Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, April 11, 1855, Image 1

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tt n
NO. 37.
u v i kj:i:d & co.
'VOL. 1
plattt vallt.y advocati:.
llios. 1 or to it.
I'ililors and ' PrnprUfors,
H',.1.1.1 Vlir. roi'r;.v C.ONTV. NKnttV-KV
TEliM. To situ:b subscribers strictly
i'i Hilvaii'-'" "si-',1"). IT not r;,"l within f"'ir
in-vil "n-1 &!'J"i; nvrr four and viMiiii oifrhf
months, jr .. i ; over tstalsc i I'',;1".
Te ins to ( lulu- it ('"iiio, !t,U.I; copie:..
Tjs 1 .0) ; " roi.ii'-. f( f .'.'". I'l edvai cp.
'n snhscrintioiM icc.uved or .If.'i llian ni
til ii t'i.
jJ'JT" C plpprvv'.l! 1 do continued expert (it
Uixrr.'i ;iu i'f the proprietors, until all nr
1 raj ; hip .i 'nl.
KATE? 07 AT)Vr.?vTISI"a.
nr rri -! "tpnre of lin'HC line or less,
f,rt insertion.
Sil on
r, on
H mi
Each mhsrflocnt it'Jelion,
Onf s-iuaie ili-pp i'v nth,
One ;i'i':irp six ?ti : i1 t m-.
One fmiarrt twelve months.
One ip.ailer of a rnliitiiii twelve months, t'Onn
Oiip half column tVi-tvc months, ' ttultO
.ine column twelve months, fiOdd
1luisiiiP?9 cards cf ci-Jit lines, year! v. .r fi
in " rf month'. tl (II)
three months, ?0n
.'iSininistrators' nnd Executors' notices, 5 0!'
the law op m:
I. S'j'.ijrrili'o vim .lo not iM'pi p" not irp
"In tlio pimtrarv. arc poasiclpicl as wi.-liing to
'continiip tlip.r nbrri('! ioni
9 I r n!,ri il.i'r rifilpr tllf
If 5ii!,s(Til,croi,lrr tliP lironlinnnnpp M
1 ' I "
tlirir p:i'pr. tlip j.ntil Mirr infiy ponl intio to pnil
tli-.p niti il :
a i r nil';;.'" Are pan
3. II g.iWntipr iipclppt or r.Tu-p to 1:i!kp
tl,i-ir pappr from t Iip ..tlicp to wtiirh t):oy nrp
iImpI..mI. II, pv hip belli re-ponVtliln until they
I.sip ;p1 1 1 ill 111.: bill ami oiiIitp'I tbc p.ipcr d:s
roii iioieil. '
'1. If nl"pvi)pr rpmovpto n'ber phipe' W'itb
riu: iiiforiiiins Hip ptibli-ilipr, mnl Hi" 'I"T i
sent fo tlie former .liiprlion, tliey are IieM ro-
('l'lt I,1p.
0. .Tin- V'ornrs Jmvt.!"pi.lp.l Ili'.t rpfti'nsr U
t:iltp a p; ;:trf.niiT tlip ollii-c. or n inm iii'.r mill
l.Mvini; it iir.pallrl fo.', is piiina facia ev iil.'nre
if inl cut ional I'i u'i'.l .
S'l'isrribei s will lliprefnrp iniib'r-tniol :
1. Tlmt tl.eir p-'pera will !ip ron(riii"'l affpr
tlip cvp'u a lion of Hi' t;n:e for w liicli tliey paiil,
iinl.. ollicrwi' ' nrjeipil. , . . . '
V. Tl.-'t Ii" p.-.per be ili'-oii1in'til otililnll
rrrcpraM lire ui.l up to tli t'inat wliidi the
iiotii-p i i;h en, lo l.-K an- salifinl Unit tile
niti-ct-.ta-r i-: oi liif".
at. ,'J'!ml v.licu tj.i! J ap -,Mi,'nii!i t'lpiull of
n ml uriii iT, l'.:'S 1 ceil f'ltil K'. to pverrtin Hip
VUi. tli i'lsi tni't rnwt ponveiiioiit wbr i to
r.-uiit oim (UilUi 'l''" m.oth T nix month's villi
il r.:c,;r-ii- lo ili-rrmliiiii.' at (he e. ! "T (hat tiin".
J rtirecti'in will, in all n"'. !' nofil upon
oil books ""! ' llt.Mi.luil to .-hail bg our
itti.Tli.' I'. S; Ci-i'irU l.v aUn rpiea( il v
,1,,-ili.l It.i.t a 1'..! Mat.-r w !. i"".ih ''' . lo
.. f,v in ,i : i y.v of r.'.vn-r f a on;' n ip i .t i i
vpiiipi-p.i l'V :i:p l'o:-()iiipp () r .i''iii"!it
, at,", i.t.i 1:. --".! t.lh'n. w 'In- 1Vw
Ms.l P llabl ! io the piiili?her fur 11.1 uli.-'-i ii
i pen. il a bo
ilini; in i i' a t IIi IIpvup,
il of regular lioanlcrv anil
J or t li jiTrani
r.ri'.if'iuli'il '
in in :i U 1 1 1
I 'el I PV IP .
! ii .;..v. !;... Ii : will t i1p pie.nni P
. il": as lie-- in bin power
jl- nil. oil l-l, '."l I
d -- - i
A'.t;' u y rn, iaw.
TW1I.L I'K'tMI'l I.Y iitliin.l to iii.j; busi
ness i ll-'eil fo III." prore-ioIllllV ill IMlV
or ull t.f tl:.? it-s ol' N oh r.i" I. a 'IV ritory.
S. A. hTKif ivI.A.M)
' Tp1!..vii. T) p. 1. 1V!.
ni'aVriOl! AM) I'.MJIMil'K, 1'i.lbviie.
O Ni-liia.l.i. liav.n' lo-a'.e.l po: iiiancii. !y ,
IS pl i'tarr:l Io p: o
i,l" ;!in rt of Soi i.-v and
lin",iiieriiu' ill all Ib' ir braneln a, villi pioinpt
i.p-s and jceiiri-cv. mr
ti. li. VATM). i! A ," nt. ,S ii vej er and l.n
t hp. "p!irai.kA.
lin er. P.. IIp-nt-lv
n. u. li.Nt.i.iiii,
- T I.tiO'l TA I'tlK, Cfileelor, (ieiieral Land
l A'.'ent. Coiineiloi' l I.a, 4.C., V-C.
Jlellpviie. N:b: ii ak.
lias in4 an expei ience of 17 years l.i t ie ler
riturv, will ...y prompt attention to nil poih
loiilJciitoni:, ..".-t j ai l, in ii-aiil to the 'J'cr
1 it.o v. A.''., A.C '
(."" Ulbce near the (ios erinnent Iniild II.;,
iin.tT.i i-arof I'. A.'s l.anl.iie: boil.-'.-.
li. lleviiP, .WbrasUa, July I i. l'l-
l'bysician and SurPon, respect fnl.y ten. b is
bis profe-Molial services to the ciiieiis of Sf.
Mary n'l tb inilv. Olfice two unlet, nuitll
vestof St. Ma,y,'on the Mu.i'inito creek.
Ceneral La ml Aent.i, M. Maiy, .MdU County,
Juwa. Will attend to the pm ha".' and sale ot
real estate, the pcifocliii' of title, paying lax-
tsji. k P., iC.
C..V" Fttiininj; land "ml villain lots, to suit
'i.uiciiasi is, on band, tor oale cheap, and on
feanfiabU teruu. CH AS. K. WATsON.
I,. It. KINS li V.
r l.13-tf ' JOKKI'll (.KEEN.-
Ke" Creek, MilU Co., Iowa. The pH'i.i le
'loisTftbib mill inteinl to keep limiher ut all
itex riptioiin rvnsUully n hand also to snji all fneeial oidcis for lumber at nhuil no
t ire, fin ra-li, '
(till- bai itiL' locab'd liiiiis. lf at
J. St, iMary ii iiepM d toevecute oul rs of
esery niio'i ip'i Ion of Mam, Fancy, ulul
elided iu the most i ppros.d alyle, and in tho
I'aUHll JT. ..-!' ..0:.., .'. v.--. manner. I'atioi.ii.;.! respeciiuny . c
i : .. . ...! iif.. i.t II Mv-rs. Fl int Mre. l, SI
rertpeeiruliy . no-
'Miry.' tl'A.MLAl S bCHEMANsKY
Ki. jMaiy, S.,pl. i!7, ' l.
f ', A- -'O a,,,..,
Wtiolf'sdc and C011111JI..U.1. Merchaiit.ilealer'
'jnl) y Goods, Haid'vare, Q i'-t iiswaie i.tass-
U rat,lorjBns i;i oje-., MeiliemeH, JJouM n.l
iUlionory, coi ner ol m ' -
t ir 1 1 -1 v
T-- i r -
I. 1 f:o.MSTOCK. & CO.,
Tiolcale'ani! retail deab-r in TiooU and
Khoes.of all kinds, No. 5Z Maiu treit. bt.
Louis, Mo. aj-it'i-1)
"'" JO II NSON iv'l'AS A I ) V .
Ati'iito ft J IV,-. an' l!.-;ipral Em I Agents,
pit v of '.'oinii'il I'l'i'itl:!, Inwn, will atttn I topvo
'i -nionat li-.isinp-'S in tliP l'li itii-l Hh JnHii-iul
lliiirii't j ; til-i.). d t!ir ,!iri'!i'i'p, r-ilp nii'l locn
.id'i l' I.hihI V.'.iri'.in!i. r.uiionlar allciition
ia'ul to II, p 'o!Ur!ioii rf t-1 rt ; u i - . n' i!l-im
. " I) V. J UK I'.,
AUoriH'V n I .ii w. Cuiinril Klull" Titv, Inw.i
H -!.t to II. M. 1 1 i :li -I, S;. Jfipili. Mi',., Jolni
Dnliiplinn, Wi'slon, Mo., M'lil'l , HiiIiph, St.
I. nus Mo. n t.'-trt
'XTvT I'bTilV, "
Attoniiv a till Cmii'.n i lor at I.nw. pity of
riinii.-il r.lis;!-i. i vi. s "ii 'i-tnn
AM) SUIIVU VOi: Oin -ill Ci'v, Nlna-
l.a 'I'i'i :i "! .'. I.:nnl rLi'iiH f--.'l;'r',c-:l an 1
loi iio il. Airpiit lor lip i! rhu - , imp. memi'ir
a il l ?ain ot c. iv ii o.ii-i I or !a lulu.
v I i t: it.m i. :
Hot'. ,lopp!i'. I'i jm M i'Mtiiip. Iowa ;
.1. U. MrCill. li.-i.. I oi I I) iiiniiip, Iowa;
If in. Ii ins f.ow'i', ll'nir ('it v, Iowa.
,. It.- la'l'fis ol t'uipiiry r..-l.i. ivc io JVoilli-i-rn
.V. l',j,kj, ii'i-j'.vriT'j ! imijiUy.
(lin.ilia CtV, Jan "I. '.'."-! V.
Convpvnnn-r, Notary I'nlilir, :iinl Surveyor.
OITipp nf I It' More ol' (JiPCliP, Kinnpy, li Co.,
Mary, Mills fit., Iowa. Ans. i!, 'ul.
I'os r 0-r icr. Di pa r ri i.m , )
Fc'ii 'nry in, In.'k,.
) Kol'OSAI.S ior paiiyin the lii ailx n iIip
I n il id Mat"! I'-om Jrly J, Im.'m, to Jump
-I... .- ....I.- ,' II... . :.. M.........I
i-.'-.u i i i'i 'ov. i. ...pi
liini ivan.if. lorriio ii mil i.f ,i'i;i'ivh at uk
('onnaot .)ilit "- of .Iip IV.-1 .'!li.-" Up; ai in. nl.
Wa-liiiiir o i. V. C'.,nn;i it p. in., April 10.
Jv'm, to I"' d ci.'i;.! by Until of .vi. ii'i inontli,
( I. 'iii, lo, tii'- in i-t ita.l, iwius .s:abli.lK'il by
act of An;;'isl ii, lVi-l.)
M.i! '. i; A 7 i nari o n v.
K'innn From NVIna-ka City, bv UpIIpviib nnd
Uuialia C'y, to Foi t Calliouii, lnilei
ii'iil liae!;. .iipp a we"li.
ll.ilib'.M will ttalp .lirtancp ami propose
clil ilulc of di pai tm c.i ami an iv ..Is.
mvHtit i i-.n itiTonr.
lj'2'H 1'rnni l'o; i I,. .u e.i. in .0 o t!n ami
l'o. Agency, mi!"s and back,
O in. II Week.
J.i'lile; s Will utatfi ili-itiincp and prnpore
n iie lule of dejtai tn ! and Ur. Iv.iis. :
l.tjnj F.oi.i F.t.t "Sn.ll to I'ort Athinon,
mill's a : i'l back once a w 'ei..
' ' Ii';'nl in Will Mlat" iilitn h'ikI jirtpoe
setii.',l.ip of ('.e.pai taii.i and :ir. .vals.
tn-'nit r.oiii l'o.t I.eaMiiWoilli to I'd t P.i.'py,
mill s i.ini hack. once a svpei;.
: Jiiddri s will slalo dis'.aiHe and p.onow
nelnihil : of depart hits am! an 1 a In.
I ;.C) I lYom Fori Scnli to Crawford Mi miliary,
miles and buck, once a wee'- .
Bid. lei a will slate di.ilanee and propose
' sell -ilule of depai ' i :. lunl arnvuU.
I.iitl.'i b'.oui U'e-ilpml, Ml, lo Fort Si oil,
miles and IniL one .' a w i k.
I'iil'.le, . w .11 stat tiu-lrucc propos.
i. ii:i'lli' of tile depai l.ue.j and ai . iv ah.
ink I T.i.'i I Ion's.
I" j;'ia of a pro ,o ai . heir no chance from ad
ve.t 1 ni'.'.'t' . - I'oin.i n.p'al'.d !y tii1 Iiid'ler.
i . ., . oi. , i-o.i... v ... , Mat .
of , propo.,
An. . Low
to mi iv 'i liri mails o i route
lo t.,f ads ei us in 'lit of tii To- master (,'iieri!,
dated Feb. inn V l1'. t "ii'.', and by tiio l'ollossin
nioiie of coa' Crimea, li:
for tile iilliinii! Si.iil .
This t roiiosal is mad" sviih lull koow!ed:;e
of tiicd -la.iee of t!l.' r.l lie, III? weight of tlip
ii, . : I I o he can ic.l. and ail u' her jiariicuia, s in
i . I -i i ni " to llie n n;i i .i ..ii tei, and aiso al'.er
fill e.imiiinli.)ii of tii' i'lsti uelioi-s and 10
e in i "lo 'ii Is u, laclied to tin' adv arUsi 'liiLiit.
i) li.l
(. Signed)
Form of a (iiinranleft.
Tin' niidersie I, residiia; at , Stale of
.f ii ni oi tiike ti.ii i, if ill! foieoiiii; b.d fur
cins it'S the mail on lo'ite No. b? i.c-
cepicd by the Post m.i er (i.'iici al, tlie bidder
iiall. pi .or to tl i' 1st d. V of .Inly, K."i, or as
noon P.euflr s may h , cn'.-.r in to the re.piir
ed old ij;,.' ion to "' I i ni tne s nc pi ojio.sed,
with ".nod and Kiiliicip .t sur-ties.
Tins we do witii a full know luile of the obli
j:al.ons and ;!'.' i. .( as,-inu.'d by j,nai anln, s
mule.- the I'itli spctiini of tho net of Confess
of July -J, lfJti. . .
(S'pned by two jjnarantorj.)
Foiiu ol I diea.c.
The tin, posimastcr of ,
Hiuie of , ceitiin s, under i.uth of, that be ii aci liiintsd With the abme
n iii.nlot , nnd l.nosss iln in lo he men of pio
pertv, and a ll t eood tlicu giuranlce.
The suinpienpy of juarautora on piopo.ils
may becerlilied by a jndeof a coiut of record
aim by post uiu-tei s.
'1 hc.iistiinces are j;ivpn accordingf" tlie best
inl oi in ilion; bat no ineienn'il pay will heal ,
lowed should ttiey tie greater tliau nuvenisni,
if the point to lie supplied be col rectly ulated.
Did. lei luiist inform themselves on thin jioint.
A bid icceised after lime vi.: 3 p. ill. of
IhelUili of April, lM.'ij or without the guar-anU-
i ipiiied by la w, or that combiner several
unites in one sum of coinjien'atioii, ramiot be
conMilcred in competition v ith a regular propo
sal reasonable in amount.
Fiddi is should, in all cases, first propose for
se:nru ati icily according to the ads el tiseineut,
and then, if tliey desire, separately for dill'ereiit
si rs icr; ami if the repi'sr bid be thelowt of
fered for the ads'erlipe.l service, the other bids
may be con.-nleii d, if the allera.tions proposed
are recommended bv the pus' masters and cili-
iims interested, or j'f they shall appear luani-
festlv riyhl and niopcr.
There should ho but
on route bid for iu a
The bidthouhl heseale lj superscribe.! 'mail
proposals, Slate ot or Territory 1
(as lh case i.i.'.y be,) ad li f.-td ''Second As
sutai.t Postinas'lr Cenenil, Contract t ) rti :
and sent by nud. not by. or io, an auent, and
postiuisteis will not ei, close pu"iols (cor let.
lei-of any kind j in their iuaiterly returns.
'I tin contracts uro to be exea'tileJ an I relum
ed lo the department by or Lcfoj llie 1st of
July, lvi'i, but tlie no vice must In' roinm-nced
I .... iionl il.iu next after luat ila e. w b ther
j ., ucul, 4l. ,c exeeulej or not. .No pioposi-
t oii for tiaiiHl'eis will be considp ed imtil the
contr.o't ar executed in iluti foiiu and teceised
at the d' paitineiit; and ihcli no l-an-feis Will
he aliosseil nnte-i rona ami suinci. in reasotis
Ibeicfonue bv ..ete.uimed by tun lie-
j..,.,,.,,, contractors,. nl peisonj known et
u,.pai tment .must cmally with others, pro-
I rU'f 1! '14' alllol ' auil cei .mono, in i,..
1 evvd'.'nlipdy !" fo""'' ahoV,: presrrtbi'il.
' . I -.i ll . .1... ,.. ll.irkil.,.Ll,.
The crrtiheatisi ot .i:inr iic.v 'iuui o sikih-u
bv 4 imsliiiasierci' a judv of 4 coin t of record.
mrll4s Postinaitvr Un.-ml.
Prrpitri'ng for PvUi'aUan., vnder flit
ar piies of Hit .! Lipur Laic Xta
lixlirul So'.ir'y:
Tin; maim; liquor law,
I's ini.;in. liis oiy, at .1 rcsnlls; with ti
liic r.iitiik 'al s't:U li iin I ii lie. in ii'nl sirrl
ri,i.r.i i'i jii'l'l leil ol II. m. Ni'al l).iw;r. iii
1 . iiiin con' i ili't'i.n.s i I'. mi'!.i nl 1 UU
CI ere vn it'll, (ins i-nims.- A I c in I tors ol' C ti
o;iC:is, Scct'fla: Ki ol S utc, M iifis'l a! f s
mill Ci izens, rcsiiliiii's in Alain.', 'cr
molit. M.issi.cliiisct.s, R. Kl'iinl, ,
icn! , Miio'i.iin, O'lio. New Vnrk. &.o.
I'lie.'. l 50 in iniisli..; 12 mo.) iWJ pi.jjvh.
'This work will unUnu e a story ol' (lie
A line Lhjiioi Law mo vcmrnt in (lie va
rious Sin es of iln; Union, i-iid i'i '-iii de
tails ol the rcsii!: s ol' t lie L i w, mnl u.Iiit
st.i' iinoi ma ion, i iceivcl limn the
In s! niiili iri'ics. iiiul so urr.iiir.ei1, wi ll a
co.h.i;s IipIi'X, iis lo lo'. m n vul ii tljie Ixi ik
of lc'triince for t.ll wlio ilcsire to pro
mote the blcssinvjs nl T.'tnjiiTiini'c; liytlio
cr;iu!ni.nt ami ciilori' tiic il of tlie M.iiiit
Liij'i,.r Law. It will ulsn coiilaiii tin
pruliibiinry liijnor hiws ul ready vime'eil in
In: ttliove-li. tneil Si:iti:s.
A lis s.ilsTtli"rj mill con ribnlnrs l
ibis work lias al ready lu'i:n iiiiinniniocd, ol
whicli tin; fotlosvin'r in nn nbvlivct:
Rev. S. C. Fesf etidcn, Me., 1 0 oo'iics.
J. II .wl;i, Riclimniid. ' 7 '
J. L. iJickinsim. ('onn. G "
' I). II. M'inli!l.l, Mi;., 0
W'li. Siosvit, M ss., 5 "
J. L. Dn ilcy, Co in., 5 "
N. H M.-ittrson, " 3 '
" C MetnW, M.ivs., 2 "
If. liidl, Ciitm., 2
" S. L. Ric'i.H-iN. Conn., 2
Hull. V. U'. UVsaiii, R. J.. 1 '
Miss Anne li. Ncml.:! son, Mich. 1 "
;1 o'lu-r sn'j.'t iiu i s, r. i li ;; "
Tii' prior: of w ill b: .l,.r)0, i x C t
10 contribU'ors, wlio will bp sMiji'ifiI i t
Al. l'lTsims , Kfiinliiio wi'M-iiu litvi ii-iiteil
finds in relation lo llie liisim-y n i'i -'ion
of tbe said law , will lm r.o,ri!c! is
runt viLiitots, ii ii 1 will bo Mipj.lii'ii ut niic
The work will Lc .ninpi'i-d ,ind r:!i cd
!.y lli-nry S. Clnl I), Sec'v of Mi
Liiw Sliiii.slii.iil Society. All ciiinmiinig .
tiolis lo be iiddioscd lo ' 'In; j Vi.snlt:! of
tlie S xi. iy. ' S. MAVAI.L. M.. C.
No. Sij, T.itst ' Capi'ol si.,'on,
n.c. . . 'i ; ' ' - .
k on thk Yr.AR 18561
T M. BALl.O!!. who hhsedilod the'4'ic
i T I. I oi iai: ' I'i oni the com in em ement . having
bo.'.'l.tout the late proprietor, Mr. K. Gleiison,
ssili I'.iii.lnel this popular and Middy circulate.!
pa p r on Ins o.vii iiecniiin. 'j lie ne-.v volume
si ill he radically iinprovail in esery lespecl,
and w ill b.- piibli.-hed on luu r pa,ei i li t 1 ever
11 I'd e, w hieli ipiality vsill be couliniu d heuce
foi lb w ithout cban;;... Many new and popu
lar feature.! will ut once be nil nulucc:. and llie
lileiaiv de'i.u liueiit s ill present an array of and n. Icu-f bey on ii any tiling it Ins be
I t. e at te in ;,l eu. 1 lie illu.-li alioiis w ill be liner
and by heller a ti.-ts than tin vo h. fore bp-ii en-
frae d upo i the pa ih-c. mid altogether the pnb
lical ion vs ill he sasily iinprosel and licit 1 1 1 li .1.
Ai i ane;euien's hast been made i'or i cpi esi lit -
li. i iiui luic ' Im vear viesvj ol ine iiios'. noiaine
Innldinss and localities liircu"h the I'nil
Slates, as well as fiis'in"; likenes.ej of Hip most
imminent chaiaeli rs, male and lemale. of ar
nt3 and men of jrt'iiius, such ashav.: by their
oss ii industry and skill inside foi themselves a
fortune and a name, lu addition to these, var
i mi notable European scenes and occurrences
will al.-o ic eis 'ii from wen lo wcck, lorming
a biillniiit itiustialeil journal.
1 suhs. i iber, one year, v! )
4 Mih-e iheis, " ill 11(1
() li 'M O'J
fV Any lemon sending sixteen nuberibpr
at.iiela. t rale, w ill reiPive the si lentPeiitli
cuj.y jriatU. Address.
I'liblislier nud I'i oini.tor,
Coiner of Ticinoiit and Jiroin held Siieets,
Boston. .Mass. fell 1 1.
f M1IE SUBSCKIBEIl beim; desirous of inov
J. iu to California, oilers for sale his
lloMi'STiAr. of Ml) acres, situaled on the
sla;'p road between St. Joseph aim Council
lilll mill s South of Council Uluil's and -1
North of the village of St. Mary, and near
the Ali.-souri riser, in Mills County, losva; and
Cpronte lellcuve, Kebiaska, T.
Also, I'lil acres of Pantm: Land neur St.
Mai v, pn l l)!)0 acres of 1 uml ai l) biiiii oil
the Missouri l iver, and near Clensvoo.l. 'i'hese
Lands are all in Mills County, Iowa, and pre
sent inducements to land purchasers seldeui ol
fered; containing timber, juairie, lime stone,
sandstone, and indications of plenty of coal;
and also I eilig situated on the most fea.mle
point on the Missouri rive for the t rousing oi
the Pacific Kailroi'l.
iSiiitable cattle for crossing the Plains i!l
betaken in exchange at lair rates. The buyer
can have immediate posse-sion, ami all the
craiii ami lai vtui ' ulii.sils he wants at a fair
Traders Point, nov 1, 'a l-lf
I I'l II E iiin'eiHitriied is now in receiit of and
J. r. ""'S ni'4 I he largest and cheaniest stock
of Fall ami Winter (.'nods ever olVered in
Council Bint! (illy, or Western low. . 'Those
v. inlitil;' to pay I a. h tor tioods w ill do well to
call ami examine. Our stork consists of every
variety of too Is needed by the people in this
puilion of tin? cnuiitiy, s " ii as cloths, cassi
liiereti, saltiuelts, tss e"d .. j...i. s, w hite seui let,
and bai led llaiiucis, plain and barred liuseys,
I'll) pieces eaio'l s'y If Inad't. r prints, ca-iuneies,
meiinos, allapacas, bleached an 1 brown sheet
ing and sliirtinc,', ticking and dnlliu;, bleached
and brow n caul in llannel, drapers ami crash
ers, nil wool table covers, brovvn and h'e wiled, ilk and bay stale shawls, aiu .every
ai i"ly of di ess goods. .
Mens' and boy.,' fall and winter elotbii'V,.
hats and caps, hoots and shoes, hardware and
(jiiei-nswai e, iion, nails, colli e, sugar, lea nio-la-es,
rh e. flour, kcj also, a Iaism lot of fur.
iptine and li.niois. As it is our iiilenliuu lo
sell i'or 14-I1, we H i! ter oui selves that we eiin
hold os. I Bitperlor indncemeuU lo those that
w isli lo buy cheap awda liiati atorts that are
selling on trust.' - .
Cnuiitiy dealers are ie.jue.leJ to ca'l anJ ex
auiijis: o'.u- block, . .. . .
: ii. n. 1'F.nn.vM ? cn.
Council DIuDTity, ett, m, jvj. . , "
Original pottrir.
For the PaPj'iiuin.
THE OF 0 Oti.
'Tss' is beard ill Puin,,!'! .ee-iils iou t
0 ancient Sinai's aw .! brow;
Ti f. '.il. inn, deep-toned voice otllim
'.s .ho inaih' nil things before wiioin all things
li t oice, at whose tremendous n yl
1 o'o. ',' -.prang from nioir;h! tie voice of (.'od.
S. .'.ne, o".t powerinrr, de-p, is beaid
" ri'i Vi '.net N aani'i! deuf'iiinj roar, .
I.s lonei reach every list ii II ig soul;
' No f.'od hul ine, shall inoi lals bow b-'fore."
The Holy, M i;h'.ji One, whose nod
Calls worlds from naught- -the only Cod.
Ti.p Lily of the Yale's j.u.e bell
Iti Piithes forth harmonious music low ;
It tells in fr,i;'-aiit tones, a tale
Of lost and peace which only pure once know.
It whispeis of sul, mission meek,
Bids us our loving Falher -ok.
Mo lall prnl thine ear, and strive
To find a voice, in ev'ry leaf and brook,
"Sermons in stones," and pood in all,
in crosvded mart or loneliest nook, sdi.ilt tho-c joy lo bear bis voice,
In lb av'n ahull even more rejoice.
OJiers,, possess tit; income amply
andicii'iit for tlie sui-jiort of p wife nnd
f.itnily, but will not believe it is so. Their
tileus or the style und comfort in which il
is necessary to live, are formed oti a con
ventional und unreasonable standard. They
wi'l not eondef oend to the fancied indig
nities, or they cannot endure the trivid
privii'ions of economy they will not ask
the w oman of their choice to share with
'liem utiy home less luxurious lhaii she
lias U'cn He.eiislotned Ut, and ihey condemn
Imr' ify live wnhoiit love rather tlitui ex
pose her to live without n carriage. God
only knows how many noble creatures
have their happiness ridrnliced to this
miserable blunder how many pinC away
i xislenee in desolate;, und .dreary single
ness, r.miil luxuries on which they are not
depcnileit, and splendor .which coders no
j'.iy, who, w itlkl llutikfiilly have dwell in
.he humbles! cottage, anil been con'eiited
with the simplest dress, and would, have
bl -st ihe onti and embellished the other, if
only the men lo whom they have given
.heir hearis, had possessed less false pride
and more true ' f..iih in woman's) lovu and
sense nnd oapaciiy of self-abnegation. A
higher nnd more just conception of ihe ma-
crials wliioh really ni'ikii up the s un ol
hum. in enjnymiMit a soimler csiim'ite of
he relative value of earthly possessions
a more frequent habit of diving down
through the cotiv enUoiiul lo llie real, nnd
u ki.usvlcilirc of how much refinement,
how much comfort, how much serene
content ure compatible wiih ti e scantiest
means, where there is sense and courage
to face tli'-j fact and conirol the fancy
won'..! iu half u generation reduce ihe
million iind a ipturierof spins ei s we hi ve
siokcnoflo a few hundred thousands,
an 1 raised into ihe con !i ion of honored,
happy wives, the vast majority of (hose
''.leau il'ul lay nuns," (as ihey have been
'idled.) whose sad unnatural objectless
exislenee, whose wasted powers of giv
ing tn i1 receiving joy, it makes the heart
bleed lo witness. Nmth lhi'i.di Review.
Jrj" A Washington con espondent of
die New York Tribune, gives the follow
ing as the final action on severnl subjects :
All the Appropriation bills were car
ried. The Itounty Land or Old Soldiers' bill,
jeccivid the Lxeeulive sanction. Pro
h.ibly two hundred millions of acres, un
der that not, will go to Ihe people, nine
tenlhs of whom reside in tire old States.
The President has retained and pocket
ed (.evend Internal Improvement and Har
bor bills among them those relating to
the St. Clair Tints, and St. Mary's River.
Michigan; and it is believed also, the fa-
vaunali River, notwithstanding his appro
val, last year, of Capo Tear River im
provement. Collins has been iclorious in spite ol
the veto. The whole measure was en
grafted on the Navy Appropriation bil
wi ll the siiiir'.c onussi in of the clause re
pealing lhe power to :vo r.oiice to res
cind llie contract.
Too Pacific Railroad bid was lost in
ihe House.
3j"The Missouri Legislature has pass
ed an ovt to build a bridge over tha Mis
sississippi river al St. Louis.
There are now i bout twenty thou
sand ncisiitij in tho United Stales who
' living wj-tu tho D laraliou of Iu
dopciidciio.'! was fi-jned. in 1770. -'
tj'The .'Governor of Wisconsin has
veined ihe Main liquor JaV ;
The Commissioner of Pensions has is
sued .In' fnllowin'r instructions for onrrv
i i:;.T in'o iTit'ot tlie new R'uin'y Land Law.
Yliere tin: service lists been rendered
by a Mtl.sii'.nle, lie is th" person entitled
to tbe benefit of tlii.s act, uml not his em
ployer. In Iln-event of tlie di'iilli m ny ptrsnn
wlio, if living, woiiklbi: enii led lo a r:er
tifieale or wni rntit ns iifores. iil, leaving i.
widow or il no widow, mic!i minor c
or chihlicn Is etui led to rsi.ove und.-. the
provisions of this act, i now living.
A subsripicnt marriage will not impair
the ri'ht ol any such widow to such war-,
rant if she be a widow at '.he lima of her
npp'iealion. Persons within the age of 21
years on the 3 1 day of March, lSj.y, are
deemed minors wiihiti the intent meanin
of Said law.
To obtain llie benefits oT this acl, the
claitnant must make a declaration, under
oaih, substantially, iiccoidi.ig to '.he forms
hereto annex-jd. Tlie signature of the
applicant must be attested, and his or her
personal identi.y established by the affi
davits of two witnesses, whose residence
must be given, and credibi.ity must be
sustained by the cer.ifieale of the inagis
iraie Lcfore whom the application is veri
fied. , . .
N'j certificate will be deemed sufficient
in any unless the fuels are cerlified
to be within the personal knowledge of
the magistrate or other officer who shall
sign the certificate, or llie names and res
idence of the wiinesses by whom llie
facts are establi ,l,ed be given, or their af
fidavits, properly autheiilicaled, be appen
ded lo the certificate.
The official character' and signature of
the mui istrate who may administer (he
oath must be cerlified by the clerk of the
proper court of record of his county, un
der the seal of the court.. Whenever ihe
certificate of the officer who authenticates !
the signature of the magistrate is not writ
ten on the same 'sheet of paper which
contains the signature lo be authenticated,
ihe certificate must be attached lo said pa
per by a piece of lape or ribbon, the ends
of w hich must pass under the official seal,
so as (o , prevent any paper from being
improperly attached to the certificate.
Applications in behalf of minora should
be made in their names by the guardian or
next friend. Where there are several
minors entitled to the sama gratuity, one
may make the declaration. The warrant
will be issued to all jointly. In ad lition
to proof of service, as in other cases, the
minor must prove ihe death of his father,
that no w idow survives him and that he
und those he represents are the only minor
children of the deceased.
If a parly die before the issue of a
warrant to which he would be entitled, il
living, the right lo Said warrant dies wi.h
him. In such a case the warrant becomes
void, and could be cancelled, and the party
next en'i'led iu right of serv ice claimed
should m.'.ke an rpplic ition; and if there
be no Midi party, the grand lapses under
ihe limitation of the beneficiaries to the
bounty. If the c!., die td'ler the is
sue of 'he win i'.:nt, the tide (hereto vests
in his heirs at law, in the ssime manner as
real eslale iu the place of the domicile of
the deceased, and can only be assigned or
located by said heirs.
Applications made by the Indians musl
be authenticated according (o the regula
li.insto be proscribed by the Commission
er of Indian affairs.
Accompanying the obove instructions
arc- (he necessary forms of 'declaration,
together with an official copy of tho law.
From the Piesbyieiian Banner.
The amount of suffering among the
poor of our city has been, (his winter,
und still is very great. This is owing
partly to vice, partly to l -.ziness, to
of energy, and to ignorance of a way in
which an abundance miht be obtained as
the reward of honest industry. Tens of
thousands have been given in charLy.
Such gilts relieve immediate sud'.-iiiig.
but the reeinients remain still hubit'ct to wants. The true relict' is I.
put (no needy in a way of. making ample vu S01lU. puts of Ohio. The dropght
proviiions for ihcim elves. . ( -To . this ci.Jjj ast ,uuiius;i- having ui uif the usual sup-
WC give I'll cx' met of a letter just recti v- ! Uc1;css:,ry for their s iVt iiniiec,
ed front a well informed and ci.H't-priiiio'l
ci'izcuof Illinois. llcMtvs: ' 1 The long lUspulcd qHis'i..., U-
. "I have Wen much ed vihtl.eai-j1 11 Methodic Church,' r.or,li and
.... ., , i i- ,,.' .... ,, i S'julh, 1' 'S been at letg'h amicably setiluj
coiuils ol slai valiou ami 1 1 . -i V"-tt ' '
- . ' i . -.i . ... .i-.t. ..i i-,.... ..t .
ras'ern. cities. 1 o the Pii;. aUihi'siijial and,
Cliiistit.n living rin the tiiiasi ol it, the
sieht in us. be exticnirii iiuiuful. . Lull
there is no absolu;e lr-evssi y ibal this pri-
vatiull fiiloil'.l b long t eu hii-ed by ,f oS(.
who are able and willing (o labor. Let
them c ime to the wesl; and if they havj
not the ineniii of coming wi bin then -selves,
1st the benevolent societies, that
are now feeding them, help ihem out.
The iulererts of the west are siillering f. f
lidiorers. ft is a sober (ru h, within tho
limits of the actuality, that last harves',
one third of ihe small grain, in a large)
section of Northern Illinois, wis lost oit
the ground for want of laborers lo take it
oil in proper season, and that when the
runners were offering and paying double
wi'gcs. In this coming I arvesl, il it ! .
such a one as the last, the case wi'l b't
even worse, for there will be much more
land to reap, while there is no adequate
increase iu the number of laborers.
The wntres :iiJ to farm hands, -arc from
12 (o l(i dollars per month.
The demand for mechanic? is also great.
In the prosperous and rapidly growing
villages along our rail roads, mechanics',,
such as carpenters, masons, briekinakcrs, :
plasterers, &.. can find abundant and
constant employment. Mechanics' wage
are, in this section, from ,f I 50 lo 1,73 u
day. I have been paving these prices all .
w inter, and expect lo have lo pay more in
the spring unless there is an increase of -workmen.
Now when these fuels are taken in con
neciion with the cheapness of living,,
there is a strung inducement to respecta
ble and able-bodied men to seek a home in
the Wcsf. A bushel of wheat can b0
bonolit for a dollar, ami a bushel, of eori .
for forty cents, while meat is three: an I i
our cents a pound...- : .
Tor respectable girls and housekeepers ;
ihere is as much demand as for nulo la
borers, and their wages arc from f,2 00 "
to .f 3,00 per week. To those inclined to
come west, there is one direuiioti needfulj '
and that is, not io slop iu our large wes- ;
tern cities, for these are better supplied, .
but to- find their wry into it be thriving :
towns and villages along our rivers and.:
railroads'; and they can't well tro ilmiss;', '
The bill passed the House, 13(5 lo .If),
When it was taken up, Mr. " E.miutt -strongly
condemned (he 'cfi'orl to' force; '
through, tinder a rj.inr, a measure of such '
importance, involving one or (wo lumdreI '
million acres of land. lie was the friend
of both old and young soldiers, and u hear-
ty enemy of o'd ami young speculators, '
wi o consider the former class the subject
of lawful prey. The hill should be sent
to the committee on public hr.ids to be ex
amined. Mr. (Irow thought that the bes( way of
benefitting old soldiers would be to give
ihem money, as land warrants would de'
pecciiite lo their loss and that of Ihe coun
Mr. Orr regarded the bill as extremely
defective and conglomerate. Speculators
would realize one hundred and fifty mil--lions
of dollars, old soldiers only thirty
Mr. Campbell could not vole for tho
bill as it came from the Senate, It opened
the doors to plunderers. He wanted it
amended lor Hie ucnelu ol care-worn vet
erans. . , . ', ,
The bill as p: ssed and received the sig
nature of the President, prov ides land
(IliO acres) for persons of all grades by.
land or sea, including Indians, wagoners,
and flolill.i men, who h id served in llij
wars since 1700. and had served iibl le
than fourteen days, except actually inbal
lle for a shorter period.'- The wiiLivvs or
minor children to receive the benefit in
case of the death of the persons so entitled,
Tue widows of olIL-ers and the kobtiers ot'
die revolutionary war to be entitled to tho
benefit, of this uc', us like w ise the volun
teers at (lie invasion 'of Plattsburg, in
181-1. The v nhiu'eers at llie attack of
Li-vvislon, Delaware, in the year l!12 and
lSi5; and ihe chaplains who served inlktj
seve.'al wars.
JjrAt ihe instance of mayor Wood, of
Ne,v York, over one thousand b.irliers
have signed a paper, binding themselves
not to keep open their shops on Sunday
hcie. l'ter. . .
Zf G,t t le tue soil to be dyinjof star-
x- ii.t i .. ,i;ui.tof ui.igesnin of -money
io the southern chiireli. 5 ' " -'-(
2 ' The Al.c.l.L,,n Leiisl..lure iMSsed
j u bill refu.-sing iho u of ihe jails I ( 'he
j delt-ii'i ji. ..f lujitiv 3 si -vs.