Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 26, 1865, Image 4

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And lor lie speedy eure of the. following complaints
B-r fa La. ral ftrrafailaae Aatealiims, Marl
mn iRirf A. Iceea, we asia, Krptim
PhuuIciu r Pwtilm, UlaeaMw Merita
Jilaia, Mil Mil ktkua Diarawb .
j -Oaklasd. Iml.. 6ih Jiiim?. isbi
- J. C. Atk at Co. Gents i I it my inty to ae
rnowledge what -y oar gareaparilla.liaa doae tor n-e
Havinc inherited a berotaloes in feet io a. I ha.
mBfered from it in verio1 waya for years. &exua
Hmea .'tbarat oat la Li cars on air hand and arana
eanretimea it tnrnd inward and distrceeed mtCUii
ttotoaoh. -Two year ago it broke out oa my bea
a eovered my scalp and ara wRh one eore, a tici
ere iwintul and loatheatne borond descripnea. J
tried many medjeinee and aevnral physkitaoe, bid,
wuooui jnoau reuei irons aayioiag. ab iaoa, mm
iisordsr grew worse. . At lengti waa rajoraod U
read in tha taoepel Messenger that row bad prepare
an alterative tarsaparilla), for 1 Knew from youi
reputation that anytuina ;oa nude nmst be geod
I eeot to CinainiiaU and get it, and od tt UU I
eared I took it, aa yoa edvs, iu small doeea ai
a tea spoon ful ovor a month, and aaed almatit tbrm
nowee. aow ana oniui mui soon oenu a ions
ander tbe aoab, which aiWr a while fail IT. at
ikia ia bow clear, and I know by my fheJInjre tad
thediteaee lias gone from my ay item. Yoaeanwet
believe tbat 1 feel vhat 1 am eaying wben 1 tall ye
that I bold yon to be one of the apostles of Use agfl
ana rauia ever rraioiuiiy. lunre,
ALnrsrj B. TlLLET.
Bt. Aalwoaiy'e V2re. Roaai a Errslnala
TMlcr mm Mall Elheaas, oU liea4
, Mtajweran, wtm air arapay. .
Dr. llobart H. Freble write from Salem, . TV
. Uta Sept., 1860, that bo baa cared an ioveterciJ
qee of Dropsy, which threalaid to terminal fit
tally, by the persevering; nee of oar Sarsaparilla)
and alaoa dangerous Malignant KrytiptUos by larg)
doeea of the aame ; aayt b eum the eoamoa ra
(owe by it constantly. ----t
JPraacaaaele. Caiu-e er SJwalledl Newlu '
Zebulon Sloan, of rroepect,Texaa, writes: Thro
bottle of your rtareaperilla enrod me from a fVoer
a hideous awaiting oa the neck, whioh 1 bad eat
fired front oyer two yeare.'
leerrlMB er TVfcltee, ttrnrtam Twaaaw
J lecratUMii. )( ui
Xr. J. It. a. C'tMuiniiur. of Hew Vork Citv. write
"X moat cheerfully comply with the reqaeat of yet
scant ia aaying I have (band your 8aranpaxlll t
aaoet czeellent alteratlva la tie name roue eon
piainU lor which we einploy tuch a reniedr, bar
eapeaially la imoU JXtccut of tbe Serefuloai
diuthesia. I have cared many Inreterata aalea ot
aVeacorrhcaa by U, and aome .where the eotapltlar
waa cauaad by aleeraftoa of tbe' ttrenca. The nicer
fction Iteatt waa eoon eared. Kotblna; within an
knowledge equal it for thore Mm ale derangententtJ
' Edward S. Marrow, of Kewbary, AIa.t writea
"A dangerooe ovarian tumor on one of the femalQ
In ear nunily, whieh had defied all the rentedice wt
coald empioy, baa at length betn cooipletely oarei
by your Kxtract of Sariaparilla. Our phyaleial
thonght nothiar bat extirpation could aJTbrd relief
bat be adriaed the trial of your HaraapariUa aa
Urt resort before catting, and it prored eAV-eroal
After takinf your remedy eight wecka ao aymptea
ttftuedieeaaercmaina." . r ,
Sypbltia aad 9feaairlal tIaeaa.
. Jtw AugBBt, IJJflL
ta J. C. Atxb: Sir, I cheerfeJly comply wKl
the request of your agent, and report to yon soni
f the effects I bare realised with your Baraaparil
' 1 hare cared with it, in roy practice, most Mas
aomplainta for whioh it is reeoinmendtfd, and hart
found its effects truly wonderful la the cure oi
KeiMreoi and Mtrevrial iseaie. One of my per
tienta had Syphilitic ulcers in hu throat, which weal
consuming hb palate and the top of Ida mouth
Your Karsaparilla steadily taken cured bins in Or
wecka. Another waa attacked by eeeondary aysaa
toma In his nose, and the alee ration had eaten awe
a considerable part of it, ao that I belters the die
order would soon reach hie brain and kill him. Btn
It yielded to my administration cf your SarHaparUlek
Che ulcers healed, and he ia well agaia. not of ooaraj
wlthont some disfiguration to his doe. A wtwu
wno naa been treatea tor ine same disorder by n
eary was aunering from thia poison iu her bonea
they had become to sensitirt to the weather that of
a damp day aba sufJitred exerneiaUajt pain in bl
foiots and bones. She, too, was cured entirely bi
your Sarsaparilla la a few week. I know from Mt
formula, whioh your agent gar aaa, that tha
Freperatioa from yoar laboratory must be a greaj
remedy; oonaequently, thee truly remarkable re
suits with It have not aarpriaed me.
mm rraternally yoara, U. V. LABIXKB, V. D.
Rhnmntiam, Caait,' TArtr Coealalait.
IsDrKiKca, Prestcn Co., Va 6th July, 1S50
JJa. J. C. Aran: Sir, I hare been afflicted with t
painful chronic HKntmatiMm for a long time, wbiol
baffled tbe skill Of physicians, and stuck to me tt
spite of all tbe remedies I could find, until I trie
your 8arsaparilla. On bottle eared m ia twt
weka, and rcHtored my general health so mooi
that I am far better than befort I waa attneked. .
thank it a wonderful medloiae. J.
' Jules' T. Getebell, of St. Lotrfs, writes: " I haw
been atntcted for years with an a fiction qf Ik Ltva
-which destroyed my health. I tried ererytblaa;
and errrything fiulcd to relUre me; and I ban
been a broken-down man fur tome years from nj
other cause than derangement tf th lAqer. JQ
belored pastor, the iter. Mr. Ipy, advited ine U
try your Sarsaparilla, because he said be knew you
and auytliing you made waa worth trying. By thj
bleeding of Cod it has oured me, and has ao pariflei
sny blood aa to made a new man of m. I el yeuiu
again. The best that caa bo said of you at sot bat
atahiarae, CanMr Tiatuarn, a?nlar gauaroa
- Ulcvmtiwn, Carles staid Kxrolla.tieai l
aM ilaaiew.
A great rarietr of casot hare been reporte i to n
where enrea of these formidable complainta ban
reealted from the use of tins remedy, but our ep
here will not admit them. Some or them raay m
found in our Aroerioaa Almanaa, which the scent
kelow named are pleased to famish graas ta td wht
call for them.
Iyspcpa, Ilrart ntaneo, Fit, Epiilrpey
Ulcliuaclsalyy Tfearsilcm.
Many remarkable oaree of taese aSvcbeni kan
been made by the alterative power of tbie medicine
It stimulates tbe rttaJ functiona into rigorens action
and tli as overcomes disorders which would be sop
aoeed beyond Ma rcneh. - Such a remedy haa lonj
been required by the necessities of the poop e, asx
era are coafident that this will do for them ail ana
tnedioiae can do. .". ,
Ayer's Ciierry Pectoral,
Cam i
rnmmm) lMait IBSimHi IISSI 111 IBIS
Creep, Hroacbitie, laiciiplcwt Casta
Colale, laaoram. II aa
MBBDtiatBi, mad rwr tHm HedWr
r CaBetttaptire a?atlcnta ... .-,
r. in nd rnscfil fltaoa - .
' eithe Umcbiw. " "''
' This U remedy so universally known to finrpas
oy other for the enra of throat and lung eomp!aiut
that rt ia useleea here to pubHsh the e video ao of It
virtu ee. Ite aarivalled cxeeilenoe for ecuj'ia am
oolda. and ita truly wonderft-J en res of pnrsonar
dieease, bar made it known throughout tha civil
bwd nations of the earth. Few are the communities
or even families, among tbetn who bare vet aam
Krsonal ezperieoea of Ha effecta some livia.
phy la their midst of Its vletory ever the aubtl
and aangeroua disorders of the throat and rang!
Aa all know the dreadful fatality of tbeee disorden
aad aa they kaow, too, the eCtete of this remedy
era aaed eat do mora than ta aiware thara thai H ha
aow ail the virtues that it did have whan makla
Uia oaree which have ,wo jto. atrangly .Uf aw tb
aonfldaaea of mankind.
Trtywd by Dr. J. C. AT2B tl Ob, LoveH,atut
. 3iT E-"7'
- ; ' ...... ... :
HaTlag recently built a new an-l suitable shop oa
.- v:;-.:.-.rn; rlr. M
Main St., Plattsmouth, N. T.,
. . t . '
Would repctfully inform the citiseaa of C no
alloining counties that be has the facilities f car
rying on the . . . ... , . - -.!,-.
la all lis branches.
rr, am prepared totarn-out the j , ,
1 J E A ' 1?" 1 " S T
ard most durable
Of every description, ever offer! in tha Territory.
AatPirt:cn1nr attention paid t mat In j and fin
lahUucCUFf 12f5.. ..: . ......
All kin-l of lumber Ukea taxckaDyc-f r werk.
fcl'UUl-Wl'l. Apsll lt, tstZUim 5l36 El
f t i
BamaBBBBaaa. BaaaaBamaal saaaauV
Is tbe place to get
i v
From a
To a
Alivo Cc Stirring.
- r ' ' - - r . : - 7 .
, 1. - i.'i .: .L 1 . I
Nebraska Herald,
North Side of Main Street,
' .... - . . -p ----- j - "- - - . - -y. r;
Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of
Jill i.KiJi
.! .:-!'::. ...... n; ;)' .'I
Ever OITercd in this Market.
In fact, everything the Farmer,' Mechanic, Freighter or Emi
grant wants.
Thankful for past Patroaage, v?e
iness to merit a contmnance or me same.
Call and examine our stock.
Platttsmouth, April 10, 1S65. tf
TU8T received, acatts of tanne4 Frticliea at
O te AMI!KK, DUTETJk C03 te purchase jreur
aprina; goods.
N cu 1 less var lety of IJle.' Dresr Goods at
Jim U. S Vl o.
Kfi CASES Mottby'a Cove Oysters ftr sale at
OU A. D. fc C08.
KKAT bargains in Lad lea' Dress Goods t
.T A. D. COS.
f7OR f ALB at AM1SOST. DoTET k CO'S. Coffee.
A. Tea.enitar, GnUen Syrna. .Surer House Uo
lasses New York Candies, etc , etc.
lanre lot of Chewing; and SmoklnpToTveco for
aaleal - A. D. CO'S.
A. . a COJ
rn BOXE3 Star Candles for alc by
A, D. 1 CO. .
F yen want to purchase goods st a bargain , jre ta
A. O. A CO
BAGS COFFEE just received by
A. D. A Co.
Large tat ef Choice Tea at
A. T. t CO'S.
.. v
a. V
TTcst of
... ::.
Wholesale and
Clothing of every description.
";U v:'V
Constantly on hand a Large Stock of
pnn? rn-',. sjoon
. . i . Pi. r j ... , . .-
And every article required by
And everybody else can be
CrtZ and examine
Plaltsmouth, April 10, 6o.
!() r:f'?()TTOT.j
hope by strict attention to bus
.WW. ( .
i. .l;:.iui:t-..' :.'
Large aasortaieBt of met e and boys' clothing
. for sale by !.. . .-. a. i- v.
HELLED CORN for sale by
A D.A CO..
ACOX aad Lard for sale by
.. AiV.kCO.
I1EATT INVOICE of alt itnds of 'Family Gro
ceries and Outnung Goods just receive d by
A. D. A CO.
LL kinds of Farming Implements for sal hy '
L A. D. iCO. -
Large lat of Two Horse Plows for sale by
- A- D. ACO.'.
N endless variety cf Hardware and Cut lory for
l aale at -A.D. eCO'S. !
Oa8H, oors, Sklolrs Glaus, aad Ifaitx of every
a. J descriptiua far sale By
A.D. A CO.
A I.I. kinds of Conatir Prodace takn in exchanite
fergoodsbT- J - .rj'.CO:f
rTH enuroerate all the articles We have fur sale
1 would nil one skteef the Hbsald, and elbers
hare as good a right to advertise as '"
; AMIrON'. OOVET k CO. ( "
IHEla Beat Outlttiag House aortb of Si, Joseph
Plattamoutb, Kebraaka.
r ,
- t
St. ' Louis.
1. :.. : U :."i7
Retail Dealers in
j v i i ' v a. i it
supplied at this establishment.
cur extensive stock.
Tootle, Hanna & C0.1
are alwaya a hand at our Shop, an the south
nirie of M tin stre :t, oae Ucr Wjt of the Ubbsld
Ora.-e, t make
Boots Shoes to Order, J
Ot the beat aiateri .1 AB4
i 1 -i .
We have a rd asaertmaut-of work .an han d, and
will keep, at all times, work to auit our jco. tomcra.
Repatrins: done on Short
... .... -.iiotiice..:
Plattsmouth A?ril 10, .' tf , !,
33f ug Stoire ! ;
Call on theUnderaigned for
Pure Medicines, Faints,
d. I - wnrriNGEii;
compound remedy, d:igiied to be the most
uectual Alterative that can be made. It i
concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla
combined with other substances of stil
Teater alterative power as to afford an effec
ive antidoto for the JLcases Sarsaparilla i
eputed to cure. It is believed that such
emedy is wanted by those who suffer iron
itrumous complaint, and that one which wil
ccomplish their cure must prove of immens
ervice to this large class of our aiflicted fellow
itizens. How cbmplett ly tht-t compound wil
.0 it has been proven bv exporimrnt on mmr
f the worst cases to be found of the followini
om plaints :
ScuorcL.v and ScnoFutors Comilain-ts
Skuptions asd Ehcptive Diseases Ulceus
utriKs, Blotches. Tcmou's. Salt Rheum
Scald Head, Stphilis ajtd Syphilitic Ap
ections, MEUcuaiai.Disr.fcSK, IRor8T. Mtc
jtLotA ob Tic Doulouhecx, Debilitt, Dts
r St. Antho t's Fire, and indeed the whol
lass of complaints arising from IxruKiTY o
Ht? liLOOD.
This compound will be found a ereat pro
loter of health, when: taken in the spring, t
xpel the foul humors which fester in th
lootl at that season of the year. By the time
y expulsion of them ra;my rankling disorder
rc nipped 111 the baa. Multitudes can, b;
he aid of this remedy, spare themselves fron
he endurance of foul eruptions and ulccrou
ores,, through-which tha system will strive t
id itself of corruptions, if not assisted to d
hu through the natural channels of the bod;
j an alterative medicine.- -Cleanse out th
itlated blood whenever you fend its impuritic
urstuig through the hktit in pimples, eruptions
r sores; cleanse it wlien you find it is ob
tructcd and sluxzish bx the veins ; cleanse i
rhencver it is foul, and your feelings will tel
ouwhen. iSven where no particular dmorde
felt, people enjoy better health, and liv
Dnger, for cleansing tlie blood. Jkeep th
od healthy, and all is well ; but with tht
abulum of life disordered, there can be m
sating health. Sooner or later somethinj
aust go wrong, and the great machinery o
tfe is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, th
eputation of accomplUhins these end. Bu
he world has been egregiously deceived b;
reparations of it, patty because the dm.
lone has not all the virtue that is clatmc
or it, but more becau.' many preparations
iretendins to be concentrated extracts Of it
on tain but- little of tlie virtue of Sarsaparilla
r any thing else. .
During late yearn the public hare been mis
cd by large bottles, pretending to give a quai
if Extract of bnrsapar ill a for one dollar. Mo
f these have been frauds upon the aick, to
hey not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
Ula, but often no curative properties wnatev
Hence, bitter and tiainful disappointmcn
ins fallowed the use of the various extracts c
Sarsaparilla which flood tbe market, until ta
uune itself is justly despised, and has becom
monvntous with imDot ition and cheat. Stil
ve call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intcn
o supply such a remedy as shall rescue th
tame from the load of obloquy which rest
tpon it. And' we think we' have ground fo
lelicviug it has virtues which are irresistibl
iy uie orainary run ot f ne aiscases u is urenu
d to cure. In order to secure their eomplet
radication from the system, the remedy shoul
ie judiciously taken according to directioas a
he bottle. - .-? . . -- -
DR. J, C. ArEB & CO.
rice, fl per Bottle j Six Bottle for f1
iA.yerc .' Cliotr ; Poctoral r
.rn m. eat ' A t a
as won for itseir auea a renown ior mo cure .
very variety of Throat and LAng Complaint, tne
t is entirely unneceasarf for us to recount th
viaence or its virtues, wnerei 1. u wc
.IavmI. Aa it haa lono been m constant us
hroughout this section, a-c need not do more tha
asure the people iu qnal.ty is kept p to the be
t ever has been, and thtt it may be relied on t
iO for their relief all it has ever been found to dt
Ayer's Gadiartic Pills,
roa TBM ctjm o
Tostiteneti. 1 Jaundice, Ouspepsfa, Indittetttor
')ftentery Foul. Stomach,, ryiipelas, lieadacfu.
Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions arid Skin Disease:
liter Complaint, Dropsir, Tetter, Tumors ail
ialt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as ,
dinner PUT, and for PtnHfiiny the Blood.
They are sugar-coated, ao trrat tne most ecus
ive can take them pleasantly, and they are th
test aperient in the World fur all the purposes ox
amily phytic.
riea 25 eeata per Box: Tif box for $L
Great ntimbera of Clerf)Tnen, Fhyaicians,Statet
iveo, aaa emineni personages, oava test ue
tames to certify thaunpar dleied usefulneas of the
ernediea, but our space "b ere will not permit tt
nseruon or them, ine .agents below namea ru.
Uh gratis ottrVisnicAV- Almanac fh which th
ire given ; with also luu lescriptiona of tne auov
wmpiamts, anaTne raainrattat saouta oe iu
.owea ior men cure.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealer wit
rther preparations they make more Pf0"1
Demand Ayek's, and ta te no others. The sic
vant the best aid there is :!br themi aad they shouJ
lave it.
Ail our remedies arc for eale vy v
Have tor sale
3 TrillGlEDtlflOWEKS,
Illinois Corn Planters,
1 ..
mf?1 A I
- I
.-.treljlheAr:- , 'TZrr
, , TOOTTK, UAJiKA k CO, '
April lDio : .r j- .; , . 1
L. FROST; &: Co, r
a n o o b in s
i'-sr- ,'.s i -i;!!.: : r.'-i ..: .-A: i.--
1 :- ': ' '; .. ; i ; '(
, Opposiita the Post Office, .
x o t. ' ii j.-mi v I- r.i?: ....
','TJnqneti6nably the best sustained
worK ot ine Kina in ine woria " -
IVctF ITIon t h Iy 71n gra zi nc.
, Critical notlcrt vf the l'ress.
Sit lttaeforenost Ma(rasite .f lite day. The fire
.die nt'ver hsl a.eiore deliuhtrut curapsnion, nor the
million a Biore entprpriniuir frioml. than Ha- p-rV
JISsie.-Af"t4ocii "fcrfeVtui . ':
The inu.t popular . Aleuifa l-ia tbe wui M. S. , X
' W mast refer ia teiaii of enlopy te the high tiK
and varied excellence ot llnrper's Mas.sinp n juur
rial vrilb a moullilv rirrnliition of about I Te.OftO ;
ii jo titow imftiira ' Ht? fnot wme or th"
chrieerft liKlitaail ceunal rna-lmg of thetl.y. ; v
tp-ak ot ttL w rk as an evitleiice of the Amrr ioti.
jwMl e; and the ptpolarit It haa aciiirel is mc. il
fil. Each Dombrr contain fulij I4 pae c,t it :i !
Injr nuttrtr, .iproprinf ly illu' rated wi:h K"o4 woV
and it combines in itwlf Uie rr) auv
f'i-nn),i' pliiio. phirsl iiart?rly, bl nJ -.1 i : Ti tt..'
brr f. uturtM uf 1 lie daily jour.iiU. It hw. gr"al pon ei
in tlifi lU.-enlustl in c f a love f pnrc lit- rut iri-.-Vuriii,'t
tfitide i American LtteriUuit (Lottilm:.')
Tbe volumes bo1nl coneti'u'nl rl ibraarlvn. a li.
brar il mi.;rl!.uwi4 realirijr, iuch a. ranaut b'
Ciimud In hr same c im;.:-1 in any oth-r pul'ltct 101,
(Utt !iis c-jiiij u..lV-i- tut rioike. '-oHtoH Cuaritr.
SUliSCmPTONS. 18V5.- '
The tuhi.heri k.tvn pri!t4 a ystem Jf ai.J io(
,y which iliey e ii -npp y th" Miik'ar.ine mifl Vl'eikl.v
pii'iiipdy t inosi- nlui pr r-r to recr-ieilieirpiriud-ic;il
lir -'tly from the tti:t of publica inn.
The potiie ok llanwr's M)razine tSci
yer, bbuJi uiut be uatU at Uie .ubrtnbtr'. pout of-
. .. :, v, ,
HarPkr's Mar.ailsE,in yar, - - .
..An ir,uiy vf cither, the Magazine -pir Week rr
will be mp. srjtti lor e,-r. CJub .f Five anb
nerihersat each', in oae reraittHce; or sis eopie
for 4.0. , . . -, , : . . .,
' Bok onniheHeanM sapptiHat any litne.
, A Cfttiplote-ret, B'w ronioriBlaij Tw.otf-Blofl Vel.
tint , ta tit t-lotli Hi.Hinrf, wi I srnt bv .xpf.-..
f. i'igUt t rxmvK fMirohiiser, for :ti n v. uiiie
."iii!J e v.iUio, by uiiiil, 9t pal 1. $1. Cloth ca-e-tor
binding Csatv, oy mail p.- pa hi.' '
, Address ... .' - .11 AKPKIl A UKUTHKRV. ,
'- "-' rrauk1iB rqurc, S.Y."
A nwver tilllnjc Antidote li Sit. Had.
& mttm Pyp.p.ia, Vwrrr aad Arm, -
Liver ComiUiut, CosUveness,
VaV llilliiiwiiesB, Xouralla.CoH
1'-W"l Appetite, Dwor-
V" in lgt
' . Obstractiona, kc
' "WIIiSON S are nhlversatly tu
konwIlKtrfbethel-entnowlnnss. As a Vainlly
."heia tb-y arioJ-tlculrly rororanieoll-i.lmple
aTr-1 harnileM, I'Ot highly ine-lfcHasl rn their mm
tloatton. Oa PU1 a noso, with mild .but cer
tain eflVota. The relwt.aoaBdthed.lkMehaJ
. ene tbrtu alike, with every assarnaee of entire
aafcty. WKh WilBea' Tills, every Motbr fc .
Mm laait BeooaMS her . awn physl'-iaa.. They, have
proved themselves a aractrsc, and stand wltiiimt a
rival for the Mlowing alfrcUona: ' .
dyspepsia, lira oospzjmrT. -
Coativanesa, BiliouaneTJ Neuralglr
Costivaneaa, Biliousness, Neuralgl f)
Salal by Crug-g-iits & Dealers arerTwhai -
7 .: : j raspABED i.;-i:
"B. PAHNE3TOCK era. :
Importers & Wholesale Druggists
Sol 60, eonter Wood and 4th fits. ' A
t ,
7 B. L. ahnealockVernilftiae..
::': "7 t Inn ".' ' 1
t ii i i -. v;'l vl - ci
., , Dealers In. U kinds of. , ...
School &-Blaim-isoa
Third ir Tfcst af Sviaear Jlense,
K. T
I aw
f .
oraer with yoarVrtt,
deranad, and yourfcihu.
a neomfortable f Theae sv nn
Joma are often tU,,
to aerioas Ulnesa.. jfomel
of sacabras is ersepin. Ub4(
voa,and should be a.r,
by a timely use of tbe n,u
i remedy. XaA. Ayer'a la
i and aleaaa out tha tliaut
J dared trurnors pari IV its
f blood, and let the Said)
move oa anolMtrnotea m
i health acain. They atiasa
, -J lata tha functiona of tt
Srr bodr into vleoroaa astivtta
mrify tha system from Uie obstauatioBs whieh aaaa
Ibiease. Jt cold settles somewhere In tbe body, aix
thstructa it. natural fnnetiona. Theea, If not t4
ieved, react aKa themselves and the aarraeBdia,
irrana, produolna- noueral afrravatioa, euSbriaa
aa disease. While in t'lia condition, opnreased bj
ha darsjrfcments, take Ayer'a rills, and see be
llreetly ther rtore tha nataral aetion af tbe are
ana, and with it the buoyant feeling of health agaia
That if trtte and to apparent in this trivial and caa,
aon complaint, U also true In 'many f tha dee
eated and denmrwas dlsremrers. Tne mmr poraw
ive aiSset axpaia them. - f 'unsed by aimllar olietra0
tons and derangements or tbe nataral ruuctne oi
be body, they are rapidly, aad many of tbeni sarerV
ured by tlie same means. - Hone who knew ta
wtaee of ttMM ttii.. mil bmU.1 .mplo Uieu
rh.n suAVrius from tbe cliaordera they sure.
. attaUaieots from leadina; physicians la some of th
trincfpal cttiee, and from other wall-kaowa pa Mm
arraona: -
Trout a remarking hf trebomt St. Lomk, VI. 4
Da. Atxb: Yoar IUls are tha paragoa oaJI Mof
rreat in medicine. Xher hat. ra n. Iims
laughter of uloc reus sores anon her hands aad Haf
hat had proved inearabla for years. lie -iksi
bs been Ion ir crlevoualr anaieud with biotehee aae
limnlea en her akia and in her hair. After aaa
ihtid was cured, aha aiso trlel your. Mils, and tbas
tare aured her. ASA MOKUIUDUA
JVeas Dr. M W. Oartwright, JfemJ OrUams.
Your fills are the nriuea of puree. Their eav
ollent oualitiae survaaf any eathariie we pemaa
ney are mild, but very certain and affeet aal In 11 Mil
uoa on tna ooweia, wtucn niakea tneaa lavaiaaaa
us in tna dally treatment or disease.
OteaMlal,Hk:lt llealach, Fwad (aswa.
From Dr. Edvard Boyd, Baltimore.
DAB Kro. Am: 1 cannot an.wav yam awVaf
mmplalntsl have ewrsd with rear 1111s better thaa
o aay alt that are ever treat tn Jt a fmrgaHrt avseB
as. 1 place great d.jendeiice oa tiial eAVstaal
thartio ia my daily contest wfth disease, aad ba
levlng, aa I do, tbat your 1111s afford aa tha beat mm
Mva,Tof oourse value tham highly.
rrrrsBCKO, Ta., May 1, liea.
Dft. J. C. Am. Sir: I have ben rapeatedhy
aired of tbe worst ktmlacht anybody ean have by a
lose or two af yonr 1111a. It seems to arise fiaca
bul atomach, which they cleanse at once.
Yours with rreat, respect, fcl). Vf. rfiCRLS.
Ctsrl cf tlHtmtr CUmwhS.
. ntllaae JDlaorJore I.irer CaasalaLaa
JVoue Dr. TKtod'- Hell, rf Stv Tbrm Citf.
Jsot only are your rills admirably adapted to theb
inrpose aa an atx-rlout, but 1 tind thiir beneflaial
:ffntrt npon tlie l-tver very marked ImW.d. They
lave in jiiv practice Jirovtd more .fleet usl for tha
:ure of bifiiiua compkiinta than anv one remedy 1
am mention. 1 ainoorcly rejulcm that we have ai
engtli a purputive which is worthy th? cimfldence at
he prulUsion nul the pooplu. .
WatliliiRtou, I). C . Till Feb., lM. J
8in: I have uel your l'ilis in niv f;fiicr.l onA
tospital practice ever Miice you ratu'.e them, aad
aioiiot Iji'ditale to say tliey urc the trt catliartts
ve emjilo v. Their tenulsting action on the liver t
iniek and decidrd, couqu;.tly they are an aaV
nirabl. renaeily ftir 1rraDxeiuents of that orga.
jideed, I have seldom found a ease of Miems titm
tits so obstinate that it did not readily rts'd as
htm Fraternally yours, A UtNO UAL I., M. !.,
Phg$kjin qftlu Jimtne llntjntvA
Dyaealery, XIarrla, It e lax, VY.i aaa.
fYnm Dr. J. O. Crten, rf Cfuengo.
Yoar 1111s have had a long trial in mv prastiaa,
Ad I hold them in esteem as one of tbe Ml aper
nta I have mrmr fuuaA. 1 hair Blteratir. tIWI Bpoa
he liver anakee them an excellent remedy, wbeai
ven in small doses Ar kiliout dysearery and ft Bl
won. Hieir mugmr-mumiiag ndui tht:a very mm
aptable and convenient for the aae or wonea aaal
: JDraatapaiat, lawpairltr aba Rlaod.
rVom lev, J. V. Urmei, Pastor rf AUrtnt tTtawai,
Da. atxu: I hart eed your 1111a with eV
rdioary access In my family and among those I aJB
ailed to visit in distress. Ta revnlate the oresas mi
lirestioa and parify the blood, they are tlie vera
est remedy I have ever known, and 1 ou aonAV
lently reooinmend them to my friends.
, .. Yours, J. V.HIMKA.
Warsaw, Wyoming Co., If. Y.. Oct. t4. laS.
Pin Rib: I am using yoar Cathartic I'll Is la ssf
iractice, and And th.m an exeollerit purgative la
Jrapna tha ayttam and purify the hmnttums f ska
ivod. JU11S U. AtKACliAkt, at. D.
3eraallpaliAa, Caati vsaeat. Sappraaaiaea,
Ithcanaiianiitisal, IXeamlgla, Urapey,
1'aralyaia, fita, etc.
From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Jlcmtrsal, Cnnada.
' Too much cannot be said of yoar Pills for lad
are of coitivtnett. If others of oar fraternity hare
bond them as erQcaolona as f have, they should joia
oe iu proclaiming it, for tlie benefit of Uie BBaltitadsa
vbo sutT.r from that complaint, which, aitboas.
ad enough I11 itself, is tbe progenitor of others that
re worse. I believe rostirsnsjs to originate in tha
iver, bat your rilia.aflbat that organ aud tore the
from Mrs. JT.' Stmart. rfneim and AftaV(r,
a A hm np l.a larva ilnui of tour Pills, takea
it the prow. Mma are excellent proanntivee of the
w... m w imm ,n7 11.'. r. mtwm.
holly or partially se-a-They
are so anueB
tomach and mrvS smrWs. Th.v are
mum uiir fir, v
test physio wa hava that I reovounead is ataar la
ay pa tienta.
fYcrm the Kev. Dr. ITavles, of ts JLftikodiU Mpt
TTtASKt ITocr., Savannah, Ca., Ja. 6. 1WS.
. TlosoacD Pib: I should be uBgralefal far tha
xlicf your skill has brought me If I did not repeat
ny ease to you. A eola settled in my llaabe aad
rocght on excrndntlng mauralgi paint, whie
indeo in ehrrmie rhmnmtitm. stotwitbstaadliig 1
lad the test of physlciana, tha dieease grew wares
ind worte. unta by the advice of your exoellaat
igent in ItaJtimor., Ir. Mackenrie, 1 tried yean
Ills. Their c (frets were slow, but sure. Ily pa
evering in the eaa of them, I am now entirely wa.
SmtATK Chaviikk, Taton Eooea, La., I De.,l
la Atbk: I have fieeo entirely cured, by toms
llls, of lihnunatie 'lout a painful drsensethat hai
iflUcted tae for years. YIM'lUiiT riUDlXU
Most of tta Tills In inarkst ooatain Mereonj
vhieh although a valuable remedy in skilful baadg
dangerous in a pnblio pill, from thy d.Jful ear
enueucea that fre.jueot'r Ineautkiaa aea
"baas aontaiB " wercury or uiasral aaaewaaat
v hat-" . . . . , .
, Trios, 8 ttatt pr Box, or 0 Bosaa Cat Ik .
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4'A Complete .Pictorial TlLitory f
v the Times.''
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