I.... 'If ilvl .-ar wnyrf-wi w-fe TOOTLE, II ANNA & CO. Il.tve for 'nle M'COBMtCK'S JMcCOIlMICaS 2 wiiei:i.i:ii .HO WEISS, Illinois Corn Planters, AND - . MO LINE PLOWS, -AT- Manufacturers' Prices, Freight Added. TOOTLE, HA2fKA A CO, April 10 m3 Im. fugs? a. Co,, WHOLESALE G H O O E Opposite tho Post OxHce, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T TPT1 Q AYEE'S FOR FUREFYING THE BLOOD, And for the speedy oureof the following complaint.-) crofnIn find fetrrcfalouH Aifc-ton, piucl nn TiunorM, U. lc-ri, Somt abruption l'im?ii', I'a-ttiilx, iIo-.c-how, If oil Jllaiii, a .1.1 nil Klein TiM-ii". Oakland, Intl., Gih June. J. C. AYKil Si Co. Oeuts: I f.-el it my duty to uc mowledgc what your jrnpiirilla lum done or 1:10 linvimr inherited g Norol'uloiw inteetion, 1 baa iutR'rca from it in various ways foryiars. Soma J mes ;t burst out in L'iccr on iny hands and nrm.-i fotnetimcs it turned inwerd and dint rased mo ot tin non.ach. Two years ago it broke out on iny heu. md covered my scalp an J cars with one sore, whicl was painful and loathsome beyond description. tried many medicines and several physicians, kit without much relief from anythipir. "In fact, thl disorder prow worse. At leurth I was rcj-iieed t read in tlie tiofpel ilessener that you had prepares an alterative (arsaparilla), for I knew from, yooj reputation thnt an tliintr you mttdo must ho good I gent to Ciucinna'ti and pot it, nnd used it till i ;u rel me. I took it, as you udvio, in small doses ol 1 teaspoon ful over a month, and used nlrnt thrOl fcortlea. Kotfand healthy skin soon begnn to torn under the- scab, which alter a wfcilo h-ll off. M J kin is now clear, and I know by my feelings thi; tlie disease has eone from my system. Ton can wel believe that J liul n hat 1 um saying when I t?ll yod that I hold you to be one of the r.istleti of the 03 and remain wcr gratefully. Yours ' - ALFT1ED B. TALLEV. St. Antliony'a IFirr, P5o KrTxifwJn 1Ucr nod H;H JIh:'i:ni, Nenlj 22ia iliiitfwonn, More Kyest, tJropsy. Dr. Hubert M. l'rcbl vrit-i trom Sletn, T7. T, 12tli Sept., ld, that hp baa. cn ;l an invcternti eaim of rips, which tlireati nj .1 to terni1i;:'.8 fa lallv, by the in-rscverin ue of our Saitfuparilin ami aloadauKiTOUs Mnhgnnnt ErsrpcUia by lnrJ doeeR of ti.e game ; ays Le curej the coiamou Ervji lions by it con.-taut.y. ISrcmrhoft-lo, CJoltrw or Swelled IVocti. Zebulou ftioan.oi l'roi-iinrt, Texas, vrnlci: ' Thro, bottles of your arsapuriila cured nie from a G'o'r a hideous swellir. on the ntck, Lich I bxd buI fered from over two years." IjnrcrrlMT,a or IVfattpa, Otnthn Tr mo? l lrrinr V,'lrrmlion, IVmnle Ditcaw. lr. J. 1$ S. C haiiniug. of ew York City, writes ' I most cheerlully coir.ply with the rerpie.-t of roi apent in raying I bavo found your Sarsaparilla I most excellent alterative in the numerous coin plaint tor which wo employ such a remedy, bu especially in Female Jiisvitset of tha Scrofulous iliathtx-is. I have cured many inveterate ca."e ol Leucorrhoea by It, and some where the complain was caused by ulerrafim of the vlertts. Hie ulcer ation itJ-tM' was eoon cured. Aothiu witiun nn knowledge equaJo it lor these funiale tluiangeiuentjj Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes "A danperous ovariin t'imir on one of the female) in mv family, which had dtlird all the remedies w could employ, has at lourtii Ixea completely curct by ytnr Kit rue t of Kurapariila. Our plivajci.'ti thought nothin ' but extinction could tUTord re!l' but he advised tlie trial of your Sarsapnnlla as tin la."t r-nrt beture cuttinir, aud it proved cilectnul Alter taking your remedy eight weeks no eymtoa Of tlie disease reinuius." Myphilix and Mrrcarial Ktw f)ULKASH, 2",h August, 1VA. Dn. J. C. Avmii Hir, I cheerfully comply will tho request of vour aent, and rcjort to you orli of the ejects Iliave realized with your Sarsr.pariliii I have cured with it. in my 'practice, inot-t of th" complaints for which it is recommended, and bavt Ibund its tllects truly wonderful in the euro oi Vennrenl nml Mercurial Jtist-ase. One of my pa tientH had ypliilitic ulcers in his throat, which wen consuming bis palate nnd the top Of his month Your San-apariila iteadi!y taken cured him in tiv weeks - Another wa attacked by M-condary symf toins in his nose.-nnd the ulc-ration had oaten awaj a considerable jiurt of it, to that I le!iQvc the t!i order would oon r-'neh liis brain and kill him. B ji it yielded to my adr.iinistruacn of your baric-iarii! tlie ulcers healed, and be is well aain, liotOJ cour without some Ui: figuration to bis face. A romat who liad been treated for the same disorder by iner rnry was suneriiinr lrom this polon in lr Nmc3 They hud become to sensitive to tho went!i r Hint or a dump dar she snfTcrt'd escrnciatlnir puin in hei joints and bones She, too, was cured entirely b) your Sarsapnrilla in a few wevks. I know from iti formula, which your apent gave me, tiiat tlih l'reparation from your lnboratory mu-t be a crea' remedy; conerUMitly,- tlnc tfulv remarkable re suits with it have not surprised inc. to fraternally yours, ti. V. JLAKBIEE, M. D. Rix-i;m.iti"ti, Ootit, f.irc-r CcmpJjiInt. IxDKi'ExnnccM, frctton Co.; Vn., Pth July, l.?0 ln. J. C. Ann: Sir, I liuvc been clllicted with 1 painful -hronic VhrMma'itm lor a ion; time, whicl (allied the skill of physicians, nnd stuck to me li spite of all the rcnio-lf'j I could ilnd. until I triet your fian-apnrilla. One bottio eure.I me in twt weeks, and restored my peneral health so mucl that I am far better than before I was H'ttieked. '. thiLk it a wonderful medicine. J. FltEAil.- Jules T. Getchell, of St. Louis, writrs: "I hav fceeu atllicted for years with iuuffiction if the Liver which destroyed my health. I tried everything and everything failed to reliuvo m; and I havi beeJl a broken-down man for soma years from n other cause than ctniiiji nu. nt qf th Llrer. BI) beloved pastor, the Iiuv. Jlr. fpy, udvitied nio ti try your !-urKiparilla, becuuo he t-i 1 he know you and anything you muio was worth trying. l!y t!i( ble.-tin of God it bus cured mo, and Las so purifiet my blood as to made a new man of iuc. I foci younj again. The best that cou be taid of you Ij not bui good ecou;;U." Nrhirrnt, Cantrr TnrtioK, Ivnlarriivet L'lrrratiou, Curies aud ?xfoiiauon ol the llonv. A great variety of cases have been reported to n wliere cures of these formidable complaints ha? resulted from the ue of this remedy, but our spac. here will not admit them. Som iif them itiay b found in our American AInianac, whai the uuent below named are (deacd to furuLh gra:is to al win call for tliein. Dysprpwin, Xlrnrt T!h-ii, 1t?It, EpUopay i5-Jn;i-;oi v, INi-urnlsaii. Many remarkable cures of thetii atlctions fcar been maile iy the Iterative power of this medicine it stimulates tlie. vital funexi jus into vigorous action and thus overcomes disorders which would be sup posed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has Iodj Leeu required by the necessities of tho people, am we ant confident that thitt will do fur them oil tha medicine cau do. . Ayer s Cherry Pectoral.. FOB THE RAPID CCRB OP Coutthx, Celdw, Influenza, Ilonrwncss Crenp, Ilronchilis, Sncipicnt t'ou. Huipliou, n:id Cor tbe Eielicf of 1'oaiauiplirc eaticotj au Rdraarcd Mtaf;rs of J lie IJienate. This is a remedy so universally known to snrpas any other for the care of throut and lulls rouipiaiuts that it is useless hero to publi.-h tbe cvideoev of it virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs ant colds, and its truly wonderful cures, of pulmonar disease, liave made it known throughout tho civil d nations of the earth. Few are the comniunitiet or even families, lunon them who have not sent personal experience of its efitcts some livin. tronhv in their midst of $t.-i victory over tlie rubtl and dangerous disorders- of the throat and lunp As all know the dreadful fatality of these dijorden kud as they know, too, the eftecU of this remedy we need rot do more than to assnre litem that it Lu now all the virtues that il did have when niakhv ilut cares which have won ej Mrongly upon th jonlideiice of mankind. Prepared fcy Dr. J. C. ATZ2 c Co.. LovclL Mass PLASTERING, AND BRICK LAYING. Tlie undersigned aro prepared to do ALL V0SE3 IIT TXIEIH LINE TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., ON SHORT 1NOTICE and at REASONABLE RATES- SAMUEL TJANKS, CiEOKUE NOr.RlS. April IS m6 CIIAS. VOGT & CO, Cor. Main and 5th ets., NEBRASKA CITY, NEEHASZA, Dealers in 1JA Till MO IRON. SADDLE &.SHOE LEATHER, Saddlers' Hardware Fi:a,-5iiS's nml Tools, WAGOJXS, PLOWS, &c. Tir"Orrlers Promptly attended to. A ner tdl'mz Antidote ft ?iok IIkiJ. ...f. T..r.Li. Vi-vtT and Atrue. Liver Complaint, CtiwiM.-w, ' Ihliousness, Xt undgia, CiliT, J Depraved Appetite, Duor- dvrvd Stomach, Teuiaio jr 1 Obstruct iutiS, Ac. . ft HO KW I S3 k A WILSON S PIXjIjS are nnirerifiry )Uiiwi?dj;el tebo the best now in uso. As a Viinily s,Jinc Uicy an' jiarticularly iviraii!eud,'d-ii tuple and harmless, but hiclily mvdiein.d in their ceiu Uraatloc. On Pill a dose, -with mil.l but cer tain effects. The robnstmnii and the delicate rl'ilj ue them alike, with evury .-sur:mca of entire nfety. With Wilson's Pills, ev.-ry Mother in the land becomm htr oin physician. They have proved thecis'-lves asrEcinc, aud stand without a rivul for tbe fallowing aife -tjons : MEAWACZI1K, FEVER A; AG17H, M13AIACIIKt FKVKil & AGWB, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER C03FLAINT. DYSPEPSIA, LIVEa COMPLAtNT, Costivenc33, Eilioi.isnese, Meuralgif Costivencie, Uiliousno3S,- Nourali ' Sold by Druggists fi: Dwlora evcrywbei PUBPABED BY B. Ia. FAIIITESTOCX & CO. Importers &. Wholesale Drjggisto IJo. CO, oonurC Wood and 4th St3. PITTSBURGH, PA. - tnix rnwitrrroRS of D. L. Fahnestcck.'8 Vermifuge. MAIN ST11EET, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T L A 11 G E S T "Unqxiesticnably the Lest susraincd work of the kind in the World " HAiaEirs Critical ii.'tli-s .f tbe Vre-s It is the f.nen.oi t M: giz i e r the Jay. Tho fire-' m.I" n.-verha.l a more JcliKhtlut cornpr.nion. nr ilK inilliou a more eiterprixinir friou.l, tlmn Harptrs MaK iziTie. Mrttiiliit Prt.trnt 1 nt Ualtiniure.) The most popular J;outh!ykin the Wurl.l. .V. 1". Wo niu-t refr-r in 'tins of eulopj to the b!?u "nf mil varied exre!leii-e of Harper's Miici.zine jour nal with in.-utlily 1 irculaiioii .f al.cut 1 JO.00U rep i -s,in wlio.e l nj.es fcre to fviuiid some r the -li-ice.-t li.'h'. r.e.l eeu-.al rtaitiiij;; i.f the l..y. Wf P-ak of this work as an evidence of the American peup e; and tlie p. pu!arit it h is acquired is meiit .1. ' Each number i.mt aim fully 111 panes of lea I njr matter, ii,.proirialely illustrated with pood w..od -uls; ai'd it e. tnl iti is in . itself tbe racy ui'.ml ly uu.i 'li- ic ri' phi:os..phicjl q'Utrteriy, bknded n !U' t lie i.est fciitur. s 'f iljrt.laily journal, il fc.u gr. Hi power in tbe iii:.-e:fiinai :..u f a love i f pure iit' Tutui e. Turner' G'tule In Amrriritn LU-nttaiK (betiili n.) Tl.e volumes lioim.l coi.stituto of themselves a li- I. rarT of miscellaneous rLailin r, such as eane.'t be found in the s.irae culpa.- i" any o:h'r pu!iicat iou I I. at has euuie under our notice. 3otou Courier. sunscRirTONs. lso-i. The publishers have pem-ctcd a y-tem Jof mnilitie by which they can fiipp y the Vaaziue and Weekly promptly to tl.ese wh. prefcr to r-cive their period-i.-nis dir ctly from the oftic of p-itilica'iou. The p'.stace ca Harper's Mairazmo is 2-1 cents a ycir, which must be pai l at Hie saur-criber'e post of lice. TERMS: : HarPKb'3 MAGAZlSE, one year. - - - 4. An extri ronv of either the Mac.zine or ek !y will be tupplic'd' gratia Tor ever.- Club f Five Sub fcribers at J 1 each, in-oae remittance ; or six copier for$.o. l-.ck nnraiers can bo supplied at anytime. A coiaplet.; i-et, now coiupi i-in Twenty-cine Vel uuie. iu u'-.it cluth biu'lim!, wi.l ' sent by expfuss, freight at exp. iwe ef purchaser, for ? i 2' per ume, -inv"e volume., by niNil,-osi pi-l, Cloth cajses for Ijin.liuir, tS ceat.s, oy mail, po-t paid. Address 11A kts'KIt i bUOTIIKRS. FraLkl iu rqO:re, N . Y. XntionnS CEait2i Ajjcncy. WASHINGTON- D- C- F. M. DORRINGTON, SUB AGENT: rLATTSMOTJTII, - - NEBRASKA, Is pp pare-l to present and trosccule claims before ( "oiiirress. Court of Claims and lae I'. parluieum. Pa-tt-uis. 1"ersion, BouDtes; and Bounty Lands se cured. t"3Char'es naoder:t.-, aoiin proportion to lbeaniii.nl of the ciaiiu, E. JI. lOiUilNGXO.V. A prill", '03. lJ -a- .o. -J. wrj-ix i.-s OA West of St. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARD W A R E, -AFD- Clothing of every description. , . , WINES AND ItQUOnS Or ALL KINDS Constantly on hand a Lare Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEIOTARE, IRON, MILS, Vn.XDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS. And every article required by And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. CABINET SHOP. -AT THE- FIRE PROOF BEICK. Tootle, Ilanna & Co. Piattstnouth, April 10, '65. 1805. 805, AMISON, DOVEY & CO., Nortli Side of Maiu Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of tvFV evrNVft l'Zr L' J - QUEENS WARE, IIAR DWAUE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, I-Ivcr O He red in tliis Mai-scet. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, IMecIianic, freighter or Emi grant wants. i . '. .. . FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope hy strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsmouth, April 10, 1SG5. tf J Ci?T received, leases rf Canned reaches at Lnrge assortment of men's aud boys' clothing AU1MJX, DOVEY oi CO'S. , V for sale by A. D- CO. C- 0 to AM1SOX, DOVEY 4 CO'S to purchase y.ur O HELLED C)KN' for sale by ADA CO. H upriug goods. . ' K end less var ietv ol Ladies' Dres? Goods at xAC0N and Lard for sale by A. D- & CO'd. 1 A Si. CO. f 11 CASES Moltby's Cove Oysters for sale at a INVOICE of all finds or Family Gro- OU A. D. oi CO'S. ii. cerias and Outliting Uocdj just received by A. D. A CO. Gi liEAT bargains in Ladles' Press Goods at IT . A. D. & CO'S. LL kinds of Farming Implements for sale by - J A. 1. k CO. IOR SALE t AM1SON. PoVKY A CO'S . Oifr-e, 1 Te , tucar, tiol.teii Syrup, Sugar House JIo- 4 Largo lot of Two Horse Plows for sale by lassas, Nw York Candle, etc , etc. xV A - A larce lot of Chtwinjj and Suiok in )r Tobacco for A N endless variety of Hardware and Cutlery for 2V. sale at A.D.iCO'S. i.saleat A. D. A CO a. COAL OIL for sale by CSH, Boors, Skingles, Glass, and Nails of every A. D. A CO. . O description for rale by A. P. A CO. " f BOXES Star Candles for sale by A LL kinds of Conntiy Produce taken in exchange 0J A, D. A CO. l. for foods br A.D.A CO. IEyn want to purchase goods at a bargain . co to rjo enumerate all the articles we have for sale A. I). A CO i would fill one sides the Usbalo, and ethers . have as g.od a right to advertise as 2" 13 AOS COFFEE just received by AMlfOX, DOVEY A CO. ,) A. D. Co. TIIEla g6tOu'.flttiu!tr House north of St. Joseph U AMISON. DOVEY CO S., i. " A. D. A C03. Plattsuioutii, Nebraska. II. BOECK, UaviHiJ reccatly built a new and suitable shop on Main St., Plattsmouth, N. T., Would respectfully inform the citizen of Cass and adjoiuin counties iliit l. b. the l'atili.ies fr cjtr lyijf,' on tho CABINET KL'&IXS'N In all its branches IN THE HOST APPROVED STYLE I am prepared to tarn out tha cheapest' acd most durablo Of every description, ever offered in the Territory. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 3Psrtirular attention paid to makini? and fin ishing COFFINS. All kin-Is of lumber taken in exchange for work. Plattsiaouth. April 10, 1S05. T II E NEBRASKA -K 2r.Ji j'-X Avers PILLS A Are yoti com , fi'cble, n Are you ilrr ..... " ' of i rd'.-i-. with , ,-.. ."' (i tmroii. "ii rb ' flies nil a. -,."V-. T. lr mi '4.. ,J, m ":.V'" ti".pti'..j. 1 of Heknnec is cr, I cu,i,d shotrd t ) I)" n tirm !v use id i ' 2 reined v. Take Aver', i 'I olliu II acr,, Is the place to get Apothecaries Hall. CARDS, .TOTTV T?7!7n .C- ' M V .1 . -M. A A JL. ' Cor. Main and 5th Sts., N EUR ASK A CITY, - - Dealers in NE3. DHUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, I'utty and Glass Patent Medicines of all kinds. Toilet articles, sta tionery, and everything kept in a first-class Drng ivre, a. cit.ietu pnc.M. We are prepared to All all orders, and warrant our goods to be fl esh. apr. 10 'Cj BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. '.Ve arc always on hand at our f hop, on the south t-i'leof Main street, one door west of ibe lituai u Oilice, to n.ake Hoofs ?y Shoes to Order, Of the best material and VVe b.. ve a enod e-oita-.-l"t rf v.l? o'. I l:ul. pui! n i'l ket p, ut all tiiii-.s, v . k -'-t ' u-i-. s. GAGE roi'AL. Pb'ltsmriitb, April 10, li5 tf BILL-ElRADt?, UAI-TSCFCETS FOSTERS, LABSLS, and cl'-anse out t.'ie deled l.t'mj.f j uu! i bb'Od. nil J U't the '. Tinoie on nu. I r.iei.-i ' .. pi;"H, V 'I ;::::".'. ; health apafn. I l,. y ,,i:r -r,: '. utte inn liipctn.ii.s if ,. 1'iJiiv into i,xorous ae'iv rurify the iiyftem lrom the obs truct. i n w lii. i, nj lifare. A 'joid settle somewhere in tlie I .... 1 - j", bstructs i-ui i:v.ti.-al function. Ilimc, if ru.t rj ieved, rett u - ti ihcnisejvejar.i the iurrout!;. irjrans, produ.tiiij,' potieral tsjiravaUon, su&rtn"! Jid diseore. Wbiloin this condition, opprr-si i ,". be dornngfUieiils, take Avar's 1'ills, and s. c iut lirectly thev restore the natural action of tU' v, em, and wtlj it the buoyant A-ciing of health R.t'.n Vhut is true f ud so ppparcut iu thto trivial anl ,X, oon complaii t, is also true in iimiiy of the eut.-il and dangerous distempers, 'i'fio same pin-j ivo ell'ect expels them. Caused ty iniilur clmtrn; ions and derMipeitmnts of the natural functmi , be body, t bey are rapidly, und many of tlietn um nred by the same means. None wh, knew t., trtues of that l'i;u, will neitlect to einjiloy fin- fjiun ruat-i.ui: iiiiu liie wiL-urucrs iney cure. Klatemertu bom ieudifij? phV6icions in some ol't't iriiicip.'U cities, uud from other well-kuouu i u lersons: a Forwarding Urrrhunt tf St. Louii, I'th -.'). Dn. Aves: Yottr Tills are tha rtirapon of ell tr.f I great in inc!:cn:o. 'Hay l.avi. rur. d mv Iniit laiiKl.ter of ulcerous sores upon her Lands aiul f list hod proved incurable lor years. iWnuuti ,.j Uts Iw-en June irrierousiv ullhrf.-d with blolt I.e. l: i iimptes iu iici iliiid was ctiied, tl.e ulso tried vour r i:in und in lier hair. Alter o-i led vour Tills, and tl.) AA lUllitalilUOt. OR .33.37" -12.1:2 From a IS To a TH3 PRAIRIE FARHES, hi:vot::dti Agric'dliir y 7 i .' 7 M. ch ti.i'-s, Kd ucalvm, fF'i:,f Tui-rtm, tlcurrui Ai'?'., .V. ! e Published " eki. in a ;n; it oc'avo form of sixtei-r. pces, with an irokx et liic eud of ei.cii volun.c (iix month-..) Ti:n:rs: i no .1 rejs, ix adva.vcs. Fur 'I'i'j Ci'irlce ilnd s",.'-l, one cOi y itf. 3"A!i!-rfpri(it" a lvertisepiepts nil! Ir- pi,-e! i-i tie- t A uaitr for I., eentrt p. r 1 ine of sj.ace, N.oiia-rp-M, eii.-li i-. r;i oj, in a.ivj.mv. special I'o it--s, l H.led, pre.-e !i:ijr a.ivi rti-riii' nts, twenty cents per iiite .f sj.ice occ c.p'. d. A -.iaur.- c "i'ri -ti line-; of -j a i- r ;Jilj.-'.-iiCi Iiliou ..f th- i'Ktl".!!" IMV.Vffl l.i w t': iu-.a. it f i.ny p.;,-r r.l it- e ij, n- tl '.Vul a!,-! N-'r'i: -V, c:t , c ti'. r- to Niir-e-yc: r , 3-'.i-ris:s 11 ' d liapi --I. - -.f 3b. i. ii:':. i ti. . i. , tl K--t iae-l.-i.it. ici.ca tile masses inter--sti-l. ..ii.lil Jk CO., 2(H Lake fd., Ci i.-i-.go, Id. -o I. J V ALiilv X iOLi IN THE The undersigned will open an Extensive Marble Yard in the City of 1'lattsmouth, about THE 20TIIOF MAY, 1805. We are Ready to Receive Orders at any time. " JOSEPH BUTZERIN & CO. May 1 IS80, ml TO FREIGHTERS and FARMERS! Blacksmith. Outfitting, AXD MACHINE SIIOE AND LET THE PUBLIC KNOW THAT YOU ARE Alive El Stirring. A 1 4- We have opened Blacksmith, OntStting and Ma chine Shop on Main Street, South Side, where von can Pit any kind of work dotie :n our Mae W e have a " "Wagon 53 hep . ' in connection, where all kin fcf w td-wnk will tie -AH wol K wa-riir. SUBSCEIBE FOR THE Nebraska Herald, AND KEEP YOURSELF POSTED. lure cuiid Lor. Am a Family Physio. From Ir. F W. iirturijht, A'.v OrUnnt. Your Till" ore th.i piineo of purges. Their l!ent qualities Fiirpi:.', nny cutijartic wa pi.n. "hey am Mild, but very certuin and e:Tecttial ia then etion on tho l.owel-, which make s them lnvuiaidjlv o us in the du ly treatment of disensu. llcndai lK',.ji U t5i a!ni bu, I'oul Mloinnclt. From r. Ed-ritril 'oiif, 1'iiUtmnre, Dear itiiii. Avkh. 1 cannot answur .j)1 "'iol omjila'.nts V have eurol with your Tills hi tli r ll;ii O say all Ihut ve rrrr tr'it vith a purinitiv itiit iiui. I J'lacc frriat dependence on that eh.rtiul mthurtio in mv claiv coufe d Willi dtsoiine. and bs- feriiiir. as I do. that vour I'l allVir.l iih th.. lant w. late, I ofcourte vuli.'e tlium highly. I'lTTrtnt-ito, I'n., 3fsy 1. lH'j. Dn. J. C. A YEU. Mr: I have been repeated! aired of the wjrst fitmlach: anybody can have by a lote or two of your Tills. It seems to brise from bul stomach, which they cVaiifoat once. Youra with great respect. KM. U". J'KF.I'.I.R Clerk vf Stfumtr V.iri. Klklioua Divorflrrs I.hi r Canijilnlnt. From Dr. Them!. re Dell, of X. ui Tort City Kot only are your Tills admirably a.lai ted to thtli mrpose as an aperient, but 1 tl'id tli.-tr b. Lii lirmi llects niion tlie l.lver very marten iti.teeii. iicy lave in mv I rsctlce proved more ille.-tuuJ tor tti airo oi bilious r.iu;.'ijijirj limn any one remedy J uin meiiiioii. i sit ri rely rejoice that we i.aru at ent'th u purirnlive which Is wortiiy thecouflilvueel tie proltaoioii lend the people. IKP r.TMKKT OF TTtR I.TPmion, 1 Washington, D. C , 7t!i lib , 1-61 f Bint I have Ue'id your l'il.'s in my general and lOtpltal iraetti;o evrr iir.ee yon isail tlicm, and am not hesitate to my they arc the l.t eutbartU re employ. 'Their rn ti'mimr net ion mi t 1 e liver li uick ami deouled, coi.sc.juetitly ihuv ui; an si nirable remedy lor di laiii'ciii. tits oi 1 1 . : . t ore n tideed, 1 bavo seldom l.itin.l a eate of l.i,'wui .,'. cue so obstii.i.te tliut it .'id not ruid.lv e i.M ! htm Frateinully yours, AI.tiN.O li M.l'.. i I', t'l.'isii-iiiit ij tlte M irtiic Jl. 'jitlal. Byvfrtfry, Ba.-irrfiti-fi, fteLix, Ifunii. l rom Dr. J. ;. f;v,., y'' :iif,-a. Your l il's have h:.d u louif trial in inypractlee Jid 1 lioid tliei j ill -.eem ns one of tho best ap. ri Il tu I litive ev. r ie.uiol. '1 !u Ir u't. rii!ire .;). cl upon lto liver lnitki s tl.t in an ix:-il -I.t I elt i- i y , v. In li ven in tmall d.ii. s tor l iir.,nt ii.nVr, iiei i.'.-ir-Acrv. i'hir s.iio.r-. .inline Ii.uk. J th. I I vi-tv UO- ptable nnd con uiu i t lor ti;o u.u cj tumiii and luielre u. UjiupriiKi:!, JirtMT:ty of t!r Jlljcd. Yrin Dfp. J. V. Ifii.ii . I' t'r-r rf .'.ih tnl tluuxh, JlnhtlKl. Da. AVttt: I have n.-d vottr Tills with extra irdiyury siu cers in my lain! an J anion!; those i uu llcd to visit in di. ti.- s. To ulale tbe ori7iin of lip. stiou and purity the I'loo.l, they are u test remedy I nave over known, and I can conn lently rctxjuiiU'.'iid tjeni to mv friends. Youri, J. V. Jil.MRS. Warsaw, Wyr n injr Co., N. Y..l t. 2, li55. Diau fitit : I am u imr your t'ut!.:;r;i Tilts in tut iracti.-e. nnd ltnd 11. em n.) xe.-llci.t puiyutirc to ileun.e tho sjt?te.m mi l r.-ir'"; J m.tnn ef t!u Uxxl. JulIN ili.At 11A.M. 51 I). 3eTi:?'nSlr'ii. twlircii's', Muj,r.'..ion, lilii ii:inilii:i. tso.i!, lin ur.iliit, tlop, B'nmljMt, t-i;, tr. Fnm Dr. J. V. i'o.u ! ,i. 31 ittr?a!, Cnruvl-i. Ten) much cs.nmit be f. :.i d' your I'lli" 1. r tbi tire tl (lenchi .- s. I To; ! n ol'.ur iriiteiiittv have OUt.d I.'ikui eniir-,.-. .'"- I 1. ive, tlie-r'muv! J. in ne in pi-,-cli iniirir it. tori... 1 i.. :itid ) e nr.jl'ltiel.f ho nitllr fro".' tl.t . i.i; hdnt. wl.l. b. nllbonsrh ad eno-Jj'li in its if, is the pi'oeiiitwr of otliei s tl.ul je viw' I 1 1 v r-"tr ,7.o., to ot ijfinatc ill the Iver, but your l'liU mlcit tiitit 0.-1111 nnd cure tin Use. u-o. froia Mrt. F. F.ttrt. rr.iict'in. and Mi'ftrlfi-. DiisUm. I find onn or two l;.rci do-. of yottr I ill-, uie it proper 1 mi , lire czc .l. i.t j.roiiK.t ives of lbs hnturnl t..crviM .1,1 11 whol'y or parTbihv nip iresed, nnd also v. ry '.ulI to f,p.in.. 11m Uytnttch i.u.l tr'i'i uv.,-eis. 'Al.eyL.j ...-.-s. a.. test physio wu loavu that 1 lecouunuiad no itte r t ny patient. From the Dev. I)r. I.'url-fi,, of the Llitth-xlitt DM ( livrrh. J'ri.ASKt U'tvsr., Hnvi.t null, (is., Jar. H. V'A. Ik.Miiltu Mil: i should Iki uiiprntolul for tlJ eLUf J our skill has hiouilit mo if 1 did not rrsjii nv case lo yon. A cold settlo.l in rny limbs ami )r'ougbt on t cruciatliiii; vt iiriu'jin ji nn, i l.p I inded in chrr.tin Tt:vm'ttietn. Notwith'tandlus- i lad the best of ii1.vmoiui.s, tho rlieeiiM grew wontf ind woire. nntil by the rdvico of your excellenl t(rent in lialtitno-, lr. ilacktiixie, 1 tried yooi 'ills. I heir nl'ets wero sinw, but s-irn. T.y p.r evuiing in tbe use ol them, X am now entirely wwll. Pkkate CllA mei;R. T.atoii Kotte, 1a ,r, Dec, 1H.V. Im Avi:u: 1 have leeu rntirelv rnru.l, 1 yom ills, of y.A. wi.i uiu iout a i.aiiif'il .l.rs tfc-.it luu Jiiicted me lor yciir-'. Vli.'t. fcNT fiLlDliJ.,!.. Hod of (be T.ils in ninrkrt conlaiii Jlerourj rhictt iiiltiott'd. a vul'tab!. rr-.ne.IJr in siiilfiil $ Uuiigtrous ia a pu'. lie t !!, irohi the dn adlul eo Ofiuencesthi.t fre-.tiehtrv f..h-w " incmit,nu Use "hose contain no 1 or luinerui eubetauos vhutever. - Price, 23 coat3 rer ox, or 3 Eosea for $1 Veparod by Br. J. C. A'ZER & Co., Lowell, Mass V U. S. HA0D1NC & CO., D'llirs In all lit- ' of School & Blanlr Book?, STATIONERY, GOLD PENS, ALDUiViS, &.C, Third De-rWitt ofS'yt.ioDr H.M. e. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T TUttbinoutb, April 10, '65. rarjted. 1 A CO. J N E V Eoct & Shoo T. tiv ell the stten- he s-ibsrr.ber 'ou' I r '., ( Hi, puhl'tf at Hon ,,f t.'.ecutasof . , iiM,, ,,rtiou . I at(.e to ttiebv' t. -.1 . -.r ),..!,., -,..i,,.M Vr. Itoe.'s ( T.:.r, .. ,.k..., -Tc' led hy ' 1 ' t.t iio- Iih s' ol ins n ' ' .ci.l -!...'. be eui: e:'v - ' ' " cr, I. . I . .1 , - . r.i .;. . 1-:. .,.,.: h- : lt. Rll ! ! M bus1 ii.- li-jn. t. Api-1 ; rloN