Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, April 11, 1855, EXTRA, Image 9

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    t M;ai t fiitn lo dp eiveii n rvii'n ( p in
. Mi'li I'm . -
.ln .1,1. declaration of oil W ho eenic UP 1 1 if IMlss.
rmt.l.i, in Mnroli. Kf.', whether tliy vntid or not, it ml lu ll i r tl.)
ilt into the Territory nt nil fir nol ; nni Ko tl c rumor liirli n
-.p-iilnlH nninng I hr- people of Missouri prci h ns to t' c rli 'Hon Tl i
iit body of ilir ti stmiony Inki n nt tin- iii'tnnie of the ntni'g i!i li -r
ip n of this rhnrnetcr,
' When the dcelnniiion nf parties pns-it'C up the nvpr were oflerrd
; evidence, your Committee r.erivd 'I" m upon tl" turt Matin em tliry would 'm fjt.-ltiilicl unless the poisons milking the declnrn
in were by olner proof shown in hove I ppn i'oiuii mil Willi tlip rice
noil Tins priMif win li'il niii'l'1, Pi" I tl" re fore Hindi ol llns i lss of
iflinmny in inmnipi lent by lli' "'lis otliiw , Iml iihI'mmiI lori mum,
r If oiling l'i slmw l1"- cnuse of Hi'- n'ti"ii ( f 1 1 riiiy. ns of Mn sunn.
1 l:f nllpi'l niui'i ol iIip invusinn nf March, i.Vi, hip ii clnlid in the
,l.owiH)f rlmi g' :
J "ITint the N''W r.ntrlim'l Aid Society of I'o-loit, wns ll.m im
porting mil iIip Tcmiiay Inrge numlx i s of mm, nieifly lor tl"
puipo-p of controlling the il.etmns. 'Mint tliry rimip wnliint wo
nirn, children or Imrtngc, went into iI.p '1 i n U"iy, vnti d mil nun mi
II. Thnt men wire liind in llie En-tern or Nort I" t n Suites, or in
duced to go to tin- 'I'm nt. i y ml' ly In vulc, mid not In h III'-, nrnl ! "
r.jnw In make il h 1'rre Suite.
"jlF. Tlmt the (inventor of the Tinitoiy I ni Iv i osipi mil li (
,:v ot election to allow this emigration to nn ivp. nol Minimi the 1 ml
i-riint Aid Society, nnd persons in the I 'mil in Sum s, ol iff day ol
r.rolion, lii' fore !" cr W'tire to tlip pioplr- ol Mi-sonn I'm) tl" T r-
'1 lint ill""' charges wrrp industriously rii cu'nlrd ; thnt gnosly i x
jtwrdsird stni. minis w pip made in r gi.ul to tliiin; llait the new s-pn-ii-
prrss mid lending nun in public meetings ii AVcsiein MisMit.ii,
inip'l in imconse ly n rluipliiin of the I'nil.d Sinirs Army, gave em
IflKV iid pr'dit to il" m n ni I llini excited iIip people, m d inifni ' d
ninny w !l-ineniiing piii7pii!i of Missouri to ni.m ii mm iIip '1 rinioty
n m't mid ri p'-l 1 1 r iillp;:nl Kasii-rn pnnpi rs ni.d AliolilioniMs, is
fully pn" 'ii liy iimny 'iiin,.""'
If ill (li'sp pliiir's hip not susUimcd ty 1 1 if proof.
In Aprii, l"v"'l, 'I" ' ''" I'tl AssinJily of .M.isva! l.n.p'iK ii"n! nn
' M ciiiitl' d " A n A' t I" iin'ororiiip I In1 Mnssni'linsrin I "nil l: r.-mt A i I
j SfP.icty." Tl"" ol'iprt of ilip .-oripiy , us iliclnrid in I In In st si M ion I
;!n f.rl, w ni " fur tlip purposp of to siki ( ini;'riinls In rciilp in tl '
f.V"it.'' 'J'lir nioiipy d Piipilnl of lite rorpotnlion w ns iml topxrmi
fH niilliiniR of dolliit s, lull no mom llinniour p r r' ni. rould lip ns
s w'"d d'o in;: tl"' V' ii r I s'-. nod nonifirt' I linn Hi per ppiii . in nny yppr
- itii-rpiiVr. rs'ii oi iinijiljoii was ppfntid,or piocittlins
ih law.
s (in llir ..i'.Ii iliy ol July, I'm!, i .i 1 1 prrs'tis in liO't'-n, fvliissa.
f i'Iuivt', ponrlndfd nit ipp of fl;:rt pnw nt nod nssopniiion for nn l.ttn
jfBi'l A d Soi-n iy. '1 Iip pm pofp ol tliis Assoiiniion m iU i Iiti d
I ni lip " ns-istin Miiirmits to w-iiIp in iIip West,'1 I'lidor tin sp nun
I ri itf d'.siK i.itii'ii piii'Ii stni'kliul'lrr ' indiviilunlly linlil''. To nvnnl
i iJiin rjirtii'iiiiy, nn iipplipniion wan mndp to tlin CJmrtiil Ass' inldy of
i Mnsvncl.nsi in for nn iipI of iiipnrpoi niion, w lui li w ns pinniid. On
j Our Slut day of l'i I riuiiy, l-V. nn ni l w nx pnssid in incni pornm
,ii rew Holland Knnriint Aid Compiiny. I I"' purpiiM- of lliis
Wis i!''cl;irrd to Iip "ilirirlmc rniiinlion wpsiwimi!, Mid nid
MiZRnti prnvidmir nivoinnio'lalions fn trip rmirntits ut'ti r nrrtvinc nt
(jfril ulri' r ii.l-nlinnli'id " Thppnpltnl K (if 111 r corJ'OTnl lol
1 onp million ol uolini.i. L- iid'T this cimiu-r n coinpnny
1 1 r i r ow n I" linlf; ml with lln rritiiity or iis politii nl poi.ililion, or il' i'pivitl l.y tlin slntr
iti II ivm as i nn- in i'tl if in n dp I'V tin' iipw spiipi r i mid 1 y I Iip nr.piln of llip f-ocii tv, I p-
panip fdnaltsli'd nnd I'MitrtiPd, lioih IipIoip hih) nln-r tlin plirltoii, to
ilinr old liouips. Most of tl.i in urn now rrtilrrn in tlin Tciritory.
Soinp nw voi'd nl iIip plf'tion in l.nw n nrp, lint ll,p i nndipr w ns Mitnil.
Tlin nnitip of thrsp ftni'jiaiiM Itnvp I i rn pilnini'd, nnd of
iliPin wi re found upon tit'' poll liooks. 'I hm f ornp-nny of ppm-piul nui
i:rmitf, niovint' Willi llii ir lious' l.old roods, urn diRinrlrd into nil in
v in 1 1 1 1 1; IiouIp of piump- Al'olilioinsis. who wrrp, Willi ollirrs of n
nnd I'ppnrt all mirh pprsons nn slinll liy llif rxprnfmion
of Alji'lil ion spntiinruis prodiirp fliRiurlinrirn to thr quirt nl the rili
7piis, ordnnppr to tlm di nipstir, rpliilions ; nnd nil tui It peisoris o of
fending nlinll I f noiifi'd nnd nuide to Ipnve tlin Tfrrilnry."
Tlip, ni'-ri i rifr wn " nlily nnd rloqiipnlly nddrnssi d iiy Jndpn I.f
rnniptp, Col. .1. '. Hums, ot " 'VpslPin Missouri, nnd nllnrs." Tims
lip In nd ol the Judiciary in tlip Tfrrimry not only assim d nt n pnlilio
nnd hitii rly linriiMin n cctinp, w linsp dir ct tcr.ili ncy wn to piodiice
vioImipp nnd disonlcr, but In fine nny low iR pnssid in li e Territory,
lie prejudges tlin rlininctpr of tlie doincstic insinniioiis, vliirh tlip pen
pip of tlin 'lVrriinry W Prc.liy their nrKunic law, " left jierfectly free to
liirm nnd rpctilatn in their own wny."
On this Coininiilpp wptr pevernl of those, w ho lipid ccrti Scutes of
(In lion ns ntcinli'rs of the Lrpislnlnrc ; sonic of (he olliprs were then,
nnd still are, rrsidi nt of Missouri, nnd runny of the Committee linve
sincplipi n nppninnd to the lending oflirrs in the Territory, one of
w Im h is Hip Mienllnlty ot the Counly (Jones.) J heir first net wns
similar rlmrnPter, In control the iloniesi ic institutions of the Territory,
nnd thru over'urn those ol n ni'is;hl'oriii; powerful hlnle.
In n card In the si rond chin e : There is nn proof tlmt nny ninn
wns lined or indiuid to come into the Territory fioni nny fire Slate,
merely In miip. Thermite 'inieralion in March, IKVi, is estimated
nt .ri(MI persons, iti'-lnd n nicn, woun n nnd i Inldn-n. Tin y cnnie on
slenmlKitiis up the M isoiin Kivpr, in IIip orduiRiy course of emi;.'rii
t k ni , Many rdiii ncd fur ' iiusrs similar In those hrforp slnli-d, but the
hodv of th' ni nie now residents. Thr mil v persons of those w ho w erp ' that of; I'lnlliiiS
connci led liy proof with the i lection w ere some who voted nt the lilt; SSulispqiirnlly, on IIip 'J'nh of May, A.I). 18.V), a pulilic meeting
I'.lne prci'iuci in I he I Dili I Mstricl, and nl. Pawnee in the Hill 1 J is- was held, nt which II. R. Hies, a nn mlif r rlcct of thr Council, presidpd.
I rnl. Their putposi s nnd chaiaiicr are staiid in a foinier part of this 1 he follow inr; . "solutions, offered hy Jud;e Payne, a nunilipr elrct of
ri porl. I the House, were unanimously adopted ;
Til- third charge U enlirely ;roimilless. The nrirntiic law rrquirra " Unolrrd, Thnt we henrillv Indnrse the action nf ihn Committer of rltlwnii
the (iovcrnnr In piiiim- nn eniunerai ion of liip inhaliitatils ni d li pid "ml rhNvcit, tarnit and Ii nllnrid, rude on a ril, and sold hy a nefiro, VV llliam
micis lo he made, nnd Hint he up portion the nicmUts of tlie Council Phillip. ;.ie ninral p'-rjnrrr. .... .. ... , ,..,.
. ,, ', . ' ,, iii krttwt, I hat we return ntir thanks lo tlie Commiuee for failhfullr perform-
nud House ai. to llns pniun. ralion. I nr reasons slain hy ! , imi.1 eiijnined n...n ili.m l y ihe I'm Klnveiy party,
pi rsons piii-ntreil in tnlim; ihe ci nsus, it was not compiletid until the Jtetolred, 1 liai the Ciminiinee he now rliirhNriied.
early part of March, i. At that tune (he day ol holdui" tlip eke- ; Airrrf, That we severally rinidniiii th..,p I'm-flavrry men wlm from mer
tion'hnd nut I- , and could not have heen linn,', .1 hy the ( .nvernor. , i;;yrt,,';;,',''v' "' ""' c"m"e "fm" ,"B B1VCry P""y '" ",hn'lt ""
As soon as pr o lii ahlr idler the returns w ere hrouidit in, he issued his j lirnelnii. Tlmt In order lo secure peace and hnimnny tn the community, we
proclaiiiiilion for nn election, nnd named the f ntlicst day ronsistcnl i now solemnly declare that the Frii-Plnvery pany will stnnd firmly hy and carry
w nil due notice ns the day of election. The day on which the elec- "" eoiininns repnried hy the coiniuitiee appnlnled lor that puiposeon the
lion wns tn lie held w ns u mutter of conjecture nil over the. country. I l"fI,'"r"''1'' 1UI'1'
Unlit was cwcrnllv Known ilintit would hr in the lallrr pnrt ol The art of moral pf-rj-iry here referred to, is the swearing hy
March. The precise day was not known hy nny one until the proc ! Tliillips lo a truthful protest in regard to the election of March 30,
I. ni, nl ion w as i.-sin d. It win not know n lo the aw nls of the l'.ini- j in the Mill District.
Cinnt Aid .-o. i. iv in l!"tun, on the Mill of March, Ks.'ij, when the The ineiiihers receiving tlieir certificates of the Governor, as
party of the eii.irnius In line roferi'd lo h ft. ! meinliors of the (ieneral Assi mlily of the Territoty, met at Pawnee,
Your Couiiiiiiiee are s uisf:e, ihai,. chnr-.s were ninde the tlie place appointed hy the Governor, on the yd ol July, A. D. IV).').
I ni' ie prcii xl to induce, nn annul invasion inm the Terr.tnrv, ns a 1 heir proceediuL'S lite stated ill thri e printed hooks, herewith suh-
means lo control the eh clion anil csiaiilisli Maveiy tliPic. i milieu, iniiineu respec.uveiy, nm cuiiik'h ui inc i t irnorj ui
T 'he mil pm pose is mowed nnd illiislimcil l.y the testimony nnd : Kansas ;" "The. Journal of the ( 'ouricil of the Territory of Kan
sas, ana " I tie j jiirnni oi me nouse oi ivepicseniauves oi tne
Territory of Kansas."
Your Committee do not regard tlieir enactments as valid laws.
A Legislature thus imposed upon a people can not allect tlieir
political rights. Such an attempt to do an. if successful, is virtually
an oveithrnw of the organic law, and reduces the people of the
Tenitory tn the condition of v.nsals In a neighboring Mate. To
avoid the evils of anarchy, no armed or organized resistance to them
should he made, hut the citizens should appeal to tint l allot hox at
pulilic elections, to the Federal Judiciary, and to Congress, for
relief, r-'uch, from the proof, would have been the course of the
people, but for the nature of the enactments, and the manner in
which they are enforced. Their character and tlieir execution have
been so intimately connected with one branch of this investiga
tion thnt relation to "violent and tumultuous proceedings in the
Territory" that we were compelled lo rxamine them.
The " laws " in the statute books arc peneral and special; the
latter are strictly of a local character, relating to bridges, rnnds,
and the like. The (Trent body of the general laws are exact tran
scripts ol the Missouri Code. To make them in some cases conform
conduct of Col. John Scoil, ol St. Jn'eph's, M issouri, who lined as the.
aliorin y for t he silt ill", i'i h "jite (Whiifn Id) before your Cciimiillee.
The oliowin; lire cxiuu ts Pom his deposition :
" Plicr to the pl'cllnn In rtarrdnh prcririrl, tn the 1 41 tl lllstrlrt, on the!!!h
of .Noveliili' r, Is.M, I hint hri 11 a resident ol M isHoiirt. nml I then d-o'iiniii' il, il I
tonhd II her' ary, lo ! Cnirie n rewuh-nt ol K aiin. 'I f illoty. I In the rlity pirvioii.
lo il ni elertiun I si llied my hoaiil ni my hoiinlniir honsp In Hi. Jo-e h'n, M;. !
smiil, aii'l wein over lo the 'I einioiy and look lioartiiii uli Mr llry.ipi, nenr
hi"-e hi'ilpe llie poll w ere Itelil Ihe mil rhiv lor one lii'inh, m Hial I niiL'lit
luivr II in ley pew er, liy iiiiti ly d'i'-iniiniiis lo do ko, to heroine a resident ut ihe
Terr'l ry on llie dny nl
" When my iiiuiip w r. tiroposeil as a JiuIv'p of Flertlnii., olijeriions were made
hy live prr"iin only. & I iheh puMicly inlorined iIiohp j-p.
k in llmi I Imil a rlinm In ihe Terrllory : Dial I hail taken hoard In IIip Ti'tritury
for a month, anil lliiit I rould al any inenieiit tii'iouienn nclnnl reiildriii and hmil
vm.'i In thr Teriiloiy, and Hint I mild do so, II I concluded al nny time dinlii(
Ihe diiy, Ihal my voir w.nihl he nece.i'nry to carry that preciiirl in lavor nl tlip
I'm hlnvrry raii'liilnlp for ileh eaip lo I'oiipn f.. I did
nol ilnrliiR iIip dsv run-tiler U n-ce.ary lo lieromp a resident of llie T'Trllory
lor Ilir pi, i j'i'Se ii. emu no tl, and nol tn r ofl'f If vol nt 'hnl rlpt-ilon.
" I hel't ihe olhr e ol l 'liy A uornev for Hr. Joseph's, at ihnl lime, nnd held It for
In n or Ihri-pyenra pl'-vlously, and coiilinned lo liold It until tin. Hpniie
I vnletl al nn elerttoll In rl. Josepll Ill uie rprinir nl HS.
Bail lo tx'" d one million ol Oolini.t.
.'was ore.inired,
' i Oil! ommiltee Dnve caininei somr ot Us olliccrs, nun n portion nni) wn, r(. ,,p,inud liy Anoriipy. The .lion of HhiTcrv In
;nf its cireulars mid records to nseei Pun w hat has hri n done by it. 1 lie I at ihe eli'rilon ol NovemhiT, IH.'il, lo the .nine ex lent n. in every eieriion In ihis ( to the orcanic act, separate acts wet e passed, deli run 2 the tncaninir
IVrilioty (ieii. n hill.. Id .in, ri pnrd. d a. the I ro riinv, ry lor f wur, '! wurd .. st:,. is ,0 he m,(erslood as rneanini;
111!" I III f 1 11 v" r V nun. I ML llt'U HI'i ilium i r-nn..i nr ttt- IMiiiimiiy
f",,:'nn,,n iwuui.u.y irn.,,,, mi u'.ii (iinnmii, i run i tuUuni n ,: H, rti.,., nnd km (nr 11, 1 know, nil panic, aCrr,Il in nmk
kliaraou r an-l r'"'iir-t'( ihis C.ciipntiy wnl i nrnt into H.iumI ill1 tUi, ,tlllt (jurminn tin- ismip of U.nt lTiion.
L. r . .V.... . . 1 I',.. ... r...l .1.. 1.... 'I I... .... ... ...I.. ....... I ..1. i. ..... 1 .,. .....I !,, I. it, f a nr..iil tnanv oilier Kf i ninnrlnna
11 IP Ml J I'll- OI..J WM. ...I'M. n -.,.-.-- -
rrndtnt in .4r..n tnri'r'r llie pllivry in lo hf flt'lr-rnnni d npnn (.y
tli ( ot Ui if 'JVrriinry in tfj adripfinn of Kln'p CnriftinnioM, lo ri'mnvB
in thin "ivrtitorv in timr tn arnuxr thr rpht to hrenrnt irpnt rntfrt ypon thnt ouff-
f A pjtiica'si'His W( t r nnur lu ihtr ( 't'litf'driy liy Vt otii lr siring to mik- ' ,ir irmlliip ptnpi.c i iur iiil iniil r iimval to l i-rnl'ity if lo d i"r
iridic, hid u Jim lnv w.rvt iiitiiwrnut ii'tii"ii lo ft inn a purl V of cmi- iuiup thr donn-Mir iintimi nf Hum Tf-rrihiry, wlun tt rmnen to be a Hut,
" ' , J . 1 m-. u otil.1 . il rmim lint for tlinr rtnrw.i nnri A k'h.i' th,le f
tnc hrrr. but for that purpngr. 1 uflicye llirro are pnat innny in MihJnurt
Y. Im nrf o flldiiit'l."
if'iihhc n'tt'iit inn ( 1 1 nit (inifi was rliifctt rf lo I fir IV i riiory ot K nn;Kt ;
ufofOii' mil thus nlii.iint-ljvin pulilt-ihrd. '1 In rnmpMiy mmi nnirp- !
iffHn witii varioiii liivs 'f tinnportnnonf to rt tlurr tlip ex priw tf I
mrati"n t hp Territory, mkI piocorl it' kds nt ttir r lu rnirs.
Acnlr.(. s ?r. Im 'Kris wrre nnUt to tlifin nt Uu- reiln-T'l rnl . ;W) in-rni ,
nuaintrl will, tlie route, was m-IitUm lo urn mpui-v thnn. "l'iirirj,
jitfiL"' ( I nr lit it, nml nl l roti hie ami danger ol' loss to l!ir- . iti i-
ini wjiv was flvmoro.
Tin invasion nf Marrh oO, 1Tl hoih parties in a state nf cx-'itmirnt,
! lss mwl n' kUs, w Inlr assninin tlie namr of the " Iaw nnd OkUt"
' party. The othi-r p.i ri y , nt first surprised and coiilonndrd, was great
, UivJ. r iiii-sr a'V.H"rmrnts,-ntnpnnir wrnt into tla-'IVrritory in tin- i tf-ndm dirrrily to prnduro viuli-nre. Tlie sucr.fssfnl party was luw-
dill of nhdrr tic tirlH If s of iissnrintion fti nd to. Tli'' ('mil-
j pany did imt pay uiiy portion of th'1 fair, or furnisti nny p iMmal oi
( r-ftt pt-'pity to 1 1 ic f-rniranf. 'I'lte f .Vtnpimy during 1" .).", ,nt inio
i T mtory fioin r.i'jdjt lo l'n biw mills, pnn:liasd onr hfio l m Kan
I van Cry, w hu li tliry fmliTqu ntly koM, Unit imr l.oitd at I, aw n nrf,
and a 1 otx- otiM r I'Uiidmi; in thnt place, n home rasf s, lo inlu'e
ly irritated, anil Rome resovd lo pit vent the mieress of lltf invasion.
In some utstrieui as M'toie siateo, protests were pent to the i.nvernor,
in others, tins w:i prevendd hy tdreats; in ntlters, by the want nf j
limp, only four days tein;r nllowet! liy ihe proclamation, fttr tliis pur- j
Ifllmtouidkriniprovfinents, town l.rfs were u'lvtn to them l.j lownp"; nnd in otla'rs, hy the behfl that a new eleeiion would Dnntr n
f ifffxa.'finnn in this errit..ry 1 hey held no pi'-prrly ol any other i"' invasion Aiinmiii-'Niiiirmiir, n'l": ",r".,,mi,,M " ;
.'j i -i'i i i'. I rl..ni1lu u't sitiiiiK iiIxhiI llr. ierttt it timet irp U'hieh tin mn
t ' :; ; :::": ::. .' v z v: .,. ; :, ?: : i ; i i.. ... ' vu-t 0;,, ai,,i,t or ;,i., c;ovemm.nt, ..nm . .ime bof.,f 1,. by Jhe prop,,,. of
t Tlie Uii il iiiiii'inil rji rM inl'il hy i.lif'iii, ini'lti liii lln .nl.i rii-i nf llit'ir '
f I'.ntt 'in1 filli'Tts, uii'l lln' 1 xj'i ii'.. ni''nliiil In nil iiiniii.nliiiiiR, wns
ic.a ihan flvf hiiiifitfti tht'tuniitt iftilltns.
Tlif.r iiiii'piiM-i, .is far 111 yi'tir .i"iniiiittif r;in narrilnin, wnrn Iniv
vil. aw! r.,iiiritiii'(-i lo mipj Iv 1 f wiinti msl x" ririn'.-il Hi th1
" Ttrrimrv,'' ami thf words " Ciumtv Court," kliall be riMintrucd to
mi'an the " Jlnard f Cdnimif siunprs Iriinsartiiig cnunty bimincss, or
the Probate Court, nrcordine t" the intern tln-reof." The words
" Circuit Court ' to mean " Dislrii l Court."
The material ditlerenees in the Missouri and Kaunas statutes, are
upon the folltiwinir MibjecU: The i)iiililiraiioiis of voters and of
nu liibirs of the I.eiriaintivo Assi nibly ; the oflicial oath of nil otli
cits, attorneys and votrrs; the mode of srlertins; ofiireis and their
qiialitii'iilioiis ; the slave code and tlie qualifications of jurors.
Upon thee subjects the provisions ol the Missouri Code are such
as are usual in many of the Slates. Hut by the " Kansas Statutes,"
every officer in the Territory, executive and judicial, was to be ap
pointed by the Legislature, or by some officer appointed by it. These
appointments were not merely to meet a temporary exigency, but
were to hold over two regular elections, and until after the general
election in October, lSf7, at which the mc-mbeis of the new Council
were lo be elected. The New Legislature is required to meet on
the first Monday in January, IS,'. Thus, by the terms of these
" Laws," the people have no control whatever over either the LrL'is-
i lative, the Executive, or the Judicial departments of the Territorial
. rfi'Ma "t ot h ni",v cniiiiti v
Tlino.i'y p.'fM'iis or rinnjmny who rini;Hnt( d into 'he Trrr'.tfry 1111
J tjorlht .t'lin i of llie. I'.lliii .nil A I'I S.ii'ii'ty 111 l-.Vl, prior lo thei'ler
' lion ii M.-iirh, w hs ti jinny nf l.'i') j-i-rsotis w ho . ..inn under ll.c
Ctlir;Ji.f CllllllrS Itol.illSnll.
i In iV : ji-riy lln-re wr" i7 '"ii'i nnd ilulilri'ti. Tiii'V c.'tini'
f c!u:il i.. ul'-ri, i nle ml ins lo ii. uke I In ii' In uiie in ihe Territory , ninl lor
;ollir (ulrootr. Tln-y lind nlnnll lln'll l'iMilis lull little l,i;' .'.v.-c ;
tn!fy iiilieifiii clothing m n curpi'l .trk for a llol I lime. 1 heir
i iierton.i1, elli -ih, .'i.h in iloi Inn;, tin inline, i.e., w as put in so Inni!:
i .! rwx-' aiM Im i'. tiv iii"ii.'i- hi aeiecin ami rlieapiir f-i in irnin
Jliw.mjt ns m il V-1 " Kniim pnrfy b .i.'ii;'e, cm-nl Ii. tinier, Si.
s l."ii!j, I ii-ni'i allv I his wns roiisine.l i.m Ii ei-hl in if:e wny, 'o
T th? tare of h rmiitiii" ion men linnl. 'J'lns piin v lunl, in inl'lilion to
: 'Jlfl 'JUhl nllowp.nre of one buii'lred pounds lo each pnsveni:er, h Iiii-jo
- iu-;if" of v. j'ic c.i v.'hii li tlio r'ierliT iiwiii is (iniij lin;
" Hir i ighl. K.n'li passenger or pnrlv pui'i fcis or lli ir nw n ( xpen
, til l tli". only l in lit ili.-y deicvul com the Sih uiv, not sliiimi bv
'f i th peojile of lire Territory, w ns lln- r"lue!ioii of in ihe price f
I'iic, lie r.oiivenirriee ot' Iraveluo in n company instead ofnlone, mnj
i e;ir.'i,.ieH nrel 1'neil.i v of iransn.ii inn' il.eir ti i -1 -1 1 1 iliioiijh n ru-
,, M1 4"' - b ibM.'j'ii ntiy, iv.jny timji Jul , Le.ii.- ii;I,i i di,.p i' nl-
population, the l erritorial Uovernment will he superceded by a
tSt:i te (lovernment.
No session of the Legislature in to be held during 1&.V5, but the
mrmhers gf the House are to be elected in October of that year. A
candidate, to be eligible at this election, must swear to support the
Fugitive Slave Law, and each Judue of election, and each voter, if
challenged, must take the same oath. The same oath is required of
every oliieer elected or appointed in the Territory, and of every
attorney admitted to practice in the courts.
A portion of the militia, is required to muster on the day of elec
tion. "Every lice white male citizen of the United States, and
every free main Indian who is made a citizen by treaty, or other
wise, and over the bkc of twenty-one years, and w ho shall be an
inlialiiliint of Ihe Territory, and of ihe county and district in which
be otiers tn vote, and shall have paid a terri.'orinl tax, shall be a
qualified elector for all elective offices. " Two classes of persons
' were thus excluded, who by the organic act were allowed to vote,
viz.: those who would nol swear to the oath required, and those of
foreign birth who had declared on oath their intention to become
citizens. Anv man of proper ano. who was in the Territory on the
niuti'rcl pionueeil linilMini violence, turn law icp neis ueruiue iieipieiu.
i Ins evil cnnil I inn of lln-public iiiiini w ns furllirr inrrrnscd by
I nf violence in i siein .Missouri, where, in April, a liev spiqn r press
callfil Thr I'tirkrOlr. I.tnitinnrti, wns destroyed by a mob.
I About tiie siinie l ime, .Mnlcoiiu C'liu k ussmilti d Vie Mi Cren, nt a
sqiiniter ni''. ting in Ij uvrnwni lb, and wns shot by MeCnn, in nil. jjf.d
m Il'ilrfi'liee.
j ( In llie lwli of May, William Phillips, n lawyer of Leavenworth ,
w as fust nitiitio! lo leave, mid upon Ins refusal, wns forcibly .seized,
I taken iiei'iiss the river, Hint carried several miles into M issmn i, nml
tin n l.ii'i'i i! ami feathered, mid one tide nf his head shaved, and oilier
i ginss n.digiiilies pl.t upon his person.
j l'leviniis lo llie outrage a public meeting whs held nl whieh reso
i humus were uii.'iiniiii'Usly nsed, looking lo nnlawlul violence, nnd
ciossly Hiioli unit lii their ehnraeter. 'llie lii'l.l of fn-e speech upon
jllie siiljeil nf slavery was I'hnracierizi'ii ns n ilisiiu biinee of the peace
I and quiet of i be i oii.iiuiiiiiy, and ns " iilatuig ineeiidiiiry si nli
j infills." Tiny t'V " lo llie peculiar frii.iids nf Northern families,"
i"fj.i bniiie mil do your lieiison wide you limy find sympathy."
! Anion" other lesnlves is the following:
! lirroi, rd. Tliai Hie I n 1 1 1 u 1 1 . n of .Inv. rv 1. knnwn ami n-riisnie,! in Dili ' day of election, and who had paid one dollar as a ta. to the Slierif!',
Terr inn y ; thai m nei iiir do- nine Hat it i5 moral awl mlitinii evil, nml we ! who was required to be at tho polls to receive il, could vote as an
hurl l.j. k wiili fc.irii iiK.n 11. al.imlt ru .oi.n.s me ciinuie ... ininiiiianiiy ; , ., jniat,,nt ," all hough be bad bieakfasted in Missouri, and intended
1 here can be no doubt that this iinu
provision was inserted to prevent a full
finle im nm i' 11M1111' ni'-.." ai.d f ur expression ot the popular will ill the election ol members
A ' minit: c of Viri'jii.i ol' t'O uhii wa apt unite I ' to oktive ' of the Huu$.e, oi to conliol it by iion-rc.iidents.
ami we wain all .er...lil mil l'i mm.- 111 111. ...eri.i. . ..nn... . .1", i.i.u -,,. ,l,,.r. i, nnr
wiw the nl ilifror.l lelw een llie inasler ami Hie ne.uinl ; I'.ir. a. mil. I. a. : I( reiiu 11 in. re inr anppci
te iiir iiert kMiv in v huh we 11. nv Im- liiivi n, vie can lint lie suai anil
v vw, I ws'
,-.,-$ws' yti?r.vwjiaMwasiiiCHr'