it: f ,reetice e Cel. spall- man nnl I'm U 1 r-y were burned, but by whom in i -ft in doubt by To avoid a similar outrage at lhe election for Slate officers, Slc, ,.,'tini'HV. to be held on Hie Kith n January, 1 S'.f., the election lor Lcaven- . ,,r meaning of ti e rrscflc of lUansnn, .Ti nes was at the village worth District was appoint! l to be brlil at Kloii, ami (lie time rauklin, mar Lawrence. 'J In- rescue was spe ki n of in tbp ; postponed until the; Hlli ol 'January, lS.'ni. On the way lo the e ice nre of Jones, and more cniivoisaiion passou 01 iwi-on iwei iiiiuth hum, persons were slopped iiy a party ol mm at a gnu-fry, nlHi inlr a to w In-tin r it w as iihhi iopi r m wim ior pssini- : guns taut n linn tin in. l Miring the afternoon, part leu rame up to ooiir, in Wnwiti, or io i.e. v. .-inn in n. jc in s '.M mo piaec cii cioe iii n aim threatened to destroy (he ballot box, and h and handed it to a messenger. .' sea n us op stain o, wi re gumy oi nincr uimli i,t and abusive cnndurt. Alter tbe polls l it n..i. iu I ,Lnur inv ilimin r 1 lo llissi.lir..cimlliV,Uk-i'lni iisi,rl timti v ul llm mil a I...... , nl - -f -1 1 - .... f 1 Sit 1 11, 1 i'i I II I ii ii i no, ,i'is ii j I j - . ....... j ... , miiiLlB wt-inK n'in 111 IIHITC Ol nil HUill K, ,1 1 will have revenge ln-loro I rc Missouri." A pern n present, ; were armed in tbe bouse where tbe elertiiin bad been beld, until urns examined as a witness, c omplained publicly tbat tbe di s- the m-xt Inorhiiiir. Lain that night, Ste phen Spark, w ith bis son j, was not iciil to Ibe Covert. eir; and within ball an hour one arid nephew, started for borne, his route running bv tbe store of a irnt to the Covcrtior by Jone s, through llau'otis. Within a j Mr. Dawson, w hcic a large party of armed mpn ball rollerled. As das huge nun, bets ol nun lioni me siaip m jmissi un gaiinrrti : up approiu tied, these men ele matietocl tbat lie should surrender, and i 81,,-iitni'rd on the Wiikniu-.a 'l i e y brought w ith them all the gathe red abi ul him to n.forre the dematui. Information was carried by a man in the company of Mr. Sparks to the house where the c lec tion had been he ld. Ii. 1'. l;rown and a company of men immedi ately went down to re lie ve Mr. Snarks.and did relieve him when hp l.i'i. nan!, (Iheii in charge) ihov toe, K the e-annon, lnnke ts, ; was in imminent ilanger, Mr. Sparks then started hac k with Mr. ; tun pi stead of protecting tbp people, were in some instances engaged in these nut races, mid in no instance did we barn that any mini was nrrcste d, jnilieii'd or punished for ny of the se crime s While such ofli ii es were committed with impunity, the laws we re use d as n nieins of i nil ii t in ji me n for holding elections, preliminary to framing a con stiiiiiion mid applying for admission into the Union lis the State of Knnsiis. Charges ol high treason were mnele sciolist promiiieni cit izens upon grounds which seemed to your Committee absurd and ridiculous, and unrlr r these charge s they are now lield in custody and are refused the privilege of bail. In several cases men were arrested in the Suite ol' Missouri, while passing on their laii'ul business through that Stale, and detained until indictments could fie found in the Tciritnry. These priii-peelings were followed by on offence, of still greater mag nit, ule. Unde r color of legal prof e ss, a company of about "JltO armed men, n great body of whom your committee, are satisfied were not citi zens of the Territory, marched into the town of I awrence, under Mar sha! Donaldson and S. J. Jones, officers chinning to net under the law, and bombarded and then burned to the ground a valuable hotel anil de r. harness, and inili-e l nil the tnatei i. ill and muni tie ns ' I trow n and bis party, and w bile en their wav were! fireel upon by the I one private bouse ; drs-trcrcd two printing presses and materials ; and then, iM'ing relcase-el Iiy the: eimrcrs, whose posse they ciiiimen to lie, proeeeejeel lo srn-k, pillage and rob houses, stores, trunks, &c, even to the clothing of women and children. Some of the leile rs thus unlaw fully taken, were private ones, written by the contcating de legate, and hey were otli-rn) in evidence. Your Committee did not derm that the persons holding them had any right thus to use tin in, and re tu d lo be in.-iile the instruments to report private letters thus obtained. This force was lint resistnl, lie-cause it w as collected and marshaled under the forms of Inw. Hut this net of barbarity, unexampled in the liisinry of our government, was followed by its natural consequences. All the restraints which American citizens are nee usion.dd to pay . -ji! i l.t Ol v;ir ; in i iiiiiiii tin in n I'.Miv i:i ii" ii eiinie i ine inn i , !if Jiiile T. V. Tholii'oii, htokc n to the lute d Stall s Arse-nal A 1 1 1 1 v at Liberty, Missouri, anil niter a forcible e.lete iition ol i i .. . i' ii 1 I. 1. ............ i n i ... 'n j .t ... i i .. i . i . axi lacy eiesireu, si'ine n.- i i'.i ii n. iii i.i u ii in li.-i i'hii;. iii'y leiurneii me nre, ano an irregular imni Mien count ed lor. i ensued, in v hie h a man by the name of Cook, of the Pro-Slavery 'Pit i -hief hostility of this military foray was against the low n of ; pat ty, received a mortal wounel, and (wo of the Free State party ,,rein-e, and this was cspee-i.illy tbe ease with the ejllie ers of tbp were sliebtly wounded. -;T ' Mr. Ill-own, with se ven others who hail accompanied him from V mr committee can si p in tlip testimony no reason, excuse or pal- Leavenworth, staite-d on lb -ir return home. When ihey bad proceed ! for this fe eling, t'p to this time no warrant or proclamation j eel a part of the way, tin y were slopped and taken prisoners by a par- ( ,r. kind had been in the bands of any ollicer against any ritien j ty of mm ceil he! the Kieknpoo Hangers, under the comma ne! of Cap. i Lawrence.. No arrest hail been attempted, and no writ resisted , tain John V. Martin. They were disarmed anil taken lia' k to Kns that to" 'ii. Tlie rescue of I'ranson sprang out of a mtireh r com- ton, anil put in 1 tawson's store. I'.rown wax separated from the rest T ....j il.irii.nn tint es fi-oin 1 .aw re n r-e. in a di't ached si-tl leliient . unci ol his nail V. mid IliUen into the ollire nf V. K rl rotler 11 v I his lime n"i ' . . . : ' : . . .,i -.r tlie low n nor its citizens extended any protection to liran- several ol JNhirlm s party and some of tlie citizens of tlie place had be-1 even io inc appearance oi inw were uirown on ; one mi oi vioie nine us. .,,.. 4i in rs. tin the contnrv, two or thre-e ei.ivs alter the rescue'. : come intoxicate-d ami ejtiin sse il a ile-ierminnlioii to kill llrown. Cnpt. ' Il another, Imniiciiles became frcqueui. A party uncle r II. C. I'ate, ,;-- 1 .......... .. -. . T . ' . - i ' 1 .1....11.. .cn:i e a i : .... n t ..L. I .,. v ' Wood, w ho cl iiiiieit puiuieiy to ne one ol tlie rescuing party, ; ,ianin was uesiroiis io, ami elu! nil in his powe r to save nun. m vi-r-1 i"'"i "r " on " -i i i , (., . j . a ... i. I I..F Ho ...,., ..I ii.uiii.,, el,.. 'r..r.,i,.,...l I-...U .i In. in. u-ern si., i.i in ,1 i.n .i-.r... l ..... 1. 1 I ... ,l,, u ,i h lirnu-n i tuirtv ol si tilers : CIIHl wliile: vour V. llllllo litre were HI V CSIiOri ,!! cd on to Sheiil! Jones and shook hands with hiui.and ex- und Ins party. In the minntiiiiee S i'i"d other roiirtpsiC't. Mi' conbl liavc iieen arresie - r d-iheiilt v, arid it w as his design, w heoi he went to Mr. I'll! HT' 1"'", Olll no .on -111(1 , J ii i-i obvious that the oi "U of he citizen" f l.l (': 'A " raj, nt,,. i! HIT' ili'd, '"'I no attriiijit w .is u.ade to Ho so. n 1 v cause eif tins hostility is the known dp- uvroncp to make Kansas a free state, and r ri'i'iignaiice to laws imposed upon tin III by lion residents. v mi I'liiiimitle-e' do in t prop.ose to detail tbe incidents connected v ii foray, fortunately lor the peace of the country, a direct ;itrt between 1 lie merit. Th s.t lY at v est ort, a without the knowledge of Ins nan v. I company, clnellv MisMiunaiis, iii-coiiinanied hy the acting de legate. ed without ; Cnpt. Martin nil of Drown's Mirtv hut himself, and aided ! went to relieve i'ate and his party, and a collision whs pieveniid hy r Jones, to the in in their escape-. The crowu rcpe ate illy tiled to get in the room i ibe L nited Slates troops. Civil nr basseeniiel inipe nding in the where lSiowii was, and at one. time, sin ceeili il, but were put out by Martin and others. Martin, finding further etlnrts on his part to save Hrown was use le ss li ft mid went home. The crowd then got pos- i . . I I 11 I 'l'l. si ssion ol lirown. unit linally hutcheae-il him 111 cold liiood. J I wound of which he duel was inflicted with a hatched by a man of the riaiiic of (jibsoii. A Iter he hud bee n mortally wounded, I'.n.wn was niniosiiii forr.. was bv em nniiciiblp 1 sent home with C Inn le-s J hum. and cJ led that night. io attempt was Insse s sustained by the settlers in property taken, made: to arn-st or punish live iiiunlerers of lirown. Many of them 1 me, nev expended ill their own (lclence. adde d much ere well known cilizens, and some ol tlicin were olli. ersol the law. ,i tiu'm incident to a new settlement. Many persons were un-1 tl" m xl Liranel Jury, winch sat in l,eavenwoitii t,ouniy, ine li'.v taken and detaine l-in some cases under circumstances of I Kbentl snmmeuied several of the; persons 11.1t.t1cat.sJ m i lls murder. i - .seruiltv. This was especially so in the arrest and treatment of' ',"f "' lUFm w"s M' 1 Uiv,,1y.ul ll';it llinc 1 rru?"?rr '" ""' -"'""y-(..: A.C.ith-r and ti. f. Warren: They were taken without cause ' ' llFP" 'X"""""! w itnc ss U toie us. 1 ,c reason he gives L iit. sixty miles from Lawrence", and when Ir .Cutler was why " indictments wee found is, "1 hey killed one of thcl riwSlav- la-ltij'sick. Tlu v were compelled to gei to the camp, at Lawrence, KM. j :ri:,- 'ttW rf, HCihS itlo i: .'. be- ' D '1H.1. g'-l CC -s fit i !' l I ::niir Hall aim (ml into tlie custody ol Sberitl Jones, w ho bad no process to st lliem Ihey were; taken into a small room kept as a liquor Inch was opuii and very col l. That night Jones rami' in . fi'hcrs, and went to ' playing poker at 2'i cents ante." The icrs were obliged to sit up all ninht, as there was no room to fr. a.3y. n whe the men were pbiyini;. Jones instilled them fie- . ntly, and t"bl one of them he must either " te ll or swing. I he efii then objected to this treatment of prisoners, and Jones desist fi. f . Warren thus describes their subsequent conduct : They then carried ns down to their camp. Kelly, of the Siuat ' SncrrrigH, who lives in Atchison, came round and said he stf 1 lor hluol, and said he houhl like to hang us on the first ! ! Cutler was very weak, and that excited bun so that he be .1' delirium. The-)' sent for three doctors who came. Dr. -.J1.-U oiv was one of them. They remained there with Cutler ' it C li-r mi Inight, and then took him up lo t he oilii e, as it w is v fold in c.iinp." U tfiag the 1'ir.iv, e-ither George W. Chirk or Mr. Burns, murdered Territory. Nothing ran pre vent t-o gre at a ridamny hut the pres ence of a large force of Unites) Suites troops, unde r a coiiiinandi-r w ho will with prurience anil discretion quiet the excited passions of both parlies, and expel with force lhe armed banils of lawless men, coming Ire m Missouri and elsew here, who with criminal pertinacity infest the Territory. In some cases, anil as to one entire election district, the condition of the. country prevented lhe al Inula in e id w itnesse s, w lie w cie i ul i r ar rested or detained while obeying our piocess, or deterred from so doing. The aergennt-at-arms who rved the process upon them was himself nrrestee), nnd ileliuned for a short lime, by an armed force, claiming to be a part of the posse of the Marshal, but was allowed to proce ed upon an examination of his papers, and was furnished with a pass signed by " Warren D. Wilkes, of Souih Carolina." John Upton, another ollicer of the committee, was subsequently stopped by a law less force on the borders of the Territory, hnd oiler being detained and trealcel w ith gri'.it indignity, was released, lie, also, was furnished with a miss, signed bv two citizens of Missouri, nnd addressed lo " Pro-Sluv- were made to find out who acted as Judge, and Clerks on lhe 17th of try men." Hy reason ol these disturbances we. were delayed in West cry men, ami tlie I'ro-Mavery men Killed one oi me tuners, nnu i thought il was about nmiiinl." The same (iranel Jury, however, found hill of indictments against those w ho ticti d as judges of the free State election. Rively says; " I know our inmost endeavors port so that while in session there our time was but partially occupied. tint lhe obstruction which created the most serious embarrassment to your committee was the attempted arrest of Ciov. Rceder, the con testing delegate, upon a writ of nttai hmenl issued against him by January last, and at al! tlie Is.gus eh ctieins held by the Abolitionists here. Va wern very aiixiuuit lo iiuel llieni out, na we thought them acting illegally." Venn- I 'iirnmillrip. io lhe ir pr .mi i n. it inns have found that ill no case : of crime or homicide, mentioned in the report or in lhe testimony, has Judge I-ccompte, to compel his attendance ns a witness belore tbe any indictment Iieen found ii'aiiist the guilty paity, except in the bom-'. Crand Jury of Douglass County. William fane, recently from the icide by Mi-Crea, Me-Crea being a free. State, man. i State of th orgia and claiming to be the Di puty Marshal, came into Your Committecdid not deem it within their power or duly to take 1 the room of the Commune while Gov. Heider was examining a wit ti siiniony as to evenis which have transpired since the dale of their m-ss la-fore us, end producing the writ, required Governor Itwlerlo eepiminlineii!; but as some of the events tended Re rionsly lo embarrass, attend him. Subsequent events have strengthened the conviction of hinder mid delay their investigations, they de em il prope r hue to re- ; your Committee thai this was a wanton ami unlawful inli-rlerenre hy fir to them. ( )u their an ival Tntbe Territory the people were arraye-il tlie Judge who issued the writ, tending greatly to obstruct a full and in two hostile panics. The hostility of them was coin n.nally increas- fair investigation. Governor K.eeler ami General Whitfield alone were e-. during our stay in the Territory ,'by the arrival of armed bodies of fully possessed of thai local information which would enable us to ,. i,r, i..., .1,..;. ..,.,0, ,,.,. na ....,.. .,,.1 I., full., ur ibe ne lid imr. ! elicit the w hole truth, nnd it was obvious to every one that any event ..... P..!...- ul.ili, .ho tin..- ..... .. el,.. I, . I.;. ..,,.1 I " 1" " V I "l" 1 ., 1 . ...1. ...1 ...1.1 ;.. c.i .1.. .1.1 '" "" ' " "'-; t " " '' 1 S111S of hie, but niuiiii and orgaoizeil into compaiiies apparently mr " " oiuu . .n,...; 1 n m 1 un o. 01...1 mt . ,.,,,i..,orr ,,u.u i .i-.vri'lice to nis claim. 110111 nre'ii at nun, arm 11 is impewsiiu,- . , , 1 .1 ,1,.,...,,;,,.. ,, neisons and nropertv while pass- , sarily liniiler, de lay anil rinli.irruss it. Uovcrnor liecner claimed 1 licit m J, .f prool to te-ll wnose snot was I lie details 01 mu m m- , iw, t1.l ,. Sl ,. (- M u leotiri, and Iiy fn-quem forcible Reizuri sof ,'lejirc state 1 by eye vvilnesses. I pe rsons and property ill the 'I'eriiloi y wilhout legal wnrranl. Vour AUM the many acts ol I.hvImm violence vvhnh it has been tlie 1 Ci.miuiltee r.-ret that they were' to witness instances of each "ur Cotumilti-e to investig ite, this invasion of Lawrence is ! i-,.,.s,, ,..,." c .,,.,. While holehng llieir session at Wcsiport. I under lhe cirenoislanccs in which he. was placed he was privileged from arrest exee pi for treason, h-lony, orbreaedi o! the peace. As this was a question of privilege, proper for lhe courts, or lor ibe riv- ileged peusoii ulone 10 di'lermine on Ins J ill, we cleelini d lo give bun sitlin" ieh'g.ile,"they saw several bodies of I any prolei-liou or lake any ariion in the matter, lie refused to olicy . 1 r . I . . , c .. ........ .1 . m hi eii'ii lie i ii's. ii ,111 11-.11 isi ill ill lie. is in it- I. v 1 1 11 i lie- i t t I. - . .. c . I . 1 it - ... - ... ... , . . , . - 1 1 11 . lie 1 in. ii'oiii'si 01 1 lie , iai stjii'ineni-e 01 ine; oinccrs 01 11.1; governim-iu, win sno-.v now rlll,.,j nu n, Confessedly citize ns of M issonri, inarcli into the le-iriiory me wrii, uencving 11 11. oe 11 ine.e pu-ie nic 10 1 n.r i-umiij 01 ins pe 1 !, 'jt wlflulcM were the pretexts w hich gave rise to it. A community (,M fl,r((ys '-,Mjnst its citizens but umler the .'pretence of enforcing lhe son, line) fe aring, ns he alleged, thai he would lie assassinated hy law . " Sri wrtb-h no rrime had been committed by any of its iiiiiilii r-s, ruHi-trn.-nm TM-lnre; rffc-i retl In.' The wagons of emigrants were sleep- I less bunds ol me n w hen gathering in nud near Lecompton. He then , r'. .V'lit'W ii'itic ol wlmm liad a warrant heeri issue ! or a complaint made;, .., n t. ,,,riw.-iys and searched without claim of le gal powers, and I left the; Territory. 0 U'rj k.,1 resisted m process in the ham Is of a real or pretended ofli- .. .,;.,,?.. ..... ..11 .1...;, n,wnv n.ken from thee... In Leaven- Siibsciueiiily, II. Miles Moore, an attorney in Leavenworth City, i!r r. .is threatened willi destruction in tlie name of "law and '. 'Tj an 1 that too hy men who marched from a tieuglihoring state, . it-, fi:, obt.iin-d by lori-e, and who, in every stage of their prog ; n--. Vi'i.jti-d many la.vs, ami among others the Constitution of the llntefl Mate s. Thi chief guilt f it must resl on Sumiirl J. Jones. Ilisrharacter 11 ;i'i''rted hv his liing'iage at Ij'coli.pton, where peace was made. f.V .-5iJ, " Major Clark and I'.urns both chiinu-d the credit of killing -.! 'it 4 J aie.i it inn i-t , and he einl'nt know which .iiglit m have i. '!! S. Mir, .111 h.nln't been a d 1 old fue.J, i it pein e ne ver would have ;'-'i 'Ic- lared. He would have whipped Lawrence out. lie hail ' :i-.i 1 tfe! means enough to tin it " Siiatt'y alter the retreat of the f rces frm before Lawr'-nre, tlie 'i ll, uno'i the ailopiion of the Slate Constitution w .is held at ' " '' City, on tlie 1Mb Iteeemlie r, lv'i '.. While it was pro-'-" -'iag 'I'lietly, atioiit noon, Cliai h s Imnri, with a party of others, "-'rhfd 111 the window of the; building in which the election was ' " i ' 1; I ' ld, and then jumped into I he room w here the judges el elec "" !'-',,n tre sitting, and drove them et" (larof lhe rle tks ed e leel.on :;it 1 V(!c'j ,1 III, II. billot Iw.V :,.! fi.llo,-...,! It,., in, I, .in f )....,-. l. x behind the counter of an adioiiiing room thruut'h which he ed on hia way out. As he got to the street ibmr, lluim caught !' (hp throat, i-jnd t'lisheel him 110 a-'ai n it thpoiil-iile of the i 11 5 (niib'.ii.!, and demaii'l.-d the ballot box. Then Dunn anil another pi-iitsiiur't llln jn tie f trt. ;,,) j,,, (, jn)l) ni, . t1(i rrwd Iwiflfon him and kicked him on (be bead and in bis side- ariner the eb-i-tioti was broken up, Dunn and his party c bnll-'t tiox and c:irring it oil'. ...... in.. iii.i,.iu.i.s nil riini j-h u worth City leadui" cil:ena were arrested at noonday in our prrsi nee, 1 but for several yrnis a citizen of Weston, Mo., kindly furnished the hv an armed fore..'; without any of authority, exce pt that deriv- Committee. 1 nfi.i unit 11 .11 as 10 the reside lire of pc-isotis voting at the eel lioni a s.lf constituted C litlce of Vigilance, many ot whom i elections, nnu 111 some cases examined wonesses .nauir us newas wi te legislative an I executive oiriecrs. Some were rele ased on prom- nrrestesl on lhe streets ol tint town by an armed band of about tinny to leave the Territory and others, after Is-ing detain, d lor a tune, men, lie aueu oy v . . vv iik.-s, wiinoiii any co.or 01 iieiiiioruy, cuu- r.-.:' -i,,x l.-l.i I-.. lit !. t- l.e " In this tain isiii" In h ave the 1 erritoi v. and were tol'tna 11 v notified to leave, under the severesi penallies. 1 heonly olli-nce charge! against them was their political opinions, and no one was thus arrested for alleged crimes of any giadc. There was no resistance-to these lawle ss acts by the sctil-rs, lie. ause, in their opinion, the persons engaged ill them would be sustained and reinforced by the CinZ.i llS Clt the populous lairiler COIIIHUS OI .Missouri, 11 fined with other citizens, nuclei- a military guard for twenty-lour hours, and then notilii-d to h iiv. lhe Territory. Ilia te stimony was regarded as important, and upon his swum nine -men I that it would endanger his person to give il openly, lhe mnjoriiy of your Committee deemed il proper lo examine him ex parte, and did u. Iiy reason 01 inese occurrences, ine coniesiani nndinepuriyw they were onlvi ieniiratcd by the river. In one case witnessed by your : and for whom he. actesl were unrepresente d before us during a greater ii portion of the time, and your Committee were required 10 ascertain the li nlli in the U st mannei- they could. Vour ('oniniiiu-e report the billow ing; facts and conclusions as es tablished by the testimony. f iist - That each election in the Territory held under the organic, or alleged territorial law, has !s en carried by organized invasions lioni the Stale of M issonri, by which the people of lhe Territory have bi en prevented from cxeicUiiig the 1 i"his secureel lo ihriu by the organic f, .11,1 Ibeni without compensation. ui. . , , .. nod lil.l.ronrialed. tlxell Were taHen .-s.-couu nm ain:.-i .nii...i..i s. 3, ..Mien iii'm ton; f a.inmitiee an nnnl ical 1011 (or lhe writ id habeas corpus w as prevent. ul bv the iir-ei it s'lheitnion of I'io Slavery men, who insisted that it would endanger the life of the prisoner to he discharged under Ir process. While we remained in tlie Territory, repe ated acts of outrage were committed u; the quiet, tinulieiidu'ig citizens, of which we received authentic mielii"cne-e. Men were attacked on the highway, robls-d, ..... I .,,1, si oueeiltf imprisoned. Men were seizeil and searcne.i, aim tlieir weapons of rie fence taken lue-nilV mn from 'the yoke 'while iilowin and butchered in the presence of their i cons.iiuied body, and had 1.0 power to pass valid laws, and their en '. . 1 1 : . .1 - i- ,1. ..,,.,,. ,.- nriinciils are lliei 'lnie. null and void. iiuum I lue V111111" lilllll w as seizi-'l 111 1111; mi'. " - '., .. Ate hisoii. and under ciri-uinsi.inci-s of gioss barbariiy was lavrcd and Ci.tioned. and in thai condition was w ot lo his fcindy. ' r . 1 I '. I ng 1 provisions ot lhe V onsiiiuu hi 01 un- J sons and property, arc utterly elisre iid All the Uiiiiei) S'a'es seeiiring per il. The olHccrs ol'ihe law, 111- ed laws have not, as a general thing, been I property, to punish wrung, but for uiilaw- Thinl That the se, allcg used to prole CI persons I lid pjrposes. t iiunli That the election under w liidi thr; silling del -eate, John