Nebraska palladium. (Bellevieu City, Neb.) 1854-1855, December 20, 1854, Image 3

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M L Tf'( ) IU ) LO( I C A L T A I! LL
Bclleview, r'rbrrukii.
live Tbeinio'if 1).-. C uTi?) I S nnl
upui irr-T p'H vr i
TO A is 4D :ty o o
"21 '
A number of the nu.t rcspcidsilde in.r
Lidice, of Aintni'Sa, .Tone county.
Iwwa, visiled Iwo tk-pt.uies in tldil ph-ci
snthelOth ulUund sVstrryed a'l t'e i-.
oa'u-atiiifr; liquor tl.ry cmld f.tK1. Tluii
course hns excite'1. coitsu'eruhlp i! n
in tho vi'.l..ges, tut the News --ys thiy
are nj-.lirld by a gre;it in.jritv of tl.c ti'i
Thn Aluonj Atfctis has a list of rucm
br fleeted to the New York A'Ritn
bly in w l.iihllie position of ei.cli in rlr
nce to poli ici, temperance, uil Know
Nolliii gism m tiitleil. According to litis
toleincnt thcra are 71 Whigs and 13
Democrats elected as friends of a prohib
itory lan---waking 81 or just two-thirds
of lha whole siiunUr. 1 litre are 2- ek-c.
ted as opposition lo the law, and iho pesi
tiM of 21 is dnuhtftil.
Iobaico roa liiina. uur rci.ceri.
.may rotle aware of the ft thi.tthr O
rsiihls, who inlmhit tlic Crntnd Flowery
'Kingdom, ccmmonly called China, have
Iff med to t hew that many of liitm are
.dero'ed ruuslicntorg of the Virginia weed
and are tending to America fur supplies.
A manufacturer of St. Louis
Mr. MrCuiil, whoso Lrnnd become
. celebrated abroad,nnd who puts up an ar
ticle almost eqtir.l to the best James River
' 1 1 now ri p-riiig a Kit of in&nuf;clurrd
i loburco to fill an order for the Chinese
market. This U the second older from
that quarter he !i.-s filled, nn-1 his to'w.e
co flppened to suit the taste of John Chi
remtm. who iiiim':di..Udy asked for 'more.
"We corratii':itp Mr. McCaul upon hi
skill in pri tifvil jr Ci-iticse tr.s'.es. nt.d have
no doubt t!uil he .will be awarded a pre-
. mium by the prejit Ilnprror, when lie jrr's
a qiliil of St. L'diis Uibncno between hi
celestial printers. St. Lous Herald.
Dr. Carter's Crngh Balstm-
J, Isthe mcjt pleasant and efficacious rrme
i ij for Coughs, Coks, A'.!iuii, Consumption
j ".nd!ldiiasefpf the Lxr.R, evr ofP-.rH tothr
j lublic. Our ever varyi:ij cliirvitc, and the col l
fcleak winds of the north aud west pro.lure
j f otijhs tni coijs dnnpi-rs colds, whioh le-
!ntnii of the wii. ruilnt,the earliest attention
For this purpose no remedy has ever bean disco
. vrreu winch li'is e.lectoii so many cures, and j
I wCiieh terms to give such universal I satisfaction
all, S3 Dr.CaT:n'i Cocan RaIsm. Hcart
r, have you a cough? D.i not nejjlaut it. Do
'ay Isdanceraus. Use this Batsam.atonce, and
,t wi!l eCcctually cure you.
CV ivies 2- cents bar bottli, Isje bat!
l,or botttej for 5.
For Si! at Ir. Tastarty's Family M-Ulcine
oi', soutlieist cuTinr tf Thiri and Chestnut
A!o, s!J by P. A. Sarpy, ft. Mi y,lT.rn
vi ty icaiers in lusdieincs gj-ierntty, in ti-.
)(. tajitfly's Iacius tui Baiaparitl i.
("" It is tlie oaly -rtp rra'.iou tluU wjrthv
-f tha least coniV.auct of the public, for th
tura of these diseases aruiog t in an impure
state cf tV.e b'.oaJ, v'u: tkrof ila. or King's
tsril. White Sellings, F.nUrjed Clan ls, Fever
"iures. Pimples on the face, old Sores and Ul
j:tr, JJlotchts, Bdes, Nervous Affections, Can
crs, Erynipelaa, Rheuraatl:n, Ey p'ditic Dis
eaAis, pains in the Bones and Joints, Riug
Worjfl or Tetter, Scald Head, diseases of the
Kidneys, Mercurial Diseases, fce. Dr. Eas
Vrly'a Joxlt and SASSAraaiLt.., is com
p'oundel cf those articles which aimultane
Mij act on the Afferent organs of tha body,
ad posaass the post oDleierj clcobing and heal
ing properties. Hundreds of the matt intelli
gent and respectable families in Et. Louis, have
UMil it, and speak of it in the highet terms of
piaiae. bu miiiciris is a. tun) stronger,
bapsr aoi JtctUr tfun anjf otUtr jireparion
ia use.
ty Price, (t per Cottle, or six 'Eottlss for
27 Tor sale at Dr. LASTT.KLY'S Tamily
Mwluane Store, corner of Third and Chestnut
tirei-fa, bt. Louis.
Also sold by P. A. SARPY, St. Mary, Iowa,
and by dealers in medicine generally, in the
Read Dr. Ent-rly's advertisements in
another col icon of ocr pr.per, and give l.iin
ealjk ju;2rt
lr. Easterly Amertcin Oil Lin-uieat
bis valuable Liniment, combines tha mojt
ersicacious articlea known for all the various
forws of disease requiring an external applica
tion. One of iU principal active ingredients,
b the Antaicas Oil (or Petrolium) wh'.cli i
universally known to posix: rare 1Ij a.i.isj
and Cuaarivc Paoreaiita. This Oa, whin
couibined with other valuable remedial agents
of known and established efficacy, forms a safe
and tuie reuiedy for Riieumaliim, llruise,
Bnrint. f",i.i. Wounds Rums. Scaldn, Old
hortsand Ulccis, ftalJ Heal, Tetter, Ring
Worm, Erysipelas, Piles, Cansers, Still Joints,
Caked Jirtasis, Paralysis, Contracted londons
cr Cords, fcc., an.i also for S'rains, 8pavin,
"icratc'.iei, Chaf.;, Saddle and Collar Galls,
tore', Wound j, Fiitula, Scney and PcllLvil
! I ,n tiur.ej. TI..S I.lioiuer.t has a Qire:l ami liOW'
teasels, stiu' -itii them to a healthy actiont
Jius erablinz th.n to throw olf the moibul cr
liscassd luatter which ol.strurts the circulation
di'u removing all diseases or injuiies of the
bt.f, Miscles, Crtillag;s, NVrves aud Kkin
One bottle will convince tne niosi sarpua
,of its wohrful rtiesry in curins Hiuik-s
a.,;.. ni Pau.ts. Ifiriii i ami
"stiflWcs of the Joints, sVc.
Dr. Ea-terh'a Aaieriean Oil Liniment n
.sitbout eacrption, the most valuable remedy
eouirounded fo" all disesK. of Han or
J pit- reairl-f an ssatsrnat ap 'Ucation.
CjT" Price 25 ernts per bottle, or five bottles
or one
ft 7 A liberal dieo'int msdc to wholesile
itin hasers who buy to nell np-in.
For sale at Dr. t.astprly'j 1 smilv Meil-
Icine Store, soutlieat corner or jlnnl ami
Chestnut rt.-ee!s. St. Louis.
Also sob! by P. A. Sarnr, V"v, Iowa.
si) I hy dealers in niH.Cine generally, m t!;r
W 'St.
ft?" I'-'nd Dr. F.iistTlv's ailvert ii .'r, nt in
inotlier ndunin of c'ir p'ipi-r s:id j;ivr Imti a
n.n! .!'t21.
OLonor. ;mi.i:f. lilts ws.Ani:, ih.
1 iiom as h. pn ron. J e.
Conr.cil iWmra, Jwar1.' ' j
t.arni , i'i ai ; u R.i r,
)'(' t M-s-Moiue, iowa.
Cnt rit U'r. vr,
C'piiar H;iiids. Iow.
NO'IT.S nnI rilis colleeled, and proc ds
l.rc.iiptly r-iiiilti d in any t :.r! of t).a Uni
ted Stats, at current KatfS (f Kxchar.rje.
Inteif't paid on deposits owr tliirty
days, fcids of exrlianf e on all tho principal
cities bouht and sold.
Loans elected on (rood security.
V' landr selected and entered in any of
fice in the Hta'e.
Land Warrants for cash or on time, contin
ually on hnd.
Locations of la'idsfor distant dcler at the
moat li' etsl islca.
Notes bougtit and money leaned on good se
curity. RFKiar.scrs. F. L. J.uri it Co., W.J.
nannii'tl Co., hauliers, Dubuq n low,'; Cook
K. ar'it.t, livi.poit,; Cula.Tlso:i
h.-no, Ijah Citv, Iowa, I'eopl-ja liank, .'"W
Vorij eily Ke'eh'iin, Hogcrs Ac. IJ.'me'it. han
kers, do.. S'tldon, Wittiers & Co., Wasliiuiton,
I). C. linn. Llias. iMason, t,;iner ox
l atenis, VVaHhington, L. C ; A. C. l)oil", U.
S. S.. I! irliti;;'.nn, low.'.; ("o. W. Jonei, L". S.
S., Dubiiqitr; Jonepli Williams, Cliifl Justice,
Miifcstine, lowu.
Couiu-irHl itr-.. dr IS, 13ft.
Altaniey at Law.
nA VIfS determined to licnte permatieiitlv
at Belleview, 1 will promptly atl-nd to
any business entruste.l to me pi.i'iM.sionaIly.
RM'evieW, Dec. 1, tK).
froRMlRLY inn
MtNrcr.v houhf.
Co'llicil Eluif", I-JWti.
13 now kept by Svt vrvci Pustiv,
who, hivinj" made (feat repntrs j..
and ul'eia'.ioi.s in th Ilonsf, tlattera
hiu. n If that he will be able to provioi- any
who favor hi in witli a call, a eonifortable home.
Ilia table will be e-ipnlicd with the best the
market atlords. prepared by experi'Mici d hands,
and the weary will find a cod re-dim place.
Come avo "MAnr. voiMBi-.i-Vts To homk."
I:i connection with this 11 Jtel ni;iy also be found
a good and evten live
for thi aecn;rimod ition of all who wish to ob
tain hordi'S and carriajr.M. which are a pood
suhstitule for first class railroad can, on shoM
notion or superior saddle horses, f ;r etther la
dies or gentlemen. The proprietors or th" liv
ery sir.ble are siU-SSCLL & DL'STIN.
PtuffCifV, Iowa, nov'i.t. 1s.)! 'on
Ccrntr cf .Main and Gregory tf reels
JUST RECEIVED a:,J now hss
or sale a i.ufc a'soriTient rr afiecie.
merchandise ad ipt" 1 to the Wii.ats cf all m tSe
new and thriving, v. h ch he cr-.n Sell
as cheiiiii cm ha ottered c'sc where sohiffh uoru
the MitjOiri river. II s poods have been se ec-
l by an experienecd p ircria.iar, with specif l
reference to tlie circ i.tstiiices and wai.ts of a J
a-scs ti se'trs n a t:er co '.t.'r v. I.a.'.j s
ail.l per;i.c.ue:i, c iii.i.-jn iii'i o, n vt.o i'
nipimied. Cfcll and see for yourselves. IPs
steck c.n-iiets cf the following, ainoc,' a prate
inanv otuer ar:i dri he cannot now crrimera'e
1 .. ' I - . I -n ... 1...
Auioni his dry coods may he f ra-ifi woolen
and saU.nett cloti.s, cassir.etts, t'Ae.ds, casti-
meres, luiseys, flannel, tea, white, grey ami
blue, Caspian plaids Cotton poods, sheetings
and shirtinps. blfa''iied and unbleached; blue
and white lirillins, osnab irg, bcilticking, hick
ory, checUs, f;c.
rAcr poops.
A beautiful ass.ortu.erit of fancy prints of
every variety of style and pattern. Gingham
lawns, tifruiea aipacca, oomnaAines, oomoay.
ettes, shawls, scarfs, handkerchief, crape, mus
lin, cdjings, ribbons, &c.
A Wtf'l selected stock of Summer, Fall and Win
ter Clothinc. fonsistint in part of fine diess
coats, pants and vest also pood summer cloth
ing of all dercriptioiu and heavy clothing for
fill and winter u-e.
Also shirts, knit flannel drawers and undcr-
hiiy, apckSj ic Men's and boys' hats and
cap. or vanoiw fashions, qualities, and prices.
Hoots and snocs, unca ana trim, poiiMtiea ana
uuoolished rf every daacription, for men w omen,
and children's use.
Cruabed, clarified, lo-f and brown sujir, mo
lasses, syrup cisias-cs, goldea syrup, superior
tea. Ria and Java cotfoe. sassafras, Cir.eer, pep-
per, cloves, spice, cinnamon, giouni ginger,
nutmegs, snults, tobicco, dears, pipvs, soap,
candles, vinegar, pickles, pepper-sauce, oc.
A lar(?e assortment of flour of various quali
ties and price-; corn meal and all the various
products jor tna larm anil garucn oa.eo.-i auu
ti .h, k in dried apples, peaches, cineuts, raisim,
i-c. ilAUDW AKt. Sloves of various patterns
forcookine and heatinz rooms, stove-pipes nnd
elbows, lare, and small iron kettles, i.yioic
nans, skillets, band-irons, Hiovels and touts
manure foiksndhay foiks, scythes, shovels and
pades, log and trace cliains, axes, nammers,
piocers, Iron and steel, nans, noiso-rasjis, nies,
saws, knives and loias, pocaei Knives, rators,
butts a. id screws, door handles, knobs, lorksl
i-c. TtMW.saE. A asaortunut kept
for hoiistdiold ourposes. WooliWAiii:. Wash
tubs, Wi.-r pails, wood und zinc washboards,
I.i. VI ill a. Sole-It airier, ti.irness l.;alter,cow
lode, kip skins, calf rkms, linings and moi occo,
Sa -Idles, In idles, halters, lanielts, circingles.
bell y-hands, driving lines, c.ol.uis, hack-jtraps,
filths, blind-bridles, Jt.e. Mi dicimi s. A gen-
eral a-jioi tmenl of medicines for teveis, U-ver
and S-'ue. nnd the coiiiiuon cumidaiiits ot tlie
coun'ry. Cook's, Luc's, tiapptliy ton's, Brai'g's
and Jam's' pills, Quinine, tonics, and vaiiou i
kin Is of stnu ilauU, au ilies, liniments and,
other articles necessary for the sick and toe in
al il. nov "'., .r)l
i prESlTeROVisiONS.
rpiIR e.ibacnher will visit SI. 'j'f Jf"!
J Mary on Wedues lay's and VjJsipafc
(.'W. wood on Tuesdav's ami Salur- J
rjaf of rsch week, and will supply th -se
1 maikela with fresii M-nts. Ilitt r. )l.jL. and
'etaLI'S. fct the (uarkit prica
h-ptH.'.'iHi- P. IIOKXFK.
I SOItT V .In, ii M-ii and Boys' UUs, of cveiy
il .s-riptiiin, at
sp 27. CRKF. N F. KINXKYfe'r.r
PCS. Hickoiv rbiit.n:;. for eaie lots, a.
Lbs. BACON lor
ibtsn csah .tor of
rtTME BUDfrtlRr.Rbein? desirous of mor.
1. im; to C il.To! niii. o.'i' f ir sain his
IIumks ifm) of ID ) aeri s. situated ot th
staj rad l.-t ,v-eu St. J.e; h and Council
Ulutl- Smiles South of (;iikiI Hlu(f and d
North, of ti,.. village of .Miry, and litar
the Minjri river, in Mills County, lowe; and
Opposite Jsp'lev'.cw, 'ebi'a?k, T.
Al'o. -ton nr.e, of I'iiaiiiii: Lamp near St.
M i 'V. nnd '.i 1 1 i.rri-s of Ti'ii'iKi u I.vsn on
II, ( ylt ; j . . i j r i iiv r au t tir;i r i ."O wo d. These
Lau N nr.-ah in Mi'ls t'onn!. Iowa, nnd ne-
we,il iiinuei'iii' tU In l:.;i l po-e'iHsers i utoin of
i'iTi.ii; e.)ti!;i iiiin.f iiiiihe;'. prairK'. lime stone,
rnt: ! -1 1 . iiv I itein-iitiii m of plenty of cat;
and Kn hi i " mti.-i :e l on It.e ni eit fe.isihl"
I... n. I mi the V i ,i. . i i e fi,r the eroH' r.f
ill" IV
-it'.' ;-il. ij-ni.
' .. r .i. f .: r-o.iti! ti.e Ptaips will
i . i -hi.nce !.! t.iir ml. s. 'I lie huver
' t.
lr:e UMi'i'il dle pois'i-otion, and all tin
i ti tid lai iiiioir n .ii i he want i.t a fair
DA" II- rsJtl-.ltRf.KOKIl
r t
r.i Point, r.ov 1, 'ol-IP'
(.r.Nr.UAL I.AM)
J .s-;....V:,..v.-r.-..
.; i
RE en.-ir.e in the business of buvin and
2. Belline; Lntid Warrants, and entering Lands
in the Council Hint!" Land iJistiiet. Tio ir ar
riii.temenls i'or eiitei-ine; Lands for sctthrs nnd
olliprs, on a credit Oi one. two. or tliree years
are not .h licirnt. And they will he prepared
at all tim-s to nil all enters or that eiiui aclcr.
The investigation of Land Ti'Us, piini-nt
of t ix. -., p K'-ii is and sale of lauds rih'. tow n
lota tinouirhniit this l if d ditrirt, nnd all busi
ness eoiiooi-led with the Land lhce f this
pla-, entrusted to th -m, will b.-- promptly at
tende.1 to.
Stiarif 'rs wishinz to locate government land,
will be furnish". 1 wit'i a ' lide and conveyance
if they d-sire it, and d ucted to th best points
for H-lei tiiui.
Lxthat."a; on S'. Louis and the F.astern Cit
ies, bought and sold. Interest paid on depos
lles as per agreement.
Our attention will alsorbe iriveti to th. p ir
chase anJ sale cf Town Lots in Omaha Ciiy.
Il -lleview and Winter (Quarters, Nebraska Ter
ritory. I cs. L. W. Babbitt and Dr E.
l ow. lie rislrr and R-ceiver of the I.stid Oi'-
fiee at Coiiu it RlutTs. and Col. T. A. Walker,
ami P. M. Cassadv: lt-L'ister and R-ceiver at
Fori l)..siiioiii, or any oi' the business in?:i of
OFFICF. on Broadway, Wed litnm of the
Pacific llo'el, nearly oppo.-ile the I-anJ Oflice.
Council 1 i 1 mf .-nov 1 -1 y
- pll:KC,.:
Attorney at Law.
Will practice in -He Sixth, Seventh, F.V
and Ninth Judicial Districts in Iona. and Nc
liraska Territory, lie will always lie ..ipp'.ieu
with blank deeds. UiorL'aL-es. d-eds oi tr
declaratory stat inen'.s for pre-rinptions. A.C.,
and will pvn pionipl attention to toi.e)anc
in tr. ex miiii .tioii m t i t ! Uc.
Particular utientioti paid to securing
atiu collect in:; deht.s.
Keleience? liyp.. F.. H. No' ton, Platte Ci!;
Mo.. M. M Viu-ies and James Cr.n, I'.s.s., S'..
Joseph, Mo., Curtis Hates, F.,rt !) Moinc.
N',:bialc4 Cilj , i'tbra.k iVrntory.
liov l,f. 1-1 .
(at ths siiiN of hi: an- wom.H.)
ST AVF. Jiifct Received, in addition So
I 1 their forinor sto : , a larjre and well
selected assortment of American, French,
.! Kimlih I)"is, Mwdii.iies. Perfmnery, llye
StulFs, 1'a.inls. Oil and Olasuw ire; ah ", a poil
assortment of Grocer ns, Won', Liquors, Ai'S.
At Ih tieud of H'oadway. or.l 1, '.i
'T -r.-r (TT Tr' '.
one po-in nri.ow w. clancv's
sW".-i-i V-J- ; a - -
INVITES the attention of the la
dies am', g.ntlimen to his assort
ment of Jiwe'.crv n-.d FaiiCViJood.-
in part cons si.iiir of th-s foltowine: Cold and
... . t -1 . ,7 :. 1) ,
vcr l.-ne, wesep, li'i-ui-T,"! -e-
ptr.s, r iii.,ci-. iiiL'B, L r.ains. i t;n i
.c. Violins. Accordaus, I"lutf, alao, an al
so, tmeiit 0i roys,4:c.
All of which will bt son at '..! iowci
piice; evciy article warranted to bj as i tcum-
mendud. .
Tiie Kreatet attention will be pan! to ioe re-
pairing ti '.Valcucs ana Jtoij, u r "-
THE undersigned is now in reeeiit of and
receiving the largest and cbeapiest stock
of Fall and Winter Goods ever ouereu in
Council BliitTCity, or Western Iowa, jnose
winning to pay cash for uoous. win uo ni m
call and examine. O .r stock consuls oi every
variety of goods needed by the pei;ue in mis
portion of the c.iuntry, sticn a cmois, ...s-,.-
meres, sa'.tiiietU, twe.-ds, jeans, wiule scane.,
and barred flannels, plain and bai led uisevM,
400 pieces good style madder prints, cashmeres.
. .i?. : II u.l ..n.l l.rimii sheet.
merinos, aioipac as, ui m or
ing and shirting, ticking and d. illun.'. bk-acbed
and brnwn canton ilauuel. dranera and crash-
ers, all wool table covers, broan and bleached
linen, silk and hay state shawls, auu eery
variety of dress goods.
Mens' and boys rail anil winter ciuunni;.
hats and caps, boots and ahos, hardware and
quetosware, iron, nails, cotlee, sugar, ic.i mo
lasses, rice, flour, 4.CJ also, a lare. I"t of lui -
niture and liquors, as it i our inieuuun
sell for cash, we (latter ourselves that we can
hold out superior inducements to those tliat
wil to'buy cheap goods than utoien trial are
.ellini; on trust.
Coi.ntiy dealers are re.juesttd taarall and ex
amine our block.
B. R. PEGU VM i. CO.
Council HluiTCity, net IH, 1.1.
iiisti. , i r .
iii J: - ii-i- - j
Or, Lvtry out hiu ov n rhymcum
HE Fifteenth Edition, with ."i" ''"l
One Hundred engravlns , A ?.
Iiow lnir diseases and inalforma- a ft.
tious o( the hum in s) st-in in rwttr Miape and
form. To which is added a t'entn o.u the
.lisjea-" of f -iiul . being of the biuli -si impor
tance to ma ' led p oide. or thosi; conteiirplating
marriage. By. tt'M. VOCNti, M. I).
I.i t no f uller be uhamed to present a copy
of the .-Escupalius to his child. Jt may save
him from an early giave. Let no jouug man
or woman enter into the a-en ct oidi,'a!io:is of
m irriHil life w ithout reading the Pocket .E-cu-alius.
L"t no one uir.-i fn.-n a backut id coui'h.
pain in tlie side, reliefs instils, I e voua feel
ings and the w hole train of dyeie .ii.' -l
and iriviui up Uy llieir i.bysiciau, be anollier mo
inent without eousnlting the .-I ixcupalitis. -Have
the luirri'il, or tbo about to be mar
ried, any imp'-diuc-nt, M id th's truly us-fnl
book, us it has been tlie means of s-ivi.i:; thou
sinitsof uiifiiituiia'.e creatures from the eiy
jaws of death.
(Y"A'iy p'rson sending Twenty-iFive (tents
ern"iod"d in a letter, will receive one copy of
this orwk by mail, or live c.e, w ill be sent
fur One Dollar.
Aid-ess, Cpost-s!d.) DR. WM. YOCNG.
tu. l.ii Spriicis fclreet, Phi la.
nov 211 'M I y
I WILL ray 1,10 higbobt iiiarket price for
Corn, Wheat, GeU and Buckwheat, at my
Otlice in GRtiAool, either in cash or iner PHILIP E. bHANNO.V.
Gl.Tiwpe.J, ect II, 1 tjl'.
Glorious News for Nebraska.
The steamer Sarin achns just nrrivc.l.lo;iile.l lo the ctiarJs with goods fur
1 r, hhds. liiowii s i?er,
r lit i t-i. Claroied do.
JO S. (. Mola'-ies,
ID Lt l. N. tt. M.da'.O'.s,
1(1 1--J bills. Cold' ii Syrup,
? iO Marks (J. A. Sal',
I'm hhls Kanau h i do.
SO sacks ilairv '!').
'2t hoves ill. 1 Snap,
10 bhls Cider Vinegar,
1)11 Y GOODS.
OUR ASSOR TMF.N' T IS LAHfii: AND coaipli:ti-'..
8!eeh I'd, Sue brown ; and hleaehet nomesi ir drilliiurs. )na!nir.'. Havens, ducks. &e. Lo.
p-y" I he attention of the I nlies is i ailed to ,oriiiont cf dress goods, which they will
fi-d." is I- irards pnrp and quality, to he wism pad in Western Iowa. Cain-.). i;l.-ia lams,
la wns, delanes berates loln-s of tue latent fas i on and s'yle. F.:n )r , id -red Caps, collars, chiur
setls, sleeves, silk and satin bonnets, linen an t cotton handkerchiefs, hosiery, parasols, all of
which will be sold execiliii 'lv low.
Cross en' saws, mill saw s. b mil saw -. tir.mrt
betich 'aiii.s,aiid in laet everything in tin-hardware
ID eases direct from Boston. Boots of all s'.es nod qualities. Shoes, Ladies enameled Jenny
Lind h'is'iin t, jraitprs. slippei s. Indu s' gjat, kip and calf hoots, misses .hoes all si.c--. j
Hats and caps, books and st itieocry. nrucs nnd moilicines, Jayne s anil Loudon's family
medicine-, and all other popular patent medicines, for sale at aholcsale priaes.
Of various patterns, (ilasswure, tumblers, jars, c., tcr. SD0 pal. stone ware, thurnes, jars,
crocks, butter crocks, stove creeks, lie, A.C.
(U) bedsteads of dilferent pat'erns. cherry dinii"?. and biej'.fast tallies, walnut ditto, ditto.
Bureaus with cta. plain and fancy walnut presses, cupboards, tin safes, o-ie or two drawer
si andsJ wash stands, lounges and mattresses, do-io.e inattre.-si e, tlil bolloiu chairs, cain seat do.,
rockni'' e.i,airs, eniis,.vi'
45 cook stoves, assorted. Patleis id's, ready trim n .-d wi'll tin or copper boilers, boxstoyes,
Grecian parlor Juto., stove pipe, i-!'uovs. AlC
Pine churns, 1-2 bush's, wood bnekets, well backet i, w asti tubs, wood boa-la, trays, dough
pins. s iiTir boxes, brooms, 7.ine wash boards, clo'lies pins, &c.
SADDLERV. Bridles luaitiiurals. circingles, girths, halters, biidle reins, Blackawk sad
dle, quilt reats, and ditto Ladies side saddles, buggy whips, diay u'hips, G. K. whips, cow-hides
S-c, s iddte-bagu, lealiier truiiks, .S-c
Solp-If-nthpr, kir. and calf nki'is, inoroeoo lininrrs, roat skins, hnir, &?.
IRON AND CASTINGS. Plow icd, islmer tetd,.st s'rtl, plows, moulds &.r.
Pots, oi ens. skillets .nd lids. G. 8. 10 n:id t w tily eallo'i kellU'3.
PINE DOOPS 8 bv 10 and 10 by 12 sash, window blinds,
CLOCKS S day and 3D hour clocks; w to run wi ll.
Virginia. Roanoke Nectar leaf tobacco. Regal i.t and irinripe cigars of the dnest flavor,
Ctiini and llaviinu sives, and various other article., but we deem it unnecessary to mention them
as it is no trouble to show goods, and we will i.e happy rt nil timer, to show our oid customers,
aiulas many new ones asmav favor us with their pationaje. our t'oous nn prices. Our facili
titstor selling CHEAP, are better than any olhei house in western Iowa, and we intend to do so,
and an axamination ot our prices is all that is necessary to convince you of thefact.
tilenwood, July. 12, ISjC dh-Hw. M'CKOLLS & CO.
W d-. - !.'. d w
AVINU perinane.-ity located in thii foe.
for t!- nuepos" or H'liiug iiuuui.
I. AVI). KlWV-LO 1'S. and doi. ' . Ge'ieral
.ti"icv Business, we would respectfully iiivite
ill-: p.iidie, to tiv.! us a call.
Ou (Jools were "e'ect-d with care, and wo
are conli.b-nt that we shall bl abl to give per
fect satisfaction to all.
aept. 27J2Jj
AKDWARK. A large and trnral assort
merit of II ndware can b hid at
wep '27.
(,KEENE. KIN'Nb.y it CO.
LitS. CuVto.," Batting, tr sale
low, at
sv'i nucenn, ivi.-s.m-i t wv.
I uOlvrj and Sialnnn -ry I
r sale In'
r, r
.300,00) worth of G ii'ts,
for the subc .irihers of ths
Ktu. !.-'. Ofiu..i-iJ ...114
1)UltLISHED fini'dtaiifonsly in the three
c.tits of New York, Philadelphia, JBalti
luoi e, as soon asdlKISK) subscribei s an obtain
ed: and having already an aciual ciicilat.0.1 of
iM.tNiil, is now cei tain
TI13 Distribution will boon
lake place.
Among the extraordinary Lists of Gifts,
(being one Jor every ticket issued,) are
Prof. Hart's elegant country seat, valued
at ,2j,LKlO
A magnificent city residence, worth $117,000.
A cash I an fji aUO years, with interest or
security, V'O.OOO.
Huildih!,' lots, elegant J'iano Fortes, Melo
deons, tiold Watches, Bracelets, Rincs, Books
of travels in the old and new w orld, by Pi of.
Hart, real entate. ic, tc, f.c, 111 ell number
ing 300,000 Gifti, aiucd at J;Mi.00u.
Every single rcmiit.mce ot t)jl, S'.-cnres one
yeai'a aubsc nption lo the M.uloi ij Pictob
iai., anJ tin gi atuity of a Gut Tjkct, wlncn
entitles the holder lo one share in the 300,000
Gifts. Thus every person inverting in tins
stupendous enterprise receives t':ic fall worth
of ins or her money, in subscription to a first
class-journal, (the preatpi-f and most interesting
pictorial oil Hie age.) besides a Gift for each
subscriber w hich may prove an immense for
tune to the recei'. er.
For a ccmpb-'.e lis' of gifts', and full anJ ex
plicit particulars in rega.d to the greet enter
prise, lUitiibution. see a copy of The
Whole WoilJ, tth'eu will lie pruu'ptly sent
tree of cauige, whe.c dca.cvd iiy lcacr, po?t
The vliule World may also be seeii at t!:
otlice, of all papets containing tins adVrti-o-merit.
wh-ie iiiioiau .t.on limy be 11.
. e-ai d ti the j tper and c.iterp-ise.
Aden's, pL;iiiasters, and L'id.ej, desirous of
a Ucrutive uiid at tnu samo time gimte l m
plo) iiient, should not fail to see a Copy of The
Wli'ol World, which contains by far the most
nbcr ii indueeuieiits ever odeed to ags-nts in
lli-,- u iy of immense cash preinh: jis, gitts.coin-
misiuo a. A:e., wnei eoy any person w iiu oruina
ry i,c;i i.y, can easily indue l,ww ant up-
wa d-, per)ear;iu which 1 ici ii.u r.iraii tt
uliriidi. have ran certify. Sicuie tlie pictor
ia1. and becom.; wise, rich, mi l happy.
Con -spoudeiits must w rite tneir address
N', Postotliees, County and citate, plain
a ni diadiict, 01 it w ill be llieir own fault if Hicy
fad to jet an answer. Adhere to th s, ami all
letcrni ill b -promptly sent wherever desir
ed, in iiuy P'i't "f the world
'J'li any orders are received after the
3im..iiUi subsciib.-rs are obtaine.l, th money
will be promptly reluined, jiosl-paid, lo the
persens sending it.
(y All b-tlers retritted for the Pictorial.
1V11 Gift Tiekc's, must invai iably be add ej-
i-.l, pod-pa d, to Prof. J. Woodman Hart,
Hart's moldings. Chestnut Street, Pniladc Iphi
JV.,lh'ie :b.i.,: the piil.cijal td. tonal an
publication ofir.-. liov 1,T4.
. I PIECE.S of Til-Liar;,
ill sale low, iit
best quality, for
erp 27. GHEE NT.. KIXNRY CO,
SOB ACCO. Lover, of the Weed will lind
a superior article of chewing and suiok ng
Tobacco, at tho Agency biore, of GREI.N E,
KINNLY Ai. CO., td. Marv. oc!4.
rpiIlUTY do 'tn Mm and Bova Caps, for
i sate cheap, a! Agmcy .Stora of
quality of Mineral K.'io'js fv.-i LsteUxJ,
t jr sale at
ep 57 'St.
wit! or
i) n:n5 o. l anil 'i Mackerel,
H hhls Tar,
I'i hnxes ho. I half boxej Star Candles,
."i boxes Tsl'iow candle ,
'.'I kecs Nails, a.sonej,
i? I"ye;'i toa I U'h,
30 ;tcks io I'otie
lino-rial Hint Youn Hy,0T1
Soda, Ss'lerat.w, Cnndy, Ita
l.ncluli V.'a
Oiner, r-d
I'.ncluli Walnuts. Ainu, n is.
Ginger, Spice, Pepper, Sic, ice.
axes ebopninraaes, ajes. loir sndlnit'c ehains-
line. f.oui jevrsharpup to arradling scythe
7 & mzmiaw
Ml sA s- J
Opposition it Iht Lift of Trade.
receiving at Glenwoad. a well selected
stock of dry goods, fancy gao ls, clothing, boots
and shoes, croeeries, hard war, crockery, drill's,
I'quois. stoves, tinware, 4tc, in W'estarn Iowa.
Toe public are invite.t to call and examine Tor
themselves, and they will find t'le truth of the
ihove statement. Also they will find that we
can sell as cheap any ether house in Mills, Fre
mont or e counties.
And in irivui notice So the farming commu
nity, we will give them the highest ash price
for their produce, s ich as beef, pork, corn,
wheat and bean. The store is oa the west side
of the Public Square. Glen wood, novl-lv.
1 ORN" and Oats wanted by" S. &.E.
H OKaLfr, wo.k oxen and vo mj slock, unto.
1 Git undersigned ha on hand and for
)(' sale a few tlio i-.nd select graf te l apple
ti.-e-, ready Xor traiispiantiiig iu orchards the
coinihgt'all and spring.
Red June, bn'.dwin. white winter parrrain, fall
pijipin, Belmont, wine sap, yello.v beiilowcr.
Riiodj Island greeulug, swaar, priors red. red
A.trachan, early harvest, sweet Jane, summer
roe, summer uueeu. Rail's ianet, rambo, wine
apple, white bellcfloiter, Rje.nun si tin and
The Cataljia an I Riack Locnsit.
The Bnow ball, English aal American lilac,
red dogwood, Uoney suckle, rose, iiC.iC.
A few of tlie Isabella and Catawby gJ ape from
tst- Mary, Iowa, Aug. 31, '03.
aue i i-iy. GEORGE HEPN'ER.
GlenTood, xnuls County, Iovra.
4 T.f. neraona wishinie to buv or sell R"al
Est at-would do well ti c ill on the undi
signed, who -is prepared tp Enter Land upon
Time, and toeat.- Land Warrants. Will also
attend lo the Collection of Debts, and payment
of Taxi s in and out of the Co tnty.
All Business intrusted .to jne will receive
prompt attention.
PJlLJi- ii. SHAN.NOr-',
Attorney Civ.-.aeUor at liyr,
Gi s n w ood, Mills CoUNTy, Iowa,
WILL attend to all business eutni'ied 10 his
can-, with fidelity and dispatch. Par
t'.cila.' atitntion given to tlie Collection of
Debt., i-c.
IIoiii. A. C. Dodgu and James Sheilds,'111, I), tt.
J. and A. Lowery, P. T. Belts &. V, New
Yo k City.
Jaseph Stnnnon, E-q , Palmer, Cook U Co.,
Sin Kialictseo, Cal.
Webb &. Co., M:lvavikie, Wiscoiiiit.
Hon. A.,11. Smith, vanesville,
Hon. A. T. Gray, Madison.
Hon. Otis Hoyt," Hudson.
Patje & I!acon St. Louis. Mr.
McLouihliu &. Birrow. St. Joseph, Mo.
S. F. Nuckolls, Lq., I.iuit 'ii, Mo.
Peter A. Sarpy. Esq., N'.'hr.-sk 1 Territory.
Ex-Goieruor cuephtn Hcmpslcad, Dubuq ic,
I". H inn, E.-' l.s Council I'duifs. Iowa.
Nuckoll. 4. C,i., Bciiiu-tt s Harding, Bel
White, lileuwood, Iowa. ocill tf.
IIF.RSON'S wishing to man 1 pu. ctiasa, w il
do w II to give ii.'id en mo me m
siock. wiiicii eouipi-is.'S iig -n-ial assortm:iit
all I erJill tie Sold at grc.itlia; talus.
1 .'"! N E. KINNEY K CI
VLL persons knounng themselves indebted
lo Geo. P. St.lcs, are requested to Make
immediate payment to the iiudei signed, or they
will fine then accounts ia the bauds of the pro
per otlicer for collection. Ci me 00 comu all
a id sve cst. P. J. McM.UIOS.
oct l!S. 'M tf
I ,T J V l.i i TEE fancy ooiiuus lor 3.1 1 e ul
J:sUJv cheap as dii t, at the cheap ca.h
aiure of n ii-T apt MH.i.s .y 1. 11.
LJif Oil STJLLfs.
VFtrawbeiry Riau Iii-.ti:.n Pony, a'jout 1
years old, and of good hh: a pony.
Itas not beep seen for some two or throe wacM.
When last seen li d shoes on 1 ighl for. foot, ami
mane and tail well filled ith buns. A liberal
reward will bs given to auy u.riou w liowill
return said pony to the subscuber or give iu
f jrma'ioii wh'uu be can bet. wind.
-Caneil Pl i f City, nov 1, .
) -bT, LOUIS ADVfVn&pvlENrS..
i IDa-ici.i i.U3ling titi-ijci.t.
With a lteaiinj Balm w coao to 'jrt&t
t JSi'IF, aqtion of tiiii LuiirreTt 0:ie of Le
1 ni .t pc.rxt cvor oCc-f d to the
alllicled. lis sttion upon the orzaui.t'Oii n
truly w nndei-fu!. Is volatile, pniiri r. 'in jr. sooth
ing and healing prop-Ttiei rlilfusa theuui-ive. V
the very bones. It -itrs in'oihe ec ilatton ot
tlie blood cives a ne iinnle to tv.o; r t.-ro&s
system to the vcrv tvtreinities of tV fia;-s--an
1 stiui ihites to the shsorben's and tensions,
and thus assist M.trvaie to throw otr and rid
herself of any diseased secti-in of the lrren
rhordsor lit;ainouti, riitkint; it equally app'is
hie to sjres of anv kind, rheumatranj p.nas
in every nait of tlie ho ly, from a diseased erhosi
of any of the s'r letural por'ions of thesys'es.i.
While it is perfectly harrnle-s to healthy firsh,
kin or bone, it h is the property of entcrmj
into compilation, and dissolving any of tha o:
?:"s ti,s ies whenttiev are diseased, ortnei. v.
taldy ii destroyed. Poss'siine these pei nhr
powers. Is tlie reason why il ise.(,iullyefiiea ions
in so many i!itl'e,-e:,t complaiuts. ft acts up, a
seientiiic principles and liced laws of tlie Crea
tor! 'I he larce nutriSer of cases in wh'eh this lin'
me,it has proved its value, in the short time it
has le u, before, the people of Ameriri, ia
eient to irive the frreatest confidence that its vie
t ic are incouipareble in uureinj rbsumatisas
bruises, strains, h.irns, wo'ind.., sw'llinjs, brok
"r racked bn ajt, oil o..:s or pains ia any
l,dl t the body.
... - ,
Sr. Lorn Tr'.TisnN'r.
O T A T r OP iWlS-)CM, I
Cotin'y of St. liiiis. (
B it rririrnibercd, lhaf 01 this fifth day e
May, A. rs. 1''"'3. lief n e m'. the nndnrsiiriiesl.
mayor of thi ci!y of Si. Louis, in the count .in.
iia:e aforesaid, came pe'sonally U.avid M,
Sinythe, who, imon bis oitli, says that the fole
low ing statement is true.
In testimony whereof I hereto set my band
the day and date last aforesaid.
JOHN HOW, Mayor.
SoC. NlWMA, lll'tristor.
Sr. LoM, M i.. M .y .5. f)53.
Dr. A. G. Bascii., i. Co. Gents : You witj
probably recollect that I called into vour estab
lishment some thi-ee weeks s.nce and" purchased
a fifty-cent bottle of your " Mexican mustanj
liniment j" my object in so doing was totryita
merits upon my uauirhter's arm, who has beee
siilfering from theelll-cta of a seyerf dislocation
of the elbow for several years past.
The excruciating pain consequent epon false
s it.ngof tlie bone had dwindled and contracted
t'-:- aim to a puny sue. an! 1 consider ita duty
devolving upon me to acquaint the community of
the beneficial elfectyour liniment has paodueed,
Her arm was drawn to a rigbt angle, and wig
almost limit and useless, until vour invaluable
liniment was applied, since wlrch time, I an)
happy to state, s!i has enjoyed uniulcr-iptei
good strength, and can use her irm iK-srlyas pile
autly as before it was dislocated.
"would state, how-eve-, that nrior to tryiti)
your iineq uled linim.-nt, i several o'hw
r.'inedies, and among lik'in McLean's volaanic
oil liuimeul," but willi the least Lcuedeial result,
We offer this linimeiK as a remedy in l.Sevari,
ous diseases and complaints for which it is ro
commended with full cocSdciif c of its suceess
in curing them.
The follow ir.g is a list of the numerous and es"
Inordinary cues it has cured during the la. -few
month :
6,70J tases of rheumatism in all its forais t
A .ii.ui J : j 1 . '
4, l W
nv sprains ana oruises "
do burns and scald;
do fresh cuis and wounds ; ,
do cancers;
do aero oiv is ;ores and ulcers tb:t
4 1
Si 10
had resisted tul other treatmeut
i:iflam l or swelled joints
uinbago, sciatica, goal 47di,-
chapped hands j
caitei breasts,,
tooth-ache; k
various clie"' l.ascs.
This roust ap;ar aWost incredible, but tW
numomas cc-tiOcalei and lctten from disttn
guished physicians, citiiens, ai:ms and other
w ho have used tlie mcd.cine; euahle us tp suhe
stantiatc the above facts millionsof bottles of if
are yearly consumed, and it bai dlwyst girsi
To coONTSVMtac HAKTS.-fverys'oreo'it
be supplied with this valuable J.n'iment, as 4
pavs a pood profit and sells rapidly.
bottles of three sizes, and retails atii cents, fs)
cents and S$l per bof'le. The 50 cent and oiif
dollar eot'.les contain bo and iuu per cent mors
iiniiocnv, in proportion ro inuir cost, to map
money issaed bv buyivg fie lager siips.
b.. G. BRVGGfeCO Soie Proprietors,
Principal otiices,cor. Third and M irket sts
St. Louis, and 301 E-oadway, Nw Vork.
For sale by P, A. Sarti'V, St. Miry, aa l S,i
ey k ExtiLi'sH, GleBWoedj and by dealer
meditine everywhere. aug 'H-iy
UH..'J. 3 I V i 'i TO.VIC AND
The great pop -i'r medicine of iheiLeY
Vast atouuu'. yiv per inon'JiThe jttte
rjerons un.l toB.l?vfwl euras jt f fTcc s
Lt mu;ionl eiri-c-i. upon Di'i nns Fevers,
nnd Vcrer rnd AgueGreat cvciu inoni
nmuive the Dociorsl
, a us..'.
RE now adin.ttcJoii ai. hinds to lie a mr-gt
extraordinary and yaluable medicine ia
general use. It not oaly licts as aspec.tic ttnon
the bilious and typus fevers, chills and fever,
and fever and ague of the West agd Swuth bujt
in all diseases of debility, weak stomachy indie
gestion, loss of appetite, 'impurity of the oloo
and all diseases prevalent in a western and south
ern, cliiuato. Their gr?at power cousis'a in
their peculiar eilect upon nil tlie organs of th
system j and tne rapid tV-ina'ioii wf new al 4
pure blood they produce. In this lies th frra
secret ot their success. Tney are mild ai.4.
pleusanl iu their action but searching and -r.
maueiit in their eTc? entraling lbs reiaotest
rec .-ssts of tbcayssii.a by their resdy ah .orptioii
into ihe biood, there ay infming a ne'.v s pplv of
vitaiii and tierv-ous power itttoaK Ihe n.-his-ry
of life. The extensive popuiari-.y th'v I1'."
a,'.pii:ed all ovor tho We:t and iio itli ens ires
suics of at least
i'U.tltJ') DnjjKS rrn stosrru !
And we find it dufici.Lt'Wi:i o ir fore- of
hands, apu the iuie imnrovouient. in m ij.nneiy
whicli vie liave adopted, to mm ilactme then
fast enough to supply ths d?iiiani in tMrteeu
westeiui and soutnorn Stales ! One laiye i:ianil
factory is co'isiantly e.ijagcd in peep P.n- the
variois coiic -iiii iiiiu e.iracu oi wi-i.'a mey
aie compounded. From the best iriorniitioa
we call obtain Irnin our H .t)i K selliig a i-ntv,
and hosts of atteutive coir-'speudv i. iu a'l
parts of the country, our med cinc c .res per
im.iwth not U'.-s thiiu
lUjiSjil cases of fever a id a;ue, one th' usand of
which have resisted nil othct tieitu entj
5.'di)0 casist'f Wv-iknes,ui.d gener Ide-ii tj'j
2,",s of vsnoiis clirouio it ..ea c ;
,iji)0 " ot weak stomach and tots oi appe
tite ;
S'0 cases vf yspepia j
1,'2.) " fcl sin;
1,0 HI " of f eiiia to coini la.'r.ts ;
IJt'Ki " of at i.-t k", or en . !.,' I s-nlei ;
J nis must apperr a'.u ost iuc eaiol.'.' 0 it lt.
numerous te t-.' i rom phv 'ui, agents ant
ttioje wtio use in- medeinf m nil e weir
em and south : u trt ales, aausiy us : a'. tui.U a
moduratecotunate, lit ina', our uisl Cine i iaj
lu.V taking tni piaeo.' I in vanoi o iiit,. fi toe A I
which are alio a' , and the numerous m-a
tuiesin.i.h- vv bully vf quin iig, Anrrrti are imnii.
el iq.n the nubile by- m.inafac urr it who Laar
no body kui.evs w.icrc 1
l i icc cf Toii.o j ills. '.5 cen's ; and Ant:-bK
ions, -.'o.cents. A. G. liaoi.i, S', n., s prei
e'or, S. Louis. For .t tr,- P. -t. .;r.;-T, S
M icy, and aAim K J K'aisu, Givnv yed ; iy i
''y 'hvl rt m.' !i tji-j IwKnit
i 8r-,
( t
; i
t l
I i