TTh 0 jjy i). k. iu;i:d, & co. KLLLKYI Y: DOUCiLAS CO., NE1MASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 4, 185.-,. VOL. 1. NO. 20. '1H It P H 1.LJ NEBRASKA PALLADIUM ' AND TLATTK VAl.LKY ADVOCATK. tVll.tiHKD wmir ST os. Cotton. D. E. REED, &. COMPANY, EdifQrs ami ProprUfort, aai Ltvitw, Dni'ni.A corNTY, wrnAA TERMS. One copv one year, 2 00 one COpT SIT month, $1 INVAHIABLV IN A t- No paper will be discontinued except at 4at discretion of the proprietors, until all ar Ttre?i are paid. RATES OF ADVTBTiarJO. Tot each square of twelva linn or less, first insertion. Each subsequent insertion, One square three month), On square six month. r., inire twelve niontli). One quarter of a rolninn twetve months, 2000 On half column twelve months, 30 00 One column twelve months, f0 00 Business cnl of eight lines, vcar'y. .r (Ml " nix month. 3 00 three month, 2 00 Administrator1 and r.xecntors' notices, 5 00 NEBRASKA PALLADIUM. BE LLE VIEW, NEBRASKA. Wr.DNT.SD Y, JANl.'AUY J4. lH.'.r. KEBRA3KA LEGISLATURE. 91 oo fi on ROO 12(0 TUT! LAW OF NEWSPAPF-RS. 1. Subscribers who Mo not cive expre notice te the contrary, are considered as wishing to "continue their subset intious. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their paper, the publisher may continue to send "iliem until all arrearage are paid. 8. If subscribers ncjrlcct or rrfne to tal;e tl.air paper from theotbeeto which they are directed, ther are held responsible until they hare settled the bill and ordered the paper dis continued. 4. If subscribers remove to other rdare with out informine the publiher, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they are held re sponsible. ,V The CorwTS hsvedecided that refninc to take a paper from the cilice, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, i) prima facia evidence f intentional fraud. Subscriber will therefore understand : 1. That their papers w ill he continued after the expiration of the time for which they paid, Utiles otherwise ordered. 2. That no paper will he discontinued until all arrearages are paid up to the time nt which (he notice is riven, unless we are satisfied that the ltibsrribcr i wotthless. 3. That when the paper, throurh the fault of a subscriber, has been suffered to everrun the time, the just ami most convenient way is to remit one dollar for another six month, with directions to discontinue at the end of that time. This direction will, in all cnes, be noted upon nr books, anil if not attended to shall be our 1os 4tll. The U. S. Court have also repeat.'dlv ' decided thiit a Pot-Mater who reelects to perform his duty of civine seasonable not ic, ' M required by the Post-Office Department, of ; the lieelect t,t a person to take from the office, newspapers addressed to him. renders 1h l'ot- Master liable to the publisher for the subscrip- tion price. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hr.lLF.VlKW. I. II. i; F.N NET. Has opened a boarding house at Tiellevie.w. far the accommodation of reffular boarder, and censionat visitors, who, he will ta'.c pleasure in making as comfortable as lies in hi power. flelleview, Nebraska. oct 25, '51 rt f:?'"Trr'T S :y"s. J.'-' Li.-:.;, .-:'.Z Attorney at Law. HAVING determined to locate permanently at Helleview, I will promptly attend to suit buainess entrusted to me professionally. 8. A. STRICKLAND Bellsview, Dec. 1. 1H54, W. H. ENGI.ISM, NEGOTIATOR, Collector, General Land Areiil, Councilor at I.nw, &c, tc. Belleview, Nebraska. Havine an experienceof 17 years io the Ter ritory, will pay prompt attention to nil com munications, post paid, in repaid to the Ter ritory, &.C.&.C. Office near the Government building, in rear of P. A. Sarpy's hanking house. Belleview City, Nebraska, July 4 i, 1! J. C. E. WATSON, Land Agent, Surveytr und Engineer, Helle w, Nebraska. nl-ly Umaiia Cut. Nrlimska Trrri'ory, ) .liituijry 17Ji. lKr)0. J Fritud RctJ : Tlic House met pur s' to aJjonrnment, nod jnoctcilod to lilt election of olTicen by ballot, which resulleJ in tlie eleclion of A. J. Hans coin, Speaker; J. W. P.idJock, IstClrrk; (5. S. Ayeri, 21 Cleik; L. J.. G"iL?j. ScTjje:in!-ut-arm, and H. U. Thotnpsoii, Door Kerptr. The result of the lmlloiinflf for Door Keeper, show el 30 voies, whtn ther were only 12(J ineniliBt's le vole. Where njion, J. M. Lathiim, madii a speech de nouiK'irsg in high and hitter terms,, the man or men who dart coma into this house und cast inure than one vote. If such things were to be allowed, what might not be expected, for himself, if he ever found out the mun, all intercourse wMi him would cense. I Jul lifter k liltle explanation, and u fow t ujjesiions, it wi. concluded that a few tic'-;ts which had bean used in voting for Scrguunl -aj-arms, h:id been in iht Hal I and they pass ed it us a legid vole, upon the explanation and guseset made by members. On motion, of Johnston of Richnrd so:i, filler a spirited debate, Ilev. (age or .eur.ik;i 1.4'y was uuiy cicciea lylmp- lin. liy a resolution pnsseJ, Judge Harden was cnlled and miminlstercd the oalh t the eiec: the roll of officers was c.'.llrd nnd the oath administered. A committee of three was, on motion appointed to infurm the Scmte that the House was duly organized. Which com miitce retired, but the b'enals hud ad jonrni'd and the cummiilee returned. fci ill nt this time, there was three mem b is who hud nut taken the oath, viz : Doyle, Decker and Maddux. The House now proceeded to consider the following resolution: "RaulvtJ, That all the members be requested lo take the oath of oi!k-e, ex cept the officeri w ho luvo already taken ihe oath." Which was read by the clerk, nnd mad lo read, "except the members," instead of officers, und p;.ssed. Judge Harden was now railed again, when the resolution was re-read and re-disi lusrd, and finally Lit) on me tank', un mo ion, the roll was ed for Dj.lge nnd Pierce counties ano the following gentlemen and took the oath, viz: Decker, Do le und Maddox. Message was announced frum the Couu il, fctalingthal that tody wus duly and pei muneiitly orgaiiizcd, and were ready o proceed o business. The following resolution was now pass- ed That a commilti'c of five be appoint ed to furiiioh rules for the guidance of ihe House. The clerk was ordered to fur nish the printing for the House until fur ther orders. Hsuse adjourned until 2 o'clock. ST. MARY. (J. W. WALJ..UT., Physician and Hureeon, respectfully tenders ri II prui rssiuuai in n iu 1111. lihh i j ij Mary and vicinity. Office two unb-s north svest of St. Mary, 'on the creek. aui31-ly 1). TZSUHl'CK, Topographical Kncineer, tenders bis profe ional services to the citizen of Kt. Mary and ficimty as Surveyor and Kiiuincer in all its va rieties. Office in P. A. harpy's store, corner of bregory alreel. aufJi-iy WATSON. KINXKVkti It K. K N, Ceneral Land Agents, St. Mary, Mills County, Jowa. Will attend to the purchase and sale of teal estate, the perfecting or titles, paying tax m. Ac. L.C. (TV Farming land and village lots, to suit purchasers, on hand, for sale cheap, and on reasonable terms. CHAN. K. WATaON. I.. Ji. M.N hi. 1,43-tf JOSFPH GMKHV. ""WILLIAM!" at WILSON'S SAW MILL. Kee Creek. Mills Co., Iowa. The pmprie tors of this mill intend lo keep liiinhcr jA all descriptions constantly on hand also L- sup- fly all special ordei or luiubtr at short no ca, for cash. n 12 -3ui KKiN PAINTKH AN D Till l)EI7 T1MIK eubscriber haviiiir located b.uis.-lf at X St. Mary is prepared toexecuto ordeis of every discretion of Plain, I'anry, and Orna tnental Painting. Signs painted, h-tP-nd and gilded in the most approved style, in the neatest manner. I'atrouage rcap'-i-Uulty so licited. Olhce, at II. Myers, Fruit Mr.t. H Mary. bTANIM.A l'S SCHFMAN.SKV. St. Mary, K. )t. 27, "1. Y'Tsaiu'V, Wbolrsale and Commission Merchant, dealer In Dry Goods, llardwrr, Ouceimwaie, (jlas are, Groceries, Ini, Medicines, books and ltiooery, corner ol Alain ana L.itiory street auic3l.y C. 11 WATSON. Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Surveyor t'rnce ai ma mora ni tireruc, Ainiicy, . v u St. Mary, Millseo., Iowa. Au,;. 2, ".A. JAMKS O'NKAL, , Drainage Couiniicsioner, Olhce in St. Mary vi, a tig ei-iy 2 O'CLOCK, P. M. Resolution offered by Decker, that a omtnilteeof three oe appointed to inves igute the claims of those contesting heals which motion wai lost. The committee on rules wa now an. notinced to be Latham, Johnston, Ricl - urdson, Pojileton, and l'urple. Mn ion to admit reporters laid on (he table. Motion that we have two I'agcs car ried. Mjtion, Seigeunt-al-arms to procure Ji reman carried. Motion, clerk to number the scats members draw for thern, nnd hold them during session carried. Adjourned to 10 o'clock to-morrow. iteutt. Here ihe I'linoc f Swindler will probably become r.n object of general miration and regard, as the man who ucct eded in sw indling the Yankees. No'hing will wholly deprive a man of at- crtion it n 1 respect from a certain class. except the loss of property. To be poor is the gre-itest of sin, l Hint tri'mnds It is a pleasurable relief to see a few men using their gains with a moderate and philanthropic spirit. Horace (ireeley has probably made a fortune from the New York Tribune. lie lives up town in very !m;dl, though very comfortable !yle. His funds are not fx landed upon a pala tial residence, and those of vour readers who haven glimpse at Hurnce, can vouch that they oie rot invested in "purple an.l fine linen;" neither does he fare sump tuously every day. Starvation reduces people to the oonsid- atioti or '-hi st princip es. 1 lie liair famished ones in cur st reels cannot be made to understand by any course of logic. why one class should be permitted to re tel in overflowing luxury, while they lark (he very elemen's of life. It is a good lime for the seeds of Socialism to take root and spring up, and there are not want ing those whe ore eager to sow them. Hunger is a great revoluliotiizer. Soup kettles are provided in various part! ol the city, for gratuitous supply of the in- diircnt. But the soup dot. 'I seem to go lown wi:h the hungry people, for the singular reason that it is very thin. One would rxpeet it to go down all the easier for that circumstance. Itiss.dl that there nre now 30 000 Women out of employment in New York Ci'y. How many men there maybe no none kows. Ano'lier war with Mexico, or evtn with Russia would find no lack of recruits unong our ravenous popullion. li is to lie hoped that the public works, moving 'he City Hall ruins, and tutting Tark Place through Columbia College Green, will be cominnuced, to a third employment 'ollie thousands of idle hands. If nut employed, Satan will soon find them work lo do. Loafers are abundant and Park meetings, tlios imbecile, purposeless gatherings aie belter attended than usual. A hoax pl-ycd off in Williamsbuigh the o;her day, brought lo light the necetsi ies of the lime. Some wag advertised fur large black dogs lo be brought to the pro prietor of a small theatre in Willi.iins burgh the next day. The manager wus flooded wi ll great black dogs all day, till it npp' .ired us though everybody had eiz ed on this opporiuni'y to attempt to ge rid of his dog; any q'.unti'y of the canine race of all kizc4lud (jtialkies might have been bought dog-cheap in that vicinity; the theatre manager, was of course, rathei annoyed at being the involuntary center of such a singular gathering. New York seems to have become the starling point, for nil kinds of illegal ex peditions. It is said that twenty-two slavers have s. iled out of this port during a year. Russia and Cuba expeditions abound. Two vessels left, here some time since, armed and (quipped, it wus sup posed for Cuba. They have Ltcly turned up at St. Thomas, under arrest by the Danish Government. The object of this extiedition was to ussist Gen. Pacz in descent upon YenezuU. The persons at commoita'.cd wall lodging in the station house night before last, numbered 325, homeless nnd destitute. An arrest has been made of gamblers who succeeded in swinging a poor mun out ol his coal in the winter. 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 i p o 1 1 r 2 . a cormxr houje. Oli ! rive me a borne in the country wide, And a by the Karmor' wood fireside, Wh"ret!ie Cue barns bright Oa a frosty night, Wre tiit je4t( and (ketone, aud Utifh ara frae, Oh I the fanner's home is the home for me. On ! pive b a home in th country wide, When tlif earth coinj out as a blushing bride, With her buds aud flowsrs, In the bright cprii.g hours, Her bridal s n rniinfr, f. om fresh-leaved trea, Andmelifiy lloals onllio perfumed bree. In summer, a seal in the shady nook. And close by the side of a cooling brook, Where the violet grows, Or the pale swamp rose, Fainting and sick, 'neath the sun's beam Dips her petals iu the cooling stream. Oh I give me a home in the country wide, In the golden days of the farmer's pride, When the barns ara filled Fiod tile fields he's tilled, And be feels that bis yearly task is done, Smili.i at winter, be beckons him on. StWctei SUtttr. jTSZSIL or TAX HO.f. FIUNCII BV2T, LAT OOVfBMOK Of XBllliA. At 4 o'clock, p. m., Nov. 6th, says the Washington Union, all the clerks nt the Third Auditor's Office assembled in the Rotunda of the Capitol, where the remains of their late respected chief had been plac ed under the direction of the Commission er of Public Puildings. A portion of the committee which accompanied the body from Nebraska, was present, the remain der having gone to make arrangements for its reception ot; board At half pait our, the coffin was placed in the hearse, the following gentleman acting ns pall-bearers : John M. Itromihead, Second Complrol- place of ties' illation in the fV West, lint a few. dnjs intervened between his arrival nnd his death. I'.von brfore he liml time to enter oi. the duties nssigred l im. Ins earthly career was closed. We. wiio were present and participated in the List inoinfl fill duties on that occasion, nlthonoli our ueqiiainlniice had bce-i brief, were fully aw are of the excellent end amiable quali ties of ihe deceased, nnd we fully appre ciated ilio loss the Territory of' and the country had sus'ained. To be met by you, gentlemen, in our transit, to his distant home and bereaved family, in Ihe capitol of our country, in so kind and sympathizing a manner, goes di rectly lo our hearts, und moat thankfully do we to you our acknowledgment fur this exprcssioii of your affection und regard for the deceased. Permit me to ussurc you, gentlemen, 'hat on our arrival at nrphice of desti nation we will commun icate tohisi fflic ttd family this marked token of indricst. and respect. The clerks then tiok leave of the com- iniiiec, una1 ihry proceedtd en their mel choly journey. Yery similar were the ceremonies at Columbia, ihe Capitol ef South Curolina. The body was placed in the Council Chamber for ihe night, and the next morn ing, was conveyed in a hearse to the cars, followed by ihe Mayor and City Council. On passing the remains pgain in charge of the Commit.! ee, the Mayor made u shor1 and appropriate address to them, which was replied to by Col. Ward li. Howard chairman of the Committer, in the follow- brief remarks J Gtntltmtn of Iht Common Council of th e Ciy of i olumbia : Having met a sec ond liineon our long and tedious journey hile bearing the remains of your de ceased friend to the home of his family i fin. i i iV rv r i,. i c...... I, ... , , , I - - v ' v. laiv UllllCU UlIUBI, .AFltl P YV..M1 ( ,,n,,Y,iiai. .n.i rtf .... ' 1 Correspondence of the Pilladium. Niw Vokm, Jan. 5. 1805. A cloud has settled over all our week of rejoicing. Miaty clouds hang over us, fog impenetrable is round about us. From this and other causes, the Go'hainites are gloomy. Of the tales of among ihe poor you have heard enough; now ct. ires the "day of reckoning' the whoful First of Janunr), which brings const crna li jii In the heurU of 'hard up' speculators. Dreadful apparitions of bills, long drawn out with thousands of forgotten hems, hurras the dream of the debtor; and (he creditor nervously speculates o't probable Schuylerisms aud sudden departure! from justice. Hy iho w, y, ii ii said that Sch uyler and hi fi.inily have retired lo eie g tnl leisure on the banks of the Rhine, having purchased and fitted up a fine liitle Killing Indians. We see by the Sa vannah ( Mo.) Sentinel, that some Indi un hunting in Gentry county under a pass from the fgent, not being successful had to resort to the killii-g of hugs to sus tain life. (Jne of the owners of the hogs coming upon them when they were in the act, shot three of the Indiuns, all of whom died. The balbitice of the tribe fled for their homes on the other side of the river Complaints are made of the agents who give the Indians permission to rove over the country, settled by the whiles, iu pursuit of gainu. JT" A certain Irish attorney threatened o prosecute u Dublin printer for inserting th death of a living person. The men ace concluded with the remark, that "no printer should publish a death unless in formed of the fact by the parly deceased." W a is, t down. The Otlumwa (Iowa) Courier sayi ome fifteen or twenty la die of that place, besieged a rum-hole which had become a r.uis.mce, first tried to buy ihe liquor, failing in which, they rolled the barrels into (he, slrec-t, and knocked in tho heads snl emptied the cou'en'i en the jp-ouai. Pensions; Col. Maneypenny, Commission- I er sf Indian Affairs; J. D. B. De Bow, Superintendent of the Census; B. B. French, Commissioner of Public Build ings; S. S. Rind, Chier Clerk Third Au ditor' Office; A. F. Cunningham and V. II. S. Taylor, clerk Third Auditor'! Of fice. The procession w is formed und pro ceeded to the steamboat w harf, where the body was deposited on board the southern boat; after which Mr. Cuniiinghum, on behalf of the gentlemen attached lo the Third Auditor's Office, addressed the committee as follows : Gtntlemm: To jou, who have patient ly and laboi iolisly guarded the body of our deceased friend from the wilds of the far West, we t in commit it, to be conveyed to his mout.. 'in home in Sou h Carolina. where his family is, and where his affec tions centered. We know that flattery cannot "soothe the dull, cold ear of death," und therefore will not be in place here ; but we cannot let this opportunity pass w ithout telling yon, gentlemen, that yor have leen iho wen with whom Col. Bu r was in official connection for upwards of a year; aud that among thein all, he left none but friends when he severed those official ties that unite! us, to take the du. lies of Governor of Nebraska upon him self at the request of the President of the United States. We all parted with him with regret: but our best wishes went with him for lite. You will please make this fact known to his family. His journey to the West was but Ids march to the grnve. It is but a few short months since he uhse.nbled us legether to Allcnd the (unernl of uu old and faidiful clerk of his bureau, with the remark th) "we knew not who would be called next!" Inscrutable are the wtyi of Providence il is his own inanimate corpse around which we first meet to pay our mournfu respects. Tukc, gentlemen, all that rt. mains on earth cf Gov. Francis Burt. We loved und revered him in Ids life be cause of his many virtues and indexible integrity, und for those virtue! we honor him in dentil. To which Col. Ward B. Howard, of Petkikiil, chairman of iho committee, re plied as follows : (ltnilemen: In behalf of the bereaved aud infllicted fuini'y of the deceustd, whuse body jou Lave with such marked respect removed to it last resting place at the Cupitol to this bout, and cf Ihe commutes who have it in charge, I return to you our grateful thanks for ibis token of respect to the memory of one who has but a short lime since presided over that branch of the Treasury Department to which many of you belong, and to whom his virtue! as a citizen, and the vigilant discharge of the duties of that important office are person ally known. Having been culled to a more elevated situation, the Al'.-wise Disposer ef F vents permitted kisa enly t renei kit now at the Capitol of his native S ate, I can assure you, gentlemen, that such re pented testimonials of respect to ihe mem ory of the late Governor of Nebraska i from those who knew him best, calls forth from me si well a! in behalf of hi family, a the Committee who have ac companied me, our kindest acknowledg ment. It serve! lo cheer ui on in the melancholy task we have undertaken, anil no doubt will tend in sane respect to as suag the sorrow! and afllic ions of hi bereaved fanii'y. The All-wise Disposer of Event! law fit to '.all the deceased from earth at the moment lie was about to enter on the du ne of an elevated rank assigned him by his Government ! Brief us was the pe. riod allowed hiin in ihe far distant wil THE 8XWII0 OIRL. Hard Times comes to the sewing girl when the rest of the .working world t' ought the limes wcro easy. From im time she has wrought faithfully and li ken little money for it. But ther. business generally grows stagnant, and rn'Miey becomes unusually senrce, the poor sewing girl experiences ns sad a depres sion as if it were a reverse in her rasa uUo. It is as we all know a touch timo for her at the best. She wearily stitches f rotn morning to night to earn a pittance thai will scarcely pay decent board even though work never falls o!T. But when men find money scarcer they buy fewer clo'hes, and if the wholesale business is depressed a fraction she is told hc can not have "steady work." This Fall, prices have gone down too. On coats for Ihe Southern market they arc paid two shillings less than on the same garment last fall, and n similar de crease effects wages for other articles of clothing. These changes for the worst come very hard upon the girls. Yery ma ny of them support widowed mothers and orphaned sisters nd brothers. Their one needle is to enrn not a living only for ihemselves but bread for a family, coal for the household, and to meet beside the monthly demands of inexorable landlords. We meet them wrapped in their thin shawls daily in the streets looking as if their frail bodies were poorly able to stem the tide of necessary expenses that will roll down upon any family, even the smal lest, that attempts lo winter in New York, Grappling with a hard world's trials daily, there must be a curse ready to light upon his head w ho without good cause deducts from their small wages or with contempti ble meanness throws a lrnw in the way of their making the little they can make as earily as possible. But many mer chants who employ them think it no dis honor lo make them come three or four times to ihe shop for work which was promised them at the first call; and if with eyes sharpened by the prospect of gain, an uneven s idi can be found, they that they deduct largely from their wiges. Shtme on the fellows who be have so ungalUntly. They fuwn'with dis gusting obsequiousness to a pert miss who bears about her person the tokens of her exiravagance in dress, but when those hard-working daughters of Lonevt and ambitious toil are left to run up nnd down Jie. streets, wasting time that is exceed ngly precious to them, to get the jobs, heedlessly promised to be roac'y many days before, they excuse ihemselves with the remark, "Il is only a shrp-girl; sh can come again." The shop girl is as worihy of her Lire as any laborer, and he is shamefully dishonest who adds an un necessary step to her tedious walk lo get it, or scrutinize her work more closely than he is w illing that his own should be. c; of Nebraska, he has left an impression even there, long to be remembered. On the funeral occasion the day after his de cease, at which this Committee were pres ent, the remarks of hi successor, ihe Sec retary, Mr. Cuming, Chief Justice Fer guson, und the Rev. Mr. lL.millon, who had attended Lim throughout his nfflic ing illn ess, (as did also two of this Commit tee) I say, the rem u ks of those gentle men on that occasion were such as lo cal forth tears from ;-.ll who were present, including a large concourse of the wild savages of the west. ' If so brief un acquaintance should thus impress strangers, how much more grati fying must it be to the afflicted family and relatives to receive such testimonials of respect to his memory as we have wit nessed in din transit through the City of Washir.g'eu where he once lasided, and now receives from hn earthly and per sonal friends in the Capitol of hi native State. Permit me, gentlemen of tho Common Council of this City, to close my remarks liy thanking you lor your politeness to the Committee and the kind sympv.Lie.i I 1 r-l . i- you nave rxpresseu lor irte uieavei lam liy of the deceased. The floating batteries in course ol construction in Jv.igLud, will be the mos. formidable ever projected. They are o! forged or hammered iron plates, four and a half inches thick, lined inside wi h wuoJ -II r w . ana win measure j octtj tons. J ion nc tu.d experiment it ha been proved that hey will be impervious to any shot or shell. The construction of these engine herself by his side on the fatal evening, of war is very task. Asshoj's Coxviction. We glean (he detail of ihe closing scenes in the late trial cf Wm. II. Arrison, of 'infernal machine' notoriety, at Cincinnati, from paper of that city. On the evening when the jury gave in their verdict, the court room was densely crowded, many ladies being of the num ber, and an anxious interest wa gener ally prevalent. The prisonsr was calm, although care-worn und evidently deeply affected, - lit manifested by his occasion al sighs, the nervous twitchings of hi fin gers and his sorrowful countenance. When the solemn verdict of "Guilty" wus rendered, a movement ahnost of ap plause occurred, and a voice uttered loud ly 'that is right,' but order was instant ly restored. The prisoner was not visi bly moved. A motion for a new tri.d was mad on behalf of the defence, which will be argu ed in a few days, alier which, tea court adjoin ned, and the prisoner was conduc ted to tho t.partmctit in ihe prison, knewn as iho 'M.nder's Room every inmate of which in times past, with one exception, has siiil'c red the txtrcmo penalty of the law. One of the most affecting incident con necled with this trial, was, the constant attendance of u young lady, to whom Ar rison hail paid Li addresses, and who sat difficult and expensive J" An elderly spinster writes to at freind: "A widewer with ten children has 'proposed, and 1 have accepted. This is the number I should have been entitled to if 1 had married at the proper lime.'' Miss Lucy wus not elected brigadier gcncralof ihe Vermont mi'dtiu, though she received a number of votes in lk Legislature, hiirsang into tears upon the rendition t ihe verdict. Arkansas Insects. AcinV1 kansas while on board of a steamer on the Miiippi, wa usked by a gentleman, "whe. her ihe raising of stock in Arkan sas was attended by much diihvul y or expeiisei'" "Oh, ye, stranger il.ey suffer much from inec." "Insect! Why, what kind of insects, praj?" Why, bears, catamounts, wuhts, panUiti, and srveh like inseets." f I i ' I ' i :. ; t , . 1 '. i .' B : t i I -. I i