Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, March 28, 1855, Image 2

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    n.:i;;iaska palladium.
y i: i l l v u r. , ir t a n a s i: a.
Terms, Tv;i Ib'.l u r-ir tear la Ac'vmioo.
V, KD.T.:?! V. MAKi'It 2S l.-v.-
A first rate C"inp(ist..r wanted :.t thib
Among t lie diflerctit (own site on the
Missouri liver, lie'levue is I ho on'y our lighlfully claims priority . f choice-.
This plane, was m ule choice of on h
count of Is natural advantages Mid beau
ty, morn !); fiT'y year ngo, iiiidlu-.s been
.cciidcd by men from Hint day Id
this. S i nil trading hoiisi s, an Indian
Agency, and Mission, have been estub-
liulird her wbl.i-i that lime, Somil if
which .".re s f1 in existence The round!
ilre of different Indi.-n tribes has been
burning with undiminished lusture on this
chosen snot lor centuries p-s'. These
firs nre now bum? t xtlliirnislied Dv fie
n ' "
incimung tiJc til' civiii ition end refine-
lntn'. The dark theater of healhen life
is t,cgihnii;g tube illuminated by the ligh
of civiii.-uion and Christianity. The reign
.f daiLm ss. ignorance, airocrsti'.ion and
violence, ic about to take its departure
we hope, never to return.
lVe have no hesitation m saying ma
for the convenience of its location, the
extent ind beauty of its prospect an
scenery, Belkvtie stands unrivalled r.mong
the innumersblo town, or ci'y sites oi
N-hrska or elsewhere, !ii the western
A portion of this grand and bcau'iful sit
'is -owned by the Presbyterian Jn.ra
Koreizn Missions, now in the care of the
Hev. Wm. ll.miiton. This grant was
pen- , "fJiii consideration of tx
,,,.m:.u ui .1 .Mission in
55.000 ur 5 30,000. II .ilrV'B -
eed by the lioard to h.y oh Uieir portion
of the site into town lots, and expose ii
Jor sale, the entire i vails, of which are to
be devoted to educational and religious
purposes. A plan of the town lias been
adopted, and the survey is to be com
menced soon by W. Baruum of this place.
The 3Iii.i n grant consisting of one sec
tion of land, is located on the Northern
portion of llie magnificent plateau, stre'eh
ing along the mighty Missouri from the
Pupiilou ( on the South t j the ravim. aj.ii
luil' oa tlie North," a distance of lour
Jaile, within lialf a miie of the river.
Adjoining the Minion Reservation on
!. KriHt. South and West, n'.e lklievuc
.kssociaUon ure laying out a town '..' the
direction of. the Missouriand the I'apilloti.
The Association have received charter
froiu the Ten itori-l Legislature, gniig
tilt in the priviiegcii and lmmuiuiict of a
city govt iiuneiit. The town is to bv
i.Lout four miles iu length by two in
B.jih arties have Lad the ,arii'.s
tiial could be procured, engaged iu execu
Uiig plans for Uieir poriioi. oi" the site,
which ere iiow coinpleled, and will soon
make their uppei-ruiice in lithograpliie
piiuts i.nd be t-pread before the public.
We do not propose to ive deseriplion
cf these elegant designs at present sub
tle it to say, they cover the most elgible
ltd beautiful bile whwh we have seen in
kiiy country, aiid which we believe to be
unsurpassed uny where in Nebraska.
The first white settlement made iu
Nebraska was made lure. The first
, merchant settled here. Th first news
paper printed iu Nebraska w as printed in
Belle v ue.
The ile speculators that undertook to
locate the Capitol of Nebraska tried to buy
this site for the purpose of locating it
bere. They were unwilling to pay the
price set upon it, and the Capitol was
taken to a place having no historic inter
est, and comparatively no natural charm
cr advantages simply because they could
Iiii ke ii better bargain with the specula
tors in that J lace than they could here.
; iSellevue aitl oiigh defeated now, w ill
in the nrize in the end. Her natural
advantages cannot be lied t'own or b-isla
ted ewiiy. The God of nature Us placed
it iii.r (he Great. I'UUe and the Missouri
river guaranteed her the convenience
tb-y tford, nd et the &reat signet ol
Uauty iimlgrandure upon her brow.
j'wSTtCE io-;r.
Tie Hrv. Win. Ili.inibon, i i nijia-y
w i b t-iioilier u"'n'leman, m nrriv hf i-l the
fei-rv at St. Maiy were lull that owing to
tin: ice iu li e l iver, tl ( y eould Hot be
rosscd b:it on expressing preat otixteiy
... i .1
to pet ai-i .iss il K eoiii'.l tie none pruc.eTi.iy .
ml the j'iratiral ferryman tlial happened
Le in the employ of den. Sarpy, ile
aialeil one dollar from each, in nddl'ioti
o the common price ot ferriage.- as soon
news of il-is imposi'ioti reached
he General, be ordered ni c.ermo seuie
ic iiccouuts of those men end to iis
liaige i hem at once. Tliis was right mid
. tit t . 1 !.
onoralite. e unoers nuu u.c iiufih-j
thus extorted is to be restored to us pro-
r uwiwn.
Concp-inleiue of the r.Ulaiiura.
We rxtr.u-t the following from a pii-
vate letter received Iron! Ineml in iew
York, of March JJ 1.
Ii !. .,,...11 Vihiwii that W. 11. Sewm..
U.S. Senator 'rem this State, is the H r
m m Ca holie's friend, hence wan sup
ported by that iletiomination. The Cath
oiunexpecl to obtain Mr. Seward's i"
ibienee in securing such division of Hie
public school money as to enable them t"
liny? schools by ih.-mvjhes, instead of
having them in connection with the l'ro
tcsUuits. Some Uclgian pnupers who arrived
here about six months igo, trc to be sent
hack by the ci'y auttiori'iei.
Woo 1 is delrrtn.iie I to resist llie imji of foreign governments eki!:gto
inlbct their puupeis and criminals upon
Mr. Scl-mi.H wisbrj lo ku" l-llier
an abl r.lieU man landing w ith $VC n
his pocket would beeonsUleie.l pioipef.
The Mayor said that depended alfgetbei ,
on circumstances. If men are furi.isheib
with money by the government merely to
get here, they would be considered pau
pers, and should be sent back to the place
from whence they caiac ami mm '
was necessary to call out the forces under
crnviTinnetil to fno on, md sink
Near riattsmo
Marrh'JO. 0.r, Bt
The scnrcity of timber is frequency nrg
d as an objection p'mt th irUleruent
four vast and beautiful praims.
It is unquestionably true that there is a
deficiency ot timber in FicUm. uui
is there nothing to compensate jor inn ef
ficiency? We Wbeve there is, Mid 111
the extent of the deficiency is olten great
ly exngerated, and perhaps, never rightly
estimated by those coming frm heavily
timbered countries.
The amount of timber needed for a farm
here hedges or stone walls are mode to
lake the place of rails for fence, is very
small; and can be raised as well es a crop
of corn or wheat. One or two acres of
timber laud would be sufficient to afford
fire-wood for the largest family, without
. V.r il it, liflV.
a uiminuuor. or amoum. --v. .- ... -
ing of timber the only advantage to be urg
ed"iu favor of hedges. A hedge when
once brought to perleclion requires but a
trifling outlay of capital or labor to keep
it in repair.
The original cost of a hedge is but
little if ai V greater than that of a rail
fence 'or ditch. Companies have been
lonowv. --- xii-Knuri to tilatit.l ... jr ,put tunned. I ue
. I trim neue " t.. com iiMii" a
. .. ..: . fnr ime t ol- , rr. -Vciarea 10 OU in a " 'e
r.llo nr eeiiou, wijilh, maul uic it. ... ,, . . . .
'n.".l .. ., .i 1 . .m ! h and tat ion
i.ine cases, iui -
Si m tier ro,r. - - ., . . i
. , . ol miles are tl in cultivation and Iiiidicii..
very emigrant ship freighted witli pan
ner am 1 criminals he should do it.
The Sunday liquor law is being riged
IvenforceJ. All persons keeping their
shops open on Sunday are liable to a fine
of 200. or in deumt, imprisonment.
-- - . , i
The Mui:i-law ha passed one urancn
of the Lrg'mlaturo and it is confidently
expected that it will soon become a law
The Maine-law has passed in Dciewre
ii. .A r...ivl hn lemneraiice caiise here
and every where.
Toe Black Warrior has arrived from
Havana, bringing dates to the j h uli
Great excitement prevails, new military
0t1 HCK80SS 8W0RD.
IfllhcV.S. Senate, Feb. itti, the monl
;,.f.;,,i,. future was the presentation lo
U press, by Mr. , of the sword of
tJ. hero of New Orle.ns Gen. Jackson.
fe tclegrnjih report s.y:
I.i making the i.resc.tation, Mr. Cass
imiroved the onv rtuni'v to pay a
;0 tl.r memory of Jackson brief, bill poin
tedly and feelingly. Ho (dluded to me,
prtsentation lo the sword of W ashington
a..d, in p.issmg, spoke or tlie micinig
Ae cane or Franklin, which w is at the
l.-uie time deposited by the side of the
.word or this great laborer in the cause
f human rights. Hi allusions to Wash
,rton mil Franklin were in his most liap-
v stvle. He did not cobbler ihteeir- adapted by a imoe ge
.monies rmjity and unmeanii g. Tbn me
morial of our first siid' great Chief Mag
ttrae, and memorial or Ids successor,
in ihe sdminist ration of the government,
and second only to him in the gratitude
nd Odious of the American rople, will
it by slrfe, united tokens of patriotic
devotion, and insges shut out from our
viaiott bv the far away future, wnen re-
.... t..:. -t
mote fenerations, beirs o! our nneV -
freedem, shall g:-ze "pon these lesmnoni-
alsof victories, lime worn but true lion
oreJ, they will be carried back by oss.i
tialion to those heroes of our early story,
ai.i will find their love for their country
strengthened, and their pride in her msli-
lutions and their confidence in her i.oe
and fortunes increased.
Many ladies were present at the ceri-
Mr. Kcll, Tennesse, followed ;ur. v.,ass
in a speech higly eulogistic i f the hero of
New Orlcan.
A joint resolution was offered, tenncr-
inc the thanks of Congress to the lanuiy
of the late Gen. Armslrorg, and passed.
In the House, the sw ord ot Gen. Jack
son was presented by Mr. Smith, of Ten.
nesse, 'ho made a neat speech on Ihe
A numocr ot i-.r,fS were admitted to
lllh, Nebraska lerr.tory, i- ,
S m I 7s 1 l-2. Ill
residence ol mr. ...... - , ,...,:.. cood inanv men in iMicingan nave uoi..
a iitiir i.i vs that a man in
t liimseir m'o ironnie i.y
A western editor
replies, by assuring hii cotcmporary that
. (T I I. .... ,t...A
collll,v, for the purpose " 1 , gl,n)C ,,y n!y marrying one.
,,!, the bCSt IlieUIO l Ol nev h ,
promoting the pro.rity, peace andhono
'r iv. and adopting measures for
ill on. j ' ., , ,
,1,0 same. M.-.lbColewaseadedtollH
and Mr. G. l'owers tinmen
bill lo
Mr. Rush cslled up the House
reduce the rates of postage. One pro
vision requires the pre-paymenl or letter
always by stamps, after 1st January,.
Wy, another provides for the reg.stra-
Tbe bill w as con-
fter due deliberation, the meet ing was ,io., of valuable letters.
1.. f.irmi lief itSt' U into aii usso- ,:1lKrfi,l and passed.
..'. t 1 ttl ill 1 4 III III! iin'-f -- I
111 l.llIJi"--- ' .111
Vnion AMociation. of Nebraska Ter
r,orv:andit ,.lo adopted ihe
" i :. I. it fie it in
of C"Mll"1"""' W'll"
neral meeting held al
puttsmouth, M.'rcli the 19.U inM.
Akt. 1', There shall be a committee
r .1...... ,.i ri.ns eiecicu iui -
u I . tit I...1
three montbs, one of w horn -J
Principle, unto whom all tori.pla.nts nun
be made, wl.f d-'y it shall be when the
.biinant declaies Uuil be believes ne
One of the boxes of gold, contain
ing about 120 0.-0. lost from the ship
ment of Messrs. IV. Huron k Co., ha
been recovered. It wis found in the
eoal bunk of the Sierra Nevada, (ho sh.p
i .i .. ..!.! l.rnilfhl down
by wiucn me ""
from San Francisco. The thieves had eviden
tly tone -ruled it their and had not been able
lo remove it whore. W hen the ship waa
being coaled, preparatory to returning to
San Frrm isco, some of the men employed
i .t i
for iU discovered we ih.
himself, to isit the Dr yerer and Aju Killer.
cannot obtain justice
,.ff..nder lor the purpose of conciliating
.1,,. narlies at voriance, and incase heis
i i n fittio ulld idaCC
uusucicssiui, n appi"". - t I
. i .., .. l.;..K timn ho Shall
lo meei i jt ui.m,
cite the parlies at variance, and his s-.o-
cia'.e conmittccmen.
in trial shall be Ue-
j.y , wrrantd to eiire alt eases of Aie
ami Fever, Chills an.l ttvr, n,
trmittfnt and Remittent Fever, and every form
of Fever incident to the w-,t. If there ar. ,uf
fe.ert in St. Louis, we .ay try it, ud if it tail.
o cure, the money sliall be refunded tothepur- More thin
twtNTY-rivr THOC.AKO HOTTtrt
no m.tance has it rtl.t
I . - . i :
. i .,! il,u I hvc hrn loin, ana in
; to the ev - -- mirifnt clir M f.r beard from
Art. 21, AH cases
cided acco
w, of this association by the commiuee. . 0f u buttlea, $5.
Nevertheless, persons brought lo trial For ,aU lt l)r. Easterly' Family Med-
shall not be denied the privilege of object- j.,,,, fltore( ,011tl,r..t corner of Third aaA
or all of the Committee Ciestnut streets, M. i."iiis.
ai.o .old bv P. A. py,
'ate of seige, the floor of the House dun..;, u.
have no other fence. Hundreds of miles
are being added every year to the anruunt
already in cultivation.
We would most respectfully urge it
upon our farming brethren to looje no
time in perfecting a hedge fence.
Ik'ihkv at (JiHDi.-We said
in our last isti that Gen. Sarpy' teain
Jerry Nebruika No. 1, w as the only lcam
ferry err ising '-he Missouri to xxebrasKa.
'Uii w true tt tins linw lh- article was
peimexJ but il i no longer true. There
U a Loat U U):i: hf buf less cupious
amlaufe thi.n the ftrry at this
Nor i tU ci paclty of the ferry the only
advantage guinrJ I J trwain at ilcllevue.
The road from t! 1""'1 "P t!ie Plulle
Valley I nearer und better th.m from any
other jxiint North of the I'lalte.
Jj The newsjiaper publisher of Con
necticut haing become lirid of the crtdit
system, have t'eterrnined that after the 1st
of February licit they will demand the
I ;l L r .11 ...I rmiiln'ir ri!f if
y-m M'r'tl rreaciiel litis hj.j'c'.tm t .' - n
Tiri j be, r-ised fi.'n. 'be dead. j h-t is published.
French ro.-n-ol-war are vtu....'i , , Mr Benton, of
Island, ready to assist the bp.uu.di in case j xu.... . othcrs.
There was a lare bodv of men in NV ! Jlon'Mt" T0 r"E Meanitai.. Bur
Dc.Terr.-d initter.
gCfOC?AIC C0T7KiTI0.t AT 0YAT7A. .
e um m.iv aiv synopsis of the pro
ceedings for the information of our rea
ders, the Convention was called to order
by calling Silas A. Strickland, of ISelle
vue, to the Chair, and appointing Dr.
' Wells, of Omaha City,' a Secretary; the
thai.r appointed a committee to repofl
permanent officers of the Convention and
a coiiiiniitee to report Resolutions. The
Convention then adjourned until after
noon, when upon report of the committee,
Mr. Smith of Dodge, was called to the
Chair, and two vice preM-Jent, and Mr.
Gibbs Secretary. JUsolulios.s were then
introduced, tfie substance of which was
the recognition of ike olu land marks, so
well understood by democrats; and in
Territorial matters, advising lite democra
cy Jo forget the past and to look lo the
future. Whereupon a discussion arose
in which Mr. Dyson of Ilcllevue, Mr. II.
D. Johnson and S. A. Strickland, partici
pated. Mr. Dyson thought he could not
forget the past, and thought the people
ought lo Le consulted, and that there were
iliose calling themselves democrats who
he would not be willing to endorse. Mr.
Johnson objected lo proceeding to hastily
to organise the parly, thought the people
should be fully represented iu a conven
tion of ibis kind. These were followed
by Mr. Strickland, who showed a strong
desire to see the party organised, said he
came here to talk of principles not men,
he wished to fee harmony and unison and
u platform democratic in principle, and
long enough, broad enough and sound
enough to satisfy all wt.o were democratic
in sentiment u:id principle. We did not
come here to t Jiplaud or berate men, and
it might not be out of place for him to re
mark lie objected lo the lal guage of the
call, because il sought to reflect upon our
delegate iu Congress, N. 11. Giddings, he
was uniK'Sed to ostracism-' and exchid-
ing iny without a just cause
for if we believe Mr. Gi -Jding, anl we
are bound lo t:'ke his word and acts, as a:.
indication of his belief, he is of the huuse-
hold of the f..ithful, ud we are willing I
lake him as such, in conclusion, he urged
that the convention procetd with thatlru
tcrnal and compromising spirit which is
necessary to produce those results for
which we have here met. The ccuveu
tioii endorsed the Nebratka lbll, the Ad
ministration al Washington, &c.
S gard,
Orleans intending to invade the Island of
Cuba, and would have dune so had not
timely discovery been ma le of their de
signs. A judgment of 1 10 000 has been ren
dered against Gordon Dennett, of
the N. V. Herald, tor a libel gainst Fry,
forrriCfiy 'manager oT " the A"-r Hour
Opera in tbid city. Tim suit was com
menced in ihe year 1H48. The editor of
he Times is al.o i:i trouble whX
for i.n article published in his p.. per.
Washington' Lirth-eay wa celebrated
by all the K..ow-No hings, Sons of Tem
perance end United Americans, and the
friends of liberty generally. On the 25 h
there passed throng!, the post-office of this
city. 53 708 letter, and 3fJ 30ti papers.
Ua lie same dav there tttee received
fram the ste..m-ihip BJtie 43 5-lS je'ters
and 21 944 papers.
Gen. S..m. Houston litis been lecturing
here and in neighboring cities, wi Ii the
hope of gaining friends preparatory to
he next presidential election. The
Know-Noll. ings are in his favor.
Tlie slcamcr Geo. L.w hr.t arrived,
bringing date trom California lo the first
of February. She brings $1,1 13 507 in
gold dust. The Panama railroad is now
cumpleLad, rassecgirs cross from ship to
ship iu one day. The Coroner of Sacra
mento caused sit persons' lo bo arrested
for, pilfering the dead bod i eg from tlie
St. Paul.
News from Oregon lo the 2G h. The
Maine law waa expected to pass. Busi
ness was dull. yours, L. F. K.
We are frequently annoyed wi'h com
plaint of the non-arrival of ti e Palladium
notwithstanding we kn ow it lohavelieen
regularly forwarded. The Council Bluff
Chronotype of the 21st inst., gay "that
not a single number ha been received ui
that office for (lie last six weeks."
Rad the following extract of a lotter
from the jjst-mastor at TaU-r, Ion a, upon
ibis subject.
Tr.a, March 23J.
Almost every mail from the Nrlh
brii gs with it larg$ quantities of mail iat
'er wh'u h belongs iu the interior of the
Sta'.e, besides more or less for Glcnweod ,
Oerro G-rdu, St. Mary, Ikdievue nl
Council lilulf City. Now fn-,.d I! ed
would it not be Weil for you lo touch latin
up on it a little. ouit, fb-., '
This splendid fcrry-bjat ha comnitnc
id it regular service between Jhdlevue
and St, Mary. This I oat i auffieieitly
capacious to take over 30 wagon arid
teams at a trip; or, 300 head of ho.ned
The proprietor of Ihe Nebraska, C'ei.
Sarpy, generously ferries llie United
istate mails free. j
Ho. N. lb (ill'lil-ios. This genie
ma;ihi done hi duty fai.hfnl at .Wah
ingion the past wi. iter, and eain't -jxA
title to (ha o'.e of very true ffhA 1 of
democratic piincip'es, ndof Nebraika.
lib. --The citizen of Louisville have
erected a monument to W '. II. G. Ilutlcr.
the teacher !iot by M itt Ward. Il is an
elegant piece of workmanship, built o'
Indian marble, and about ten feet in height.
The inscriptiot.on it sides are as follows:
Willinm G. II. IbnU.r, worn in Jefl".sr
sun ci.'tti'y, Indiana, Oeti,V 31, 1C25;
died at Louisville, Ky., Nov. 21, 13."
On the reverse : "A nun without fiMr
and widiout reproach; of gentle and re
tiring disposition, of clear and vigorous
mind ; an accomplished scholar ; a devoted
and successful teacher ; a meek and hum
ble Christian." OnthoiiorJi side: "He
fell by the bunds of violence, in the pres
ence of his loving pupils jl imr'yr to his
fidelity in llie discharge of bis duly. Ua
the south side: " This monument is creel
ed by his pupils and a bereaved communi
ty, to show (heir appreciation to hi worth
and to perpetuate iheir horror at hi mur
This is not more a monumi nt to the
murdered man th..n to the murderer; for,
on the stone, to the gaze of all eyes, is
hi crime engraved in words that no atone
ment can wash away. II w much better
for the crimui-il's own inemry if lie had
iufTcred tome legal penalty for his bloody
rBFMDEKT' Levee. The Washington
correspondent of the Boston Chronicle
under date or he 24.h say :
The President Levee of l.'st night,
presented a display of distinguished latent
and beauty. Mr. Attorney General dish
ing wa present dressed in a "plain suit
of black," and, of course, aKracted uni
versal attention. Notwithstanding the
General had neglected lo shave, hi appea
rance created a lively sensation amongst
the dry goods. If be failed to present
himself with a smooth chin, he did not
fail to mete good iie of a very smooth
tongue, which answered the purpose equ
ally well, u not oetter. lion, iappan
Went worth and other Massachusetts
member were present. A delegate of
Winnebago Indians were duly presented
to hi Excellency, during the evening.
Tut ComsrttMicii' not Tio a
Niwufirm. In Judge Van llamia'i
court in Cincinnati a witness testified that
prior to the decease of Henry Star, Esq.,
he employed that gentleman to defend a
suit brought rgbisnt him in the Superior
Court of Cincini.ali-thnt he reside twelve
mile from the city that he does not tak
a new upper and that when he enquired
loiit hi st'.it, some ten or twelve month
afterward, he learned that Mr. Star was
deceased, and that a judgment was ren
dered against him for about two hundred
jv4kA Elll uok. Gov. Keeder ha
at last issued the proclamation, for the e
leetion of member to the Territorial Leg
iv'ature of Kansas. The tlecibn will place on Friday, SOili. of March.
All those proposing to emigrate to Kansas
should be off, by trie 20' h, if they desire
to have a voice in the selection or the
men, who ure to make the law, for the
country. firvtwwiktr. '-
ing to any one
elect, and having such person or persons
appointed in bis or their stead, uai uai.
not be objectionable to either party.
Art. 3d, It bbidl be the duly or the prin
. . ............. il, ..i in lowland
ciple woiuiniticu iu n w
decisions of the court are carried out. For
this purpose he shall have power to call
tin ihe entire tisocialion.
Art. 4.h, No law nor regulation shah
he made lo iniureor impair the validity of
ihe well known squatter law, which was
"-..ted last summer for our governmen,
prior iv . rrinau0ii vf this association,
which partially jjvclcd, Jan. 20th. but
not fully eUected uu,. jarch 19 155
. . r. I. Tl .. . IT.
y.l. U n, J in: oniecia 1 ,llt B3Sotiii-
tion shidl be elected by balloU
1st, Kesolvcd, That there sliall be a re
corder elected, who shall keep a book for
the purpose of recording all claims which
he may be called on to record, w ho shall
give a deseriplion of tho ch.'nn, lor which
U-paid twenty-five for each
piece so willed on to record by ihe person
idling on bun.
z, lies. That the principle committee
man bball have power to call an extra
iii'.-eling of this association if he deems
circimntaiices demand it.
3 I, Res. Thai sWiid llicrc bo a vacan
cy occur iu ihe ofl'me ot the tommbteemen
such vacaii' y shall be Died by appoint
ment by the other committeemen or com
mitteeman, and in case a vacancy should
occur in the place of Principle, either of
the others may be called on as such, and
he shall perforin all the duties of the prin
ciple committeeman.
4:h, lies. Tlmt should any person re
fuse to submit lo the decisions of I be
court of this asaociation. the Principle
shall order his removal with all hi efi'cct
otf the premises.
5 h, lies. That any white person of the
age of eighteen years, or who shall be
the head of a family, shall be allowed to
hold a claim; Provided, he or she improves
according to the claim law passed and ap
proved of by the Nebraska Legislature,
March Ibh. 1855, Mid of this association.
G'.h, Res. That every man' chum shah
be hi own regardless to the survey lines
when the land thall be offered for a!e;
Provided, he or she furnish their quota of
the money.
7ih, Ue. That the boundaries of thi
association shall correspond w ith the boun
daries of the PlattMriotith pruciuct
8th, lies. That this association adopt so
far a it goc, the Legislative act, jassed
March Uh, 185G
Menber of the Union Association:
H.Cole, G. W. Kelly, M. U. Jackson,
G. Power, A. Watson, J. Murdock, Z
Cardwcll, M Cardwcll, J. Simpson, J
Jackson, .1. Hcrgens, J. Murray, M.
Murray, L. Johnson, L. Mile, A. II.
llurger, J. Karnes, E. Todd, J. bUne, M
M. Craig, C. Llovd, W. I Lloyd, A. J
Todd, T. F. Gaskell, L. G. Todd, W
Geuliy, S. Miles, P. Kgheuson.
President of the Union Association.
G 40.1 eb Powias, Secretary
.d by dealer, in medicine generally, in tba
-n,d Dr. Easterly's advertisement lis
tnolhar eolviui ft our pipar and jiv him
Ur. Carter's Coaga Balsam.
tcTJT I. the most pleasant and eflicaeion. rem-
Jy for Coughs, Coles, Asthma, Coa.iniptit
indatldiseinesof the L.inK, ever offered to the
Mimic. Our ever vary ing climate, ana me cou
bleak wind, of the north and west prdne
-ougln and colds dancersons colds, which de
D.snd of the wi.e &. earliest attention
For thi. purpose no remedy has ever been d.eo
red which ha. eflerted .0 many cures, and
which geemg to Bive such universal .at.sfaet.oa
,o.ll,.s Dr.CA.TKa' Couch Balsam. Read-
.poiiPh? Do not neRlert it. De-
r., n.. a - .nt
L SC litis la:ii",'" ,
E?" Fifty -three inhabitants of Concord
N. II. have signed a paper, stating thai
they have with-drown from the know nj-
Ihing councils. Fifteen hundred liave al
ready withdrawn in the tate.
y idanperous.
;t wi!lcirectua!ly cure yon.
(fy Price 25 cent r bottle, large bottl
VVk .or six bottles for .
For s-..t Dr. Easterly's Family Medicine
store, southeast corner of Third and Chestnut
., St. Louis, Mo.
A'10, o'.d by P. A. S.rpy, Kt. Mary, Iowa,
a .4 by dealers in insJicine. generally, in the
Dr. LasicVfy Atnerlcan Oil Xinunent.
This valuable Limuient, coiiihine the most
efficacious artirles known for all the variou.
form, of disease requiring an external applica
tion. One of its principal active ingredients,
i.the Ami ni an Oil (or l'rtroliuci) which i
universally known to posteii rare llr. si.i!'
and Ct RATivt Paoi raTii.s. Tins Oil, when
coiiibined with oilier valuable remedial agent
of known and established efficacy, form, a safe
and ure remedy lor Illieumatism, Hriiiw.,
Sprins, Cut, Wound., Burns, Scalds, Old
Sore. nd I'lcem, hcald Head, Tetter, Ring
Worm, I'.ry.iiieliii., Pile, Causer., Still Joints
Caked llreasln, Paralysis, Contracted Tendon
or Coids, 4ic.t and alio for Strain, Spavin,
Seratclie, Chafe., Saddle and Collar lalU,
Sore, Wounds, Kistula, Sweeney and PollKvi-
,n horse.. Tin. Liniment ha. a direct and pow
rful ction ejK.n llie ecretory and ab.orben
.-.iiels, stimulating them to a healthy action
hus enabling them to throw off the morbid or
liwased matter which obtrurts the circulation
hi., removing all diseases or injuric. of the
Iiones, Mubcles, Cartillage., Nerve and Skin,
Oue bottle vt ill eonvinc the most skeptical
of it wonderful efficacy iu curing Kruie.
?itaiii, Rheiiuatisin, Paine, Sorenei and
Stiffness of the Joint, Lc.
Dr. Easterly' Amerieun Oil Liniment i
vithout esception, the moot valuable remedy
t -er couipoulided tor all diseases at Man or
:ast, requiring an external p dication.
(jy piite 25 cent, per bottle, or five botfleS
for one dollar.
A liberal discount made to wholesal
purebaser who buy to cell again.
(TV For sale at Dr. Eagerly. Family Med
icine Store, southeast coraer of Third and
Che.tnut streets, St. Ioui..
AIo sold by P. A. Sarny, St. Mary, low,
tnd by dealers in medicine generally, ID tb
(V Read Dr. Easteily' advertiment iu
anotier col. una ot our p,-r and giv liioi a
all. jaM-
Dr. Ksiurly loduVaad Br.parUU. .
It the only preparation that 1 worthy
of the lea.t of the public, for til
cure of those disease, arising frm aa In. pur
tat of the blood, vix: Scrofula, or King'
Evil, Whit Swellings, Enlarged Gtaads, Fever
'Sores, Pimple, on the face, old Sore aad Ul
cers, Blotches, Riles, Nervou Affections, Can
cer, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Sypilitie Di
eae, Pains in the Hones and Joint., Ring
Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, disease ef lbs
Kidneys, Mercurial Disease., te. Dr. Eas
terly's Join he and Sa esse all. la, is com
pounded of those article which simultane
ously act ou the different organ of tli body,
tnd possej. the most efficient clensifig and bel
ugl properties. Hundred, of the mo . inUIti
ei.t and respectable St. Louis, have
tucd it, and speak of it in the highest term ot
eraiac. hi medicine is sis timi) stronger,
cheaper and better than ny other pieptratiea
Las a On ic e. We learn that the
land ofhee for the Northern district ot
Kansas and Nebraska, ha bef n establish
ed at Nebraska City, and that A. 11. Gil
mere, IZscj , of Chit age been appoint
4 Re:eiver.
Ill use.
(jy Price, S1 per Bottle, or si Botile for
'iV i'or ' t Di. EASTEKLV'J Family
McUiciue Klotr, coraer of Third and Che.tnut
streets, bt. Louis.
Krad Dr. Eastsrly's advertisement in
another column of otil fJeT, and g'v him a
VH. I"-
vv.tNrt'wyrtai wsj;,iiiFiljirsMsm