Freighter or Emi- wants. CORN, GATS, ciC. Iiope by strict attention to bus L're asiotiiieat of iin'V are-1 ie' I jotl 10 ;i fi for m lo t.y A 1. i CO. IIELLEDCHKN fo.-f.vcby A P. A CO. A. T). A CO. 1 1 ACU.N' aii'l Lard for s ile Lf 1 . A lillAVV INVOICE of ail .finds "f KiiH.ily (iru ccriei aad Out(i::n:r tl lods j a t rre.ji ve d t-v A. 1. & CO. A LL kiads cf Fanning linpleineois for sale bv 1Y A. D.tOI. VLars- lot of Tiro H ji so I'lows fur sale by A I), k CO. A N cr.dlcss variety cf I!ar!wan nii'l Cotlerv for a jl sa.li; a. OkSII, Door A. U. A CO'ii. Fliiiiclei, Glais, ami Nai' of every O descrijition for sale by A. D. & CO. ft f. s v$ Tt'ftY$ A LI. kinds of Cocntry 1',-oiIucj taken in ;chan -t V for Roods bv A.D. A CO. "V ecunierate all tlie articlei we liave f r sale JL Would till on sideof the Hsualo, and otlic-ra have as good a right to adrertis" a AMlto.V, DOVEY & CO. rpilK laigest Outllttin lioiis le.rtli of St. JMih JL ia A M ISON. Do KV CO'S., I'laUijiiuuilj, Jxbrjbka. CABINET SHOP. I-I. BOEOK, II ivin:,' re eitly 1'iiilt a crir nn.I suit ! I" s!inp oa tlain St., rialtrxnouth, N. T., V.'onM re-p'-rtfi;1!y inform ftr c itir. in "f t'a-' ;i:,l a I lojn in . eoui ties tli tt lie :a tl.e f.n ili; jo- r, a , ir. ryiiii,- o:i tie: In :i 1 it lrntii-h"S IN THE 2I03T APPROVED STYLE 1 am I'lej-ai.-.i i turn out tl:!- CJ II K A 1 1Z H T ar:il tin st i!;iral.!e Of. very fee rfj.i ::, ev-r fi". ie I , (!,.; Ti'int SATisrACTior; gua uait:j;i;. A:i ki:i I- of liui.l.er f il.en ia . v !, atij." for wu,;:, I'l r - u-uil.. Ajoil In, IsU."i. iipothocaries Hall. TOHX IiKKD & CO., Cor. M i'.n rtti 1 T,th Sts., KE2P.ASXA CITY, - I e;:ors ia lAnl, Oils Svt:lf v iintl Glass. v r,t V-'.-m, ,,f Ki, - ,r.:,...,. u. '. ;o .i ev ryrhin... k. rt ia a i-t-ela ,s In,,.. -t -l-, al ll.t-i.-t :. '.. " W.- in. ,,r. p ir ' in 1- t i l-e i ,. t all . an.: watT.u:i i'i. 10 V.i BOOT MANUFACTORY. O.. (';.. o jt o l:i lll KJ'-j si. . l!l,.., to Iloof.-i V y . !)(. to Order. "f Hi -a ) -t m.-.!eri:l an I W r ti ivo a p.,.l :w..,;,-,. ,:t..f v.-e !. :i rl, :lu,j Hi I kooi,, al k.l i. u-ork t-.. si.it . j-.loine; L2cir.h'hz Itoiiv on .Short c.AGi: :c roisAL. Platlsniou!)., Aj.ril 10, 'iitf THE rHAIRIE F A3, HER, I'i: VtlTKIl T I .yrkullure, Jt.,rtin-l!im; M. rhtt.kt, 111 :, it ;,.)), ff,,, nr ( r. .., (i- wrm Artf.l, Mlrlirl, ,r. I'llMishcl M'r'kh..i,i ruH., r.,r, ..(, te'!i i'.ies, Wit.'i ll i...:. V ill Hi,, ,..i of VICII Vollllno (-:x niotitli-J r:Y.;,V: 2.MI A YEAH, IS .! y,-;. '.' t I III, t.fticfln: 11,1' $J I, nun iiiid fir". iL"".:.r,.irj:il.. ai'v-.Tt-s. ,.,..,11 , !,e),,,. ,, llie fAli.Ml.ll for . I,t- li. r i,,e of ,1,,1,-e v,.,.,,.- ri. t i:!i ir.s. i iint in .nlv.inee. t-jo i i .,, o ., i, j.r.'. .'.:.' ho .-el tisrlli. Ilia, twcnlv lei.t., i .' I'll. .l.-ie nt r j. ...L. nre -j: ;. . A sqii ue con.j-i i.-e.. t.;u linos of iace. V T i'!i- I'i ree l.itio'l of 1 ii,. ri:. III IE TAoM-lt , :i . e tlr- ! i-t..'t ..f !.::y . r . r ,,f . tl.,. j ,.. ,, . ' N"r '-' . M'i'l !'vr. 1 1 N"r-i.iy!i,.-r,, r.wn-i, a:ul luij.l .ft;, in M innf.,, mivv, til- Le..t iiil.Io.oi to lOiU'll tl'e l'i ..-oca II. -re-iel; LllLHi it CO., 2 '1 I..1K0 !.. liicio, 111. Marble ITarcl. TJie uiideraigncd- will open mi Ijjitcusivo 3iarble ;ird in the Cil PJattjinoutli, about riSE 20TIIOF 31 A V, HV,:. We are -llciiriy to llt'ccirc Ordcitr at any time. JOSEPH JiUTZERIN & CO. .May 1 1SG-3, ral L. PH0ST 5: Co,, WHOLESALE T3 1 m -r bsmm w v Opposite iho Post O.TrCO, NKBRASKA CITY, N. T. Ir e j r- r. A. D. co: rt""